PAGE FOUR~ THE MICHIGAN DAILY TUESDAY, OCTOBER 1, 1946 U Fifty-Seventh Year cLteri GO th ecLitor BILL MAULDIN Edited and managed by students of the University of Michigan under the authority of the Board in Control of Student Publications. Editorial Staff Robert Goldman ...................... Managing Editor Milton Freudenheim.................Editorial Director ClaytonDickey.........................City Editor Mary Brush ........................... Associate Editor Ann Kutsh.......................... Associate Editor Paul Harsha........................ Associate Editor Clark Baker .............................Sports Editor Joan Wilk .......................... Women's Editor Lynne Ford..................Associate Women's Editor Business Staff Robert E. Potter ..................... Business Manager Evelyn Mills............ Associate Business Manager Janet Cork .s..............Associate Business Manager Telephone 23-24-1 Member of The Associated Press The Associated Press is exclusively entitled to the use for re-publication of all news dispatches creditedtoitor otherwise credited in this newspaper. All rights of re- publication of all other matters herein also reserved. Entered at the Post Offeie at Ann Arbor, Michigan as second-class mail matter. Subscription during the regular school year by car- rier, $5.00, by mail, $6.0. Member, Associated Collegiate Press, 1946-47 NIGHT EDITOR: EUNICE MINTZ Editorials published in The Michigan Daily are written by members of The Daily staff and represent the vews of the writers only. Ex Post Facto E STUDENT LEGISLATURE is on trial. It is now involved in its first important action seriously affecting the student body. I refer to the legislature's organization of an exchange of football tickets so that underclassmen who either through error or fraud obtained seats in upperclass sections can exchange their tickets. There are several ethical implications in- volved in the conduct of the legislature which must not pass unnoticed. Of cgurse, those stu- dents who received upperclass tickets through fraud were morally in the wrong. But their lack of scruples does not condone the high-handed manner in which the legislature has acted. The legislature was established last spring by a grant of power from the student body. It was established "to promote the general welfare" of the student body. Matters such as the ticket fracas should, therefore, properly fall within its range of operations. However, it has estab- lished a dangerous precedent in its handling of the ticket exchange. The ruling requiring the exchange has the characteristics of "ex-post- facto" law. Students are to be prosecuted, ac- cording to legislature threats, under a regulation passed after they have committed an act, which makes that act illegal. This type of legislative maneuvering has never been permitted in Amer- ican legal history, and there is no reason for it to be tolerated here. Yes, some students acted unethically, but a second impropriety is not jus- tified by the first. Students who participate in the exchange program should be commended for their cooper- ation, even though it may be motivated by fear of a "foolproof" investigating system and dis- ciplinary action. The fact still stands that the Student Legislature has no ethical right to pros- ecute "error" cases and no legal right to disci- pline "fraud" cases. -Mal Roemer Reasonable Prices ONCE UPON A FINE DAY in August some rep- resentatives of the meat industry told the Control Board that the contry's meat supplies were quite adequate to fill the country's de- mands . reasonable prices. So reasonable prices were re-imposed, in the form of ceilings. And if you look hard at a meat counter, you might be able to see some dog food. It is true that there may be a temporary shortage of animals ready for the slaughter house. For this we may thank the gentlemen of the meat industry who slaughtered almost ev- erything but their own children during July and August when ceilings were off. But there is another consideration. The meat that was processed during July and August, but not consumed during that period, seems to have disappeared completely. When ceilings were restored, there must have been a tremendous quantity of meat in cold storage. It must still be there. Another unhappy point is that the big pack- ers have stopped buying livestock. They say that they cannot get livestock at prices which will permit them to comply with OPA regula- ticns. In other words, they are being consistent- ly outbid by buyers who buy livestock at prices ever the OPA ceiling. The big packers must have some inkling of an idea who buys live- stock at black market prices. They have not, as yet, helped OPA authorities catch the violat- ors. And then there's the possibility that the big IRA Invitation THE INTER-RACIAL Association would like to issue an invitation to all students who are interested in fighting discrimination to come to their opening meeting Thursday night. In the past few years this organization has concerned itself primarily with the Negro prob- lem, attempting to fight it wherever it existed -on campus, in Ann Arbor, and in the country at large. This year the group wishes to ap- proach the whole problem of discrimination with a much broader point of view. IRA realizes that people with deep-seated prejudices are not as prevalent on this campus as in other parts of the country and t'hey'also take into account that those they must fight would never join an Inter-Racial Association. IRA therefore proposes to discuss neans of fighting discrimination so that those present can find some means of eradicating racial pre- ID RATHER BE RIGHT: Hector vs. Elmer By SAMUEL GRAFTON THE STOP RUSSIA movement is splitting in- to two branches. It is a little too early to give these branches formal names, though un- doubtedly they shall have them in time to come. But it is not too early to begin to describe the two main, rough divisions into which Stop Rus- sia sentiment is falling. Let us take the first one (we could call it Elmer, say, for purposes of convenience) and see what we can make of it: This is a grouping of men and women who want to stop Russian expansion, not because Russia is leftist, but because Russia is a dictatorship. Mr. Joseph Alsop of the New York Herald Tribune is a typ- ical voice of this school; he has just proposed that the United States give its support to all vigorous, independent, leftist (but not Commun- ist) movements throughout Europe, but to save freedom; that we must build a front of freedom- loving, even if radical, countries, requiring of them only that they be democratic. Mr. Alsop rests his case on the historic fact that Com- munism has always had poor pickings in free countries which were concerned for the social welfare of their citizens; it has grown most rapidly in the brutal, benighted, dictator-ridden regions. But there is another Stop Russia school. (we could call this one Hector) which takes a different view. This school is not going to like Mr. Alsop. It is the school of those Ameri- cans, many of them leading mid-western Re- publicans, who hate leftism as much as they do dictatorship; perhaps more; for, in the past, as during Hitler's rise, dictatorship left them cold, while leftism invariably makes them hot. This is the school of those men who, with enormous and proper sarcasm, ask the Russian workman whether he has the right to strike; but who when, after establishing this moral base for their operations, turn around and de- mand Federal legislation to put down strikes in this country. This is the school of those men who are fatuously content with the present government in Greece; it satisfies them because it is anti- Russian, and they ask no more, overlooking the point that it is so brutally undemocratic and repressive that it is forcing Greek moderates and liberals into the Communist party, if only for the sake of having some kind of organized self-defense. IN THESE LAST few words we get a clue to the futures of these two movements, Elmer' and Hector; Hector is self-defeating. It pur- ports to be interested only in human freedom and progress, but, in our home debate, it shows so grim a tendency to label mild liberals and progressives as "Communists" that thousands of plain Americans, who aren't Communists, and who never want to be Communists, develop a totally new sympathy for Russia, just because Hector is against it. (This story, magnified a thousand times, is the story of Greece today.) American labor will not join with this grouping in any crusade, because it doesn't trust it; not for the same reason, will much of Europe. What is foreshadowed, then, is a fight be- tween Elmer and Hector; i.e., those who would like to set up a free and progressive world, as a counter-weight to Russia, will find they must oppose not only Russia, but a great many American Russophobes as well. The foreign policy of this first group gives it an internal, as well as an external, battle to fight. Politicians who throw fits even at unemploy- ment insurance are entirely incapable of stop- ping Russia in the insecure Europe of today; theirs is the special weakness of men who want to stop time itself. The West begins to play with the idea, not merely of opposing Russia in Europe, but of building something infinitely better; and if ever our formal foreign policy takes up that line, we shall see a good many Republicans who have been talking about unity suddenly jumping off that bandwagon as if it were a hot stove, and using language not fit to be quoted in these chaste columns. (Copyright, 1946, N.Y. Post Syndicate) judice from the minds of those they meet who are biased beyond reason. The Association feels that there are many groups on campus besides the Negro who must fight the same racial prejudice wherever they go. But to make this a truly Inter-Racial Association the cooperation of every campus group is needed. Racial- prejudice must be attacked from every angle and must be traced to its ultimate source. But 'IRA can only be as strong as the people behind it and that means a large membership is necessary. There are many on campus who were members before and even more who were here and knew exactly what the group was try- ing to accomplish. IRA asks those people; as well as all new students who are interested in fighting discrimination, to attend the meeting Thursday night and help formulate our plans. -Miriam Levy Executive Committee, Inter-Racial- Association A Cad, Sir To the Editor: I THINK the student who wrote the article to The Daily concerning the football tickets the students get was a cad for his act. My, the foot- ball games aren't for the students. Why does he think the stadium was built to accommodate 80 thousand? There are only 15 thousand stu- dents. I've been going to Michigan, off and on, since 1941, and I never attend the games. I let the "big boys" collect an extra three dollars, or whatever it is, for my seat in the end zone. It seems so important to them to get every dollar they can. I certainly don't feel that we lowly students should deprive them of their thirst- quenching. Yes sir, I think anyone who feels that the games are for students is a sad sack. This is obvious, since the only ones who feel this are the students. -Robert W. Bagley * * * *'. Poker Players IT IS QUITE CLEAR that The Daily's legis- lative poker players, Walsh and Fink, are not willing to call a spade a spade. That is partic- ularly unfortunate since the chips are down and we're both in the same game. The Daily's po- sition, reflected by its spokesmen, is one of criticism and sarcastic implication. I feel that it has no right to assume this attitude at this point. As a voice of the student body, The Daily has been indifferent toward the actions or at- tempted actions of the Legislature. It has never seen fit to acquaint the campus with its govern- ment except through the medium of straight news stories. It has done little to support the Legislature either editorially or by f e a t u r e articles. Yet it seems justified in challenging an enterprise which it should share with the Legislature. To add light to undue darkness, let me cor- rect certain unfair statements made in yester- day's (Sept. 24) column. One should under- stand that the present government was inaug- urated late last spring and of necessity had to organize itself strongly internally to insure ex- ternal success. This should explain the "little or no action was taken last spring." However, we undertook an ambitious program, a small part of which was completed by a skeleton staff this summer. Note the Book Exchange and the complete fall social program as achievements. To be sure, we do not stand on these as the ultimate in accomplishment, but rather as an indication of th! success of a new attempt at old business. If the best a critic can do is attack a com- mittee which faces a mammoth job with total sincerity, let him do so. The "floundering Aca- demic Committee" has floundered with surpris- ing stability. Reform is not instituted overnight, but it seems that criticism is. Writers Walsh and Fink both know that the Legislature has on its agenda, for action this fall, the concrete proposals they suggest in their article. In light of this I cannot but feel that they should have used the future tense instead of the conditional in speaking of the Legislature. -Lou Orlin, Member, Student Legislature Regrettable To the Editor:- LAST FRIDAY there was published a letter to the editor showing the regrettable attitude of a great part of the student body toward their student government. The remark that. drew my attention was: "I don't believe the student gov- ernment will have the miajority support in any move it makes to punish offenders." The writer apparently is ready to jeer at the student administrators before any action is made. Is it fair of him to refuse them op- portunity to show what they can do? I would also be interested in knowing just how much of his own spirit and energy the writer has put into his school life - surely not as much as that same student government he is so eager to condemn! Lola M. Patton I SOTLY R '1 -- Cepr. 1,41 by ited feature $'e. In.Reg. U. S, P0. OHf.-AII rights reserved "Hey! 'Wait for me!" DAILY OFFICIAL BULLETIN (Continued from Page 2) such cases will be sbject to Uni- versity disciplinary action which can result in a fine, withdrawal of ath- letic privileges, and suspension or expulsion from the University. A foolproof system has been worked out for determining which underclass- men, if any, refused to take advan- tage of the voluntary exchange. 7. Both booths will be open from 8:30 a. m. until 4:30 p. m. each day except Saturday, when they will be open from 8:00 a. in. until 12:00 noon. RAY DAVIS, President Student Legislature STUDENTS, COLLEGE OF LITERA- TURE, Science & THE ARTS Students are reminded of the fol- lowing regulations which became ef- fective with the beignning of the Fall Term, 1946-47: 1) Students are expected to at- tend classes regularly. 2) When the instructor considers the number of absences excessive, that is, when a student's absence from a course endangers his satis- factory progress, the instructor should send a written report on the case to the Administrative Board for action. Freshmen and sopohomores should be reported to the Chairman of the Academic Counselors, Associ-, ate Dean, 1220 Angell Hall. SCHEDULE OF TUTORIAL SEC- TIONS FOR VETERANS FOR THE FALL TERM, 1946-47 (Beginning the week of Monday, Sept. 30.) CHEMISTRY (3) - Mon.-Thurs., 7:30-8:30 p.m., 122 Chem., Chas. G. Dodd; Sat. 9:00-10:00 a.m., 122 Chem. CHEMISTRY (4)-Mon. 7-8 p.m. 165 Chem., R. N. Keller; Thurs., 7-8 p.m., 165 Chem., S. Lewin; Sat. 11-12 Noon. CHEMISTRY (21)-Wed., 4-5, 303 Chem, R. W. Hahn. ENGLISH COMP. (1) - Tues:- Thurs., 4:00-5:00 p.m., 2203 A H, Fri., 5-6 p.m., 2203 A H, D. Martin. Thurs.,, 4:00-5:00 p.m., 2235 A H, Donald Martin; ENGLISH COMP. (2)-Tues.-Thurs., 4:00-5:00 p.m. 3216 A H, William Gram.; Fri., 5:00- 6:00 p.m., 3216 A H. FRENCH (1) - Mon.-Thurs., 4:00-5:00 p.m., 106 R L, A. Favreau; (2)-Tues.-Fri., 4:00-5:00 p.m., 106 R L, F. Gravit; (31)-Mon.-Thurs., 4:00-5:00 p.m., 108 R. L, James O'Neill; (32)-Tues.-Fri., 4:00-5:00 p.m., 108 R L, A. Favreau. GERMAN-Mon.-Wed., 7:30-8:30 p.m., 2016 A H, F. H. Reiss; Sat., 11:00--12:00 Noon. MATHEMATICS-advanced, Tues- Thurs., Fri., 7:00-8:00 p.m., 3010 A H, E. Spavier; beginning, Tues-Thurs.- Fri., 7:00-8:00 p.m., 3011 A H., G. R. Costello., PHYSICS (25)-Mon.-Wed., 7:30- 8:30 p.m., 202 West Physics; Sat. 11:00--12:00 noon; (26)-Mon.-Wed., 7:30-8:30 p.m., 1035 Randall; Sat., 11:00-12:00 noon; (46) - Mon.-Wed., 7:30-8:30 p.m., 1036 Randall; Sat. 11:00-12:00 noon. Instructors to be announced. SPANISH (1)-Tues.-Fri., 4:00- 5:00 p.m., 205 R L, H. Hootkins; (1), Mon.-Wed., 4:00-5:00 p.m., 207 R L, H. Hootkins; (2)-Mon.-Wed., 4:00- 5:00 p.m., 205 R L, F. M. Thompson; (31, 32) - Mon.-Tues.-Thurs.-Fri., 4:00-5:00 p.m., 210 R L, Staubach. VETERANS, COLLEGE OF LITERA- TURE, SCIENCE ANDTHE ARTS: Veterans who were admitted to this College as special students will be ac- cepted as regular students after they have successfully completed two se- mesters' work. A summer session cannot be counted as a full semester's work. Studeits in this category who have failed to earn a satisfactory rec- ord will be asked to withdraw. No special application need be filed to become a regular student. E. A. Walter All women students on the campus who are employed part-time are in- structed to register this fact immedi- ately at the Office of the Dean of Women. The Health Service and the Academic Counselors Office are coop- erating to put this requirement into effect, which has been decided upon so that good health and maximum academic effieiency will be, insured among women students. A brief form will be filled out by each woman stu- dent who is employed in any capacity whether she works on the campus or otherwise. Women students interested in put- ting their names on the baby sitters' list for afternoon or evening may reg- ister in the Office of the Dean of Women. Closing hours must be ob- served. Householders interested in obtain- ing baby sitters may inquire at the Office of the Dean of Women. Rhodes Scholarship candidates: There will be a preliminary meeting of all candidates from the University for the Rhodes Scholarship on Mon., Oct. 7, at 4:15 in Room 2003 Angell Hall. Formal application blanks to be completed on or before Oct. 7 and additional information may be ob- tained from Professor Clark Hopkins, 1508 Rackham Building. AERONAUTICAL ENGINEERING STUDENTS:- There is available one $500 Robert L. Perry Memorial Fel- lowship to students in Aeronautical Engineering who are in need of fi- nancial assistance and who show definite promise in this field. In the selection of a candidate pref- erence will be givensto veteran pilots. Applications should be in letter form, giving a statement of services in the armed forces, and ad- dressed to Professor E. W. Conlon, B-47 East Engineering Building. Ap- plications will be received up to Oct. 5. AERONAUTICAL ENGINEERING JUNIORS, SENIORS AND GRADU- ATES: Four Frank P. Sheehan schol- ships are available. The selection of candidates for these scholarships is made very largely on the basis of scholastic standing. Applicants should address letters to Piofessor E. W. Conlon, B-47 East Engineering Building, giving a brief statement of their qualifications and experience in regard to both their scholastic ' work and any outside experience they 'may have had. A statement should also be made about their plans for further study in Aeronautical Engi- neering. The present draft classifi- cation and any service record should be mentioned. Applications will be received up to Oct. 9. SENIORS IN AERONAUTICAL AND MECHANICAL ENGINEERING INS:- ~ThP Dnirlns A irrvaft nniv. experience they may have had. The present draft classification and any service record should be mentioned. Senior Mechanicals will address their letters of application to Professor R. S. Hawley, Room 221 West Engineer- ing Bldg., senior Aeronauticals will send their applications to Professor E. W. Conlon, B-47 East Engineering Bldg. Applications will be received up to Oct. 9. SCHOLARSHIP OPEN TO SEN- IOR MECHANICAL, AERONAUTI- CAL AND ELECTRICAL ENGI- NEERING STUDENTS: Concolidated Bultee Aircraft Corporation has es- tablished an annual scholarship of $250 which is available to students who are in their Junior year in the above fields of engineering and who are highly recommended by their faculty Scholarship Committee. The student will be employed by the Com- pany the first semester after the award. Application forms for this scholarship may be obtained in the Aeronautical Engineering Office. CONSOLIDATED VULTEE GRAD- UATE FELLOWSHIP: The Consoli- dated Vultee Aircraft Corporation has established two annual Graduate Fel- lowships of $750 each, available to graduates of accredited engineering, metallurgy, physics or mathematics schools who are highly recommended by their faculty Scholarship Com- mittee, for graduate study and re- search in the fields included in aero- nautical engineering. The students will be employed by the Company the first summer after the awards. Applications available in Aero. Eng. Office. Willow Village Program for veter- ans and their wives. West Court Community Building, 1045 Midway Blvd., Willow Run Village. Tues., Oct. 1, 8:00 p. m.: General meeting of the Cooperative Nursery School Group. Mrs. Charles Bar- clay, teacher of the Ann Arbor Co- operative Nursery School, will sepak on "Cooperative Nursery School Techniques". Thurs., Oct. 3, 8:00 p. m.: Sewing Club. Fri., Oct. 4, 9:00-11:00 a. M.: Reg- istration for children who have been enrolled in the Cooperative Nursery School; 8:00 a. m.: Classical Record- ings, Mr. Weldon Wilson, Commenta- tor. Oct. 9: Goodyear's Style Show, Coming Events - sponsored by the Wives of Student Veterans' Club. Everybody is cor- dially invited. Oct. 16: Dean Hayward Keniston will speak. This lecture will inaug- urate a series of Wednesday night lectures at West Court. They will be given by outstanding people from the University and are open to the public. Academic Notices First Semester Juniors. The re- sults of the Graduate Record Exam- ination which you took during the Spring Term, are now available. The test scores should be useful to you in helping to plan the remainder of your University program. You may obtain your individual profile chart in the Ofice of the Academic Coun- selors according to the following schedule: A-F.....,Tues., Oct. 1 G-L...... Wed., Oct. 2 M-R......Thurs., Oct. 3 S-Z.....Fri., Oct. 4 Graduate Record Examination will be offered for graduate students on October 22 and 24, beginning at 6:30 p.m. Students taking the examina- tion must attend both sessions. First Year Graduate Students. The results of the Graduate Records Ex- amination which you took as sen- iors at the University of Michigan last May are now available. Your own profile may be obtained at the Graduate School office, Oct. 1 through Oct. 4. The results are use- ful in revealing strengths and weak- nesses in your preparation for con- tinued work and, hence, will be use- ful guide to you. Graduate students who have not turned in to the Graduate School of- fice the fee receipts for the Gradu- ate Record Examination will not be eligible to take the examination this semester. Graduate students who are inter- ested in colege teaching are welcome to visit the class Education B291, Problems in Higher Education, which meets this evening.The topic, "The. Role of Higher Education in Society Today," will be presented by Profes- sor D. M. Dennison of the Department of Physics, Professor T. M. Newcomb of the Department of Sociology, and President A. G. Ruthven, and will be followed by class discussion. The class will meet in Room 110, University Li- brary, from 7:00 to 9:00. Bus. AD. Class 123 will meet in the East Lecture room, mezzanine floor of the Rackham Bldg., every Tuesday from 3:00 to 5:00 p.m. Alan D. Meachamn Chemistry 55: Openings in the Wed.-Sat. section are now available. See Prof. Halford, Rm. 274 Chem- istry Bldg. Debaters: All students who desire to participate in debate this year should meet in Room 225 Tngell Hall fA" urnr Clot ) fl ,- t7-'in n BARNABY Obviously Mr. Golebrick is ill. Or he would have announced that your Fairy Godfather and his staff had agreed to Rg U 5 Py OR. Ill? Not at all, son. He resigned from the School Now we can bargain honestly with our regular teachers- It wasn't possible when Mr. Golebrick was Somebody t know is going to be awfully disappointed, Pop.