DAILY TRYOUTS See Page 4 Y L Lwp 6P 74aii4 FAIR AND WARMER Latest Deadline in the State VOL. LVII, No. 84 ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN, FRIDAY, JANUARY 17, 1947 PRICE FIVE CENTS rmy, avy gree on Co pomise erger Plan v Talmadge Seizes Governor's Offices Plan. Will Create ThomPson In Line To Take Arnall's Post State Police Take Talmadge Orders By The Associated Press ATLANTA, Jan. 16 - Herman Talmadge seized Georgia's guber- natorial chambers and Executive Mansion today in tactics which his rival claimant, Ellis Arnall, des- cribed as the "perfect panzer movement" which gave control to "storm troops." State patrolmen, answering only to Talmadge, stood guard at the capitol, and mansion. Talmadge later declined to comment on the "storm troops" statement. t 4I hate to think what would happen," Arnall was told by their commander at the mansion when he asked what they would do if he tried to use his key. Sources.close to Lieutenant Gov- ernr-elect M. E. Thompson said Thompson would take the oath of office at 11 a.m. Monday, thus qualifying to succeed Arnall under the latter's resignation filed with Georgia's secretary of state last week-end. The resignation was to become effective "immediately on qualifi- cation of the lieutenant governor." As the dual state administra- tions neared the close of their second business day, the capitol was thrown briefly into turmoil by the explosion of a firecracker high up in the rotunda above the spot where Arnall established his temperary "office" this morning. Shortly after this incident the Talmadge - appointed adjutant general, Marvin Griffin, issued an order that state guardsmen should not bring rifles into the capitol. "I will bust the stock on every gun brought into the statehouse," Griffin declared. Arnall's move into the rotunda today followed early morning seiz- ure of the executive chambers by Talmadge and his adherents. When the general assembly con- vened in midmorning, the senate gave further support to Talmadge's legislative election by confirming three of his top appointees. At the same time Talmadge house forces beat down a proposal for an as- sembly recess until the state supreme court rules on who is governor. Arnall, who has served a four- year term, reiterated his conten-. tion that the legislature was with- out authority to elect Talmadge as his successor. He said he would step down when M. E. Thompson is installed as lieutenant governor and can claim the office. City Manager Plan-Approved B yBromage Wholehearted approval of the city manager plan of government proposed for Ann Arbor was ex- pressed by Prof. Arthur W. Brom- age, of the political science depart- ment, but he added that this sys- tem should go hand-in-hand with non-partisan council elections. "The system would work ex- tremely well," he said, "provided there were a comprehensive revi- sion of the charter, subject to pub- lic referendum, to make the coun- cil non-partisan and to bring.ad- ministrative departments of the city clearly under the authority of the manager." . Benefits of the city manager plan were indicated by Prof. Brom- age. A survey of cities having this type o1 government showed a les- sening of party and factional in- terests resulted, managers im- proved the administrative organi- zation of the city, greater civic leadership backed them, new koy- ernment functions were developed as efficiency was demonstrated, Pres. Truman Meets 'Big Six 'Policy Group Sen. Vandenberg Reports 'Open Forum,' Bi-Partisan Harmony Sessions To Continue WASHINGTON, Jan. 16-(P)- President Truman's first meeting with his "big six" Congressional Committee side-stepped partisan politics today, participants report- ed, and achieved "harmony" on the prospect of cooperation be- tween the White House and the GOP-dominated Congress. Senator Vandenberg (Rep., Mich.), President of the Senate, Rep. Jenkins Attacks Low Tariff Policy WASHINGTON, Jan. 16-(P)- The first move in the dominantly- Republican congress against the Democratic Administration's tar- iff-cutting powers - a corner- stone of its foreign policy - was started today by Rep. Jenkins (Rep.-Ohio). He filed a resolution calling up- on President Truman to postpone a scheduled 18-nation conference at Geneva in March to conclude reciprocal trade pacts. Charges Speed-Up In a tartly-worded statement, he contended the Administration had "speeded up" it reciprocal trade program since the Republi- can election' victories in Novem- ber in order to conclude then "be- fore Congress can act in the mat- ter." Chairman Knutson (Rep.-Minn.) of the Ways and Means Commit- tee, on which Jenkins sits, al- ready has declared reciprocal trade matters will be given a high priority on the committee's busy schedule. Jenkins' resolution may set the stage for a preliminary showdown. If passed by the House, it would request the President to delay any further adjustri ent of duties un- der the reciprocal trade agree- ment act pending a "scientific study" by the United-States Tariff Commission and a report to Con- gress. Outright Repeal Rep. Reed (Rep.-N.Y.), also a member of the Ways and Means Committee, told a reporter he is working on a bill for outright re- peal of the Reciprocal Trade Act. The act permits the administra- tion to cut tariffs as much as 50 per cent in return for concessions from other countries. He expects others to be intro- duced which would call for con- gressional confirmation of past and future reciprocal agreements -a move privately but vigorously bucked by the State Department. Girls Move Out For Semester Thirty-two members of Gamma Phi Beta sorority were out of their chapter house at 1520 S. Univer- sity again yesterday, this time for the rest of the semester. As final examinations are start- ing next week, and their furnace is still not operating properly, the Office of the Dean of Women, the alumnae members, and the Gam- ma Phis themselves decided they should be rehoused for the rest of the semester. Arrangements were made yes- terday afternoon for the women to live in the League until ex- aminations are over. emphasized that it was a harmoni- ous "open forum" carried out in an atmosphere of goodwill. He in- dicated that future meetings will, continue to be held in a non-parti- san vein. Vandenberg said in reply to a reporter's question that the con- troversial matter of Mr. Truman's $37,500,000,000 budget proposal did not come under discussion. Specifically, Mr. Truman and his six party-leader consultants delved into the huge and compli- cated task of clearing away ap- proximately $22,247,000,000 in the war surplus properties. Mr. Truman sent word to news- men after the 50-minute session- which lasted 20 minutes longer than scheduled-that it was "a very satisfactory meeting. Besides Vandenberg, the group included three other Republicans and two Democrats: Senate Ma- jority Leader White (Rep., Maine), House Speaker Martin (Rep., Mass.), House Majority Leader Halleck (Rep., Ind.), Senate Mi- nority Leader Barkley (Dem., Ky.) and House Minority Leader Ray- burn (Dem., Texas). Newr Contract To Aid Snowu Removal Here A special session of the Ann Arbor Common Council and the Board of Public Works yesterday passed what they hope will be a solution to the sidewalk snow re- moval problem which has plagued them all winter. Under terms of the new contract between the city and the Public Service Company, a total of $15,- 941 will be paid by the city for an estimated 20 sidewalk snow removals. Included in the total are sums of $1,724 for removals already completed and $6,200 for insurance and depreciation on equipment. Stormy History The history of negotiations be- tween the Public Service Company, headed by James Woodul, ex-Uni- versity student, and the city, has been a stormy one. The original agreement provided that the com- pany would clean only those walks uncleaned by property owners, bil- ling the city who would in turn bill the owner through tax dupli- cates. A revised contract provided that Woodul's organization would clean walks of the entire city on a cost- plus ten per cent basis. Balking at Woodul's estimate for work al- ready completed, council called a special session yesterday to re- consider the matter. Rental B is The new contract is on a rental basis, with the city paying on a per cleaning arrangement. If less than 20 snow removals are car- ried out during the winter, the figure of $15,941 will be modified proportionately. A feature of the new contract is the 30-day option given the city on the Public Service Company's equipment. Between April and May the city may purchase the company's equipment for $33,000, a figure which includes payment for all work done during this win- ter season. Ten jeeps equipped with brushes and plows are used by -the company in their snow re- moval work. Coeds To Be Liberated for J=Hop Feast Breakfast Parties To Run Till 4 A.M. Women students attending the J-Hop dance will have 2:30 a.m. permission, while those attending approved breakfast parties after the dance will have 4 a.m. per- mission both Friday and Saturday, Feb. 7 and 8, Dean of Women Alice C. Lloyd announced yester- day. All other parties except those arranged by the J-Hop Commit- tee and approved by the Dean of Students will end at midnight and women students will have the regular 12:30 a.m. permis- sion for them. Women students will have 4 a.m. permission for approved fraternity parties. Fraternities are requested to submit to the Office of the Dean of Women official lists of women students who plan to attend their house parties. House directors may grant overnight permission to these women after checking the lists in the Office of the Dean of Women. Tickets for the J-Hop break- fasts which will be served from 1 to 3:30 a.m. Feb. 7 and 8 at the Union and League, will be on sale at the Union and League beginning today until the end of the final examination period. Breakfast tickets cost $1.50 per couple, and purchasers must pre- sent their J-Hop tickets in order to buy them. The breakfast menu includes fruit juice, cereal, toast, bacon, eggs, and milk or coffee. A total of 500 couples will be served each night of the J-Hop. All J-lop tickets for Satur- day night' have been sold out, but there are a few remaining for Friday night which may be obtained by calling Nancy Neu- mann. Neither breakfast nor J-Hop dance tickets will be sold at the door. A miniature model of the J-Hop dance floor, including the decora- tions and pipe-stem figures of dancers, will go on display today in the window of a local book- store. A new feature of this year's J-Hop, free refreshments will be served. Each booth will have a, separate ginger ale dispenser. Novel favors have been planned for all women guests, but thecom- mittee requests that no corsages be worn. It is a tradition that only central committee members or their dates wear corsages to the J-Hop. 'The Truth' Opens Today "The Truth," a four-act comedy by Clyde Fitch, will be presented by Play Production at 8:30 p.m. today, and at 2:30 and 8:30 p.m. tomorrow in the Lydia Mendel- ssohn Theatre. "The Truth" is a drawing-room comedy of the beginning of the century depicting the complicated affairs of Becky Warder, a born liar, and her eventual reconcilia- tion with her husband. Serene Sheppard plays Becky Warder, and John Babington is co-starred as her weary husband. Tickets will be on sale today and tomorrow at the Lydia Men- delssohn box office. New Cabinet Post Over War, Navy Separate Air Force To Be Formed; Plan Still Must Face New Congress By The Associated Press WASHINGTON, Jan. 16-A compromise plan designed to unify the Armed Services while retaining their separate administration and military leadership was announced tonight by President Truman with the blessing of both the Army and Navy. It would create a separate air force and place a new Secre- tary of National Defense in over-all charge of the army and navy. Each of the three services would have secretaries, too, who may be cabinet members. The expected unification would be achieved by vesting the Sec- retary of National Defense with authority to lay down common poli. cies and programs for the three arms. But each department would be administered as a unit. Moreover each service would 0 TAKES OATH-With right hand raised, Herman Talmadge stands at a meeting of Georgia State legislators in Atlanta, Ga., and is administered the oath of office by Judge W. C. Worrill. Di- rectly behind microphone is Mrs. Herman Talmadge. 'OUT THAR' LIMITED: University Discloses Losses OnWlo Run bus Operation In answer to many student com- plaints over the Willow Run bus service, the University yesterday opened its books showing the cost of operation for the buses. In the past six months, the records show an aggregate pas- enger load of 412,995 at a cost of $77,925.90 with paid receipts amounting to $34,724.06, leaving a deficit of $43,201.84 to be met by the University. Brown Blasts U. S. Education Drama Critic Hits Attitude on Culture The American people's "passion for mediocrity" is shown nowhere more than in their attitude to- ward education, John Mason Brown, associate editor of the Saturday Review of Literature, said last night in the fifth lecture of this season's Oratorical Associ- ation series. "The American brain is the least used muscle in our anatomy," the See Page 2 for Daily interview with John Mason Brown. drama critic said. "When it comes to cultural endeavor, our educa- tion has been a lamentable and conspicuous failure. The average college graduate has lain on the beach but refused to be sunburn- ed." Our post-war era is character- ized by an overwhelming con- fusion and despair, Brown said. For the first time in history we, face not only the possibility of individual death, but also the threat of mass destruction by the atomic bomb or biological war- fare. We have talked publicly of a United Nations, while individual powers play old-time power poli- tics, Brown pointed out. "We have done almost every- thing we could to squander the re- sponsibility we won in the war," he added. Sixteen regular drivers, two starters and 10 part-time stu- dent drivers are employed by the University. They operate 29 buses to and from the Village with runs starting at 7:15 a.m. and continuing until 11:15 p.m., with a three-hour break during the afternoon and evening. On Friday and Saturday nights two special buses are run by the University for the convenience of the students at 12:15 a.m. and 1:15 a.m. The drivers on these two runs are paid overtime and elect to take the runs. The bus service began in Novem- ber, 1945, and carried a total of 2,948 passengers that month. A year later the buses carried 92,-. 396, and cost the University $18,- 301.41 for the service, while in October, they transported 111, 184 passengers at a loss of $6,420.01. The official pointed out that the drivers have a tremendous re- sponsibility in bad weather. "We have had buses run several hours. behind schedules but that is bet- ter than taking the risk of turn- ing one of them over when it is loaded with students," he stated. The service so far, has not had a single accident to either the students or the buses since they began operating. Horowitz Will Play Tn hli Concert Marks Sixth. Local Performance Beginning his program with Mo- zart's Sonata in A major, Vladi- mir Horowitz, pianist, will present the seventh concert of the Choral Union Series at 8:30 p.m. today in Hill Auditorium. Horowitz, a native Russian, made his American debut in 1928 with the New York Philharmonic Symphony Orchestra. Since that time, except for a temporary re- tirement from 1936 to 1939, he has been one of the major attractions of the American concert season. Today's concert will be his sixth performance in Ann Arbor. After appearing here for the first time in 1928 as soloist with the Detroit Symphony Orchestra, he returned to give solo programs in 1930, 1933, 1941 and 1945. During the war Horowitz raised millions of dollars in war bonds by giving concerts, including a have its own military chief, with no over-all military commander as proposed in previous merger plans. ' The Navy would keep its Ma- rine Corps and its land-based aviation, both fighting and transport. Other concessions to the Navy also are contained in the plan. A number of congressmen of both partiesimmediately applaud- ed it. The Republican chairman of the Senate and House armed forces committees predicted early passage of the necessary law. Some legislators warily said they wanted to see details before com- mitting themselves and one-Sen- ator Robertson-(Rep., Wyo.) said some parts of the plan seemed "loosely drawn." The plan provides for four Secretaries where now there are only the two-The Secretaries of War and the Navy. All four may have cabinet status, said Chairman Gurney (Rep., S.D.) of the Senate Armed Forces Committee, in Congress' discre- tion. Chairman Andrews (Rep., N.Y.) of the House Armed Forces Com- mittee called the plan "splendid" but noted it "provides for integra- tion, not merger as such." The President had urged unifi- cation in his state of the union message as an economy measure, but he made.no mention of econ- omy in a letter to Secretary of War Patterson and Secretary of the Navy Forrestal, congratulating them upon their agreement. The Navy itself "will not be re- stricted as to types of aircraft maintained and operated" ex- cept that its air operations are to be "coordinated" with those of the separate air force to be set up. The Army proposal to re- strict the Navy in its operation of land-based planes previously had caused bitter opposition in Naval Circles. The Navy not only will continue. its air operations, including air transport, but also will continue its own aviation development an procurement programs. 1. The establishment of a Coun- cil of National Defense,, a National Security Resources Board and a Central Intelligence Agency (which already exists). 2. Organization of the Armed Forces under a Secretary of Na- tional Defense. 3. Creation of a war council consisting of the secretary of na- tional defense, as chairman and with power of decision; the-secre- taries of the army, navy, and the air force, and the military heads of the three services. The war council would concern itself with "matters of broad pol- icy relating to the armed forces." 4. Establishment of a joint chiefs of staff, made up of the military heads of the three services and the chief of staff to the Presi- dent. Subject to authority of the secretary of national defense, the joint chiefs of staff would pro- vide for the strategic plans, as- sign logistics responsibilities to the services and integrate military re- quirements. 5. Establishment of a full-time joint staff to consist initially of not Excise Taxes Will Remain On War Level WASHINGTON, Jan. 16-(P)- A bill to continue high wartime ex- cise taxes at the present rate in- definitely was introduced in the House today and Republican tax managers moved to push it through quickly. The bill, H.R. 1030, was offered by Rep. Grant (Rep., Ind.). Presi- dent Truman had requested such legislation. The decision of Republican tax managers in the House to get be- hind it represented a change of stand on their part. They ex- plained that it is necessary to pass the bill if income taxes are to be cut. Chairman Knutson (Rep., Minn.) of the Ways and Means Committee told newsmen it will be given priority over H.R. 1, the income tax cut, and everything else and may be approved by the committee at its first meeting to- morrow. Knutson and other Republicans had expressed the intention of passing legislation to put the re- ductions into effect before July 1 -as quickly as possible, so that customers would not defer pur- chases in anticipation of lower prices July 1, t the detriment of the businesses concerned. Elimination of the July 1 roll- back and continuation of the pres- ent rates means that the taxes will be: Liquor-$9 a proof gallon in- stead of $6. Furs, jewelry, luggage, cos- metics and theatre tickets-20 per cent, instead of 10. Night club checks-20 per cent instead of 5. Telephone bills-Long distance, 25 per cent instead of 20; local, 15 per cent instead of 10. Transportation tickets-15 per cent instead of 10. Wines-Present high rates in- stead of reductions in the various categories of quality. Beer-$8 a barrel instead of $7, Club dues and membership fees -20 per cent instead of 11. Imported perfumes-$9 a gallon instead of $6. Billiard and pool tables and bowling alleys-$20 a year per ta- ble or alley instead of $10. Technic To Be On Sale Today The January issue of the Michi- gan Technic will be on sale today and tomorrow in the Engineering Arch and in East Engineering Building. A unique feature of this issue, according to the editors, is that no pages are missing. They refer to the December issue when page 23 was allegedly stolen by "some eager little Gargoyles." Veterans Checks Held at Post Office GREENLEAF WHITTIER SLEPT HERE: Antique Dealers Crowd Sale of Myra Jordan Estate By NATALIE BAGROW purchase from his mother by the former Japanese medical student, left little provision in her will for