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January 15, 1947 - Image 2

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The Michigan Daily, 1947-01-15

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I -

Babington, who will take the
leading role in Play Production's
presentation "The Truth" to be
performed today, Friday and
Saturday in Lydia Mendelssohn

Judges Payne,
Breakey Seek
County Bench
Circuit Judge James R. Breakey
and Municipal Judge Jay H. Payne
announced yesterday that they will
lock horns again in the Feb. 17 pri-
Supporters for both men:filed
petitions in Lansing yesterday to
renew the fight for the senior
Washtenaw county bench. This
will be the third meeting at the
polls for both candidates whose
close contest last November high-
lighted the election,
Judge Breakey holds two wins
over Judge Payne; one in the June
primaries and the second last No-
vember when out-city votes piled
15,993 to 12,504 in a toss-up count
lasting until 2 a.m.
Both men will be automatically
qualified in the trial heat since
no other candidate is running for
the same office.
Former Dental School
Fellow Killed in Crash
Dr. David Dai, of the dental de-
partment of West China Univer-
sity, recently a post-doctoral fel-
low in the dental school, has been
the victim of an airplane crash in
China, according to information
received by Robert B. Klinger, as-
sistant counselor to foreign stu-
Read and Use
The Daily Classifieds!

last first

............ C -N o . . .... ....

U nit of University in which registered-School or College.
Number of days absent .............. . ... (See note below.)
Check law under which you are enrolled: P.L. 16 .... P.L. 346 ....
I hereby certify that I have been absent from class the number
of lays indicated in the blank above, and that I have been present
on all other days when my attendance was required.

Certification of Absences During Fall Semester, 1946
This attendance report is necessary in order that the Veterans'
Administration may have adequate basis for paying subsistence and
granting leave in the proper amount when requested by the stu-
dent. According to the provisions of VA Circular No. 168, 7-1-46,
leave may be approved which will not exceed the amount of leave
accumulated to the credit of the student. When no report is on
file, leave cannot be approved until a statement from the insti-
tution is obtained by the student certifying the amount of absence
charged to him,
Please print-Do not write.


. .. .. . . . . .- .

John A. Huston, senior Law
School student from Ann Arbor
has been awarded the Class of
'08 scholarship award.
Established in 1924 by Judge
Guy B. Findley of the Common
Pleas Court of Elyria, Ohio, the
Class of '08 Memorial Scholarship
is awarded each year by the. Law
School faculty to the student who
has attained the highest class
rank during the preceeding year.

Note:. An absence is defined as failure to attend a regularly sched-
uled class or laboratory period. Members of athletic teams, debat-
ing societies, and other groups officially sanctioned by the Uni-
versity should not include in this report absences that are caused
by representing the University at officially scheduled events. If
only one period is scheduled for a day and that is missed, one full
day's absence must be recorded. If four classes are scheduled for
a day and two of them are missed, one-half day's absence must
be recorded, etc.

(Continued from Page 1)
Student veterans are entitled to
leave at the rate of two and a half
days for each month spent in
Acting swiftly on the VA's order,
University officials set up a sys-
tem for the mass absence report.
Student veterans were directed to
procure report forms at places
designated by their colleges and
to return the completed forms to
their college offices. Veterans may
obtain forms by colleges at the
following lplaces:
Literary college--hall of Uni-
versity Hal; engineering college--
Rm. 255 V. Engineering Bldg.;
graduate school-graduate school
office; Wschool-available with
registration material; arch itecture
college-Rm. 207 Architeeture
Bldg.; pharmacy college---Rm. 250
Chemistry BEd g.; business admin-
istration school--Rm. 108 Tappan
Hall; dentistry college-secretary's
office of Dentistry Bldg.; educat ion
school-Rn. 1433 University :le-
mentary Srhool; forestry school-
Rm. 2045 Natural Science Bldg.;
music school-Rm. 101 School of
Music Bldg.; nursing school -Rn.
2036 University Hospital: publiu
health school - information desk
of School of Public Health Bldg;
medical sehool-Rm. 123 W. Me-
ical Bldg.
Tax ...
(Cotiniued from Page 1
ing was unanimous that 'the con-
try should be told what to peVt
in excise levies.
The Ways and Means Chairinan
announced to the Hl-uise mean-
while, that he will call the joint
Senate-House Budget; Coniri te
to its first meeting on Monday, to
review President Truman's $37,-
500,000,000 budget reconmenda-
tions and for Congress to put its
own ceiling on government ex-
By Tat mad Am
ATLANTA, Jan. 15-(N--Forces
of Herman Talmadge won a re-
sounding victory in the general
assembly tonight when they de-
feated a resolution that would de-
clare the late Eugene Talmadge
was elected governor for a fourth
The vote was on a substitute res-
olution introduced by Rep. Durden
of Dougherty county after Tal-
madge forces sought to declare a
no majority in the general elec-
tion and proceed with a joint ses-
sion vote to name a governor.
The vote in the two houses was
132 against the substitute resolu-
tion and 118 for it.
European Club, Bridge
Players To Meet Today
An evening of bridge for for-
eign students and friends will be
held at 7:30 p.m. today iii the In-
ternational Center.
The European Students Club will
meet at 8 p.m. today in the Inter-
national Center.

Detroit Symphony Orchestra
KARL KRUEGER, Music Director
-"Th Voice of the Century"
Thursday and Friday, January 16, 17
PROGRAM: WEBER - Overture, -on"; SIBELIUS -
Symphony No. 2 in D Major; STRAUSS---Tone Poem. "Death
'nd T-ran3figurationi" Songs by Miss Ander.,on: DONIZETTI
Aria. "O Mio Ferancdo" from La Favurita"; BRAHMS-
Pour Ser :mus suug.
Tickets: $3.60, $3.00, $2.40, $1.20 (Tax nci.)
50 Box Office
- - - - x~
'I, -. 7-


Publication in The Daily Official
Bulletin is constructive notice to all
members of the University. Notices
for the Bulletin should be sent in
typewritten form to the office of the
Assistant to the President, Room 1021
Angell Hall, by 3:00 p.m. on the day
preceding publication (11:00 a.m. Sat-
VOL. LVII, No. 82
To All Veterans: Every veteran
enrolled at the University of Mich-
igan must file a Certification of
Absences for the Fall Semester,
1946, so that the Veterans Admin-
istration may have adequate basis
for paying subsistence and grant-
ing leave in the proper amount
when requested by the student.
Certification blanks will be avail-
able from 8:30 a.m. to noon and
from 1:30 to 4:30 p'.m. tomorrow,
Friday, Monday and Tuesday and
from 8:30 a.m. to noon Saturday.
Veterans should report to their re-
spective colleges at the following
places and should leave their
blanks at their college office:
Literature, Science, and Arts,
Hall of University Hall; Engineer-
ing, 255 W. Engineering; Gradu-
ate, Graduate School Office;
Law, Available with Registration
Material; Architecture and Design,
207 Architecture Bldg.; Pharmacy,
250 Chemistry; Business Adminis-
tration, 108 Tappan; Dentistry,
Secretary's Office Dentistry Build-
ing; Education, 1433 University
Elementary School; Forestry and
Conservation, 2045 Natural Sci-
ence; Music, 101 School of Music;
Nursing, 2036 University Hospital;
Public Health, Information Desk,
School of Public Health; Medicine,
123 W. Medical.
Alexander G. Ruthven
Student Accounts: Your atten-
tion is called to the following rules
'passed by the Regents at their
meeting of February 28, 1936:
"Students shall pay all accounts
due the University not later than
the last day of classes of each se-
mester or summer session. Stu-
dent loans which are not paid or
renewed are subject to this regu-
lation; however, student loans not
yet due are exempt. Any unpaid
accounts at the close of business on
the last day of classes will be re-
ported to the Cashier of the Upi-
versity and
Now Playing -
Virginia Mayo - Vera Ellen
and The Goldwyn Girls
In Technicolor
Paula Kelly - Kent Taylor

"(a) All academic credits will
be withheld, the grades for the se-
mester or summer session just
completed wi not be released, and
no transcript of credits will be is-
"(b) All students owing such
accounts will not be allowed to
register in any subsequent semes-
ter or summer session until pay-
ment has been made."
Herbert G. Watkins
Faculty, College of Engineering:
Faculty meeting, 4:15 p.m., Wed.,
Jan. 15, Rm. 348, W. Engineering
Choral Union Members whose
attendance records are clear,
please call for their courtesy
passes for the Horowitz concert on
the day of the performance, Fri.,
Jan. 17, between the hours of 9:30
and 11:30, and 1 and 4, at the of-
fices of the University Musical So-
ciety, Burton Memorial Tower.
After 4 o'clock no passes will be
College of Engineering Regis-
tration Material: Students en-
rolled in the current term should
call for Spring term registration
material at Rm. 244, W. Engineer-
ing Bldg., beginning Tuesday, Jan.
21, from 9 to 12 a.m. and 1:30 to
4:30 p.m.
Registration Material of
L.S.&A., Schools of Education and
Music. Students should present
their Cashier's Receipts for sec-
ond semester registration mate-
rials at Rm. 4, University Hall.
See your advisers and secure all
necessary signatures before ex-
aminations begin if possible.
Men graduating in February:
Mr. Lewis from the Cris Craft
Company at Algonac, Michigan,
will be in our office on Wednes-
day, Jan. 15, to interview any men
graduating in February, who are
interested in a position as cost ac-
countant or as general accountnt-
Call the Bureau of Appointments,
201 Mason Hall, ext. 371, for an
February 1947 Graduates in
Mechanical, - Chemical Engineer-
ing and Business Administration:
Mr. D. F. Ellis of The Columbia
Mills, Inc., will interview for po-
sitions in that organization, Wed-
nesday, Jan. 15, in the Mech. Eng-
Interview schedule is posted on
the bulletin board at Rm. 221 W.
Engr. Bldg.
Men graduating in February:
Mr. J. K. Myers of the Firestone
Tire and Rubber Company will be
in our office on Thursday, Jan. 16,
to interview men graduating in
February, for work in their sales,
credit, and accounting depart-
ments. Call the Bureau of Ap-
pointments, 201 Mason Hall, ext.
371, for an appointment.
Recommendations for Depart-
mental Honors: Teaching depart-
ments wishing to recommend ten-
tative February graduates from

Barber Freed,
From Charge
Charges of racial discrimination
brought against Joseph Butler, a
Willow Village barber, were dis-
missed for insufficient evidence
yesterday by Justice Mark J. Rust
of Ypsilanti.
The charges had been filed by
Rev. David A. Blake, Jr., a Univer-
sity graduate student and pastor
of the Willow Village African ME
Church, who was refused a haircut
by Butler Dec. 13 because he lacked
an "appointment."
Rev. Robert Boettger, pastor of
the Christ Lutheran Chapel in the
village, who had accompanied Rev.
Blake into the barbershop, termed
the dismissal of charges as a "just
action under the circumstances."
Geneticist Will
Lecture Here
Dr. J. B. S. Haldane, biologist
and geneticist of the University of
London, will lecture on "Genetics
and the Future of Man" at 4:15
p.m. tomorrow in the Rackham
Lecture Hall.
Dr. Haldane came to this coun-
try at the invitation.of Princeton
University to participate in the
Conference on Genetics, Paleon-
tology and Evolution held there
Jan. 2 through 4.
Dr. Haldane is the author of
"Genetics and Politics," 'New
Paths in Genetics" and "Causes of

cam;; r.:. c.
too AR£T T@S

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Mie 1 -yvthe ,evolu jonary new
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Beneicial moisture penetrates
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smk!G,,, new Raleigh "90:3"
Cii arotte:s today.

Medical science offers
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LessTet anr~ tIr t i~
ces ertified by
y jry of
14 distinguished doctars

Read and

Use The Michigan Daily Classifieds!

from 1 P.M.

ora r

35c to 5 P.M.


Because TOMORROW Magazine believes that its future
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BEGIN your subscription with the
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"The Conscientious Objectors"
. . . here's a fresh approach to the
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" "Naney' the story of a delin-
quent seen-ager . . . written by a
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* "The New Czechoslovakia,' by John Powers ... a real inside story of
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And other vital, fast-moving articles and stories such as "The Arab
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Steig; Robert Bendiner's brilliant Washington analysis; and Harold
Clrnma'I iscnrnio enverage of the theatre and mnotion pictures .. .



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