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January 14, 1947 - Image 2

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The Michigan Daily, 1947-01-14

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1 V'ii JAfi11, JiIIN VLXIVX 11, 1 Ul i

Chicago Stui
DESPITE the recent Daily editorial which
condemned the "Hypocrisy" of the
Southern delegates, the embryonic National
Student Organization, founded on the basic
agreements of representatives from 300 col-
leges in 42 states, can work effectively to
solve student problems and is deserving of
our full support.
An understanding of the underlying
differences in student viewpoints and the
ideological conflicts involved is our first
prerequisite; not the superficial mis-un-
derstanding on which the editorial which
attempted to call forth our own regional
prejudices was based.
The racial discrimination conflict at the
Chicago Conference was in many respects
a healthy one, since it was one of the very
few instances in which all of the facts and
the real issues were presented to the con-
But far more basic to the successful fu-
ture of the NSO were the political and ideo-
logical conflicts which were active beneath
the surface.
Maintaining the NSO as a truly student
organization, free from the domination of
any one partisan viewpoint is our chief
problem now.
The "left," although not entirely absent,
was certainly conspicuous by its inaction.
Yet the fear of this "left" and the failure
of the Catholic representatives, University
of Texas delegates, and, yes, even a repre-
sentative from Georgia, to come out in
the open with their actual purposes and
the reasons for them, gave the conference
an air of suspicion.
Delegates from Catholic schools sought,
and succeeded pretty' well, in dominating
the conference with their viewpoint. (When
the Catholic delegation to the Prague Con-
ference, instructed by Father Murray, were
unable to get their program adopted by
either the rest of the American delegation
or by the World Students Congress, they
charged (in a recent issue of America mag-
azine) that it was Communist dominated,
and have since been antagonistic to it).
At Chicago, delegates from 100 Catholic
schools (many administration-appointed
and not student-elected) were on hand to
support the Catholic viewpoint.
E DOUBLE talk of Georgetown's Bill
Keenan who proposed that the NSO
"specifically refrain from becoming involved
in partisan political affairs, sectarian reli-
gious considerations, or similar matters
whch do not directly concern students," was
a disturbing example. Rationalizing his
previous stand about having the NSO "take
every means within its power to effect the

dent Politics
repeal of such state legislation which pro-
hibits interracial meetings in certain areas,"
Keenan explained that he did not actually
oppose political action in specific instances
but was only advocating an opposition to
following any one political line.
The proposal was passed by the panel,
many of whom were not aware that they
were establishing a lever for arguments
against any future proposed action.
Anonymous distribution of a six-page
anti-Russian pamphlet which was later
traced to the National Catholic Youth Coun-
cil aroused the suspicion and antagonism
of many of us present, particularly since
international politics were not under con-
sideration at the conference.
University of Texas delegates who also
came well financed, with mimeographed
proposals and pressure group tactics had
been instructed by their school admini-
stration. Actually dangerous to the fu-
ture of the NSO, I felt, was their proposal
to establish a judiciary branch composed
of an equal number of students and fac-
ulty which would have absolute control
over the organization.
Down at Ohio State University where a
"witch-hunt" is now in progress, admini-
stration officials had a simpler method of
influencing the Chicago Conference. An
OSU delegate informed a caucus of mid-
western schools that they had been spe-
cifically instructed to oppose affiliation with
the IUS.
THIS was a student conference; the
number of people who were there, not
as individual students representing student
bodies, but as representatives of partisan or
sectarian groups is a matter of serious
concern to me.
A National Student Organization can be
a constructive force in American student
life in furthering student cooperation and
understanding on national and internation-
al levels as well as helping to establish
student-run governments on all American
campuses, establishing the independence
and freedom from censorship of student or-
ganizations and publications, and eliminat-
ing the commercialization in college ath-
letics, to name but a few of the problems
common to American students.
As a student organization, the NSO
has no place for lobbies working for their
oyn ends. Its fundamental purpose as a
unifying force for students throughout
the country will be lost if it is dominated
by any partisan group or is controlled by
school administrations.
Only by bringing the purposes and tech-
niques of these factions into the clear light
of public opinion where they can be under-
stood and weighed objectively, can we "in-
the-middle" who have no partisan axes to
grind, hope to produce an organization
where students, acting as the representatives
of students, can work together for their
common objectives.
-Tom Walsh

WE'RE waving a flag and issuing a
challenge, this week, reopening The
Daily to editorial columns from the cam-
Articulate students representing every
shade of opinion are urged to submit
sample columns for next semester's
Opinions of columnists will be judged
on the criteria of clear-thinking and
eloquence. They will not be selected to
represent the personal views of The Daily
staff or editors. From those samples
submitted which are satisfactorily writ-
ten, columnists will be selected to repre-
sent more than one major section of
campus opinion.
Student columns will appear either
two or three times weekly.
Columns should deal with 1-issues
on this campus; 2-issues of direct
interest to students.
Three sample columns must be sub-
mitted by each applicant, in the editors'
office (second floor, Student Publications
Building) before Monday, Feb. 10. Be-
tween semesters, mail samples "To the
Editor, Michigan Daily, Ann Arbor."
-Milt Freuden eim
(editorial director)
At the State .*

1, xt 4
Unite 9',7 by'rd;ed Featu , c
There s smA-%\ Re.. S. Pat. Off -Alt ri eae murder. N1J
"There's a small item on page 17 about a triple-axe murder. No
veterans involved."

Letters to the Editor...

EDITOR'S NOTE: No letter to the
editor will be printed unless signed
and writtr-n in good taste. Letters
over 300 words in length wili be
shortened or omitted; in special in-
stances, they will be printed, at the
discretion of the editorial director.
To the Editor:
IT WOULD indeed be regrettable
if Michigan student opinion of
the new National Student Organ-
ization was formed upon the bas-
is of the views expressed by Mr.
Hartman in his editorial in Sat-
urday's issue, entitled 'Racial Hy-
pocrisy.' It is essential that stu-
dent support of this organization.
be gained. This cannot be accom-
plished if only such views as Mr.
Hartman's are published, which
in my opinion, are not only detri-
mental to the NSO but are preju-
diced, incorrect and unjustified in
It was my pleasure to be an
official observer to the confer-
ence in Chicago myself. Per-
haps if Mr. Hartman had the
advantage of such first hand
information himself he would
not cry "hypocrisy" so loudly,
being restrained by the gentle
admonition of a broad knowl-
edge of the situation.



garet O'Brien et al.

(MGM), Mar-


Editorials published in The Michigan Daily
are written by members of The Daily staff
and represent the views of the writers only.



" BRAND NEW liberal movement was
born last weekend,' said Mr. Hoffman,
in his editorial of Jan. 10, referring to
the Americans for Democratic Action. List-
ing several impressive names who answered
the roll call and accepted positions within
the organization, he defends its anti-Com-
munist stand. He concludes, "Mr. Ellis seems
politically naive in implying that liberals
must ally themselves with Communists in
order to be liberal."
Mr. Hoffman seems to have missed my
implication: that the ADA is more intent
upon ferreting out Communists and their
sympathizers from their progressive move-
ment than attempting to solidify the po-
tential progressive forces; that the creation
of a division between liberal elements
will play directly into the hands of the re-
actionary forces.
If the individuals who gave the call for
this newly formed ADA, and they are
such men as Dubinsky, Neibuhr, and Reu-
ther (this is their dream, not Mrs. Roose-
velt's) are so intent upon carrying a pro-
gressive program to the people, why do
they hesitate to lend their efforts to the
already existing Congress of Progressives,
the newly formed PCA?
My statement about "several men who
have the audacity to call themselves liber-
als," was a direct reference to those who
"formed" this new group. There are names
appended to the general rostrum, as Wyatt
and Mrs. Roosevelt, whose sincerity is not
questioned. They were not the inventive
geniuses, however. The number of sham
liberals -professional anti-Sovieteurs, cor-
rupt labor leaders, supposedly liberal news-
men - far outweighs the number who give
to the organization a surface dignity.
The ADA was nec born, as Mr. Hoffman
suggests, over the weekend of January
fourth. Its seed was sown last April in Chi-
cago, when Mr. Dubinsky and several other
Liberal Party members (a party which was
originally formed to fight the ALP in New
York) met in secret session to lay the plans
for a third party. Their major intention
was to undermine the' work of the CIO-PAC
during the last elections. Indirectly, from
this group, came the Unity for Democratic
Action Committee, of which Neibuhr is pres-
ident. It was this latter organization which
issued the call for the Washington Con-

review of, his book, THE CHILDREN OF
NESS. "You see him going one way and
suddenly realize that he was just getting
ready to swing back in the opposite direc-
tion. This is what dazzles and sometimes
perplexes." The total of his work is obscur-
antism and mysticism about the progress
of society. His most recent efforts have been
a virtual call to arms against the Soviet
Union, summed up in his Oct. 21, LIFE
article on Germany.
Mr. Reuther's opportunism, his "one
at a time" policy in the 1945-46 GM
strikes is aptly discussed by Henry Wal-
lace in the New Republic and requires
little comment. He is the same strike
leader who fought a "No-Strike" pledge
at the height of the war. Was this a
facet of liberalism?
Dubinsky's pro-fascist record as a labor
leader speaks for itself. In 1942, his anti-
Sovietism took precedence over his patriot-
ism with a statement, as "The last shot will
be fired by the United States and from that
shot the Stalin regime will be shot to pieces."
This while the Soviet Union was our ally.
He referred to the Roosevelt Administration
as "unconsciously potentially fascist." This
is one of the initiators of the ADA.
Portions of the six cardinal points which
the ADA set forth and to which Mr. Hoff-
man refers as based upon the New Deal
program are rampant with confusion.
They support fully the United Nations and
"the American plan for the International
Control of Atomic Energy." Why the em-
phasis on the American plan? Is it to
be divorded from the general aims of
the UN?
Another of their points: Better standards
of living and support of civil and political
freedoms everywhere, "within the frame-
work of present American foreign policy."
What of American policy in China, the
Philippines, Spain-Is imperialism a part of
American liberalism?
The National Association of Manufac-
turers, the American Action Committee, the
GOP may rejoice. This organization is what
they've been waiting for. A potential split
down the center of the pro-labor forces is
what they need to sow confusion, that they

THREE men of distinction, played by Lio-
nel Barrymore, Edward Arnold and
Lewis Stone, hard of heart and tight of
pocketbook, are awakened to the beauty of
life by a little Irish lass (daughter of a
girl they all loved in days of yore), sacharr-
inally played by Margaret O'Brien. She is
Irish because her mother ran away with
an Irishman. Her faith in the wee folk and
their ultimate faith in her make good Sa-
maritans of the three hard-hearted "wise
fools." Margaret's sincerity and her com-
plete mastery of the Irish brogue are prom-
inent in her reading of the line, "Faith,
man, don't you believe in the wee folk?" The
picture is recommended for people under
six. Thomas Mitchell has a supporting role.
At the Michigan .. .
Johnson, Keenan Wynn.
PHISis a belaboured vehicle concerning
the adventures of a Marine sergeant on
his way home to marry his girl who gets
entangled in a radio show. Once this ele-
mentary plot is constructed, everything is
dragged in but the kitchen sink and this I
believe was somewhere to the left of the
set in the kitchen. The continuity is a little
jarring at times, people and situations keep
coming up and then disappearing without
a follow through. Kennan Wynn is louder
than his humor calls for. Van Johnson is
still Hollywood's Jack Armstrong. Guy
Lombardo and Xavier Cugat flit in and out
as the background music. Sugar-Chile Rob-
inson is the only really interesting piece of
talent to be seen in a mad welter of hyper-
thyroid adults.
-Joan Fiske
Taylor Speech
GLEN TAYLOR, Democratic Senator from
Idaho, on the floor of the United States
Senate on June 26, 1946:
"A United Press report which appeared
in the NEW YORK TIMES of Sunday,
June 23, accuses . . . a Member of this
body . . . of inciting people in his State
to use 'any means' to prevent qualified
voters of his State from exercising their
right to vote for candidates for the United
States Senate. The matter should be
quickly and fully investigated by the Com-
mittee on Privileges and Elections . . .
Ours is the duty, as well as the privilege,
of passing on the credentials of our Mem-
bers, and we cannot disregard charges
such as these without a serious loss of
A great speech this - one that will re-
time to come. The twenty Democratic Sen-
ators who defended Bilbo, the indefensible,
have this upstanding young Senator from
Idaho to thank that the excision of Bilbo-
ism was not entirely a Republican opera-
tion. Senator Taylor started the fight
against Bilbo on June 26, 1946. And he
finished it, with the help of some other
Democrats and of the Republicans whose
appreciation of public morals was superior
to that of those Democratic Senators who
started a filibuster for Bilbo.
(Copyright, 1947, N.Y. Post Syndicate)

Publication in The Daily Official
Bulletin is constructive notice to aii
members of the University. Notices
for the Bulletin should be sent in
typewritten form to the office of the
Assistant to the President, Room 1021
Angell hall, by 3:00 p.m. on the day
preceding publIcation (11:00 a.m. Sat-
VOL. LVII, No. 81
No tices
Student Accounts: Your atten-
tion is called to the following rules
passed by the Regents at their
meeting of February 28. 1936:
"Students shall pay all accounts
due the University not later than
the last day of classes of each se-
mester or summer session. Stu-
dent loans which are not paid or
renewed are subject to this regu-
lation; however, student loans not
yet due are exempt. Any unpaid
accounts at the cose of business on
the last day of classes will be re-
ported to the Cashier of the Uni-
versity and
"(a) All academic credits will
be withheld, the grades for the se-
mester or summer session just
completed will not be released, and
no transcript of credits will be is-
"(b) All students owning such
accounts will not be allowed to
register in any subsequent semes-
ter or summer session until pay-
ment has been made,"
Herbert G. Watkins
Faculty, College of Engineering:
Faculty meeting, 4:15 p.m., Wed..
Jan. 15, Rm. 34, ,W. Engineering
Registration Material of'
L.S.&A., Schools of Education and
Music. Students should present
their Cashier's Receipts for sec-
and semester registration mate-
rials at Rm. 4, University Hall.
See your advisers and secure all
necessary signatures before ex-
aminations begin if possible.
Men graduating in February:
Mr. Lewis from the Cris Craft
Company at Algonac, Michigan,
will be in our office on Wednes-
day, Jan. 15, to interview any men
graduating in February, who are
interested in a position as cost ac-
countant or as general accountant.
Call the Bureau of Appointments,,
201 Mason Hall, ext. 371, for an
Men graduating in February:
Mr. J. K. Myers of the Firestone
Tire and Rubber Company will be
in our office on Thursday, Jan. 16,1
to interview men graduating in
February, for work in their sales,
credit, and accounting depart-
ments. Call the Bureau of Ap-
pointments, 201 Mason Hall, ext.
371, for an appointment.

ing: Mr. W. S. Idler of Aluminum
Company of America will inter-
view Seniors and Graduate stu-
dents of above classification in
the Dept. of Mech. Eng. on Tues-
day, Jan. 14. Interview schedule
is posted on the bulletin board at
Rm. 221 W. Engr. Bldg.
February 1947 Graduates in
Mechanical, Chemical Engineer-
ing and Business Administration:
Mr. D. F. Ellis of The Columbia
Mills, Inc., will interview for po-
sitions in that organization, Wed-
nesday, Jan. 15, in the Mech.-Eng-
Interview schedule is posted on
the bulletin board at Rm. 221 W.
Engr. Bldg.
Attention February Graduates:
College of Literature, Science, and
the Arts, School of Education,
School of Music, School of Public
Health-students are advised not
to request grades of I or X in Feb-
ruary. When such grades are ab-
solutely imperative, the work must
be made up in time to allow your
instructor to report the make up
grade not later than 4 p.m., Feb.
6. Grades received after that time
may defer the student's gradua-
tion until a later date.
Applications for grants in sup-
port of Research projects: To give
Research Committees and the Ex-
ecutive Board adequate time to
study all proposals, it is requested
that faculty members desiring
grants from the Research Fund in
support of research projects dur-
ing 1947-48 file their proposals in
the Office of the Graduate School
by Friday, Feb. 7, 1947. Requests
for continuation of present pro-
jectscorrenewals of previous re-
quests should also be made at
this time. Application forms will
be mailed or can be obtained at
Secretary's O f f i c e, Rm. 1006,
Rackham Bldg., Telephone 372.
Willow Run Village Program:
West Court Community Bldg.
Tues., Jan. 14, 8 p.m., Spanish
Class, Ross School; 8 p.m., Nur-
sery School General Meeting,
Speaker, Miss Patricia Walsh, Su-
pervising Nurse, "Child Health".
Wed., Jan. 15, 7:30 p.m., Rev.
Mr. Edwards' Counselling; 8 p.m.,
Choir Rehearsal.
Thurs., Jan. 16, 3 p.m., Bridge;
8 p.m., Psychology Class; 8 p.m.,
Art-Craft Workshop.
Fri., Jan. 17, 8 p.m., Classical
Music Record Concert.
University Lecture: Dr. Herbert
Feigl, Professor of Philosophy,
University of Minnesota, will lec-
ture on the subject, "The Logic of
Scientific Explanation," at 4:15
p.m., Tues., Jan. 14, Rackham
Amphitheatre; auspices of the De-
partment of Philosophy. The pub-
lis is invited.

Sweeney, former Director of the
Museum of Modern Art, will lec-
ture on the subject, "Henry Moore
and Modern Sculpture' (illus.),
at 4:15 p.m., Thu'rs., Jan. 16,
Rackham Amphitheatre; auspices
of the Department of Fine Arts.
The public is cordially invited.
University Lectures. Dr. T. C.
Lin (Lin Tung-chi), A.B. '28, Vis-
iting Chinese Professor of the
United States Department of
State, will lecture on "The Quest of
the Chinese Mind" in the Rack-
ham Amphitheatre, Wednesday,
Jan. 15 at 4:15 p.m., and Friday,
Jan. 1'?at 4:15 p.m., under thesaus-
pices of the Department of History
and the Degree Program in Orien-
tal Civilizations. The title of the
lectures are as fololows: Jan. 15,
"Humanism or Beyond Human-
ism?" Why and wherefor the mil-
lenial "bella metaphisica" between
the Taoists, Buddhists and Confu-
cianist and who really won out?
Jan. 17, "The Emerging Ethos."
Will the contact with the West
mean China's total intellectual
surrender or the birth of a new
French Lecture: Prof. E. L.
Adams, Romance Language De-
partment, will lecture on the sub-
ject "Le T h e a t r e Patriotique
Francais," at 4:15 p.m., today,
Rm. D, Alumni Memorial Hall;
auspices of Le Cerle Fiancas.
Students in. Wood Technology:
Mr. Leo Jiranek, Consultant De-
signer will speak onhFurniture De-
sign at 11 a.m., Thurs., Jan. 16,
East Lecture Room, Rackham
Bldg. All Wood Technology stu-
dents are expected to attend. Fac-
ulty and students of other Depart-
ments are invited
Academic Notices
Mechanical Engineering 170
students: Prof. E. T. Vincent will
meet the class on Tues. Jan. 14.
History 11, Lecture Sectionl:
Final examination Monday, Janu-
ary 20, 2-5 p.m. Hyma's and Mc-
Culloch'sssections, Rm. G, Haven
Hall; Slosson's, Rm. E, Haven
Hall; all other sections in Water-
man Gymnasium. MaIke-up for
those unable to come at this
hour, Wednesday, Jan. 22, 2-5
p.m., Rm. 322 Haven Hall.
Analytical and Inorganic Semi-
nar: 5 p.m., Tues., Jan. 14, Rm. 151
Chemistry Bldg. Mr. Oscar Men-
is will speak on "The Use of In-
dicator Electrodes in Potentiome-
tric Titration." Open meeting.
Botanical Seminar, 4 p.m., Wed.,
Jan. 15, Rm. 1139, Natural Sci-
ence Bldg. Paper: "The Vegetation
of the Region of Rio de Bavispe in
Northeastern Sonora, Mexico" by
S. S. White. Open meeting.
Seminar on Compressible Flow:
3 p.m., Tues., Jan. 14, Rm. 1213,
E. Engineering Bldg. Dr. R. C. F.
Bartels will speak on "Solutions of
the Equations of an adiabatic
Gas Flow."
Dynamical Systems Seminar: 3
p.m., Tues., Jan. 14. Rm. 3201, An-
gell Hall. Mr. Jerison continues
his talk on "Ergodic Theorem."
(Cortinued on Page 3)

I agree with Mr. Hartman that
it is more than regrettable that
the proposals for eliminating ra-
cial discrimination had to be
modified because of the objec-
tions of the delegates from the
It may interest Mr. Hartman
to know that two-thirds of the
delegates voted the way he
would have voted (against com-
promise) after a speech very
similar to his article was given.
However, intelligent leaders at
the conference persuaded the
delegates to reconsider their
rash action, not to be swayed by
mere emotion of the moment,
and to listen to reason. A most
inspiring example of true demo-
cracy then took place. Reason
and intelligence prevailed and
in two hours of heated debate
the conference by a three-
fourths majority voted for the
compromise. These are the
The Negro delegates, practically
to a man, were in favor of com-
promise with the South. One af-
ter another pleaded with the con-
vention for respect and under-
standing of the South's position,
and for the preservation of the
The Southern delegates showed
that they believed as deeply in
the principles of equality of man
as any Northern delegate. But
they cannot bring back to their
schools radical platforms for the
dissolution of state laws and the
elimination of discrimination in
one blow. Their fellow students,
teachers and parents would laugh,
and heap abuse upon them, and
all the progress they have made
so far would b undone for people
would distrust them and no longer
listen or follow. "Rome was not
built in a day." We in the North
must be tolerant with our south-
ern brethren and allow them to
bring reform in the only way it
can be brought in the South, by
the slow quiet, persistent methods
these liberal leaders are using.
Both the University of Texas and
of Oklahoma are trying to get a
Negro into their schools. Once
the door is ajar there is reason to
believe it may be opened wider.
One Texas delegate stated that
he and others like him are mem-
bers of the National Association
for the Advancement of Colored
Northern students can aid
tremendously the cause of these
Southern liberals. But first they
must show a tolerance and an
understanding of the difficul-
ties of the great problems facing
Southern students in eliminat-
ing the racial problem in its
stronghold, the South, as Mr.
Hartman advises, and ostracize
the Southern liberals from .our
ranks, the problem will be trip-
led for them. . .. We can best
help them by allowing them to
belong to the National Student
Organization from which they
can draw confidence, strength
and aid for their hard, fight.
For too long now in the North
we have listened to well-meaning
idealists like Mr. Hartman, who
confuse the real issues by allowing
their emotional idealism to run
away with them. Tolerance, un-
derstanding, and sympathy for
each other's problems, and respect
for what each of us is trying to do
about these problems' must form
the basis of solution of the racial
problem and also of a good many
world problems...
-George Shepherd, Jr

lMe, ch ~al El neri1. rF ehru-

a E, 17 Graduates: Mr. E. J.
Billings of Babcock & Wilcox I University Lecture: J. B. S. H
Company, New York, and Barber- dane, F.R.S., Professor of Bior
ton, Ohio, will interview for posi- try, University College, Lon
tions in that organization Tues- will lecture on the subject, "Ge
day, Jan. 14, in the Mech. Eng. tics and the Future of Man,'
Dept. Interview schedule is posted 4:15 p.m., Thurs., Jan. 16, Ra
on the bulletin board at Room 221 ham Lecture Hall; auspices
W. Engr. Bldg. the Laboratory of Vertebrate
ology. The public is cordially
February 1947 Graduates in vited.
Mechanical, Industrial-Mechani-
cal and Mettallurgical Engineer- University Lecture: James


Fifty-Seventh Year
Edited and managed by students of
the University of Michigan under the
authority of the Board in Control of
Student Publications.
Editorial Staff
Robert Goldman ...Managing Editor
Clayton Dickey...........City Editor
Milton Freudenheim .Editorial Director
Mary Brush..........Associate Editor
Ann Kutz ............Associate Editor
Paul Harsha ..........Associate Editor
Clark Baker.............Sports Editor
Des Howarth ..Associate Sports Editor
Jack Martin ... Associate Sports Editor
Joan Wilk........... Women's Editor
Lynne Ford .Associate Women's Editor
Business Staff
Robert E. Potter ....Businest Managei
Evelyn Mills
. T ehAssociate Business Manage
Janet Cork Associate Business Managet
Telephone 23-24.1


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Member of The Associated Press

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