:Y POLITICS Latest Deadline in the State A6V t CLOUDY, 1 .CHT RAIN See Page 2 VOL. LVII, No. 81 ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN, TUESDAY, JANUARY 14, 1946 PRICE FIVE CENTS I Combined Flight Service May Start At Willow Run Consolidation Decision ToBe Made By Airline Directors Tomorrow By MAL ROEMER Tomorrow may be recorded as a day of great importance in the history of Willow Run Airport and in the development of commercial aviation in this country. Final decisions on setting up a program of consolidated opera- tions for the airlines using the field are expected to be made at a meeting of the board of directors of Airlines Terminal Corporation in New York tomorrow. If plans which .. lox P nal J-Hop Tiktslo wil Available to m Undergrads f w Bids for After-Dance C T1 Breakfasts on Safe M TFht eare still a few tickets for the J-Hop, will be sold from 9 a.m. til they are all gone at in University Hall. remaining and these today un- the booth Nancy Neuman, ticket chair- man, stressed the fact that fresh- men and sophomores are eligible to buy the tickets. Purchasers must bring exact change, a $5 bill and a $1 bill. Tickets for the J-Hop break- fasts will be sold from 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. today and tomorrow at the booth in University Hall. The tickets will cost $1.50 per couple, and purchasers must bring their J-Hop tickets with them in order to buy the breakfast tickets. The breakfasts will be served from 1 a.m. to 3:30 a.m., Feb. 8 and 9, at the Union and League. A total of 500 couples will be accommo- dated each night. The tickets will be four differ- ent colors, one for each night and each place. They will not be trans- ferable, and students must eat at the place and on the particular night for which they bought the ticket. The breakfast menu will include fruit juice, cereal, bacon, eggs, toast, and coffee or milk. Pi Phi Leads Panrhel Groups In Scholarship The scholarship cup was award- ed to Pi Beta Phi sorority and Scroll, honor society for affiliated women, tapped four women at the annual Pan-hellenic Recognition Night held last night at Rackham Auditorium. Pi Beta Phi with a 2.81 scholas- tic average will keep the cup until next year. Alpha Epsilon Phi and Kappa Alpha Theta took second and third place and were awarded scholarship certificates. Dean Alice C. Lloyd presented the awards for outstanding par- ticipation in campus activities. Jean Griese, Chi Omega, received the senior award, Jeannette Col- lins, Alpha Xi Delta, received the junior award and Virginia Nicklas was awarded the sophomore prize. Clad in traditional black robes, the members .of Scroll tapped the following women: Ruth McMorris, Kappa Alpha Theta; Barbara Everett, Gamma Phi Beta; Jean Griese, Chi Omega; and Margaret Gage, Gamma Phi Beta. The initi- ation will be held at 7 a.m. today in the League chapel followed by a breakfast for all old and new members. Gamma Phi Beta was announced the sorority with the greatest num- ber of activity hours. Speakers for the program were Ira M. Smith, Registrar, Dean Alice C. Lloyd, Sally Stamats, chairman of the event, Margaret Gage, president of Panhellenic As- sociation, Lois Cothran, rushing chairman and C. Gormsen. February Graduates' Dues Will Be Collected the company has developed to t up an Airlines National Termi- J Service Co., Inc., office at Wil- v Run are approved, that field 1 become the first major experi- ent in consolidated terminal rvice in the country. Many services presently per- ormed by the individual airlines ould be taken over by A.N.T.S. o. under the new arrangement. his subsidiary of Airlines Ter- inal Corporation, a cooperative rganization comprised of the rger scheduled airlines of the ountry with an original capi- alization of $500,000, would aim a increase terminal efficiency or the air carriers and passen- ers and to cut operating ex- enses. Services which the new corpora- n may undertake willhinclude iding planes to their hangars, eling and cleaning planes and ding and unloading baggage d cargo. Operations may also be tended to include handling kets, checking baggage and sup- 7ing operating, passenger and rgo information. Announcement of approval of e Willow Run project was ex- cted Saturday but was delayed cause completeagreement was t reached on which services N.T.S. Co. should provide and cause the report of one airline ing the Willow Run field had not en submitted in time to be con- ered by the board. Airlines Terminal Corporation gas organized following a study nr the airlines by Joseph D. IcGoldrick, former controller f New York City. His report iowed that a large amount of ersonnel is idle at airports as a esult of flight schedules. He es- imated that services consolida- ion might effect annual savings f $1,000,000. Since the inception' of commer- 1 flights from Willow Run, Wil- v Run Air Terminal, Inc., a sub- iary of Capital Airlines, has )vided maintenance services for facilities. Under the contract which Capital acquired com- rcial rights to the field from e University, it may transfer >se rights to A.N.T.S. Co. with- t explicit University approval, )viding that the new organiza- n will fulfill the service stipu- ions of the original contract. lets'Checks Lt Post Offlice. T'he Veterans Service Bureau pounced yesterday that the Ann bor Main Post Office is holding ernment checks for the follow- veterans: Bezanker, Abraham; en, William C.; Canyard, Floyd Craighead, Frank C., Jr.; ombs, Gordon Chester; Crane, >nard R.; Kenyon, Ralph Jack; clean, Kenneth Fraser; Mon- ya, John B.; Matheny, William McLouth, Robert Donald; Pope, m L.; Reilly, Florence M. (2 cks); Schreck, Edwin C.; nlin, Jackson R.; Thomas, ,ie M. "hecks for the following veter- s will be returned to Cleveland a. 23. Kent, Eris Ronald; Monahan, in F (2 Checks); Newberry, mmann; Topp, Elwin Wade; ie, John L.; Turton, Walter W. Late Runs Imperiled Offenses Cause 'U' To Act On Problemn By BOB HARTMAN A fraction of one per cent of the 3,000 students living in Wil- low Run are jeopardizing late bus service for the rest. Several infractions of common decency and one actual assault case have prompted University of- ficials to consider discontinuing the 12:15 and 1:15 buses running Friday and Saturday nights. "Apparently students do not realize the trouble University officials have gone through to provide them with transporta- tion," one University official said. He estimated that the buses run at a $10,000 loss carrying 95,000 passengers per month. Many of them are badly worn, necessitat- ing costly repair and maintenance since they cannot be replaced, he said. "We get time and a half for these runs, but when you have to take a lot of guff from some guys, it isn't worth it," one driv- er asserted. "It has just been a handful of men. All the rest of the residents have been swell to us," the driver added, "no one could ask for bet- ter people to work with than the married students out there, but some of those smart-guys who haven't readjusted yet are just a pain in the neck for everyone." In response to'simlar complaints from other drivers, sober students and married inhabitants of the Village, the University asked the house directors to act as chaper- ones aboard the late buses. The incidents which prompted this action started November 30 when a small group of men board- ed the last bus returning to the Village. One of the group got sick, and the others disturbed passen- gers with ribald songs. An increase in the number of incidents the following week eul- inated in a scuffle between a1 -fifty-year-old driver and a pas- senger. The driver was knocked down. Meanwhile University officials conferred with Ken Bissell, Willow Run member of the Student Legis- lature, Col. Walter B. Fariss, Uni- versity veterans coordinator, and, Village house directors.- Seve ral plans of action were proposed by the members. Sugges- tions to use the campus police or to get' paid students to act as1 monitors were finally discarded in favor of the present plan which utilizes the house directors. Chinese Golden Era Explamed Dr. Lin Cites Revoltr Against Aristocracy The Chinese age of enlighten- ment, which occurred between 6151 and 350 B.C., was coincident witht the disintegration of the hierar- chal structure, and understandably so, Dr Lin Tungchi, Michigdnt alumnus and professor of govern- ment and history at the Nationalr Futan University, China, declaredr yesterday. Speaking at a lecture jointlyk sponsored by the history depart- ment and the Oriental CivilizationE Program, Dr. Lin stated that the revolt against the aristocratic an- tecedent gave rise to a qualitative change in Chinese intellectual his- tory as reflected by the philosophy of Confucius and his followers. This new era was one of the en- lightened man, free and individ- ualistic, as opposed to the group flavor of the aristocratic man, Dr. Lin maintained. , Dr. Lin will deliver the last of his lectures on "Humanism and Be- yond Humanism" at 4:15 p.m. to- morrow in the Rackham Amphi- theatre. I* --m R h v ei S fP-46 }Y 'U' ti1j1ales' For uildi gs Anrell Hall, Library Additions Proposed In view of the anticipated en- rollment of 20,500 students during the next academic year, the Uni- versity appropriation request, now in the hands of Dr. John Perkins, state budget director, is expected to exceed all previous budgets for operating expenses and to seek funds for further increases in campus facilities. Vice-President Marvin Nieluss has estimated that the University's requests for operating expenses will surpass $8,500,000 for each year of the 1947-1949 biennium. In addition, he said that the Uni- versity will ask funds to complete the Angell Hall project as a center for the literary college and to double the size of the library. A deficit appropriation in excess of $1,000,000 will also be needed to cover operation expenses of the current year. Committee To Visit It is expected that a visit to the campus by the state House Ways and Means Committee today will provide an occasion for the Univer - sity administration to communi- cate directly to the state legisla- ture the emphatic need for addi- tional campus construction if the University is to maintain a su- perior level of instruction. The additions to Angell- Hall and the library were included in the $15,000,000, five-year construc- tion program submitted to the spe- cial legislature session last year. Following a blanket approval of the program, the legislature passed an initial appropriation to start the five educational buildings now under construct ion. Removals Scheduled When completed, the Angell Hall extension will make possible the demolition of several of the ancient structures dreaded by stu- dents because of their hazards and inadequate facilities. University Hall, Mason hall, South Wing, Economics and Pharmacology Building, Romance Language Building and Haven Hall have un- officially been scheduled for re- moval. Library Director Warner G. Rice has pointed out that both the increase in enrollment and the great additions made to the li- brary's book and exhibit collec- tions have made imperative the expansion of the library structure. For the past several years,.he has observed modern developments in library improvements-reading room lighting, making greater numbers of books readily accessible and preservation of rare books-- with a view towards making the li- brary extension the most adequate structure possible. Garg Still Available Two hundred fifty additional copies of the January Gar- goyle are still available to stu- dents who were unable to pur- chase their copies yesterday. They will be placed on sale starting at 9 a.m. today on campus. No person may re- serve a copy, but a policy of "first come, first served" will be followed until the magazines are sold. _J ;,.,777 FIFTEEN PERSONS AND CREW MEMBERS KILLED IN PLANE CRASH-Fifteen passengers and 3 crew members died in the wreckage of this Ea stern Air Lines plane when it crashed near Galax, Va. The plane was bound for Miami from Detroit. -or alI es i Se e r; x cceed r IIent * * * * Worid News Roundup By The Associated Press NEW YORK, Jan. 13.-Authori- tative sources said today that Great Britain will suppoit the Upited States in insisting that at nic energy control T 7t C priority over general disarmament if there is a showdown with Rus- sia in the United Nations Security Council. Russia is insisting that "all phases" of world disarmament be taken up inmediately by the 11- nation security body. She is op- posed to givifL- priority to atomic enerry control. WASHINGTON, Jan. 13.-The CIO forgot its enmity with John L. Lewis today to battle by his side in the Supreme Court against what it termed "the evils of gov- ernment by injunction." It filed a brief as "friend of the court" assailing the contempt con- viction and $3,510,000 fines against the United Mine Workers and Lewis. The contempt was based on disregard of a lower court's re- straining order at the time of the soft coal strike. The CIO claimed the order would have compelled Lewis "to violate his oath of office." * * * LONDON, Jan. 13. - Britain's labor government and employer and union representatives hurried- ly set up new negotiating machin- ery tonight in an effort to end a mushrooming series of strikes threatening vital food distribu- tion.. This development came as the government's use of troops to re- place 21,000 striking truck drivers brought an angry reaction from labor union members throughout the country. There was some fear that sympathy walkouts in Lon- don and other British cities would grow to general strike proportions. WASHINGTON, Jan. 13.-The Democratic organization in the Senate opened a drive today for sufficient insurgent Republican votes to block continuation of two special committees of the old Con- gress. The object is to defeat resolu- tions for extension of the special War Investigating Committee and the Senate Small Business Com- mittee, when the vote comes Wed- nesday. John Mason Brown To eg, lators Demand Aviation Probe, Say Public Is 'Scared' WASHINGTON, Jan. 13.-UP)- Cries that recent airplane crashes are making the American people "afraid to fly" and demands for investigation were voicod in Con- gress today on the eve of a Senate sCOnn t's sched led broad ex- aminatiori of commercial aviation. Although this inquiry by the Senate Commerce Committee will embrace the question of safety precautions, House members urged a separate investigation by that branch of Congress. "Thle American people are hor- rified and scared to death," Rep. Rivers (Dem.-S.C.) told the House. "If there is something wrong with the whole doggone set-up, then something should be done." He called attention to the crash of an Eastern Airlines plane near Galax, Va., yesterday with the loss of 18 lives and to the emergency Brie Contest Finalists Listed The following students have qualified for the final round of play in the duplicate bridge tour- nament to be held at 7:30 p.m. Thursday in the Grand Rapids Room of the League: Eugene Brody and Phillip Lan- ger, Gil Silverman and Bob Schwartz, Al Pappas and Norris Damonque, John Greenson and Tracy Denninger, Schuster Siegel and Mickey Lowenstein, Jim Gib- son and Scott Jaggen, Ken Hanna and Jim Gordy, Art Maier and James Gould, William Teswell and Gordon Johnson, Lee Williams and Mel Sonilay, Jerry Host and James Zeblon and Michael An- brosy and John Boeckerman. Four pair of players will be chos- en from the final winners to rep- resent the University in the Great Lakes zone play-off. Zone win- ners will compete in the Chicago finals. landing last week of an airliner on a Long Island, N.Y., beach. Senator Brewster (Rep.-Maine), a member of the Senate Commerce Committee, said, "People are get- ting afraid to fly." "The situation is destroying popular confidence," lie told re- porters. "There won't be anybody flying if it keeps on." ykSt. Mary's Will Hold Rites for Alberto Saenz Memorial services for Albert Saenz, 54, one of two passengers traveling from Ann Arbor who were killed in the Virginia airlines crash early Sunday, will be held at 9 a.m. tomorrow in St. Mary's Stu- dent Chapel. Saenz was visiting his wife, Ag- nes, and son, William, a graduate student in the University. Albert F. Pimienta, 24, the other crash victim, was 'an old school friend of the younger Saenz. Saenz, an advertising executive in Columbia, made frequent trips to Ann Arbor where his wife lives permanently. Pimienta, a chemical engineer for a Columbian textile firm, was a member of the faculty at Uni- versidad Bolivariana. He had been made a member of the University section of the American Chemical Society during his visit here.. House Committees WASHINGTON, Jan. 13 - (A1) -The lion's share of House com- mittee chairmanships went to the Michigan delegation today with announcement of Republican com- mittee assignments. The Michigan members will head five if the 19 committees, more than any other delegations. In.ebruary e istratfios Legislative Visitors To Consider Requests Although University officials expect a drop in the spring semes- ter enrolment, President Alexan- der G. Ruthven predicted yester- day that fall enrollment might top all previous figures at 20,500 stu- dents. This while enrollment in the spring will probably drop below normal because of the small number of veterans who are re- turning, according to Vice- President Marvin L. Niehuss, the estimates for next September exceed the present figure of 18,848 by 1,652. President Ruth- ven indicated that only twice in the University's 110 years has an increase been shown in the spring semester enrollment. Present requests for admission were canvassed in arriving at the figure of 20,500, President Ruth- ven said. Using this estimate, University officials have present- ed budget requests to the State Budget Director which they will discuss w iti the House Ways and Means Committee when it visits the campus today. President Ruth- ven said that requests for appro- priations to complete the current buildings and proposed new build- ings will also be discussed. The Lniversity expects to be able to meet the demands of qualified residents who apply while continuing its policy of priorities for Michigan veterans, high school graduates and trans- fers. Although it is not yet certain that housing will be available, two large dormitories are now under costruction to be used for veter- ans by provision of the priority grants under which they are be- ing built. Dormitory priorities will also be given to freshmenras far as possible. Survey Tests' Are Discussed Likert, Katona Speak To lE conomics Club Stating that m'otivational analy- sis has proven to be a significant device for measuring the impor- tance of information and misin- formation that people have, Pro- fessors Rensis Likert and George Katona, of the Survey Research Center, discussed "The Sample Question Survey as a Tool of Eco- nomic Research" at a meeting of the Economics Club last night. On the basis of surveys they conducted for the Treasury De- partment and the Federal Reserve Board on spending and saving pat- terns in the United States, they pointed out that predictions of fu- ture patterns based on purely eco- nomic analyses have frequently been inadequate because of neg- lect of "the human element." In addition to economic causes, such predictions, they said, must consider motivational, attitudinal and intention elements. They also pointed out that an- alyses based only on aggregative and averaged data tell nothing of the processes by which the infor- mation shown are fashioned. "They must be supplemented by individual, microscopic data," such as collected by Survey Research in its area-sampling research. This, they said, can extend the signifi- cance and usefulness of economic data. Detroit Council Backs Toledo Strike Program DETROIT, Jan. 13-(,P)-A Ia- 'NO ONE ELSE FOOLISH ENOUGH': Monopoly Reply: Picture Service Closes BETTER MOVIES TOO: Increased Costs of Operation Bring Higher Ticket Charges The increase in ticket prices for "Even with the increase, Ann local movie-goers to 35 and 50 Abrtetepie r tl oe cents was attributed yesterday to Arbor theatre prices are still lower a desire to "bring the students the than any you would find in other pictures they want" and to an at- comparable locations," Jerry Hoag, tempt to meet the increased costs manager of theMichigan, said. of operation. Hlave Shown Everything By HARRY LEVINE As an answer to "monopoly" charges leveled against him, Bob Gach, campus photographer, action was decided after a student committee representing the J-Hop, the Union and the League had vis- ited him and, according to Gach, "We were neither for Gach nor against him; we were simply looking into his prices as a pro- tective and economic measure