RACIAL HYPOCRISY Latest Deadline in the State . t1 CLOUDY, WARMER See Page 2 VO.LINo.79 ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN, SATURDAY, JANUARY 11, 1947 - .. ._ . _. _ - _ _ _ - PRICE FIVE CENTS J-Hop Chairman Answers Letter, From Objectors Youngblood Denies Band Mediocrity; Assures Students of Money's Worth II. ii Twenty-eight students who complain in a lettek on today's edi- torial page that they are "reeling from the body blow" caused by an- nouncement of the bands for this year's J-Hop were answered last night by Dennis Youngblood, J-Hop chairman. The students charge that the two bands, Jimmy Lunceford and Ziggy Elman, "are at best mediocre and hardly worth the bigtime fee of six dollars." Youngblood guaranteed that the entertainment this year will be worth six dollars. He said that this is the cheapest ticket price in re- - cent history for the J-Hop. Dance-goers will get a special S W-im m ers program favor, free refreshments, continual music and "the best D efeat M SC decorations available in the Mid- wes"according to Youngblood. He took exception to the 54uad 9 charge of mediocrity, declaring that "Jimmy Lunceford has one of the finest and most respected Sohl, Weinberg Lead bands in the musical world." -es W"We were also fortunate to get Wolverines to Win Ziggy Elman who has formed a i _ M_ -- __ in lonq iiin mc n mc By CLARK BAKER Michigan's swimmers captured seven of nine firsts but it was not until the final event on last night's program that the Wol- verines were able to clinch a well- eamned 45-39 triumph over a fighting Michigan State tank squad at the Sports Building pool. The victory preserved a 25-year Maize and Blue domination over their Upstate rivals and stretched the Wolverines string of wins over the Spartans to 24 without a set- back. Tonight the Michigan nata- tor will journey to Buffalo, N. Y., to meet the University of Toronto swimming team in another dual meet. Victory Won in Relay With the score 37-35 for Matt Mann's squad, State needed only a triumph in the 400-yard freestyle relay, closing race of the evening, to snap the Wolverine jinx. But 'the Maize and Blue freestyle quar- tet was equal to the occasion. Charley Moss led off for the Wolverines and after a neck-and- neck dual with Jim Duke, man- aged to hand Bill Kogen, Mann's No. 2 man, a one-foot lead. Kogen pushed the margin to two yards and Harry Holiday, swimming in the No. 3 slot, opened the lead to five yards. Anchor man Dick Weinberg coasted in and the Wol- verines had clinched the meet with a sparkling 3:31.8 for the re- lay. Weinberg Only Double Winner Weinberg was the only double- winner of the night but it was Bob Soh's brilliant winning ef- fort in the 200-yard breast stroke that stole the limelight. Swim- ming against Dave Siebold, the Spartan's national AAU outdoor king of 1945, Sohl raced to leads of one-and-one-half, two and five yards for the first three 50's and then outlasted Siebold's belated bid to win by two yards in 2:24.8. Weinberg took both sprints as See SWIMMERS, Page 3 Senior Cops Dance Ducat in Union Contest Charles D. Johnson, '47, became the- luckiest hungry student on campus yesterday when he col- lared the Union "mystery man" in the lobby of that building, win- ning a free meal and ticket to the dance tonight for himself and his date. The mystery manhunt was staged by the Union house com- mittee, which is holding open house from 1 to 5 p.m. at the Un- ion today for the entire campus to acquaint it with the many fa- cilities available to men students. Not only will women students be permitted to cross the usually for- bidden threshold of the Union front door, but magic will be in the air with the demonstration of unusual scientific feats in the Rainbow Room where General Eletric will present its famed "House of Magic." Continuous dancing will be available in the north lobby in the afternoon and in the Rainbow Room in the evening to the music Dorsey's old musicians as a nu- tcleus for his new group," he add- ted. Youngblood said that his com- mittee had tried hard to get other name-.bands for the dance. "Since Harry James, the Dorseys, Woody Herman, Artie Shaw, Les Brown and others are breaking up, we rhad to bid against theatres, ball- rrooms, hotels and other J-Hops all over the country," he said. r Costs were budgeted before- hand and the committee does not expect to have "charity" money, 'as the letter suggests, according to Youngblood. Open. Sale Will n Start Monday A general sale of J-Hop tickets will start at 9 a.m. Monday fol- lowing a sale of reserved tickets to those students holding accepted applications between 9 a.m. and noon today in the booth in U Hall. Identification cards and ac- cepted 'applications must be pre- sented in order to purchase tickets. Applicants who do not buy their tickets today will not be able to claim them later, according to Nancy Neumann, ticketchairman. Tickets cost $6, which must be paid with the exact amount, a $5 bill and a $1 bill. Checks will be accepted if made out to the Uni- versity. Sigler Fr 's MUCC Head LANSING, Jan. 10--R)--E T. Dormer, acting director of the Michigan Unemployment Com- pensation Commission was ordered removed by Governor Sigler to- day on charges of "malfeasance .and maladministration." Th e governor recommended that Dormer he replaced "pro- visionally" by Edward L. Cuch- man of Detroit, director of the Wayne University Institute for Industrial Relations and wartime director of the Michigan War Manpower Commission. Sigler said he based his charges on evidence that had come to him1 from the recently created un- employment compensation study] commission.] U' Building Halt Averted The threat of a general wal-i out by construction workers on the University building pro gramwas averted yesterday after company officals agreed to) reinstate three laborers w ho had been fired for alleged loaf- ing on the job. Some 60 workmen, who had walked off the Chemistry Building extension job last Wednesday, will return to wrk Monday along with 100 others who were idled by the walkout, according to Lloyd (lckner, business manager of huilding Trades Local 959. Clickner conferred yesterday with W. M. Robinson, general superintendent for the con- struction company, to settle the grievances. The dispute centered around the ability of a company su- perintendent to dismiss work- men on the job. Clickner main- tained this is contrary to union 'policy since firing is normally done by o"mpany foremen. Louis llackbarth, secretary of the Bricklayers, Masons and Plasterers Union Local 14, de- nied a report that plasterers had gone on strike after several men had been sent home due to inclement weather claiming they were denied two hours "show-up" pay by the company. Student Vets To Meet Here In February Statewide Delegates Will Discuss Needs Student veterans from college campuses throughout the state of Michigan will meet here Feb. 9 to discuss the over-all problems of veteran needs. Delegates representing both student veterans' organizations and independent veterans will detal with the specific issues of housing, subsistence and im- provements in educational facili- ties. Welcome Address Tentatively planned to be held in the Rackham Building, the con- ference will hear an address of welcome by President Alexander G. Ruthven. Col. Phillip C. Pack, state director of veterans affairs, will speak to the delegates on the functioning of the Veterans Ad- ministration. Educational facili- ties for veterans will be discussed by Dean Rapport of the Wayne University literary college. Veteran Organizations The three campus veteans or- ganizations, AVC, VO and WVC, are working in cooperation to make the' conference a success, and a resolution passed by the student legislature has assured its complete support. A preparatory meeting was held here Dec. 12 with repiesentatives from Wayne University, the Uni- versity of Detroit, Detroit Insti- tute of Technology, Michigan State, Kalamazoo and Hillsdale. A° second meeting to complete final< plans is set for Jan. 26. Housing Plans 1 Present plans call for a dinner for the delegates the afternoon of the conference. Definite plans for housing the delegates have yet to be completed, but an attempt is being made to secure facilities in dormitories andt private rooms and at Willow Vil- lage. 37- Biliion A ssailed by Republican Leaders Tru man's 1947 Budget Outlines :2: * * * * * House Groupa IWants Paeif it Bases Held Retention Seen Vital f1or National Safety By Th Associated Press WASHINGTON, Jan. 10 -A House naval subcommittee grimly advised the United States toda to hold and man a far-flung chair of "stepping stone" bases in th Pacific-among them the Japa- nese mandated islands - against the possibility of war. "If used in reverse, they coul become stepping stones onto ou continental shores," declared the three-man group. It returned les than a month ago from a 20-day 13,105-mile survey of the Pacii bases. The committee's formal report to Congress contained but a single reference to the United Nations, saying merely that "many matters will be settled on an international plane" by that organization. Nor did it mention at all the UN trusteeship council, or the possibility that any or all of the islands may be placed under its supervision, as has been proposed in some quarters. Instead, it said at one point that island air land- ing strips could be maintained at a low cost, "using natives super- vised by mlitary government per- sonnel" In many respects, the new demands for retention of Pa- ciie bases by the United States duplicated those of more than a year earlier. But the com- mittee's newly-lodged report came after crystalization of the trustee council proposals with- in UN's framework. It recommended that air strips built "at great cost in blood, lives and money" on the Pacific islands should be "kept in repair and readiness for use at any time." 10o1 P ~rices Begin Major Drop in U.S. CHICAGO, Jan. 10--('P)-The American housewife's soaring food budget finally has started down. For the first time since war ex- ploded over Europe in 1939, more retail food prices are being marked down than up, a coast to coast spot survey of representative cities showed today. Butter, which broke sharply on the Chicago wholesale market and registered declines on the New York, San Francisco and Los An- geles markets, was among the list of major food items falling in price. The Atlantic and Pacific Tea Company announced butter prices would be slashed five cents a pound in its Chicago and Detroit area stores and 3 cents in New York tomorrow. Most other cities reported a steady decline in but- ter prices since December peaks. Food wholesalers in Chicago said the only major commodity still showing an upward price trend was coffee. Price reductions al- ready have been made at the retail level in numerous cities on lard, fresh and canned meats, canned citrus fruit juices and dried peaches and dried apples, they added. Campus Body To Hear Kicks A medium for initiating action upon student suggestions and complaints was established by a Stiudnt T oiesT iir mmimift STUDY GOVERNMENT FINANCES - Chairmen of four Congressicnal committees go into a huddle in Washington over the President's budget message. Left to right: Styles Bridges (Rep.- N.H.), Senate Appropriations; Rep. Harold Knutson (Rep.-Minn.), House Ways and Means; Sen. Eugene D. Millikin (Rep.-Colo.), Senate Finance and Rep. John Tader, House Appropriations. Spending Program, World News at a Glance By The Associated Press OSLO, Norway, Jan. 10-The Norwegian Foreign Ministry issued a communique today saying that Russia had made a wartime request for special privileges in Spitsbergen, strategic Arctic archipelago, and indicating that further negotiations could be expected. LAKE SUCCESS, N. Y., Jan. 10-The United Nations Security Council late today agreed to take over the administration of the free territory Hof Trieste. The vote was 10 to 0, with Australia ab- staining. Norman J. O. Making, Australian delegate and council chair- man, said his country still objected to legal aspects of the agree- ment but would abstain in the final ballot. LONDON, Jan. 10-Great Britain's labor government ordered the nation's military forces today to move food and other necessities held up by a strike of more than 16,000 truck drivers. The strikers fought back by calling for widespread sympathy walkouts. Service chiefs planned-in answer to an urgent directive from the Prime Minister's office to the Army, Navy and Royal Air Force- to start meat, potatoes and other commodities moving by Army truck and all other necessary carriers from heaped-up warehouses. LANSING, Jan. 10--The state's chief disbursing officers to- day abruptly "froze" receipts of the $13,000,000 monthly sales tax, and Governor Kim Sigler planned a conference of local officials in the latest reverberations of the sales tax diversion amendment. Auditor General Murl K. Aten and State Treasurer D. Hale Brake in a joint statement declared they intend "to hold all funds in controversy and not pay them out to the municipalities, the - schools or the state until official interpretation has been made." PEIPING, Jan. 10-China will open formal negotiations with Rus- sia for return of Dairen, Manchurian port, to Chinese authority "in the near future," Gen. Hsiung Shih-Hui declared today. Hsiung, director of Generalissimo Chiang Kai-Shek's Mukden headquarters, stopped off in Peiping en route to Nanking for a con- ference. He said no formal negotiations had yet been held and that Chinese forces which marched to the northern approaches of Dairen some weeks ago still were marking time.1 Ball Proposes, Strike Limits In Labor Bill Law Would Confine Collective Bargaining WASHINGTON, Jan. 10-()-- Senator Ball (Rep., Minn.) intro- duced a bill today which he said would prevent industry -wide strikes, limit the scope of collec- tive bargaining, and make it im- possible "for John L. Lewis to be an absolute dictator." Put briefly, the latest of Ball's series of labor bills would confine collective bargaining either to a single company or to companies in a single city of area-in no case more than 100 miles wide. It would reduce the power of the national officers of unions. Ball told a news conference the national unions could "advise but not dictate." He said that under his bill they would tend to become bodies re- sembling indusry's trade associa- tions, and the local unions would gain all the power that the na- tional unions lost. Ball said the problem of break- ing up "labor monopolies" was "by all odds the most important prob- lem in this field." As he submitted his far-reach- ing proposal there were two other important labor developments in Congress, vividly different: 1. Eight Democratic senators sponsored a proposal to create a 20-man investigating commission to carry out one of the recommen- dations President Truman made in his message to Congress last Mon- day. 2. Rep. Hoffman (Rep., Mich.) introduced in the House a bill that would repeal the Wagner Act, abolish the National Labor Rela- tions Board, and give the federal courts authority to issue "any or- der" necessary to promote indus- trial harmony. GOP Attacks StandAganst Tax Slashes Army, Navy, Airways Figure in Requests By 'the Associated Press WASHINGTON, Jan. 10-Pres- ident Truman today proposed a $37,528,000,000 spending program; for the government in the next fiscal y e a r and Republicans promptly blasted it as far too high. Mr. Truman, in an annual mes- sage, called his budget realistic and "hard boiled" but Chairman Taber (Rep.-NY) of the House Appropriations Committee set out to trim it by "at least $3 or $4 billions." In submitting his budget for the 12 months beginning July 1, Mr. Truman coupled with it a plea not to cut taxes. He said that by continuing high taxes it will be possible to show a slight margin above expendi- tures for the first time in 18 years. Recommending that the Army be given $6,658,000,000 and the Navy $4,423,000,000 to be pre- pared at home and carry out com- mitments abroad in the next As- cal year, with other money for stocking up on critical raw ma- terials for war goods, the Presi- dent buttressed his proposals with these statements: 1. Some "optimistic assump- tions" made in planning for the current year failed to materialize or develop to the extent predicted. As an example, peace treaties have not been concluded. 2. Military occupations in Eur- ope and Japan must continue. 3. By any cut in his estimate for 1948 we "immediately weaken our international position." 4. The advent of new weapons capable of striking vast distances without warning compels provis- ions for an adequate reserve force of trained men to support the regular armed forces in repelling a sudden initial attack. 5. Defense ,under the mode of modern war "requires us to push ahead in scientific and techno- logical fields"-so the Army and Navy together should receive $530,000,000 for research, slightly above rate for this year. 6. The present defense estab- lishment requires larger forces, more complex mechanized equip- ment and more extensive devel- opmental activity than before the war. The new budget calls for $54,552,000 for the Civil Aero- nautics Administration to oper- ate the airways, compared with $39,993,000 this year. The pro- posal for establishment and op- eration of air navigation facili- ties is $24,194,000 for 1948, as compared with $19,622,000. Mr. Truman told Congress that "air transport will be seriously retarded unless new air-navigation facilities are promptly supplied. Republican Congressmen almost unanimously assailed President Truman's $37,528,000,000 budget as too high. Even Senator Hatch (Dem.-N. M.), said that "there should be vast savings made in the armed services outlay without impairing national defense if duplication of effort and waste are elminated." Chairman Bridges (Rep.-NH) of the Senate Appropriations Committee called the message "a cold shock to the American taxpaying public" which had expected "tax reduction, debt reduction and cost-of-living re- duction." However,. Rep. Cannon, Dem.- Mo.), former chairman of the House Appropriations Committee, called it "a timely, sound and con- structive program." GOING TO PRISON? Sociology Course in Penology To Be Offered Next Semester The sociology department will initiate a new course next semes- ter which will prepare students to go directly to prison. Such a destination is not an un- likely one for many students who are interested in the fileld of Pe- nology. The new course, called Prison Management, will be in- corporated as a permanent part of the curriculum, and will offer qualified students the opportunity to do field work within Michigan penal institutions. Heyns To Lecture Woodul Balks At Snow Pact Jeep Fleet Operator Demands Own Figure The problem of removing snow from Ann Arbor's sidewalks was bounced right back into the lap of the city council yesterday. James Woodul, operator of a fleet of ten jeeps hired by the city to clear walks not already cleared by householders, yesterday re- fused to accept a 50 per cent slash by the board of public works to his demands of $5,742.89 for ex- penses already incurred. The board countered his"estimate with a pro- posal to make payment of $2,800 for the four snow removals Woodul has made. Woodul has refused to sign the new cost-plus contract unless the council agrees to his figures. This REFORM INITIATED: Kallenbach Says Republican Influence Still Unpredictable Airport Gets New Rating The Civil Aeronautics Adminis- tration announced last night that the Ann Arbor airport, now listed as class two, would be improved to the status of a class three airport with the aid of government funds during the first year of the federal airport program. terest in the field will be permit- ted to enroll in the course. Prison Management Subject matter will include a study of the problems of prison management and procedures which have developed. Problems of administration including classifi- cation, education, vocational train- ing, recreation, labor and parole of prisoners will be taken up both in class and field work, which will be carried on in various types of penal institutions. It is not possible to predict the effectiveness of Republican Con- gressional leadership since that party has had little opportunity to exercise its potentialities in recent years, Prof. Joseph E. Kallenbach, of the political science department, declared yesterday. Prof. Kallenbach also pointed out that the internal nganization publicans in the majority role. A number of criticisms have been directed toward the concen- tration of important Senate posi- tions in a few men such as Taft, Vandenberg and White. However, Prof. Kallenbach pointed out a mi- tigating circumstance in this sys- tem in that the Senate is plan- ninLO- tn alternats essionsdavs