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January 10, 1947 - Image 4

Resource type:
The Michigan Daily, 1947-01-10

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New iberals Explained

A brand new liberal movement was born
last weekend-the Americans for Demo-
cratic Action-an organization of progres-
sives that specifically bars Communists
from its membership.
In yesterday's column "All or Nothing,"
E. E. Ellis refers to the ADA as "several
men, who have the audacity to call them-
selves liberals . ."
Who are the 150' men who met in Wash-
ington last weekend to form the ADA?
The co-chairmen of ADA are Wilson
Wyatt, former Housing Expediter, and
Leon Henderson, former OPA administra-
tor. The keynote address at the confer-
ence was delivered by Mrs. Eleanor Ro-
osevelt, who is, also a member.
Other ADA leaders include Charles Bolte
and Gil Harrison, chairman and vice-chair-
man of the American Veterans Committee,
Walter White, head of the NAACP, Frank-
lin D. Roosevelt; Jr., Chester Bowles, Paul
Porter, and Elmer Davis.
Prominent labor leaders are also among
the list-James Carey, David Dubinsky,
Walter Reuther, representatives of Phil
Murray, and seven other CIO and AFLB
There are also some well-known writers:
Marquis Childs, Louis Fischer, ,Edgar
Mowrer, .and Thomas Stokes. George
Edwards, president of the Detroit Common

Council, Malyor Hubert Humphrey of
Minneapolis, and Bishop G. Bromley Ox-
nam can also be added.
These are the people whom Mr. Ellis says
"have the audacity to call themselves lib-
erals." It is indeed a strange line of rea-
soning that states a man is no longer a
liberal when he is anti-Communist.
The immediate objective of ADA is "a
reconstruction of the.liberal movement free
of totalitarian influence from either the
Left or the Right." Six cardinal principles
were laid down based on the New Deal pro-
gram for "a decent level of health, nutrition,
shelter, and education;" civil liberties to all
regardless of race, color, creed, or sex; full
support of the UN; and poligical and civil
It is interesting to note that the Chi-
cago Sun, the New York Post, the New
York Times and PM gave the ADA a nice
buildup. Harold Ickes, who also has the
audacity to call himself a liberal, said in
his column the other day, "A true pro-
gresgive movement has no chance of suc-
cess unless it rigidly excludes Commun-
The Daily Worker, however, said that
the ADA conference was infiltrated with
men "whose main theme is that FDR be-
trayed the USA in his entire war and post-
war policy." (Can you imagine Mrs. Roose-
velt, Wyatt, or Henderson saying that FDR
betrayed the USA?) The Worker concludes
with. "An anti-Communist Left is a fiction.
Those who wave that banner have no pro-
gressive intentions."
Mr. Ellis seems politically naive in imply-
ing that liberals must ally themseves with
Communists in order to be liberal.
Walt Hoffmann
V1 .

_. ._ _ .


Editorials published in The Michigan Daily
are written by embers of The Daily staff
and represent the views of the writers only.


NIGHT EDITORS: Mintz and Bagrow
S..A. "

""I -L.LIIutD I IrIfj j tcU UUJet

E xa mple
THE IMMEDIATE cause of Theodore G.
Bilbo's postponement of his fight for a
seat in the Senate, of course, is to be re-
gretted. No one can fail to feel sympathy
for a man with such a disease as that from
which he is suffering. However, citizens ev-
erywhere are entitled to rejoice over the
rebuff that has been given to what Mr.
Bilbo represented in our public life. The
fight on Bilboism has resulted in a notable
victory but the struggle should go on. It
must not end until every Senator and Repre-
sentative learns that relying upon the issue
of racial intolerance will bar him from the
Congress. It must go on until there can be
no suspicion that any Congressman would
think of using his 'official position as a
means of enriching himself, either directly
or indirectly.
It Is too bad that all the members of
Congress do not come within the category
of disinterested and patriotic public ser-
vants. Fortunately, it can be said, with
every confidence, that the overwhehning
number of them are above venality in
any form. The honest legislator is en-
titled to protection from the dishonest
one, just as the United States Senate
owed it to itself to refuse to permit Bilbo
to take the oath of office. There should
be some check on the business connee-
tions, the investments and the non-official
income of members of Congress. When
I was Administrator of Public Works I
required every employe in a position to
make important decisions to submit a list
of the investments, not only of himself,
but of the members of his immediate
family. This information was held by
me in the strictest confidence, but no
employe ever objected to giving it to me.
Why should not the Senate and the House
set up a small joint committee composed
of members of the highest character and
integrity to which all Senators and Repre-
sentatives should be required to make re-
ports of the investments and income of
themselves and those of their immediate
family? It shouldhbe especially incumbent
upon lawyer-members to disclose their out-
side sources of income. It is through law
firms that legislators are frequently in-
fluenced to vote for or against a certain
measure. By employing a particularlaw
firm, a member of which may also be a
member of the Congress, retainers and fees
can be collected and a share of them go
to the lawyer-legislator. This is a situation
that calls for discriminating but firm hand-
ling if the Congress is to rid itself of the
suspicion with which some of its members
are frequently regarded.
While I am a member of the bar I can-
not ignore the disposition of many who
seek favors from the Government to em-
ploy a law firm, a member of which may
be an influential Senator or Representa-
tive. It is unfortunately the fact that
there are law firms which are willing to
take business that is offered although a
member of the firm occupies a prominent
and infliential position in Washington.
The fees that are sluiced into the account
of the firm are then distributed, with the
statesman-member getting his share on
the pretense that it is not he, but his
firm, that is doing the particular job.
This is an intolerable situation. Since
the law-firm approach is the easy one
and the one most frequently used to bring
influence to bear, every lawyer who is
elected to either house or Senate owes
it to himself, to resign from his firi and
(Copyright, 1947, N.Y. Post Syndicate)



mIY! 5NOTF: lo letter to the
e rI.to wiiih w printed unless signed
and writ O' in good taste. Letters
ove v 3( " nrdi i" lengthwill he
shortened or omitted; ini special in-
stances, they wilt he printed, at the
discretion of the editorial director.
1fciul~ns (1's /AbroadIf
To the Editor-
AM eompletely nauseated with
the mplied idea that has ex-
is ted for over a year that the
Ameriean occupation s o l d i e r
amuses himself with various deeds
of viol:ncc, among them being
rape, arson, and murder.
As a combat infantryman and
occulaion soldier in Germany
my lie-smiled pride as a man and
American soldier requires me to
set the "American public," who-
ever hose rmisguided souls might
be, straight on this travesty of
the t1'1th.
I will admit without reserva-
tiOnfl; that the American occupa-
tion soldier was a bit wild-some
will dispute the "bit," however,
that is the standard I hold to.
The "bit" only existed because
of two factors: (1) the stupid,
short-sigh1,ited policy of chaotic
redeployment -- forced upon the
army i;y the very men that wish
to investigat, it now!! (2) the

"Not icicles, madam - stalactites!"

The always grave problem of traffic safety,
is asuming increasing importance. Taking
stock we find it now affects every member
of the student body and faculty of the Uni-
versity community.
According to a year-end report issued
by local police authorities, the sum total
of traffic accidents involving both motor-
ists and pedestrians reached an all-time
high for 1946. Over 1,000 accidents were
marked up in Ann Arbor during the past
year, An increase of 20 per cent over the
previous year.
Clearly this is a problem which cannot be
ignored. With over 4,000 driving permits
authorized for student drivers this year the
responsibility for prudent driving rests
squarely upon the individual motorist. Only

Letters to the Editor.

when the motorist becomes conscious of the
rising traffic toll, can we hope for a reduc-
tion in the number of people injured or
killed each year in accidents.
The blame for this steadily multiplying
accident rate cannot all be laid at the feet
of the motorist, however. Too often it is
the careless pedestran who is at fault.
Pedestrians often adopt the attitude .of
the Persian, who throws his cloak about
him and rushes across the street trusting
to Allah's protection.
The need for increased traffic safety on
the part of both motorist and pedestrian is
clearly evident. With the exercise of addi-
tional caution throughdut the new year the
mounting traffic toll can be cut appreciably.
-Bob Hartman

Unity Built on a Narrow Base



THE REPUBLICANS are being rather
charming about President Truman's
message. Speaker Martin praises its "fine
cooperative spirit." Mr. B. Carroll Reece,
chairman of the Republican National Com-
mittee, a man who is almost required by
occupational considerations to turn pink
with rage when a Democratic President
says anything, feels that "expectations of
wholehearted, patriotic, bi-partisan cooper-
ation" are stimulated by the President's
composition for the spring semester.
There were moments during the delivery
of the message when there was more ap-
plause from the Republican side of the
chamber than from the Democratic, as the
GOP thrilled to the spectacle of a Demo-
cratic President making a bid to it, amiably
ruffling the short hairs at the back of its
neck, and beaming upon it.
A certain amount of Republican purr-
ing is to be expected, because it is in the
nature of all of us to make organic re-
sponse when petted. But the purring, of
course, will continue only so long as the
petting does. And the GOP will, I think,
demand more petting in the future. There
are, already, little mewlings and tender
whimperings to the effect that it would
be nice if the President showed a little
more unity about curbing labor, and a
little more unity about cutting income
taxes, and a little more unity about giv-
ing up universal training. The kitten's
first approach to the armchair is tenta-
tive, but once rubbed it demands the hand
on its ear as a matter of right.
So while there is something charming in
the Republican reaction to the President's
term paper, and in the little love noises
which warm the Washington air, the new
unity must, I think, be watched; watched
as a process, and studied as a trend. It is
an odd thing about unity, that one can
sometimes lose as much in a unity as in
a battle. It is still an unresolved question
as to who is going to win this new unity,
this tournament of caresses. And there is
something else wrong with the new unity,
something to which it is hard to give a
name, except to say that it is a bit too
exclusive, too narrow, that too many people
are being left out of the fun and the
It is strange, for example, that almost
none of the oceans of editorial comment
on the President's unity message even
mentioned housing, by all odds the chief,
immediate domestic issue before the coun-
trv. This is nerhan tvnical of the new

the outside, searching the winter pavements
for To. Rent signs. This is a unity built
on a narrow base.
And when one considers, also, that there
is almost no labor participation in the new
unity, one again has the feeling that these
great harmony manifestations in Washing-
ton are somehow thin and foreshortened.
It is a unity remarkable for its omission.
And so one follows the new love affair with
a certain apprehension; it may be sweet,
but it is also star-crossed, almost as sure
to be mauled by pressures from the out-
side as it is likely to be torn by tensions
from within.
(Copyright, 1947, N.Y. Post Syndicate)
At the State .. .
(Columbia), Louis Hayward
HOLLYWOOD has done it again with what
looks like the same cast as that of the
last Monte Cristo picture. This time it's
not the original Count, but a grand nephew
who is far more resourceful than uncle ever
thought of being. One might term him
the man of a thousand faces. The plot is
the same old family theme - a stolen in-
heritance and vengeance. George Mac-
Cready (head bad man in this) would do
well to return to his former terse villainy.
Loquaciousness does not become him as it
does Mr. Hayward.
At the Michigan . .
Holdover of Undercurrent (MGM), Hep-
burn and Taylor.
-Joan Fiske
Ohio's Votes
Harold Stassen's flat announcement that
he was a candidate for the Republican nomi-
nation in 1948 tempted no older hands to
the same early statement of aims. But other
obvious candidates were watching, and two
of them were from the same state: Ohio's
Senator Robert A. Taft and her former gov-
ernor John Bricker, who will take his seat
in the Senate this week. In 1940 Bricker

(Continued from Page 2)
Students meet in the auditorium
of the University High School. The
examination will consume about
four hours' time; promptness is
therefore essential.
German Departmental Library
books are due in the departmental
office by Monday, Jan. 13, regard-
less of date issued.
School of Business Administra-
tion: Students expecting to regis-
ter in the school for the spring se-
mester should make classification
appointments in Rm. 108, Tappan
Hall, during week of January 13.
Aeronautical and Mechanical
Engineering Students: Mr. Stef-
ano of Kellett Aircraft Corpora-
tion, North Wales, Pennsylvania,
will interview students graduating
in February on Jan. 15 and 16.
Please sign schedule on Aeronau-
tical Engineering Bulletin Board.
Competitive exapyinations will
be held at the U.S. Naval Academy,
Annapolis, Maryland, beginning at
9 a.m., April 4, 1947, for the selec-
tiori of civilian teachers for ap-
pomtments in the following De-
partments of the U. S. Naval
Academy: Mechanical Engineer-
ing, Mathematics, Electrical Engi-
neering, English, History, Govern
ment, and Foreign Languages.
For information regarding eligi-
bility requirements call at the Bu-
reau of Appointments and Occu-
pational Information, 201 Mason
Opportunities for kindergarten
teachers in the Territory of Ha-
waii. Applicants must have Bach-
elor's Degree with special training
in pre-school or kindergarten
field. Salaries are excellent. For
further information, call at the
Bureau of Appointments and Oc-
cupational Inforation, 201 Ma-
son H-al
Recreational Leadership -
Women Students: A course in
Recreational Leadership will be
offered by the Department of
Physical Education for Women
during the second semester on
Friday from 3-5 p.m. Students
wishing to do camp and play-
ground work will find the overall
survey of materials helpful. Wom-
en students are asked to fill out
the application blank in Rm. 15,
Barbour Gymnasium by January
University Lectures. Dr. T. C.
Lin (Lin Tung-chi>, A.B. '28, Vis-
iting Chinese Professor of . the
United States Department of
State, will deliver a series of four
lectures on "The Quest of the
Chinese Mind" in the Rackham
Amphitheatre, Friday, Jan. 10 at
4:15 p.m., Monday, Jan. 13 at 8:10
p.m., Wednesday, Jan. 15 at 4:15
p.m., and Friday, Jan. 17 at 4:15
p.m., under the auspices of the
Department of History and the
Degree Program in Oriental Civil-
izations. The titles of the lectures
are as follows: (1) "The Aristo-
cratic Antecedent." A restatement
of the aristocratic lore of the pre-
Confucian feudalism and its last-

ing import. (2) "The Enlighten
ment: Prize and Price." Wherein
the philosophers of the pre-Ch'in
times achieved and wherein they
failed. (3) "Humanism or Beyond
Humanism?" Why and wherefor
the millennial "bella metaphisica"
between the Taoists, Buddhists
and Confucianists; and who really
won out? (4) 'The Emerging
Ethos." Will the contact with the
West mean China's total intellect-
ual surrender or the birth of a new
French Lecture: Prof. E. L.
Adams, Romance Language
Department, will lecture on the
subject "Le Theatre Patriotique
Francais," at 4:15 p.m., Tues.,
Jan. 14. Rm. D, Alumni Me-
morial Hall; auspices of Le Cer-
cle Francais.
Academic Notices
Doctoral Examination for Fran-
cis Leo Burns, Economics; thesis:
"The Needs Factor in Wage Deter-
mination," Saturday, Jan. 11, 11
a.m., Rm. 105, Economics Bldg.
Chairman, Z. C. Dickinson.
Pre-Medical Student Profes-
sional Aptitude Test: The Associa-
tion of American Medical Col-
leges Professional Aptitude Test,
the Graduate Record examina-
tion required of all applicants to
the 1947 freshman class at the
University of Michigan and other
medical colleges, will be offered
Sat., Jan. 11, 9 a.m.-12:00 noon
and 1:30-4 p.m, Rackham Lecture
Hall. Each applicant must pre-
sent a check or money order for
five dollars ($5.00) made payable
to the Graduate Record Office be-
fore entering the examination
room. Cash will not be accepted
in payment of the fee. Applicants
are requested to appear at the
testing room at 8:45. No students
will be admitted after 9 a.m.
Graduate Students: Results of
the Graduate Record Examina-
tions given in December of 1945,
April of 1946, and the Summer
Session of 1946 are available in
the Graduate School Office.
Algebra Seminar: 4:15 p.m., Fri.,
Jan. 10, Rm. 3201 Angell Hall. Di.
Tornheim will cntinue his talk on
"The Valuation Theory."
Seminar on Compressible Flow:
3 p.m., Tues., Jan. 14, Rm. 1213,
E. Engineering Bld. Dr. R. C. F.
Bartels will speak on "Solutions
of the Edluations of an adiabatic
Gas Flow."
Events Today
University Radio Programs:
2:30 p.m., Station WKAR, 870
Kc., Michigan Matinee, "Sunset."
2:45 p.m., Station WKAR, 870
Kc., "Rockets as Observatories."
Dr. Goldberg, Botany Department.
3:30 p.m., Station WPAG, 1050
Kc., George Cox, Baritone; John
Wheeler, Piano.
U. of M. Section of the Ameri-
can Chemical Society: 4:15 p.m.,
Rm. 151, Chemistry Bldg. Dr. W.
M. Stanley, Department of Animal
and Plant Pathology, The Rocke-
feller Institute for Medical Re-
search, Princeton, N. J., will speak

on "Studies on Purified Influenza
Virus.' The public is cordially in-
Geological Journal Club: 12
noon, Rm. 3055, Natural Sci-
ence Bldg. Prof. A. J. Eard-
ley and students will sum-
marize the field work at Camp
Davis, Wyoming, during the past
English Language Institute
weekly program: 8 p.m., As-
sembly Hall, Rackham Bldg. Re-
port on "Universities of the Ameri-
cas," by students from various
countries. Miss Margaret Moye,
English Language Institute of
Mexico City, will speak. The pb-
lic is invited.
Potluek dinner: 6 p.m.
Pine (loom, Methodist Church.
Dr. Frank Huntley will speak. For
reservation call 6881. Any young
couples are welcome.
Kappa Phi Club: 5:15 p.m.,
Wesleyan Lounge. Pledges meet
at 4:45 p.m., Green Room. Miss
Ansuya Joshi will speak on India.
The Art Cinema League pre-
sents "They Were Five," director
Duvivier, starring Jean Gabin.
English titles; French dialogue.
Fri., Sat., 8:30 p.m. Box-
office opens 2 p.m. daily. Phone
6300 for reservations. Lydia Men-
delssohn Theatre.
Congregational-Disciples Guild
skting 'arty: All who would like
to attend meet at the Guild House,
438 Maynard, at 8 p.m. After 9:30,
the Guild hbuse will be open for
other entertainment.
Wesley Foundation Surprise
Party: 8:30 p.m. All Methodist
students are invited to a birthday
par'ty to celebrate their birthday,
no matter which month it occurs.
Coming vents
Economics Club: 8 p.m., Mon.,
Jan. 13, East Conference Room,
Rackhain Bldg. Professors Ren-
sis Likert and George Katona, of
the Survey Research. Center, will
speak on "The Sample Interview
Survey as a Tool of Economic Re-
search." Business Administra-
tion and Economic staff and
graduate students are invited.
University Women Veteran's
Associittion: 7:30 p.m.. Mon., Jan.
13, Michigan League. Pictures will
be taken for 'Ensian. All women
veterans invited.
Graduate Outing Club flike or
Outdar Spemts: 2:30 p.m., Sun.,
Jan. 12. Sign up at the check
desk in the Rackham Building be-
fore noon Saturday.
German Coffee 11our will not
meet a gain this semester.
Radio Club: 2 p.m., Sat., Jan. 11,
Rm. 301-A. W. Engineering An-
An at ur Astronomy Club: 7:30
p.m., Mon., Jan. 13 at the Observ-
atory. Professor Mohler will give
a talk en "Weather on the Sun"
with movies of solar activity.

failure of this nation to prbduce
a finer generation than the one
I represent.
The non-fraternization policy
(advisable or not) failed due to
the redeployment policy. How
could a commander possibly en-
force discipline when he was shorn
of his most experienced ad able
men and officers? How was it
possible for one officer to control
100 eighteen year olds who with
four months of the army under
their belts were just beginning
to feel their oats?
Immediately the point is going
to be brought up that the army
should have been far-sighted
enough to foresee redeployment
and have had in readiness the
well trained non-corns and of-
ficers necessary to impose disbi-
pline. True, the basic fault lies
with the army, but redeployment,
due to this fault, assured the
complete breakdown of a rmin y
morale and discipline.
Now-the nation. It was we
who produced the looting, destruc-
tive kids that occupied Germany.
The failure of our soldiers to ire-
spect basic human rights and
property can be laid at the doi-
step of our proud, smug, conser-
vative nation.
The blame has been fixed-we
have admitted the poor conduct
of American occupation troops-
yet there is still light. As a sol-
dier who spent a year occupying
Germany I believe, from personal
experience, that on the whole we
were a better conducted army
than any of our allies. To sup-
port that personal belief one ohiy
has to refer to figures Issued by
the Vienna Command. These fig-
ures pertain to the incidence of
crime, etc., in each army of the
four powers occupying Vienna. In
general the American army' had
the lowest crime rate.
We cannot be satisfied with be-
ing less black that the other keg-
ties for that is not the way cf
this nation. If democracy is to
last on this earth all of our kettles
must shine as must the armny
steel one.
-William A. Klein III
On Religious Freedom
To the Editor:
THINK that very often A6r.
Blakeman throws his words
around carelessly. His column of
Sunday, Dec. 15, was the last
straw. How he can say all rx-
ligions "can worship as they wil"
in the face of remaining pers .
cution in Russia and in almost
all of the countries within her
iron curtain, I don't understanki.
The Russian Orthodox Chureh
is compromised and niust teach
as Stalin directs. Just recently
Archbishop Stephanie of Yugo-
slavia was sentenced to 16 years
of hard labor for teaching Chris-
tian principles that disagree with
Tito's Communism.
Even in Mexico today, Catholic
priests and nuns are not allowed
by law to wear the habits of their
respective oi'ders.
Not until all of this religious
suppression is eliminated can We
say all peoples worship as they
-IH. Melton
In the months ahead Korea
seems likely to replace Trieste as
the number one international sore
spot. Here American and Russin
interests are grinding against each
other in naked and dangerous
friction-and the Korean peopje
are squealing between the mill-


At the Lydia Mendelsshn.. .
THEY WERE FIVE, Jean Gabin, Mych-
eline Chir'el.
COMBINING all the technical defects of
a pre-war French film with the usual
extensive range of French emotionalism,
They Were Five is a movie which is likely
to entertain some of the audience, to amuse
others, and to disappoint the rest.
The plot is slightly out-worn, but may
appeal to those who enjoy speculating on
what they would do if a fortune were sud-
denly thrown in their laps. Remodeling a
broken -down castle into an up -to-the-min-
ute French version of a beer joint in a
cooperative venture with four dubious pals
is one solution. Quarrels over two lovely
ladies add complications just weak enough
to fall short of intensifying an already weak
There is a moral too. Greater love hath
no man than . . . Beautiful friendship is
the underlying theme of - the movie.
There are some well-done characteriza-
tions, but the actors wear themselves out
vacillating between deep despair and ex-
cited enthusiasm. The resultant impression
of jerkiness leaves the audience worn out
-Natalie Bagrow

Fifty-Seventh Year
Edited and managed by students of
the University of Michigan under the
authority of the Board in Control of
Student Publications.
Editorial Staff
Robert Goldman .....Managing Editor
Milton Freudenheim .Editorial Director
Clayton Dickey ............City Editor
Mary Brush ...........Associate Editor
Ann Kutz ............Associate Editor
Paul Harsha ..........Associate Editor
Clark Baker ..............Sports Editbr
Des Howarth ..Associate Sports Editor
Jack Martin ...Associate Sports Editor
Joan Wilk ............Women's Edir
Lynne Ford .Associate Women's Ed4tbr
Business Staff
Robert E. Potter ....Businesst iaa
Evelyn Mills
..........Associate Business IAaage
Janet Cork Associate Business Manao?
Telephone 23.24-1



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