CHICAGO Y L CONFERENCE See Page 6 Latest Deadline in the State t t4p PARTLY CLOUDY, WARMER VOL. LVII, No. 79 ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN, FRIDAY, JANUARY 10, 1947 PRICE FIVE CENTS S Local Contractors Support Dismissal Of Three Laborers Possibilities of General Strike Increase with Threat of Walkout By BOB HARTMAN Ann Arbor general contractors voted last night to support Bryant and Detwiler officials in firing three men for loafing on the Chemistry Building extension job as possibilities of a general strike appeared today. Lloyd Clickner, business mana- ger of Building Trades Local 959, threatened yesterday to call out other union members unless the three men were rehired. Later Clickner said that he knew nothing of a general walk- out scheduled for today. He said that the company had no right to fire the men and that the com- pany had violated union regula- tions because the dismissal order came from a company superin- tendent instead of a foreman. Following Clickner's statement W. M. Robinson, company super- intendent, told the Associated Press that every effort was being JmHop Tickets Are Available For Applicants Tickets for the 1947 J-Hop, fea- turing the music of Jimmie Lunce- ford and Ziggy Elman, will be sold to all students whose applications have been accepted from 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. today, and from 9 a.m. to noon tomorrow at a booth in U Hall. The tickets will cost $6, and stu- dents must bring the exact change, a $5 bill and a $1 bill. No loose change will be accepted, but checks for the exact amount may be made out to the University. Accepted application blanks must be pre- sented in order to purchase tick- ets. Ziggy Elman was formerly the star trumpter with Tommy Dor- sey's orchestra, and was featured by the band at the 1946 Michigan J-Hop. Elman's new band is made up of half the members of Dor- sey's old orchestra. Jimmie Lunceford, who played for the 1942 J-Hop, has toured the country playing for college dances. He has just returned from abroad where he played before royalty in many European coun- tries. The bands will play alternately ~both Friday and Saturday, Feb. 7 and 8, in order to make both nights of the J-Hop identical. The dances will last from 10 p.m. to midnight both nights, and women students will have 4 a.m. permis- sion for the Hop. Each student buying a J-Hop ticket will be given a publicity blank to fill out which will be sent to the student's home town news- paper to be used in articles about the J-Hop. Students who did not receive blanks yesterday when buying tickets should pick them up today at the booth in U Hall ' Mystery -Man Is Here Todaty Students seeking a free dinner and ticket to the Union dance Saturday night will be prowling the campus today in search of the "mystery man.'' The mystery man hunt contest is being sponsored in line with the Union Open House tomorrow at which dancing and a variety program will be featured. In order to identify the Union mystery man, students must ask him, first, "Are you going to the Union Open House?", and second, "Are you the mystery man?" A reply in the affimative will be "a free ticket to a sumptous meal," according to Andy Pole- dor, chairman of the Open House. French Complaint Rejected by U. S. made to settle the dispute and resume work. Union plasterers were reported on strike yesterday after several men had been sent home because of inclement weather. They claim they were denied their two hours "show-up" pay by the construc- tion company. The General Contractors Asso- ciation appointed a three man committee to convey a vote of sup- port from its members upholding the company's right to hire and discharge employees. "All our agreements with the union have stipulated that the right to hire and discharge work- ers will remain with the employ- er,"' an association spokesman said. Another spokesman commented that the union had asked the em- ployers to fire men who loafed on the job. He said that after three firings the unions would investi- gate the workers' eligibility status in the union. University officials remained si- lent concerning the new 40 hour week directive issued Wednesday by state officials. They also de- clined to comment on the walk- out. Taft Would Cut .budget, Taxes, Deter Strikes NEW YORK, Jan. 9-(/P)-Sen- ator Taft (Rep., Ohio) tonight proposed a Republican legislative program designed to "discourage" strikes, cut the federal budget to $33,500,000,000 and slice 20 per cent off personal income taxes. In an address for the Economic Club, the chairman of the Senate GOP Steering Committee called] also for extension of federal aid to the states for housing, welfare, ed- ucation and medical care. He promised GOP efforts to expand social security coverage. Taft criticized President Tru- man's economic report to Con- gress as "inconsistent," asserting that "peeking around all the cor- ners of the report we see the whis- kers of the New Deal." In this report, Mr. Truman rec- ommended that industry sponsor lower prices while labor settle its bid for higher wages on the basis of what the individual manage- ment is able to pay. The Ohio Senator, explaining he was voicing only his personal views, said the report "recognizes that the best method of bringing real purchasing power to con- sumers is through the reduction of prices rather than the increase in wages." But he added that "it hedges on the question like a political re- port instead of a courageous eco- nomic statement." "The spending theories of Harry Hopkins gradually take command and determine the ultimate recom- mendation," Taft said. "Then it (the report) seems to adopt the theory that mass purchasing power is the solution of all prob- lems and presents a justification for every New Deal measure. In short, we are again going to spend ourselves into prosperity." Taft said the Republicans feel that "our present personal in- come taxes threaten the sound- ness of our economic structure," As a result, he added, he favors an overall 20 per cent reduction. U.S. Stand Is Firm on Arms Curb JohnsonIRefues Soviet Charges Sy The Associated Press LAKE SUCCESS, N.Y., Jan. 8. -In the face of Russian charges that the United States was stalling on the whole question of arms reduction, the American delegation to the United Nations stood firm tonight on a demand that controlsof atomic energy must come first. Key to Program "Effective international control of atomic energy is the key to the whole program and must come first," Herschel V. Johnson, U.S. delegate, told theSecurityCoun- cil emphatically at the outset of full-scale debate on the basic arms proposal paid down in December after Soviet delegate Andrei A. Gromyko, recently named a dep- uty foreign minister, bluntly ac- cused the United States of seeking to delay measures for general reg- ulation and cutting of arms and armed forces. Gromyko said the American delegation had adopted a take-it-or-leave-it attitude. The Soviet delegate declared that the United States position boiled down to this: American Proposals "Either you agree to the Ameri- can proposals on control of atomic energy and then we agree to the proposals on working out practi- cal measures on the general re- duction of amaments and armed forces, or--if everything. does not go smoothly with the American proposals on control of atomic en- ergy, then we refuse in general to occupy ourselves with the working out of measures for general re- duction of armaments and armed forces." Johnson denied any attempt at delay and said his country was tion program provided the atomic ready to agree to an arms regula- issue was given piority. Alumni Favor Proposed'U' War Memorial No definite plans for a memo- rial to World War dead have been formulated by the University Alumni Association, according to T. Hawley Tapping, general sec- retary. Commenting on the Student Legislature action to set up a fund for a memorial to the dead of both world wars, Tapping said that the Alumni Association would be glad to consider any definite pro- posals for a suitable memorial. The Student Legislature has ap- proved fund-raising machinery consisting of a central committee representing all student organiza- tions, a sub-committee of the Legislature, and a faculty-alumni advisory group. Raising of the fund, which is expected to run into several mil- lion dollars, will be started next semester. Horusirng Assured Between Terms All University dormitories wilt remain open between semesters, Francis Shiel, director of residence halls, announced yesterday. There will be no extra charge for room rent for the between- terms period, Shiel said, but $1.40 a day will be charged for meals. Regular meal service for the semester will end Jan. 29. It will be resumed Feb. 10. 'Revised Case Bill Calls for Of Ijunctlions To Stop Strikes; i CV1 10 ).R Civil Riights at' Stake, Union Leader Says Full Consideration Is Requested by Murray By The Associated Press WASHINGTON, Jan. 9 - The CIO told Congress today that new labor law proposals threaten "our whole framework of American civil liberties" and seek to "de- stroy" organized labor. CIO President Philip Murray sent a personal letter to every member of the Senate and house appealing for "full and complete consideration" before any new labor laws are enacted. Murray said a CIO analysis delv- ing into the basic causes of recent strikes showed that "few if any of the current proposals deal with the real issues in labor-manage- ment disputes-namely, the ques- tion of wages and the efforts of labor unions torraise the living standards of their workers" To each Congressman, Murray sent a copy of a 36-page CIO pamphlet prepared by Lee Press- man, CIO General Counsel and former government attorney. Pressman has been leading the CIO's federal court drive to col- lect huge sums in portal-to-portal back pay claims. The pamphlet predicted that Congressional action outlawing the closed shop would lead to "a wave of industrial strife and pr- mote bitterness in our labor re- lations for years to come." SWitch-Hunt' Not Planned For The Daily Declaring that its investigation of The Daily "will not be a witch- hunt," a Student Legislature spe- cial committee yesterday set up a four-point plan "to determine on a purely objective basis the rela- tionship between The Daily and the student body." "We are initiating this action in the interest of The Daily and of all students and student organi- zations," the Committee said in a statement of policy. "We will an- alyze the data accumulated and make constructive suggestions to insure that The Daily's relation- ship with the students will be the best possible-" The prposal calls for four con- mittees approaching the subject from different angles, Archie Par- sons, chairman of the Committee, said. One committee will confer with the Board in Control of Stu- dent Publications, another will question student organizations to find what they expect from The Daily and a third will investigate Daily organization, including ap- pointments, advertising and staff training. Using the written reports of these committees, the fourth com- mittee will conduct a question- naire to determine student opin- ion on various Daily features such as columns. attacks New Lbor Laws Us( .. walling .renews Plea, To Revise Labor Act Propose Unfair Practiees Rule Be Applied to Labor in By The Associated Press NEW YORK, Jan. 9 - L. Metcalfe Walling, wage-hour ad- ministrator, renewed requests to- day in his 1946 report to Congress for two changes in the Fair La- bor Standards Act which he said would have averted situations re- sulting in portal-to-portal pa' suits. The first proposal was that the administrator be granted "power, subject to court review, to issue authoritative definitions of gen- eral' terms used in the statute, so NLRB Claims Rule Prevents Boss' Strikes Board Answers Attack On Foremen's Unions WASHINGTON, Jan. 9 - (A') - The National Labor Relations Board told the Supreme Court to- day the Board's ruling that em- ployers must bargain with fore- men's unions had virtually elimi- nated strikes among plant bosses in the past year. Arguing against unionization of foremen was Louis F. Dahling, at- torney for the Packard Motor Car Company. He contended it is im- proper because, he said, foremen carry out management policy, make recommendation on the fir- ing and wage rates of workers un- der them and sometimes instruct them in their work. NLRB counsel Gerhard P. Van Arkel, under questioning of Jus- tice Rutledge, said the board's position on the bargaining rights of foremen would apply also to corporation vice presidents. Meanwhile, the NLRB an- nounced it will hold up action on all foremen's cases until the su- preme court has ruled on whether a firm has to bargain with a un- ion of its foremen. The Packard Company is ap- pealing from the board's decision, upheld by the sixth circuit court of appeals in Cincinnati. The de- cision was that foremen are "em- ployes" under protective provi- sions of the Wagner Labor Rela- tions Act. Therefore, it continued, they should enjoy the same union- ization and bargaining privileges as the rank and file production workers whom they supervised. that employers complying with his definitions would be protected from liability for the period such rulings are in effect." The second recommendation was for a "reasonable statute of limi- tations in the Fair Labor Stand- ards Act, to apply to employe suits for back wages and damages." The total amount sought in por- tal-to-portal suits throughout the nation now has reached nearly $4,000,000,000. Discussing his first proposal, Walling said "At the present time the Administrator can give only advisory opinions which are at best his informed guess and pre- diction of what the courts will de- cide. "Any court in the land, state or federal, has jurisdiction to enter- tain suits under the act and inevi- tably will interpret it in deciding these cases." After asking for the power to issue specific definitions of the Act's general terms, Walling said he then could "protect employers from any civil or criminal liabil- ity where they are complying with the administrator's regulations." "This means that an immediate minimum of at least 60 cents an hour would be needed merely to restore the modest initial objec- tive established by the Congress when our national economy was producing little more than half the physical volume of goods and services that it is turning out to- day, and that a minimum wage of 65 cents would be needed to achieve even a minor improve- ment. New Move Would Legalize Action Taken Lewis Case Without Government Seizure By The Asso WASHINGTON, Jan. 9.-Rep. ducing the 1947 version of his Ca government have permanent author disrupting walkouts through courti Case's new bill was perhaps measure which passed Congress L House. He added a string of Wagner posals. One of these amendments GOP Support of Tariff Cuts Questionable Reductions Proposal Forms Major Issue j WASHINGTON, Jan. 9-()- Republican opposition wrote a big question mark today after Presi- dent Truman's plan for reducing tariffs by agreement with other, nations to promote trade. It seemed certain to give Gen. George C. Marshall his major home-front headache as Secre- tary of State. On the outcome of the dispute may hinge the ability of the American delegation to the In- ternational Trade Organization at Geneva in April to realize its plans for tariff cuts and elimina- tion of trade preferences. In his economic report to Con- gress, Mr. Truman noted that "sales of goods and services abroad, amounting to about 15 billion dollars in 1946, played an important role in the maintenance of domestic production, employ- ment, and purchasing power and may be expected to do so this year." By cutting our own import du- ties, the President added, this nation can obtain similar conces- sions from other countries along with 'elimination of a mass of restrictions, in particular, rigid import quotas preventing our ac- cess to foreign markets." Senate Republican leader White (Maine) agreed that "reduction of trade barriers may stimulate in- ternational trade, but I do not know at whose cost." Budget Slash Looks Certain WASHINGTON, Jan. 9 - (A)- Secretary of the Treasury Synder met with a group of Congress members today, including Repub- licans, but there was no sign of slackening in the announced GOP drive to slash the Truman budget. Those who conferred with the treasury head did not divulge much of the conversations to re- porters, but after they returned to the capitol, talk of budget cutting continued. Paul's.Ford In Fracas A pitched battle involving about 20 foresters and an un- told number of snowballs broke out on the Diagonal at noon yesterday when a Model A Ford plowed through lunchward- hurrying students in a preview of the 1947 Paul Bunyan For- mal. Preceded by jeans- and plaid shirt-clad coeds wearing ab- breviated sandwich boards, the car became the center of near- bedlam when it arrived in front of the General Library. The collegiate rah-rah antics that ensued trapped anything seen since the Michigamua initia- tion rites in October and indi- cated that the foresters' Satur- day night dance will be any- thing but wall-flowery. Hero of the incident was a small dog wlho climbed onto the roof of the Ford for a bet- ter view of the goings-on. He was immediately billed as a stray flea from Babe, the Great Blue Ox. The ax was still missing last night when members of the Forestry School continued their raids on fraternities, sororities, and the Student Publications Bldg. ciated Press Francis Case (Rep.-S.D.), intro- se Bill, proposed today that the ity to block coal strikes and other injunctions. twice as bread in scope as the ast year and died in the White Act amendments and other pro- would make workers, as well as ,employers, subject to charges of "unfair labor practices." The new provision on court in- junctions, Case said in a. state- anent, "legalizes the course of action followed in the John L. Lewis case without requiring government seizure." To halt a strike last year in the federal-held soft coal mines, the government got a restraining or- der in a federal court. When Lewis ignored the order, the judge fined him and the United Mine Workers for contempt of court. Under the new Case Bill, such procedure could be used only as a last resort, and after the President had declared an emergency. It could be used only when a dispute in an "essential monopolized ser- vice or industry 'endangers' public welfare, health or safety." Case told a reporter this would include the coal industry "if the strike was nation-wide." When asked if it included the steel in- dustry, he said "that would de- pend on the circumstances of the enmergency" He said the , word "monopolized" could refer to union monopoly as well as employer monopoly. Case said his bill would not give any private employers the right to get a labor injunction. The U.S. Attorney General would have to do it. Case wrapped into one package about 40 or 50 of the proposed labor law changes which epub- licans and some Democrats have been talking about. JCC Award Is Presented To Dr. Perkins Dr. John A Perkips, former fac- ulty member of the University, was given the annual Distinguish- ed Service Award of the Ann Ar- bor Junior Chamber of Commerce at a dinner in the Union last night. In presenting the award a JCC spokesman said that Dr. Perkins' personal achievements and con- tribution to state and local wel- fare had made him first choice of the committee. Perkins, 32 years old, was characterized as the out- standing young man in the com- munity during 1946. The former faculty member re- cently resigned his position as as- sistant professor in the political science department to take a posi- tion as state budget director. Principal speaker of the evening was Mayor William E. Brown, Jr., who outlined plans for a new civic center in Ann Arbor. In empha- sizing the need for the con- struction of such a center, Mayor Brown pointed out the inadequacy of present city offices. "The pro- posed civic center would serve to unite the campus and business sections of Ann Arbor," the mayor declared. Post Office Holds Veterans Checks The Veterans Service Bureau announced yesterday that the Ann Arbor Main Post Office is hold- ing government checks for the following veterans: Bergren, John C.; Edwards, Charles H.; Fahs, Harold J.; Liv- ;ncc - U~n ., n T . rl-rk . World News Roundup By Tht Associated Press WASHINGTON, Jan. 9.-State and War Department officials said tonight the United States is de- termined to start collection of rep- arations from Japan immediately, even without full agreement on terms with Russia and other war- time allies. LONDON, Jan. 9.-An author- itative government source said today that the government was ready to use troops, if neces- sary, to assure distribution of London's food supplies, now tied up in markets by a strike of more than 13,000 truck drivers and other transport workers. LONDON, Jan. 9. ---Authorita- tive sources said tonight the Brit-I ish Cabinet had decided to give the problem of the German peace treaty priority over Palestine, amid rumors that the Holy Land situa- tion would be eased by a 60-day suspension of violence there. Portal-to-portal pay suits pushed past the four billion dol- lar mark Thursday as a Connec- ticut company closed its doors BETTER HOUSING AHEAD: Small Enrollment Increase Expeeted SA VING VS. SPENDING: Nation-Wide Survey Will Be Conducted by Research Center Little difficulty in providing living accommodations for all students registering next semes- ter is anticipated by University of- ficials in charge of housing. housed in the recreation rooms ofJ the two quads either permanently or temporarily. Temporary accommodations will be provided by the office of residence halls for all students who do not have a place to live when they arrive in Ann Arbor. Dormitory space for about 150 more men students may be ac- whom these apartments have been assigned will live in temporary quarters and probably cannot bring their families to Ann Arbor until that time. The addition to the East Quad- rangle will not be ready for occu- pany before next fall, Shiel said. The Dean of Students Office hasj practically no available rooms in nria+. hmm C it-. _"Tf nP A clue to the possible effect of war bonds and bank accounts on consumer spending may be ob- tained from the nation-wide sur- vey now being conducted by the Survey Research Center under the direction of Dr. Rensis Likert. At the request of the Board of Governors of the Federal Reserve Sv tm _ ar enresentativnecross- employment may be threatened, or just about enough to balance de- mand and output when industry is producing at high levels. The questions of businessmen, labor leaders and other members of the community as to how long heavy consumer spending will last may he answered when the find- Although it is impossible to pre- WASHINGTON, Jan. 9- P)- diet actual enrollment figures at The United States has rejected a present, Francis Shiel, director of French complaint over a recent residence halls, expects only a agreement in the Middle East that .mall increse. if anv over this