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January 09, 1947 - Image 1

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The Michigan Daily, 1947-01-09

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D43a ii4


Latest Deadline in the State
1 I



Orders 40
Week for

'U' Construction
Unauthorized Strike Stops Work
On Chemistry Building Extension

Announcement of a 40-hour
work-week on all state building
projects threatens the University
with possible loss of workers and
may prolong the completion of the
buildings now underway.
A. N. Langius, state building di-
rector, told the Associated Press
yesterday that a 40-hour work-
week would be instituted on all
state building projects.
An additional problem arose
yesterday when laborers on the
Chemistry Building walked off the
job at noon after three workmen

New Plan for
Memorial Set
By Legislature
J-Hop Raffle Off;
Books To Be Sought
Shelving the proposed J-Hop
raffle in favor of a student-facul-
ty-alumni project, the Student
Legislature last night approved
Imachinery recommended by the
Student Affairs Committee for the
raising of a "gigantic fund" for a
functional memorial to the dead
of both world wars.
The executive group, consisting
of a central committee represent-
ing all student organizations, a
sub-committee of legislature and
a faculty-alumni advisory group,
was approved by the Legislature
after Arthur Derderian, J-Hop
publicity char::man, had explained
that faculty and alumni had been
considering for some time a mem-
orial much larger than that sug-
gested by the J-Pop Committee.
Raising of the fund which is ex-
pected to run into millions of
dollars, will be started next sem-
The J-Hop Committee had or-
iginally proposed the raffle to in-
itiate a fund for a chapel or rec-
reation center in the Arboretum.
Naming Ken Bissell as manager,
the Legislature gave the go-ahead
signal to the Student Book Ex-
change for next semester's activi-
ties. Bissell said that books for
the exchange, which will be open
the first three weeks of the sem-
ester, will be collected during the
afternoons in examination week.
With the understanding that
its fourteen standing committees
would continue to work indepen-
dently, the Legislature agreed to
hold meetings of the entire body
every other Wednesday instead of
each week. The Legislature's cabi-
net, which will act as steering
committee, will meet each Mon-
day under the new arrangement.
The third week of next semester
was set aside for senior class elec-
tions in any school which asks the
Legislature to conduct them. The
Legislature. agreed to give permis-
sion to schools which want to hold
their elections in mass meetings.
Rider's Store
Chan ges Site
Rider's, campustown landmark
for 25 years, is gone from State
Street. The change, however, has
taken the fountain pen and type-
writer sto e only as far as 115 W.
Liberty where it will be perma-
nently located.
H. K. Rider and T. Bruce Rider,
sons of the founder and present
owners of the business stated, "We
had no choice. Our lease expired
and we had to get out. The new
location wi~l give us more space,
but we'll certainly miss the cam-
pus activity."
The business was established in
1922 as a one-counter shop in
another State Street store.
In addition to retailing, J. G.
Rider developed a special high-
capacity fountain pen for medical
students and other inveterate
Vet Checks Available
The Veterans Service Bureau
onnmmnnpd vesterdav that the Ann

were fired for smoking in the lav-
atory. It is not known whether
they will return to work today.
The cut-back, eliminating the
"premium" overtime labor costs
is a reversal of the stand taken
by Langiuis Dec. 10 under ex-
Gov. Harry F. Kelly. He stated
that the cut-back will be started
on University projects in three
"The cutback may delay com-
pletion of the projects but not in
proportion to the excess of costs
we have been paying in double-
time rates for overtime work."
Langius asserted.
William Nimke, president of the
Ann Arbor General Contractors
Association, was overjoyed with
the news. "We have been fighting
for this for nearly a year," he said.
"We contractors have found
from experience that a man
working for overtime on Satur-
days will show up that day but
he will be absent some day dur-
ing the week since he still gets
a full week's pay," Nimke added.
University Vice-President Rob-
ert P. Briggs declined to comment
on the state order. Representa-
tives of the two concerns hand-
ling the building were not avail-
able for statement.
Louis Hackbarth, secretary of
the Bricklayers, Masons and Plas-
terers Union Local 14, stated that
his local had voted Tuesday night
to go back to a 40-hour week. Ber-
nard Johnson, vice-president of
the International Bricklayers Un-
ion, had defended the 48-hour,56-
hour-pay, week last April. /
The laborers working on the
University projects were originally
attracted here by the overtime
pay. Without the overtime "pre-
mium," observers predicted that
many would leave the job, further
slowing up the progam.
Lunce ford,
Ellman Will
Play at JwHop
Returning to the pre-war tradi-
tion of having two name bands
for the annual J-Hop, this year's
dance will feature the music of
Jimmie Lunceford and Ziggy El-
man, the J-Hop committee an--
nounced yesterday.
Ziggy Ellman was formerly the
star trumpeter with Tommy Dor-
sey's orchestra, and made his first1
post-war appearance with DorseyI
at the 1946 Michigan J-Hop. Hei
was voted trumpet soloist on the%
all star band last year.t
After Dorsey's band broke up,
Ellman formed his own band fromt
half of the members, and played
his first engagement with his new-I
band the first of the year.-
Jimmie Lunceford, "one of the
country's most consistently suc-
cessful road bands" according to,
Metronome Magazine, has just re-
turned from a trip abroad where
he played in many European coun-I
tries. The band, composed mostly1
of college graduates, has touredI
the country playing for college
proms, and played for the J-Hop
in '42.N
The bands will play alternatelyl
both nights in order to make thet
two dances identical. Women stu-
dents will have 4 a.m. permission
for the J-Hop.
Each student buying a J-Hop
ticket will be required to fill out ar
publicity blank with his name, his1
date's name, his address, and thei
name of his home town news-i
paper. These blanks will be sente
to the student's home town paper
to be used in articles about ther
J-Hop. The blanks may be ob-c
tained at the ticket booths. A

Ball Plan
Hits Union
Shop Pacts
Senate Struggle
Seen on Measure
By The Associated Press
WASHINGTON, Jan. 8-Sena-
tor Ball (Rep., Minn.) today in-
troduced a bill that would abolish
the closed shop, not only in the
future but in existing contracts.
The Ball proposal would wreck
any agreement-written or oral-
that requires a person to be a
union member in order to be hired
or hold his job. It has strong sup-
port but not so much as some
other current labor proposals-
and a terrific fight is expected.
From the "Journal" of the AFL
Pattern Makers Union came a
warning that a legislated closed
shop ban would lead to a series
of strikes.
"In thousands of instances," an
article in the publication said,
"the union members would refuse
to work with free-riders, strike-
breakers and other obnoxious peo-
"Let Congress stop that, if it
Labor Criticized
At the same time Senator James
Murray (Dem., Mont.), long a
fighter for unions, criticized labor
union leaders for not getting to-
gether and working out a legisla-
tive program.
Murray, last year's chairman of
the Senate Labor Committee, told
an interviewer:
"I think it's unfortunate that
labor leaders have been unable
to sit down together, with their
friends, to see what could be done
to overcome some of these criti-
cisms of labor, and to aid in the!
formulation of some of these
Ball Bill Provisions
The Ball Bill would aboish the
following practices:
1. The closed shop, under which
nobody can work in the plant un-
less he belongs to the union.
2. The union shop, under which
a non-union man may be hired
but must join right away.
3. Maintenance of membership,
under which nobody is compelled
to join the union but those who1
do join must stay members or be
4. Preferential hiring, undert
which an employer must take un-
ion men ahead of non-union men]
for job vacancies.
Byrnes Quit at
Wrong Time ..d
Prof. Preuss
Although there is no doubt as
to the "acceptability" of Gen.
Marshall as secretary of state, itt
is nevertheless "unfortunate" thati
James Byrnes had to resign at]
this time, Prof. Lawrence Preuss,
of the political science depart-t
ment, declared yesterday.
Coming at the end of a long ser-
ies of resignations of Americanst
in high positions, Byrnes' resig-
nation may be "misconstrued," he
pointed out, and hinder our for-
eign relations.
"Unfortunately, the calibre of
our international representatives
has not been very high," Prof.
Preuss said, "but Byrnes handled
his job adroitly and gained good

He stressed the fact that those
who regret the resignation of
Byrnes have nothing unfavorable
to say of Marshall. There is no
doubt that he will have the Sen-
ate's support, but he is still an
"unknown quantity."
Byrnes' resignation may noti
make any "real difference" in the1
handling of the job, Prof. Preussi
indicated, but what is important1
is what people think about it,t
especially abroad.
"It is a shame that Byrnes could<
not have completed his role in the
cycle of events that ends with thet
Moscow Conference in March," x


Price Cuts, Low Wage Demands
Marshall's AppointmentOkayec4





Senate Gives
Marshall Declines
Discussion of Plans
By The Associated Press .
swiftuandispectacular demonstra-
tion of unity on international af-
fairs, the Senate today unani-
mously confirmed Gen. George C.
Marshall as Secretary of State.
The Republican-inspired con-
firmation was followed immedi-
ately by a bipartisan move to call
Marshall before a joint Congres-
sional session for a foreign policy
Marshall is now en route back to
this country from China where
he has spent the last 13 months
as President Truman's special en-
voy to that nation.
At Guam today, the General's
executive officer, Col. J. H.
Gaughey of Alexandria, Va., told
reporters that Marshall did not
know of the actual appointment to
succeed James F. Byrnes until he
heard it on the radio en route
from Nanking.
Marshall knew his appointment
was impending. He said, "I had
discussed it with the President."
I'he five-star General declined
to discuss his plans or his prob-
"I am sorry. I have to be silent
for the moment," he explained.
On opposite sides of Capitol Hill
in statements bridging party dif-
ferences, the theme-continuation
of an international policy free
from political strife-dominated
the public and private discussions
over the surprise shift announced
last night by the White House.
Senator Vandenberg (Rep.,
Mich.), chairman of the For-
eign Relations Committee, told
the Senate that Marshall has
the "total confidence" of the
Republican-controlled Congress,
and emphasized the need to
demonstrate to the world this
country's "continuing and ef-
fective bipartisan foreign pol-
With these words, he won from
the Senate permission to hold an
immediate meeting of the Senate
Foreign Relations Committee to
act on Marshall's nomination,
thus hurtling normal, time-con-
suming legislative procedure. The
committee required only 12 min-
utes to approve the appointment.
Less than 55 minutes afterI
the nomination reached Capitol
Hill, the Senate had stamped it
with its unanimous endorse-
ment. Its enthusiastic accep-
tance was tempered only by
words of regret over the loss of
Byrnes' services.
* *
Europe Okays
Gen. Marshall

AIRLINER BURNS AT CHICAGO AIRPORT-A Northwest Airlines DC-4 passenger plane, bound
from Minneapolis to Chicago, burns fiercely at Municipal Airport, Chicago, where the plane burst
into flames after crashing in landing. The 41 persons aboard escaped injury, but several bags of
mail were destroyed.


University Economist Attacks
Nathan Report Assumptions

The essential mistake in the
declaration by Robert Nathan,
former government economist,
that industry can afford to raise
wages by 21 per cent without a
corresponding rise in prices in
1947 probably lies in the erron-
eous assumption that the manu-
facturing profits running at an
eight billion dollar annual rate,
as estimated for the last quarter
of 1946, will continue this year,
Prof. William B. Palmer, of the
economics department declared:
The fluctuation from .the three
and three tenths billion dollar an-
naul profit rate, after tax de-
ductions, of the first quarter of
the year to the eight billion dollar
profit rate of the last quarter,
stated in the report itself, shows
how unstable the amount of pro-
fits is wtihin one year. Further-
more, it would seem questionable
to take the profit record for a
single quarter of the year, at best
simply an estimate, and project
such a rate of profits through
1947, he declared.
Nathan then proceeds to estab-
lish the probable volume of ex-
cess profits for 1947 through ref-
erence to the profit record of man-
World Newsj
!y ThE: Associated Press
NEW YORK, Jan. 8-Dapper
Alvin J. Paris, 28-year-old Broad-
way and nightclub figure, was
convicted speedily late today by
a General Sessions Court jury of

ufacturing corporations in the per-
iod 1936-1939. "This period con-
tained a severe recession at the
end of 1937, continuing into 1938,
and as the whole period was one
of unemployment, one may doubt
the legitimacy of taking such a
year as a normal one," Prof. Palm-
er explained.
"The Nathan report implies in
several parts that wages should
move percentage - wise through
time in the same way that profits
do," Prof. Palmer stated. "But
there is necessarily a much great-
er variability in the level of pro-
fits, than in the level of wages.
Profit fluctuation is the governor
of the economic situation, and it
See PALMER, Page 2
Lin Tung-chi
W1 Ledure
"The Aristocratic Antecedent"
will be the subject of an address
by Dr. Lin Tung-chi, professor of
government and history at Na-
tional Futan University, China, at
4:15 p.m. tomorrow in the Rack-
ham Amphitheatre.
Dr. Lin, who received his B.A.
from the University in 1928 re-
turned to the United States in
June, 1945 as a guest of the De-
partment of State under its Cul-
tural Cooperation Program. As
head of the Library of Western
Thought, a Chinese endowed in-
stitution to be established in
Shanghai for the specific purpose
of studying western ideas.

Steel Delivery
Schedule for
1U' Will Be Set
Material Needed To
Continue Building
A delivery schedule for steel
needed to resume work on the
General Service Building will be
completed as soon as Walter Roth,
superintendent of the plant de-
partment, can get to Pittsburgh to,
make the necessary arrangements.
Roth was to have made the trip
early this week, but was prevented
from doing so by the cancellation
of his plane flight to that city.
Shipments had been expected late
last month, but delays caused by
the coal strike upset rolling mill
Work on the General Service
Building has been halted for the
past few weeks with column and
wall footings, machine room walls
and grading for the basement
floor complete.
Construction is proceeding on
all other projects, but a shortage
of bricklayers and carpenters de-
layed the work on the East Quad-
rangle extension last month. How-
ever, Roth reported that the size
of the crew is adequate to keep
work going at a satisfactory pace.
Most rapid progress has been
made on the addition to the East
Engineering building, on which
fourth floor concrete pourings are
about one-quarter complete. In
spite of the delays on the East
Quadrangle extension, the build-
ing is the second most advanced
of the new structures with work
started on the third floor and
basement and ground floor parti-
tions more than 50 per cent com-

Asks Regard
Of Each Case
In Revisions
Also Proposes Rent
Controls Extension
By The Associated Press
WASHINGTON, Jan. 8.-Presl
dent Truman today called on busi-
ness to cut prices, on Congress to
maintain high taxes, and on labor
to be moderate in wage demands.
The Administration backed away
from supporting blanket wage in-
creases and advised " a discrimi-
nating regard for individual situ-
ations" in revising both wages and
prices. I
This represents a shift in Mr.
Truman's position of a year ago
when he gave general support to
a broad "pattern" of percent-
age-wise pay boosts.
The President also asked exten-
sion of rent controls beyond June
30, the present expiration date.
The requests were contained in
the President's first annual eco-
nomic report t" Congress. It met
a varied reception. Senator 'Ma-
honey (Dem.-Wyo.) called it "a
policy for the preservation of
the capitalistic system." Senator
Wherry (Rep.-Neb.) scoffed at it
as "just a campaign statement."
Wherry and, Senator Moore
(Rep.-Okla.) urged an end to
rent ceilings, and Chairman
Knutson (Rep,-Minn.) of the
tax-writing House Ways and
Means Committee told a re-
"I can't agree with the Presi-
dent's conclusion that we can't
cut taxes, because we are going
to adopt a budget that will en-
able us to cut taxes."
Mr. Truman said the courses he
charted are essential to sustain
jobs and production in a nation
which, as 1947 opens, "has never
been so strong or so prosperous."
The danger ahead, he said, is
that "consumer buying will falter"
because price increases have cut
into the public's purchasing power.
To prevent this from leading to
factory lay-offs and curtailed pro-
duction, he urged prompt steps to
bolster buying power. He empha-
sized price cuts more heavily than
wage increases, as the way to do it.
Action Delayed
On Chemists
Testimony from
Finch Awaited
Final action on the faculty stat-
us of the two teaching fellows in
the chemistry department who
were relieved from their teaching
duties following a New Ylear's
explosion will not be taken until
next week, Hayward Keniston,
dean of the literary college, said
Gaylord Finch, 23, a resident of
the University Terrace apartment
in which the "experiment" ex-
ploded, is expected to be fully
enough recovered by that time to
appear before the Executive Comm-
mittee of the literary college
which will handle the final ac-
Edwin Campbell, 20, the other
expeimenter, also was injured in
the blast, but not seriously enough
to require hospitalization.
Commerce Group

To Honor PerkMs
Dr. John A. Perkins, former as-
sistant professor of political sci-
ence at the University, will be pre-
sented with the annual Distin-

offering bribes to the key New
LONDON, Jan. 8 -(AP) - Sur- York Giants' players to "lay down"
prise tinged with regret was the in the Dec. 15 championship game
immediate reaction across Europe with the Chicago Bears.
today to the resignation of Sec- Bert Bell, National Professional
retary of State James F. Byrnes, League Football commissioner,
but the appointment of Gen. announced at once that the two
George C. Marshall as his succes- backs, Frank Filchock and Merle
sor generally was received with Hapes, were suspended and that
approval, an immediate hearing would be
Newspapers gave smash play to conducted to decide on possible
the story, and Marshall's appoint- league action against them.
ment was endorsed unqualifiedly. *

Legislature Must Face Sales
Tax, Vet Bonus Amendment


Lack of Funds Stymies Junior Colleges

Jerusalem, Jan, 8 - Police
said they had received "as yet
unconfirmed reports" that Jews
and Arabs had clashed tonight
in Tubas, a town of 10,000 popu-
lation on the edge of the historic
Esdraelon plains.
UNRRA Director General Lowell
W. Rooks said today that the food
situation in Austria is "extremely

The financial dilemma caused
by the passage of the sales tax
and veterans bonus amendments
"completely overshadows" any
other problem facing the new state
legislature which convened Jan.
2, according to Prof. Robert Ford,
director of the Bureau of Govern-
Prof, Ford said in his pre-elec-
tion analysis of the sales tax
amendment that it would cause
an estimated annual loss to the
state of $42,000,000. The veterans'
bonus amendment will absorb at

but stated, "I feel that I should
make known at the time my pres-
I ent conviction that the solution
I will be found in a more equitable
distribution of our income and re-
sponsibilities among local units of
government of all types, and not
in the levying of new taxes, the
postponement of the inevitable by
incurring new deficits, or in the
curtailment of vital services;"
Reduce State Aid
According to Prof. Ford, the
only alternative would be the re-
duction of other state aid to local
units. The state might retain the

The junior college movement in
Michigan has been nipped in the

support from the state of junior
colleges looked good last fall, their
chances have been "greatly dimin-
ih r.4rcnr, flhn ,sla ,, TnnT Cr ,

legislators now find themselves "on
the spot" because of their realiza-
tion that there will not be enoughI
mnnv atin th+ tr+,n.41 +v to I

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