FOUR T HE MICHIGAN DAILY I WEDNESDAY, JANUARY 8. 147 "- f - - _T__ ._- .,, _~ Two Public Servants EDMND CLAUDESHIELDS, former Uni- versity regent who died Monday, was known throughout the state for his service both to the University and to the people of the state. Shields served as regent from Jan. 9, 1933, to Dec. 31, 1935, by the appointment of Gov. W. A. Comstock. In January, 1938, he was elected to an eight-year term end- ing Dec. 31, 1945. Born in Howell, in 1871, he attended high school there before coming to' the Uni- versity where he obtained a Bachelor of Letters degree (predecessor of the A.B.) in 1894 and a Bachelor of Laws in 1896. At the University, Shields was active in sports as a member of the baseball team for- four years, serving that team both as captain and later as manager, and as a member of the 1895 football team. After graduation, he was a second lieu- tenant of the 35th Michigan Infantry in the Spanish-American war. Always active in Michigan politics, Shields served as chairman of the Democratic State Central Committee from 1909 to 1916, man- aged the successful gubernatorial cam- paigns of W. N. Ferris in 1912 and 1914, and was a frequent delegate to Democratic National Conventions. In 1936, he was elect- ed a member for Mlichigan of the Demo- cratic National Committee. Shields also served the state as chairman of a commission to compile Michigan state statutes in 1915, -and as chairman of the Four-Minute Men of Michigan during World War I. , THE PASSING of former Regent Shields Editorials published in The Michigan Daily are written by -mevbers of The Daily staff and represent the views of the writers only. comes less than three months loss to the University of Regent Bishop in October. after the Russell S. Bishop was appointed Regent to fill the unexpired term of Mrs. E. M. Cram by Gov. Kelly in January, 1943. Ile was elected to assume the eight-year post beginning Jan. 1, 1944. After his graduation from the University with an A.B. degree in 1908, he was always active in the Alumni Association. He was a director-at-large of that organization, and from 1938 to 1940 served as president of the Association. He was an honorary life member of the University of Michigan Club of Detroit. By the terms of his will, Regent Bishop continued to serve the University, by leaving 500 shares of General Motors stock to the Board of Regents and 100 additional shares to the University. In addition to his services to the Uni- versity, Bishop was long active in church and community affairs in Flint. A member of the Flint Committee of the University of Michigan Research Center, and a member of the Michigan Children's Center, Bishop was also a director of the Boy Scouts in Flint and associated with the Salvation Army and the Young Men's Christian As- sociation in that city. During World War II, he was president of the Flint Community Chest, was chair- man of the Flint British War Relief So- ciety, and was on the executive committee of the Michigan United War Chest. During the first World War, he served with the, Motors Division of the Army. He was a member of the advisory committee of the Flint Naval Reserve. The loss within the past few months 'of former Regent Shields and of Regent Bishop has been not only to the University but to the citizens of the state as well. Both men devoted great portions of their energy and time to performing the role which benefits everyone, that of public servant. -Milt Freudenheinm v c+, NIGHT EDITOR: HARRY LEVINE MAN TO MAN: Truman I '4 By HAROLD L. ICKES DISREGARDING the reasons publicly as- signed for the resignation of George E. Allen as the de facto boss of the Recon- struction Finance Corporation, the country is well rid of him. Thoughtful Citizens have, all along, believed that the nation was paying an outrageous black-market price for the story-telling and poker-playing abil- ON WORLD AFFAIRS: New G enetra tion By EDGAR ANSEL MOWRER ONE NIGHT in November, 1944, William Liscum Borden, a Yale graduate, was piloting a B-29 back from a mission over Germany, when he was startled by a crim- son glare. It turned out to be the streak of a German V-2 heading for London at about five times the speed cf sound. The V-2 started young Borden thinking. What sort of future might a young Amer- ican anticipate? This young pilot felt that greater realism might have prevented Pearl Harbor. If the war had taught him any- thing it was not to shrink from re lity. Obviously, the task of the century was to prevent another super-war. The more you thought, the clearer you saw that only some sort of world government could do the trick. Anarchy-the system of "sover- eign" states-was bound to lead to a new conflict. If we could not get world government in time, then the next best thing was of course to try to get the new horror weapons out- lawed. But suppose we failed? Was the future just an introduction to the two hours of atomic slaughter predicted by the atomic scientists? Anyway, if the new weapons were analyzed without flinching, the chances of their being used might be re- duced. THE RESULT of this analysis was a small book called significantly "There Will Be No Time" (Macmillan, 1946). The chief thesis of this admirable vol- ume is this: When the next war comes, it will not necessarily be as horrible as most Americans have been led to believe. Mr. Borden assumes that the chief wea- pon of the future will be the atom-bomb- carrying rocket that can be fired from any- where at a target nearly anywhere else. He knows less about the scientific aspects of either rockets or A bombs than their mokers. But he knows more about war. For him the man-carrying airplane is practically obsolete. Ships on the other hand are not. Not ships that can serve country, the destruction of whose cities will not have crippled its offensive power. This could mean that a new atomic war, instead of being more homicidal than past struggles, might actually be less so. Two possible weaknesses in the argument are:j first, that an aggressor might possess enough missiles to blanket both launching sites and cities: second that the govern- Court Jester' ities of a fortuitous occupant of a high government office that called for training and abilities that the record nowhere shows that Mr. Allen possesses. Now he is free to offer his wares in the market place on the presumption that the White House is still open to him via the back door. Quite aside from the inappropriateness of this appointment from, the very beginn- ing, Mr. Allen's tenure of office, considering all of the circumstances, continues to pose serious questions of (A) the suitability of his appointment and (B) the propriety of his acceptance of it. Certainly, his tenure of office has been constantly harmful to the prestige of the President. Many have long deplored the uncon- scionable facility with which men have ac- cepted appointments, either to advertise their ability for more lucrative connections with private business or to acquire, in as brief a time as possible, a technical exper- ience that would qualify them for private business on a high appointment and salary level. If it is true that Mr. Allen accepted appointment to the RFC on the under- standing that he would retain the office for only one year, then, on this count alone, Mr. Allen may be gravely criti- cized. In setting up the RFC, the Con- gress apparently had in mind that con- tinued service over a number of years-was necessary, if the members of the Board were to be worth their salt, or if the Board itself were to be capable of per- forming the responsible public duties laid upon it. And if President Truman, in appointing Mr. Allen, understood that he would resign at the end of a year, which may be doubted, then he cannot escape the criticism.- It would be strange indeed, if the appointment had been made and accepted on the basis of service for one year, that there never was any public intimation of such a limitation. Perhaps both the President and Mr. Allen are protesting too much. There are probably those who believe that Mr. Allen, in deciding to resign, for what- ever reason, felt that some explanation was due a long-suffering people and that there- fore he persuaded himself, and subsequently the President, that he had yielded to the importunities of the President on the un- derstanding that he would resign at the end of the year. But this does not carry conviction, even if it serves again to empha- size the easy-going complacence with which President Truman is willing to advance the interests of his cronies, either as public servants or as private citizens, by the kalei- doscopic use of public office and influence. As is well pointed out in a recent editorial in the New York Herald Tribune: "If Mr. Allen was selected with the knowledge that he would only serve a year, Mr. Truman made a considerable investment for pres- tige for a not very considerable return. The Allen appointment, however amusing to the Senate, was one of those inept actions which did so much to weaken his hold on the American people." THE explanation given by Mr. Allen, and the easy accentance of it by a President Fain IPraise By HARRY LEVINE 'FAKING it once over lightly on page one this morning, I burrowed deeper into my armchair and focused all attention on "The Great Football Fix" in New York. A little guy by the name of Alvin J. Paris, who bears a strong resemblance to Twelve Gun Tweeney is accused of try- ing to persuade two professional football players to throw a championship game. This in itself is a preposterous assump- tion as Paris no more looks like the proto- type of the big-time gambler than my mother resembles John L. Lewis. Slight, near-sighted and presenting an all-round concave appearance, Paris looks like the last man ever to try and push around a couple of football players. To make matters worse, there is the prob- lem of finding twelve peers as a suitable jury for Paris. Everybody in New York likes to bet a little here and there and it isn't helping the judge any. One of the first ones called for jury duty was a songwriter, Leonard Whitcup, who has authored such minor classics as "I'm An American" and "Frenesi." In spite of his strong evidences of citizenship, Whit- cup was unacceptable as a juror. Whitcup's only shortcoming is, like many other songwriters, he likes to go to Lindy's restaurant every so often, sup on a little borscht, nibble perhaps on a piece of cheesecake and place an oc- casional dollar or two on something he considers a sure thing. Perfectly rea- sonable to you and me. Who better than a Lindy songwriter is capable of judging such proceedings with a critical eye and a reasonable attitude? The judge was unimpressed. Another, William Haskell, who is described as "customer's man for a brokerage house," was also excused from jury duty. He took very little of the judge's time with the dia- logue running approximately as follows: Haskell:fI'm in the gambling business myself. Judge: What? Haskell: The brokerage business is gambling. Judge: Is that your employer's opinion? Haskell: No sir, that's my opinion. Judge: (wearily) Excused. After a relentless search, the judge finally found what defense attorney Minton called "the perfect juror," a little old lady by the name of Gertrude Noble who never heard of the New York Giants -a refreshing note in itself - and who recalls having once seen a football game 14 years ago. By happy coincidence, Mrs. Noble was the first juror chosen and thus automat- ically becomes foreman of the jury, as soon as they can find eleven more people. There's seven million people in the city, but either they all bet on the game or would have if they had any money. In any case, the judge is having a hell of a time. VA Pay System THE CONFUSION in the VA system of paying veterans' subsistence, which has been evident to the University veterans for several months, was condemned yesterday by the American Veterans Committee and, coincidentally, by the director of the state office of Veterans Affairs. Both the AVC and Col. Philip C. Pack, chief of Michigan's Veterans Affairs office, have urged the VA to adopt the voucher system for paying veterans, which was ad- vanced in an editorial in The Daily on Nov. 17. Col. Pack said that the present system of paying veterans by check was "ridiculous." Now that the ice of silence concerning the sorry state of veterans payments has been broken by a national veterans organi- zation and a state director of veterans af- fairs, we sincerely hope that other veterans. groups and other state officials will join in a concerted effort to eliminate this sit- uation which is causing hardship for thou- sands of veterans. -Stuart Finlayson Labor Reconversion RECONVERSION . of the Nation's labor force was virtually completed by the end of the first year of peace. During the one-year period following V-J Day, more than 10 million servicemen were demobil- ized and absorbed into civilian pursuits. In addition, approximately 4.5 million "extra" war-time workers, principally women and teen-age youth, left the labor market to resume their peacetime activities at home and in school. Many more millions of work- ers shifted over from war to civilian pro- duction. Yet, at no time during this period was unemployment a critical problem, and the year ended with employment at record levels. The postwar reshaping of the size and distribution of the United States' work force can best be viewed against the background of developments in both production and employment. -Monthly Labor Review (Continued from Page 2) Health-students are advised not to request grades of I or X in Feb- ruary. When such grades are ab- solutely imperative, the work must be made up in time to allow your instructor to report the make up grade not later than 4 p.m., Feb. 6. Grades received after that time may defer the student's gradua- tion until a later date. February 1947 graduates in Me- chanical, Civil and Chemical En- gineering, with high scholastic record. A representative of Stand- ard Oil Company (Indiana) will interview for positions with that organization on Wednesday, Jan. 8, Rm. 218, W. Engineering Bldg. Please sign the interview sched- ule posted on the bulletin board at Rm, 221, W. Eng. Bldg. Aeronautical and Mechanical Engineering Students: Mr. Stef- ano of Kellett Aircraft Corpora- tion, North Wales, Pennsylvania, will interview students graduating in February on Jan. 15 and 16. Please sign schedule on Aeronau- tical Engineering Bulletin Board. Lectures Prof. E. B. Ford, Reader in Genetics, Oxford University, Eng- land, President of the British Ge- netics Association, will lecture on the subject. "Biology of Popula- tions," at 4:15, Thurs., Jan. 9, Kel- logg Auditorium; auspices of the Laboratory of Vertebrate Biology. The public is cordially invited. Dr. Kenneth L. Pike will lec- ture on "Phonetics and Phonemics In a Practical World" at 7:30 p.m., Thurs., Rackham Amphitheatre. All interested in language study are invited. La Sociedad Ilispanica Lecture: Prof. H. E. Wethey, Department of Fine Arts, will lecture (in Eng- lish) on the subject "Peruvian Co- lonial Art" (illus.). at 8 p.m., Thurs., Jan. 9, Rm. D, Alumni Memorial Hall. Academic Notices Seminar in Applied Mathe- matics: 3 p.m., Rm. 317, W. Eng., Wed., Jan. 8. Mr. C. L. Perry will speak on "Outline of Methods in Nonlinear Differential Equa- tions." Seminar in Engineering Me- chanics: The Engineering Me- chanics Department is sponsoring a series of discussions on the Plas- ticity of Engineering Materials. The first discussion of this series will be at 7:30 p.m., Wed., Jan. 8, Rm. 402, W. Engineering Bldg. Pre-Medical Student Profes- sional Aptitude Test: TheAssocia- tion of American Medical Col- leges Professional Aptitude Test, the Graduate Record examina- tion required of all applicants to the 1947 freshman class at the University of Michigan and other medical colleges, will be offered Sat., Jan. 11, 9 a.m.-12:00 noon and 1:30-4 p.m., Rackham Lecture Hall. Each applicant must pre- sent a check or money order for five dollars ($5.00) made payable to the Graduate Record Office be- fore entering the examination room. Cash will not be accepted in payment of the fee. Applicants are requested to appear at the testing room at 8:45. No students will be admitted after 9 a.m. Graduate Students: Results of the Graduate Record Examina- tions given in December of 1945, April of 1946, and the Summer Session of 1946 are available in the Graduate School Office. . Concers Student Recital: Dalisay Al- daba, Soprano, a pupil of Arthur Hackett, will present a recital in partial fulfillment of the require- ments for the degree of Master of Music at 8:30 this evening in Ly- dia Mendelssohn Theatre. Open to the general public. Cancellation of Concert: The concert scheduled for Tuesday, Jan. 14, in Hill Auditorium by the University of Michigan Choir has been cancelled. It is planned to have the Choir participate in the concert to be given Saturday eve- ning, Jan. 18, in Hill Auditorium, as part of the program for the Mid-Western Conference on School Vocal and Instrumental Music to be held in Ann Arbor be- ginning Jan. 17. Events Today University Radio Program: 2:30 p.m., Station WKAR, 870 Kc., "What Prospective Teachers Hope their Pupils will Learn about their Community," Dr. Howard Y. McClusky, Professor of Educational Psychology. 2:45 p.m.. Station WKAR, 870 Kc., School of Music, William Klenz, Cello; John Wolaver, Piano. 3:30 p.m., Station WPAG, 1050 Kc., Campus News. Dr. Sam G. Wildman of the California Institute of Technol- ogy will discuss "Separation and Properties of Spinach Protein" at 4:15 p.m., East Lecture Room, Rackham Bldg. Everyone invited. U. of M. Flying Club: 7:30 p.m., Rm., 1042, E. Engineering Bldg. Sigma Xi: 8 p.m. Rackham Am- phitheatre. A symposium on the physiological and the morphologi- cal effects of "Plant Hormones." Speakers, Professors Felix G. Gustafson and Carl D. LaRue, of the Department of Botany. The public is invited. Phi Lambda Upsilon faculty and student members meet 7:30 p.m. W. Conference Room, Rackham. Mr. W. L. Badger will show ko- dachrome slides of his 1946 busi- ness trip to Europe. Delta Sigma Pi, professional Business Administration frater- nity, pledge meeting: 7 p.m., Rm. 302, Union. Actives meet 7:30 p.m., Rm. 302, Union. Phi Delta Kappa: 7:30 p.m., E. Conference Room, Rackham Bldg. Romance Language Journal Club: 4:15 p.m.. East Conference Room, Rackham Bldg. Prof. Charles Koella will speak on "Panait Istrati, le vagabond hu- manitaire." Ski Club: 7:15, Rm. 305, Union. Movie entitled "How to Ski" will be shown. Final plans will be BILL MAULDIN formed for trip to Cadillac this weekend. All interested in trip are urged to attend meeting. Wolverine Club: 7 p.m., Union. Lutheran Student Association Tea and Coffee Hour: 4-5:30 p.m., Center, 1304 [illi Street. Students in Wood Technology: Mr. Leo Jiranek, Consultant De- signer, Will speak on Furniture Design at 11 a.m., Thurs., Jan. 9, East Lecture Room, Mez. Floor, Rackham Bldg. All Wood Tech- nology students are expected to attend. Faculty and students of other Departments are invited. Coming Events Research Club: 8 p.m., Wed., Jan. 15,, Raekham Amphitheatre. Papers by Prof. W. H. Hobbs: "The Glacial' History of Iowa and Neighboring Portions of Minne- sota and Missouri"; Prof. Arthur E. Wood: "Political High Jinks in Hamtramck." Association of IT. of M. Scien- tists discussion group on atomic energy meet at 7:15 p.m., Thurs., Jan. 9, West Council Room, Rack- ham Bldg. IT. of M. Section of the Ameri- can Chemical Society meet at 4:15 p.m., Jan. 10, Rm. 151, Chemistry Bldg. Dr. W. M. Stan- ley, Department of Animal and Plant Pathology, The Rockefeller Institute for Medical Research, Princeton, N. J., will speak on "Studies on Purified Influenza Virus." The public is cordially in- vited. Economics Club: 8 p.m., Mon., Jan. 13, East Conference Room, Rackharn Bldg. Professors Ren- sis Likert and George Katona, of the Survey Research Center, will speak on "The Sample Interview Survey as a Tool of Economic Re- search." Business Administra- tion and Economic staff and graduate students are invited. University Men's Glee Club: Im- portantrehearsal Thursday, Jan. 9. Concert for Midwestern Music Conference, 7:15 to 7:30 p.m., Fri-, Jan. 17. Plans for trips. Gargoyle: Students who desire to become affiliated with Gar- goyle literary staff next semester are welcome at the Gargoyle of- fice, first floor Student Publica- tions Bldg., Wed., Jan. 15, be- tween 1 and 5 p.m. Bring your own pencil. I.A.S. Banquet: 7 p.m., Fri., Jan. 10, Smith Catering Service. Tick- ets on sale in Aero. Office. Mem- bers' only. The square dancing class spon- sored by the Graduate Outing Club originally scheduled for Thurs., Jan. 9, Women's Athletic Bldg.. has been canceled. The Art Cinema League pre- sents "They Were Five," director Duvivier, strring Jean Gabin. English titles; French dialogue. Thurs., Fri., Sat., 8:30 p.m. Box- effice. tppens 2 p.m. daily. Phone 6300 for reservations. Lydia Men- delssohn Theatre. * - E ITOR'S NOTE: No letter to the -Ieditor wi be printed unless signed ^ and writtn i good taste. Letters over 300 itordls in length will be shorteied r (oiitted; in special in- stances, ti eywill e printed, at the c r >ra'discretion of the editorial director. -1 Fair Trial 's8 t h e E d i t o r: T 1I well known that there is a shortage of people able to give psychological help, and as it has been stated by Dr. Lowell Kelly, in most communities one must itely on the minister or the family t doctor, who are already over bur- deed for advice on psychooi d n d fo ad i e o s ooical problem s. In Ann Arbor, al- though the University services are available, these are over bur- dened because of the needs of the size of the group to be served. a +4Therefore, when additional serv- svices are offered, they should be given a fair trial. -ElzabthSnyder Free Ad . . To the Editor: HATE to ask you but I won- "Allez! I'm working this side of the street"' dered whether you would be so DALFFCA UllETIN' good as to insert the fllowing advertisement conspicuously and on the cuff: PILES PILES of money are yours if you buy this bargain: Almost new educational institution with original housing facilities, located in and near friendly midwestern town. For details call PEN 6-5000 and ask for "The Brooklyn-Bridge Keed." Naturally I shall pay you as soon as I swing this deal, and also in case the VA should come through with my subsistence. -T. S. Lichtenberger Yugoslavia, " THE problem of Yugoslavia is a bit more involved than is indi- cated in The Daily's unsigned edi- torial, "Yugoslavia Lesson." In my judgment, this editorial, rid- died with falsehood, 'half-truth, and invective, contained not one paragraph worthy of an objective, dignified newspaper. The editorial stated that the Allies "preferred a communist masquerading in democratic dress to a democratic officer. Draja Mi- hailovitch." The facts are that Tito never masqueraded as any- thing but a communist. He drew his support from the people as a communist and fought as such. That Mihailovitch was a democrat is laughable. He was a Serbian na- tionalist general of an antique royal Balkan army. He was more Serb than Yugoslav and unlike Tito, whose army was a broad com- posite of Serbs, Croats, Slovenes, Macedonians, Dalmatians, 'etc., Mihailovitch's forces were cen- tered about a fanatical nucleus of pan-Serbian jingoes, the Chet- niks. He fought, not for democ- racy, but for the monarchy, for continued Serbian hegemony over all the Yugoslavs. The recent trial of Mihailovitch sheds interesting light on him. When confronted with documen- tary and phostotatic evidence of his collaboration with the Axis during the war (when he was sup- posed to be on our side), Draj pleaded innocent in a manner reminiscent of the Nazi war crimi- nals at Nuremberg. The "poor," "democratic" officer said in effect, "Gee, I didn't know that my troops got their arms from the Italians. Honest, I didn't order my Chet- niks to wipe out that Croatian vil- lage. Gosh, we only 'fought side by side with the Fascists when .I wasn't looking." The "faithful ally" failed to impress the court with such testimony, and, like any other quisling, he was hanged. This subject has far greater. scopethan any letter to the edi- tor will permit. A good account of Yugoslavia during the wa can be read in Louis Adamic's Uy Native Land. I was in Yugoslavia a year ago, saw for myself that the ,"iron curtain" comes strictly from Ful- ton, Missouri. It is regrettable that The Daily'found it necessary to print such tripe in its editorial columns. -Robert Silk EDITOR'S NOTE: "Yugoslavia Jes- son," an excerpt from a colm by Edgar Ansel Mowrer, was not cred- ited to him through a proof-read- er's error. Letters to the Editor Fifty-Seventh Year Edited and managed by students of the University of Michigan under the authority of the Board in Control of Student Publications. Editorial Staff Robert Goldman .....Managing Editor Milton Freudenheim.Editorial Director Clayton Dickey...........City Editor Ma~ry Brush..........ssociate Editor Ann Kutz ............Associate Editor Paul Harsha ..........Associate Editor Clark Bake~r.............ports Editor Des Howarth ..Associate Sports Editor Jack Martin ...Associate Sports Editor Joan Wilk ............Women's Editor Lynne Ford Associate Women's Editor BEsiness Stafl Robert E. Potter ....Business Manage Evelyn Mills . ....Associate Business M age Janet Cork Associate Business ManAae Telephone 23-24.1 BARNA!B Y