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January 08, 1947 - Image 1

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The Michigan Daily, 1947-01-08

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Latest Deadline in the State




* * *R

A VC Asks
VA To Pay
Vets Cash
Urge Paymaster
In Proposed Plan
Special To The Daily
American Veterans Committee
urged the Veterans Administra-
tion today to adopt a dcentra1-
ized system of payin subsistence
allowances to veterans attending
(The proposed system original-
ly appeared on the editorial page
of The Michigan Daily, November
In a letter to General Brad-
ley, AVC's national legislative
representative, Chat Patterson
recommended that a "qualified
disbursing officer by appointed
to make payments of allowances
directly to student veterans;
that payroll lists be prepared
monthly from the records of lo-
cal VA offices; that the disburs-i
ing officer receive a single check
from the Treasury covering the
entire payroll; and that the dis-
bursing officer make cash pay-
ments as indicated on the pay-
Patterson cited figures at the
University of Michigan. to show
that the present check system is
"working hardship on students."
Local Officials
Of VA Defend
Present Plan
Local VA officials say that the
present, pay system is better than
the plan proposed by The Daily, in
spite of the delay in subsistence
payment this semester.
Harold Haakon, chief of the
training section in the local office,
said yesterday that the proposed
plan would affordsno short-cut to
quick payments, since authoriza-
tion for subsistence payments
must be made by the VA regional
office in Detroit. Pay vouchers
would have to clear the Detroit
office just as the finance office
rosters do. Under the present sys-
tem address plates are cut for the
entire semester from these lists.
One of the bottlenecks causing
payments to be delayed this sem-
ester was the shortage of help in
certain divisions when the peak
load of GT Bill applications was
being handled last fall, Haakon
said. Now the Civil Service has
given the VA permission to redis-
tribute personnel as it is needed.
This is expected to relieve tle dif-
ficulty incurred last fall.
Gamma Phis
Still Homeless
Members of Gamma Phi Beta
sorority were still homeless last
night when the Office of the Dean
of Women, acting on a recon,-
mendation of Health Service, bar-
red them from the chapter house
at °1520 S. University.
The sanitarian of Health Ser-
vice and a representative from the
Office inspected the house yester-
day morning, finding evidence of
extensive leakage of carbon mon-
oxide and other gases from the

Until the sanitarian declares
that the house is safe for occu-
pancy, the 32 homeless Gamma
Phi members will live in the Un-
ion and in other sororities which
have made space available.
Dalisay J. Aldaba
Will Sing- Today
A program, including an aria
from Puccini's "Madame Butter-

Chemistry Teachers Lose
Positions After Explosion
Action Taken Monday by Department Staff
Following Report of New Year's Day Blast

Gaylord Finch and Edwin
Campbell, teaching fellows in the
chemistry department, who were
injured when a New Year's "ex-
periment" exploded, were relieved
yesterday of their teaching duties
in the dep irtment.
Their future relationship to the
department will be decided by the
Executive Committee of the liter-
ary college, Dean Hayward Ken-
iston announced.

Taber Warns
Against High
Budget Figure
Clash over Expected
Proposal Threatened
WASHINGTON, Jan. 7- ('P) -
Rep. Taber (Rep., N.Y.), chair-
man of the House Appropriations
Committee, threatened tonight to
"use a sledgehammer" on Presi-
dent Truman's expected proposal
for a $37,000,000,000 budget. Tab-
er called for lopping 1,000,000 em-
ployes off the Federal payroll.
Signalling the first major clash
between the Democratic admin-
istration and the Republican-con-
trolled congress, Taber told news-
"If the President presents any-
thing like a $37,000,000,000 out-
lay for expenditures next year, we
will use a sledgehammer as well
as a meat axe to bring down that
"My budget figure is $29,140,-
000,000," Taber said, "and I have
not changed it.
"We are going to cut down gov-
ernment expenditures toba point
where the budget can be balanced,
a payment made on the national
debt, and we will still have room
to reduce taxes."
Governmentsofficials predicted
Mr. Truman will submit to Con-
gress on Friday a budget close
to the $37,000,000,000 mark. This
would be for the next fiscal year,
beginning July 1, 1947.
Lin Tung-Chi
To Talk Here
Dr. Lin Tung-chi, professor of
government and history at Na-
tional Futan University, China,
will speak on "The Aristocratic
Antecedent" at 4:15 p.m., Friday
in the Rackham Amphitheatre.
This is the first of a series of
four lectures on "The Quest of
the Chinese Mind" which Dr. Lin
will deliver here under the joint
auspices of the history department
and the Oriental Civilization Pro-
Dr. Lin, 'who received his B.A.
from the University in 1928, re-
turned to the United States in
June, 1945 as a guest of the De-
partment of State under its Cu-
tural Cooperation Program. Since
his arrival, he has been confer-
ring with officials at various
Americanuniversities as head of
the Librarydof Western Thought,
a Chinese endowed institution to
be erected in Shanghai for the
specific purpose of studying the
basic ideas and institutions of the
The remaining lectures of the
series to be given by Dr. Lin in-
clude: "The Enlightenment: Prize
and Price" at 8:10 p.m. Monday;
"Humanism or Beyond Human-
ism" at 4:15 p.m., Jan. 15; and
"The Emerging Ethos" at 4:15
p.m., Jan. 17, in the Rackham
Heirens Now

The action was taken following
a meeting of the chemistry de-
partment staff Monday to con-
sider possible changes in Finch's
and Campbell's faculty status fol-
lowing the blast, which caused
damage estimated at $500 to
Finch's University Terrace apart-
Changing their original story of
accidentally dropping a piece of
metal sodium into water, the stu-
dents told University officials that
the explosion was caused by mix-
ing red phosphorus and potassium
Finch is still a patient at Uni-
versity Hospital after suffering
burns on his face, stomach, hands
and wrists. His condition was re-
ported as improving.
Campbell and Lee Miller, the
building manager, also suffered
cuts and burns and were treated
at the hospital.
The Dean of Students Office
conducted an earlier investigation
of the incident to determine
whether action should be taken
against the teaching fellows as
graduate students of the Univer-
sity. They decded that it was an
accident which did not call for
action by their office.
Finch's wife and infant son;
were in other rooms of the apart-
ment at the time of the explosion
and escaped injury.
Case Set For
Alleged 'Fix'
Of Pro Game
NEW YORK, Jan. 7 - (1) -
After Alvin J. Paris' purported
confession had been admitted in
evidence and two New York
Giants' backfield stars had told of1
alleged bribe offers, the State to-
night completed its case in which
it seems to prove Paris tried to
"fix" the Giants-Chicago Bears1
Dec. 15 game.
Assistant District Attorney'
George P. Monaghan read to the'
jury of two women and 10 men
the statement in which Paris al-?
legedly admitted offering bribes
to Frank Filchock and Merle'
Hapes to throw the National Pro-1
fessional Football League title
The 25-page statement was
made at 5:15 a.m. the day of the
game, Monaghan said.
When the state rested, Judge
Saul S. Streit adjourned court
for the day and ordered the jury
locked up for the second succes-
sive night.
* * *
Paris Trul
Juror Excusedr
NEW YORK, Jan. 7-(/')-The
New York Stock Exchange and a
brokerage firm today dismissed at
customer's man who said he could
not serve on a jury trying the Al-1
vin J. Paris football bribe cases
because "I'm a gambling man my-
William H. Haskell, the excused
juror, had his registration as a
representative on the stock ex-
change cancelled because, Presi-
dent Emil Schram said, he "hass
a misconception of the businessr
in which he has been engaged."a
The Student Legislature willA
meet at 7:30 p.m. today in theL
Hussey Room of the League.V

Tough Task
Lies Ahead
For Marshall
Change Enhances
Political Position
George C. Marshall's new post will
bring him face-to-face with some
of the toughest problems in world
history and-whether he likes it
or not-will plunge him into the
midst of 1948 presidential specula-
The two biggest problems con-
fronting the General-turned-dip-
lomat are:
1. How to deal with the Rus-
sians in completing the structure
of world peace.
2. How to work with the new
Republican Congress in the con-
duct of foreign affairs.
Political Status
As for politics, his selection as
Secretary of State makes him the
No. 2 man in the Truman Admin-
istration-the man who would be-
come President if a vacancy
should occur in the White House
in the next two years.
Looking ahead to 1948, some
Democrats already have men-
tioned his name privately as
among the possible standard bear-
ers if for any reason Mr. Truman
should not be the nominee. Mar-
shall, as a soldier, has steered clear
of politics, but there are those who
would like to see him at the top
of the ticket.
If a full-fledged "draft Mar-
shall movement should develop, it
might hie helped along by the fact
that Marshall, as secretary of
state, would be continuously in
the public eye. Friends say, how-
ever, that Marshall has never dis-
played the slightest political am-
The diplomatic tasks confront-
ing Marshall are enormous and in
some instances urgent.
In two months, according to
present schedules, he will have to
set out for Moscow to begin nego-
tiating a German peace treaty
with the Russian, British and
French foreign ministers.
Unless the Moscow meeting is
only the fundamentals of the
delayed-should Marshall request
more time to prepare for it-he
must master in the meantime not
German problem but also other
current thorny issues over Pales-
tine, Argentina, Poland, and Ja-
Horowitz Will
Give Concert
Here Friday
Presenting the seventh concert
of the Choral Union Series, Vladi-
mir Horowitz, pianist, will appear
Friday, Jan. 17, in Hill Auditori-
Horowitz began his musical ca-
reer in Russia, where he became
famous almost immediately after
his debut in 1920. Because of the
disturbed post-revolution condi-
tions, however, he was unknown
outside that country until his first
European recital in 1926. Exten-
sive tours followed and Horowitz
made his first American appear-
ance two years later.
Horowitz has chosen the follow-
ing numbers for his Ann Arbor
Mozart: Sonata in A major; Mendel-
ssohn: Two Songs Without Words (B
minor, Op. 67; 0 major, Op. 62); Kab-

alevsky: Sonata No. 2.
Schumann: Variations on a theme by
Clara Wieck; Chopin: Impromptu in
A-flat ma or; Four Etudes, Op. 10;
Lizt: Legend: St. Francis of Paola
Walking on the Waters.

resident Names
General Marshall
ToSucceed Hi*m
Cabinet Minister Forced To Resign
After Doctors Advise 'Slow Down'
By The Associated Press
WASHINGTON, Jan. 7--James F. Byrnes resigned tonight as
Secretary of State and President Truman chose as his successor the
man who guided America's military fortunes in the war-General
George C. Marshall.
Byrnes declared the doctors had warned him he must "slow



Billiard Exhibition Features
Willie Hoppe and Prof. Moore

Willie Hoppe, billiards' champ-
ion of champions, had his cue ball
analyzed last night by Prof. A. D.
Moore, head mentor of the Col-
lege of Engineering.
Hoppe and Charles Peterson,
trick artist, entertainted 250 mem-
bers of the Science Research Club,
while Prof. Moore explained how
Hoppe's cue ball did somersaults.
President Alexander G. Ruth-
Portal Claims
Rise Toward
Expected Peak
WASHINGTON, Jan. 7 - (W) -
Portal to portal wage suits-now
nearing the $3,500,000,000 'mark
-mounted slowly but steadily
Tuesday toward the industry-pre-
dicted $5,000,000,000 peak as both
houses of Congress considered bills
to curb them.
A total of $181,030,540 in new
claims was filed Tuesday to build
the overall unofficial total to $3,-
Rep. Gwynne (Rep., Iowa) in-
troduced a bill in the House Tues-
day which would limit the back
pay claims to one year on pending
suits and require that suits in the
future be filed within a year.
Senators Wiley (Rep., Wis.) and
Capehart (Rep., Ind.) previously
had introduced bills in the Senate.
All suits such as those pending
would be barred under one section
of Wiley's measure, while most of
them would be placed outside the
domain of the courts by Cape-
hart's bill.
Plan Released
WASHINGTON, Jan. 7- (/P) -
Gen Jacob L. Devers, Command-
ing General of the Army Ground
Forces,ntoday announced plans to
resume the ROTC summer train-
ing periods, which were suspend-
ed after 1941.
Six week training courses will be1
given at selected camps through-
out the United States commencing
next summer.
The training will be mandatory
for students in the advanced
course of the senior ROTC (third
and fourth year college level).
They will attend one summer ses-
sion, normally during the summer+
preceding their final college year,+
in addition to training received
during the regular school year,

ven and Dean Ralph A. Sawyer
of the Graduate School were
among the spectators.
Prof. Moore, campus billiard
expert who has played and stud-
ied the game for 30 years, be-
came serious five years ago when
he secured Life Magazine's file
of repetitive-flash photographs
showing split-second details of
Hoppe's shots.
His study revealed:
Gyroscopic action wheels a cush-
ioned ball as much as two inches
in six feet.
Hoppe's normal stroke travels
ten feet per second; his powerful
nine-cushion shot probably spins
through the air at 40 feet per
The "coefficient of restitu-
tion," or "bouncability," of cue
against cue ball is .81. an ex-
tremely high degree.
"Monkey business" enters in the
nine-cushion shot when on the
sixth and eight cushions the ball
both loses and gains velocity.
Prof. Moore said cushion con-
tact always reduces the speed of
the ball.
"The ball slows down after the
cushion contact because its
axis tilts," he explained. "Ro-
tational energy thereby is built
up causing the ball to speed up
on many occasions."
Hoppe, who has been world's
billiard champion since 1906, said
that the analysis came a little late
to help his game.
"I've tried the trial and error
and practice method since I was
five," Hoppe, who is nearing 60,
said. "But maybe this will help
Time Schedules
Time schedules for the spring
semester will be available the
first part of next week at Rm.
4 University Hall, according to
spokesmen for the Editorial
Office of the University Press.
The 20,000 copies ordered are
now in the hands of the print-
Assault From Chinese
Communists Feared
PEIPING, Jan. 7.-(A')-An im-
Communist troops on the long-be-
sieged, Government-held capital
minent assault by 80,000 Chinese
city of Paoting in Hopeh Province
was reported today along with
Communist successes creatng a
crtcal government stuaton ii-i-ii
critical government situation in
South Shantung Province. Paoting
is 90 miles south of Peiping.

down" and that he couldn't slow
Marshall, Army Chief of Staff
presidential mission to China.
The announcement of his s
almost the exact hour, 6:15 p.
Marshall left for home by plane
from Nanking.
The change in the top diplo-
matic post was a surprise. It had
been known that Byrnes had
grown tired some months ago, but
the 67-year-old South Carolinian
seemed to be in very good health
With Senate confirmation of
Marshall-and no one doubted
that it was sure-the change
means that Marshall instead of
Byrnes stands next in line for
the presidency in the next two
years. There is no Vice Presi-
dent now and the Secretary of
Stateheads the line of succes-
sion under law.
Marshall turned 66 last Decem-
ber 31, having retired earlier as
Chief of Staff. Hailed as one of
America's military geniuses, the
five-starred general was President
Truman's pick to try to unsnary
the affairs of unhappy China.
In a report today, Marshall said
that China won't be saved until,
extremists of the right and left
give way in the government to
Now, he will transfer his tal-
ents to the world. Foremost
among the jobs he faces is get-
ting along with the Russians
with anything like the success
he did during the war.
The White House made public
an exchange of telegrams in which
the President accepted "with great
reluctance and heartfelt regret"
Byrnes' resignation, to become ef-
fective January 10.
Marshall, who has been Mr.
Truman's special envoy to China,
is now enroute to Washington
from Nanking. He will stop sev-
eral days in Hawaii enroute to
World News
By Th Associated Press
LAKE SUCCESS, N.Y., Jan. 7.-
The Security Council tonight post-
poned action on the Big Four plan
to place the Adriatic port of Tri-
este under United Nations juris-
diction after Australia questioned
the legality of the plan and Bel-
gium demanded more time to
study it.
COLUMBUS, O., Jan. 7. -
Bond of $5,000 was set for Rob-
ert H. Flemming, 42, ex-convict,
today when the man accused of
kidnapping pretty Mary Vir-
ginia Kimberly, 20-year-old
Ohio State University coed, was
arraigned on two charges of
writing bad checks.
Munieipal Judge Rodney Ross,
who set the bond, held Hemming
to the grand jury, which also
will consider a kidnaping charge
filed by the girl's mother, Mrs.
Emerson E. Kimberly, against
fnpmt. -;n

down in the job of Secretary of
f in the war, is presently ending a
election to the cabinet came at
m. Central Standard Time, that
Congress men
Byrnes' Work
WASHINGTON, Jan. 7- Con-
gressional expressions of regret
that Secretary of State Byrnes is
quitting were tempered tonight by
an outpouring of general praise
for Gen. George C. Marshall as
his successor.
Senator Vandenberg (Rep.,
Mich.), said in a typical state-
"I deeply regret the resignation
of Secretary Byrnes. He has been
an able, courageous, effective sec-
retary in the finest American tra-
He has been a staunch defender
of American ideals when they
needed defense in a critical period.
He has made a tremendous con-
tribution to peace. His departure
is a major loss.
"General Marshall is rich in
useful experience. He has always
enjoyed the total confidence of
Congress as well as of his mili-
tary and civilian colleagues at
home and abroad. I wish him
well in his great responsibility."
Typical of the sentiments ex-
pressed by House members were
those voiced by Rep. Wadsworth
(Rep., N.Y.), a member of the
Wadsworth termed Marshall a
man with "everything necessary
to make him one of the greatest
secretaries of state in the coun-
try's history."
'U' Teaching
Fellow's Play
Opens Feb. 9

The political exploits of an Ar-
my veteran who tries to become
President constitute the plot of
"O'Daniel," a play written by
Glendon F. Swarthout, teaching
fellow in the English department,
scheduled to open on Broadway
February 9.
The vet-hero, whose outstanding
trait is that he has learned to
achieve his own ends with a min-
imum of effort, unites the veterans
of the country into one organiza-
tion which backs him when he
attempts to get the nomination
for the presidency.
The play was outlined overseas
during the summer of 1944 while
Swarthout and his co-author John
Savacool of Summit, New Jersey
were serving in the Army. The
inspiration for the plot came dir-
ectly from the nmilitaryvexpriences


Garg To Be Thrust Upon Unwidlng Campus Monday



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