THE MICHIGAN DAILY TWYRSDAY, DECEMBER 19, 1940 Church News The ROGER WILLIAMS GUILD will meet at 7:15 p.m. to- day at the Guild House to go car- oling at the Rapid Treatment Center. Following the singing, the an- nual Christmas party will be held in the Guild House. Caroling, supper and a vespers service will be held by the METH- ODIST WESLEYAN GUILD at 5:30 p.m. Sunday at the center. * * Officers of the NEWMAN CLUB will meet at 7 p.m. today in the club rooms of St. Mary's Chapel. MICHIGAN CHRISTIAN FEL- LOWSHIP will hold a Christmas party today in Lane Hall. At the party, the final touches will be added to the Christmas basket which has been a project of fellowship for several weeks. The basket, to be presented to a needy Ann Arbor family of eight, 'will contain clothing, food and toys. Article ,for Japanese At the request of the Civil In- formation and Education Section of Gen. McArthur's headquarters, Prof. Leslie A. White, chairman of the anthropology department, will contribute an article to the first postwar issue of a Japanese ethnological journal. Free Concerts Arranged for Locl ChIlidren f1 Adopting a program familiar to students who attended public ele- mentary schools in Detroit or Phil- adelphia, the University Sym- phony Orchestra has arranged a series of special free children's concerts for Ann Arbor and Wash- tenaw County school children. The first program will be of- fered from 3 to 4 p.m .hn. 9 at Hill Auditorium. Conducted by Wayne Dunlap. the Symphony Orchestra has planned programs with educa- tional, as well as entertainment, value. Arrangements are being made in cooperation with Miss Marguerite Hood, supervisor of music education in the Ann Arbor public school system. Built around an animal theme, the first concert will include Mozart's "Shepherds' King Over- ture"; "Peter and the Wolf," by Prokofieff; "Afternoon of a Faun," by Debussy; and "Le Carnaval Des Animaux" by C. Saint Saens. Group singing will also be includ- ed. Harry Austin will be special narrator for "Peter and the Wolf." Austin holds a teaching fellowship in the speech department. After graduating from Ann Arbor High School and the University, he went to New York, where he ap- peared for two years in Danny Kaye's show "Let's Face It." Local Santa Commended Albeit Warnhoff, of Ann Arbor, was called "truly a Michigan Santa Claus" yesterday by Gov- ernor Harry Kelly. Gov. Kelly declared: "It gives me a great deal of pleasure to con- gratulate you on the splendid job you are doing in bringing so much happiness to the children of Micn- igan, in particular to those at the blind school, during the Christ- inas season. You are truly a Michigan Santa Claus." W arnhofl', who will call today at the children's wards of the Uni- versity Hospital to distribute gifts and toys among the crippled chil- dren, visited Gov. Kelly in Lan- sing yesterday. Warnhoff also contributed 100 toys to the American Red Cross for distribution at Percy Jones Hospital yesterday. Coed Carolers To Serenade Honorary Societies Will Comprise Group Members of four women's hon- orary societies will carry on an an- nual tradition by serenading'cam- pus residences with Christmas carols from 8 to 10 p.m. today. The groups which will take part in the caroling include Mortar- board, national senior honorary society; Senior Society, honor so- ciety for independent senior wom- en; Scroll, honor society for af- filiated senior women; and Wy- vern, all-campus honor society for junior women. Carolers will meet at 8 p.m. to- day in the Undergraduate Office of the League, and from there will set out on a tour of dormitor- ies, league houses, sorority and fraternity houses, according to Shirley Hansen, president of Sen- ior Society. It has been an annual tradition for the societies to go caroling the night before Christmas vacation begins. Diamonds and Wedding s17U t 717 North University Ave. YENAN, Dec. 18-(')-Chou En-Lai, China's No. 2 Communist and the party's chief negotiator, predicted today that new and vig- orous elements in the Kuomintang (government party of Chiang Kai- Shek), now working unnoticed un- derground, would rise soon to threw off the yoke of extreme right leadership. When that time comes, Chou told the Associated Press in an ex- clusive interview, other democratic and left wing elements of the na- tion would join together to achieve a solid, progressive front. "The Communists will have broken the back of the Kuomin- tang military offensive in six months," Chou said, "and within a year there will be sweeping changes effective in China's over- all governmental and economic structure." Chou said he had received no re- action either from General Mar- shall, President Truman's special envoy, or from Generalissimo Chiang Kai-Shek to his recent tel- egram outlining the two points considered necessary by the Com- 'M' Ski Club Will HIold First Meeting The Michigan Ski Club, open to all students interested in skiing, will meet this year for the first time since 1941. Club members are planning fre- quent weekend trips to nearby ski resorts such as Cadillac and Gray- ling. One such trip has been planned for Jan. 10. Students in- terested in joining these trips have been asked to bring their ski equipment since the club has none munists before resumption of ne- gotiations. These are abolition of the National Assembly and return of troops to their Jan. 13 position. Chou declared that if the Chiang government should accede to Communist wishes and form a coalition government, the Reds are "fully prepared" to evacuate their troops from Harbin, Tsitsi- har, Chefoo and elsewhere. le said negotiations were in progress both at Nanking (capital of the Chinese government) and Washington for a large govern- ment purchase of munitions. Families .. . (Continued from Page 1) help outside the G. Bill, from vari- ous pensions and other payments." The serious financial strain on campus families is shown by fig- ures in the AVC survey which in- dicates that 94 per cent of the married men with children are making up budget deficits by us- ing money put away during the war. In order to make their books balance, 46 per cent of them are working. In spite of working, 33 per cent of them are going in the red. They report an average def- icit of $39.43. University Hospital's maternity facilities have felt the strain more and more as the enrollment of married students has increased, according to Dr. Reynold L. Haas, instructor in obstetrics. There, has been a marked upswing in the number of the clinic's patients during the past year and particau- larly in the last few months, he Communist Leader Predicts Upheaval Within Kuomintang DAILY OFFICIAL BULLETIN Lectures University Lecture: Dr. Herbert Feigl, Professor of Philosophy, University of Minnesota, will lec- ture on the subject, "The Logic of Scientific Explanation," on Tues., Jan. 14; auspices of the Depart- ment of Philosophy. The public is invited. Academic Notices Biological Chemistry Seminar today at 3 p.m., Rm. 319, W. Medi- cal Bldg. Subject: "The Chemis- try of Sweat." Physical Chemistry Seminar to- day at 4:15 p.m., Rm. 151 Chem- istry Bldg. Mr. J. M. Lutton will speak on "Some Reactions of Hy- drogen Atoms." Open meeting. Events T oday mittee meeting at 4:30 W. Engineering Bldg. p.m. 2431 Sigma Gamma Epsilon initia- tion at 5 p.m., Russell Seminar Room. Regular Thursday Evening Concert sponsored by the Gradu- ate School will include Haydn's Symphony No. 99 in E flat major, Bach's Toccatas and Fugues, Brahm's Sonata in D minor, and Mozart's Divertimenti in E flat Major. All graduate students in- vited. La P'tite Causette: 3:30 p.m., Grill Room, League. Bahai Student Group: Openj meeting, 8 p.m., Mills' residence,' 1400 Granger St. SPECIAL DANCE at Michigan League fe a i r i ng ALLAN TOWNSEND AND HIS BAND There will be a floor show Including CLIFF HOFF on tenor sax and other specialty numbers Stags Admitted 9-12 P.M. Soft Drinks Served Friday and Saturday Nights, I I University Radio Program: 3:30 p.m., Station WPAG, Kc. World Masterpieces. 1050 with University regulations. If in Geological Journal Club meet at the opinion of the Committee on 12 noon, Rm. 3055, Natural Science Student Affairs the X or I cannot Bldg. Prof. W. H. Hobbs will speak be removed promptly, the paren- on "'Nebraskan' and 'Kansan' thetically reported grade may be glacial globes in Iowa." used in place of the X or I in com- puting the average. Engineering Open House Com- Students who are ineligible un- rm r mrmm der Rule V may participate only after having received special per- mission of the Committee on Stu- dent Affairs. Officers, Chairmen and Man- GARDENS agers: Officers, chairmen and managers of committees and proj- GEO. LUM, Prop. ects who violate the Rules Gov- 6 erning Participation in Public Ac- 613 East Liberty Street tivities may be directed to appear Between before the Committee on Student Michigan and State Theatres Affairs to explain their negligence. Willow Run Village A MERRY West Court Community Bldg. Thurs., Dec. 19, 8:00 p.m., Art- CHRISTMAS * Craft Workshop; 8:00 p.m., Uni- versity Extension Class in Psy- TO chology. Fri., Dec. 20, 8:00 p.m., Classi- ALLOF YOU cal Music Record Concert, com- A mentary by Mr. Weldon Wilson.A Let us help you with your Christmas shopping! For the children on your list we have Margaret O'Brien's album of the "Town Musicians" and "Three Billy Goats Gruff" and Fibber McGee and Molly's "On the Night Before Christmas." Teen-agers will like the Vaughn Monroe "On the Moon- beam" album or the new King Cole Trio "Christmas Song." Give the Al Goodman album of Jerome Kern's favorites or the Perry Como "Merry Christmas" album to a special friend. We know you'll like the Chopi waltzes, played by Brailowsky or the Tschaikovsky piano concerto in B minor done by Horowitz with Toscanini and the NBC Orchestra. The Philadelphia Orchestra has a fine re- At S.,, ~ ~ *~ti ' i 11 II I- - - - - -S 0 - -