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December 19, 1946 - Image 1

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The Michigan Daily, 1946-12-19

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See paige 2


Latest Deadline in the State





Fund Uses
Terry Cites Dea
On War Contrac
By Toe Associated Press
ward P. Terry, self-declared cu
todian of a $15,000 "beat Bilb
fund, evaded telling Senate i
vestigators today what he did wi
the funds and was threaten
with contempt and perjury pros
His stand threw into an upro
a Senate War Investigating Con
mittee hearing. It had been sta
tled a few, minutes earlier by
assertion from Terry that a phys
cian told him Sen. Theodore
Bilbo accepted $1,500 to get a na
cotics "prescripltion or license
for a constituent.
Called As Key Witness
Terry is a former secretary
the Mississippi democratic senat
and had been called as a key wi
ness in the committee's inqui
into Bilbo's relations with w
Twitching -nervously, he reite
ated previous assertions that b
had received warnings of death
he told what he knew about Bilb
Then, under questioning, he to:
of favors done for Bilbo by wa
contractors. He said Bilbo wen
"all out" to get contracts for Mis
issippi friends.
No Payments Understood
Terry said he never heard of an
understanding that these contra
tors were to make any payment
to Bilbo but he told of incident
where, he said, the senator ind
cated .anticipation that the con
tractors would do favors for hin
Earlier in the hearings, the com
mittee had obtained bank rec
ords showing a $14,300 deposit wa
added to Terry's account in
Jackson, -Miss., bank on Sept.
1946, and $15,000 was withdraw
on July 10, 1946.
At the time-of, the deposit, Ter
ry was Bilbo's secretary. They ha
frequent quarrels and he left th
senator's employ last Jan. 1.
Steel Workers
Vote To Seek
Pay Increase
PITTSBURGH, Dec. 18-(P)-
The CIO United Steel Workers
through its international wage
policy committee, today voted t
demand a "substantial wage in
crease" when negotiations for new
contracts open next month.
Philip Murray, president of th
USW, declined to state what the
steel workers considered a "sub-
stantial increase" but added:
"We will go into the negotia-
tions with our cards on the table
and hope that management wil
match our desire to settle matters
peacefully without resorting tc
strikes. I am against strikes, al-
ways, but I firmly believe that
the steel industry can meet oui
demands without increasing the
price of its products."
Contracts with between 70 and
86 basic steel companies expire
Feb. 1, according to Murray. Ne-
gotiations will be opened at least
30 days before then. The steel

workers head also said the union,
acting under the Smith-Conally
act, would file strike notices at
least 30 days before the expira-
tion of the agreements.
"It is merely a mechanical op-
eration," Murray said in explain-
ing the filing of strike notices. "It
is to protect the union in the
event we do not come to an agree-
ment by Feb. 1."
Under the program mapped out
by the 174-man wage-policy com-
mittee, the wage increase would
take effect the date of the expira-
tion of the present agreements.
Plays To Be
Given Tonight
Three one-act plays will be pre-
sented by the speech department
at 8:30 p.m. today in Lydia Men-
delssohn Theatre.
The program will include "Over-
tones" by Alice Gerstenberg: "Rid-
ers to the Sea" by James M.




-MAN Li WV %Yaw, 1VLi{/iliuty


I i


.. .,

LegisIature Approves
IFC Plans for J-lop
Group Accepts Proposal To Set Up Fend
Commemorating Both World War's Perad
The Student Legislature last night approved IFC plans for pre-
war style J-Hop house parties, including the right for men's resi-
dences to be turned over to women guests.
The Legislature also accepted the regulations for J-Hop submitted
by Dennis Youngblood, chairman of the J-Hop Committee.
The proposal for a J-Hop raffle to initiate a memorial fund
commemorating the dead of both world wars was also accepted by
the Legislature with the stipulation that the memorial be made a
"functional memorial."
According to Arthur Derderian, chairman of the J-Hop publicity


CPA Grants
Priorities fo
New Hospitv
U' Constructionit
Plans Incompllete

Plans for the construction
new Maternity Hospital




Campus AVC
Favors raise
In Allowances
Will Forward Survey
Results to Congress

D Increased allowances for veter-
r ans was endorsed by the Campus
AVC in a special session yester-
* day.
Members of AVC, meeting after
a panel discussion of this contro-
versial question, also voted to for-
Sward results of the chapter's re-
cent cost - of - living survey to
Michigan representatives togeth-
Ser with a recommendation that
subsistence allowances be raised.
Tabulations of this survey, re-
leased a week ago, revealed that
the living costs of 80 per cent of
University veterans average $43.-
25 more than their veterans sub-
sistence allowances. Other results
of the survey indicated that 82
per cent of the student veterans
who would otherwise go in the red
each month are using up their
savings, while 21 per cent re-
ported that they had received
family gifts.
Of the veterans who are stay-
ing in the black each month, 58.8
per cent were forced to work to
balance their budgets.
Endorsement of these proposals
followed a round table debate of
the subject by Sol Grossman,
vice - chairman of the AVC;
George Antonofsky, chairman of
the AVC legislative action com-
mittee; Ed Tumin, David Young,
Arthur Kaplan and Warren
Robert S. Waldrop, director of
the Veterans Service Bureau'
acted as moderator of the six-
man panel, which was followed by
a question and answer period
Smith Leaves
World Bank.
The fledgling 38-nation World1
Bank, now without a president,
today announced the resignation
also of its vice president, Harold1
D. Smith. But Smith will remainc
until a new president is chosen
to succeed Eugene Meyer.
Smith, 48, gave up the post
of U.S. Budget Director only six
months ago to join the Bank. He
was chosen by Meyer, one-time
head of the Federal Reserve
Board and the Reconstruction Fi-
nance Corp., who had taken over
a short time before as president
of the new $8,000,000,000 interna-
tional institution.
Smith's resignation caught
Washington by surprise as had
that of Meyer, which was an-
nounced Dec. 4, effective today.

-committee, who outlined plans for
the memorial to the Legislature,
the memorial tentatively planned
would be a chapel or a recreation
center in the Arboretum. Derder-
ian said, however, that final deci-
sion on the proposed memorial
would have to come from the
Board of Regents.
A new by-law providing for
members of the Legislature to be
unseated for excessive unexcused
absences was adopted by the Legis-
lature. The by-law, suggested by
Ray Davis, is not retroactive..
Motions to have the Campus
Committee look into the bicycle
"menace" on campus and to in-
vestigate possibilities for pre-
manent quarters for the Legis-
lature were passed.
A motion for the Social Com-
mittee to work with the commit-
tee trying to break up Bob Gach's
picture monopoly was also ap-
The Legislature also passed a
motion that a special committee
be appointed by the cabinet to
work with volunteers on an inves-
tigation of The Daily's relation-
ship to the student body.
An investigation by the Student
Organizations Committee of the
League, Union and Health Service
was also approved by the Legisla-
A motion to request the Uni-
versity to invest money for per-
manent dance decorations to
prevent individual expenditure
for them for every large dance
received the Legislature's ap-
Fourteen committees and their
chairmen, appointed by the cabi-
net, were approved by the Legis-
lature. The committees are: Stu-
dents' Suggestions and Com-
plaints, Tom Walsh, chairman; In-
ternational, Archie Parsons, chair-
man; Social, Virginia Councell,
chairman; Varsity, George Nico-
lau and Carol Lieberman, co-chair-
men; Campus, Paul Harrison,
temporary chairman; Student
Government, Bob Taylor, chair-{
man; Finance, Terry Whitsitt,
chairman; Secretarial, Ruth
Klausner, chairman; Fund Drives,a
Louis Orlin, chairman; Willow
Village, Ken Bissell, chairman;1
Veterans, Bob Slaff, chairman;
Student Organizations, Rae Kel-
ler, chairman. .
No chairmen have as yet been
selected for the Publicity and Pub-
lications Committee or the Aca-
demic Committee.
Limited DirectoryC
Supply Available
A limited supply of copies ofv
the 1946-47 Student Directory1
is still available.f
Remaining copies will be on d
sale at the Student Publica- d
tions Building today.V
Persons who have ordered C
copies of the Directory have
been advised to pick them up
as soon as possible.

speeded up yesterday when t
University learned that the D
troit office of the Civilian Prodt
Lion Administration has grant
material priorities for the stri
University officials said yest
day that they could not set a:
date for the ground-breaking sin
both financial and constructi
plans have yet to be complete
but that construction should st
early next year. The building w
approved in a blanket approval
construction plans by the speci
session of the State Legislatu
early this year.
Original estimates of constru
tion costs were set at $900,000, b
upward revision has been ma
necessary by increased costs.
The new five-floor structure, '
be located east of University Ho
pital, will provide complete, mo
ern facilities for 70 mothers a
infants. Living quarters for son
interns, resident doctors and ps
graduate students will also be i
cluded in the structure.
Requests for priorities were r
fused by CPA last spring whn
hospital structures were not co
sidered essential buildings. How
ever, applications were again su
mitted in November, and it is be
lieved that they have now been a
proved because the increased nu
ber of maternity cases among vel
erans',wives has added to the ui
gency of need of such structures.
Are Neglected
New Nightclub May
Open After Holidays
Lunchroom facilities for stu
dents who carry their lunches ar
not being used, apparently be
cause students don't know abou
them, Robert S. Waldrop, directo
of the Veterans Service Bureai
and chairman of the Veteran
University Council, said yester.
At its regular meeting in th
Union yesterday, the Council
heard a report on the use 0
lunchroom facilities available a
present. The Russian Tea Roo-
in the League is now serving ho
coffee and the Union lunchroom
Rm. 316, has milk available fo
A new campus nightclub may
be opened soon after the holidays
according to a report made tc
the Council by Lorne Cook chair-
man of the campus AVC and
chairman of the Entertainment
Committee of the Council.
The report of the committee
with recommendations for estab-
ishing the new nightclub will be
orwarded to the Dean of Stu-
dents office. It is expected that
definite plans on the nightclub
will be announced after the
Christmas recess.
Director Goes
To Cincinnati
Thor Johnson, former conductor
f May Festivals here, today was
ppointed conductor of the Cin-
innati Symphony Orchestra for
he 1947-47 season, according to
n Associated Press report.
Johnson was conductor of the
irst symphony orchestra in the
J. S. Army during World War II.
A native of Wisconsin and a
>rotege of Sergei Koussevitsky of
he Boston Symphony Orchestra,
ohnson is a past conductor of the
rand Rapids Symphony Orches-

Ht served as guest conductor of
be New York Philharmonic Or-
thestra and recently was orches-
ha conductor at the Juilliard
chool of Music. New York.
Rll Nationalizes
3 ritishi Railways




President's Economic Counci
Predicts Continued Prosperity

Says Civil Wai
c Is Threat to
cWorld Peace
ly U.S. Plans Economi
n Aid When War Ends
e By The Associated Press
rt WASHINGTON, Dec. 18-Pres
>s dent Truman tonight restated th:
of country's pledge of non-interfe
al ence in China's internal affair
' and simultaneously called upo
that nation to the civil stri
which he termed, a threat t
lt world peace.
The President also served notic
that the United States stands fir
in its recognition of the Chian
Kai-Shek National Governmen
d and pledged American aid i
speeding Chinese economic recov
ery once peace returns.
In a lengthy exposition of thi
- country's policy toward China, th
Chief Executive formally ex
pressed "deep regret" that peace
lr and unity have not been achieve(
in that country and asserted tha
- China "has a clear responsibility
- to the other United Nations to
eliminate armed conflict."
Just what prompted issuance o
- the statement at this time was no
- spelled out officially, but it ap-
peared lilely that it constituted
the groundwork for a newly con-
centrated-and perhaps last ditch
-effort to bring Chiang's govern-
ment and the communist forces
The statement stressed that the
size of United States armed forces
in China is being reduced from a
peak of 113,000 to "less than 12,-
The statement came just a day
after Lin Tzu-Han, communist
leader and one-time finance min-
ister in Chiang's Government, de-
clared in Yenan that it was "re-
grettable" that President Tru-
man's suggestions of a year ago
have not been fulfilled.
And it followed a demand by
Senators Flanders (Rep., Vt.) and
Murray (Dem., Mont.) for an in-
ternational confrence to work out
a solution of China's problems.
There was no reference in the
White House statement, however,
to this proposal.
Mail Breaks
Local records
200,000 Letters Go
Through Post Office
Local post office records have
been broken and rebroken this
More than 200,000 pieces of mail
were passed through the cancella-
tion machine both yesterday and
Tuesday. This surpassed Mon-
day's record of 197,300 pieces.
When non-metered pieces are in-
cluded, the total for the first three
days of the week exceeds three-
quarters of a million, according to
an estimate by Postmaster Oswald
J. Koch.
Approximately 500 sacks of
packages were shipped from the
campus post office branch office
yesterday. This surpassed Mon-
day's unprecedented total of 429
Postage sales Monday totaled
$7,999.18, showing an increase of
approximately 60 per cent over the
previous daily record for the city.
Tabulations of postage sales yes-
terday were not completed late
yesterday afternoon,

I A'N rr

U.S. Proposes Greek
Border Investigation
By The Associated Press
LAKE SUCCESS, N.Y., Dec. 18-The United States proposed to-
day that the United Nations Security Council "at the earliest possible
moment" send to the Balkans a seven-member commission to in-
vestigate conditions on both sides of the Greek frontier.
The Council, after' a session of more than two hours on Greek
complaints that Yugoslavia, Albania and Bulgaria were fomenting
guerrilla warfare in northern Greece, adjourned until 9:30 a.m. to-
morrow without taking action.
The American proposal was hailed promptly by Britain, Australia
and Brazil as a concrete step toward settling the differences between
Greece and her neighbors.
4 If the American suggestion is
adopted, it will be the first time
Local Builders the Security Council will have or-
dered investigators into any

n Praise Lifting
e Of Restrictions
Predict Increase In
t New Home Building
) Ann Arbor builders yesterday
characterized the recent govern-
f ment action removing controls
on home building as a "godsend"
to the small home builder.
A Daily survey of local home
builders revealed wholehearted
approval of the government action
scrapping most construction re-
strictions. Builders said that this
action would open up the free
market for home building sup-
plies, enabling them to increase
the number of new dwelling units.
Frank Bevier, local contractor,
said that he would be able to put
up at least 40 homes in this area
during 1947, as contrasted to the
seven units his firm built this
year. Under the former govern-
mental building controls, whole-
salers would not release supplies
because of the low prices held in
effect, Bevier said.
Consequenty these vital mater-
ials remained idle in warehouses,
or found their way to the black
market at inflated prices. Thus,
small housing was stalled for
lack of suitable supplies, Bevier
Other builders, commenting on
the removal of restrictions, said
that this action should give the
green light to home construction
in this area. They estimated that
a general increase will be noted
in the number of dwelling units
completed next year.
Under terms of the liberalized
housing program, President Tru-
man junked the priority system
in allocating building supplies.
The maximum sales price of $10,-
000 on new homes was scrapped,
and the way was cleared for non-
veterans to build homes for their
own cocupancy.
Admission Policy
To Be Continued
First priorities onrthe enroll-
ment roster for the spring and fall
of 1947 will be held for qualified
state veterans, high school and
transfer students, President Alex-
ander G. Ruthven announced yes-
This is a continuation of the
policy established last year when
the University's enrollment spurt-
ed upward.
President Ruthven said that
the University hopes to have room
to accept all qualified state stu-
dents next year. 1


Hands-Off In China


0 0~l~t17Y fli 1J 96P


country involved in complaints
before it. Adoption, however, will
require unanimity of the five
permanent members of the Se-
curity Council.
The session was put over until
tomorrow on the insistencenof
Soviet delegate Andrei A. Grom-
yko, after Chairman Herschel V.
Johnson of the United States had
asked for an afternoon session.
Gromyko said another session to-
day would be inconvenient for
Johnson's resolution proposed
that the investigation commission
be composed of the five perman-
en members of the council-the
U.S., Britain, Russia, France, and
China-plus Brazil and Poland.
The group authorized in advance
to seek out information from gov-
ernmental authorities would be
dispatched to the Balkans not
later than Jan. 15, 1947 under the
terms of the proposal and would
report back to the Council on its
fnings as soon as possible.

Truman Sees
No Possibility
Of 1947 Dip'
Says Reconversion
Strikes Unnecessary
By The Associated Press
President's Economic Council to-
night predicted prosperity for
"some years" ahead, except for
a possible "dip" in 1947-and Mr.
Truman quickly added that even
this dip would be avoided if every-
body stayed on the job.
' Questioned about a report by
the council, released at his news
conference, the President said he
wanted it known that he does not
anticipate even a temporary re-
cession in 1947 if people will just
stay at work.
Mr. Truman reiterated that he
meant "stay at work," when he
was asked if he referred to strikes.
Strikes Unnecessary
Nobody wants any strikes, the
President said, and those that in-
terrupted the reconversion pro-
gram were not necessary.
The Council, in its first report
under, the Employment Act of
1946, declared that while 1947
might bring a short-lived business
recession, the long-term outlook
is for sustained high employment
and production.
Disagreeing sharply concerning
next year, Mr. Truman told his
news conference that he did not
admit such a possibility as a 1947
slump. He said that he had not
studied the report.
The Council's report to Mr.
Truman predicted "some years of
high production, employment and
purchasing power."
Wise, Vigorous Planning
Beyond this, the report said,
the country can, if it uses those
years for wise and vigorous plan-
ning, rid itself of serious depres-
sions for a future of unprece-
dented prosperity.
"Free competitive enterprise"
must be the base of such a perm-
anent prosperity, with the gov-
ernment giving support in a
"stimulating and guiding" role,
the economic body, headed by
Edwin G. Nourse, who formerly
guided private research for the
Brookings Institution, said.
Essentially, its position on the
1947 outlook did not differ greatly
from Mr. Truman's, for the coun-
cil' said the possibility of a re-
cession was raised by the current
"misunderstanding and tension"
among business, labor and other
vital elements of the economy.

By The Associated Press
WASHINGTON, Dec. 18-Pres-
ident Truman replied no comment
today when he was asked whether'
he would accept the Democratic
presidential nomination in 1948.
The question was put at his news
conference by a reporter who pre-
faced the query with the statement
that Harold Stassen had an-
nounced his candidacy for the Re-
publican Presidential nomination.
** *
ALBANY, N.Y., Dec. 18--Gov.
Thomas E. Dewey came up to-
day with a quick "certainly
not" when asked If he were
ready to announce his candi-
daey for the Republican nomn-
ination for President in 1948.
* * *
NEW YORK, Dec. 18-James
A. Farley, former Democratic na-
tional chairman, said today the
Democrats could make a real fight,
in 1948 if new blood was infused in
the organization and "aggressive,
conpetent leadership is installed
from the top down."
* * *
WASHINGTON, Dec. 19-A bid
by Senator Vandenberg (Rep.,
Mich) for a bigger hand for Re-
publicans in the field of foreign
relations brought from President
*Truman today a declaration that
his administration has been try-
ing to adhere to a bi-partisan
foreign policy right straight



Michigan Technic Wrath Is
Aroused by Missing Page 23

Britain Seen
Ousting Franco
U.S. Denies Report
On Spanish Action
LONDON, Dec. 18- (P) -An
authoritative government source
said today the British diplomatic
mission in Spain was engaged in
the unusual task of contacting
various political groups with a
view to supplanting Generalissi-
mo Franco and that it would not
be "surprising" if the United
States were doing the same thing.
(The State Department in
Washington said the United
States Government was standing
on its contention that the Franco
problem is one for the Spanish
people to work out, and that the
government was not undertaking
any study of the possibility of a
new coalition government such as
reported under discussion by Bri-
tish diplomats in Madrid.)
The informant, who requested
that his name not be used, said
British diplomats had talked with
representative Spanish political
groups ranging from "the right
centrists to the left wing cen-
trists" in "examining the possi-
bility" of setting up a stable in-
terim government which would


Uncensored copies of the latest
issue of the Michigan Technic are
now only collectors' items.
Engineers report, however, that
it- is not impossible to obtain the
unexpurgated edition. The maga-
zine can be had-for a price. The
censored version will be on sale
today in the Engineering Arch.
Confusion in the Arch
As hundreds of campus buyers
searched frantically for the usual
humor column called "Censored by
McHigan," charges and counter-
charges were hurled through the
Engineering Arch.
Ambrose McHigan, approached

take the case to the Women's Ju-
diciary Council."
An indication that Technic staff
members were taken. entirely un-
awares by the devastating sabo-
tage was seen in the text of a
statement released later in the
day by Milt David, Technic edi-
tor. David claimed that the miss-
ing pages had been deleted under
his directions because a marked
similaritybetween one of the jokes
and a Garg joke was discovered
when the magazines arrived from
the printers.
Publicity Ruse
At a press conference last night,
however, David admitted that his



(campus lakes Baby Situation in Stride

The stork is adding to the com-
cations of higher education
re, but not so seriously as on
me of the other college campuses
roughout the country.
The increase in the number of

mately 3,000 married students on
campus, 10 percent have children,
according to a! recent AVC survey.
University Hospital reports that
almost 75 per cent of its 65 to 90
maternity patients each month
are wives of University students.

to veterans with children were in
local papers the longest.
Adjustment problems created by
close living quarters have been at
a minimum, Waldrop said. "It
demonstrates the ingenuity and
determination of the students to


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