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December 18, 1946 - Image 4

Resource type:
The Michigan Daily, 1946-12-18

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TR MANY long years of revolutionary
radicalism under military leaders, Mex-
at last has a civilian president - Miguel
leman, a former attorney, comes from a
dominantly civilian family and has never
I a military title. This is directly in
trast with the long string of his political
decessors who were revolutionary gen-
s and followed revolutionary ideals.
'he repercussions of this change will be
1 in economic rather than political in-
ations, however, since the new president
lefinitely instituting a nationalistic and
gressive program.
is main objective is to build up Mexico's
nomy. This he plans to do in several
s. One of the primary goals is to de-
p industry. At present and for decades
t, Mexico has produced raw materials,
orted them and imported finished manu-
ured products.
leman wants to develop Mexico's manu-
uring capacities to supply her own needs.
ustry was given a good foundation for
h. expansion during the recent war when
had to increase her manufactures due
he shortage of goods available for import
n other countries.
me question which is of major impor-
ce regarding such a development is the
ree to which, the government will be
ing to support and protect Mexico's em-
onic manufacturing. At present it seems
btful if this phase of the economy could
ritorials published in The Michigan Daily
e written by members of The Daily staff
d represent the views of the writers only.

stand the competition of foreign imports.
Aleman contends that he wishes to protect
industry, but does not wish to place a pro-
hibitive tariff against the products of other
nations, as a majority of the larger manu-
facturers in Mexico would wish. The solu-
tion of this problem will be instrumental in
deciding that country's future trade rela-
tions with the rest of the world.
Another main feature of the Aleman pro-
gram is rural electrification and irrigation.
In spite of the fact that Mexico's economy
has been predominantly agricultural, it has
been necessary for her to import a number
of food products. This trend has been in-
creased in recent years due to the "ejido"
program under the radical militarists, which
broke up the larger land holdings and re-
duced the efficiency of agricultural pro-
President Aleman has decided to cease
such seizure of land and develop as belt he
can those "ejido" projects which are al-
ready in existence. This will be done by the
use of modern farm equipment and methods.
Independent farmers also will receive aid
in modernizing their farms.
The program of the new president, on
the whole, is progressively directed toward
the development and self-sufficiency of
Mexico on an economic basis and toward
higher standards of living. He is retain-
ing the principles of the Mexican Revo-
lutionary Party, w hi c h is the official
government party, but is avoiding the
radicalism which permeated past admini-
Aleman has the support of a large ma-
jority of the Mexican people and his plans
seem to be the type that are gradual enough
to bring about an eventual modernization
of the Mexican economy and thus achieve
their eventual objectives.

e : 'r _

Adult A
MIDST THE irresponsible cries for an
increase in veterans' subsistence allot-
its, the University chapter of the Ameri-
Veterans Committee has clearly demon-
ted its maturity by its sane, level-headed
roach to the question.
efore "sounding off" on a problem for
ch it had the facts only in individual
es at best, the campus AVC made a
eral survey of student veterans' financial
While the survey was not completely com-
hensive, it did reveal these basic facts of
erans' financial problems:
ar-time savings are the largest factor
balancing the budgets of the 80 per cent
he University veterans whose living costs
rage $43.25 more than their subsistence

-Phyllis L. Kaye
Although married veterans with children
spent on an average $8.55 less than married
men without children, they were going in
the red on an average of $28.32 more than
childless married veterans.
Over 73 per cent of the single men who
were staying in the black were working,
but only 11.6 per cent of the veterans going
in the red each month had jobs.
Now, with a complete tabulation of the
results of the survey available, the AVC will
hold an open meeting tonight to debate the
merits of plans for increased subsistence
By using the adult approach of finding
out the facts of a question before taking
a stand on it, the campus AVC has shoOn
its ability to assume leadership in campus
and veterans' affairs.
--Stuart Finlayson

New Policy
NEW YORK is deserted. The Great Men
have gone. Sometime in January the
world's attention will focus on London.
There the deputies of the Big Four's foreign
ministers will meet to hear the wishes of
the smaller countries concerning the peace
with Germany.
Actually, the time between now and the
Moscow meeting is about all that is left
to those Americans who did not fight Nazi
Germany in order to build up the German
Frankenstein for the second time. For this
will be the result of the "new" Anglo-Amer-
ican policy toward the forty-five odd mil-
lion Germans in the combined Anglo-Amer-
ican zones.
The Morgenthau-Potsdam plan for ren-
dering Germany permanently harmless by
cutting down the monstrous industrial po-
tential (built largely on Ruhr. coal) that
enabled Germany to bully all Europe, is
being scrapped.
This plan, which was accepted by both
Roosevelt and Churchill at Quebec in 1944
and reindorsed by President Truman and
Prime Minister Attlee at Potsdam in 1945,
is being replaced by a new plan to utilize a
prosperous and industrially highly produc-
tive Germany under Anglo-American con-
trol first, to aid European reconstruction .and
second, to oppose the spread of Soviet in-
This new plan of rebuilding Germany is
not unlike what was done after World
War I. One might have thought that
Byrnes and Bevin, like Roosevelt and
Churchill, would have thought twice be-
fore taking a chance on a third German
Actually, they would deny that in re-
building German industrial power, they are
taking a chance. For - they will say -
in the first place the two governments in-
tend to remain in control; in the second
place, Germany will probably remain di-
vided for a long time, hence not dangerous;
and in the third place, German recovery is
necessary to European recovery.
Bevin would probably add, Britain intends
to socialize the major German industries.
A socialized and socialist-administered Ger-
many can never again become aggressive.
Byrnes may be less sure of this last point.
But the Truman Administration is becom-
ing increasingly a business administration.
American business is politically as blind
today as it was in the '20s when it rebuilt
German aggressive power.
The proof of Bevin's attitude is his own
account of his German policy as given at a
dinner recently in New York City. Bevin
is frank, terribly honest, and dangerously
naive. He foresees a France given over for
a period to disorders and communist in-
fluence. Where can Britain turn for an
anchor on the European Continent but to
The proof of Byrnes' changed attitude
is a number of recent factors. There is
the new Army rule against further "teach-
ing of hatred" for Germans to recruits.
(We may soon hear that it was the Jews
who set up furnaces and burned alive fiveA
million Germans.) There is the decision
to put billions of American money into
German rehabilitation and relief.
There is the detailed and obviously in-
spired study of the Ruhr in the December
Fortune Magazine. The anonymous author
does not mince his words. He says bluntly,
the Morgenthau Plan (which became the
Potsdam Plan) is out. The reasons? Var-
ious. "Honorable victors cannot bring them-
selves to keep Germany a political, moral
and physical slum." (Nobody asked them
to.) Then you cannot make a case that the
Ruhr is "economically unsound," he says.
(You cannot. It is just a loaded pistol in
the hands of a dangerous paranoic.) "No-
body takes the (reduced) level-of-industry
'agreement' seriously." "Internationalization
(of the Ruhr) would not work." (A totally
unproved assertion.) "Honor and compas-

sion" justify the U. S. and British effort
to "rebuild the heart of industrial Germany."
Actually, the Fortune article is the
frankest part of a dangerous, unethical
and unnecessary scheme to keep Germany
as the king-piece in Europe's economy.
Dangerous, because so long as Germany
dominates Europe economically, Ger-
many's neighbors can never feel safe. Un-
ethical, because our first duty is to Ger-
many's victims, our last to the Germans.
This transfer was the key to the Roose-
velt-Churchill plan accepted at Quebec and
confirmed at Potsdam. Instead, Britain and
America are now rebuilding German in-
dustrial supremacy.
Most Englishmen, unhappily, do not seem
to mind. They have never understood the
Germans. The urge to counterbalance Rus-
sia and minimize France is strong in the
British Foreign Office.
But the French understand. So do the
little peoples on Germany's borders. They
are going to ask, not how can Germany be
reconstructed, but how can the Germans
be compelled to reconstruct what they de-
stroyed while remaining powerless?
We Americans can decide the issue -if
we act quickly. Which do we want - a Ger-
many. that can again threaten Europe by
its concentration of industrial power? Or
an industrially de-centralized Europe with
"Germany last"?
(Copyright 1946, Press Alliance, Inc)

Military Secret

CHECK is just the same size, no mat-
ter what you write on it," said'General
ehon Somervell when he was summoned
ore the then Truman Committee to ex-
in the wanton extravagance in building
Canol Project. No expression could be
re typical of a certain type of arrogant
itary mind. Although- the Canol Project
'a dead hdrse," as President Truman has
d, it was such a costly animal that a
pplete autopsy is in order. One good re-
t might be to impress upon the brass hats
it they must not hide an illegitimate
)ject under the disguise of "top military
.eneral Somervell was the real father of
Canol Project and I do not blame Ad-
ral King for resenting the charge that
had conceived it. It was soft-headedly
eged to be strategically vital to the de-
se of the United States. The final cost
s $135,000,000, without counting the great
ditional expense resulting from the large
mnber of soldiers detailed to it.
'he War Department was only $110,000,000
in its estimate of the total direct money
t. This is understandable, however, when
e considers the statement of Brain-Trust-
James H. Graham, dollar a year adviser
General Somervell, who testified that
n a war project I never make an esti-
,te." It was Dr. Graham who recommend-
that Canol be built. It will be remem-
'ed that it was the same General Somer-
I who underestimated the cost of the
ntagon Building by many millions of
lars. With him doing the guessing, it
nio surprise at all that the War Depart-
nt spent $110,000,000 more than it esti-
,ted on the Canol Project which the For-
n Liquidation Commissioner advises "has
known possibilities for postwar use as
The American base 2.t Sitka cost $30,-
10,000, as compared with the cost of
anol (now worthless) of $135,000,000.
The present Secretary of War Patterson
: said in his testimony, "I believe it (Can-
will be a valuable asset in peacetime. The
my is proud of Canol . . . The value of
petroleum for the defense of Alaska and
Canadian Northwest in future years and
the further development of this vast,
nost untouched territory, is great." Mr.
tterson has always been willing to go to
front for.one of his brass hats without
inting the cost to himself.


Co. ,.4a Ute atur e Syindkete.I.
7m. Reg. U.S. Pat. Off. -AIrgh'ts reierxed
Hostility toward displaced persons, refugees, and "dir ty foreigneis."

Letters to the Editor...

EDITOR'S NOTE: N~o letter to the
editor will be printed unless signed
and written in good taste. Letters
over 300 words in length will be
shortened oronitted; in special in-
stances, they will be printed, at the
discretion of the editorial director.
* * *
Error of Fact
To the Editor:
YESTERDAY'S letter to the edi-
tor concerning veterans' sub-
sistence allowances was very in-
teresting. However, it was factual-
ly in error.
Frank Boni and three others
"understand" that AVC is to cir-
culate petitions for increases in
the present allowances.
The campus chapter of AVC has
not advocated increases nor has
it, at this writing, any plans for
circulating a petition.
Realizing some time ago that
the question of subsistence al-
lowances would become an issue,
this chapter undertook to gather
information relative to a discus-
sion of the subject and ntopresent
it impartially, to the student body.
The recently published figures on
the cost-of-living survey provide
some information on at least one
aspect of the problem.


However, the Joint Chiefs of Staff persisted
in authorizing the work to continue. Secre-
tary of War Stimson wrote: "The Joint
Chiefs of Staff of the United States Army
and Navy have notified me that the com-
pletion and operation of the project which
we are working on is necessary to the war
effort and that the project should be com-
pleted and operated as soon as practicable."
Now, at long last, the Joint Chiefs of
Staff are explaining their lack of wis-
dom in deciding to complete this wasteful
and useless venture. The story that we
are being asked to believe runs something
like this: When Canol was begun, the
hope was to have gasoline locally avail-
able in the Alaskan area. Later the strat-
egy was changed to center upon the mid-
ocean route. In the meantime, Canol, as
an oil producer, was showing disappointing
prospects. Despite this, it was felt that to
abandon the project, a large-scale and
visible signal to the enemy, (an enemy
already departed from the region, remem-
ber) would be to inform him that our plans
had been changed. So, Canol was contin-
ued to "fool the Japs" and dupe them into
believing that we meant business up there,
when we really didn't. It was, according
to this explanation, a joke, a ruse, decep-
tive propaganda. And all the while that
the Japs knew what we were doing it was a
"top secret" so far as the American people
were concerned.
It was just a good joke, Army style. A
masterful stroke of strategy in the art of
psychological warfare. I suggest that an-
other round of ribbons and medals is in
order. Stick out your chests a little further,
members of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, so
that we can hang one on you.
(Copyright, 1946, N.Y. Post Corp.)
MEXICO CITY--When Mexicans are not
talking about death, they write a great deal
of poetry; almost everybody writes poems
on occasion. To show emotional sensibility
in this way is highly creditable; Mexicans
are objectively proud of emotional capacity,
With all this there arises the question of
Mexican gayety, that strange gayety, a true,
pure joy, which invariably expresses itself,
however, in sad songs. I have been to a sad
Mexican party, and I have never heard a
cheerful song. But I would not call it a de-
fiant gayety; it is, perhaps, a gayety en-
riched by an acceptance of reality, in a cul-
ture in which the simple road to economic

Publication in The Daily Official
Bulletin is constructive notice to all
members of the University. Notices
for the Bulletin should be sent in
typewritten form to the office of the
Assistant to the President, Room 1021
Angell Hal, by 3:00 p.m. on the day
preceding publication (11:00 a.m. Sat-
WEDNESDAY, DEC. 18, 1946
VOL. LVII, No. 73
Automobile Regulation, Christ-
mas holidays: The Automobile
Regulation will be lifted for the
period beginning noon, Friday,
Dec. 20, until 8 a.m., MVonday,
Jan. 6.
Office of the Dean of Students
Women's housing will officially
close on Friday, Dec. 20, at 8 p.m.
Office of the Dean of Women
Debaters: No meeting today.
During the University vacatioi
the General Library will close at 6
p.m. daily, beginning Fri., Dec. 20,
and will be closed all day Christ-
mas and New Year's Day. There
will be no Sunday service.
The Divisional Libraries and
Study Halls will be closed on
Christmas and New Year's Day
and and will be open on a short
schedule Dec. 21 to Jan. 4. The
usual hours are 10 a.m.-12 noon,
and 2-4 p.m. Exceptions to this
schedule are as follows:
Engineering and E. Engineering
Libraries: 9 a.m.-12 noon; 2-5
Physics Library, 9 a.m.-12 noon;
closed afternoons.
Hospital, 8 a.m.-12 noon; 1-5
Warner G. Rice, Director
A University regulation requires
that students leaving Ann Arbor
for extended vacation return li-
brary books before their depar-
ture. The purpose of this regula-
tion is to insure the availability of
books for scholars who wish to
use them while the University is
not in session.
In accordance with this rule,
students planning to spend the
Christmas holidays outside Ann
Arbor must return library books
to the Charging Desk of the Gen-
eral Library (or to the Divisional
Library to which they belong) oi
or before Fri., Dec. 20.
Special permission to charge
books for use outside Ann Arbor
may be given in case of urgent
need. Arrangements must be
made at the Charging Desk for
books from the General Library,
or with Librarians in charge of
Divisional Libraries.
Students taking library books
from Ann Arbor without permis-
sion are liable to a fine of $1.00.
Warner G. Rice, Director
Students Planning To Do Di-
rected Teaching for the secon-
dary-school certificate in the
spring term, are requested to se-
cure assignments in Rm. 2442,
University Elementary School on
Thursday or Friday, Jan. 9-10,
according to the following sched-
English, 8:30-9:30; Social Stud-
ies, 9:30-10:30; Science and Math-
ematics, 10:30-11:30; All foreign
languages, 11:30-12; All others,
and any having conflicts at sched-

uled hours, 2-3, or by appoint-1
Willow Run Village
West Court Community Bldg. 1
Wed., Dec. 18, 7:30 p.m., Rev.
Mr. Edwards, Counselling.
Thurs., Dec. 19, 8:00 p.m., Art-7
Craft Workshop; 8:00 p.m., Uni-
versity Extension Class in Psy-1
Fri., Dec. 20, 8:00 p.m., Classi-
cal Music Record Concert, com-
mentary by Mr. Weldon Wilson.
Academic Notices
English 31, Section 8. Examina-
tion at 10 a.m., Wed., Dec. 18, Rm.
231, Angell Hall.
A. L. Hawkins
Botanical Seminar, 4 p.m. Wed.,
Dec. 18, Rm. 1139, Natural Sci-!
ence Bldg. Paper: "A Graphic
Method for the Determination of
the Plant Formations of the
World," by L. R. Holdridge. Open
Seminar in Applied Mathema-
tics: 3 p.m., Wed., Dec. 18, 317 W.
Engineering. Mr. W. C. Sangren
will speak on "The Application of
Fourier Integrals to the Analysis
of Electrical Networks." Tea at
Seminar on Special Functions
10 a.m., Dec. 18, Rm. 340
W. Engineering. Prof. Rainville
will talk of Hermite and Laguerre
Speech Concentrates: Sign up
for an appointmtnt with Dr. Har-
gis, concentration adviser, by com-
ing to the Speech office, 3211 An-
gell Hall.
Directed Teaching, Qualifying
Examination: All students expect-
ing to do directed teaching next
term are required to pass a quali-
fying examination in the subject
in which they expect to teach.
This examination will be held on
Saturday, Jan. 11, at 8:30 a.m.
Students meet in the auditorium
of the University High School. The
examination will consume about
four hours' time; promptness is
therefore essential.
Exhibit of student work of the
Cooper Union Art School, New
York, will be current through Dec.
20, ground floor corridor, Col-
lege of Architecture and Design.
The Museum of Art presents
Prints by George Rouault, and
African Negro Sculpture, in the
galleries of Alumni Memorial
Hall, Dec. 4-20; weekdays, except
Mondays, 10-12, and 2-5; Sundays
2-5; Wednesday evening, 7-9. The
public is invited.
Michigan Takes Shape - a dis-
play of maps. Michigan Histori-
cal Collections,3160 Rackham.
Hours: 8-12, 1:30-4:30 Monday
through Friday; 8-12 Saturday.
Events Today
University Radio Programs:
2:30 p.m., Station WKAR, 870
Kc., "Reading Habits," Dr. Irv-
ing H. Anderson, Associate Pro-
fessor of Education.
2:45 p.m., Station WKAR, 870
Kc., Clarinet Quartette, William

H. Stubbins, director; Harold Sef -
ton, Edwin Kruth, Fred Eggert,
Robert Sohn.
3:30 p.m., Station WPAG, 1050
Kc., Campus News.
Delta Sigma Pi, Professional
Business Administration fraterni-
ty, meeting for pledges at 7 p.m.,
Rm. 304, Union. Actives meet at
7:30 p.m., R . 304, Union.
U. of M. Outing Club meet at 4
p.m., Rrrl. 04, Union. Students
and faculty members invited.
Christmas Mixer, given by the
School of Music, 7:30 to 10 p.m.,
School of Music Auditorium. Stu-
dents and faculty invited.
AVC meeting at 7:30 p.m., Un-
ion. Open forum on "Increased
Susbsistence for Veteran-stu-
Michigan Dames' Bridge Goup
meet at 8 p.m., 2nd floor, Michi-
gan League.
Lutheran Student Association
meet at 7:30 p.m. at the Center,
1304 Hill St.,for the caroling par-
ty. The Rev. and Mrs. Yoderwill
entertain the group at the center
after the caroling.
Coming Events
Geological Journal Club meet at
12 noon, Thurs., Dec. 19, Rm. 3055,
Natural Science Bldg. Prof. W. H.
Hobbs will speak on "'Nebraskan'
and 'Kansan' glacial globes in
Sigma Gamma Epsilon initia-
tion at 5 p.m., Thurs., Dec. 19,
Russell Seminar Room.
A Laboratory Bill of One-Act
Plays at ,8:30 p.m., Thurs., Dec.
19, Lydia Mendelssohn Theatre;
presented by the Department of
Speech. Admission free to public
but tickets must be obtained aat
the theatre box office from 10
a.m.-6 p.m.; and 7:30-8:30 p.m.,
Thurs., Dec. ,9.
THERE can be no question but
that the Russians have been
"tough" on the people of the areas
they occipy. But if they have
been tougher than we, that is be-
cause the losses they suffered in
the war were so much vaster than
One thing so far is certain:
Russia's immediate need for food,
credit and ,nachinery exerts a
strong effect on her foreign pol-
icy. If she cannot get these things
from her wartime allies, she must
tighten up her whole economy to
try to produce the thing she needs
within her own borders. And if
she sets about doing this we shall
find her being forced into b'uild-
ing a higher and higher wall about
herself. About all we are sending
her now is the pricks with which
to build such a wall.
New Republic
An attempt by the Scripps-
Howard papers to rid themselves
of the daily-column by Thomas L.
Stokes, the most widely printed
liberal columnist now published,
was seen by some observers as the
Washington Daily News dropped
the Stokes column twice last
New Republic

With the information now avail-
able, AVC is inte'ested in getting
an expression of student-veteran
opinion. To this end a public for-
um to discuss the question has
been arranged for tonight at 7:30
in the Union. A standing vote will
be taken on the question at the
conclusion of the discussion.
Frank Boni, et al, are cordially
invited to express their views at
this meeting and to help influence
public opinion along the lines that
they believe are in the best inter-
ests of the country.
Lorne D. Cook, Chairman
Campus Chapter, AVC
(EDITOR'S NOTE: The petitions
for increased veterans subsistence
allowance in the letter referred to
above are being circulated by the
Univrsity Veterans Organization,
nottthe American Veterans Com-
Oust Bilbo
To the Editor:
THIS is a copy of a letter that
was sent by the Executive
Committee of MYDA to the fol-
lowing members of the Student
Affairs Committee, Dean Lloyd,
Dean Bursley, Seymour Chase,
Raymond Davis, Robert Goldman
and Richard Roeder.
"During the last few years there
has been an increasing interest
on the part of students in events
in the world around them. Be-
cause of this interest, there has
been a great deal of discussiois
among students about the deci-
sion of the Student Affairs Com-\
mittee to refuse to approve the re-
quest,,of five campus organiza-
tions to put up tables for the Cr-
culation of Oust Bilbo petitions on
*We would like to take this op-
portunity to invite you to speak at
a forum sponsored by MYDA to be
held Tuesday, December 17, at
7:30 in the Union, on the ques-
tion, "Why did the Student Af-
fairs Committee refuse to ap-
prove the circulation of Oust Bil-
bo petitions?" This letter is also
being sent to other members of the
Student Affairs Committee. There
will also be speakers representing
some of the five organizations, two
chapters of AVC, IRA, The Law-
yer's Guild, and MYDA who made
the original request.
We respectfully ask you to dis-
cuss this question with the other
members of . the Student Affairs
Committee and if it is possible, to
decide on two speakers who will
represent the Student Affairs
Committee at this forum."
Mildred Federbush
For the Executive
Committee, MYDA.
Bigger Girls
To the Editor:
T SEEMS that our sister colleges
of Wayne and Michigan
State are producing coeds of
greater proportions than those of
the University of Michigan. Or
so one gathers from the article on
the Union Formal, appearing in
the December 11th edition of
The Daily. To quote from the last
paragraph, "Because of their size,
two coeds will represent Wayne
University and Michigan State
Perhaps the food is more nour-
ishing in Detroit and East Lan-
Quizzically yours,
Al Kacavakis


t.C tt tkt tll

Fifty-Seventh Year
Edited and managed by students of
the University of Michigan under the
authority of the Board in Control of
Student Publications.
Editorial Staff
Robert Goldman .....Managing Editor
Milton Freudenhelm.Editorial Director
Clayton Dickey........... City Editor
Mary Brush ...........Associate Editor
Ann Kutz ............Associate Editor
Paul Harsha.........Associate Editor
Clark Baker.............Sports Editor
Des Howarth ..Associate Sports Editor
Jack Martin ...Associate Sports Editor
Joan Wilk ........... Women's Editor
Lynne Ford Associate Women's Editor
Business Staff
Robert E. Potter ....Businese Manage
Evelyn Mills
.......Associate Business Manager
Janet Cork Associate Business Manager
Telephone 23-24-1
Member of The Associated Press
The Associated Press is exclusively
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I know what's troubling you, m'boy. You're
concerned because I haven't mentioned

Ellen. Give me a hand,
please. I've some extra 17)

What? Er,
1'll bet that'sy. Yesust


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