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December 18, 1946 - Image 1

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Latest Deadline in the State



See Page 7

VOL. LVII, No. 73,



Stassen Asks
Plans Adoption of
Liberal Program
By The Associated Press
WASHINGTON, Dec. 17-Har-
old E. Stassen, 30-year-old former
Minnesota governor and Navy
veteran, served notice on the old
guard in his party today that he is
definitely a candidate for the Re-
publican presidential nomination
in 1948.1
He made his announcement at
a hotel news conference and said
he would present a "definite, con-
structive and progressive" pro-
gram and work with Republican
majorities in Congress to steer the
party alonga a "truly liberal path."
Labor Legislation
His main interest at first, he
said, will be to develop new labor
legislation based on "voluntary"
methods to prevent strikes but
seeking to "break up monopolies
and dictatorships" in unions. He
mentioned the United Mine
Workers in this particular and
ST. PAUL, Minn., Dec. 17--(A)-
A drive to raise $500,000 to help
finance a campaign for former
Governor Harold Stassen, who to-
day formally announced his can-
didacy for the 1948 Republican
nomination for president, already
is under way in Minnesota.
said if the coal miners had taken
a secret ballot, as he favors, there
would have been no coal strike.
Stassen's announcement came
shortly after Senator Arthur H.
Vandenberg of Michigan told an-
other news conference that he is
not a candidate for the GOP pres-
ident nomination and anticipates
no campaign in his behalf. '
Gov. Thomas E. Dewey of New
York, 1944 party standard bearer
and expected to be a serious con-
tender again in 1948, remained si-
lent on the Stassen and Vanden-
berg declarations. A press secre-
tary in Albany sent word to re-
porters: "No comment."
Four Point Plan
Stassen said the future of the
working people in the United
States depends on four things in
the next six months:
1-That big strikes be avoided,
in order to bring about high, con-
tinuous production.
2-That salaries and wages of
the white collar classes-teachers,
pensioners and the like - be
brought up to "the new level we
have arrived at."
3-That no extreme seeetiyve
legislation be enacted h 1u.
gress that would place extreme
power in the hands of the govern-
ment in violation of the funda-
mental rights of the workers."
4-Exercise of "consumer resis-
tance to high prices in this imme-
diate period."
Kelly Upholds
Bus Fare Rise
Willow Run Protest
Refused by Governor
After hearing the protest of
the Willow Run Committee for
the Ten Cent Fare concerning
the cancellation of the subsidy
which forced the Detroit-Willow
Run bus fare up to 35 cents, Gov-
ernor Harry Kelly and the State

Administrative Board refused to
take any further action yesterday
on the ground that no more
money was available.
The Board also placed respon-
sibility for misrepresentation on
the shoulders of the Detroit
Housing Commission which pub-
licized the ten cent fare last
January, thus, luring Detroit
workers out to Willow Run.
William Stright, chairman of
the committee, said that he would
appeal immediately to Mayor Jef-
fries and the Detroit City Coun-
cil. "We are caught in the mid-
dle," he added, "but the money
has got to come from somewhere
or we won't be able to meet ex-
The state senator and represen-
tative will be contacted, Stright
announced, in an attempt to get
an appropriation from the new
legislature, and aid from the Vet-
erans Emergency Relief Fund will
be sought. "We have one other
alternative, Stright said, "and
that is to apneal to public as-

Committee Discovers
Funds To DefeatBilbo
Senator's Secretary Held 15,000 Dollars
To Help Opposition Candidate Ouist Bilbo
By The Associated Press
WASHINGTON, Dec. 17-Senators digging into the financial
deals revolving about Senator Theodore G. Bilbo today turned up a
report of $15,000 allegedly earmarked for defeating him at the polls.
And the Senate War Investigating Committee was told that the
custodian of the money-temporarily at least-was Edward Terry, the
Mississippi senator's own private secretary at the time.
Revealed by Quin
J. Marvin Quinn, vice-president of the Jackson State National
Bank, Jackson, Miss., told about it.
He said Terry told him the plan was for Gov. Tom Bailey to run
Gagainst Bilbo this year. Bailey did

Campus Talent
Will Present
Yuletide Show
Townsend, Dawson,
'M' Club Featured
Heralding the yuletide holiday,
an all campus Christmas Review
will be presented at 8 p.m. today
in Hill Auditorium.
Sponsored by the League Coun-
cil, Union Executive Council,
Men's and Women's Glee Clubs
and "M" Club, the annual review
will entertain the student body
with two complete shows.
The first show to be emceed by
Buck Dawson, will open with a
"Mystery Skit" by the "M" Club,
starring "Pro" Boim, Dick Wake-
field, Bob Chappuis and Bill
Newton Loken and Glenn Neff
will follow this with a specialty
balancing act.
Featured soloists for the review
will be Pat Pontius and Bodil Ree
who will sing several popular se-
Allen Townsend and his 11-
piece orchestra will supplement
the campus talent, which will
also include an original composi-
tion by Frank Anderson and sev-
eral featurettes to be presented by
emcee Dawson and Rae King.
Choral effects, solos, single and
mixed group singing will highlight
the second show with the Men's
and Women's glee clubs joining to
sing Christmas carols and novelty
No admission charge will be
made for the all-campus Christ-
mas party.
Mayor Brown
outlines Civic
Center Plans
.dayor William E. Brown, Jr.,
this week outlined plans for a
proposed civic center to the Com-
mon Council.
Located on Main and Huron
streets, and continuing east on
Huron as far as necessary, the
proposed center would include a
courthouse, auditorium, library,
social agencies, and a city hall.
He termed this location the ideal
spot for the center since it' would
serve as a link between the down-
town section and the campus.
Mayor Brown advocates im-
mediate econstruction of a city
hall as the first section of this
civic center. The present build-
ing is woefully inadequate, he
said, pointing out that all the de-
partments are cramped for space.
The Mayor estimated the cost of
this first step in the project to lie
between one-and-one-half, and
two million dollars.
He asked the Council to discuss
the matter, and if approving the
proposition, submit it to the vot-
ers. The Council referred the
matter to committee.
Greeks Investig ate
ATHENS, Dec. 17-()-Four
high Greek officials prepared to
leave by destroyer for an on-the-
spot investigation of fighting in
turbulent Macedonia and west-
ern Thrace.

not make the race. He was talked
of as a candidate but his health
was not good. He died recently.
Quin did not say where the
money came from but indicated
personal belief that Terry got it
in New York. He said Terry wrote
him about it. from there.
Quin said Terry told him that
the $15,000 had been raised to
"get Governor Tom Bailey to en-
ter this race against Senator Bil-
He had ledger sheets to show
that Terry deposited $14,300 in
the Jackson State National Bank
on Sept. 8, 1945, adding this
amount to his previous balance,
and withdrew $15,000 on July 10,
1946. Bilbo fired Terry as his sec-
retary last Jan. 1.
The committee's latest excur-
sion into politics as played by Mis-
sissipians came amidst detailed
testimony about the financial his-
tory of the seven bedroom, five-
bath Baptist parsonage he built
on his farm.
No Warrant
Issued Against
Two Students
No warrant will be issued
against the two students fined
Saturday by the University Dis-
ciplinary board the, County Pro-
secutor's office announced yes-
John Rae, County Prosecutor,
said that authorization for a war-
rant would not be issued against
the students for attempting to
secure a liquor purchase card with
altered credentials.
"The reason for this is that
persecution is not the duty of the
state-but justice tempered with
mercy," Rae explained in a state-
ment to The Daily.
"The Prosecuting attorney has
a duty to exert his discretion in
matters such as these. The stu-
dents have been publicly punish-
ed by the University," he contin-
"There has been no outside
person injured by the acts of mis-
representation, although this did
not lessen the possibility of in-
jury had this gone unnoticed,"
Rae said.
"Their youth and the fact that
this case does not relate to a
crime of violence causes this con-
clusion that further trial and pro-
secution of these students would
serve no public good," he added.
"Any additional acts similarly
related in which injury has oc-
curred will be dealt with severe-
ly by criminal prosecution." the
prosecutor concluded.
The statement came as a re-
sult of a meeting between the
Prosecutor, the County Clerk and
the Police Department.
Cancels Trip
LONDON, .Dec. 17 - (P) - Food
Minister John Strachey cancelled
plans to fly to Washington in a
plea for additional food today
and told the House of Commons
that the United States had prom-
ised to ship 104,000 tons of wheat
and flour by Jan. 31-enough to
avert a "very grave emergency."
In addition, he said, the United
States had promised to give rail
priority to the movement of ad-
ditional supplies for Britain from

Housing Plan
Given Signal
To Go Ahead
All Regulations
To Be Reviewed
By The Associated Press
Administration's revamped hous-
ing program got the go-ahead
signal today with an order put-
ting into effect December 24 the
liberalized permit system allow-
ing construction of new homes
without priorites.
Revew Regulations
At the same time, housing ex-
pediter Frank Creedon and the
Civilian Production Administra-
tion announced that all regula-
tions of both CPA and the na-
tional housing agency "are be-
ing reviewed in the light of the
new housng program and some
amendments may soon be made
in conformance with the Presi-
dent's announced policy."
Amid the controversy over
housing methods, the OPA con-
sumers' advisory committee re-
signed with a parting shot at the
administration's decontrol policy.
Removes $10,000 Ceiling
The new program announced by
the President removes the $10,-
000 sales ceiling and allows an
adjustment of the $80 monthly
rental ceiling for new houses. In
addition, the program allows an
increase in non-housing construc-
tion which had been held at about
$35,000,000 per week. Some offi-
cials predicted this increase may
be as much as 40 per cent.
In pointing out that the per-
mit system for new residential
construction will end the neces-
sity for priorities on December 24,
NHA and CPA emphasized that
presidential building cannot be
started without a government
V-6 Reecriting
Unit To Enlist
Vets at Union
A U.S. Naval Reserve Traveling
Recruiting Unit will be in the
Union from 9 a.m. to 4:30 p.m.
tomorrow and Friday to enroll
veterans of all services and for-
mer Waves in the Naval Reserve
V-6 (inactive duty) program.
Enrollment in V-6 does not ef-
fect benefits received under the
G.I. Bill. Members of V-6 are not
required to attend weekly meet-
ings. They retain the rates held
at discharge but remain civilians.
Longevity, as on active duty, is
maintained in V-6. Enrollment in
the Organized Reserve is requisite
on membership in V-6.
Veterans who wish to enroll in
the program must present their
honorable discl arge certificates
when joining. Former Navy per-
sonnel should also bring their
notice of separation, Form 553.
Former Army personnel should
bring one of the following forms:
615-360,-615-362, 615-365.
Union Delays
Wage Action

PITTSBURGH, Dec. 17-(A) -
The General Executive Board of
the CIO Electrical, Radio and
Machine Workers today recom-
mended that its union represen-
tatives withhold any definite wage
increase figures until after they
enter contractural negotiations
with the major electrical com-
panies soon after the first of the
"We definitely approve the Na-
than report, which says that
wages can be increased 25 per,
cent 'without raising prices or low-
ering profits much below war-
time peaks," said organizational'
director James J. Matles of New
"But as -far as figures are con-
cerned we would rather that the
individual unions didn't set forth
their demands until actual talks
get under way with the various
Plant Repairs Cut
C' 1pa






Both Express
Praise of UN
Cite Assembly Work
As Sign of Progress
By The Associated Press
WASHINGTON, Dec. 17-Sena-
tor Vandenberg (Rep.-Mich), who
is expected to head the important
Senate Foreign Relations Com-
mittee in the new Congress, today
pledged his continued support to
Secretary of State Byrnes in
maintaining united postwar for-
eign policies.
Returns to Capitol
Returning to Capitol Hill after
the long, historic world parleys
in New York where he was a
Byrnes adviser, Vandenberg de-
clared the Secretary of State "has
made a superb record in the face
of tremendous obstacles" and has
"accomplished incalculably valu-
able results for America and for a
safer, happier world."
From Byrnes himself came
praise for the work of the United
Nations assembly and Big Four
foreign ministers as having fur-
nished reason for happiness, re-
joicing and optimism.
Reflects Harmony
The meetings, which reflected
somewhat greater harmony be-
tween'east and west, inspired the
Secretary to tell a news confer-
ence that he shared optimism al-
ready expressed by British For-
eign Secretary Bevin and Russian
Foreign Commisar Molotov.
Vandenberg, talking to a sep-
arate news conference, described
the general assembly as "the maj-
or organ of the United Nations."
He said it truly is "the town meet-
ing of the world.",
In a statement, the Republican
Senate leader declared that foun-
dations for united, American post-
war foreign policy "are now
soundly established." For two
years, he said, he had sought that
end in devoting practically all his
time to the diplomatic front.
Shall Cooperate
"I shall continue towdo every-
thing within my power to co-
operate in maintaining the united,
American foreign policy which
has been established in respect to
the peace settlements in Europe,
and in establishing collective se-
curity and justice through the
United Nations," the Vandenberg
statement said.
"I consider it vital to our own
national interest.
"I continue to support Secretary
of State Byrnes in these policies."
State Suffers
First Blizzard
By The Associated Press
Michigan counted at least five
persons dead today as the first
blizzard of the year gave way to
fair skies and an advancing sub-
zero cold wave.
The U.S. Weather Bureau fore-
cast the season's lowest temper-
atures for tonight and Wednesday
with minimums of five belowgero
in lower Michigan and 10 below
in the Upper Peninsula.
The mercury fell 20 to 22 de-
grees throughout the state early
today as the skies cleared, bring-
ing low readings of 20 at Detroit,
21 at Grand Rapids, 15 at Sault
Ste. Marie, 13 at Houghton and
12 at Marquette.
Monday's combination of snow,
sleet, rain and gales grounded air
traffic, blocked highways, drove
lake ferries to port, and closed


World News at a Glance

Byrn et
Delegate Asks
Further Study
Of Program

By The Associated Press
BINGER, Okla., Dec. 17-Six hundred men, women and children,
wielding garden hoses and wet mops, aided regular firemen tonight in
bringing under control a blaze which leveled two buildings on the
main street and threatened for a time to wipe out this town of 860
RALEIGH, N.C., Dec. 17-William B. Umstead, 51-year-old
Durham lawyer and a former representative in Congress, was ap-
pointed by Governor R. Gregg Cherry today to the U.S. Senate,
as successor to Josiah W. Bailey who died Sunday.
S * *
BALTIMORE, Dec. 17--Eugene B. Casey, an executive assistant
to the late President Roosevelt, was indicted by the federal grand
jury today on charges of income tax evasions totaling $70,384.
Bernard J. Flynn, United States District Attorney who gave
Casey's address as Gaithersburg, Md., said that the alleged evasions
occurred during the years 1941-42-43, during the time Casey served
at the White House.
* * * *
NEW YORK, Dec. 17-George F. Addes, secretary-treasurer
-of the CIO United Auto Workers, said today the UAW would con-
duct a survey of the amount of money in local union strike funds
and he estimated it would total "a few million dollars."
The international itself, Addes said, has approximately $400,-
000 in its treasury.
S * *
PARIS, Dec. 17-President-Premier Leon Blum's all-socialist in-
terim government received an overwhelming vote of approval tonight
from the French National Assembly.
NEW DELHI, Dec. 17-Congress party sources predicted to-
day that the constituent assembly would pass without amend-
ment a resolution for the creation of a sovereign Indian republic,
despite assertions by some assemblymen that such action might
lead to civil war.
BERLIN, Dec. 17-Wilhelm Furtwaengler, Germany's No. 1 or-
chestra conductor whom U. S. military government cultural authori-
ties had frowned upon, was acquitted of Nazism tonight by the ar-
tists tribunal of his own countrymen.
Cc rrothersoHitsoIndifferent'
Public HihSchool Teaching


U.S. Atomic Control Plan


"Indifferent" and 'inadequately
prepared" teachers will cause poor
college performance by students
now in the public high schools,
according to Dr. George E. Car-
rothers, director of the Bureau of
Cooperation with Educational In-
AYC To Hold
Vet Allowance
The controversial question of
increased subsistence allowances
for veterans will be debated in an
open meeting of the campus AVC
at 7:30 p.,n. today in Rm. 316
of the Union.
Robert S. Waldrop, director of
the Veterans Service Bureau, will
be moderator of the four-man
panel which will consist of Sol
Grossman, vice-chairman of the
AVC; George Antonofsky, chair-
man of the AVC legislative action
committee; Ed Tumin and Warren
Weber. Following the discussion,
a question and answer period and
general discussion by the audi-
ence will be held.
The discussion will be based on
the tabulation of the results of
the AVC's recent cost-of-living
survey. Additional copies of the
tabulation will be available to all
students at a table in the lobby of
the Union during the luncheon
and dinner hours today.

Dr. Carrothers, who spoke yes-
terday before a group of Univer-
sity students interested in college
teaching positions, said that un-
der present emergency provisions
teachers have been employed who
are not as well, prepared as in
former years.
Before the recent teacher short-
age grew acute, he said, almost
every new teacher employed by
Michigan public schools held a
college degree.
The increasing difficulties of
maintaining adequate teaching
staffs has been accompanied by
improvement in the physicdl
equipment of the schools, Dr.
Carrothers said.
Pollock Given
Medal of Merit
Prof. James K. Pollock, of the
political science department, was
presented the Medal of Merit,
highest civilian award granted by
the government, in a ceremony
here yesterday.
Prof. Poock was honored for
"exceptionally meritorious conduct
in the performance of outstanding
services to the United States in
connection with the military gov-
ernment of Germany from Oct.
17, 1945 to Aug. 6, 1946." During
that time he served as director of
the Regional Government Coordi-
nating Office as civilian advisor
to Gen. Lucius D. Clay.
The medal and the accompany-
ing citation signed by President
Truman were presented by Col.
Karl E. Henion, chairman of the
military science department.

Claims Conflict With
Disarmament Plan
By The Associated Press
-The United States failed today
in an attempt to bring about an
immediate vote approval on its
proposals for international control
of atomic energy.
Soviet Delegate Andrei A. Gro-
myko charged that the American
resolution was not in complete
conformity with the historic dis-
armament decision of the United
Nations General Assembly and
asked more time to study it.
U.S. Delegate Bernard M. Bar-
uch, who told the U.N. Atomic
Energy Commission he had in-
tended to ask a vote on the Amer-
ican proposals at this session, ap-
peared sorely disappointed at the
delay, but finally agreed to post-
ponement of the commission's de-
liberations until Friday.
Holidays and Delays
"Holidays-delays and ,delays,"
Baruch said. "Time goes by, then
years go by and nothing is done.
Gromyko indicated he was
chiefly concerned with achieving
a unanimous decision on the pro-
posals, and for this reason, he said,
more time to study them was de-
sirable. He charged that there
were certain aspects of the' pro-
posals --including provisions for
sanctions--which actually were in
violation of the United Nations
charter-and added that many
questions concerning the resolu-
tion which had been asked by the
Soviet delegation still were un-
answered. He said he was "not
quite clear" how the United States
wanted to implement these pro-
Strong Controls
In essence, the United States
plan called for "a strong and com-
prehensive international system of
control of atomic energy" estab-
lished by convention among the
United Nations members. It stip-
ulated that such a treaty would
set up an international authority
with power to administer treaty
provisions and to deal with all as-
pects of the atomic problem.
The American plan would pro-
hibit manufacture, possession and
use of atomic weapons, would call
for destruction of existing stocks
of atom bombs; would require re-
ports on violations by the author-
ity to the Security Council and the
signatory nations, and would place
punishment outside the pale of
the veto power.
A majority of the commission
members expressed approval of
the American plan. However, the
issue raised by Gromyko-that a
vote today might threaten unan-
imity later-found some support.
China's Dr. Cuo Tai-Chi support-
ed the underlying principles of
the Baruch proposal, but said he
hoped unanimity would be achiev-
Board Defeats
Rezoning Plan
The proposed rezoning of the
Dhu Varren Farm, to enable it to
be used as a 500 home housing
project, was unanimously defeat-
ed by the Ann Arbor township
board yesterday.
The decision of the five-mem-
ber group followed the recommen-
dation of the township rezoning
board that the application be
turned down.
"Public opposition" and 'lack of
concrete proposals as to a sewage
system" were given by the re-
zoning board as the two reasons
f or refusing the proposal.
The housing project, to be 1lo
cated on a 218 acre tract a mile
north of the city, was first an-
nounced Oct. 16. The proposal
called for 500 steel-panel homes

wich wuldsel from$750t
' anrI D 42odrvkitL d

Dr. Kahn Heads New Project
For Office of Naval Research

Housing Shortage Deters Single Vets

Dr. Reuben L. Kahn, chief of
the University Hospital serologi-
cal laboratory' is heading a re-
search project to discover whether
.a,-IMV trtfin i4

It is this "universal reaction"
which the Navy wishes to learn
Five other contracts between

A large number of the 9,800
single student veterans attending
the University would get married
.- _ a - a .. s - - n

A recent report from the Uni-
versity of Wisconsin disclosed that
married students there are aver-
. " r .. __ t _ __ _ __ _ _ _ L . . . _

"The entire student personnel
situation has been altered," Cook
"Thre wer e agreatniimhr of


: I


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