TkIE MICHIGAN DAILY TUESDAY, DE ER 7, 1946 . , ., a..... epublican Hope 'T-E FIRST choice of newly-elected Re- publican members of Congress for the 1948 Presidential nomination in that party is Harold 'Stassen, former governor of Min- nesota and flag secretary to Admiral Halsey, according to a poll conducted by the Min- neapolis Star and Chicago Daily News. This is not the first indication that Stas- sen, Who represents the younger, more liberal element in the Republican party, has a fair chance of receiving the nomination. Re- publican and independent voters in his home state, in another poll, indicated his as their -> first choice by 51 per cent, while seven per cent preferred Dewey, three per cent Van- denburg and 39 per cent didn't know. A look at Stassen's record will explain why he is called by Carroll Kilpatrick of the Chicago Sun "the one man in the Republican party who stands out above all others and has the confidence of the great majority of the American people." While he was governor of Minnesota, Stassen initiated many progressive labor re- i forms: in fact, in his second campaign for the office, he was supported by the CIO of that state. During the recent war, Stassen served as Admiral Halsey's flag secretary, and was in five., major naval battles in the Pacific. He played a principal part in the rapid rescue and release of thousands of prisoners of war, and was cited and decorated four times. His discharge but- ton represents one of his most tangible assets. Stassen was appointed by President Roose- velt as one of the United States delegates to the San Francisco Conference. A single statement will serve to indicate the im- pression he made on most observers. Walter Lippman said, "I have seen no one who does 'Wr7m -.- Editorials published in The Michigan Daily are written by members of The Daily staff and represent the views of the writers only. NIGHT EDITOR: FRANCES PANE ..A . - CA not think that he met this exceptionally severe test impressively and with effortless sincerity. He emerges from San Francisco a recognized American national leader high upon any list." Besides his discharge button, which he alone of all the Republican contenders wears, Stassen's other important asset is the fact that he is the only contender who has always warned boldly and strong- ly that America is part of the world and we must be prepared to play our part. The young Republican saw the San Fran- cisco conference as the first step toward an ultimate objective of "the development of a new and higher level of government, with legislative, judicial and executive functions, and with world-wide jurisdiction." This would mean abandonment of unlimited na- tional sovereignty, he declared, but not the loss of sovereignty, for sovereignty rests "i the people," and the people, for their own welfare, mutt exercise a portion of it on the world level. These then are Stassen's assets: his record as a governor, in the war and at at San Francisco, his sincerity and forth- rightness, his world-wide viewpoint, his concrete way of dealing with problems and his liberalism. His only handicap is that he is not a member of the Re- publican "old guard," who, as Carroll Kil- patrick says, "since 1933 have viewed with alarm nearly everything that has seemed out of step with the Coolidge-Hoover point of view-have thought that they could ride into power on the mistakes of a Dem-. ocratic administration, and hadn't seemed to realize that they had to offer some- thing positive of their own." The Republicans are in power in Con- gress now, and they will certainly have the upper hand in the 194$ Presidential election. The results, in terms of the future welfare of our country both nationally and inter- nationally, will depend on whether the Re- publican Presidential nominee is a member of the conservative "old guard" or of the liberal wing of the party. Stassen is cer- tainly the outstanding Republican liberal. -Frances Paine y to CIO shows that the big three CIO-organized industries, steel, automobile and electrical equipment, not only will not share in the net returns, but will end the year in the red. For this reason, any wage increase they grant will be passed on immediately through higher prices. With public opin- ion on labor dropping daily, the CIO will not welcome receiving the blame for new price increases. The lion's share of the year's profits are going to the food and clothing industries. whose products account for the major por- tion of the cost of living. Here, new wage demands are not as prominent in the labor scene. Unable to adjust its members' real income through possible increases in cost of basic items, the CIO must pursue the policy of seeking wage increases in the dur- able-goods, low-profit industries. As though this were not enough, CIO leaders are faced with the dangers of calling new strikes. They have already ex- pressed hesitancy toward doing this, and will likely be content with any new gains that can be achieved by negotiation. It is safe to assume their demands will be com- promised at a figure considerably less than that which the members are being led to expect. And this is not the formula for maintaining a satisfied membership. There is little satisfaction for the CIO in realizing that, had the strikes of a year ago not been called, production might have reached the level which would have made possible their entire program. Caught be- tween the demands of their members on one side, and rising public indignation on the other, the CIO is trying to make the best of a very bad situation. -Ken Herring Sympath THERE are times when even the labor leaders deserve our sympathy, and the CIO has surely reached one of those times now. , With profits at an all-time high, it is only natural that the rank and file should set up the cry for new wage increases, de- mands that are aggravated by the climb- ing cost of living. The outcome has been the proposed 25-cent hourly, raise as the basis of forthcoming CIO negotiations. Yet a breakdown of the profit figure music Handel: Messiah; Choral Union Chorus and Lura Stover, soprano, Eileen Law, contralto, Ralph Lear, tenor and Alden Adkins, bass; at Hill Auditorium, Saturday and Sunday, Decem- ber 14 and 15 1946. THE UNIVERSITY CHORAL UNION and Symphony Orchestra performed Handel's g-iA "Messiah" this past week-end and the amazing thing is that this amateur group which changes personnel every year con- sistently manages to give performances which outdo countless professional choirs. This year's performance lived urp to all expectations. There was a freshness and a x, vitality that even the most well-trained pro- fessional choruses seem to lose. The addition of some capable soloists, es- pecially soprano Lura Stover left very dittle to be desired. For some reason or other, Choral Union poductions of the "Messiah" have been plagued with mediocre soloists in recent years and this year's selections were a distinct improvement. Except for Miss Stover who sang with genuine feeling and clarity, even these soloists were by no means impressive. But they were competent and kind words can be said for tenor Ralph Lear and contralto Eileen Law. Overshadowing everything, of course, was the chorus and for this too much credit cannot be given to its director, Hardin van Deursen. -Harry Levine IFC Example LAST WEEK, fraternity house presidents voted unanimously to accept a petition by Alpha Phi Alpha, national Negro fra- ternity, for membership in the University Inter-Fraternity Council. Although formal recognition of Negro fraternities on this campus was long over- due, it is, nevertheless, heartening to note. By emulating the acceptance of Alpha Kappa Alpha, a Negro sorority, by the Pan- hellenic Council in 1946, the Inter-Fraternity Council has repudiated the tongue-in-cheek hypocrisy which characterized their pre-war brothers. It is to be hoped that other University institutions will demonstrate their faith and trust in democracy by following the example set by the Panhellenic and IFC Councils. -Joe Frein THE MOST POPU.LAR WAY of trying to Tlai~n te uni~~rin,1-rt ht',n v',lavil- n. ALL OR NOTHING: Out of the Rain LAST THURSDAY night it was raining in Ann Arbor. It was the sort of night people like to curl up next to the fire or, perhaps, open a textbook. Even Reverend Hill, the state head of the National Asso- ciation for the Advancement of Colored People likes to stay in on such nights. But he didn't. He drove forty miles over wet highways to keep an appointment with the student body at an Anti-Lynch Rally. The little Negro minister had a great deal to tell the students about the sort of things that aren't written in textbooks or newspapers. One story he told was of an eighty-year- old Negro in Georgia who, a few weeks ago, crawled several miles on his hands and knees to elude the Southern Ges- tapo; of the frenzied efforts of his chil- dren in Detroit who want to make the trip south to bring him back, knowing that it might cost them their lives.-No one knows yet whether they made it or not. Fifty students were in the ballroom that night; fifty out of eighteen thousand.-"Per- haps it was the weather," some commented. Perhaps. But there was another and far more important reason why more students didn't show up -The Administration of this University refused to allow the pro- gressive organizations who sponsored the rally to carry the fight to the student body. Five campus organizations had asked permission of the Student Affairs Com- mittee, and the Dean's office, to place a booth on the diagonal to solicit funds and signatures for the ouster of Bilm and the pasage of a Federal Anti-Lynch law.-They were refused. The University cannot take sides, it says, when the issue is political. The University, some over- soul, hovering as a legal entity over the youth who comprise its flesh, must sup- posedly remain impartial, The ousting of Bilbo from the Senate has long since ceased to be a party con- sideration. When a Senator of the United States can utilize the trust which five per cent of the people of Mississippi have placed in him to intimidate and beat Negroes on the eve of an election; when he can use the franking privilege, for which the people pay, to call an Italian woman a "dago"; when he can plead the cause of Mussolini, then he is no longer a party matter. He has fall- en into the criminal class. He is a contam- inator of the youth of America. The University, in restricting on its campus the students' right, as a citizen of this country, to participate in political activities, is definitely taking a political stand. It is taking a stand on the side of the status quo. It is discouraging the studenes investigation and analysis of that status quo.-In short, when the Ad- ministration refuses the students per- mission to carry out an organized campus fight against Bilbo, it is, in effect, con- doning all that for which Bilbo stands. Either the students of this campus had better "get out into the rain and get wet" or they stand to lose a great deal more than the privilege of having a booth on the diagonal. But, in case they do decide to curl up next to the fire the next time an important rally occurs, they might select as reading matter Thurber s and Nugent's play, THE MALE ANIMAL. There's a rather strong kindred between this Aministration's at- titude and the one portrayed by the play- wrights. An English teacher, in a mid- western university, brought down the wrath of the trustees and was asked to resign, for his decision to read Vanzetti's last letter to his English class. It was a matter of prin- ciple, said the trustees.- Perhaps. But be- neath the principle was a far more impor- tant reason. They were afraid that the students might really begin to think. -E. E. Ellis Rhodes Scholar 'ONGRATUATIONS to Bob Taylor, who A has just won a Rhodes Scholarship to go to Oxford next fall. Taylor, always active in student affairs, is one of those responsible for the revival of student government on campus last spring, and he has been elected vice-president of the Student Legislature twice. At Oxford, Taylor will represent the Uni- versity in one of the leading honors avail- able to American college men. -Milt Freudenheim T O SUCCEED Vice-Admiral Ross T. McIn- tie as Surgeon General of the Navy, the President has named Captain Clifford A. Swanson, whom he first made a Rear Admiral, jumping him over the heads of 158 officers senior to him. Admiral Swan- son has a good rating as a medical man but he is quite devoid of any executive experi- ence. Of course, a man may have executive ability, withot experience. It is to be hoped that Admiral Swanson possesses such ability because, with the greatest peacetime Naval establishment in our history, he will need not only all of the ability that he may have but all of the experience that he is capable of acquiring. -Harold L. Ickes (Copyright, 1946 N.Y. Post Syndicate) EDITOR'S NOTE: No letter to the editorivill he printed unless signed and written in good taste. Letters over :100% kords in length will be shortened or omitted; in special in- stances, they will he printed, at the discretion of' the editorial director. Vets' sAdub?)sistene BILL MAULDIN Letters to the Editor. "Ycu kis run along 1)AI AT E OFICI Publication in.'lee Daily Official rnesnbei's f thle I riversit.Ntidces for thbe Bullt ta should lbe sent in typewritten forn to the office of the Assistant to the President, Room 12l1 Anget Hal, by 3.:(41 p.m. on the day preceding publication (11:04 a.. Sat- urda ys.) TUESDAY, iEcEMIBER I6. 1946 VOL. LVII, No. 72 Notices Automobile Regulation, Christ- mas holidays: The Automobile Regulation will be lifted for the period beginning noon, Friday, Dec. 20, until 8 a.m., Monday, Jan. 6. Office of the Dean of Students Debaters: No meeting Wednes- day. All books which have been re- moved from the libraries of the University without being properly charged should be turned in at the Circulation Department on the second floor of the General Li- brary during the week of Decem- ber 16-20, 1946. The assistance of all members of the University in restoring such books to the Library collections is earnestly requested. Warner G. Rice, Director Men's Residence Halls: Men wishing to cancel their residence hall contracts for the Spring Se- mester may secure request blanks at the Office of the Dean of Stu- dents. Requests must be filed on or before Dec. 20, Rm. 2, Univer- sity Hall. Lunchrooms have been made available by the University to stu-. dents and members of the Univer- sity staff who bring their lunches. Room 316 of the Mihigan Un- ion and the Russian Tea Room, opposite the cafeteria on the main floor, of the Michigan League are being used for lunchrooms. 1916 Micigansicans may be bought tby tlws en t h witing list at the Si edent Publication Bldg. Monda; ,hroiueh Thur'sday, Dec. 16-19. Mr. Thomp en and Mr. Eliasn of the North America Companies, Philadelphia, wNill be at the Bureau of Appointments, 201 Mason Hall. Tues., Dec. 17, to interview men who aie graduating in Febr ary and are interested in an Executive Training Program with a proper- ty insurance company. Call 4121, extension 371, for an appointment. Willow Ru Village vVest Corn t oi3nniiv Difg. Tues., Dec. 17 2:0 p.m., Pro- cramp lannimng Li.nmilte; 8:00 p.m., Wiivs o \Veto an Students' Club meetr : 8 )00 , Uiniversi- ty A utension. pai , School. Wed., Dec. 18, 7:30 p.m., Rev. Mr. Edwards, Couns lling. Thurs., Dec. 19, 8:00 p.m., Art- Craft Workshop; 8:00 p.m., Uni- versity Extension Class in Psy- chology. Fri., Dec. 20, 8:00 p.m., Classi- cal Music Record Concert, com- mentary by Mr. Weldon Wilson. Lectures University Lecture: Dr. Herbert To the Lditor: WHO PAYS THE BILL? We uinse'tand that tie AVC is going to circulate petitions sk- ing our p'overnmeni to raise the . ale of et _ ns subsistence. At first glance. tIs look.' very ap- pealine , a i follows the trend to demand iore money. currently popular-w ito v a ious grioups. Let us analyze this proposed legisa- Lion. People wo ,nthee are fool- ing no one but themselves. WE are theove u ment -we, labor, agriculture, and mana .ement. Does anyone doubt for one minute' -~that what we get now, we will pay for later? No! Our faithers are paying, we shall pay, and we seri- cusly doubt if any economist can say how many generations of our sons and dauighiters will be bur- me. dened with the result of our ac- tion. If we, the college veterans, want more money, let us work for and play penny-ante." it. Many of the merchants of Ann Arbor ne d more help. Far too many p~eople feel that the government i:s some great benefactor, aloof from all the laws of economics. Now we find that[ L Tu we. spscy the "cream of i,! w ci 0," ._r: ading this very Feigl, Professor of Philosophy. moveni('tt. The government does University of Minnesota, will lee- not eat money -- production ture on the subject, "The Logic of does, and we., the people, are the Scientific Explanation," on Tues., ones who produce. Jan. 14; auspices of the Depart- We cannot expect to sit in Ann ment of Philosophy. The public Arbor leading a better life than is invited, people elsewhere in the world, while some great and kind per- son supplies us with the means. A cad~emic Notices 'Work - production -- is still the Education B291: At the class I answer to a higher standard of meetingtoday the topic mpli- living.How can we expect labor meting todayither topionmpf-or any other group to realize this, cations for higher Education of I hn e the vterndo nt Recent Trends in Secondary Edu-hn beond u eeans,ono cation" will be discussed by Dr. Frank Boni George E. Carrothers, Director ofJ the Bureau of Cooperation with John 'Shaughnessy Educational Institutions. Mem- B il coner bers of the faculty and graduate students are invited. Class meets* * in Rm. 110, University Library, Polish Report from 7 to 9 p.m._ led, and Jews attempting to en- ter illegally are caught and taken back K. Subrahmanyam M orie Fan To the Editor: )PEN letter to Joan Fiske: As an enthusiastic movie fan and Daily reader, I feel qualified to comment on your column, Cur- rent Movies. I like to laugh and poke fun as well as the next frus- trated undergrad, but when I look at a movie review I like to find a little information about the com- ing flickers-not just a column of sarcastic chaff. Whether or not you are being influenced by John McCarten of the New Yoker and his modern school of perpet- ual dissatisfaction, I have no idea, but something is causing you to lose sight of your primary objec- tive -that of reviewing the mov- ies in such a way that we have at least a faint clue as to what they are all about. I realize that you have a reputation as a Gargoyle funnywoman to maintain, but I respectfully suggest that you re- serve your prejudices and subtle wit for the Garg and stick to bus- iness in The Daily. -David Wallace Football Ticket To the Edtor: MR. Waren C. White leaves me somewhat confused after read- ing his :ad :~ale of the vicious tac- tics used to suppress his constitu- tional rights to attend University of Michigan football games. Here's the picture as I get it, and I would appreciate it if somebody will straighten rie out: Last Sptember Mr. White bought football tickets for his wife. He apparently went to foot- ball games, but that is not certain. What happened to his wife is al- so uncertain; Mr. White has nev- er revealed whether or not his wife was allowed to attend any football games at all. Anyhow, Mr. White got a letter one day from the ticket authorities, couch- ed in dictatorial language, to the effect that he should re- port for examination. Mr. White, righteous citizen that he is, clutching the Constitution in one hand, a copy of Judge Cooley's opinions in the other hand, and with several coupon books in his pockets, answered this insolent summons in all good faith. What happened then? To his horror, his wife's tickets were forcibly seized and what's worse, Mr. White lost his own tickets. All this without a word of explanation, without even, according to Mr. White, an insinuation that Mr. White was a wrongdoer - at least, Mr. White professes to know no earthly rea- son why 1is tickets should have been jerked from his possession. Now this situation clearly calls for an investigation. It looks like a clear case of theft to me, so a criminal prosecution is in order. In addition, Mr. White has been made the victim of an assault and battery, possibly false imprison- ment in the ticket offices, and cer- tainly he is entitled to substan- tial damages for breach of con- tract. Come, come, Mr. White, don't waste time fighting your case in the public newspapers, get down to the sheriff's office and swear out a warrant or two. The University has lots of money and obviously a good big portion of it is rightfully yours. -Alfred B. Fitt Fifty-Seventh Year Edited and managed by students of the University of Michigan under the authority of the Board in Control of Student Pubications. English 31, Section 8. Examina- tion at 10 a.m., Wed.. Dec. 18, Rm. 231, Angell Hall. A. L. IHawkins Speech Concentrates: Sign up for an appointment with Dr. Har- gis, concentration adviser, by com- ing to the Speech Office, 3211 An- gell Hall. Analytical and Inorganic Sem- inar meet at 5 p.m., today, 'Rm. 303, Chemistry Bldg. Mr. John A. Dean will speak on "Recent Ad- vances in Analytical Chemistry- 1946." Open meeting. . penmee g To the Editor: IN THE REPORT on the speech by Mr. A. J. Rathnaw on the present-day conditions in Poland it was erroneously stated that there are three million Russian deserters hiding in Poland. The figure given by the speaker as a government estimate was 300,000. According to him the Polish Un- derground is "backed up" by them and does not "contain" them as stated in the report. The three milion figure was giv- en as an estimate by the same stationed in Poland. sources of the Russian troops Kazimierd Olejarzyk 3: e Department of Bacteriology Palestine Problem Seminar at 7:30 tonight, Rm. 1564 E. Medical Bldg. Dr. J. S. To the Editor: Youngner will speak on the sub- TAR. Segal's stand on the Pales- ject, "Some Observations on As- 1 _ tine problem, in these col- corbic Acid in Biologic Spstems." umns on Dec. 5, is, I think, one- Everyone is invited. sided and misleading. I join with him in paying compliments to Mr. Botanical Seminar meet at 4 Ellis on his doing an excellent job p.m., Wed., Dec. 18, Rm. 1139, of commentating; but I do not Natural Science Bldg. Paper: "A agree when he said that Mr. Ellis Graphic Method for the Determi- should have written some words nation of the Plant Formations of of sympathy for the Jews in Pales- the Woild," by L. R. Holdrige- tine, "the ancient home of the Open meeting. tribe of Abraham." Yes, it was ______theiir home once upon a time, but Physical Chemistry Seminar, it has not been theirs foi'cen- Dec. 19, 4:15 p.m., Rn. 151 Chem- turies. istry Bldg. Mr. J. M. Lutton will Palestine belongs to the Arabs, speak on 'Some Reactions of Hy- and tht vast majority of.Jews now drogen Atoms." All interested are in that country are there by thrus- invited. ting themselves in the recent past, Seminar on Special Functions at the point of British guns, in meet at 10 a.m. Dec. 18, Rm. 340, spite of the bitter opposition of W. Engineering. Prof. Rainville the people of the soil. Everyone will talk of Hermite and Laguerre has sympathy for the Jews and l' conspicu~ous position of be-I Polynomis. irg a powerful race, without any country to call their own. But Con et Is that does not mean that they can choose a nation too weak to ef- Student Recital: Nina Goehr- fectively resist and imigrate there ing, violinist, will present a recital by the million. Palestine cannot CURRENT MOVIES At the Hichign .. . HOLIDAY IN MEXICO (MGM), Walter Pidgeon, Roddy McDowell, Jane Powell. Holiday in Mexico offers a pleasant col- lection of charming people and manages to get off to a flying start. It bogs down al- most immediately, however, and instead of capering along as all good musicals should, spends the rest of its time examining the more minute aspects of its plot. It inter- rupts its microscopic musings every now and then with large doses 'of lavish musical numbers. Throughout, the charming people attempt to keep everything whimsically light. If you like technicolor, Xavier Cugat, Jose Iturbi, Walter Pidgeon, Ilona Massey, large tan St. Bernards, Chihuahuas, puppy love, and sitting for two and a half hours, you'll probably enjoy the show at the Mich- igan. At the State . SUSPENSE (Monogram), Belita, Barry Sullivan, Albert Dekker. Suspense does not quite live up to its name, but it is a relatively satisfying little in partial fulfillment of the re-t quirements for' the degr'ee ci Bachelor of Music at 8:30 p.m.,1 Tues., Dec. 17, Lydia MendelssohnI Theatre. Program: compositions by Frarck, DeFalla, and Prok)- fieff, and three of her own violin pieces. Miss Gocehring is a pupil of Gilbert Ross. The public is in- vited.- Events Today University Broadcastihg Service: 3:30 -p.m., Station WPAG, 1050E Kc. Tuesday Playhouse, "The Pro- posal," Chekhov. Astronomical Colloquium, 4:15 p.m.. University Observatory. Mr. (Continued on Page 6)J be theirs because it was the seat of their forefather's in ancient times. We hear of the terrorist activi- ties of Jews in Palestine, time. oCmbs being placed in huge build- ings, the guards being silenced at d Editorial Staff the oiint of a gun; and how can Robert Goldman .....Managing Edlitor we say that the Jews there should Milton Freudenheim .Editorial Director have the right to possess guns. Clayton Dickey...........City E litor Had there been no restrictions, the Mary Brush..........Associate Eitor Jews would have migrated into IPaul Harsta..........Associate Elitor that country in millions, purchas-' Clark Baker ..............Sports E titor ed the whole land, and the Arabs Des Howarth ..Associate sports E litor would have been reduced to an in- Jack Martin ...Associate Sports Elitor significant minoity andsnbeenJoan Wilk.............Women's Editor ligmiatdmmy tyemindsoonten Lynne Ford -Associate Women's Editor eliminated by the might of the Jewish money and arms. No won- Business Staff der, there are restrictions on their Robert E. Potter ...Business Mar ages purchasing further land in Pales- Evelyn Mitls tine, immigration therein control- ..........Associate Business Managei BARNABY Janet CorkAssociate Business Manages Telephone 23-24-1 Member of The Associated Press The Associated Press is exclusively entitled to the use for re-publication of all news drispatc'hescredited to it or Your Fairy Godfather is just bubbling overj with pleasure, m'boy. How delightful- How ,,'ifr't 9oW!ti' yo7ur Excuse mro, arnaby. 've just put on my Oar muffs. A fist, you know, they tenrl to have a deUeierious I I f 1