, ir i
rog an
See Page 4
Latest Deadline in the State
Claim Bilbo
Got $68,000
Donated Cadillac
WASHINGTON, Dec. 16.-()-
War contractor friends of Senator
Theodore G. Bilbo told today of
giving him a Cadillac car, paint-
ing his "dream house," digging
him a lake and engaging in busi-
ness deals-with him to the tune of
some $68,000 out of their pockets.
This was aside from $30,000 to
$40,000 in cash they said they
turned over to the Mississippi
Democratic Senator or his associ-
ates for use in an unsuccessful
campaign to elect Bilbo's friend,
Wall Doxey, to the Senate.
On Xisissippi Contracts
All these men were engaged at
or about the time of the gifts in
work on profitable war contracts
in Mississippi. But they insisted
to the Senate War Investigating
Committee that Bilbo was not
helping them get contracts.
And some said they were still
carrying on their books, as debts
owed by Bilbo, the amounts they
paid out in his behalf.
The committee branched out
from war con tracts to get testi-
mony also about a $3,000 loan
Bilbo got in 1938 from Abe Shu-
shan, New Orleans wholesale dry-
goods merchant.
Income Tax Case
At the time it was made, the
government had an income tax
case pending against Shushan.
J. P. Winchell, chief counsel for
the Bureau of Internal Revenue,
testified Bilbo called him "four or
five times" about the Shushan
case. He said the claixh was for
about $80,000 and that Bilbo sug-
-gested a settlement for about
Eventually, the government took
off a $7,000 item and settled the
case, in combination with one
against Mrs. Shushan, for about
$120,000, Winchell said.
Officer Killed
In Gun Battle
In Tennessee
16-(A)-A city patrolman died
tonight from wounds suffered in
a roaring hour of gunplay in
which four other policemen were
wounded when a Negro went ber-
serk during questioning today by
officers. State police headed off
possible mob violence after the
The patrolman, Herbert Mc-
Clanahan, died from a head
wound. The Negro identified as
Edmond Haynes, also was wound-
ed in the firing. The central
State Hospital, an institution for
the insane, listed a man of the
same name, age 54, as a former
He had been taken to the city
jail on a storekeeper's complaint
that he was acting suspiciously in
his establishment.
While undergoing questioning
by patrolman Herbert McClana-
han, Haynes felled the officer
with a bullet through the head,
apparently after seizing McClana-
han's pistol. McClanahan was
taken to the hospital in critical
As Haynes ran firing from the
city hall, with a pistol in one hand
and a shotgun in the other, he
wounded Police Chief N. W.
Powers, who was unarmed, in the
chest. Powers' wound was not
Post Office Holds
Veterans' Checks
The Ann Arbor Main Post Of-
flce is holding government checks
for the following veterans, the
Veterans Service Bureau announ-
ced yesterday.
Da Ros, Charles J.
Kelley, Richards E.
Milner, Richards Kenneth
Nyquist, Albert W.
Suprunowicz, HMack
Wheeler, Walter H.
These checks will be returned
to Cleveland, Dec. 26.
Shansi Province City
Falls to Communists
PEIPING, Dec. 16-(/P)-Gov-
ernment military authorities re-
Cit Santa Builds Toys
For Crippled Children
Ann Arbor Hobbyist Will Give Presents to
Handicapped Youngsters in 'U' Hospital
Ann Arbor's Santa Claus will
visit the University Hospital
Albert Warnhoff, called "Michi-
gan's most prominent citizen" by
Governor Harry F. Kelly, will call
at the children's wards of the hos-
pital to distribute gifts and toys
among the crippled children there.
Warnhoff, who was awarded the
title of the Michigan Santa Claus
by state civic organizations last
year, has spent his spare time
manufacturing over 750 wooden
dogs, cats, doll cribs, miniature
dining room sets and trains for
crippled and blind children in hos-
pitals and homes near here.
A Basement Full of Toys
The list of toys which he has
turned out in his basement work-
Five Regular
Trains To Add
Extra Coaches
Plan Two Specials
To Carry Students
Extra coaches will be added to
five regular trains Saturday in
addition to the two special trains
on Friday for vacation-bound stu-
dents, the New York Central Rail-
road announced yesterday.
J. F. Pyer, local NYC passen-
ger agent, yesterday reiterated the
railroad's plea for students to pur-
chase their tickets early and indi-
cate the train desired. Dyer also
urged students leaving Friday to
travel on the special trains to ease
the burden on the regularly sched-
uled runs.
On Friday special trains will be
run to Chicago and New York,
Boston and intermediate points.
New York-Boston Special
The New York-Boston special
will leave Ann Arbor at 5 p.m. Fri-
day. Intermediate stops will be
made at Rochester, Syracuse and
Utica, N. Y., and Springfield and
Worcester, Mass. The train will
consist of eight coaches to New
York and four coaches to Boston
with a diner and diner-lounge.
The special will arrive in New
York at 7:35 a.m. Saturday and in
Boston at 9:40 a.m.
The Chicago special is sched-
uled to leave Ann Arbor at 2 p.m.
Friday and will stop at Jackson,
Battle Creek, Kalamazoo, Niles
and Woodlawn, arriving at Chi-
cago's Central Station at 5:30 p.m.
Friday. Eight coaches have been
allocated for students.
On Saturday two coaches will
be added going to Buffalo or be-
yond if required on two trains,
No. 44 leaving Ann Arbor at 3:31
p.m. and the Advance Wolverine
leaving at 6:21 p.m. Extra coaches
also will be added for students go-
ing to Chicago on Saturday. These
trains are the New England Wol-
verine leaving Ann Arbor at 9:46
a.m., No. 323 leaving at 3:27 p.m.
and the Twilight Limited at 5:26
For the return trip before
classes resume, most students can
be accommodated on the advance
section of the Twilight Limited
from Chicago scheduled to leave
LaSalle Street Station at 4:05 p.m.
Sunday, January 5, which will ar-
rive in Ann Arbor at 9:25 p.m.
Four coaches will bring students
back from Boston on the New Eng-
land Wolverine leaving Boston at
3:20 p.m. Sunday, January 5. The
Wolverine from New York will
have six coaches allotted to stu-
dents and will leave New York at
6:05 p.m. Sunday, January 5.
shop this year staggers the imag-
ination :
Thirty-four bi-motor airplanes,
122 dogs of various types, 57 small
horses, 61 cats, 34 cows, 25 pigs, 28
rabbits, 'six monkeys, 61 18-inch
doll beds, 57 12-inch cribs, 70
three-car trains, 23 Sunday school
banks, six 30-inch high hobby
hrses, three seven-foot teeter-tot-
horses, three seven-foot teeter-tot-
sets, six large dining-room sets,
48 five-inch baby rockers, and one
large clock driven windmill.
Warnhoff will present these toys
this week to crippled and blind
children at the University Hospi-
tal, Lansing State School for the
Blind Wednesday, Saint Joseph
Mercy Hospital Thursday, the
Jackson Crippled Children's
School Friday, and the Michigan
Children's Home Saturday.
Just for the love of it
"I started 38 yearsago making
toys as a hobby. I don't get paid
for any of my presents and I don't
want to. I wouldn't take a million
dollars for that feeling that comes
from seeing those kids smile and
laugh," Warnhoff said.
A number of Ann Arbor civic
organizations help Warnhoff eaco
year in distributing his gifts. The
Ypsilanti Girl Scouts have made
little blankets and coverlets for
the small cribs and the Bethle-
hem Church workers have con-
tributed bedding for the large
"The organizations deserve as
much credit as I do. I couldn't
do a think if it wasn't for their
help and contributions of paint
and building materials," he assert-
A Patient Wife
"And don't forget Mama, she
has to put up with me being in
the basement all the time," he
Warnhoff guessed that he had
made over 10,250 toy gifts in his
38 years as a toy maker.
Committee To
Appeal Today
A 25-mai delegation of Willow
Run residents, headed by William
Streit, chairman of the Committee
for the Ten Cent Bus Fare, is
scheduled to leave on a special
chartered bus for Lansing this
morning t appear before the
State Administrative Board in an
attempt to win back the originally
promised ten cent bus fare to
The delegates, who .,were nomi-
nated at Sunday's mass meeting
at the North Community Building,
will leave the Village at 7 a.m. and
are due to arrive in Lansing before
10 a.m. where they will be met by
Robert Wolpe, state chairman of
AVC, and Lloyd Johnson, veterans
director of Ford local 600 (UAW-
CIO) who will assist the Villagers
in their protest.
aval Reserve
Coming Here
A U. S. Naval Traveling Recruit-
ing Unit, interested in enrolling
veterans of all services and former
Waves in the Naval Reserve V-6
(inactive duty) program, will be
in Ann Arbor from 9 a.m. to 4:30
p.m. Thursday and Friday in the
Members of V-6 are not re-
quired to attend weekly meetings.
They retain the rate held at dis-
charge, maintain longevity as on
active duty, and remain civilians.
Enrollment in V-6 does not af-
fect benefits received under the
G.I. Bill.
New Cabinet
In France Is
All Socialist
Blum Will Ask
Coniifidence Vote
PARIS, Dec. 16.-(AP)-Socialist
Premier Leon Blum, acting to
avert a crisis that "threatened to
become perilous," formed an all-
Socialist cabinet today after fail-
ing to bring Communists and their
opponents into a coalition care-
taker government.
The National Assembly will be
asked to give the cabinet a vote
of confidence tomorrow. Observers
said they expected Blum to re-
ceive almost unanimous endorse-
ment, despite the fact that neither
of France's two most power-
ful parties- --the Communists and
the Popular Republican Movement
(MRP)-were represented.
Tonight, the 74-year-old Blum,
who will be Premier-President and
foreign minister in the new cabi-
net to serve until mid-January,
said in a broadcast to the nation
that he had been forced to name
a one-party cabinet and asked:
"What was I to do? What.was
my duty?
' realize that it looks odd for
a party that has less than 100
members in an assembly that has
more than 600 members to present
a government. But we had to put
an end to a crisis in government
that threatened to become peri-
Blui tried in vain for five days
to work out a formula under
which all major political parties
would enter the government. Com-
munist demands for the impor-
tant post of Minister of Defense,
opposed by centrist and rightist
parties, contributed to the wreck-
ing of his efforts.
The Communists fought also to
the last against inclusion in the
cabinet of the Republican Liberty
Party, an extreme rightist faction.
The anti-Communist bloc, which
maintained that the appointment
of a Communist to the defense
ministry would give that party
control of the Army and occupa-
tion parties, was encouraged when
Blum finally named one-armed
Andre le Troquer to the post.
V Students'
Apathy Hit By
Unity Group
Apathy of University students
in regard to the national student
movement was condemned last
night by Edythe Levin, member of
the Unity Committee formed to
direct campus participation in the
Chicago Students Conference.
Miss Levin charged that Uni-
versity students were amplifying
a general "failure of American
students to participate in na-
tional and international student
movements" when only 20 turned
out for an all-campus rally at the
Union last night. The rally was to
publicize plans for the Confer-
ence Dec. 28 to 30.
"This University is far, be-
hind such schools as Harvard
and Yale in aiding the stu-
dents community," she assert-
ed, "and last night's meager
attendance shows why.
"It is only because of stu-
dent interest that these schools
are able to accomplish anything,"
she dedlared. "The efforts of the
Unity Committee are not enough."
The 17 member committee was
set up by major campus organiza-
tions to determine campus senti-
ment regarding the Conference,
elected from the Student Legis-
lature, are Rae Keller, Archie
Parsons, James Reiss and Terry
U.S. Military
UnderSingle CommandSystem;
Baruch To Ask U.N. Atom Vote
,. v
Speeches May
Delay Decision
Several Days
Gromyko Is Urged
To Help Speed Plan
By The Associated Press
LAKE SUCCESS, N.Y., Dec. 16.
-Bernard M. Baruch, convinced
of the "imperative necessity of
speed," will call tomorrow for a
vote in the United Nations Atomic
Energy Commission on the United
States atomic control plan, au-
thoritative sources said tonight.
A policy decision might be taken
at a full meeting of the commis-
sion tomorrow but delegates pri-
vately expressed the opinion that
considerable speech-making might
delay a vote several days. The
commission is required to com-
plete a report to the Security
Council by Dec. 31.
Urged Not To Delay
Baruch, on Dec. 5, urged the
commission not to delay on the
matter of harnessing the atom
and presented resolutions which
embodied the essentials of the
United States plan.
At the same time he appealed
especially to the Soviet Union,
whose delegate, Andrei A. Grom-
yko, rejected the U.S. plan last
July, to participate now in view
of the statements of Soviet lead-
ers reversing their earlier stand on
inspections and controls.
Three Hour Session
The political committee of the
commission met for three hours
today and considered the "pro-
ceedings section of the projected
report. This will deal with the
extensive work of the commission
and its various committees from
June 14, when Baruch laid down
his plan at the opening meeting
of the commission, to the end of
the year.
Delegates said however that the
committee was unable to work
on recommendations without the
guidance of the commission. Hence
a decision on the United States
plan-or some plan of control
which might be evolved by the
nommission--is desired soon by the
Michigan Lifts
Liquor Rations
LANSING, Dec. 16-- (P) - For
the average Michigan drinker,
there will be no more whiskey
rationing after Wednesday.
The State Liquor Control Com-
mission today ordered rationing
stopped Wednesday on all Ameri-
can blended whiskies, which rep-
resent 95 per cent of the bottle
sales in this state.
But Scotch, bonded bourbons,
and Canadian whiskey will remain
on the ration list for a time.
Thus ended a unique period in
state government. Rationing of
liquor, a war-borne measure start-
ed in August of 1943, was the only
formal rationing in state history,
officials said.
Chairman Felix H. H. Flynn
said the Commission's current in-
ventories and assurances of a
steady supply of blended whiskey
motivated the move. The Com-
mission was reported to have a
stock of 300,000 cases of blends on
its shelves.
Lewis Achieves Dual
Gain In Legal Contest
Limitations on Coke Deliveries Lessened
As Officials Estimate Cost of Coal Strike
WASHINGTON, Dec. 16.-(2)-
John L. Lewis won a double vic-
tory today in preliminary rounds
of his legal battles with the gov-
ernment and the coal mine opera-
1. The Supreme Court granted
his petition to broaden the argu-
ments on his appeal from the con-
tempt of qourt conviction against
himself and the United Mine
Workers. This enables him to seek
the refuge of the Norris-LaGuar-
dia Anti-Injunction Act in the ar-
guments to be heard Jan. 14.
2. The U.S. Circuit Court of
Appeals upheld the recognition
granted to Lewis' union of mine
Student Talent
Will Present
Annual Review
Setting the mood for Christmas
vactions, the annual all-campus
Christmas Review will take the
stage from 8 to 9:30 p.m. to-
morrow in Hill Auditorium.
Featuring student talent entire-
ly, the show is held annually to
initiate the yuletide spirit. Spon-
sored by the Union Executive
Council, League Council, Men's
and Women's Glee Clubs and the
"M" Club, no admission is being
charged, but expenses will be met
by the sponsoring organizations,
as is the custom for the programs.
Two complete shows are to be
presented, the first to include a
variety of vadeville skits, torch
songs, jokes and novelty acts,
emceed by Buck Dawson.
Initiating the program, the "M"
Club will offer a skit entitled
"Mystery Skit" with "Pro" Boim,
Dick Wakefield, Bob Chappuis and
Bill Couitright taking the stage.
Continuing the acts are to be
Newton Locken and Glenn Neff,
in a specialty balancing feature.
Pat Pontius and Bodil Ree will
be the featured soloists for the
evening. "For You For Me Forever
More" and "Christmas Song" are
to be sung by Miss Pontius. Miss
Ree will sing "Winter Wonder-
land" and "Night and Day."
"A Day at the Dog Show," and
"What Now, Mr. Anthony," are
two featurettes to be presented by
emcee Dawson, teamed with Rae
King. An original composition will
be offered by Frank Anderson en-
titled "Winter Boogie."
In addition, the 11-piece orches-
tra of Allan Townsend will supple-
ment the campus talent. "Sym-
phonaires" are to introduce an
original nmber composed and ar-
ranged bl Townsend especially for
the Christmas show.
Featuring Bill McGowan at the
organ, the second part of the re-
view is to be sponsored by the
Men's and Women's Glee Clubs.
Choral effects, solos, and group
singing will be included with audi-
ence participation invited.
Directory On Sale
Student directories will be on
sale from 9 a.m. to noon and 1
p.m. to 5 p.m. Wednesday through
Friday at the Student Publica-
tions Building.
foremen in the existing contract
between the government and the
United Mine Workers. The Circuit
Court rejected a challenge inter-
posed by the Jones and Laughlin
Steel Corp.
Restrictions Relaxed
Outside the courts, the Office of
Temporary Controls relaxed the
Temporary controls relaxed the re-
by the recent soft coal strike but
continued those on coal itself. The
Solid Fuels Administration esti-
mated the 17-day shutdown cost
the country 25,000,000 tons of bi-
tuminous coal until Lewis called it
off Dec. 7.
The Supreme Court's granting
of the petition Lewis' attorneys
filed last week was done in a rou-
tine order. The government, initi-
ating the Supreme Court test with
a petition granted last Monday,
contended that the Norris - La-
Guardia Act is not involved in the
case, although it said that even if
it is, the contempt convictions can
Acceptance Opens Way
The Court's acceptance of Lewis'
petition along with the govern-
ment's opens the way for his
counsel to try to invoke the Nor-
ris-LaGuardia Act in at least
three ways.
1. By arguing that Federal Judge
T. Alan Goldsborough's temporary
restraining order, on which the
contempt convictions were based,
was illegal.
2. By raising the questin whe-
ther a jury trial was mandatory.
3. By questioning whether the
union, which was fined $3,500,000,
can be held to answer for Lewis'
These three points were among
ten raised by the defense petition,
Although the Supreme Court per-
mitted the arguments, it may rule
upon all the points or not, as it
sees fit subsequently.
Unique Snow
Removal Plan
Passed by City
After a heated, hour-long discus-
sion, Ann Arbor Common O*uncil
last night entered into an agree-
ment with a private contractor to
provide for the removal of snow
from all local sidewalks.
Under terms of the agreement,
the contractor, James Woodul, ex-
University student, will remove
snow from all sidewalks uncleaned
after 1 p.m. A city ordnance states
that property owners are obligated
to clean their sidewalks before
that time, or be charged for city-
sponsored removel
Woodul, using a fleet of ten
jeeps equipped with plows and
brushes, will bill the city for all
walks he cleans after the ordnance
deadline. The rate is fixed at a
maximum of five cents per foot of
walk regardless of the number of
times cleaned. Ann Arbor is the
first Michigan city to put such a
plan into effect.
Council also heard a proposal
by Mayor William E. Brown, Jr.,
aimed at partially solving the
acute parking problem on S. Uni-
versity Ave. Mayor Brown pro-
posed that the city lease a vacant
lot in that area which could be
used as a n'unicipal parking lot.
Vet Allotments
To Be Debated
All campus veterans will have a
chance to debate the merits of
plans for increased subsistence al-
lotments intan open meeting at
7:30 p.m. tomorrow in Rm. 316
of the Union.
Sponsored by the University
chapter of the American Veterans
I ('Anmitt +thae e ctingr will 1lead
New System
Restores War
Unified Setup
Will Avoid Another
Pearl Harbor-Arnold
By The Associated Press
membering Pearl Harbor, the na-
tion's military leaders announced
a new setup tonight placing every
area where American forces op-
erate under a single top comman-
der, either of the Army or the
This obviates a situation like
Pearl Harbor where we had two
co-equal commanders," Maj. Gen.
William H. Arnold, Deputy Chief
of Operations and Planning, told a
news conference. " It insured a
unified operational command in
the theaters."
The single command system was
recommended by the joint Chiefs
of Staff, worked out in long nego-
tiations between the War 'and
Navy Departments, and approved
by President Truman. It restores
for peacetime the unified com-
mand setup under which the war
was fought but which subsequent-
ly was abandoned.
Top Level Only
It applies only to the top level
of planning and operations in the
theaters, leaving the respective
commanders in charge of their
own forces under the over-all
commander, and Arnold indicat-
ed it does not alter the Army's de-
sire for complete unification of
the services. Mr. Truman said last
week he will renew his demand for
this legislation when the new Con-
gress meets.
Closest Approximation
Arnold commented, how ever,
that "this is the closest approxi-
mation you could get without ac-
tually having unification of the
departments." He added that
with unification, "These pro-
longed negotiations wouldn't have
been necessary."
The negotiations already had
started when the Senate-House
Committee which investigated the
Pearl Harbor attack issued its re-
port, pointing to the confusion in
intelligence and defense planning
there which arose from the fact
that the army and navy chiefs
were each responsible for only
their own fields and neither had
supreme authority. These factors
had been brought out previously,
however, by other investigations
The new plan, making the tor
theatre commanders responsibl
directly to the joint chiefs o:
staff, was announced jointly b
the War and Navy Departments
SIX Accidents
Reported on
Icy igh.ways
With six traffic accidents mark-
ed up during yesterday's first
heavy snowfall of the winter sea-
son, Captain Barney Gainsley of
the Ann Arbor police force warn-
ed student and faculty motorist
to erercise increased caution in
driving on icy highways.
Ann Arbor's already acute traf-
fic problem is further complicated
by the fact that the greatest num-
ber of driving permits in history
have been issued to students,
Gainsley stated. All the traffic
accidents reported to police yes-
terday were directly or indirect-
ly caused by the icy condition of
the crowded throughfares, he add-
dTaking this occasion to warn
inotorists of increased care neces-
sary while driving on icy high-
ways, Captain Gainsley also cau-
tioned pedestrians of increased
dangers. Hewparticularly asked
parents to warn their children
of the hazards created by coasting
on city streets.
Ralk an OmntrmtcAA-k
Noseworthy Explains 'Democratic Socialism'
Lecture .*
v' I
Pointing to "democratic social-
ism" as the middleway between
communism and capitalism, Jos-
eph W. Noseworthy, Ontario pro-
vincial secretary for the Coopera-
tive Commonwealth Federation
party, an ex-school principal, and
a former Canadian Parliament
member. lectured to a Rackham
a great world movement, Nose-
worthy added,
The only freedom that demo-
cratic socialism interferes with,
Noseworthy emphasized, is the
right of a corporation to exploit
for profit its fellow man. Actually,
he said, there will be more free-
dom under democratic socialism
than we have at the present time,
for freedom, if it means anything,
who ° produce them. Production
and the distribution of purchasing
power, he said, should be planned
primarily for the purpose of sat-
isfying the needs of people and
not for the purpose of satisfying
the profits of a small group.
Noseworthy also outlined the
measures taken by the CCF gov-
ernment in the province of Sas-
katchewan. including the trae
Interview ...
The socialist Cooperative Com-
monwealth Federation party is
taking over key industries in Sas-
katchewan, Canada, only where
private enterprise "doesn't deliv-
er the goods," according to Jos-
eph W. Noseworthy, party organi-
zer and former member of the Ca-
ficiently do we reserve the right to
take over."
Non-industrial Saskatchewan is
the only Canadian province where
the CCF is the majority party.
Noseworthy said that the party
there will provide free hospitaliza-
tion for every citizen after Jan. 1.
Farm and labor security have been
the party's chief aims in their two