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December 15, 1946 - Image 8

Resource type:
The Michigan Daily, 1946-12-15

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Counselling Program Helps ...at the Village DAILY OFFICIAL Bi
Blind Prepare for Vocations
_ Church Service . ..-
A vocational counselling pro- sAn interdenominational church
in society as independent wage-service will be conducted by Rev. (Continec1 from Page 4) Wed., Dec. 18. 7:30 p.m., Rev.
gram, designed especially for the earners and citizens." J. Edgar Edwards at 10:45 a.m. ~ Mr. Edwards. Counselling.
Blind, is helping these people to Speaking of.the difficulties in- today at West Court Community brary during the week of Decem- This., Dec. 19, 8:00 p.m., Art-
prepare themselves for employ- volved in getting the special tests Buildings. A nursery will be pro- ber 16-20, 1946. Craft Workshop; 8:00 p.m., Uni
nient in jobs for which they are and techniques needed, Morris vided for children during the serv- The assistance of all members versity Extension Class in Psy-
pEst suited. said that "only a few of the psy- ice. of the University in restoring such chology.
The University's Bureau of Psy- chological tests now in use have books to the Library collections is Fri., Dec. 20, 8:00 p.m., Classi-
chological service tests the blind been put into Braille, and most cal Music Record Concert, com-
pOrson's general intelligence, aca- of our testing must be done Record C(oncert . . . earnestly requested. e, emntary by Mr. Weldon Wilson.
demic achi'vement, manual dex- verbally." The music of Mozart, ChRus- -
terity, ocxcupational aptitude and Most of the blind persons going sn, Wagner, endelssohn, and School of ducation Faculty Lectures
bilities and personality, and Debussy will be played in the
i recommendations to the mended for vocational training or meeting at 4:15 p.m., Mon., Dec Lecture: Prof. P. W Shsson,
e for vocational training and for immediate employment. Much edings at 3 p.m. today in West 16, University Elementary School History Department, Prof. M.
oplem t.of the old opposition among em- crinsa3 ..toainWt Library.
o 3lacement.hs Lodge. Weldon Wilson will give Liray Thomson, Sociology Department,
Special Tests ployers to industrial hiring of the Michigan State Normal College,
The- program, which calls for blind has been overcome, Morris Men's Residence Halls: Men and others will lecture on the sub-
specisl tests and techniques adapt- sridthemselves capable of coin wishing to cancel their residence ject, "The Armenian Question," at
able for use with the blind, is be- pChre nmal tep m wh C istiaFeowsip . . . hall contracts for the Spring Se- 8:00 p.m. Sun., Dec. 15, Rackham
ing snprincipally for persons igted orkrmal terms with The Christian Fellowship Group nester may secure request blanks Lecture Hall; auspices of Tau
aferred to the Bureau by the under the leadership of Rev. Ed- at the Office of the Dean of Stu- Beta Pi and Eta Kappa Nu Honor
Mtate Department for Social Wel- -ards will meet at 4 p.m. today at dents. Requests must be filed on Societies and the Armenian Stu-
fare, but the Bureau psychologists - West Court or before Dec: 20, Rm. 2, Univer- dents Association.
lpect to aid blind veterans ex- Pollock Wild Get ii. sity Hall.
peected on campus later on. Dr. -1Doctor Haven Emerson, Profess-
-Wlma. T. Donahue, director of the Military Award Basketball League . . . 1946 Michiganensians may be or Emeritus of Public Health of
t ureau, said that several blind Playoffs in the inter-dormi- picked up at the Student Publi- Columbia University, will lecture
veterans have already been ac- The Army Medal of Merit will tory basketball league will be cation Bldg., Monday through on the subject "Boards of Health"
cepted for entrance to the Uni- be awarded to Prof. James K. Pol- held at 6:30 p.m. tomorrow in Thursday, Dec. 16-19. at 4 p.m., Mon., Dec. 16, School of
versity next term, lock, of the political science de- the West Lodge gymnasium Public Health Auditorium. The
W. W. Morris, chief phychologist partment, by Col. Barl E. Henion, We have received notices of public is invited.
of Special Clinical Services in the of the military science depart- 0 ouse .Civil Service positions in Michigan ---
B ureau, clie ves that it will be :nent, at 12:15 p.m. Tuesday in pen *(School Instruction Supervisor) Academic Notites
,possible, onetime in the future, Ztackham Auditorium. West Lodge Women's Dormitory and Illinois (Aircraft instructor). Analytical ad Inorganic Sem-
to work with blind children, help- The award is in honor of Prof. Two will hold an open house for Also have information regarding Aaytcat pm Tues., ec.
ing them to map out vocational ?ollock's work as divilian advisor all dormitory residents of Willow excellent teaching positions for r3ar meet at p.m., T es., Dc.
and educational plans early in life. .n Germany to Lt. Gen. Lucius D. Village from 3:30 to 5:30 p.m. to- graduate civil and mechanical en~ Jo7h A nwill303 eiseak on "Re-
War Casualties Clary. He returned to the Uni- day.nohA en
"No accura to census of the blind ersity this fall. The presentation Prof. and Mrs. Arthur Bromage incers in good technical schools c mAdvances in Analytical
aseebentkn uweow ereniony is open to the public. and. Mrs. Ruby Knox, West LodgeancolestruhtteCun Chemistry -- 1946". All interest-
as ever been taken, but we know n stry. We shall be glad to discuss ed are invited.
there are hu:dreds of blind adults social director, will chaperone the these positions with qualified and
in Michigan and that the number - affair, and Miss Alice Lloyd, Dean interested candidates. Please call Department of Bacteriology
has been incased by war casual- of Women, Col. and Mrs. Walter at the Bureau of Appointments seminar at' 7:30 p.m., Tues., Dec.
ties," he explained. "Most of these Read and Use B. Fariss and Mr. and Mrs. Ever- and Occupational Information, 17, Rm. 1564, E. Medical Bldg. Dr.
preople can, with a little help, fi The ett Chapman will be special 201 Mason Hall. ,. S. ,oungner wilM seak on the
themselves to take a normal place e DailyI Classfi1es! guests. J.S_____wllsea n h
________________________________________subject, "Some Observations on
Engineering Students: A repre- Ascorbic Acid in Biologic Sys-
sentative of the Glenn L. Martin tems." Everyone is invited.
Company of Baltimore, Maryland,
will interview February graduates Dynamical Systems Seminar:
on Tuesday, January 7, 1947, in Mon., Dec. 16, at 3 p.m., 3201 An-
Q UILTED RO BES the Lobby office of East Engineer- gell Hall. Mr. Shapiro will speak
ing. He is interested in Aeronau- on 'Birkhoff's Theory."
tical, Mechanical, Electrical and
Civil Engineers receiving bachelors Mathematics 300: Orientation
or higher degrees, and in Physi- Seminar, Monday, Dec. 16,, Rm.
cists and Mathematicians receiv- 3001 Angell Hall, at 7 p.m. Mr. Al-
ing masters or doctors degrees. If bert R. Erskine will review the
interested, sign interview sheet on Banach-Tarski paper on Equiva-
Aeronautical Bulletin Board. lence of Point Sets by Finite De-
AND WARBME R T OO! r. Thompson and Mr. Eliason
of North America Companies, Physical Chemistry Seminar,
Philadelphia, will be at the Bureau Dec. 19, 4:15 p.m., Rm. 151 Chem-
of Appointments, 201 Mason Hall, istry Bldg. Mr. J. M. Lutton will
on Tuesday, December 17, to inter- speak on "Some Reactions of Hy-
Pert, washable cotton robes view men who are graduating in drogen Atoms." All interested are
quilted in diamond design . . . wih gay February and are interested in an invited.-
s a q; Executive Training program with
flowers on your choice of white, blue a property insurance company. Concerts
or rose backgrounds. The wide, flared Call 4121. extension 371, for an ap- Student Recital: Nina Goehr-
p ,pomntment. ..
skirt ... the bound tie belt . . . the p t ting, violinist, will present a recital
kbC . Wllo RunVilagein partial fulfillment of the re-
long sleeves make it ideal for winter wear. Willow Run Village quirements for the degree of
Sizes12-20.West Court Community Bldg Bachelor of Music at 8:30 p.m.,
Sies1-2-Sun., Dec. 15, 10:45 a.m., Inter- Tues., Dec. 17, Lydia Mendelssohn
$ .75 denominational Church Service, Theatre. Program: compositions
Rev. J. Edgar Edwards (Nursery by Franck, DeFalla, and Proko-
provided): 4:00 p.m., Christian fieff, and three of her own violin
R Fellowship Group, Rev. Mr. Ed~ pieces. Miss Goehring is a pupil
<- ;wards; 8:15 p.m., Advisory Com- of Gilbert Ross. The public is in-
mittee, Rev. Mr. Edwards. vited.
Mon., Dec. 16, 10:00 a.m., Wil-
low Run Cooperative Council,
sXSEvents Today
7:30 p.m., Rev. Mr. Edwards,
Counselling. University Radio Program:
Tues., Dec. 17, 2:00 p.m., Pro- 9:15 a.m., Station WJR, 750 Kc.
MAIN AT LIBERTY gram planning committee; 8:00 "Hymns of Freedom." Choir:
p.m., Wives of Veteran Students' George Cox, Norma Swinney,
Club meeting; 8:00 p.m., Universi- Granville Greer, Harriet Boden;
1y Extension Class, Spanish, Ross accompanist, Irene Boice; com-
School. mentator, Dr.,Donald E. Hargis.

Match Her Size
Light Her Eyes
Christmas Present I 'f
HANDBAGS ... in rich
bradBGs plastic pat- BELTS. . . Those clever BLOUSES . . . for day-s
r ents, sumptuous alliga- new styles that she's time and evening, start-
ts, luxuous Clligd-e been wanting to set off ling white, soft pastels,
andsbeautifuclfskirn her best dress and skirt. some with sequin trim,
Bad b u alnGold, leather and suede. others hand-painted
BlacFbro wnadAll colors. From $1.00 with her own initials.
Fo$9HOSIERY ... All kinds 1i om $2.95.
... Rayons, Silks, and LOUNGING SETS . . .
HOSIERY even those precious In Quilt to keep her
NYLONS in her favorite warm . . . or luxurious
RAYONS sheerness and color. Moir6 to wear when she
plays hostess. Several
SILKS esigns . . . beautiful
A olors. Her favorite gift
without a doubt.
~ From S16.95



Local Council

Varsity Glee Club meet in the
Union lounge today and thenl
leave together to sing on the li-
brary steps. Monday evening at
7:30 p.m. meet with the girls in
Hill Auditorium; rehearsal for all
Campus Xmas Party on Wednes-
day. There will be no meetings
of the club on Wednesday or
Thursday night, this week.
St. Mary's Chapel: Father Declan
Egan C.P. will conduct the annual
Retreat beginning Sunday and
continuing through Tuesday. Serv-
ices will be at 5:10 and 7:30 p.m.
Sunday through Tuesday. Masses
on Monday and Tuesday will be at
6:30, 7:00, 8:00, and 9:00,
The University of Michigan Hot
Record Society meeting 8 p.m.,
Hussey room, League.
Intercollegiate Zionist Federa-
tion of America Members report
at the Hillel Foundation at 3:30
p.m. to complete preparations for
the Hanukah Festival.
The U. of M. Chapter of the In-
tercollegiate Zionist Federation of
America is celebrating Hanukah
with a gala festival at the Hillel
Foundation from 7 to 11 p.m.
University Radio Programs:
Monday, 2:30 p.m., Station
WKAR, 870 Kc. Dr. Louis Schultz,
"Operative Dentistry Delay Brings
Monday, 2:45 p.m., Station
WKAR, 870 Kc. "My Native
Land," Mr. Madhat Hashimi, of
Monday, 3:30 p.m., Station
WPAG, 1050 Kc. Carillon Recital,
Sidney F. Giles, Assistant Caril-
Astronomical Colloquium, Tues.,
Dec. 17, 4:15 p.m., University
Observatory. Mr. Harry Bendler
speaks on "Kinematics of South-
ern B-Stars."
Research Club meeting at 8 p.m.,
Wed., Dec. 18, Rackham Amphi-
theatre. Papers: "Factors in Cau-
sation and Control of Strikes," by
Prof. Z. C. Dickinson; "New De-
velopments in the Art of Prospect-
ing," by Prof. T. S. Lovering.
Engineering Open House Com-
mittee Meeting at 4:30 p.m., Mon.,
Dec. 16, 243 W. Engineering Bldg.
Sigma Rho Tau, engineering
speech society, meeting Tuesday,
Dec. 17. Rm. 311, W. Engineering
Bldg. There will be special train-
ing in Conference Debate tactics
and advanced discussion of the
rear engine automobile.
Le Cer.le Francais Christmas
party, 8 p.m., Tues., Dec. 17,As-

Seeks Help
The Ann Arbor Council of Social
Agencies' annual Christmas Bu-
reau yesterday asked persons in-
terested in providing a cheerful
hcliday for needy fainilies to con-
tact that organization.
The Christinas Bureau is work-
ing to coordinate the efforts of all
local sooifl organizations in pre-
paring a list of individuals and
families who will otherwise be un-
able to participate in the spirit of
the holiday season. The bureau
solicits- no funds but asks persons
interested in aiding their work to
contact the organization to see
how they can best help the work.
Persons or groups wishing to
cooperate are asked to call 26551
or 9073.
Johnson To Condiuct
Thor Johnson,, formerly of the
University Musical Society, has
been engaged as guest conductor
with the Cincinnati Symphony Or-
chestra for a three week period.
Charles A. Sink, president of the
Society, learned yesterday.
sembly Room, Rackham Bldg.
Program: Miss Rose Derderian, of
the School of Music, will offer a
selection of French songs; Mrs.
Helene Yaeger, of Paris, will talk
informally on "Christmas in
France"; dancing and refresh-
ments. 11 o'clock permission. for
women students.
Compulsory meeting of Scroll
at 5 p.m. Thurs., Dec. 19. Room
will be posted on the League Bul-
letin Board. If unable to attend
notify Ann Lippincott.
Members of the Russky Kruz-
hok, Russian Circle, are invited to
a Christmas party at 8 p.m., Mon-
day, International Center.
A.IM.E. 'Ensian picture will be
taken at 7:30 p.m., Wed., Dec., 18,
Rm. 1042, E. Eng. Bldg. Members
are urged to be present.
Michigan Dames' Music Group
meet at the home of Mrs. Paul
Cairns, - 520 E. William, at 8:15
p.m., Mon., Dec. 16. Charles L.
Taylor, Director of Male Lyra
Chorus, Tenor, soloist, accompan-
ied by Miss Irene Boyce.
A Laboratory Bill of One-Act
Plays will be presented by the de-
partment of speech Thurs.., Dec.
19, 8:30 p.m. in Lydia Mendelssohn
Theatre. Admission is free to the
public but tickets must be picker
up at the theatre box office the
day of the production. The three
plays to be given include "Riders
to the Sea," by J. N. Synge, "Over-
tones," by Alice Gerstenberg and
"Xingu" by Thomas Seller.
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