rTHE MICIHGAN DAILY :, IDE-NAZIFYING YOUTH: German Asks Long Term Occupation By PAUL HARSHA Charging that the German peo- ple are still "infected with egoism," a German civilian has asked that American occupation troops re- mAin for at least a generation. Hermann H. Rocke, former Ber- lin school teacher, believes that "the young German generation with master-race experiences from the battlefields of Europe will never be able to learn democracy" without help from American sol- diers. Educational Help In a letter to Edward Hascall, Armenia To Be Subject of Talks Prof. Preston W. Slosson of the history department and Prof. M. Thomson of the sociology depart- ment of Michigan State Normal College will lecture on "The Ar- menian Question" at 8 p.m. today in the Rackham Lecture Hall. Hold Those Bonds! Jr., literary college junior, Rocke said that with educational help from America, "the new German youth, tutored by American GI's, will surely be able to become the successors of today's elderly white- haired democratic spokesmen of Germany." He fears that older Germans who are friendly toward .democ- racy will not live long enough to extinguish the master-race philos- ophy in the German mind.' German youth, he said, were 'rought up either to shout or to >bey commands, and "the Ger- man master-race youth still like to shout commands today." Cozy Job Rocke charged that most of the German :civil-service officers "are glad to have a cozy job and an op- portunity to shout commands to people who are still used to obey- ing." "You will seldom find a man in a civil service office who thinks his job is to help and advise the people coming to him," he de- clared. "Is there much, if any, hope for a development and deployment of democratic ideas among people so utterly infected with egoism that they expect help and assistance only from their lenient victors, in- stead of first doing their utmost to help their fellow citizens?" he asks. Behind Curtains Rocke said that as a military government administrator he has had "ample opportunity to look behind the curtains of the stage where a new democratic Germany is supposed to originate from the rotten remains of a broken mast- ter-race." But he finds "only one ray of sunlight in the dark jungle of German political life." That is the results of elections in the Russian zone of occupation, especially Berlin, which he says "shows a clear distancing from the totalitarian, one-party system of Communism." "This trend is even stronger in the three other zones of occupa- tion where the Social Democrats, Liberals and Christian Liberals have gained an overwhelming majority," he asserts. ALL YOU EASTERNERS! COME TO I CHIGAN GHT SATURDAY, DECEMBER 28 Keep in touch with the Michigan gang over Christmas vacation. Reservations can be made now for the big gathering of Michigan students by sending a post card to Lou Orlin, 952 Greenwood Ave., Ann Arbor, or by directly contacting Church News President Alexander P. Ruthven will be one of the speakers at meetings and parties of the stu- dent religious guilds today. "The University and Liberal Education" will be discussed by President Ruthven at the meet- ing of the UNITARIAN STUDENT GROUP at 6:30 p.m. in the church house, 1917 Washtenaw. The Christmas party of the CANTERBURY CLUB will include a special dinner at 6 p.m. in Page Hall, followed by carol singing. Evening prayer will be held in the church and coffee will be served in the student center. GAMMA DELTA, Lutheran Stu- dent Club, will have a joint meet- ing with the Wayne University Chapter at 5:15 p.m. at the Stu- dent Center. Dinner will be served in two shifts, 5:15 and 6 p.m. The ROGER WILLIAMS GUILD will be the guests of the Presbyterian Guild at 5:30 p.m. after which they will join in the Carol Sing. William Nor to n , missionary from the Belgian Congo will ad- dress the MICHIGAN CHRIS- TIAN FELLOWSHIP at 4:30 p.m. in the last of a series of mission- ary talks held by the fellowship. The LUTHERAN STUDENT ASSOCIATION will meet for breakfast at 8:30 a.m. The Bible Study Hour will continue its study of the Book of Romans at 9:15 a.m. Church Worship Serv- ices will be held in the Lion and Trinity Lutheran churches at 10:30 a.m Following the supper meeting, the annual Christmas program will be presented at the Lion Lu- theran Parish Hall at 5:30 p.m. 4 .. Y A play, "Give Us Tllis Day," will be presented at the Methodist WESLEYAN GUILD meeting fol- lowing a program of fellowship, worship and supper at 5:30 p.m. The CONGREGATIONAL- DISCIPLES GUILD Christmas Tea will be held at 6 p.m. at the Memorial Christian Church. Tomorrow, the Guild will pre- sent a program of Christmas Car- ols at Percy Jones Hospital. (onfere nce Will Meet ini Chicago A joint conferenct of the Speech Association of America, the Amer- ica Speech Correction Association, the American Education Theatre Association, the National Univer- sity Extension Association, and the Committee on Debate Materials and Interstate Cooperation will be held Dec. 30 and Jan. 1 in Chi- cago. Speech correction, acting, pub- lic address, the theatre, and speech education are among the subjects to be considered at the Confer- ence. lo Be Given Three one-act plays will be pre- sented by the speech department at 8:30 p.m. Thursday in Lydia Mendelssohn Theatre. The three plays which have been chosen for this performance are "Riders to the Sea" by J. N. Synge, "Overtones," by Alice Gerstenberg and "Xingu" by Thomas Seller. "Riders to the Sea" is an Irish story dealing with the tragedy of a mother who loses her two sons to the sea. The author has set his play in the Aran Islands but has transformed a merely local catas- trophe into an event universal in meaning. "Overtones" is a comedy telling what goes on in the minds of two society women; their consciences stand behind their chairs and tell the women's true thoughts while their verbal utterances are any- thing but the truth. "Xingo" is the story of a Thurs- day Afternoon Women's Club pre- paring to entertain a famous au- thor. Students in the advanced courses in dramatics are staging and directing the three plays. Ad- mission is free but tickets must be obtained forthe production. The box office will be open from 10 a.m. to 6 p.m. and from 7:30 to 8:30 p.m. Thursday. Sciences Rise In Popularity (Continued from Page 1) 1937 seniors concentrated in so- ciology, while only 5.8 per cent are now concentrationg in this sub- ject. It must be emphasized that the figures may be inaccurate to an uncertain degree because of tne large number of students who have not filed their concentration blanks. Largest increase in particular, subjects based on these figures was found in zoology, with 5.2 per cent more 'students concentrating in this subject this year than in 1937. Psychology was a close sec- ond, with a 5 per cent increase noted. Other subjects which were found to have increased in popu- larity were chemistry, with a 4 per cent increase, political science, with a 3.3 per cent increase, Span- ish, with a 3.1 per cent increase and geology and speech, each with a two per cent increase. Only physics and mathematics were found to have neither de- creased nor increased in popular- ity as a subject for concentration. WASHINGTON, Dec. 14-(I)- A priceless collection of original American documents will be taken on a swing across the country early next year on a special train to spark a nationwide drive against alien ideologists. Members of the campus and the Ann Arbor community will par- ticipate in the annual Christmas Carol Sing at 8 p.m. today on the library steps. The Men's and Women's Glee Clubs will provide a background for the carolers participating in. the traditional affair. Committees of the Student Re- ligious Association which have planned the event will serve was- Founder of WCTU Frances E. Willard founded the WCTU in 1839.; sail and cookies at Lane Hall fol- lowing the sing. Frances Goodfellow, assistant to the director of the Roger Williams Guild and Arthur Redner, assist- ant conductor of the Men's Glee Club will direct the singing. Texas College Closes CANYON, Tex., Dec. 14-(AP)-A strike by students protesting hous- ing conditions today brought an order from the Board of Regents closing West Texas State College for an indefinite time. Program of CHRISTMAS SPIRIT: One-Act Plays Carol Sing Tonight Planned, I- rr "SMART ENOUGH ...to go to college," this all-suede slipper with soft, springy innersole and moulded heelpad. With r athong that the style-wise college girl will fashion into charming ties that the C Vikings never thought of. In red or green. 4,00 BROOKINS'S&nari oe ' 108 East Washington Phone 2-2685 r U' Flying Clutb Wins Air Meet Members of the Jniveirity Fly- ing Club walked off with all but one of the prizes in the air meet held last week at East Lansing with the Spartan Club, Michigan State's flying club. Those who placed. in the con- tests were Richard Wilkins, Mark Fischer, Frances Hamilt .)n Bill McDermott, and Carol Anderson. Miss Hamilton, as presider t of the club, received a full sized propellor which the Michigan club will keep until the next air meet, which the clubs will hold next sprin'. Hold Those Bonds! 'pank taiej MEADOWBROOK ROUTE 23. . . CEADER GROVE, N. j. . . POMPTON TuRNPIKE MUSIC by L LGART and his Orchestra Are the men in your life in a dither right now over a gift for you? If it's a gift on the gala side you're after ... e there is a blaze of glitter in Costume Jewelry . . . Ear- rings, Necklaces and Brace- * g lets ...Chokers, Chatelaines and Pins . . . an endless selection of charming gifts s J ,, Y ' P ric e d 1 .0 0 - 2 2 .9 5 W A /V ''7s . ,Y4.I -GAY SCARFS . . Lovely hand blocked I wools . . . Prints, dress scarfs with SMART GLOVES for dis- sparkling S4equiin trims . .. Priced 1.75 - cerning women . . .clever 6.130. Fascinators in luscious colors at small dressy woAl Hand p.ya l bagss . . Pie.rse and gloN es . . . like Santa and _______________ his reindeer., just go together. I rl I Light Christmas Candles in Her Heart r/if i I1N111Jj, , 6l/ ir" DrOgg, utWul u '! t #!iA DJltIK4 " / V,.u" irrrl E 1J V i j s£ I Io ,,i G G tw- ' u- K.Y}"'sc , % - . ' w,,. by PRINCE MATCHABE L I A real Yuletide bell that gayly jingles! Inside are three one-dram crowns of Prince Matchabelli perfume - Elizabeth Arden's Blue Grass grows under the tree, lending a clean Kentucky air to Christmas. No doubt of it, Blue Grass is a favored fragrance, light, sweet-scented as fresh-cut hay. From Flower Mist to Bath Oil, from perfume to powder, from soap to sachet, Blue Grass as a gift shoots tree-top-high To vie with the Christmas star! BLUE GRASS lowier Mist (8 o.} Christmas wrapped ... 3.50 Both Oil (8 oz.) ... 8.50 Perfume (M oi) ... 7.50 Dusting Powder tall (4s oz.) ... 1.50 Sachet Pillow ..,1.25 111111 11