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December 15, 1946 - Image 4

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The Michigan Daily, 1946-12-15

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StrNDAY, DECEMBER 15, 1946

Students Conference

[ICHIGAN IS AGAIN taking a leading
role as a leading force in national stu-
nt affairs by taking part in the Chicago
ident Conference December 28 to 30.
ETomorrow night's rally will enable Michi-
n students to learn about this conference
d to preseht to the four student delegates
m this University their viewpoints re-
r'ding such activities as the formation of
national student organization.
At this rally, sponsored by the Unity Com-
ttee, representing 17 campus organiza-
ns including the Union, League, and Stu-
nt L'egislature, Albert Houghton of the
iversity of Wisconsin, who was an Ameri-
n delegate to the World Student Congress
Prague last summer, will describe that
eting and explain the proposed objectives
the national conference to be held in
ditorials published in The Michigan Daily
re written by members of The Daily staff
nd represent the views of the writers only.

Two weeks ago four delegates were elect-
ed by the Student Legislature to represent
the University of Michigan. Three non-vot-
ing observers from various campus organiza-
tions will accompany the delegation. At
Chicago they will meet with more than 500
delegates from over 200 colleges, universi-
ties, and student organizations.
The rally is being held not only to ac-
quaint the student body with the objectives
of the conference, but to acquaint them with
the four delegates, and to give the students
an opportunity to express their views to
these delegates so that they can actually
represent the opinions of the students.
A national student organization will have
far-reaching constructive effects on all stu-
dents. As a leading American university,
Michigan should take a forceful role in its
Only by a well-supported rally tomorrow
night can the campus send to the Chicago
Conference a well-informed delegation, able
to adequately reflect the views of the stu-
dent body. This is an enterprise which af-.
fects all of us. We have both a right and
responsibility to attend this rally tomorrow.
-Tom Walsh and Archie Parsons



A Halfway Measure

SEEMS unfortunate that the Student
Legislature, in setting up a Student
hest, passed a measure which does not have
'e teeth of the original proposal and will
mobaby only add to the confused muddle of
ampus charity drives.,
In attempting to set up an efficient stu-
lent chest program to relieve the flood of
ag days which hit campus each year, the
roups involved have accepted a -series of
ompromises negating the original intent of
he plan. The Student Chest set up by the
egislature Wednesday night is one of so
ittle power that it will probably serve only
is another superfluous committee, with lit-
le real function.
The original idea of both the Legislature
nd the Student Affairs Committee would
esult in something the University has need-
d since the number of tag day requests
vent over three. Under the original plan
dil drives would have been united into one
entrally controlled campus charity group
vith their receipts going into a common
und.' But because of the opposition from
he charity groups, a compromise' had to be
The new Student Chest is so weak that it
nay very possibly have only nuisance value.
t proposes to distribute tag days through-
iut the year, coordinate publicity, give the
tudent a break on contributions and keep
im informed of the charity accomplish-
nents on campus.
The most valuable function of the Chest
vill be to stagger tag days throughout the
rear. This will undoubtedly mean larger

returns for the individual organizations and
provide some relief to students. But a new
committee, putting a few more hours work
on its members and adding more red tape
to an already complicated process was not
necessary. One member of the existing Stu-
dent Affairs Committee could have handled'
the schedule.
THE PHILANTHROPIC work of the Uni-
versity could be made more effective by
a two point program.
The first method would be to solicit the
suport of major organizations for the cen-
tral charity fund. The League and Union,
Assembly, Panhellenic and TFC could be
asked for donations. Proceeds from campus
activities and one or two sports events a
year could well be turned in to the fund.
The second method would be an all-stu-
dent drive, conducted once each year, ask-
ing for one lump contribution to the com-
mon fund.
The position of groups who solicit Ann
Arbor townspeople would give them a valid
complaint to belonging to a group which
would cut them off from one of their major
sources of receipts. The Student Chest as
set up now, however, would allow each or-
ganization to conduct its own drive and to
select its own area for soliciting.
The Student Chest, as it stands - a com-
promise - is a step in the right direction,
but is a slow and painful one. The Legis-
lature muffed its chance to really improve
campus philanthropy by hasty action and,
passage of a halfway measure.
-Gay Larsen

4TTORNEY GENERAL Foss O. Eldred has
ruled that the petitions for a Fair Em-
ployment Practices law are illegal because
they do not carry the "full and correct title"
as required by law.
lie made this ruling last Wednesday
despite the fact that the form of the pe-
tition had been cleared by him almost
two months before the FEPC petition
campaign started.
He has ruled out the petitions on a tech-
nicality after more than the necessary
150,000 signatures were obtained by hun-
dreds of organizations with thousands of
volunteer solicitors working throughout the
state since Nov. 5.
Were the petitions to be held valid, the
legislature would be forced to consider the
FEPC bill, and if the legislature did not
wish to act favorably, the bill would have
been voted upon by the people of Michigan
jat the next general election.
Evidently the Attorney General does not
wish the legislature to consider such a bill.
Evidently he does not want the people to
have the chance to vote on FEPC, and so
he has, on a doubtful technicality, declared
the petitions invalid.
THE PURPOSE of the initiative petition
is to give to the voters the opportunity
to propose legislation to the legislature. The
fact remains that 150,000 registered voters
expressed their desire for a law that would
create a Fair Employment Practices Com-
mission in the state of Michigan.
The Attorney General, therefore, is
thwarting the purpose of the initiative pe-
tition and is blocking the expressed will of
150,000 voters, by pointing to a dubious
technical flaw which he himself overlook-
ed in passing upon the petition form in
the first instan(e. His action has made
a mockery of the initiative process. FEPC
with its great hope of equal job opportun-
ity for all minority groups has once more
been laid aside.
But the FEPC forces will not be denied so,
easily. The Detroit chapter of the National
Lawyers Guild is seeking a writ of mandam-
us from the state Supreme Court directing
Eldred to reverse his decision, claiming that
"there has been complete compliance with
statutory requirements" and pointing to the
fact that Eldred himself previously approv-
ed the petition form.
By his action, Attorney General Eldred
has obstructed the democratic process of
popular initiation and has blocked the ex-'
pressed will of the 150,000 voters who signed
their names on the FEPC petitions.
-Walt Hoffman
TOWARD CHRISTMAS every devout in-
tellectual may this year turn with great
confidence and gratitude. The ancient cel-
ebration will set in contrast the infant Jesus
over against the vast civilization which dates
its world happenings from his name. Events,
also should hearten us. The intimate home-
comings both of families near and more
than half a million more soldiers of occupa-
tion promised soon to leave wounded Europe
are reasons for hope. But deeper reasons
should gladden the heart of Christians. The
foundations of a possible peaceful order
have been surely strengthened.
A World Council of Churches is function-
ing with sturdy faith and good performance.
Such movements as youth conferences plan-
ned across the lines ,of former battle where
young men and women, only yesterday at
war, will talk out their terrible differences
of training and ideology which root far
back in different cultures. A Heifer's-for-
Europe Drive, touching life where the pea-
sant lives, tells us that Christ's followers
have taken a lesson compatible with that
stall where Mary bore him, into the very

soul of broken Germany. CARE (Coopera-
tive Administration of Relief in Europe)
means that ten dollars, sent to 50 Broad
Street, New York City, will release, almost
at once, from storehouses in France 40,000
calories of food. Pen correspondence (in
English) between students in Allied Coun-
tries and students of our former enemy peo-
ples is being facilitated by the World Stu-
dent Christian Federation.
Beyond relief and association there is
progress. As a means of making every
overture of man's petition carry into fu-
ture guarantees, there are advances of
which university men and women will as-
sure their families this holiday season. In
the JN, fifty nations have started to deal
with such far-reaching issues as disarm-
ament. All the nations seem inclined to
submit to a thorough inspection. Upon
restraint in atomic energy for destructive
bombs, the statesmen have made solid
gains during the Assembly. Little na-
tions like Norway and remote ones such
as Australia again have demonstrated
that brains are not confined to immense
populations, vast acreage, and centrality
of position. These add up to more than
the sum we get by addition, for if the vis-
ion can be kept clear this is the stuff of
which spiritual epochs are made.
Worship also is gaining on brutality. To-
day the 10,000,000 Jewish reminent, though
bleeding and in mourning, the 330,000,000
Roman Catholics around the globe, the
127,000,000 Eastern Orthodox, the 137,000,'
000 Protestants, as may the other millions
of Hindu, Islam, or Buddha, can all worship
as they will. Across the map, in spite of




Fri., Jan. 24,
Mon., Jan. 27,
Mon., Jan. 20,
Wed., Jan. 22,
Sat., Jan. 25
Tues., Jan. 28,
Fri., Jan. 31
Wed., Jan. 29,

University of Michigan
January 20-31, 1946
NOTE: For courses having both lectures and quizzes, the time of
exercise is the time of the first lecture period of the week; for
courses having quizzes only, the time of exercise is the time of the
first quiz period. Certain courses will be examined at special per-
iods as noted below the regular schedule. 12 o'clock classes,
5 o'clock classes, and other "irregular" classes may use any
of the periods marked * provided there is no conflict with the reg-
ular printed schedule. To avoid misunderstandings and errors,
each student should receive notification from his instructor of the
time and place of his examination. In the College of Literature,

Science, and the Arts
without the consent of1
Time of Exercise

]Letters to the Ed itor,..

Tuesday at 8
" at 9
at 10
at 11
" at 1
at 2
at 3
" at 4
Evening classes

.....................Thurs., Jan. 30,
.................... . Tues., Jan. 28,
... ..................Tues., Jan. 21,
........Thurs., Jan. 23,
Fri., Jan. 31,
......... . ...Thurs., Jan. 30,
... . ...... ......... W ed.. Jan. 22.
......... .Fri., Jan. 24,
.............. . ..... M on., Jan. 27,

no date of examination may be changed
the Examination Committee.
Time of Examination


Ec. 51, 52, 53, 54, 101, 153 .....
Botany 1 >
Zoology 1 ) .................
Speech 35 )
Chemistry 55 )
English 1, 2 )
Russian 31 )
French 1, 2, 11, 31, 32, 61. 62,)
91, 92, 93, 153 .
Speech 1, 2, 31, 32 )
Psychology 31 ................
Soc. 51, 54 ....................
German 1, 2, 31, 32)
Spanish 1, 2, 31, 32 ) ..........
Chem. 3, 4, 5, Se, 41 ...........
Pol. Sci. 1, 2, 51............

*Mon., Jan.
. *Tues., Jan.
*Wed., Jan.

20, 2-5
21, 2-5
22, 2-5

.......... 'Thurs., Jan. 23, 2-5

Fri., Jan. 24,
*Fri., Jan. 24,


. Sat.,


25, 2-5
27, 2-5
29, 2-5

Men Behind Lewis

'0 MR. LEWIS has spoken. Lights will
go on, trains will run again and stu- -
ents will go home for Christmas - home
o nice warm houses. There was great re-
aicing when the strike ended and everyone
elt the relief of, "Well, thank goodness
hat's over at last," and students thought
ow nice it would be to send their laundry
ome to Mom.
Now let's wish the mine workers a Mer-
y Christmas and a Happy New Yeas:! Back
hey'll go to the bools of water that they
ust wade through for the coal, and the
as-filled air that carries the threat of ex-
losion. In many cases miners will con-
.nue to buy their goods in the stores operat-
1 by industry managers and spend their
'ages in a local barroom for want of bet-
er recreation. That's what the American
eople want, so why not let them have it
hat way?
Why doesn't the miner move away from
is home and get a better job? A miner is
orn into a family of miners, a whole com-
unity of miners. He is educated in the
'ays of the mine and little else. There isn't
hat transient element in the mining car-
er that is evident in many other profes-

sions. He knows too little about other jobs
to be able to afford a change, and isn't cap-
able of fighting management in the one job,
that he does know.
Lewis and his union realized the plight of
American mines today. While other indus-
tries benefited from technological improve-
ments in machinery that made production
swifter, easier, and safer, the miner was left
in his pell-hole of mud and gas. When Lew-
is dramatized the coal mines situation for
the American people in the recent strike,
millions agreed with his protest. Yet in the
press, Lewis made headlines in big bold type
and the miners were pushed to the bottom
of page six. The main issues of the strike
were overshadowed when the nation realized
the power that one man was exerting. Of,
course it is the power of one man-backed
by the 400,000 men who wentout on strike
And the miners behind Lewis will demand
their just due even if they have to resort to
another strike on March 31st.
But holidays are ahead. Why worry about
something that won't happen for a long,
long time - all of three months!
--Bette Hamilton

School of Business Administration
Courses not covered by this schedule as well as any necessary
changes will be indicated on the School bulletin board.
School of Forestry and Conservation
Courses not covered by this schedule as well as any necessary
changes will be indicated on the School bulletin board.
School of Music: Individual Instruction in Applied Music
Individual examinations by appointment will be given for all
applied music courses (individual instruction) elected for credit
in any unit of the University. For time and place of examinations,
see bulletin board at the School of Music.
School of Public Health
Courses not covered by this schedule as well as any necessary
changes will be indicated on the School bulletin board.
Universitiy of Michigan
College of Engineering
January 20 to January 31, 1947
Note: For courses having both lectures and quizzes, the time of
exercise is the time of the first lecture period of the week; for
courses having quizzes only, the time of exercise is the time of the
first quiz period.
Drawing and laboratory work may be continued through the ex-
amination period in amount equal to that normally devoted to such
work during one week.
Certain courses will be examined at special periods as noted be-
low the regular schedule. All cases of conflicts between assigned
examination periods must be reported for adjustment. See bulle-
tin board outside of Room 3223 East Engineering Building between
January 6 and January 11 for instruction. To avoid misunderstand-
ings and errors, each student should receive notification from his
instructor of the time and place of his appearance in each course
during the period January 20 to January 31.
No date of examination may be changed without the consent

EDITOR'S NOTE: +o letter to the
editor will be prtite unless signed
and written in good taste. Letters
over 300w-ords in length will be
shortened or onitted; in -special in-
stances, they will he printed, at the
discretion of the editorial dire tor.
To the Editor:
EARLY this semester The Daily
published a letter which point-
ed out that the Med School had
spaces on its application forms
for statement of religion and race.
There has been no denial of the.
insinuated anti-semitic and Jim;
Crow tactics. How come?
-Robert Reinke
Veterans Discredit
To the Editor:
ONE story on the front page of
Thursday's Daily is a discredit
to the veterans attending the Uni-
versity. In fact, it is definitely
alarming that there should be a
national campaign to increase vet-
eran allowances.
That the veterans as a group
should join other short-sighted or-
ganizations in putting group in-
terests first instead of considering
common good bodes ill for the
future welfare of the country for
which they offered their lives.
Granted that rising costs of ev-
erything have made that allow-
ance cover less and less. However,
it was never intended to support
a student or his family. The sub-
sistence allowance was intended
to aid in his support. All the
means by which stgdents put
themselves through college are
still available. In fact, there has
been publicity about the scarcity
of labor in Ann Arbor. The Daily
and other papers print Help
Wanted ads in nearly every issue.
The married veteran receives as
much as $1,580 a year from "the
government" in allowances and
school expenses.
I hope that all able bodied vet-
erans will consider the' foremen-
tioned ideas before lending their
support to a drive which would
ask Congress to place an even
greater financial burden of vet-
erans' education upon our chil-
dren's shoulders.
-Mrs. Rae Brant
Careless Comments
To the Editor:
IT is as disappointing to read the
glib, careless comments of the
members of The Daily staff on
their editorial page as was last
month's Gargoyle. My frequent
distaste probably arises from the
fact that I once worked on a city
newspaper staff where no article
was accepted for print without
some factual background. I am
referring specifically on this oc-
casion to a bit of nonsense which
appeared on Saturday under the
authoritative heading, "Obviously
All Wet," and which mockingly
ridiculed the sub-title of an article'
in the U. S. Naval Academy's mag-
azine, The Log. The sub-title ran,
"Relegating the Navy to a Sec-
ondary Position CostrGermany the
War," and was termed among
other things by The Daily as be-
ing "A trifle unrealistic . . ." Now,
we all know how effective the
German Navy was during the first
years of the war. I can give you
a first hand account. Ships were
being sunk at an alarming rate
by the U-boats . . . even being
torpedoed within sight of the
American coast, and the propor-
tionate number of lives lost by
Merchant seamen alone was great-
er than any service branch, in-
cluding the Air Force. England
and Russia were having a hard
time under the effective German
air bombings and they might have
been beaten had the German Navy
been able to stop the supply lines
of American ships, munitions,

men and foods. So, in the last
analysis is it not plausible to
consider the fact that had Ger-
many not relegated her Navy to
a secondary position she might
have forced our allies against the
wall before American superiority
could turn the tide of the war?
There are many sides to this
question and I have only written
this article to point out that per-
haps the editors of The Log and
quite a few historians think that
The Daily staff is "Obviously All
Wet." I'm sure that they wouldn't
make rash statements about it
-Ricliard H. Price I
Hoff man, Bilbo
To the Editor:
HAVE something on my mind
but don't quite know how to say
it in order not to give the wrong
E impression. I's; about the Uni-
versity of Michigan Tag Days.
Many fine chanitable institutions
have been an iprobably will con-
tinue to be helped by our Tag
Days. There is something aggra-
vating tho<{h t: have a tag stuck
in one's face every hundred feet
while walking across the campus.
It makes me feel as though we are

feelings. How do Michigan Tag
Days impress the rest of you?
-W. A. Anderson
Armenian Question
To the Editor:
'r HEARMENIAN Students As-
sociation and Tau Beta P1 Na-
tional Honor Society are present-
ing a lecture at Rackham Lecture
Hall Sunday evening December 15
at 8 p.m. on the very current poli-
tical issues of the "Armenian
Prof. Preston W. Slosson of the
History Department and Prof. M.
Thomson of Michigan State Nor-
mal are two well known lecturers
who will discuss the political his-
tory of this question. This topic
is listed on the UN agenda and
will shortly be under considera-
tion. Any study at all of bhe
"Armenian Question" necessarily
leads to the conclusion that their
cause is entirely righteous.
In both World Wars, Armen-
ians fought for the cause of the
Allies and made comparatively
more physical, economic, and
moral sacrifices than any other
nation on earth. The Armenian
question is not only a righteous
cause but is also a crucial test
of the high minded principles
for which we have fought two
great wars in a generation.
In 1920 at the suggestion of the
Allies, England, France, and Italy,
the late President Woodrow Wil-
son appointed a committee which
drew the ethnic, historical, and
geographical boundaries of Ar-
menia, the popular "Little Ally,"
and he verified it. These bound-
aries are as just today as they
were then. There is not the slight-
est doubt-on the most authentic,
historical, ethnic, and geographi-
cal grounds-that the territory
the Armenians demand to be add-
ed to the present Republic of
Armenia in Asia Minor is their
native land where they and their
ancestors have lived for thousands
of years. Any candid historian can
prove it.
The cause of Armenia has al-
ways been popularly espoused and
supported by the American people
and now that it is becoming a
topic of international importance
is the time for us to inform our-
selves of the facts so that our UN
representatives will be backed by
an intelligent U.S. public opinion.
-George Admonian
* **
Tag Days
To the Editor:
RODERIC C. 'Hall's recent let-
ter to the editor (I believe Dec.
3) is to me an excellent example
of why Clare Hoffman (Rep.,
Mich.) and Senator Bilbo (Derm.,
Miss.) types are in Congress. I
come from Hoffman' home dis-
trict where it is obvious why he
is reelected every two years.
Hoffman's stength lies in the
votes he receives from small town
and rural Odters who feel far re-
moved from Washington, D. C.,
and all of its glamour. Like most
of us, they are glad to see a local
boy make good, as Hoffman has,
i.e., to go to Washington, and
dish it out with the best of them.
He utilizes this feeling to the
fullest by making the headlines
whenever possible. When he is de-
nounced, the people in the Fifth
Congressional District cheer him
on, and even are more convinced
that he is fighting their battle.
As long as people continue to
use Hoffmans and Bilbos as
Sunday School examples we will
have these men with us.
-Fred MacDonald

Fifty Seventh Year
Edited and managed by students of
the University of Michigan under the
authority of the Board in Control of
Student Publications.
Editorial Staff
Robert Goldman .....Managing Editor
Milton Freudenheim.Editorial Director
Clayton Dickey...........City Editor
Mary Brush..........Associate Editor
Ann Kutz...........Associate Editor
Paul Harsha..........Associate Editor
Clark Baker............Sports Editor
Des Howarth ..Associate Sports Editor
Jack Martin ...Associate Sports Editor
Joan Wilk........... Women's Editor
Lynne Ford Associate Women's Editor
Business Staff
Robert E. Potter ....Business Manpei
Evelyn Mills
..........ssociate Business Manngei
Janet Cork Associate Business Managec
Telephone 23-24-1
Member of The Associated Press
The Associated Press is exciusively

of the Classification Committee.
Time of Exercise

Monday {.
Tuesday (



Time of Examination
Fri., Jan. 24 .............
Mon., Jan. 27........... .
Mon., Jan. 20 ...........
Wed., Jan. 22 .-.......... .
Sat., Jan. 25 ............
Tues., Jan. 28 ............
Fri., Jan. 31 ............
Wed., Jan. 29,...........


Peaceful Weapons

Thurs., Jan. 30 ...........9-12
Tues., Jan. 28 ...........9-12
Tues., Jan. 21 .......... 9-12
Thurs., Jan. 23 . 9-12
Fri., Jan., 31 ...........2-5
Thurs., Jan. 30...........2-5
Wed., Jan. 22 ........ ... 2-5
Fri., Jan. 24 . 2-5

THE UNITED STATES has given the
Philippine Republic its independence.
Therefore, as President Manuel Roxas has
aid, "the battle for independence is won.
There is no point in fighting it over and
ever again."
The islands now need United States
help in combating hunger, want, econom-
ic injustice. Our ,id to the Philippines
should have no strings attached to it --
such as requests for air bases and mili-
tary installations.
Growing pains of the new republic are
nanifesting themselves in opposition to U.
5. bases in Manila, as were originally plan-
It is not to be decided hastily that one
party is absolutely in the right and the oth-
r absolutely wrong. There is something to
oe said in justification of the attitudes of
both nations.

natural for this nation to consider itself the
possessor of certain rights in the islands.
These two views can be properly reconcil-
ed, but not if matters continue in their pres-
ent direction. First of all, the U. S. is turn-
ing her eyes on other bases, farther up to-
ward Japan and is considering abandoning
any plans regarding the Philippines.
Since we have no real rights here and
since it is expressly against American de-
clarations of policy to claim bases in this
area, abandoning the Philippines seems un-
desirable. This consideration involves our
safety and security as well as theirs.
In the main, the Filipinos feel that com-
plete military withdrawal may mean a loss
of economic support and assistance from the
U. S. This would certainly set the new re-
public rocking on its heels and would even-
tually prove a back-slap to this country.
Therefore, it remains for the Philippines
to reconcile their brand new political in-
dependence with their old economic depend-

Evening classes
Ec. 53, 54, 153; Draw 1
M.P. 2, 3, 4
Eng. 11, C.E. 21
Draw. 2; Phys. 46; E.E. 5,
M.E. 3; Phys. 45
E.M. 1, 2, 6; Span.; Geri
Chem. 3, 4, 5E; Surv. 1,
Draw. 3
Ch -Met. 1

Mon., Jan. 27 ..- -.-....-
'Mon., Jan. 20 ...........
'Tues., Jan. 21
* Wed., Jan. 22
Frencl::Thurs., Jan. 23......
Fri., Jan. 24 ..........
man *Sat, Jan. 25 ...........
4 "Mon., Jan. 27.......
*Wed., Jan. 29 ...........
*Wed., Jan. 29 ...........


This may also be used as an irregular period, provided there is no
conflict with the regular printed schedule above.

Publication in The Daily Official
Bulletin is constructive notice to all
members of the University. Notices
for the Bulletin should be sent in
typewritten form to the office of the
Assistant to the President, Room 1021
Angell Hall, by 3:00 p.m. on the day
preceding publication (11:00 a.m. Sat-

speaker and subject. (2) Notices
for the D.O.B. must be typewritten
and should be triple-spaced for
editorial convenience.
F. E. Robbins
Automobile Regulation, Christ-

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