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December 15, 1946 - Image 1

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Latest Deadline in the State
Truman Abolishes Majorsing


Russia Loses
Bid for U.S.
Atom Secrets
Arms Reduction
Approved by UN
By The Associated Press
NEW YORK, Dec. 14-Russia
today lost her fight to lay open the
American atomic bomb secrets im-
mediately but the United Nations
Assembly approved a universally
acclaimed plan for arms reduction
which would, in time, scrap all.
weapons of mass destruction.
Optimism over the arms pro-
gram was the keynote as Soviet
foreign minister V. M. Molotov
sailed for home with American as-
surance that international control
of atomic energy with step-by-
step disclosure of all the facts
would be given top priority in the
plan to discard arms.
Izvestia Comments Favorably
The optimism was reflected as
far away as Moscow where the
government newspaper, Izvestia,
declared the work of the United
Nations and Foreign Ministers
Council here had been "fruitful"
and "substantial." The paper said
that "one cannot fail to see a
substantial achievement benefit-
ting the cause of international
The arms reduction program was
approved unanimously this morn-
ing amid a wave of applause in

83 Per Cent of Vets
FavorAllotment Raise
AVC Survey of 1,149 Students Here
Finds 80 Per Cent Going into 'The Red'
Increase of veterans subsistence allotments was favored by more
than 83 per cent of the 1,149 University student veterans going to school
on the GI Bill who were polled by the campus AVC in its recent cost-
of-living survey.
Thirteen per cent of the veterans polled were opposed to an in-
crease, while four per cent voiced no opinion, according to figures an-
nounced yesterday by Lorne Cook, chairman of the University chapter
of the AVC, which conducted the survey.
An overwhelming majority of the veterans were in favor of the
increased subsistence, apparently regardless of the individual finan-
cial position. Of the 80 per ctnt of the veterans polled who indicated
that they were going in the red each month, more than 86 per cent fa-
vored an increase, while 74 per cent of the veterans who art staying in

the black voted for an increase.

NEW YORK, Dec. 14--(IP)-
The United Nations General As-
sembly tonight picked Manhat-
tan's east sidie for its perma-
nent capital. The vote was 46
to 7. Haiti was absent.
the Flushing Meadows Assembly
Immediate Census Not Approved
The 54 member nations then
turned down by a vote of 36 to 6,
the Russian demand for an imme-
diate global census of troops 'and
all armaments to implement a
long-range proposal for their re-
duction to the size of a peace-
keeping police force.
Other UN developments at to-
day's plenary sessions included:
1. Approval of UN administra-
tive budgets of $19,390,000 for 1946
and $27,740,000 for 1947 and es-
tablishment of a working capital
fund of $20,000,000. The United
States contribution finally was
scaled down from 49.89 per cent
to 3.89 per cent.
2. Setting up of the UN's last
major body to be formed-the
Trusteeship Council-with the
election of Mexico and Iraq to the
last two seats.
3. Rejected by 37 to 0 a South
African request for outright an-
nexation of the mandated terri-
tory of Southwest Africa.
Charity Drives
Will Be United
Tag Days To Be Held
At Spaced Intervals
Designed "to promote charity
accomplishment by a well-in-
formed student body," the Student
Chest, set up this week by the Stu-
dent Legislature, will provide for
integration of campus charity
groups through coordinating ac-
Pointing out that member or-
ganizations will continue to con-
duct their own drives and to con-
trol the proceeds, Lou Orlin, chair-
man of the Legislature's Drive
Committee, explained yesterday
that charity groups will be as-
signed tag days at spaced inter-
"Right now," he said, "unor-
ganized drives hurt both them-
selves and the student pocket-
The Chest which will go into op-
eration next semester, will be com-
posed of an executive council, in-
cluding the chairmen of the mem-
ber organizations, the chairman
of the Legislature's Drive Com-
mittee and two other Legislators;
an advisory board of faculty and
rim,-r intfrgtesd nnvsnns and a fis.

Robert Taylor
Given Rhodes
Included Among Six
Midwestern Winners
Robert L. Taylor, vice-president
of Student Legislature, was named
recipient of a Rhodes Scholarship
to Oxford University, England, by
the Great Lakes District Rhodes
Selection Committee last night.
Taylor was included among six
midwestern men selected from
eighteen candidates to receive the
awards. Capt. George A. Rebh, of
Dearborn, Mich., was the only
Michigan resident named.
A graduate student in mathe-
matics at the University, Taylor
is a member of both Phi Beta
Kappa and Tau Beta Pi. He re-
ceived his Bachelor of Arts de-
gree here in June.
According to present plans, Tay-
lor wishes to study topology under
Prof. White at Oxford. Taylor
describes this field of mathematics
as concerned with why "a donut
is the same asat cup with a han-
Taylor was instrumental in the
establishment of the Congress-
Cabinet Constitution under which
Student Legislature was organized.
He has also conducted music sem-
inars at Lane Hall.
Unity .Rally
Will Be Held
Student Conference
Will Be Discussed
The Chicago Student Confer-
ence, scheduled for Dec. 28 to 30,
which will attempt to set up an
American Student Union, will be
discussed at an all campus rally
sponsored by Unity Committee at
7:30 p.m. tomorrow in the Union
Albert Houghton, a delegate
from the University of Wisconsin
to the International Union of Stu-
dents Conference in Prague last
summer, will address the group.
Dr. Charles H. Peake of the Eng-
lish department will introduce the
Lyman Legters, president of
SRA, will be moderator of a dis-
cussion by the four delegates from
the Student Legislature who will
attend the Chicago conference.
The purpose of the Chicago con-
ference is to discuss the need for
and character of a national stu-
dent organization, and create a
continuations committee to make
specific plans for such an organi-

Increase of allotments was fa-
vored by a distinctly larger
share of the married veterans
than of the single vets.
Married veterans indicated that
89.8 per cent of them were in fa-
vor of an increase, while only 80
per cent of the single vets were on
record as favoring it.
Of those who did favor an in-
increase, 81 per cent are in the
red and 19 per cent are in the
black, while those opposing an
increase are 66 per cent in the red
and 34 per cent in the black, ac-
cording to the suvrey.
The University AVC which con-
ducted the survey has announced
that a pro and con discussion on
increasing veterans subsistence al-
lotments, in light of the survey
data, will be held at 7:30 p.m.
Wednesday in the Union.
Also complete report of the
survey including all data will be
sent to all congressmen in time
for the opening of Congress,
Cook stated.
The national executive commit-
tee of the AVC has already gone
on record as favoring increased
subsistance payments and the
University chapter will take a def-
inite stand on the question at the
meeting next Wednesday.
Medicine Hit
ByDr. Wile
The threat of a regimented
form of medical practice should
be combatted by men entering the
medical profession, Dr. Udo J.
Wile, Professor of Dermatology
and Syphilology, told 141 Medical,
School graduates in a commence-
ment address yesterday.
Although it is recognized that
many in the lower income groups
cannot afford adequate medical
care, Dr. Wile declared, a "cen-
tralized, governmentally-controllel
system of medicine is not the
answer." The traditional doctor-
patient relationship can be pain-
tained with voluntary health plans
and insurance systems, he point-
ed out.
Dr. Wile also cautioned the
graduates against over-optimism
in regard to "miracle drugs" and
other medical advances. Doctors
nust recognize that many areas
still remain in which they have
little knowledge, he said.
The graduates, six of whom are
women, will take internships in
hospitals throughout the United
States and in Panama to complete
heir professional training.
This was the last class to be
graduated under the wartime

Students Are
Penalized for
Liquor Buyers
Fined Heavily
Two University students received
stiff sentences from the Univer-
sity Disciplinary board yesterday
afternoon for obtaining liquor
identification cards with altered
birth certificates.
Both students, whose names
were withheld, were fined $25.00 by
the board and placed on probation
for the rest of the acadamic year,
a University spokesman said. A
third student was put on proba-
tion for the rest of the term for
attempting to misrepresent his age.
The board members, Prof. Grov-
er C. Grismore, of the Law School,
Prof. Axel Marin, of the engineer-
ing college, and Prof. Arthur Van
Duren, of the literary college, voted
the punitive measures after hear-
ing the offenders' testimonies.
Talbot Honey, chairman of the
Student Legislature Judiciary
Committee, and Dean Joseph A.
Bursley participated in the dis-
cussion without voting rights.
Extra-Curricular Rights Cut
The probationary sentence sus-
pends the student's rights to par-
ticipate in any extra-curricular ac-
tivities for the duration of the
time period.
Mrs. Luella M. Smith, Washte-
naw county clerk, discovered the
alterations after questioning the
students. She revealed that one
student had boosted his age three
years "very cleverly."
Acted on Hunch
"It was such a beautiful altera-
tion job that I was not certain that
it had been changed at first, but I
checked it closely afterwards on
a hunch and contacted the clerk
who issued the certficate," Mrs.
Smith said.
She stated that a new policy
would be used for those persons
who lose their cards before they
can obtain a duplicate. It will re-
quire not only a statement of age
but also a sworn affidavit from a
private attorney which must be
presented to the county clerk.
The loss of the identification
card and the credentials of the
owner will be investigated. If the
card is not recovered, the clerk
will then issue a duplicate and
file the affidavit. The second card
will not be replaced.
Mrs. Smith asserted that all of
the 3,967 cards issued would be
checked over for duplication and
all future applicants would be
checked as closely as possible to
prevent any fraud.
'Messiah' Will Be
Repeated Today
The second performance of
Handel's Messiah will be present-
ed under the sponsorship of the
University Musical Society at 3
p.m. today in Hill Auditorium.
The Christmas oratoria will fea-
ture the singing of four soloists:
Lura Stover, soprano; Eileen Law,
contralto; Ralph Lear, tenor, and
Alden Edkins, bass. The Univer-
sity Choral Union, composed of
300 singers, will provide the choral
Charles Vogan will play the or-
gan part and a special orchestra
of advance students and Ann Ar-
bor musicians will supplement the
soloists and chorus. The perform-

ance will be under the direction
of Hardin Van Deursen, conduct-

Collins of Mississippi (glasses, center), is restrained by police
after his attack on Robert Gandy, Baptist Church deacon, while
Gandy was testifying before the Senate War Investigating Com-
mittee in Washington, D. C., on relations of Sen. Theodore G.
Bilbo (Dem., Miss.) and war contractore. Others in picture are
unidentified. (AP Wirephoto)
Senator Bilbo Emphatically
Denies Taking Contribution

WASHINGTON, Dec. 14 -(IP)-
Senators trying doggedly to dis-
cover what became of a $25,000
campaing contribution by a war
contractor in checks drawn to
Senator Bilbo (Dem.-Mass) heard
from Bilbo himself today that "I
never did get a damn dollar of
They heard from former Rep.
Ross Collins, who knocked down
a witness for saying he got about
half of it, that he was paid noth-
Wall Collects Part
They heard from Roland Wall,
another politician said by wit-
nesses to have shared in the pot.
that he was promised $8,000 and
collected $6,000.
Cagers in WId
Affair, 65-61
KALAMAZOO, Mich., Dec. 14-
Western Michigan and Michigan
hooked up last night in one of
the wildest battles basketball-mad
Kalamazoo has seen in many a
moon, and when the fireworks
were over, all-American Bronco
guard Hal Gensichen had poured
in 30 points, 49 fouls had been
called, and the Wolverines were
on the short end of a 65-61 score.
In a Pier Six type of basketball
game, four men, three Broncos
and one Wolverine, were out on
fouls. Lou Lang, Erwin Fitzgerald
and Bob Smith of Western and
Mack Suprunowicz of the Wolver-
ines fouled out in the hectic final
Wolverines Start Scoring
Michigan opened the scoring
on a set shot by Bob Harrison
and they dominated the early
part of the first half. The Wol-
verines led 16-10 when Don Bo-
ven, Bronco center, hit with a
free throw and a basket to make
it 16-13.
The Western five whittled away
again after three Michigan free
See QUINTET, Page 3

And they never did establish
where all the money went when
the Senate War Investigating
Subcommittee recessed until Mon-
Then they hope to learn more
from a key witness who had been
missing until he turned up in a
hospital at Quitman, Miss., last
night. He is Edward Terry, for-
mer secretary of Bilbo, .who wrote
the committee he had been threat-
ened with death if he should
Campaign "Deficits"
Collins and Wall were low men
in a four-way Senate Primary in
1942. The top men, James O.
Eastland, who subsequently won,
and Wall Doxey, entered a runoff.
Witnesses testified contributions
were made toward the campaign
"deficits" of Collins and Wall in
the interest of gaining their sup-
'port for Doxey, who was backed
by Bilbo.
Term Bundle
Drive Success
More than 1,500 pounds of
clothing collected for European
Bundle drive which ended Thurs-
students during the three-day
day, Ada Davis, chairman an-
nounced yesterday.
"Only one half of the residences
and dormitories have been con-
tacted, but the drive can already
be termed successful," Miss Davis
Pick-ups will be made Monday
at houses which have not yet been
contacted. Members of the drive
committee will also return to
houses which did not have their
clothing ready for yesterday's col-
Those who have not yet con-
tributed may bring clothing and
shoes to aLne Hall, according to
Miss Davis.
Sale of Directories
Fifteen hundred additional Stu-
dent Directories will be on sale
Tuesday at the 'Ensian business
office i nthe Student Publications

moved represented a reversal of
the program advocated by Wyatt,
former mayor of Louisville, Ky.,
who quit last week as housing ex-
pediter when the White House
would not give him the authority
and tighter rules he wanted.
The President said that while
the Reconstruction Finance Cor-
poration will continue to assist
producers of prefabricated hous-
ing and industrially built dwelling
components it will do so "when it
is warranted."
RFC Dispute .
The RFC financing matter was
one particularly in dispute. Wyatt
wanted power to direct RFC to
make prefabrication loans. He had
asked for some $60,000,000 in such
loans and gotten about $4,000,000
The President apparently settled
that point finally by putting it
up to RFC to determine what is
In making it possible for non-
veterans to build, Mr. Truman
said this will be allowed only if
the owner plans to live perma-
neatly in the new dwelling.
Luxury-type housing will con-
tinue to be prohibited through a
system by which each prospective
builder must obtain a government
Rental Ceilings Revised
The $80 a month ceiling on
rentals of new newly-built houses
is revised also, with new rental
limits to be established on each
new home built for tenancy.
In the case of rental housing
projects, $80 will be the average
rent for each dwelling unit, in-
stead of the ceiling.
The limitation on store, fac-
tory, and other non-residential
building will be continued, Mr.
Truman's statement said, but
"some increases" will be permit-
ted because of the improved sup-
ply of building materials.
Variety Show
Will Hiohhlight
Yule Season
A huge all-campus Christmas
Review, climaxing the pre-vaca-
tion week, will take the stage at
8:30 p.m. Wednesday in Hill Aud-
itorium, sponsored by the League
Council, Union Executive Council,
Men's and Women's Glee Clubs
and M' Club.
The yuletide spirit will be found
in the varied entertainment to be
presented entirely by campus tal-
ent. Two complete shows are to
be featured. A variety vaudeville
show containing skits, torch songs,
jokes and novelties to the accom-
panyment of Al Townsend and
his Casbah orchestra will feature
Buck Dawson as emcee.
'M' Club To Give Skit
"M" Club will initiate the pro-
gram with a skit entitled, "Mys-
tery Skit," 'starring "Pro" Boim,
Dick Wakefield, Bob Chappuis,
and Bill "Corky" Cortright An
unusual specialty balancing act,
to be offered by Newton Locker
and Glen Nift, will continue the
Featured soloists are to be Patty
Pontius and Bodil Ree. Miss Pon-
tius will sing, "For You For Me
Forever More" and the "Christ-
mas Song," followed by Miss Ree,
singing "Winter Wonderland" and
"Night and Day."

Re moves Ceiling
On Sales Prices
Rental Limits Liberalized; Priority
System on Materials Abandoned
By The Associated Press
WASHINGTON, Dec. 14 - President Truman put housing und(
the decontrol shower tonight, washing away the major controls o
the Wilson Wyatt program and ordering new steps to aid rental cor
The $10,000 sales price ceiling on new homes was abandoned an(
the $80 a month rental ceiling liberalized. The priority system o
building materials was junked. The way was cleared for anyone, vel
eran or not, to build a house for his own occupancy with governmen
The action followed in large part the recommendatiops of res
estate and construction industry leaders who contended that mdr
homes would be built without government restrictions than with them
Every control Mr. Truman re-

Mass Meeting
Will Protest
New Bus Fare
Willow Run Citizens
To Appoint Delegates
In order to protest the recen
discontinuance of the state sub
sidy to the DSR bus lines which
raised the one way fare to Detrol
to 35 cents, the newly-formec
Willow Run Committee for thf
Ten Cent Bus Fare has called f
mass meeting for 3 p.m, today a
the North Community Building a
Willow Village.
Delegates will be nominated a
the meeting to accompany the
committee on its proposed trip ti
Lansing Tuesday, when it will reg.
ister its protest at the State Ad-
ministrative Board meeting.
Funds are being raised to pro-
vide transportation.
Chairman Elected
The committee, which has the
full backing of the Willow Vil-
lage AVC, the Willow Run Citi-
zens Committee, American Legior
Post 408, and UAW-CIO local 600
has elected William Streit of Met-
calf Court as their chairman
Streit pointed out that the veter-
ans at Willow Run who gave u;
their homes in Detroit to enter the
armed forces and are now back a
their jobs in Detroit constitute o
hardship group and as such shoul
be entitled to funds from the Vet.
erans Reserve fund to providE
them with adequate low-cos
Additional Transportation
Since most veterans have tc
take -additional transportation
after they get to Detroit, this
means, Streit pointed out, that
they are paying 90 cents a day tc
go to and from work compared t<
20 cents a day they would be pay.
ing, had adequate housing been
provided in Detroit. Streit added
that the Detroit Housing Commis-
sion and the State Veterans Ad-
ministration lured them out tc
Willow Run in the beginning o:
the year with the promise of a ten
cent fare.

"Now that
here," Streit;
getting about

they have us
said, 'they are
their promise."


Early Ticket
Buying Urged

speed-up program.

or of the Society.

Sciences Show Strong Gain in Popularity

The New York Central Rail.
road has again urged students tA
purchase holiday transportatioi
tickets early and indicate thi
train desired so that additiona
facilities may he added if neces
Railroad officials announces
earlier that two special trains hav
been scheduled for Friday to han
dle most of the extra passengeri
A westbound special to Chicag
is scheduled to leave at 2 p.m
Friday, while an eastbound extra
train set for New York and in.
termediate points, will leave at !
p.m. that day.
The Grevhound bus lines an.

Sciences have shown the most
rapid increase in popularity as a
field of concentration among stu9,
dents in the literary college during'
the past decade,
In a study of figures released by;
the Office of the Registrar this
w- j wit revealed that 14 ner;

being 250 seniors for whom there
is no record of concentration in the
registrar's office or for whom the
field has been waived. The figures
for 1937 are based on a group of
719 seniors with 99 not formally
admitted to a field of concentra-
tion. The results are therefore
snmewhat inaccurate. ht thev do

eluded in the study, those elimi-
nated being of very small enroll-
ment or for which there was no
counterpart in 1937. These in-
clude honors, the combined cur-
ricula, library science, medical
technology, mineralogy, oriental
civilization, Oriental language and
literature. religrion and ethics. Rus..

ences as their field of concentra-
tion, while only 19 per cent select-
ed that field in 1937, representing
an increase of 14 per cent.
In 1937, 27 per cent of the sen-
iors were concentrating in the hu-
manities, which include English,
foreign languages, journalism, fine
arts ani npech while 31 ner cent

eludes anthropology, economics,
geography, history, philosophy, po-
litical science, social studies and
sociology, 42 per cent of the seniors
of 1937 elected subjects for con-
centration, as contrasted with 36
per cent of the total number of
this year' seniors.
In individual suehipts. lossg







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