-T H E MICHIGAN DAILY SATURDAY, DECEMBER 14, 1946 Workable Atomic Control TrHPISSUE of evolving a workable means for control of atomic energy has been so battered by being tossed back and forth between the United States and Russia that the fundamental points of controversy have been obscured. Clarification of the differ- ences in the plans of the two factions has become a necessity. The Baruch Plan put forth by the U.S. has three main points: (1) The establishment of an Atomic De- velopment Authority on an international level which will have under its dominion the natural resources of atomic energy, have complete managerial control of primary production plants as well as the products of these plants and conduct research ex- periments both in the fields of atomic ex- plosives and peacetime benefits of atomic energy. It has been pointed outthat this Author- ity must keep abreast of all developments in' the field of atomic energy in order to be an effective control agency capable of rec- ognizing illegal diversion of materials at the earliest moment. (2) The establishment of a system of in- ternational inspection to be conducted by the Authority and not subject to the great power veto operating in the Security Council. (3) The establishment of a system of sanctions to be employed against the vio- lator of any rules governing use of atomic energy without a veto. Bernard Baruch, U.S. representative on the Atomic Energy Commission, has stated that "punishment lies at the very heart of our present security -system" and that "there must be no veto to protect those who violate their solemn agreements not to develop or use atomic energy for de- structive purposes." The Russians, in contrast with our plan, do not mention an international authority but propose to leave actual development of atomic energy under national control. The original Russian proposal, presented by Andrei Gromyko, Soviet representative on the Atomic Energy Commission, pro- vided for an impotent group of obliga- tions by nations in regard to proper use Editorials published in The Michigan Daily are written by members of The Daily staff and represent the views of the writers only. NIGHT EDITOR: STUART FINLAYSON of atomic energy. There were no pro- visions for enforcement and the plan rested on nothing more stable than the word of honor of all states not to perpet- uate a "serious crime against humanity." Any punitive legislation would be national in character. Recently, however, Mr. Molotov appeared to revoke Mr. Gromyko's original statement that the United States plan was not ac- ceptable either "in whole or in part" to the Soviet Union. On Dec. 4, Mr. Molotov made a state- ment, commenting on point two of the American plan as listed above, to the effect that Russia did not intend that the Security Council should retain control over the day- to-day operation of the inspection com- mission. "Consequently, it is entirely wrong to consider the matter in the light that any government possessing the "right of veto" will be in a position to hinder the fulfillment of the control and inspections." THIS apparent volte-face on the part of the Russian foreign minister seemed to bring the two countries in agreement on at least one aspect of the American plan of control. However, on Tuesday of this week Mr. Molotov again appeared to reverse his stand. When Sir Hartley Shawcross, of Great Britain, proposed a plan whereby the com- mission for arms inspection and control should be set up outside the range of the Security Council veto, which seems con- sistent with the above statement, Mr. Molo- tov accused him of asking delegates to "un- dertake a revision of the UN Charter." Mr. Molotov also appears to be voting against his own troop census resolution this week; it may be that he has received a change of orders from home. Whatever the reason for these sudden switches in attitude, the (Nestion of atomic energy control seems to be right back where it started. The Russians are opposed to all three major premises of the Baruch Plan, es- pecially the last, where it is proposed that punishment for a threat to or breach of the peace is to be imposed without the Se- curity Council. However, if Mr. Molotov believes he can make the U.S. recede from her chosen stand by a play on words, he will find he is mistak- en. This country, as the creator and pos- sessor of the bomb, is fully awar~e of what must be done to control it. If the U.S. re- mains firm on this point, Russia must even- tually yield. - -Phyllis L. Kaye Regulations Ignored ON WORLD AFFAIRS: Trouble Brewn g By EDGAR ANSEL MOWRER LAKE SUCCESS- A storm is blowing upI that might endanger the existence of the United Nations. At present the trouble in Iran is confined to the threat of a civil war unleashed by Prime Minister Ghavam for the purpose of recovering his all but lost province of Aze r- baijan. But should the Soviets take a hand in this fight, either by active intervention or by blatantly supplying the Azerbaijanee insurgents under Communist Pishevari with arms, then something might develop that would blow the U.N. Security Council sky high. For however much they disagree, prac- tically all delegates here agree that the one thing UN cannot stand is further cannibal- ism among its members. It was in deference to this feeling - and to the strong protests that this feeing en- gendered-that caused the Soviets to pull their troops out of Iranian Azerbaijan last May about two months after the promised date. But the Soviets left behind an "autono- mous" puppet government under Stalin's old personal friend Pishevari. Calling it- self democratic, this gentlemen's Tudeh Party ruled the province, not in the inter- ests of Iran but of the Soviet Union. To consolidate his position, Pishevari needed only to hold his share of the prom- ised National elections under Tudeh con- trol. Elections in that part of the world habitually confirm the actual rulers in office. Premier Ghavam knew this just as well as Pishevari. Therefore, if he intended n to lose his province for keeps, he had either to postpone elections and wait for some- thing favorable to turn up, or to send his own troops into Azerbaijan and hold elec- tions that would, under those circumstances, be likely to result in a success for the cen- tral government parties. Some smart Iranians urged Ghavam to wait. Instead, the Premier decided that it was now or never. In this decision he had American backing. For having felt itself double-crossed by the wily Persian last spring during the Iranian dispute, our State Department was taking no chances on being caught too far out on the limb of a Persian rose bush a second time. Ghavam announced that elections would be held December 7, pushed the Azerbaijanee insurgents out of the border town of Zan- jan, and prepared to send them into Azer- baijan province to keep order during the elections. Pishevari in Tabriz screamed his defiance. The Tudeh newspapers in Teheran ac- cused a "third power" (meaning the United States) of "interfering in Iran" and invoked the 1921 treaty between Iran and Soviet Russia. By this treaty Russia would have a right to send troops into Iran in case of intervention in that country by a "third party." The Soviet government - through its am- bassador in Teheran - gave Ghavam first a "friendly admonition" not to act against Pishevari, then an open threat. Ghavam postponed the elections a week and acted. His ambassador in Washington, Mr. Ala, called the attention of the Amer- ican State Department, of British Foreign Minister Bevin and of the UN Security Council to Moscow's threats. UNDERSECRETARY Dean Acheson in Washington has approved Ghavam. So has American Ambassador George Allen in Teheran. Foreign Minister Bevin has said nothing. The Iranian case has been on the agenda of the Security Council since last Spring and can be taken up at an hour's notice. If Russia gets into a fight between Ghavam and Pishevari, the Security Coun- cil and the Anglo-Saxon powers will sup- port Ghavam.-up to a point. For Azerbaijan is formally a Persian province and Ghavam is premier. In the process, all hopes of world-wide settlement with the Russians would go glimmering. Should Moscow, on the other hand, keep strictly out of the fight, even if this means Pishevari's defeat and the loss of Soviet local prestige, then Russia would have gone a long way to convince the UN delegations that it is willing to call a halt to expansion and contribute its share to peace. Highly placed members of the UN Secre- tariat believe that Russia wants peace enough to make this sacrifice. Meanwhile the future of the UN is at stake. (Copyright 1946, Press Alliance, Jnc) THE STARTING POINT of any funda- mental transformation of our industrial relations from one cf latent or open civil war to one of peace and partnership must ... be a willingness on the part of manage- ment to get rid of the beam in its own eyes before beginning to work on the mote in labor's eye. The first job management has to do is to acknowledge the fact that it does not known how the worker sees things from his angle of vision, that it does not understand how the worker acts and re- acts, and that it is management's job to find out. -Ilarper's Publication in The Daily official Blleti, (o0i, i 7notice to all Academic Notices members of the University. Notices for the luftetin should be sent in Mathematics 300: Orientation typewriften form to the office of the Seminar, Monday, Dec. 16,, Rm. Assistant to the President, Room 1021 3001 Angell Hall, at 7 p.m. Mr. Al- Angell hal, y 3:00 p.m on the day . Erskine will review the preceding publication (11:00 a.m. Sat- urdays) Banach-Tarski paper on Equiva- lence of Point Sets by Finite De- FREIDAY, DEC'M R 14, 1946 compositions. VOL. LVII, No. 70 Dynamical Systems Seminar: Notices Mon., Dec. 16, at 3 p.m., 3201 An- gell Hall. Mr. Shapiro will speak Users of the Daily OCfic 1Bul- on 'Birkhoff's Theory." etin. Need of conserving space makes ncessary the following an- Exhibitions nouncements. (1) Notices of meet- ings of organizations will be re- ; The Museum of Art presents stricted to the name of the organ- Prints by George Rouault, and SOME University students - and faculty members - seem to think that rules are created to be ignored. Their first thoughts are of their own needs and comforts. Their considerations of the comforts and safety of the campus community are lax. Trade Orgyanizationt rrE State Department's plan for a round table meeting of 18 countries to engage in large scale tariff cutting is the first step in a plan designed to eliminate two-way trade agreements between nations and their harmful effects on international trade. The immediate aim of the conference is to open more foreign marKets for American goods, but it is also hoped that this meeting will serve as a beginning from, which an Inter- national Trade Organization can be de- veloped. The idea of group bargaining for trade concessions is something new. It is being tried in the belief that each country will agree to lower tariffs if it is sure that its competitors are also reducing their rates. If it works, the result will be the greatest change of tariff and trade practices in his- tory. The object of the conference is not so much to lower the rates on goods that are now entering foreign countries as to put the products of all nations on an equal competitive basis. This will be done by doing away with the two-way trade deals between nations which result in prohibitive tariff rates on goods from other countries and cut off their markets. The agreement which may come out of the conference is expected to serve as a working example of the effectiveness of an International Trade Organization. A meet- ing to consider this subject has already been held, but before a general world conference" is called, the United States wants concrete proof of the practicability of the plan. An agreement put in operation by a dozen or more big nations would provide this proof. In addition to serving as an example, the' proposed trade agreement would also act as a lever on countries which other- wise might not be willing to join in an International Trade Organization. Con- cessions which are made among the mem- ber nations would probably be denied to outsiders. Most of the important trading areas will be included in the conference and in this way a forceful argument for expanding a trade agreement into an In- ternational Trade Organization is offered to countries which otherwise might hold back.- -Allegra Pasqualetti The only effective way to prevent mass Specifically, I am referring to cigarettes and fires. A long-standing regulation, en- acted by the Board of Regents, prohibits smoking within University educational build- ings. This regulation has been tradition- ally overlooked by many students and fac- ulty members. With buildings unprecedent- edly crowded this semester, it is extremely important that every effort be made to prevent fires, especially in the older struc- tures. on campus. The University, as Vice-President Robert P. Briggs has pointed out, has undertaken every possible measure to prevent fires. It is the responsibility of every student and faculty member to help insure campus safety by not smoking in buildings. Fires won't just happen; they must be started. -And, if we can help avoid them by conforming to a regulation promulgated for our own wel- fare, the only sensible conduct is to obey. -Mal Roemer 0Campus Mores : Cli p joint 'Never a Cover Charge' ELLEN HILL, president of the League Council, has authorized this column to mention her name in this column and to quote her as pointing out that the men's washroom facilities recently wiped from the face of the League lobby are in some sense replaced by two washrooms that have al- ways existed on the League's second floor. We were just getting adjusted to this new easier, more sane, state of affairs when we received "An Open Letter to the Michigan League" from one R. R. Davidson. Davidson points out that of the two sec- ond floor washrooms, "the larger and more beautiful belongs to the (Lydia) Mendel- ssohn Theatre and would thus be unattain- able while a performance was transpiring on the stage." "The other . . is unfortunately inside the portals of the mysterious Casbah. To enter this smaller refuge would, during Casbah hours, cost one dollar ($1.00). Davidson describes this situation as "a grotesque inflation." Furthermore, Davidson claims, a "League official" recommended to him the use of the Rackham Building, and intimated that she was irritated by the presence of men in the corridors bordered by the Grand Rapids and Hussey Rooms. The objection here is that Rackham is for the exclusive use of graduate students. Davidson claims that men provide the League with 50 per cent of its reveue; if "if. mvicz', +fnhp rid ofthe men ...the ization concerned, day, time, and place of meeting, and name of speaker and subject. (2) Notices1 for the D.O.B. must be typewritten and should be triple-spaced for editorial convenience.- F. E. Robbins To All Chairmen of Departments:g Please call Extension 437 in the Business' Office and order the1 number of Ann Arbor telephone directories needed in your depart- ment. You are entitled to one for each instrument. Delivery will be made by campus mail when direc- tories are available, presumably, about Dec. 6. Please return obso- lete directories to the messenger. Herbert G. Watkins, Secretary All hooks which have been re- moved from the libraries of the University without being properly charged should be turned in at the Circulation Department on the second floor of the General Li- brary during the week of Decem- ber 16-20, 1946. The assistance of all members of the University in restoring such books to the Library collections is earnestly requested. Warner G. Rice, Director Orientation Advisers: Thirty to forty men are needed to serve as orientation advisers from Feb. 3 until Feb. 8. Advisers will receive two meals per day. Veterans and non-veterans from all schools are needed. If interested, leave your name and phone number at the Registrar's Office, 107 Mason Hall, or contact Al Farnsworth at the Union Student Offices. Campus Parking Permit Plates for 1947 are now ready for dis- tribution at thetInformation Desk, Rm. 1, University Hall. Please apply only after having procured 1947 license plates from the local office of the Secretary of State. Herbert G. Watkins, Secretary Pre-Medical Student Registra- tion for Professional Aptitude Test. Pre-medical students who aie bona fide applicants to the 1947 freshman class in this and other medical colleges must regis- ter for the Association of Amer- ica Medical Colleges Professional Aptitude Test in Rm. 100B, Rack- ham Bldg., Dec. 16, 17, or 18. This examination will be given from 9:00-12 noon and 1:30-4:00 p.m., Sat., Jan. 11; 1947, Rackham Lec- ture Hall. All applicants to the 1947 freshman class in colleges of medicine will be expected to pre- sent results on this Professional Aptitude Test. Lunchrooms have been made available by the University to stu- dents and members of the Univer- sity staff who bring their lunches. Room 316 of the Michigan Un- ion and the Russian Tea Room, opposite the cafeteria on the main floor, of the Michigan League are being used for lunchrooms. School of Education Faculty nmeetinggt 4:15 p.m., Mon., Dec. 1, University Elementary School Library. We have received notices of Civil Service positions in Michigan (School Instruction Supervisor) and Illinois (Aircraft instructor). Also have information regarding excellent teaching positions for graduate civil and mechanical en- gineers in god technical schools and colleges throughout the coun- tiry. We shall be glad to discuss these positions with qualified and interested candidates. Please call at the Bureau of Appointments and Occupational Information, 201 Mason Hall. Mr. Thompson and Mr. Eliason of North America Companies, Philadelphia, will be at the Bureau of Appointments, 201 Mason Hall, on Tuesday, December 17, to inter- view men who are graduating in February and are interested in an Executive Training program with a property insurance company. Call 4121, extension 371, for an ap- pointmOnt. At BULLETIN African Negro Sculpture, in the galleries of Alumni Memorial Hall, Dec. 4-20; weekdays, except Mondays, 10-12, and 2-5; Sundays 2-5; Wednesday evening, 7-9. The public is invited. Exhibit of student work of the Cooper Union Art School, New York, will be current from Dec. 5 to 20, ground floor corridor, Col- lege of Architecture and Design. Michigan Takes Shape - a dis- play of maps. Michigan Histori- cal Collections, 160 Rack,ham. Hours: 8-12, 1:30-4:30 Monday through Friday; 8-12 Saturday. Lectures Lecture: Prof. P. W. Slosson, History Department, Prof. M. Thomson, Sociology Department, Michigan State Normal College, and others will lecture on the sub- ject, "The Armenian Question," at 8:00 p.m. Sun., Dec. 15, Rackham Lecture Hall; auspices of Tau Beta Pi and Eta Kappa Nu Honor Societies and the Armenian Stu- dents Association. Events Today University Radio Program: Saturday -2:00 p.m. Station WJR, 750 Kc. "Stump the Profes- sor"-Randolph Adams, Frank Robbins, and Arthur Hackett, Amos Morris, George Kiss, and Waldo Abbot. Saturday - 10:45 p.m. Station WJR, 750 Kc. "Common Miscon- ceptions about Cataracts"-Dr. John Henderson, Instructor in Ophthalmology. Unitarian Student Group Christ- Party at the Church House. Carol- ing, Tree Decorating, Games, etc. 8 p.m. Coming Events The U. of M. Chapter of the In- tercollegiate Zionist Federation of America is celebrating Hanukah with a gala festival at the Hillel Foundation on Sunday, Dec. 15, from 7:00 to 11:00 p.m. Engineering Students: A repre- sentative of the Glenn L. Martin Company of Baltimore, Maryland, will interview February graduates on Tuesday, January 7, 1947, in the Lobby office of East Engineer- ing. He is interested in Aeronau- tical, Mechanical, Electrical and Civil Engineers receiving bachelors or higher degrees, and in Physi- cists and Mathematicians receiv- ing masters or doctors degrees. If interested, sign interview sheet o Aeronautical Bulletin Board. A Laboratory Bill of One-Act Plays will be presented by the de- partment of speech Thurs.., Dec. 19, 8:30 p.m. in Lydia Mendelssohn Theatre. Admission is free to the public but tickets must be picked up at the theatre box office the day of the production. The three plays to be given include "Riders to the Sea," by J. N. Synge, "Over- tones," by Alice Gerstenberg and "Xingu" by Thomas Seller. Astronomical Solloquium, Tues., Dec. 17th, 4:15 p.m., University Observatory. Mr. Harry Bendler speaks on "Kinematics of South- ern B-Stars." The Art Cinema League pre- sents a British mystery film Hitchcock's "39 STEPS," with Madeleine Carroll and Robert Donat. Friday, Saturday, 8:30 p.m. Lydia Mendelssohn Theatre. Phone 6300 for reservations. Box office opens 2 p.m. daily. Student Recital: Nina Goehr- ing, violinist, will present a recital #in partial fulfillment of the re- quirements for the degree of Bachelor of Music at 8:30 p.m. Tues., Dec. 17, Lydia Mendelssohn Theatre. Program: compositions by Franck, DeFalla, and Proko- fieff, and three of her own violin pieces. Miss Goehring is a pupi of Gilbert Ross. The public is in- vited. Michigan Dames' Music Group will meet at the home of Mrs. Paul Cairns, 520 E. William, at 8:15 p.m., Mon., Dec. 16. Charles L., Taylor, Directeor of Male Lyra Chorus, Tenor, soloist, accompan- ied by Miss Irene Boyce. ..All members of the Russky Kruzhok, Russian Circle, are in- vited to a Christmas party at 8, p.m. Monday in the International; Center. Following a business meet- ing, there will be a program of skits and anecdotes, group singing, and games. Tea from the samovar and refreshments will be served. There will be a compulsory meeting of Scroll on Thurs., Dec. 19 at 5 o'clock. The roomuwill be posted on the League Bulletin Board. Any member unable to at- tend please notify Ann Lippin- cott. The University of Michigan Hot Record Society will hold a meeting at 8 p.m., Sunday, the 15th, in the Hussey room of the League. There will be a lecture and a record con- cert. Churches First Presbyterian Church. Morning Worship Service at 10:45 a.m. Dr. Lemon will preach an Advent Sermon on "World on Tip- toe." The Westminster Guild will have an all-musical program in the Chancel following the "Mes- siah" concert. The Christmas Pro- gram is in charge of James Mc- Fadden, Maryjane Albright, and Lizbeth Hildebrandt. The Roger Williams Guild of the Baptist Church will be guests at the sup- per following. First Congregational Church. 10:45 a.m. Public Worship. Ser- mon Subject "A BOASTFUL CLAIM!" 6:00-8:00 p.m. Congregational- Disciples Guild Annual Christmas Tea at Memorial Christian Church. Memorial Christian Church (Disciples of Christ) Morning Worship 10:50. Rev. F. E. Zendt preaching on "Christmas Eyes." Congregational-Disciples Guild Christmas Tea this afternoon 6-8 p.m., at the Disciples Church. The Lutheran Student Assoia- tion will meet Sunday at 5:30 p.m. in Zion Lutheran Parish Hall. The Christmas program will follow the supper hour and will be given at 7:30 in Zion Lutheran Church. Bible Hour will be held at 9:15 a.m. at the Center. There will be no Church History Class on Tuesday. Both Trinity and Zion Lutheran Churches will have Sunday morn- ing worship services at 10:30 o'clock St. Mary's Chapel: Father Declan Egan C.P. will conduct the annual Retreat beginning Sunday and continuing through Tuesday. Serv- ices will be at 5:10 and 7:30 p.m. Sunday through Tuesday. Masses on Monday and Tuesday will be at 6:30, 7:00, 8:00, and 9:00. Grace Bible Church: 10:00 a.m., Bible School; 11:00 a.m., Pictures of the Lord Jesus in the book of Leviticus; 12:00 noon, Beginning a new session of Bible School; 12:45 p.m., "Your Radio Choir" over WPAG; 6:00 p.m., Student Guild; 7:00 p.m., Baptismal Service; 7:30 p~m., "Lost and Found." First Church of Christ Scientist, 409 S. Division St. Sunday morning service at 10:30 Subject, "God the Preserver of Man.". Sunday School at 11:45. Wednesday evening service at 8:00. Unitarian - Friends' Church School: 10 a.m. Adult Study Group led by Mr. Leonard Keller discuss- ing Prof. Northrup's book, "The Meeting of East and West." 11:00 a.m., Service of Worship. Sermon by Rev. Edward H. Red- man on "What About Fundamen- talism?" 6:30 p.m., Unitarian Student Group. It's not much use offering press freedom to impoverished peoples as a substitute for rice, education on decent housing. Nobody seri- ously proposes that the Russians adopt Western-style press freedom when they already find themselves impelled to undertake a tremen- dous nationalistic and ideological drive, involving horrendous word- pictures of the foreign devil, tc keep their people working at back- l breaking tasks. -The New Republic TO THE EDITOR HIYDJA's answer . . To the Editor: R. La Plante, self-confessedly an "obsolete democratist," af- ter a confused and ambiguous at- tempt to discredit the AYD, seems to come to two conclusions, (1) AYD originated from the YCL, and (2) AYD's leadership on the national level is communistic. His first contention can best be answered by calling his attention to the initiating convention of the A Y D. Yes, there were Young Communist League leaders pres- ent, but they were but a part of the five hundred youth, repre- senting a broad and democratic base. Outstanding among the del- egates were Naomi Ellison, Na- tional President of the Industrial Division of the YWCA; Winifred Norman, president of the National Council of Negro Youth; John Gallo. Activities Director of the Ford Local 600 of the UAW-CIO; Whitey Goodfriend, torpedoed merchant seaman, chosen by the OWI as the most typical of Am- erican Youth; and Carl Ross, president of the New York YCL. The AYD has never, nor does it now, deny the participation of tormer YCL members in this organization; the r e as on of course being very obvious - be- cause the AYD welcomes mem- bers of all political creeds who are earnestly desirous of solv- ing the problems of all youth in America. As regards his second conten- tion, his inference that the whole of the AYD leadership is com- munistic is as absurd as it is general. That there are Com- munists in the leadership is not disputed. But, the national lead- ers are demcratically elected by all of the membership -just as the leadership in every local chap- ter is democratically elected. This insidious generalization is no more or less than the usual inference ihade against every organization which works on a progressive platform. The AYD, in its out- look, has never iptegrated within its platform the YCL's Marxist approach to the American scene. It has, from its initiation, worked for reform within the existing ec- onomic system of the United States. Our platform, our work speaks for itself. In 1944, we carried the fight on this campus for a sol- dier's vote. Last spring, AYD car- ried out a successful rally against the fascist dictator, Franco. On the basis of President Truman's statement of December, 1945, on a Democratic China, we organized and carried out a campaign for the withdrawal of American Ma- rines from China. Today we are fighting in every way possible for full equality for all citizens, Jor full employment, for veteran's housing, for a decent living stan- dard for all people, for expanded school facilities. In short, we are working for a prosperous and free America. In closing, I would like to in- form Mr. La Plante that CCNY has not only authorized an AYD chapter, but has placed an office and mimeograph machine at its disposal. -John Houston Pres., MYDA I 3Xiji3a at 4 Fifty-Seventh Year Edited and managed by students of the University of Michigan under the authority of the Board in Control of Student Publications. Editorial Staff Robert Goldman .....Managing Editor Milton Freudenheim .Editorial Director Clayton Dickey...........City Editor Mary Brush............Associate Editor Ann Kutz .,..........Associate Editor Paul Harsha.........Associate Editor Clark Baker.............Sports Editor Des Howarth ..Associate Sports Editor Jack Martin ...Associate Sports Editor Joan Wilk ............Women's Editor Lynne Ford .Associate Women's Editor Business Staff Robert E. Potter ....Business Manages Evelyn Mills E...y.....Associate Business.Managel Janet Cork Associate Business Managei Telephone 23-24-1 Member of The Associated Press The Associated Press is exclusively BARN ABY __ .:. , .1_ I ;Cnyy 6 r ,Ner, u e It I An Odd Fellow? No, he's i