r THE MICHIGAN DAILY T' VA Bottleneck IT IS NOT surprising that more than one- seventh of the University's 11,030, student veterans have not yet received their Sep- tember and October subsistence payments. Even top regional VA officials are unable to cut their way through their own red tape to find out how many student veterans have received their checks. In an outfit where all records are made in duplicate, tripli- cate and even sextuplicate, there seems to be. no record of just how many checks have been mailed out and to whom they were sent. Last Tuesday after the VA made its . third attempt, since the checks were due, to find out how many veterans on campus were still checkless, regional officials ex- pressed surprise that at least 1,360 stu- dent veterans had not yet received their fall subsistence. Wednesday 319 more reported to the VA. a-. __Gv Editorials published in The Michigan Daily are written by members of The Daily staff and represent the views of the writers only.. NIGHT EDITOR: CLYDE RECHT l(RA One Idea, EDITOR'S NOTE: The Daily here prints excerpts from 4'Jobs - Peace - Freedom," Henry Wal- agce's first article as editor of The New Republic magazine. Wallace asserts that he will make thtat magazine the mduthpiece of a new pro- gressive movement. By HENRY A. WALLACE IEHARDS of the Right today assert that jobs for all are beyond the reach of a society based on peace and freedom. Die- hards of the Left maintain that freedom must be sacrificed for the sake. of jobs and peace. Modern imperialists dream that in the name of jobs and freedom we shall fight a third world war. Rejecting all these, I stand for one idea: that jobs, peace and freedom can be attained together and can make pos- sible One World, prosperous and free, Within our lifetime. We can achieve peace, jobs and freedom in One World without war. But we can- not preserve any one of these conditions in any country unless we achieve all three in all countries. Peace, freedom and jobs for all are indivisible. Before we win lasting peace, .we must achieve some measure of world government and law. But society conmes before government, as our own his- tory proves. Before we get world gov- ernment and law, all peoples must become in some measure part of One World. Amer- ica will never be part of One World in which there is not civil liberty. The USSR will never be part of One World in which there is not economic and social security. All who really believe in One World recog- nize that the search for peace, freedom and jobs for all is one worldwide search. This search is the basis for our new start. Jobs for all means actionpow to prevent a serious depression in the United States. A depression is coming unless we act to prevent it. If depression comes, two-thirds of all veterans who have started their own businesses will go bankrupt; farmers will face foreclosure; workers will be unem- ployed. When 2.5 million veterans have no homes, when 20 million American families hake incomes of less than $40 a week, when other millions have used up all their savings, a depression in America means disaster. Lowered depression in America will cause depression everywhere., FUNCTION of business today is to produce goods abundantly at reasonable prices, pay decent wages and make a fair profit. Industry cannot and should not bear the sole responsibility for keeping our econ- omy at full production. Full employment at fair standards is the responsibility of government. We are for whatever measures deinocratic government must .take, in low- cost housing, public health, regional de- velopment, foreign loans, the provision of minimum standards, progressive taxation, the lowering of prices through trust-busting or the efficient operation of disorganized basil industries by government ownership or control. Peace today means action to halt the dangerous drift toward war. The drift has gone so far that all governments act as if they held a mandate from their people to prepare for the next war. Through this false ndate the most trivial issues become in- soluble because they are seen as war prep- arations. The United States is left to squan- der its greatness in propping up corrupt and undemocratic regimes as supposed safe- guards against comr.nism. Iii the name Hof security, America is spending $13 billion a year on armaments and Russia is keeping five nillion young men in the Red Army. while factories and fields lie idle. In the name of security, we are destroying UNRRA and refusing to send food and supplies to relieve famine and misery overseas because relieving famine and misery among other peoples is supposed to raise their ability to fight a war. To carry out a political purpose we are con emning thousands of people to death and millions to misery. In the name of security, German scientists are working in Russia to develop rockets capable of at- tacking America while other German scien- tists work in America to develop rockets capable of attacking Russia, at a tine when American and Russian veterans are still dy- George Beauchamp, acting assistant chief of the VA regional Rehabilitation and Edu- cation Division, said, "I had not expected that there would be so many complaints 1"om veterans who have not received their checks." Veterans' records are filed with the Uni- versity and another copy is sent to Jack- son. Jackson forwards it to Detroit where it passes through three separate offices. Apparently the VA loses track of the records somewhere in one of these four offices. As a possible solution to the problem, an editorial in The Daily Nov. 17 proposed that student veterans be paid by district dis- bursing officers who would visit each cam- pus the first of every month. This proposal drew fire from E. J. Bren- nan, Chief Disbursing Officer of the Treas- ury Department, who told a Washington re- porter that the present system of paying by check "can't be beat." The results of the survey are concrete evidence of the inefficiency of the VA sub- sistence plan. It is now up to the VA to clean out its organizational bottlenecks. -Stuart Finlayson One World nations accept world law. Leaders of the present bipartisan bloc maintain that wel- fare comes after the peace settlement is made and security established. I answer that there will be no permanent settlement and no security until a world welfare pro- gram is begun. This means a Peoples' Peace for every nation in the world based on the idea of an all-out effort to eliminate illiteracy and star- vation. To establish a peoples' peace there must be international planning by the Unit- ed States, England and Russia to increase the productivity of the so-called backward areas by irrigation dams, power dams, rail- roads, docks, highways, agricultural ma- chines, textile mills, machine tools and hos- pitals. We need two 20-year plans. One, the elimination of illiteracy and starvation from the world by 1966. Two, the elimina- tion of transmissible disease and the es- tablishment of higher worldwide living standards by 1986. Technologically, it can be done. Morally, it must be done. Practically, it is cheaper than war and the only alternative to war. This program of making world welfare a primary objective does not mean aban- doning a security program. It means dis- armament, including the effective dismant- ling of our stockpile of atomic bombs. It means opposing every step in the scramble for uranium resources and overseas air bases. It means supporting collective security throfigh effective international inspection and control of activities that could be a part of war preparations. rf DAY, of course, we progressives are in the opposition in Congress. As a minor- ity party the Republicans were interested solely in opposition and placed that opposi- tion above the general welfare of the U.S. and the world. That is why we are suffer- ing inflation and facing depression today. In contrast, the Democrats need to show how an opposition should act. They should generously support good legislation and vig- orously fight bad legislation. We must not assume that all Republicans are reactionary tories. We must assume that many millions who voted Republican last November be- lieve in One World and not in isolation. Certainly as progressives we shall appeal to these millions. Our purpose is not to play party politics or palace politics, but to develop a program around which men of good will can gather, (Copyright, 1946, The New Republic) MAN TO MAN: No Mood To Laugh By HAROLD L. ICKES THE HOUSING PROGRAM, so bravely launched by President Truman and so ably administered by Wilson Wyatt, has been flushed down the drain. In the cir- cumstances, Mr. Wyatt did the only thing that a self-respecting man could do. He resigned. That is particularly unfortunate because there can be no doubt that Mr. Wyatt was pretty nearly the last outstand- ing man in an Administration the deck of which is awash with hungry water. President Truman promises lightly and reneges on his promises even more lightly. His selection of Mr. Wyatt as Housing Ex- pediter was excellnt. Unfortunately for the veterans, those who too often have the final say at the White House first slowed up the housing program until they could persuade the President to adopt the scuttling policy that was put into effect on December 3. Not only was power to do the housing job granted by the Patman Act, it was clearly set out in an Executive Order signed by the President himself. So, by statute and by Presidential decree, Wyatt had plenty of authority. But when he aimed a directive at George E. Allen, and Allen refused to obey it, the only recourse was to appeal to the President. This Mr. Wyatt finally did. At first the President stalled, and then Allen and his merry men got busy. They tossed a forward pass to Captain Clifford, who crossed the goal line while Referee Truman blew his whistle for a touchdown against the veterans. The first crippling blow at the housing program was at the hands of the present Secretary of the Interior, Mr. J. A. Krug. As chairman of the War Production Board, he sunk without trace "L-41," an order giv- ing priority to building materials for low- cost housing. With this priority struck down, there resulted a rash of skating rinks, bowl- ing alleys, etc. Thus the veterans will be able to bowl with their wives and infants, even if they have no roof over their heads. Folloving Mr. Krugs retreat, strike fol- lowed strike. Housing went into the ash can. With prices constantly rising, as one decontrol fell after another, it was neces- sary to raise wages, increases of which were followed by still higher prices. Most of the strategy for destroying the housing program was developed by George E. Allen. He and Captain Clifford work so closely together that the ,Captain has come to adopt Allen's cliches, one of them being that "prefabrication would destroy real estate values." Instead of providing adequate housing for returned veterans, these master-minds are now working ort a theory of scarcity which will mean high- er housing costs. Henry A. Wallace's con- ception of killing little pigs was not nearly so brilliant as is Mr. Allen's plan to kill prefabricated houses for veterans. Mr. Allen also believes that it is more important to get a bill through Congress next year, extending the life of the RFC, and therefore his job, than it is to build houses. The veterans, whose hopes of being able to buy or rent prefabricated houses at reasonable prices have beet dashed, may have any consolation that may be gleaned from Allen's membership on RFC. George E. Allen is a funnyman to Presi- dent Truman. He is to the country, too. But the country is in no mood to laugh. (Copyright, 1946, N.Y. Post Corp.) C a L r U IR _.... ---- . , - "--yr l ,, ,l; i r , " . ... " . , \ ,pr \\ . ... I EDITOR'S NOTE: Wo letter to the editor will be printed unless signed and written in good taste. Letters over 300 words in length will be shortened or omitted; in special in- stances, they will be printed, at the discretion of the editorial director. * * * Corrections WISH to make a corr ction in the first sentence of t second paragraph of my letter entitled "Anti-Lynch Bill" which appeared in Thursday's Daily. It should not read "In the past 75 years there have been 203 recorded lynchings in the United States . . ." but "there have been 203 recorded lynchings in the state of Ten- nessee alone . . ." I should ap- preciate it very much if you would print a statement to this effect in the Letters to Editor column to- morrow as this represents a very grave misrepresentation of the facts on my part. -Hanny Gross Bit Players To the Editor: I N REPLY to Mr. Grimshaw's letter which appeared in Sat- urday's Daily, I would like to state -in case said statement should be of any solace to him-- that a year agoI was a constant mem- BILL MAULDIN ber of the audience at both the Weurth and Whitney theatres, I am in full accord with his state- -ment that they show some of the best pictures in town. It is a matter of torment and sorrow to me that a few minor activities such as classes, studies, eating a-d sleeping keep me from reviewing their programs. The exclusion of the East Side Kids, the Cat Man series, the Purple Monster, Roy Rogers and Trigger (the smartest horse in the movies), Richard Fraser and Martin Kosleck from my life has left a cavity only par- tially filled by the Gargoyle and Daily staffs. All I can say is: more power to Mr. Grimshaw. It is comforting to know that there are still persons in the world who can appreciate the lower-cost but better efforts of Hollywood and its irreplaceable bit players. --Joan Fiske * . * Basketbaldl Tickets To the Editor: THERE may have been justifi- cation somewhere in putting us in the end zone football seats. And possibly Mr. Baker had jus- tifiable reasons for appropriating the misused football ticket from the veteran who felt he was en- titled to use his wife's ticket when she chose not to go to a game. But one wonders just what kind of ticket manager we have when basketball tickets are offered to the public before all the students have had a chance at them. Granted we did not turn out eighteen thousand strong for the. alphabetical distribution system but many more would have been out last Saturday night had we known with any certainty that we could have got in the field house. Why not distribute tickets to students in the afternoon of a game on a first come first served basis as the hockey tickets are now sold? Any remaining tickets could be sold to the public at the Copt. 1946 by Unted Feature Syndicae, Inc. Tm. Reg. U. S. Pet. Off.-All rghts reserved U. N. delegates, discussing disarmament, agree that there should be a world-wide troop count, but can't decide when and how troops should be inspected. (News item.) Letters to the Editor. {. DAILY OFFICIAL BULLETIN 3 ' I. CINEMA CURRENT MOVIES At the State . . SHADOW OF A WOMAN (Warners), Andrea King, Helmut Dantine. FOR THOSE who love Dantine's sensitive eyes and King's pearly teeth, this pic- ture may hold some kascination. Those dis- tinctive features of the two aforementioned players leave me chilly and irritable. Their performances in this tiresome excuse for entertainment did nothing to warm me to them. The difficulties in overcoming an implausible plot and trite dialogue are great. It helps, however, if one's lines are read with some semblance of conviction. * * A' * At the Michigan .. . REBECCA (Selznick), Laurence Olivier, Joan Fontaine. Y NOW REBECCA can be put in the category of a film classic. Although the third trip around one cannot help but no- tice the subtle overacting, the mechanics of the. suspense, and the development of the characters, all this only adds to the appreciation of a fine job. It is also inter- esting to view Mr. Olivier in his pre-Shake- spearian days. -Joan Fiske At the Lydia Mendelssohn,..., THE 39 STEPS. Robert Donat and Mad- eleine Carrol. Alfred Hitchcock, director. From the novel by Robert Buchan. THE FACT that many of us saw this film at the age of eight should not mar its effectiveness as one of the thriller classics of movie history. The well-known Alfred Hitchcock touches are distinctly evident, even to the traditional brief appearance of the great director himself in one of the early pursuit scenes, of which there are a-plenty., Even to those who are not familiar with the famous story of spy-rings and cross- country chases, it will be clearly evident that the plot is the thing and that the actors are there just to help it along. Robert Donat remains handsomely imperturbable throughout adventures which, though ster- eotyped, manage to retain the suspense which sometimes approaches breath-taking proportions. Madeleine Carroll does well in an exasperating role. The greatest difficulty in appreciating the picture is to be found in the faulty sound- track. One almost wishes for English sub- titles. You may laugh at yourself for sitting on the edge of your seat, but you'll be sitting there just the same. -Natalie Bagrow PILING paradox upon paradox, the Brit- ish Laborites fervently believe that they can achieve American capitalist productive efficiency, not through competitive private enterprise, but through state-owned and managed monopolies. One can only conclude that it will be a neat trick if they do it. -Harper's (Continued from Page 3) ceptance of veteran book and sup- ply orders at the bookstores. All faculty members are requested to anticipate material needed through the end of the semester and authorize same on or before Dec. 20. All back-orders for ma- terial not in stock at the book- stores will be canceled as of Dec. 20. Application blanks for Scholar- ships and Fellowships in the Graduate School for 1947-1948 may be secured from the Office of the Graduate School between Dec. 9, and Feb. 15. No applications will be accepted after the latter date. School of Education Faculty meeting at 4:15 p.m., Mon., Dec. 16, University Elementary School Library. Pre-Medical Student Registra- tion for Professional Aptitude Test.Pre-medical students who are bona fide applicants to the 1947 freshman class in this and other medical colleges must regis- ter for the Association of Amer- ica Medical Colleges Professional Aptitude Test in Rm. 100B, Rack- ham Bldg., Dec. 16, 17, or 18. This examination will be given from 9:00-12 noon and 1:30-4:00 p.m., Sat., Jan. 11, 1947, Rackham Lec- ture Hall. All applicants to the 1947 freshman class in colleges of medicine will be expected to pre- sent results on this Professional Aptitude Test. All students who have not re- ceived refunds of their $25.00 Ac- ceptance Deposit Fee are remind- ed that unless request for refund is made at the Cashier's Office, South Wing, University Hall, on or before Dec. 20, 1946, the fee will be forfeited. The Michigan Bell Telephone Company will interview men stu- dents graduating in January at the Bureau of Appointments, 201 Mason Hall, today for posi- tions in Commercial, Traffic, and Accounting Departments. Call 4121, ext. 371, for an appointment. University Radio Program: Friday-2:30 p.m. Station WKAR, 870 Kc. Michigan Mati- nee, "The Three Wise Men." Friday - 2:45 p.m. Station WKAR, 870 Kc. "Explosions in the Stars"-Dr. D. B. McLaughlin, Professor of Astronomy. Friday - 3:30 p.m. Station WPAG, 1050 Kc. Dorothy Ornest, sopiano. All books which have been re- moved from the libraries of the University without being properly charged should be turned in at the Circulation Department on the second floor of the General Li- brary during the week of Decem- ber 16-20, 1946. The assistance of all members of the University in restoring such books to the Library collections is earnestly requested. Warner G. Rice, Director Orientation Advisers: Thirty to, forty men are needed to serve as orientation advisers from Feb. 3 until Feb. 8. Advisers will receive two meals per day. Veterans and non-veterans from all schools are needed. If interested, leave your name and phone number at the Registrar's Office, 107 Mason Hall, or contact Al Farnsworth at the Union Student Offices. Willow Village West Court Community Bldg. Fri., Dec. 18, 8:00 p.m., Classi- cal Music Record Concert. Sat., Dec. 14, 3:00-5:30 p.m., Tea given by President and Mrs. Alexander G. Ruthven for wives of all University students and fa- culty members living in Willow Run. West Lodge Fri., Dec. 13, 8:30 p.m., U. of M. Student Record Dance. Sat., Dec. 14, 8:00 p.m., Inform- al bridge session. Swimming and sports for coup- les every Friday evening at the Intramural Sports Building. Lunchrooms have been made available by the University to stu- dents and members of the Univer- sity staff who bring their lunches. Room 316 of the Michigan Un- ion and the Russian Tea Room, opposite the cafeteria on the main floor, of the Michigan League are being used for lunchrooms. Men of Buffalo, and Erie Co., N. Y., interested in becoming members of the Michigan chapter of Scalp and Blade call Hal Beam, 2-4401. Mr. R. W. Holmes of the Cur- tiss-Wright Aircraft Corporation, Columbus, Ohio, will be at the Bu- reau of Appointments, 201 Mason Hall, this morning to interview aeronautical, mechanical, and electrical engineers graduating in February. Call 4121, ext. 371, for an appointment. Lectures Dr. Wolfgang Stechow, profes- sor of Fine Arts at Oberlin College, will lecture on the subject "Rem- brandt; Genius and Tradition's (illustrated with lantern slides), in the Rackham Amphitheatre at 4:15 p.m. today; auspices of the Department of Fine Arts. The public is cordially invited. Exhibitions The Museum of Art presents Prints by George Rouault, and African Negro Sculpture, in the galleries of Alumn i'Memorial Hall, Dec. 4-20; weekdays, except Mondays, 10-12, and 2-5; Sundays 2-5; Wednesday evening, 7-9. The public is invited. Exhibit of student work of the Cooper Union Art School, New York, will be current from Dec. 5 to 20, ground floor corridor, Col- lege of Architecture and Design. Michigan Takes Shape -a dis- play of maps. Michigan Histori- cal Collections, 160 Racklham. Hours: 8-12, 1:30-4:30 Monday through Friday; 8-12 Saturday. Events Today Lutheran Student Association: Married Couples' Christmas Party at the Lutheran Student Associa- tion Center, 1304 Hill Street, this evening at 8:00. Gamma Delta, Lutheran Stu- dent Club, will have its Christmas Party tonight at '8 o'clock at the Student Center, 1511 Washtenaw Ave. Biological Chemistry Seminar meet at 3 p.m. today, Rm. 319 W. Medical Bldg. "The Use of Isoto- pes in the Study of Carbohydrate Metabolism," will be discussed. Open meeting. Christmas Party, 9:15-12 p.m., today, Robert Owen Co-operative House. Dancing and refreshments. German Coffee Hour, sponsored by the Deutscher Verein today from 3:00 to 5:00 p.m., League Coke Bar. Lutheran Student Association Christmas Party at Lane Hall to- day, 8:00 p.m. Academic Notices Algebra Seminar: Will meet to- day at 4:15 p.m. in 3201 Angell Hall. Dr. Tornheim will speak on Valuation Theory. Coming Events Le Cercle Francais Christmas party Tues., Dec. 17, 8 p.m. As- sembly Room of the Rackhaxmn Building. French Christmas Car- ols; dancing; refreshments. Miss Rose Derderian will sing some French songs. Women students may have 11 o'clock permission. The U. of M. Chapter of the In- tercollegiate Zionist Federation of America is celebrating Hanukah with a gala festival at the Hillel Foundation on Sunday, Dec. 15, from 7:00 to 11:00 p.m. The Christmas party of the Sociedad Hispanica will be held Sunday evening, Dec. 15 at 8 p.m. in the International Center. All members are invited to attend. The Art Cinema League pre- sents a British mystery film, Hitchcock's "39 STEPS," with Madeleine Carroll , and Robert Donat. Friday, Saturday, 8:30 p.m. Lydia Mendelssohn Theatre. Phone 6300 for reservations. Box office opens 2 p.m. daily. Graduating Outing Club. Hike or outdoor sports at 2:30 p.m., Sun., Dec. 15. Sign up at check desk in Rackham Bldg. before noon Saturday. A laboratory bill of one-act plays, presented by the speech de- partment, 8:30 p.m., Thurs., Dec. 19, Lydia Mendelssohn Theatre. Admission free. Scalp and Blade rushing meet- ing at 7 p.m., Sun., Dec. 15, Rm. 325, Union. Actives -and rushees urged to attend. Election of offi- cers. Plans for Christmas Ball will be discussed. door. Give Yet's Subsistence To the Editor: I SAW your article in The Daily last Wednesday concerning the plan to increase veterans' subsis- tence. I am a veteran and about to be married. My future wife is still in school and is, therefore, unable to work full time. Due to the recent tremendous increase in the cost of living, my small tav- ings accumulated during the war are rapidly dwindling. I know that there, are many other vet- erans on campus with almost the same situation. If we are to con- tinue in school without undue hardships, some plan of relief must be proposed. This plan to petition the government is the first step in this direction. If we all get behind the VO and support this organization in its program, we can --ease the veteran's situa- tion in the colleges throughout the country. At present there seems to be very little agitation either for or against this measure. It is cer- tainly worth the while of every veteran on campus to consider it, and I would like to hear some opinions expressed. -Harold J. Lawson us a chance Mr. Baker. -Robert Reinke Fifty-Seventh Year Edited and managed by students of the University of Michigan under the authority of the Board in Control of Student Publications. Editorial Staff Robert Goldman .....Managing Editor Milton Freudenheim .Editorial Director Clayton Dickey........... City Editor Mary Brush...........Associate Editor Ann Kutz...........Associate Editor Paul Harsha .........Associate Editor Clark Baker............. Sports Editor Des IHowarth . .Associate Sports Editor Jack Martin ....Associate Sports Editor Joan Wilk...........Women's Editor Lynne Ford . Associate Women's Editor Business Staff Robert E. Potter ....Business Manage] Evelyn Mills ......Associate Business Managei Janet Cork Associate Business Managet Telephone 23-24-1 Member of The Associated Press The Associated Press is exclusively BARNABY A snowscape would make a nice Christmas card,] Noits, pat .:. Stop th( 'LU' IIV w -W