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December 13, 1946 - Image 3

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The Michigan Daily, 1946-12-13

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Hockey Trio
Leads Squad in
Scoring Race
With two games of the season
on the records, three Michigan
pucksters are tied for the lead on
the 1946-47 hockey team
Bill Jacobson, converted to a
center position this season, tops
the goal-getters with a total of
four to add to his one assist for
five points total. Gordon MacMil-
lan and Lyle Phillips, center and
right wing, respectively, on the
number one line have a record of
two markers andhthree assists to
share the lead with Jacobson.
The most productive of the for-
ward lines is the number two
combination with a conglamara-
tain of 13 points. Al Renfrew, reg-
ular left winger for this trio, has
played but one period of the reg-
uar campaign due to a shoulder
injury, but has contributed three
assists to the second line total.,
Ted Greer has a one and one pro-
duction for the year. Herb Upton
who has been moved back to de-
fense this week, played on the
number two line in the Toronto
game last week and made one as-
Open Saturdays Until Christmas
314 S. State St. Phone 7177

MeCaslin Looms As
Quintet's Bright Spot
Sophomore Sensation Was Collegiate Star
At Dartmouth As Naval Trainee Last Year

A boy from the great North-
west who, according to coach
Ozzie Cowles, "would rather play
basketball than eat," looms as one
of the brightest= spots in Michi-
gan's young cage season.
He's Boyd McCaslin, sensa-
tional Wolverine forward, who
racked up 19 points in the ini-
tial game of the season against
Michigan State last Saturday.
The 6' 2" sharpshooter exhib-
ited amazing accuracy, repeat-
edly racking up field goals from
well out on the floor and dis-
playing a fine brand of ball
McCaslin's cage record is one
for the books. He displayed little
prowess as a high school cager in
his home town of Bremerton,
Washington, seeing little action as
a mediocre substitute. When he
entered the Navy in November of
1943 he began to develop rapidly.
While a Naval trainee he became
attached to the game and prac-
ticed ceaselessly during every
spare moment. Possessing a great
deal of stamina and determina-
tion, the good-looking, ,sandy
haired youngster developed into a
fine basketball player.


Late in 1945 after two years
of Naval service McCaslin was
transferred to Dartmouth as a
V-12 trainee. Without ever
having any previous high school
or collegiate experience he gain-
ed fame as a member of Dart-
mouth's Ivy League champion-
ship squad averaging 10 pts.
per game. McCaslin led his
team to national recognition
and earned for himself reputa-
tion as one of the finest basket-
ballers in the East. Following
the season he was placed on the
All-Ivy League second team.
After his discharge from the
Navy, McCaslin returned home
with the determination to con-
tinue his collegiate cage ,career.
After being refused admission to
Dartmouth he decided to realize
an ambition of long standing and.
play Big Nine ball. In the cagers
own words, "II was looking for a
good all-around school and decid-
ed upon Michigan."
Coach Ozzie Cowles is full of
praise for the new addition to this
year's cage squad. "Because he
loves the game and is a hard
worker he has developed into a
fine basketball player," stated the
Wolverine mentor. "He is tireless
in practice and is always eager to
learn more."
McCaslin is a sophomore and
is majoring in Physical Educa-
tion. As a member of the Wol-
verine starting lineup he fits
well into Coach Cowles' an-
nounced policy of concentrat-
ing on freshmen and sopho-
mores this season in an effort
to build for the future. It is
his theory that it takes at least
two years to bring a good col-
lege basketball player to his
best form.
The combination of McCaslin
and Mack Suprunowitz, a fresh-
man from Schnectady, N.Y., at
the forward positions gives the
Wolverine cagers a flashly and de-
ceptive offense that should carry
it to many Big Nine victories in
the coming years.
"Mac," as his teammates call
him, possesses an unusual tech-
nique of shooting that would
make most coaches hair stand on
end. Whenattempting long shots
from near mid-court he rises on
his toes and literally pushes the
ball into the basket with his
right hand, supplying thetneces-
sary "English" with a swift stroke
of his left ending up off balance.
His shots are unusually accurate
however, as exhibited in last Sat-
urday's contest.

MATT MANN - venerable
swimming mentor who will see
his 1946-47 squad in action for
the first time tomorrow in the
12th annual Swim Gala.
* *
Three Divers
Hold Spotlight
In Swim Gala
A trio of Michigan divers, faced
with the unenviable task of break-
ing an Ohio State monopoly of
Conference and National diving
honors this season, will share the
spotlight tomorrow night in Matt
Mann's 12th annual Swim Gala
at the Sports Building pool.
At stake will be the Michigan
State AAU high board diving
crown. Defending title-holder will
be Capt. Alex Canja of the Wol-
verines. And challenging the
Maize and Blue leader for top
honors will be Gil Evans and
Tommy O'Neill, two other 1945-
46 lettermen.
Tomorrow night's competition
will mark the beginning of a long
and strenuous winter for the Wol-
veine divers. Ohio State, for in-
stance, has its National AAU and
NCAA indoor champion, Miller
Anderson, back along with a news
comer, Bruce Harlan. Harlan
topped Anderson for the National
AAU outdoor dividing crown.
IM Handball Final
To le Held Today
John Scopis will meet Sherman
Setomer in the finals of the In-
tramural handball championship
today on the downstairs courts of
the Sports Building.
In practice games between the
two finalists, Scopis held an ad-
vantage although the scores have
been extremely close. Setomer also
teaches boxing at the I-M Build-
ing during the afternoons.

Seven NFL Players
Make A Il-Pro Eleven
y 'the Associated Press
NEW YORK-Seven players from the' National Football League
and four from the All-America Conference constituted the Associated
Press 1946 All-Pro team.
Two stars from each circuit compromise the backfield. The four
backs are Bob Waterfield, of the Los Angeles Rams; Glen Dobbs, of
the Brooklyn Dodgers; Orben (Speck)) Sanders, of the New York
Yankees, and Ted Fritsch, of the Green Bay Packers. The backfield
averages 201 pounds. (';__
The All-Pro line, boasting an Packer games but in all others
average of 221 pounds, includes he was in a class by himself.
two standouts with the Los An-
geles Rams, giving the 1945 pro
champions three places on the FIRST TEAM
mythical play-Tor-pay eleven. Jim Benton, Los Angeles Rams,
They are End Jim Benton and E
guard Riley Matheson. Frank Kinard, N.Y. Yankees, T
Other linemen are End Jim Clyde Turner, Chicago Bears, C
Poole of the New York Giants, Riley Matheson, Los Angeles
Tackles Frank (Bruiser) Kinard R ymss
of the New York Yankees and Al Rams, G
Wistert of the Philadelphia Eag- Bill Radovich, Los An gele s.
les; Guard Bill Radovich of the Dons, G
Loss Angeles Dons and Center Al Wistert, Philadelphia, T
Clyde (Bulldog) Turnerr of the Jim Poole, N.Y. Giants, E
Chicago Bears, western cham-
pions in the National Football Bob Waterfield, Los Angeles
League. Glenn Dobbs, Brooklyn, B
Though they performed in r Orben Sanders, N.Y. Yankees, B
lot with the All-America Con.. Ted Fritsch, Green Bay, B
ference, Kinard and Radovich
are All-Pro standouts. --
Kinard made four previous
teams while performing with the
old Brooklyn Dodgers of the NFL.
Radovich was chosen last year
when he played with the Detroit
Lions. r e
Benton, who has succeeded Don
Hutson as the No. 1 pass catcher
in the pro ranks, also made last Get your Christmas
year's team as did his two mates, trees and Greens
Waterfield and Matheson. The rom te
latter also gained the honor in from the
Benton was far ahead of the Univ. of Michigan
field in snaring aerials. In the
Rams' first 10 games he made 60 Forestry Club
catches, including six for touch-
downs. Against the Giants he This Weekend
pulled in 12, two off the record Dec. 13, 14 and 15
made in 1940 by Don Looney of and 15
Philadelphia and equalled in 1942 on State Street
by Hutson of Green Bay. North of Union
Poole, the first of three broth-
ers to star for Mississippi, is an Nursery and Forest
other excellent flanker when it Grown Trees
comes to catching passes. On Reasonably Priced
defense he is a hard tackler.
He lastmade the team in 1939. BALSAM
Wiftert, 215-pound Philadelphia
tackle out of Michigan, has made SPRUCE
the last three All-Pro elevens.
Turner, the Bears' 240-pound PIN E
veteran, was chosen as center for
the fifth time. Turner was ham- Trees furnished by
pered by injuries in the Giant and Forestry Associates, Inc.,
HDart, Michigan


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Diamond pattern . . . of
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sports or casual wear. Col- 4
ors: brown, tan, navy and
light blue with contrasting
Wool Hose Driers
To help wool hose keep
their shape and prevent
shrinkage after washing.
Assures quicker drying,
too. All steel, absolutely
rust-proof. Sizes 10 V to {
13-full or ankle length.
$1.04 pair
de e 14l 1.



Meet the college gang at the SCALP & BLADE
Christmas Night . . . Kleinhans Music Hall
Tickets at Door . . . $5.00 Semi-formal


New Styles First at WILD'S

Publication in The Daily Official
members of the University. Notices
for the Bulletin should be sent in
typewritten form to the office of the
Assistant to the President, Room 1021
Angell Hall, by 3:00 p.m. on the day
preceding publication (11:00 a.m. Sat-
VOL. LVII, No. 69
Users of the Daily Official Bul-
letin. Need of conserving space
makes necessary the following an-
nouncements. (1) Notices of meet-
ings of organizations will be re-
stricted to the name of the organ-
ization concerned, day, time, and
place of meeting, and name of
speaker and subject. (2) Notices
for the D.O.B. must be typewritten
and should be triple-spaced for
editorial convenience.
F. E. Robbins
Faculty members, teaching fel-
lows, and research assistants are
invited to play basketball in a fac-
ulty league and to enter tourna-
ments in squash, handball (singles
and doubles), and paddleball (sin-
gles and doubles). Play will begin
after Christmas vacation. Those
intending to participate should
phone 8109 leaving name, depart-
ment, home address, home phone,
and sports interest. Entries close
Dec. 20.
Deadline for Veteran Book and
Supply Orders: Dec. 20 has been
set as the final date for the ac-
(Continued on page 4)


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