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December 13, 1946 - Image 1

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The Michigan Daily, 1946-12-13

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Latest Deadline in the State


Arms Limit
Plan Okayed
By UN Group
Clash on Troop
Coun Proposal
By The Associated Press
NEW YORK, Dec. 12--A Unit-
ed Nations subcommittee adopted
unanimously today a long range
arms limitation program and then
became involved in a heated
wrangle over a world-wide troop-
armament census project.
The armaments resolution en-
visions prohibition of the atomic
bomb and all major weapons of
war as well as an early reduction
of national armed forces. The res-
olution now must be approved by
the 54-member political commit-
tee of the UN Assembly.
Troop Count Debate
When the subcommittee turned
to the troop count question
charges and counter-charges flew
between the British and the Rus-
sians. The British apparently
were maneuvering to throw the
whole question out of the United
The dispute was on a resolution
calling on all UN members to re-
port on their troops at home and
abroad by Jan. 1. The British in-
NEW YORK, Dec. 12-(A)-
The 5 4-nation Permanent
Headquarters Committee of the
United Nations Assembly voted
33 to 7 tonight to accept the of-
fer of John D. Rockefeller, Jr.,
of an $8,500,000 skyscraper site
in Manhattan as the permanent
home of the world organization.
The decision now goes to the
General Assembly for approval.
troduced an amendment last Tues-
day for a verification of these re-
ports and they said Vyacheslav M.
Molotov, Russian Foreign Minister,
agreed to it f it included arma-
ments as well.
Plan Provisions
The arms limitation resolution
provides generally:
1. Early world-wide arms limi-
tation and reduction of forces.
2. Outlawing of atomic weapons
and other major means of war.
3. International conventions
setting up organizations regulat-
ing arms controls.
4. Inspection and control under
these organizations free of the big
power veto.
5. A balanced reduction of
armed forces by the nations.
6. The expeditious creation of
the international police force for
the United Nations Security Coun-
7. A special session of the gen-
eral assembly to act on conventions
or treaties on arms limitation
which then would be submitted to
the nations for ratification.
300 To Sing
Noted Oratorio
Presenting its annual Christ-
mas project, the University Choral
Union will appear in Handel's
Messiah at 8:30 p.m. tomorrow
and at 3 p.m. Sunday in Hill Au-
Composed of 300 voices, the
group will provide the choral back-
ground for the four soloists who
have been engaged for the double

performance: Lura Stover, so-
prano; Eileen Law, contralto;
Ralph "Lear, tenor and Alden Ed-
kins, bass.
Prof. Throop Asks
Teaching Revamp
International understanding
could be taught at the elemen-
tary school level, by stimulating
national pride in intellectual con-
tributions to the wold rather than
in military might, Prof. Palmer
Throop of the history department
said last night.
Speaking at the second Inter-
nation Students Committee Round
Table, Prof. Throop pointed out
that technoogically the world is
wonderfully prepared for the pop-
ularization and dissemination of
knowledge by a central bureau
through radio, movies, and jaews-
J-Hop Tickets

High Cost of Living
Hits Vets' Savings.
AVC Survey Reveals 80 Percent Must
Spend $43.25 over Monthly Subsistence
This is the second in a series of three articles on the recent cost-of-
living survey conducted by the AVC. The final article will appear Sunday.
War-time savings are the largest factor in balancing the budgets
of the 80 per cent of the University veterans whose living costs average
$43.25 more than their veterans subsistence allowances, according to
tabulations of the AVC cost-of-living survey released yesterday.
Over 82 per cent of the student veterans who would otherwise go
in the red each month are using up their savings, while 21 per cent
of these veterans reported that they had received family gifts and
9.5 said that they had gotten loans, Lorne Cook chairman of the cam-

Percy Still

Ra Re organizes Aencies,

pus AVC chapter reported.
Janitor Troubled
With HBatty' Attic
Chemistry students don't
realize it, but directly above
them is an attic full of bats and
John Nehman, University
student who works part time in
the chemistry building as night
janitor, complained to The
Daily yesterday that "the job
started to get on my nerves
when bats started whirring by
my ears."
"I didn't mind it too much."
he added, "when all I had to
contend with in theattic were
pigeons, dirt and dust."
Nehman protested to the
Plant Department last week
that it's necessary to sweep off
a layer of dust and pigeon fea-
thers from articles (among o-
ther pigeon material) brought
down from the attic.
"If this is any criterion of
the condition of many attics
in campus buildings, I'd sug-
gest that the University declare
a 'Cleanup Week' and correct
the matter."

Cook pointed out that many of
the veterans were receiving fin-
ancial help from two or more
sources, however.
The heaviest drain on savings
was made by the married men
with children, 94 per cent of whom
said that they were making up
their present deficits by using
money put away during the war.
Married men without children re-
ported 82 per cent using this
method, as did 79 per cent of the
single men and 76 per cent of the
single women who are going in
the red.
Family gifts were helping 30.5
per cent of the single men, 18.6 of
the married men with children, 18
per cent of the single women and
16.9 of the married men without
Of the veterans who are staying
in the black each month, 58.8 per
cent are working, while only 14.9
of those going in the red have,
Budget Difficulties
The relations between working
and budget difficulties was illus-
trated most strongly by the single
men student veterans. Over 73 per
cent of those in the black were
working, but only 11.6 of the vet-
erans going in the red each month
had jobs.
Of the veterans staying in the
black, 60 per cent of the single
women, 46 per cent of the married
men with children and 36 per cent
of the married men without chil-
dren are working. Those going in
the red show 33 per cent of the
married men with children, 18 per
cent of the married men without
children and 11 per cent of the
single women are working.
:k 1k 4,
VA Declares

Ten Medics
To Graduate
With Honors..
The names of the Medical
School seniors who will graduate
with distinction in the commence-
ment exercises to be. held at 10
a.m. tomorrow in Rackham Lec-
ture Hall were announced yester-
Those named are: Robert P.
Dobbie, Jr., Fred Feigenson, Rob-
ert L. Harding, Walter R. John-
son, Jr., Lloyd J. Lemmen, Clay-
ton Lewis, Jr., John R. McWil-
liams, Otis W. Schorling, Freder-
ick E. Shideman, and Roger F.
Speaker for the occasion will be
Dr. Udo J. Wile, professor of der-
matology and syphilology at the
Medical School. The Reverend
Chester H. Loucks of the First
Baptist Church will give the in-
vocation. Also participating in the
program will be the Men's Glee
Club, under the direction of David
Mattern. President Alexander G.
Ruthven will preside.
Officers for the Class of 1946,
which is the Medical School's last
wartime speed-up group, are: Ed-
ward P. Gillette, president; Rob-
ert J. Gosling, vice-president;
Joyce M. Carrow, secretary, and
Peter J. Farago, treasurer. Alumni
secretary is Kenneth D. Arm.
The graduates, six of whom are
women, will take internships in
hospitals throughout the United
States and in Panama to complete
their professional training.
Legislature Officers
Additional officers elected by
the Student Legislature Wednes-
day include Terrell Whitsitt,
treasurer, and, Tom Walsh and
Virginia Councell, representatives-

On Lawsuit
Landlord Unmoved
On Eviction Stand
Percy the Elevator Dog and his
landlord, W. E. Armstrong still
aren't on speaking terms.
Armstrong, who served notice
Wednesday on Percy's master,
Ronald Johnson, University stu-]
dent-veteran, that Percy must go,
isn't on speaking terms with any-
body-especially newspapermen.
"I'll do my talking in court,"
he said.
As it stands now unless John-
son gets rid of Percy within seven
days, he faces an eviction notice.
George Burke, attorney for
Johnson, said that he thought his
client had a very strong case.
After all," he said, "the dog
and his master were living there
before Armstrong took posses-
sion of the place and Percy can
hardly be considered an 'ob-
jectionable person or a nuis-
"Percy may not be in the social
register, but he's a friendly little
fellow and I don't see how any-
body could get angry at him."
Unmoved by the storm of con-
troversy which he has created,
Percy appeared calm when queried
yesterday. "If they don't settle
this controversy soon, it looks like
bothdmy master and I will be in
the dog house," Percy commented
as he ruefully eyed accounts of
his plight in yesterday's newspa-
Further support was given to
Percy and his master by Wash-
tenaw County Prosecuting At-
torney John W. Rae, who of-
fered a curbstone opinion.
"Johnson is in a good position if
he can get the original landlady
(Mrs. Wurster) to testify that she
knew of the dog's presence when
she leased the apartment," he said.
UAW To Ask
For Wage Lift
Of 235 Cents
NEW YORK, Dec. 12 - () -
Walter Reuther said tonight the
CIO United Automobile Workers
would ask for a 23.5 cents per hour
general wage increase for the un-
ion's 900,000 members.
Reuther, the Union president,
announced this and other de-
mands at a news conference fol-
lowing a session of the UAW's In-
ternational Executive Board.
He said the 23.5 cents demand
was in addition to the previously
announced proposals for an equal-
ization fund, a social security pro-
gram and a retirement plan for the
workers in the industry.
Reuther said the wage boost was
necessary to "restore to the work-
ers in our industry what has been
taken from them by the rise in the
cost of living since the beginning
of the year."
Spokesmen for Ford, Chrysler
and General Motors-the Big
Three of the auto industry-de-
clined immediate comment on
Reuther's announcement.
Reuther said the average wage
per hour in the industry at present
is $1.33,, and that the 23.5 cents
boost would make a total increase
of 53.8 cents per hour since Janu-
ary, 1941.
The UAW president blaming

"the unbridled power of the great
corporations" for inflation, de-
clared that since the first of the
year "the drive of major industries
to smash price control has gained
its ends, and our workers along
with all other American families
are paying the price for the sur-
render of Congress and of the gov-
ernment to industry pressure."

Hell Aircraft and for supersonic speed of 1,700 miles per hour, wasc
tude of 25,000 feet where it was cast loose for its first flight under9
Goodlin, 23 year old test pilot who flew the little 31-foot craft at a
Los Angeles, California, that he expected it will r each the 1,700 m
predict for it. (AP Wirephoto from U.S. Air Forc es)
AAUP Takes Optimistic View
On UStudents' Problems

ifts Controls to

New Office,

Most Michigan
Checks Sent
DETROIT, Dec. 12 - (AP) - A
Veterans Administration spokes-
man said today only 8,968 of
Michigan's 65,590 veterans in state
educational institutions have not
received federal subsistence
Jack Armstrong, public rela-
tions official for the VA's Detroit
office, declared that a statewide
survey was made after numerous
complaints, many of them from GI
students at University of Michi-
Breaking down the state into
VA districts, Armstrong stated that
Jackson district, comprising the U.
of M. and Michigan State,
showed 3,653 veterans who have
not received checks.
* * *
Post Office Holds
More Vet Checks
The Ann Arbor Main Post Of-
fice is holding government checks
for the following veterans, the
Veterans Service Bureau an-
nounced yesterday.
Cretsinger, Francis C.; Eneaney,
William P.; Flynn, Robert A.;
Hosmer, Max E,; Huffman, Ralph
E.; Nadeau, Albert H.; Schneider-
man, Robert; Shuck, Virgil D.;
Wilson, Charles E., Jr.; Wilner,
Julian P. and Wibel, Mary B. (2
These checks will be reurned to
the Cleveland Treasury office Dec.

A high note of optimism regard-
ing the University's problems of
overcrowding was struck at the
meeting of the Michigan chapter
of the American Association of
university Professors yesterday at
the Union.
Participating in the panel were
Peter Ostafin, chief resident ad-
visor of the West Quadrangle,
Prof. Carlton F. Wells, of the Eng-
lish department, Harold Guetzkow,
specialist on testing in the psy-
chology department, and Prof. Ar-
thur Van Duren, chairman of aca-
demic counselors.
That the residence halls have
lost sight of the individual and
are forced to deal mainly with
broad problems was cited by Os-
tafin as the chief housing prob-
Methods being used in West
Quad to combat this trend include
an increased ratio of personnel to
residents, creation of study halls
under the supervision of counsel-
lors, emphasis on faculty-student
relationships and expansion of
educational and athletic activi-
In discussing problems of the
staff, Prof. Wells exploded the
present notion that there is a
B C.
B"ilbo Witness
Claims Threat
WASHINGTON, Dec. 12-(A)-
A story of death threats against a
key witness was laid before the
Senate War Investigating Com-
mittee today as it pressed an in-
quiry into allegations that Sena-
tor Bilbo (Dem., Miss.) reaped
benefits from his relations with
war contractors.
George Meader, committee
counsel, said the witness is Ed-
ward P. Terry, former secretary to
Bilbo. Meader said the commit-
tee has been unable to learn his
whereabouts since last Saturday
and that efforts to subpoena him
have been unsuccessful.

es Steelman His Assistant

shortage of qualified and expe-
rienced teachers. He asserted that
"we can come closer to fulfilling
our teaching obligations to fresh-
men by raising the salary scale in
order to attract a more experi-
enced staff."
He pointed out that the Univer-
sity should rely less on teaching
fellows and part-time teachers
than it has in past years because
of their lack of experience -and
their preoccupation with gradu-
ate studies.
To learn how to evaluate stu-
dents and how to pace their study
habits is the function of exami-
nations, according to Guetzkow,
who discussed problems of testing.
Guetzkow asserted that essay
tests, if graded properly, can give
as objective results as short an-
See AAUP, Page 2
Coed Knitting
Frowned On
League Council Calls
Mitten-Making Rude
Is knitting in classrooms a dis-
courtesy and distraction to pro-
Discussing the question in their
meeting this week, the League
Council decided that it was defi-
nitely discourteous and voted to
ask the coeds, through the House
Presidents Association, to refrain.
Alice C. Lloyd, Dean of Women,
said that she was gratified by the
Council's decision and that it had
been brought to her attention that
some of the professors are defi-
nitely disturbed and distracted by
the more or less perpetual motion
they see in some corners of their
The Council's action is only a
request and recommendation,
Ellen Hill, president of the League,
said. "We are not a police body
and would have no way to enforce
a regulation if we did set one up."

rocket-propelled plane, built by
carried aloft by a B-29 to an alti-
its own power. Chalmers (Slick)
about 550 miles an hour, said at
iles per hour which its designers
Scores .Buried
As Tenement
Building Falls
Rescue Squads Work
To Remove Debris
NEW YORK, Dec. 12-(P)-The
13th body was dragged from the
mass of wreckage of a six-story
upper Manhattan tenement to-
night--21 hours after the building
suddenly collapsed entombing
many of its 95 residents.
Rescuers still dug frantically in
the debris, spurred by the voice of
one man still heard in the sham-
bles. He was believed to be Joseph
Arigo, 60, a 265-pound chef.
Many of the 21 still missing in
the disaster were children.
The 10th body was that of Mrs.
Theresa Green, 35, wife of Walter
Green, a 40-year-old bartender,
whose body had been removed a
few minutes earlier. Firemen dig-
ging in the debris said they be-
lieved they had sighted another
Before the recovery of the bodies
of Mr. and Mrs. Green, police
commissioner Arthur W. Wallan-
der had said that eight were
known dead, 29 in hospitals, 34
missing and 24 evacuated.
Ninety-five persons lived in the
tenement, which was sliced in two
as if by a giant ax when a two-
foot thick ice plant wall toppled
against it after a five-alarm fire
in the plant.
Police Capt. Thomas Hannegan
said that some of the persons un-
accounted for might have escaped
and gone to hospitals or homes of
friends or relatives. But he add-
"We believe that the 21 persons
for whom we cannot account at
this time was buried in the debris."
Campus' Rally
To Consider
Student Union
An all campus rally to discuss
the purpose of the Chicago Student
Conference, Dec. 28 to 30, will be
held at 7:30 p.m. Monday in the
Union ballroom by the Unity Com-
mittee, an organization represent-
ing 15 campus groups.
Dr. Charles H. Peake of the
English department will introduce
the speaker, Albert Houghton, a
delegate from the University of
Wisconsin to the International
Union of Students Conference in
Prague last summer.
The four delegates from the Stu-
dent Legislature who will attend
the Chicago conference, will con-
duct a discussion of its purpose.

Latest Order
Shelves OPA
With 3 Others
War Powers Remain
Because of Strikes
By The Associated Press
WASHINGTON, Dec. 12-In a
sweeping reorganization of the
once vast bureaucracy which
wielded war and reconversion
powers, President Truman threw
all remaining controls into a new
temporary agency in an economy
move today and appointed John
R. Steelman as assistant to the
The President said that only
the strikes kept him from junking
the war emergency powers entire-
The order kills off the dying
OPA and makes only a memory of
this controversial outfit which
played an unprecedented part in
the daily life of the entire popula-
A small new agency was set
up 'headed by Maj. Gen. Philip
B. Fleming, an army engineer
often drafted for administrative
jobs. It is officially called the
Office of Temporary Controls,
and inevitably will become
known as the OTC.
Into it, for eventual liquidation,
go the remaining powers and func-
tions of:
The Office of Price Administra-
tion. The only price controls left
are those on rents, sugar ald rice
and they expire June 30 unless
Congress extends them. Mr. Tru-
man is expected to request contin-
uation of rent controls, at least.
He told his news conference he
knows of no program to grant rent
increases but the OPA has been
reported working on one. Paul
Porter resigned as OPA adminis-
trator last week.
The Civilian Production Ad-
ministration. Its priority powers,
except those covering building
materials, die March 31 unless
Congress continues them. It al-
ready has rescinded virtually all
its war-time controls over industry
except the ban on making two-
pants suits. Its chief, John D.
Small, also quit last week.
The order also terminates im-
mediately the Office of War
Mobilization and Reconversion
and the Office of Economic Sta-
bilization, and marks the Wage
Stabilization Board for liquida-
tion Feb. 24.
Steelman now is appointed as-
sistant to the President and the
chief function of the OWMR is
transferred to him in that capac-
ity. This is the authority to is-
sue directives to other federal
agencies for the purpose of recon-
ciling conflicts in programs and
policies. Steelman will have "a
small staff," the President an-
nounced, and will continue as
Law Favored
America can take a great and
progressive step toward the reali-
zation of true democracy by en-
acting Federal Anti-lynching leg-
That is the opinion of Rev.
Charles Hill, president of the De-
troit chapter of the National As-
sociation for the Advancement of
Colored Peoples, who addressed
University students yesterday dur-
ing a rally sponsored by the Cam-
pus Anti-lynching Committee.
"Lynching goes unpunished in

the South because Federal law
enforcement officers are only per-
mitted to secure evidence which
must be turned over to local auth-
orities, who are reluctant to prose-
cute lynchers," Rev. Hill declared,.
Library Official
Asks Cooperation
In a letter to 163 campus house
presidents, Library circulation

Bureau of Government Provides Aid To State

The University Institute of Pub-'
lic Administration, which was set
up to train future public admin-
istrators and research specialists,
is also providing direct services to

ice and is provided without
The Institute, which trains stu-
dents as public administrators, re-
quires that each candidate for the
masters degree spend the equiva-
lent of one semester's University

ernment. "We try to anticipate
problems which will come up and
do research which will be useful
in dealing with them," Prof. Ford
In 1938 a special Tax Study
Commission was created by the

The Bureau has worked closely
with others of these special study
commissions, Prof. Ford said. In
1942 the governor appointed a
Public Education Study Commis-
sion to investigate the organiza-
tion and financing of the public

the purposes, functions and or-
ganization of all state offices, was
issued by the Bureau in coopera-
tion with the State Budget Office.
This is now being revised, and a
new edition will be published after
the next session of the Legislature.

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