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December 12, 1946 - Image 4

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The Michigan Daily, 1946-12-12

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ortageofChildren s Clothes


,6l1 Or 7/ thian9


OVER 20 per cent of the Dutch children
cannot attend school on stormy or cold
days because they do not have shoes or
sufficient clothing. Almost no new clothing
has been bought in Holland for the last
six years.
In Poland, France, Belgium and other
European countries, similar conditions pre-
The defeatist attitude which will re-
sult if European students are unable to
get an education should be of concern to
University students. It is the lack of
trained doctors, lawyers, scientists and
educators which makes possible a serf

The Germans attempted to produce such
an effect in countries which they occupied
by destroying schools and murdering profes-
sors and students. The lack of shoes and
clothing during the bitterly cold winters in
Europe may act in a similarly destructive
manner, unless Americans send clothing to
Today is the last day of the Bundle Days
drive conducted by the University Famine
Conmittee to collect shoes and clothing for
shipment overseas through the Save the
Children Federation.
The procedure in making contributions
is simply to wrap and tie clothing into
bundles and take them to Lane Hall,
drive headquarters. League houses which'
have been contacted by members of the
drive committee, will have pickups Friday
through Sunday.
Ev'ery University student should have
some article of clothing which he has out-
worn or which he rarely wears. These gar-
ments can be put to full use by the under-.
clad European students.
-Harriet Friedman

tory, has been
the responsibilities

with his flare for ora-
carrying the brunt of
as spokesman for the



Editorials published in The Michigan Daily
are written by members of The Daily staff
and represent the views of the writers only.

r~rr it Q

American Strike Dilemma

WE KNOW from the recent coal strike
that a strike in a basic industry can
quickly paralyze our whole national econ-
omy. We know also that it would be totali-
tarian to deny labor its basic right to strike.
This dilemma, which all America faces
today, can be resolved only by changing
our whole approach to labor-management
relations, which at present regards labor and
management as two opposing forces.
The way to solve the dilemma, that is,
to put an end to strikes and to protect
the rights of labor at the same time, is
for management to give labor a share in
the profits and losses, and also a share
in the responsibility for management
Management would benefit because there
would be fewer strikes. Union leaders, work-
ing to increase the profit bonuses in the
workers' paychecks and having access to
the company's books, would be less likely
to call a strike, especially if they knew the
company was unable to afford a wage
The coal miners, for example, would have
had much less desire to go on strike if they
knew that a portion of the mine owners'
profits would automatically be returned to
them at the end of each month in. profit
bonuses. Nor would their leaders have called
a strike so quickly if they knew that part
of the losses the company sustained would
have had to come out of the union treasury.
Labor stands to benefit by the profit-
sharing plan because it would have a
much greater say in the operation of the
plant. Being a part of management,
union leaders could enforce safety and
health regulations, and could work more

effectively at improving working condi-
tions with management authority vested
in them.
THE PUBLIC would no longer have to
suffer from, labor-management disputes
because labor and management would be
working for the same ends. They would be
partners cooperating together for profits.
Some people say that labor has no right
to tell management how to run its business.
Under our system, management has a per-
fect right to expect profits and make de-
cisions. But labor should not be a mere
slave to management; it is more than a
mere commodity, and as such has a right
to a voice in industry.
The profit sharing plan was advocated
by Eric Johnston, former president of the
Chamber of Commerce. It has already
proved itself in several plants in differ-
ent parts of the country. It is neither
communistic or socialistic, for it merely
applies the age-old profit incentive to
labor unions.
The capitalistic system can be made to
work better by making everyone, worker and
employer, a capitalist. We can keep gov-
ernment out of business only by giving the
worker a share in business. Only when
labor's wages are tied to company profits,
will the two work harmoniously together.
However, if capitalism continues to allow,
only the management side to make profits,
labor will eventually ask, as they did in
Britain and are doing in France, for the
government to take industry over and to
operate on a non-profit basis. Then we will
have socialism and our free enterprise sys-
tem will be gone.
-Walt Hofl iAnn

United States delegation at Lake Success.
With amazing versatility he has talked
around the crux of every important issue
which has been brought to the UN's floor.
His most recent circumlocution has been
on the Franco issue. In response to Trygve
Lie's early proposal to break off relations
with Spain, approved by a majority of the
delegations since thattime, Mr. Connally
took the offensive, more as a face-saving
measure than for any other reason. Re-
move Franco from office and hold demo-
cratic elections for a constituent assembly
was his rebuttal. This, in the form of a
resolution to the Spanish people, when the
guns and bullets are on Franco's side. In
effect he calledl for some sort of supernat-
ural exertion of will by a subjected and
shackled people whose only weapons are
an unyielding faith in the future and a
profound hatred of Fascisni.
Any efforts by the Political and Security
Committee of the General Assembly to
put forth a fighting resolution were dog-
gedly rejected by the white-haired Sen-
ator. Mr. Shaweross, the British delegate,
was at least honest in his refusal to
sinction an open break with the dictator.
He has stated that Britain needs Franco's
business. (Of course, he is speaking for
the Capitalists. The British Trade Union
Congress, including Bevin's own Trans-
port Union, has gone on record for a
break with Franco.)
IT IS this "business first" motive of the
British and American delegations which
has brought to the floor such criticisms as
little El Salvador's, that "behind a silk cur-
tain of procedure" we are assisting Franco
Spain to remain in power. More and more,
but for those Latin and South American
countries who are absolutely dominated by
American capital, their representatives are
speaking independently of the United States.
After lon gand bitter debates, the Polit-
ical and Security Committee of the General
Assembly was able to pass a resolution,
over American objections, for the recall of
all Ambassadors and Ministers from Spain.
This victory in the Assembly Committee
1does by no means indicate that a two-
thirds vote is assured on the Assembly
floor, without which the resolution be-
comes no more than a sentiment.
Not until pressure is brought to bear upon
our own Administration will any measure
of success be achieved against the dictator.
Withdrawal of Ambassadors by some of the
members would be futile, indeed, if our own
ships continue to carry arms and oil.
-E. E. Ellis
0 Campus Mores: Family
If Anywhere
WE DON'T expect a soul to believe this,
but it's God's truth that a young man,
presumably a married student veteran, stood
under the erstwhile sacred Engine Arch
yesterday holding a skein of blue yarn with-
out so much as a f'aint blush while a young
woman wound it competently into a firm,
round ball,
We've taken too many sociology courses
to dispute the value of the family as an
institution, but we do find this insidious
penetration of domesticity into the aca-
demic life positively hair raising.
We've said it, and we'll say it again. A
man's yarn-holding place is in the home!
*I *
Kill-joy Month
IN CURIOUS juxtaposition on the mar-
quee of a local theatre was the announce-
ment of the current showing, Ernest
Hemingway's "The Killers" and, in small-
er, red, holly-laden letters, the legend
"December Is Joy Month."
i,"Ma'ybe the old Yule spirit isn't what

it used to be.
Better Die than ,
THE academic pressure that exists this
year has produced signs of unusual
courage in at least one harried coed.
While manipulating her bike across the
treacherous crossing at State and North U,
she was horrified to observe her Human
Ecology notes fluttering from her notebook
to the center of the congested thoroughfare.
Abandoning caution to the same winds
that sent the irreplaceable pages flying, our
heroine parked the bike and dashed into
the oncoming traffic to retrieve the way-
ward papers.
An interested passerby casually observed
that she might be killed.
"Better to get killed than flunk my Human
Ecology exam," was the retort magnifique.
Contributions to this column are by all mem-
bers of The Daily staff, anl are the responsibility
of the editorial director.

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Letters to the Editor...


Toward Russian Equilibrium

S OME slow progress towards peace is being
made. At the Waldorf-Astoria in New
York City, the four foreign ministers have
gotfarenoughso that they can announce that
sometime next February, it should be pos-
sible to sign peace treaties with the five
minor ex-enemies, Italy, Rumania, Bulgaria,
Hungary and Finland. These treaties are
'not going to satisfy many Americans. But
they are about all we could hope to get at
the present time. It would be a mistake
for the Senate not to ratify them. About
the same time, a new conference for mak-
ing peace with Germany should be getting
under way. The eventual treaty with Japan
has not yet been scheduled.
Out at Lake Success beyond Utopia Park-
way, the U.N. has taken a first step in the
direction of eliminating manufacture and
use of the atomic bomb and possibly other
Yet it would, however, be a big mistake to
think that the fundamental difficulties that
have divided the Soviet Union and the
western Democracies are disappearing. They
are still with us - despite an undoubtedly
less sticky attitude on the part of Moscow.
It was, for instance, impossible for the
U.N. Assembly to reach an agreement to
do anything effective about eliminating
the usurper Franco from the government
of Spain. The United States and BritainL
effectively blocked any concrete action.
Their alleged motives are respect for
Spanish sovereignty and the desire to pre-
vent a second Spanish civil war. But
since Franco came into power through
the passive assistance of the United States
and Britain and a peculiarly ferocious
civil war, these reasons sound like pre-
texts. More important with Washington
and London is the firm intention of tak-
ing no chances of the emergence of a
Spanish government docile to the wishes
of Moscow. .
ELSEWHERE too, the tug-of-war goes on.
Premier Qavam of Iran has launched
a desperate venture in his effort to keep
the northern Iranian province of Azerbaijan.
Under Soviet occupation and with Soviet

baijan a so-called autonomous government
that has obeyed Moscow and defied Teheran.
Elections held under the insurgents would
have confirmed the virtual detachment of
the province. Hence Qavam's gamble. If it
succeeds it will mean the recovery of a
virtually lost territory. If it fails then the
shadow of the Kremlin slides forward.
In Greece, the government charges that
Albania, Yugoslavia and Bulgaria are back-
ing the now almost completely communist
Greek insurgents in an effort to attach
Greek Macedonia to the Soviet sphere. If
Macedonia went the rest of Greece could
hardly be preserved.
At any time the Soviets' can start a
first-class fight by a renewal of their de-
mands to control the Dardenelles (as they
would in any partnership with Turkey
from which the Western powers were
In China, the war between the National
Government and the Communists is blaz-
ing fiercely.
Iran, Greece, the Dardanelles and China
are serious issues. The most serious is
Western Europe. The Western democracies'
have been pushed and maneuvered into
relinquishing Eastern Europe as far west
as the Luebeck-Triests 'Line to Russia.
But whereas Western Germany is firmly
in democratic hands, the rest of Europe
is not.
The key to the difficulty is France. With
France riddled by Communism and seek-
ing a desperate "neutrality" between to-
talitarianism and democracy, Western
Europe is neither militarily nor ideologic-
ally safe.
YET UNTIL Western Europe is definitely
lined up with the West, there will be
no European equilibrium. Until there is a.
European equilibrium, the Western democ-
racies will not have reached a state of
equality with the Soviet Union. Until they
have, it is premature to talk of reaching or
even of seeking a general settlement with
Russia. For as long as matters remain in
flux Moscow has'no real interest in such a
Once European equilibrium is reached,

(Continued from Page 2)
Seniors and Graduates in Aero-
nautical Engineering on Dec. 12
and 13, Rm. B-47 E. Engineering
Bldg. For interview, sign schedule
on Aeronautical Engineering Bul-
letin Board.
Application blanks for Scholar-
ships and Fellowships in the
Graduate School for 1947-1948
may be secured from the Office of
the Graduate School between Dec.
9, and, Feb. 15. No applications
will be accepted after the latter
Swimming and sports for coup-
les every Friday evening at the
Intramural Sports Building.
Farragut College and Technical
Institute, a new college recently
established at the former U. S.
Naval Training Center, Farragut,
Idaho, desires to engage educa-
tional progressive-minded staff
members interested in joining a
forward looking institution, which
is establishing curricula which
more closely fit the needs of cur-'
rent students and the actual needs
of the professions, business, and
industry of today.
Instructors, assistant professors,
associate professors, and profes-
sors are needed in the fields of
Chemistry, Physics, Mathematics,
Engineering, Geology, Botany, Zo-
ology, Agrfculture, Forestry, Eng-
lish, Sociology, Political Science,
History, Economics, Education,
Business Administration, Com-
parative Religion, Meteorology,
Home Economics, Commercial Art,
Modern Languages, and Trade and,
Industrial Education.
Call the Bureau of Appoint-
ments and Occupational Informa-
tion, 201 Mason Hall, for further
Men of Buffalo, and Erie Co.,
N. Y., interested in becoming
members of the Michigan chapter
of Scalp and Blade call Hal Beam,
The Michigan Bell Telephone
Company will interview men stu-
dents graduating in January at
the Bureau of Appointments, 201
Mason Hall, Fri., Dec. 13, for po-
sitions in Commercial, Traffic, and
Accounting Departments. Call
4121, ext. 371, for an appointment.
International Center: Thurs., 4
p.m., Weekly Tea; Fri., 4 p.m.,
Weekly Tea Dance; Sat. 5 p.m.,
Christmas Party.
Willow Village
West Court Community Bldg.
Thurs., 8:00 p.m., University
Extension Class in Psychology;
8:00 p.m., Art-Craft Work Shop.
Demonstration of Textile Painting
and Water Colors.
Fri., Dec. 18, 8:00 p.m., Classi-
cal Music Record Concert.
Sat., Dec. 14, 3:00-5:30 p.m.,
Tea given by President and Mrs.
Alexander G. Ruthven for wives
of all University students and fa-
culty members living in Willow
West Lodge
Thurs. Dec. 12, 6:30 p.m., Ta-
ble tennis - singles elimination in
Fri., Dec. 13, 8:30 p.m., U. of M.
Student Record Dance.
Sat., Dec. 14, 8:00 p.m., Inform-
al bridge session.

Dr. Wolfgang Stechow, profes-
sor of Fine Arts at Oberlin College,
will lecture on the subject "Rem-
brandt; Genius and Tradition"
(illustrated with lantern slides),
in the Rackham Amphitheatre at
4:15 p.m. Friday., Dec. 13; auspices'
of the Department of Fine Arts.
The public is cordially invited.
Lecture: Prof. P. W.. Slosson,
History Department, Prof. M.
Thomson, Sociology Department,
Michigan State Normal College,
and others will lecture on the sub-
ject, "The Armenian Question," at
8:00 p.m. Sun., Dec. 15, Rackham
Lecture Hall; auspices of Tu
Beta Pi and Eta Kappa Nu Honor
Societies and the Armenian Stu-
dents Association.
Academic Notices
Physical Chemistry Seminar
meet at 4:15 p.m., Thurs., Dec. 12,
Rm. 151, Chemistry Bldg. Mr.
Raymond O'Rourke will speak on
"Studies on Semi-Conductors.
Part II." Open meeting.
Mathematics Seminar on Sto-
cliastic Processes meet at 3 p.m.,
Thurs., Dec. 12, 317 W. Engineer-
ing. Mr. Max Woodbury will dis-
cuss Markoff Chains.
Wildlife Management Seminar
at 4:30 p.m., Mon., Dec. 16, Rm.
2039, Natural Science Bldg. Df. G.
W. Bradt, of the Game Division,
Department of Conservation, will
speak on the Beaver in Michigan.
All students in Wildlife Manage-
ment are expected to attend.
Student Recital: Richard Gool-
ian, student of piano under Joseph
Brinkman, will present a recital at
8:30 p.m., Thurs., Dec. 12, Rack-
ham Assembly Hall. Given in par-
tial fulfillment of the requirements
for the degree of Master of Music.
The program will be open to the
general public.
Events Today
University Radio Program:
3:30 p.m., Station WPAG, 1050
Kc. World Masterpieces.
Michigan Chapter AAUP meet-
at 6:15 p.m., Union. There will be
a presentation by a panel of
"Teaching Problems Arising From
An Overcrowded University," with
a discussion period following. Join
Union Cafeteria line at 6:15 and
take trays to the lunchroom of
the Faculty Club for social hour
and program.
Association of U. of M. Scientist
Discussion Group on Atomic En-
ergy meets at 7:15 p.m., West
Council Room, Rackham Bldg.
Regular Thursday Evening Rec-
ord Concert sponsored by the
Graduate School will include
Bach's first four Brandenburg
Concertos, Rachmaninoff's Rhap-
sody for Piano, and Schubert's
Rondo in B minor. Graduate stu-
dents invited.
Engineering Open House Coin
mittee meeting at 4:30 p.m., 243
W. Engineering Bldg.
Graduate Outing Club square-
(Continued on Page 5)

EDITOR'S NOTE: Wo letter to the
editor will be printed unless signed
and written in good taste. Letters
over 300 a ards in length will be
shortened or omitted; in special in-
stances, they will be printed, at the
discretion of the editorial director.
Drscritrninatioii Cnhrge
To the Editor:
HAVE long known that there
is discrimination against Ne-
groes in some Ann Arbor places
of business. I have also long
known that Negroes are dischim-
hiated against in various student
organizations. It was not until
recently that I discovered that
Negroes are denied the use of cer-
tain University facilities.
Weekend before last a colored
friend of mine came to Ann Ar-
bor. Before my friend arrived,
another friend of mine tried to
get her a room for one night at
the League.
The person at the desk in
the League said that the League
has never rented any of its
rooms to Negroes.
I found this so difficult to be-
lieve that I inquired of a dif-
ferent League employe if this
were true. I received the same
information that my friend had.
We both also learned that Negroes
are allowed to rent rooms in the
It would be most interesting to
know why Negroes are systemat-
ically denied the use of one of
the University's facilities.
-Robert P. Weeks
EDITOR'S NOTE: According to Miss
Ruth Goodlander, business manager
of the Leaguie, the League has no
policy on Negro guests, 'that I know."
Miss Goodiander cited instances in
which Negro concert artists (e.g.
Dorothy Mynor) have stayed in the
League, anid pointed to the League's
hotel faciities of 20 guest rooms as
explanation of the incident men-
tioned in the above letter.
Ticket Confiscatlion
To the Editor.:
IN REPLY to Mr. Richard Mc-
Cormack's recent request for
clarification of ambiguities, and in
as much as others may require
further enlightenment, I shall at-
tempt to examine the situation
more clearly. Mr. Baker of the
Athletic Dept. requested my foot-
ball tickets to check against his
records. After gaining possession
of them by this false representa-
tion, he kept both tickets and
coupon book without reimburse-
ment. Assuming a moral and le-
gal right to operate under these
false colors, he still would be un-
justified to take such drastic meas-
ures without proof of misuse.
You state that the confiscated
articles are "non transferable"
and "Subject of Forfeiture if
Presented by Other than Orig-
inal Owner." I happen to be
the original owner, and a con-
fiscated ticket is unlikely to be
be presented. You wl note
that the contract referred to
does not designate anyone with
authority to -confiscate. The
normal procedure for confisca-
tion would be in a duly consti-
tuted court of law upon proper
proof and not upon mere sus-
picion. Too many innocent per..
sons would be forcibly parted
from their property were it not
so. I realize that this is the
constitutional method in other
states, but let me refer you to
Michigan's own Judge Cooley
in his Constitutional Law, 450,
for a Michigan view, quote, Nor
can a party by his misconduct
so forfeit a right that it may
be taken from him without ju-
dicial proceedings, in which the
forfeiture shall be declared in
due form, unquote.
Such is the American prece-
dent. It is wholly foreign to our
legal concepts and established

procedure that the prosecutor or
accuser, the judge, and the one
standing to profit from the for-
feiture shall be one and the same
person. Yet, this seems tobe the
method: employed by the Uni-
versity. At the very least would
it not seem proper that ticket re-
ceipts should be given, and proper
entries made on the books in
order to reflect their true status?
The present system is so pregnant
with opportunity for evil and in-
justice that corrections should be
made at once. Humbly I make
what is intended for a construc-
tive suggestion. Some disinterest-
ed tribunal should be substituted
for the despotic tactics of Mr.
Baker, and the University could,
in fine, pay lip service to demo-
cratic orderly processes. Is it too
much to ask the State of Michi-
gan and the University for the
benefit of Constitutional guaran-
I regret that due to my am-
biguity you did not grasp the
essence of my first letter. The
heat of righteous anger undoubt-
edly helped cloud the issue. Why

were my tickets taken, youask.
That is exactly the point I tried
to raise, and you may be sure my
prosecutor, my judge, and my
preesnt custodian of my property,
alone knows the answer. To date
he has declined to comment.
-Warren C. White
* * *
Anti-Lynch Bill
To the Editor:
AT the present few of us are
aware that we are in the midst
of a 100-day campaign for the en-
actment of a Federal anti-lynch
bill. This campaign will culmi-
nate in a march on Washington
when Congress convenes January
3, 1947 to be led by Paul Robeson.
In the past 75 years, there
have been two hundred and
three recorded lynchings in time
United States, and many more
unrecorded ones. The situation
is becoming progressively worse,
and even though a victory was
won in the Columbia, Tennessee
case when the judges were lib-
eral enough to acquit some in-
nocent Negroes, we must also
recall the fact that Thurgood
Marshall, the chief counsel of
the NAACP, was arrested near
Columbia and nearly jailed be-
cause he had defended the Ne-
groes in the riot rtials.
A case reminiscent of the Isaac
Woodward blinding took place
last week, when Pfc. James Mitch-
ell, stationed at Camp Kilmer, had
his right eye gouged out by a
white war veteran. The veteran,
objecting to Mitchell's presence
in a local tavern, attacked him
with a jagged piece of beer glass
and escaped before anyone could
Such incidents of brute force
and violence are reuerring almost
every day and something has to
be done to stop such medieval
practices in this country. The
present campaign to oust Bilbo
from the Senate shows an in-
creasing awareness of the people
of the unfair and undemocratic
situation concerning the Ameri-
can Negro. Thursday night at
7:15 p.m., IRA, MYDA, AVC and
the Lawyers' Guild are jointly
sponsoring an Anti-Lynching ral-
ly at the Union. This is the time
'for all of us to act and to petition
our repreesntatives in Congress
to oust Bilbo, and to enact an
Anti-Lynch bill. The Senate has
the power to deny Bilbo the right
to take the oath of office, but
whether the Senate acts depends
on the sweeping demand of the
people. Now is the time for sin-
cere Americans to °join in wip-
ing out this national menace to
-Hanny Gross
Dorothy Wilson
Dean Lloyd's Views
To the Editor:
IE think that most people on
campus will agree with us
that too much space has been giv-
en in The Daily to Dean Lloyd's
remarks on women's apparel...
All the women on campus are
well aware of hernattitudefrom
house meetings and notices post-
ed. It can hardly be of interest
to others, and its repetition .in
The Daily serves only as an un-
pleasant reminder.
We wish that Dean Lloyd could
think of the dorms as our homes
and not try to hold the women
down in an artificial atmosphere.
KSally Dremmier
Kathryn Ellison

Fifty-Seventh Year
Edited and managed by students of
the University of Michigan under the
authority of the Board in control of
Student Publications.
Editorial Staff
Robert .Goldman .....Managing Editor
Milton Freudenheim .Editorial Diector
Clayton Dickey...........City Ediltor
Mary Brush..........Associate Editor
Ann Kutz ............Associate Editor
Paul Harsha ..........Associate Editor
Clark Baker ............. Sports Editor
Des Howarth . .Associate Sports Editor
Jack Martin ...Associate Sports Editor
Joan Wilk.........Women's Editor
Lynne Ford . Associate Women's Editor
Business Staff
Robert E. Potter ....Business Managel
Evelyn Mills
......Associate Business Manager
Janet Cork Associate Business Manager
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