---7- STHURSDAY, DECEMBER 12, 1946 THE MICHIGAN TifA TT.V PAGE 1 1.1 lil 111 1 Lw 1111]/ L'11 \ 1 / 1'\ l..l./ L THE BIG SPLASH .- Feature Breast Stroke In Swim Meet Saturday There's a 100-yard breast stroke race on Saturday night's State AAU Swim Gala card and it may develop into the hottest battle of the evening with five Michigan natators slated to battle it out for the title in the Sports Building pool. Of the quintet of Bob Sohl, Pat Hayes, Irv Einbinder, Bill Upthe- grove and Bob Dunlop who are competing for varsity spots on Matt Mann's 1946-47 squad, only Upthegrove and Dunlop are newcomers to the Maize and Blue. Sohl lettered last year as a freshman and rapidly became the Wolverine's No. 1 breast stroker. The yearling splasher showed great -improvement as last year's season progressed and Mann is expecting Shooters Face great things of him again this year. ROTC Team Marksmen of the newly-formed Michigan Rifle Club will face their first unofficial test tonight when they meet the Army ROTC team at 7:00 p.m. on the ROTC range m a practice match, to which spectators are invited. The Wolverine riflemen are preparing for their regular sea- son which will begin around the first of the year, as soon as a reg- uar schedule is arranged, follow- ing the completion of all chal- lenges and acceptances. The official matches, with the possible exception oftMichigan State, will play by the unique "postal method." Each team will fire for score on their own home range under the supervision of Army officers and the results will be exchanged by mail. The Spart- an contest may be fired at East Lansing. Hold Those Bonds! IJOLIDAY GREETINGS N Look your best for the'holidays. with a Personality Hair Style, a Facial, a Scalp Treatment. Your ~appearance is important. our eight barbers are ready to serve you . . no waiting. The Dascola Barbers Between State & Mich. Theatres, 1 ...¢. State Delays Naming New Grid Mentor EAST LANSING, Mich., Dec. 11 -(')-Michigan State College's Athletic Council held a one-and- a-half hour session today but the anticipated announcement of MSC's new head coach did not materialize. Dean Lloyd C. Emmons, Council chairman, disclosed that the selec- tion of a successor to Charley Bachman, who resigned last week as MSC coach, had been discussed. Choice Must Be Approved "While our board is empowered to recommend a new coach, we have not been asked to do so in this case," Emmons declared. He added, "Today the Council mem- bers were brought up to date on negotiations which have been carried out in choosing the new coach." MSC officials pointed out that the choice of a coach will have to be approved by the State Board of Agriculture which meets Dec. 19. Munn High on List Observers said it was very like- ly that his name would be dis- closed unofficially this week. Clarence "Biggie" Munn, Syra- cuse University coach, still ranked high on the rumored list of candi- dates for the MSC job, while new names injected into the question today were those of Charley Baer, coach of the University of Detroit, and Frank Wickhorts of Californ- ia. Hockey Squad Goes Through Rugged Drills Cagers Smoothen Out Mistakes In Practice Wolverines Will Meet Experienced Quintet In Basketball Tilt at Kalamazoo Saturday Al To Renfrew Returns Left Wing Post Both Hayes and Einbinder are ex-servicemen back from the Wol- verine team of 1942-43. Hayes swam the 100-yard breast stroke leg of the 300-yard medley relay in 1943 when he and Harry Holi- day and Johnny Patten teamed up to turn in a sizzling 2:50.8, bettering all national records for the event. Einbinder shared the Wolverines' breast stroke burden with Hayes in 1942-43. Of the two newcomers Upthe- grove is well known to Wolverine swimming fans. A student at Uni- versity High School last year, the freshman ace is rated as one of the top scholastic breast strokers in the country. Upthegrove and Sohl split a pair of decisions in State AAU events last year. Dun- lop, the other newcomer, is rated as a promising youngster who should bear watching. That's the way the Wolverine breast strokers will line up Satur- day night. It's a little early for predictions but if this quintet comes up with the next Confer- ence breast stroke champion, Michigan's hopes of ousting Ohio State from the team title will be greatly boosted. ALL IM SPEEDBALL-Standing, left to right: C. Myll, H. Kessler, M. Hill, J. Hesler, D. Bacon. Kneeling, left to right: R. McAllister, B. Courtright, J. Biordi, B. Scafe. * * * x" z: : There will be a meeting of the Executive Council of the "M" Club at 7:30 tonight in the Michigan Union, Room 220. All those who were recently appointed to the Council, all of- ficers of the club, and all "M"- amen connected with thebChrist- mas program should be pre- sent. ii RUNNERS ROLL ON: Distance Stars Promising 'M' By GEORGE VETTER For the past five years Wolver- ine distance runners have romped away with an unseeming number of points in track competition, according to the dark view that rival coaches have taken of the situation. When Michigan came to run there were those events about which no one much bothered; Michigan had them cold. From sweeping the Conference mile to capturing four Penn Relay titles in' one meet"the thinclads have churned up quite a record. Barten Leads Middle Distances Ken Doherty took the reins of the track team and a minor vow at the same time. As an old de- cathlon man he decided his teams were going to be powerful in the field events. But the cards were stacked. Despite the fine field athletes he turned out, his long- est and strongest were the stout- I - Fraternity All-Star Speedball q* * SuadAnone by Off (iial Writing finis to the 1946 fall athletic campaign, the Intramural officials announced their selection of an All-star Speedball Fraternity team this week. Sigma Chi, winner of the Speedball championship, dominated the balloting as they managed to snare three of the nine places on the squad. Two Kappa Sigmas were awarded berths, while Chi Phi, Theta Chi, Phi Delta Theta, and the Sig Eps each placed one. -- Without one dissenting vote from the referees, Heini Kessler was named as the outstanding goalie of the fraternity league. During every game he made scor- ing a rough job for the other teams because of his alertness and steady defensive play in the end zone. Sigma Chi Strong on Defense hearted distance runners. The stohat densive uidisplayaborne Michigan track reputation is in out by the fact that two of their good part a distance one. This trio of all-stars are defensemen. year's team gives every indication Bill Courtright and Cliff Myll co- of carrying on. operated in breaking up numerous Pacing the middle distance thrusts as they intercepted passes men is Herb Barten, Conference and pierced the offensive ma- indoor 880 champion. Barten hit neuvers of their opponents. Blend- Big Nine competition with a bang. ing in with the Sigma Chi nucleus Last year as a freshman he con- are John Biordi of Phi Delta Theta founded the dopesters by striding and Ray McAllister of Kappa Sig- out and latching onto the half- ma, both of whom added speed mile crown. And just to cinch the and tricky footwork to the defense. matter he proceeded to shatter aantrcyfowktohedes. few Michigan frosh records. Comprising the quartet of for- Stronger this year, more experi- wards are scoring leader, Jim Hes- enced, and with a rougn cross ler, Bill Scafe representing the Sig country season tucked away, Bar- Eps, Morris Hill from Sigma Chi, ten serves notice that he intends and Dan Bacon, Chi Phi. Captain to keep his laurels. of the All-Stars, Hesler excelled as Birdsall Is Back a punter and passer in addition At just twice the distance, nilei ftosparking the entire Kappa Sig Don Queller is; holding forth. squad. Because of his exceptional With only two feet he has the talent of kicking field goals, Bacon thankless task of filling the quad- really showed in the last few ruped Hume twins' shoes. Bob and games. Hill shone as an offensive Ross pulled out leaving a big name star all season, and his kicking and a bigger hole in the ranks. prowess placed his, team at the Queller is the self-appointed file top of the speedball heap. Bill closer and so far is doing the job. Scafe added the rough and rugged In the two-mile Charlie Birdsall touch to the All-stars offensive and Dave Williams are trundling unit. After dropping a 6-3 decision to a strong Toronto squad last Saturday, the Maize and Blue hockey team has been put through strenuous defensive drills this week by Coach Vic Heyliger. Heyliger has shifted his for- ward lines since Al Renfrew, who was out of the last game due to injuries, has returned to his old position at left wing on the sec- ond line. Renfrew will team up with Bill Jacobson and Ted Greer on the trio that has proved to be the most formidable one to date. The number one line will see Gordie MacMillan at center, and he will be flanked by Lyle Phillips at right wing and Dick Starrak on the left side. On the third line will be George Peu- geot at center, Sam Steadman at right wing, and George An- derson at the left wing position. Coach Reyliger has moved Herb Upton back to defense to streng- then the rear guard. Upton and George Balestri will form one combination, while captain Con- nie Hill and Bob Marshall will compose the other one. With the stress on defense for the game with the Marquette Hockey Club Saturday, Heyliger has had the forward lines drill on getting back into defensive slots when the opposition goes on the offensive. In the first games the forward lines have often been trapped down the ice and have been unable to afford the proper protection for goalie Jack Mac- Donald. Heyliger has been work- ing on MacDonald stressing the importance of staying in the goal crease and remaining on his feet longer to facilitate clearing the puck. The team is now reaching top physical condition, and the no- ticeable third period lapses should be things of the past. Red Rolfe Coaches Blasketball Team. TORONTO, Dec. 11-(/P)-Ro- bert (Red) Rolfe, brilliant third baseman of the New York Yank- ees in the hey-day of the "Bronx Bombers," arrived here today to pursue the latest move in his varied baseball and basketball career-Coach of the Toronto Huskies professional basketball team. Rolfe, a basketball star as well as an outstanding baseball player in his college days at Dartmouth University, succeeds big Ed Sa- dowski as huskies coach. Sadowski reportedly left the club and a playing-coach contract calling for $10,000 In a "huff" over newspa- per criticism of his handling of the club. Michigan's basketball team, 1946 style, held their first 40-minute scrimmage yesterday since last Saturday's surprisingly easy 51-29 victory over Michigan State, and saw a high-spirited "Red" quintet, composed of second - stringers, force the varsity five to come from behind in the final minutes of play to eke out the win. Coach Ozzie Cowles, attempting to work out some of the rough spots brought to light in the Spar- tan contest, had Pete Elliot, the team captain, playing with the "B" team in the first half and then switched him to the first-string five in the second half. This was the first time Elliot has worked with the "A" team in mid-week practice sessions this season. Cowles Looks to Bronco Game Cowles looks upon this Satur- day's game with Western Michi- gan at Kalamazoo as a tough as- signment, for the Broncos will have a distinct advantage in ex- "4 iadk & eecowI 7i te4: A MERRY CHRISTMAS "MUST" is the cozy King Cole Trio "Christmas Song" coupled with "In the Cool of Evening" . . . Don't forget to have the Dicken's "A Christmas Carol," done by Basil Rathbone and cast, on hand for the Holidays. The Stokowski recording of the Brahms' First on plastics makes a very handsome gift ... in the lighter vein, the Philadelphia "Pops" does "Six Dances" which includes'the "Russian Sailor's Dance" and several other delightful items . . . o rthe "Lounging Music Concert" with the ever-popular trio, Polonaise, Warsaw Concerto and The Blue Danube. Another album which is always appreciated is the Liszt ""Les Preludes" by Ormandy and the Philadelphia. Complete your shopping list at RADIO AND RECORD SHOP 715 North University, Phone 3542 North End of Diagonal perience plus the fact that the game will be played on their home court. "Western Michigan is a good fast-break club," says Cowles "and in Guard Howard Gensichen and Don Boven, center, they have two very fine ball-players." Gensichen Former All-American Gensichen is a former All-Amer- ican while Boven is a six foot three inch center with plenty of spring Western Michigan will enter the game, Saturday, with an un- stained record showing four straight triumphs, the last having been over Manhattan College in Madison Square Garden last week. Whiz Kids Win, 73-40 CHAMPAIGN, Ill., Dec. 11- (/P)-The Illinois Whiz Kids de- feated Marquette, 73-40 here to- night. Just Received a Shipment of GREY FLANNEL SLACKS In 100% All Wool . . . Pleats and Zipper Priced ... $13.00 For 1that LAST-MINUTE CHRISTMAS GIFT Give a box of FINE STATIONERY in white and colors, plain and bord1ered. RAMSEY-CANFIELD 119 East Liberty +5 IflEflZ TOGGERY S521 EAST LIBERTY -- Michigan Theatre Bldg. their hoops. Birdsall is one of this year's old-timers. In V-12 he made his first letter with the '44 champions and went right on running to take the two-mile title a year later. Now a civilian, a grad student, and a teacher to boot, he is out to make his final year a merry one for all con- cerned. Five Veterans in Quarter Trotting along with Birdsall is Williams, an ex-Georgetown star. One of the smoothest runners to put his spikes to Michigan cinders, he proved his merit by winning the varsity cross country run this fall. At the quarter-mile post some five veterans are prancing about. Hugh Short, George Shepard, Dick Forrestal, and Mel Detwiler are all rounding rapidly into shape. And when not stretching over the hurdles, Herb Rothen- berg plays around with the 440. All in all, Big Nine prospects 'ook bright, with Maize and Blue quality and quantity. The days of blithely taking 36 points in the Conference half, mile and two- mile may be over, but the days of the strongest distance team in the midwest certainly are not. r n rl . r L - _ . --.. !I Read and Use The Michigan Daily Classifieds! \A e SDC 1 is Time to Extend Our SINCERE CHRISTMAS GREETINGS TO YOU ALL 410 WOLVERINE BLDG. PHONE 6019 A' ' GENTLEMEN CHRISTMAS GIFTS The STAEB & DAY trademark is known and respected everywhere. Superior materials, thorough workmanship and distinguished styles are appreciated . . . wherever men demand good things to wear and use. SPORT SHIRTS LEISURE COATS ROBES BELTS SMOKING JACKETS GLOVES SPORT COATS SLACKS MALLORY HATS JEWELRY SUSPENDERS HOSIERY PAJAMAS RAICOTS GOING TO GET IT! I YOU ASKED FOR IT! NOW YOU'RE If * i Buy your 11 I Christmas Trees Get your Christmas Trees and Greens from the Uni*. of Michigan Forestry Club This Weekend Dec. 13, 14 and 15 on State Street next to Union. Student Directory at the Student Publications I Building KEEP FIT AND TRIM TH RU OUTDOOR PLAY GET YOURm e COAT TODAY! 11 * To enjoy the crisp Fall days when the air is like wine . . . and to breathe deen on exhilarating, frosty, winter mornings, you've got to lv§ikl I ,I I , fiw - - I