TWO THE MICHI~AN IDAILY THURSDAY, DECEMBER 12, 194 - - BUNDLE DAYS DRIVE: Clothing Drive Ends Today; Contributions Go To Europe HIGHLIGHTS ON CAMPUS One pound of clothing from each league house resident hay been scheduled for the Bundle Days drive, which ends today, Seymour Goldstein, president of Yrule Review Will lie Staged By U' Groups Climaxing the pre -vacation week, a huge all-campus Christ- mas Review will be presented from 8 to 9:80 p.m. Wednesday in Hill Auditorium by the League Council, Union Executive Council, Men's and Women's Glee Clubs and "M" Club. Held annually to initiate the holiday season, the program will feature student talent entirely. Buck Dawson is to act as emcee for the show, which will include audience participation in the sing- ing of Christmas songs. Plans for the annual event are being cor:Ieted, which will fea- ture a skit entitled "Mystery Show," to be presented by the "M" Club. The skit will include Dick Wakefiel, Bob Chappuis, "Pro" Boim and Bill Cortright. Various novelty numbers and Christmas Carols are being offered by the Glee Clubs. Individual student acts will be headed by Bill MacGowan, who will accoi <;any audience singing. Frank Anderson will present an original ni,-nber entitled, "Winter Piano Booge." Acts of cmpus talent will com- plete the program including solo- ist Pattie 'ontius and Bodil Ree. An unusAl snecialty balancing act will be performed by Newton Lock- en and m Nift. Facu y Chapter Ho d Panel Today A panel 1the problems arising from an overcrowded university will be held by the Michigan chap- ter of the American Association of Universit, Professors at 6:15 p.m. today in the Union. All faculty members are cordial- ly invited to join the Union Cafe- teria line at 6:15 p.m. and take their trays to the Faculty Club. the University Famine Commit- tee, announced yesterday. Representatives of league hous- es have set this amount as their goal, Goldstein said. Sororities, fraternities and dormitory resi- dents have also been cooperating in the three day drive, he added. Houses which have been con- tacted by members of th-e drive committee should have their bundles wrapped, tied and ready for collections, Friday through Sunday, Ada Davis,, drive chair- man, announced. Willow Rui residents may place clothing in special receptacles in the center of each doriitory or in West Lodge. Other contributors may take bundles to drive head- quarters in Lane Hall. Clothing and shoes will be ship- ped by the Save the Children Fed- eration to Students . in Europe. The past work of the Federation has included the distribution of food and garments to over 1,000 schools and more than 3,000 indi- vidually sponsored children in eight European countries. "Because proceeds of the drive VICTIM OF SHANGHAI RIOTING-Shot through the lung, a victim of the rioting in Shanghai Dec. 1, lies in the street as another man bends close to offer aid. At least 100 persons were reported injured and property damage was high in wrecked shops. will go to European should be of special University students," said. schools, it interest to Miss Davis 'Messiah' Will Start Saturday The annual Christmas presen- tation of Handel's Messiah will be given under the auspices of the University Musical Society at 8:30 p.m. Saturday and at 3 p.m. Sun- day in Hill Auditorium. Tickets for the double perform- ance are still on sale in the So- ciety's offices in Burton Memorial Tower. Presented under the direction of Hardin Van Deursen, the per- formances will include solo roles by Lura Stover, soprano; Eileen Law, contralto; Ralph Lear, tenor, and Alden Edkins, bass. Accord- ing to Charles A. Sink, president of the Society, the singers have made specialties of Messiah parts. Transportation Facts There is one street car, gas bus or trolley coach for every 1,500 persons in the United States. General Says Reds in China At Top Power "The Communists in China are incomparably stronger today than ever before," General Victor A. Yakhontoff, who has recently re- turned from a tour of Russia and the Far East, asserted yesterday. Pointing out that China has be- -ome elevated to the status of a great power since the war, he maintained that "Chiang Kai- Shek would not have a chance of beating the Communists if China were free from foreign interven- tion." "The United States has failed to take advantage of its opportuni- ties to serve the Chinese people who are the real subject of the territorial problem," General Yak- hontoff observed. General Yakhontoff blamed the struggle between the two factions that is going on now in China to the establishment of the new re- gime at Nanking by Chiang Kai- Shek, formerly a devoted follower of Dr. Sun Yat-Sen. Dr. Sun, he pointed out, had always advocated a close friendship between China and Soviet Russia. POST-WAR PLANNING: House Committee Asks 'Constructive' Legislation WASHINGTON, Dec. 11--()- Enactment of "constructive-not punitive" labor legislation and abolition of OPA's general powers next Jan. 31 were recommended today by the House Committee on Postwar Economic Policy and Planning. It took its stand in a report warning against "unjustified" fears of a business depression. In its final report, the Commit- tee headed by Representative Col- mer (Dem., Miss.) also recom- mended: (1) Reduction of the Federal Budget for the next fiscal year to $30,000,000,000 to allow for "some reduction" in taxes and for pay- ments on the national debt. Pres- ent spending is at the rate of $41,500,000 a year. (2) Stronger emphasis on re- modeling and reconversion of ex- isting housing structures and in- creased construction of low-cost rental units. (3) Substitution of 'economic cooperation for economic warfare" in the field of foreign economic policy. (4) Abolition of the second emergency war powers act next March 31, subject to "the neces- sity for new legislation granting narrowly specified powers to be determined by Congress." (5) Continuation of some agen- cy such as the Office of War Mo- bilization and Reconversion to act as an over-all staff to coordinate and formulate policy. (6) Revision of the Surplus Property Disposal Act to speed the disposition of war surpluses. (7) Expansion of unemployment compensation coverage and old- age insurance protection. (8) Limitation of public con- struction to new projects of im- mediate necessity. But it warned that the causes of low production in many indus- tries must be erased and "another wage-spiral avoided if prosperous conditions are to continue." U Band Mixer . . A mixer for University March- ing Band members of the 1946 sea- son will be held at 8:30 p.m. to- day in the Hussey Room of the League. Recordings of some of the half- time routines used at the football games will be played and colored movies of the '46 marching season formations will be shown. A book- let containing all formations and interesting data on each game will be distributed to every member present. Hillel Discussion .. Rabbi Gershon Rosentotk will discuss "Ritual and Cere- monial" at 8 p.m. today in the B'nai B'rith Hillel Foundation as part of a seminar on "Vital Concepts in Religion." The place of ritual in mod- ern religion and the question of the obsolescense of ritual will be considered by Rabbi Rosen- stock. Methodist inner . . All young married couples of the Methodist Church will attend a dinner at 6:30 p.m. tomorrow in the church. Reservations must be in the stu- dent office by noon today. Barristers To Meet . . Roscoe Ronisteel, recently ap- pointed University Regent, will be the guest speaker at a lunch- eon meeting of the Barrister's Society today. The senior honor society of the Law School will meet at 834 Greene St. Radio Club Meeting.... The University of Michigan Ra- dio Club will hold a regular meet- Fire... (Continued from page 1) J as soon as the General Service Building is completed. Meanwhile,-occupancy is limited chiefly to the first and second floors. "The upper floors are used for offices at present," Briggs said, "and only with the greatest reluc- tance. Their use has been neces- sitated because of the emergency need for office space," he ex- plained.- Briggs said that the only sure way to avoid possible dangers in old buildings on campus is to "get them down." He pointed out that the University has asked the State Legislature for funds to construct safe, new . buildings so that this can be done. He said that there is no great danger of major fires on campus while buildings are occupied be- cause prompt detection is inevita- ble "with so many people around." However, he expressed concern over the possibility of panic in case someone should excitedly shout "fire" in a crowded auditorium or lecture hall. Campus failities for fire fighting include extinguihers! and equipment maintained by the University. "One employe is assigned to constantly check this equipment," Briggs said. "In addition, we have access to the city's equipment," he ex- plained. ing at 7:30 p.m. today in Rm. 220 W. Engineering Building. The Student Chess Club will meet at 7,:30 p.m. today in Rm. 302 of the Union. Members are requested to bring boards and chessmen. TrGop To Speak. .. Prof. Palmer Throop, of the his- tory department, will be the speak- er at the International Students Committee Round Table at 7:30 p.m. today in the International Center. "International Scholars and In- ternational Scholarships" will be the topic of. Prof. Throop's talk. The Round Table is -the second in a series of discussions on "Aims and Trends of International Edu- cation" sponsored by the Inter- national Students Committee., The discussion is open to all students. Piano Recital Featuring .,a Bach Toccata, Richard A. Goolian, of the music school, will present a piano re- cital at 8:30 p.m. today in the Rackham Assembly Hall. The program, which is open to the general public, will also LANTERN GARDENS 613 East Liberty Street Between Michigan and State Theatres CHINESE and AMERICAN DISHES Chop Suey and Chow Mein to Take Out Quick Service on Plate Luncheons .at Reasonable Prices Phone 6380 r U N- I 2x4 DELIVERY SERVICE Hamburgs - Hot Dogs French Fies Cold Sandwiches - Coffee FREE DELIVERY on $2.00 Food Order PHONE 5736 or 2-0008 include selections by Brahms, Ravel and Beethoven. Goolian will present the re- cital as partial fulfillment of the requirements for the degr ie of Master of Music, S * Church Group. . The Congregational-Disciples members will meet at 8 p.m. to- day in the Guild House to deco- rate for Christmas. The group will go carolling fo'- lowing the meeting. STO P!o for o CALKINS-FLETCHER Fountain SPECIAL It's DELICIOUS! It's DELIGHTFUL! It's REFRESHING! 25c I I Ui Calkins-Fletchert Drug Stores The Dependable Stores 324 S. State 818 S. State "" _ Continuous Daily from 1 P.M: ~fVWAWO MWS"M CLASSIFIED ADVERTISINGI DAILY OFFICIAL BULLETIN Weekdays 30c to5 P.M. Starting Today Al TRANSPORTATION THREE STUDENTS desire ride to St. Petersburg Fla., or vicinity about Dec. 20. Share expenses. Phone 2-4463. )37 WANTED: Transportation to Louisville. Veteran studeent and wife. Share ex- penses, plus-Dec. 23. Box 88. )31 DESIRE RIDE to Harrisburg, Gettys- burg, or Pitsburgh on or around Dec. 20. Will share expenses and driving. Please call Jack Miller, 5438. )42 ANYONE DRIVING to Great Southwest for holidays? I could help drive and expenses. Phone 6279. )48 YOUNG married couple would like ride to Marq.ette, Mich., for Christmas recess. Will share expenses and driv- ing. Call 9233, room 40, after 7:00 P.M. )2 M4ED STUL:ENT wants ride to Rhode Island or vicinity (Boston, etc.) about Dec. 20. Will share driving and ex- penses. Call Doug Sargent, 2-2012 (after 8:00 p.m.). )10 STUDENT VETERAN and wife will share expenses for ride to Wisconsin Dec. 21st. Phone 8255. DRIVING to Massachusetts this vaca- tion? W11 share expenses and help drive.] Phil 4707. )12 WANTED: !Ride to Kentucky Dec. 20, 21, share openses. Call 8747, Linus Litsey. )35 TAILO NG and SEWING CUSTOM VMDE CLOTHES-Formals- Remodelir -Alterations. "Bring your sewing r blems to us." Hildegarde Shop, 1I E Huron. 2-4669. )45 SEWING, xirations and Refitting on formals :d other work. Miss Liv- ingston, .15 S. Division, 2nd floor.)20 ROOM AND BOARD WHY DOI ' one of you prospective grads do a frustrated undergrad a favor a- turn over your rm. or apt. to my w_ e and I next semester. Ph. 7691. Asi for Gus. (I can make it worth yor while!) )11 $10.REWAR : For information by Dec. 18 of d ,croom for next semester for mal- 11 Newton Ressler, 2-5553 at1 or 7 m. )3 WANTED MISCELLANEOUS ALL EX-MARINES interested in non- political ex-Marine club, come down to 109 N. Main on Thursday or Fri- day afternoon to sign very important petition for liquor license. (200 names needed). )19 ATTENTION unmarried, unengaged men! Join S.P.K.W. (Society for Pre- vention of Kindness to Women). For information phone"Rbt. S. 2-5645 1-3 a.m. only. B. D. Pres. )13 SOUNDS LIKE OPPORTUNITY FOR ME IF YOU ARE - Looking for a ca- reer, we may have exactly what you want - work that's interest- ing, important, and pleasant. Michigan Bell needs young wom- en to help meet the demand for telephone service. Apply EMPLOYMENT OFFICE 323 E. WASHINGTON LOST AND FOUND LOST: A brown Shaeffer Lifetime Pen, woman's size, after Dec. 9. Please call 6944. )40 I LOST a strand of pearls, borrowed, Tuesday between Medical buildings and U. Hospital. ' Call Phyllis at 2-0482. )39 LOST: Saturday a map "The Southern Colonies." $5.00 will be paid for it at Room 220, Michigan Union. )38 GIRL left $4.00 change in Wahr's last Friday. May have same by calling in Wahr's and paying for ad. )46 WILL THE PERSON who found the black patent leather purse on Decem- ber 5, Thursday, please mail papers, keys and pens to 436 Second St. Please comply as items listed are. m- portant to owner. )18 LOST: Leather coin purse near Michi- gan Central station Friday. Reward. Phone 3346. )16 LOST: Brown zipper coin purse Friday in State St. vicinity. $5 reward. Har- riet Foy, 310 N. Thayer, Ph. 6839. )5 PERSONAL ATTENTION : S. P. K. W.-the O.M.I.M. (Organization for the Maintenance of Indifference to Men) hereby accuses you of plagarizing the ideas of it's society. What is date of founding of your crganization? W.W., E.L., P.S., W.M. )44 WANTED TO RENT FOR SALE TUXEDO AND TAILS. Size 36. Man's gZ(-'ZZZ I's0 alquoseeH "8gE zlg ' Ing KODAK 35: 1 5.6 lens. Excellent condi- tion. Case and film included. $15,00. Call Lynn Austin, 2-3225. FOR SALE: Pre-War Tuxedo. Size 34. Excellent condition. Accessories. $38 cash. Phone 2-6240. )33 FOR SALE: '37 Ford Conv. Sedan. Ex- cellent condition. Can be seen at Law Quad parking lot. Phone Mc- Carthy, 4145. )29 1946-2% x 3% SPEED GRAPHIC, 4.5 f Extar Kodak coated lens. Graflex flashrgun; Palart range finder; 1 film pack, 3 cut film holders. Equipment in perfect condition, only used 3 months. Ph. 2-1241 evenings. Ask for Gilbert. ) FOR XMAS: Spaulding, Jones irons. Hagen, Wilson pro golf equipment. Golf bags, paxs, and balls. Call 2-2058. Johnny Malloy, Pro. )27 RADIO-PHONOGRAPH, new. Must sell. Ideal for Christmas Gift. Portable. Good deal. Call 2-6636 evenings. )21 FOR SALE: Ladies' black skunk jacket, worn few times. Must sell. Size 10-11. Bargain X60. 2-2704 evenings. )22 ROYAL de luxe portable typewriter. Very good condition. Also valuable violin. Call 8671. )17 WILLOW VILLAGE - Choice selection of Christmas trees. 1438 Hanover Ct. )32 TUTORING TUTORING in Mathematics by MIT graduate, clas, of 1924. John Alden Buckler, 115 Catherine, Ypsilanti, tel. Ypsi 3678W. Reverse charges. )1 BUSINESS SERVICES UNWANTED HAIR: Permanently re- moved .Short Wave Method-Faster, Painless. Phone 6373. First National Bldg. ) 24 TYPING: theses, term papers, addres- ses, etc. Duplicating: notices, form letters, programs, etc. A-2 Typing Service, 232 Nickels Arcade, Phone 9811. )4 MIDWAY Bicycle Shop, 322 E. Liberty. We have rebuilt used bikes for sale. Your bike can be expertly repaired also. ) 56 CHUMLEE'S FREE DELIVERY of your favorite sand- wiches and beverages. Every day but Monday, 6 p.m. to 2 a.m. Phone 2-6429. )8 EXCHANGE Publication in The Daily Official Bulletin is constructive notice to all members of the University. Notices for the Bulletin should be sent in typewritten form to the office of the Assistant to the President, Room 1021 Angell Hall, by 3:00 p.m. on the day preceding publication (11:00 a.m. Sat- urdays. THURSDAY, DEC. 12, 1946 VOL. LVII, No. 68 Notices Users of the Daily Official Bul- letin. Need of conserving spacE makes necessary the following an- nouncements. (1) Notices of meet- ings of organizations will be re- stricted to the name of the organ- ization concerned, day, time, and place of meeting, and name of speaker and subject. (2) Notices for the D.O.B. must be typewritten and should be triple-spaced for editorial convenience. F. E. Robbins To All Chairmen of Departments: Please call Extension 437 in the Business Office and order the number of Ann Arbor telephone directories needed in your depart- ment. You are entitled to one for each instrument. Delivery will be made by campus mail when direc- tories are available, presumably about Dec. 6. Please return obso- lete directories to the messenger. Herbert G. Watkins, Secretary Campus Parking Permit Plates for 1947 are now ready for dis- tribution .at the Information Desk, Rm. 1, University Hall. Please apply only after having procured 1947 license plates from the local office of the Secretary of State. Herbert G. Watkins, Secretary School of Education Faculty meeting at 4:15 p.m., Mon., Dec. 16, University Elementary School Library. Forestry Assembly at 11:00 a.m., Thurs., Dec. 12, Rackham Amphi- theatre. Prof. Shirley W. Allen, President of the Society of Ameri- can Foresters, will speak on "The Forester and his Professional So- ciety." All Forestry and Conserva- tion students are expected to at- tend and others interested are in- vited. Dean S. T. Dana Messiah Ushers: 50 ushers are needed for the Messiah concerts. apply at Hill Auditorium box of- ice Thursday, Dec. 12, 4:30 to :30 p.m. Deadline for Veteran Book and Supply Orders: Dec. 20 has been set as the final date for the ac- eptance of veteran book and sup- -ly orders at the bookstores. All faculty members are requested to anticipatenmaterial needed through the end of the semester and authorize same on or before Dec. 20. All back-orders for ma- terial not in stock at the book- stores will be canceled as of Dec. 20. Pre-Medical Student Registra- tion for Professional Aptitude Test. Pre-medical students who are bona fide applicants to the 1947 freshman class in this and other medical colleges must regis- ter for the Association of Amer- ica , Medical Colleges Professional Aptitude Test in Rm. 100B, Rack- ham Bldg., Dec. 16, 17, or 18. This examination will be given from 9:00-12 noon and 1:30-4:00 p.m., Sat., Jan. 11, 1947, Rackham Lec- ture Hall. All applicants to the 1947 freshman class in colleges of medicine will be expected to pre- sent results on this Professional Aptitude Test. Faculty members, teaching fel- lows, and research assistants are invited to play basketball in a fac- ulty league and to enter tourna- ments in squash, handball (singles and doubles), and paddleball (sin- gles and doubles). Play will begin after Christmas vacation. Those intending to participate should phone 8109 leaving name, depart- ment, home address, home phone, and sports interest. Entries close Dec. 20. February Seniors and Graduates in Aeronautical Engineering: Mr. J. William Long, representing the Propeller Division _ of Curtiss- Wright Corporation, Caldwell, New Jersey, will interview February (Continued on Page 4) 1 Russ Morgan 'Taking the Breaks' -- Also - Rural Rhapsody Wacky Worm World News - ,.,.! Coming Sunday! "SUSPENSE" ! ] MICHIGAN TODAY!1 NOTE: Shows Run thru Supper Hour on this Production. 30c until 5 P.M. WANTED: D. Madd' ull Dress Suit: Size 38. J. N Phone 4145. )49 I DO YOU t to create a happy home? Studen 'teran wants to get mar- ried dunr: Xmas vacation and needs apartmei an Ann Arbor. Our child- ren will Irver be indebted. Reply Box 1, M7°. higan Daily. )36 WANTED: an or woman to tend fur-' nace for veek during Christmas va- $10.00 FOR INFORMATION to fur- nished or unfurnished apartment for veteran student and wife. Write to- day, Box 88. )43 TRADE: skates 2-1110, Good pair of size 10 hockey for good pair of size 9. Call Earl. )47 ART CINEMA LEAGUE PRESENTS H ITC HCOCK'S TH R IL LER : , I 4 i -