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December 12, 1946 - Image 1

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The Michigan Daily, 1946-12-12

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Latest Deadline in the State


Troops Held
In Allis Case
Gov. Goodland
Declines Move
By The Associated Press
MILWAUKEE, Dec. 11-Gov-
ernor Walter S. Goodland de-
clined today to place the strike-
bound AlsChalmers machinery
works in West Allis under martial
rule in the absence of a specific
request from Milwaukee County
Sheriff George Hanley as the
state moved to prosecute 54 men
arrested in Monday's disturbance
at the gates of the plant.
The Chief Executive, com-
menting on a request of the
West Allis Mayor, Arnold H.
Klentz, for the use of the fWis-
sin State Guard at the strife-
torn plant, said that he would
not send troops unless Sheriff
Hanley notified him "that he
cannot cope with the situation."
Hanley said he felt that the
situation was "under control" and
that his deputies, together with
police officers of Milwaukee, West
Allis and other communities were
"better trained to handle these
demonstrations than the mili-
tary." He added that "if there
is any reason to anticipate a re-
currence of Monday's affair, you
can rest assured I will request
assistance from the Governor, and
this, I believe, will require more
than the State Guard."
Hanley's statement drew replies,
from Milwaukee's Chief of Police
John Polcyn and 1st Lt. Ralph G.
Bartlein, public relations officer
of the Wisconsin State Guard.
Polcyn said peace officers were
sometimes badly outnumbered
and added that his department
should "not be expected- to carry
the brunt" of law enforcement at
the strike scene. Bartlein said 1,-
600 officers and nen of the State
Guard were available and "per-
fectly able" to handle the strike
..Hanley reported to the Gover-
nor that 7,397 employes, including
2,529 production workers, en-
tered the plant today, adding that
this was the maximtuh number of
persons to enter the plant since
Local 248 UAW-CIO, went on
strike April 30.
CIo Adopts
Nathan Wage
Raise Report
WASHINGTON, Dec. 11-(P)-
The CIO adopted today as basis
for its new wage drive a report
contending that industry can af-
ford to raise wages up to 25 per
cent and still keep profits at near
wartime peaks without boosting
The report, prepared for the CIO
by Robert R. Nathan, onetime key
government economist, warned too
that the nation is "firting with col-
lapse" unless industry increases
wages promptly or sharply cuts
Nathan's findings immediately
provoked vigorous dissents from
industry sources. He argued that
profits have soared to record highs
while prices have gone up and
workers' earnings actually de-
clined. The former chairman of
the War Production Board's Plan-
ning Committee and Deputy War
Mobilizer contended the "unbal-

ance" threatens a depression un-
less quickly corrected.
Disagreeing opinions came from
the Machinery and Allied Products
Institute and the Automobile Man-
ufacturers Association.
Senator Offers
Strike Plan
Suggests New Board
For Labor Disputes
WASHINGTON, Dec. 11-(P)-
A new plan intended to prevent
crippling strikes such as the recent
coal shutdown was outlined to-
day by Senator McClallan (Dem.,
Ark.) for possible approval by the
new Congress.
'The public and the Congress
cannot tolerate any more strikes
of this type," McClellan told a re-
porter. "At the same time we must
find some way to make collective
bargaining actually work. That's

Report Russians Reject Arms,

-Daily Photo by Wake
ONLY WAY OUT-Percy's landlord won't let him use the front door; it offends the customers. So
Percy rides. Why walk when you can ride is Percy's philosophy. Johnson at the controls.
*. 4
C+7'Tl T T T '17 7U iT17U1 'U A ' + IhUM~t ru 'T3' . .....

And Operators
Keep Silence
Court Decision Not
Likely Before Feb. 1
By The Associated Press
John L. Lewis' offer to negotiate
a soft coal contract with "such
parties as may demonstrate their
authority" to bargain with him has
brought no response yet from the
government or the coal operators.
The return to work of nearly
all the 400,000 soft coal miners,
ending their 17-day strike this
week, removed most of the public
pressure for a quick agreement be-
tween Lewis and either the Gov-
ernment or the operators.
Lewis himself virtually ruled out
any settlement with the operators
before the Supreme Court decided
his contempt fine case, to be heard
Jan. 14.
The miners' chief has told his
"During the working period thus
defined (until March 31) the Ne-
gotiating Committee of the Unit-
ed Mine Workers of America is
willing to negotiate a new wage
agreement for the bituminous in-
dustry with such parties as may
demonstrate their authority to do
so, your representatives will act
in full production of your interests
within the limitations of the find-
ing of the Supreme Court of the
United States."
Most observers believe that the
Supreme Court decision hardly can
be expected before Feb. 1.
Secretary of Interior Krug con-
tends that his agreement with
Lewis, signed last May 29 after
Government seizure of the mines,
covered the entire period of Gov-
ernment possession. The Govern-
ment still is operating the pits,
with the mine owners as man-
Lewis contends the eontract
carried over provisions of the last
few contracts with the operators
which were not specifically amend-
ed or supplemented in the Krug-
Lewis agreement-including the
30 day termination clause of the
1945 contract which he ended last
March 31.
IT' Legislature
To Coordinate
Charity Drives
Setting up a "Student Chest" to
coordinate activities of campus
groups, the Student Legisatuie
last night provided for the inte-
gration of individually-conducted
charity drives.
Composed of charter members
such as the World Student Se-
vice Fun, the Fresh Air Fund
and the Goodfellows, the Chest
will go into effect at the beginning
of the spring semester. Charity
activities will be frozen as of Jan.
1 until that time.,
Mary Lloyd Benson and Archie
Parsons were chosen by the Leg-
islature as representatives to the
Student Affairs Committee as the

Legislature completed elections
postponed last week because of
lengthy pre-election discussion.
Hack Coplin, Legislature presi-
dent, is a Committee member by
virtue of his office.
Using the Hare proportional
system of voting the Legislature
elected Talbot Honey as chair-
man of the Legislature's Judichiry
Committee and chose George Ni-
colau, Paul Harrison, Bob Slaff,
Henry Kaminski and Tom Walsh
as the other members.

Briggs Cites Efficiency
Of Fire Safety Policy
Vice-President Urges Need for Caution;
Carelessness Cause of Most Campus Fires

Landlord Says Dog Must Go;
Student Faces Evwtton11 Notice

A two year old mutt by the name
of Percy has become a cause cele-
bre in Ann Arbor's newest student-
veteran eviction case.
Percy, who currently resides at
418 East Washington, has infuri-
ated his landlord, W. E. Arm-
strong. Armstrong runs a restaur-
ant downstairs and thinks that
Percy's presence disturbs his cus-
tomers' aesthetic sensibilities.
Percy's master, Ronald John-
son, a Navy veteran and stu-
dent at the University has taken
a "love me love my dog" atti-
tude and the struggle has now
assumed legal proportions with
Armstrong filing an eviction no-
tice through the OPA.
Army Stops
Short Revolt
1In Venezuela
CARACAS, Venezuela, (By Tele-
phone to New York), Dec. 1l-(P)
-President Romulo Betancourt
announced tonight that his forces
had put down a 12=hour revolt
after the insurgents had held pos-
session for a time of the large
Maracay airport, 50 miles west of
Caracas and dropped a bomb
which narrowly missed the Presi-
dential Palace.
The insurgents apparently had
intended to capture Betancourt
and his cabinet and overthrow his
year-old revolutionary regime.
Meeting with a group of visiting
newsmen from the United States,
the Priesident smiled broadly and
said that "all is O.K." now in
Venezuela. The revolt ended with-
out fatalities. Betancourt said the
instigators either had been cap-
tured or had fled the country.
Subsequently two pilots and 14
mechanics surrendered to author -
ities in the neighboring South
American country of Colombia
after making good their get-away
in two planes. Maj. Carlos Mal-
donado Pena, described as one of
the leaders of the revolt, was in
one of these planes.

Armstrong's notice to Johnson
says in part- that 'it would create
a distinct nuisance and hardship
on the undersigned to have the
dog entering and leaving the house
through the front door which is
the only entrance to the premises
available to you and the patrons of
the restaurant."
"The other alternative," says
Armstrong, "is that of permitting
the dog to enter and leave youit
apartment by mans of a basket,
being lowered from your second
story window."
"This has created a consider-
able amount of talk among the
patrons of the restaurant,"
Armstrong contends.
Armstrong could not be reached
for further comment but his as-
sistant manager Mrs. Nora-"Borgert
defended his actions.
"It's nothing personal against
the dog," she said, "just house
Percy went through a dress re-
hearsal for The Daily making a
quick descent and ascent while his
master, Johnson, stood by at the
"I don't understand it," John-
son said. "We lived here before
Armstrong moved in and Percy is'
trained so that he never goes
downstairs through the restaurant.
We lower the basket in the back
of the house and I hardly see how3
this could bother patrons. As far
as Percy constituting a sanitation
hazard-that just doesn't make
"Percy's lived in hotels and
overnight cabins and never had
any trouble. Once Percy stayed
in a $300 a month apartment in
"This is all small time stuff forl
Percy, but it's getting pretty ex-
pensive for me," he added.I

Census Compromises,
3ffer Still Unanswered

J-Hop Ticket
Taken Today
Applications for J-Hop tickets
for juniors, seniors, and graduate
students will be accepted today
through Saturday at a booth in
University Hall.
The booth will be open from 9
a.m. to 5 p.m. today and tomorrow,
and from 9 a.m. to noon Saturday.
Identification cards and self-ad-
dressed, stamped envelopes are
necessary in order to apply for
tickets. Students should put their
Ann Arbor address on the envel-
Juniors will be given prefer-
ence in buying tickets, but are
urged to apply early so that all
may be accommodated. After tick-
ets are allotted to juniors, seniors
will have preference over gradu-
ate students in order of their ap-
Fraternities or independent
groups who wish to attend the
J-Hop on the same night should
hand in a list of the men's names
together with their academic stat-
us to the 'U' Hall booth before
noon Saturday. In addition, mem-
bers of the group should list their
affiliation or group name (inde-
pendents will have to create a
name) beside their night prefer-
ence on the application blank.
J-Hop tickets will cost $6, but
no money is to be paid when ap-

Every possible precaution is tak-
en by the University to provide
students with safe educational and
residential facilities, Vice-Presi-
dent Robert P. Briggs said yester-
In the past three years, 49 fires,
with damage ranging from five
cents to $6,000, have been listed in
University insurance records. Of
these, the four which resulted in
more than three-quarters of the
total damage were not in campus
educational buildings. More than
50 per cent were started by care-
lessly discarded cigarettes.
This semester's record shows
five fires on campus-all of
minor importance, Briggs said.
Letter Asserts
17 Buildings
Are Firetraps
To the Editor:
University of Michigan students
are attending classes in 17 fire
hazards, many of which were con-
demned and ordered to be aban-
doned by the State Fire Marshal
several years ago. According to a
State Assemblage Law passed
April 1, 1943, there must be two
exits from every room in which
50 or more people are assembled.
The University has been breaking
this law by allowing classes to be
held in rooms having only one door
and no fire escapes.
Although smoking is prohibited
in these buildings, students and
faculty members continue to leave
burning cigarettes in offices and
rest rooms. Three fires have oc-
curred in the Economics Building
this term, and the fire department
has responded to 73 calls to Uni-
versity-owned property between
July 1, 1939, and July 1, 1946, ac-
cording to Ben Zahn, Chief of the
Ann Arbor Fire Department. Mr.
Zahn says there are many build-
ings in which rescue would be ex-
tremely difficult since they are
too far from the street to be ac-
cessible by aerial ladders and that
chain ladders should be extended
from inaccessible rooms having
only one exit.
The fire department i especially
concerned with the conditions ex-
isting in University Hall and the
Economics and Pharmacology
Why are there no fire escapes
on most University buildings,
whether they be fire hazards or
"fire resistant?" What can be done
to enforce prohibition of smoking
in these veritable firetraps? Be-
fore fire occurs and life is lost,
measures must be taken to impress
upon the minds of university of-
ficials and students alike the need
for adequate means of escape in
case of fire, and the need to abide
by regulations set up for their
own safety.
-Jane Staats
Beverly Price
Students Can Still
Collect $25 Fees
Many students who paid the $25
acceptance fee before entering the
University this fall have not yet
collected their refund from the
University Business Office.
The right to collect refunds .ex-
pires Dec. 20.

Two were on University con-
struction jobs, one was started
by a student smoking in bed in
Health Service and two were
wastebasket fires, started by cig-
arettes, in dormitories. There
were no fires on University
property between April 26 and
Sept. 11.
"One of our primary concerns
has always been fire prevention,"
Briggs said, pointing out that re-
cent hotel fires have shown the
need for extreme care in crowded
and publicly occupied buildings.
"We must admit that there
are potential fire hazards in
several campus buildings,"
Briggs said. 'However, faculty
and student cooperation in not
smoking within these buildings
is the chief way to minimize the
possible dangers," he said.
He pointed out that in recogni-
tion of the condition of University
Hall, South Wing and Mason Hall,
staff workers in those buildings
have voluntarily agreed to desist
from smoking in offices. The de-
molition of these three structures
has been authorized by the Board
of Regents and will be undertaken
See FIRE, Page 2
Chief' Refutes
Fi~re Charges
Ann Arbor Fire Chief Ben J.
Zahn doesn't agree with the two
letter writers who have called 'U'
buildings "fire hazards."
Chief Zahn stated yesterday af-
ternoon that the fire department
was "not worried" about buildings
at the University because "most of
them are fire-resistant."
"The fire department has never
been too worried over the Uni-
versity buildings for two reasons:
the buildings are attended by
janitors or employes during their
period of use, and they contain no
highly inflammable materials such
as those contained in hotels and
industrial plants" the chief stated.
"Cigarettes and matches thrown
around a school building are very
unlikely to start a fire. The Chem-
istry and Engineering buildings
are all fire resistant and'none of
the buildings have heating plants"
he explained.
Army Raises

Move Makes
Action Not
Likely Now
Assembly To Discuss
Food, Liberties, Veto
By The Associated Press
NEW YORK, Dec. 11 - Soviet
Russia was reported authoritative-
ly tonight to have rejected com-
pletely an attempt to untangle by
compromise the snarled world
troop census and arms reduction
This apparently ended hopes of
United Nations delegations that
some concrete action on disarming
would be taken at this session of
the Assembly, now nearing final
An informant who would not
permit identification said that An-
drei Y. Vishinsky, Russian Depu-
ty Foreign Minister, told a secret
meeting of a drafting committee
on disarming that his delegation
could not accept the compromise
offered earlier today by Paul-Henri
Spaak of Belgium, President of the
Disarmament and troop census
thus were completely bogged down.
The Assembly in plenary session
at Flushing Meadow Park turned
to the less controversial question of
cereals, with a long slate remain-
ing to be cleared on a variety of
In a sudden burst of speed, the
Assembly raced through unani-
mous approval of 15 items and ap
proached consideration of the old-'
est and perhaps most controversial
issue of all-the veto.
Resolutions passed dealt a va-
riety of non-controversal subjects
including food, civil rights and in-
ternational law.
At this point Vishinsky asked
for delay on the veto debate until
tomorrow and Spaak agreed on
condition that the speaker list be
limited to three for and three
against. The assembly then re-
cessed at 7 p.m. to take an hour
for dinner.
Big Four Will
Hear Small
Nation Views
NEW YORK, Dec. 11-OP)-The
Big - power, Foreign Ministers
Council, following up a major con-
cession by Soviet Foreign Minis-
ter Molotov, agreed tonight that
a commission of deputies should
meet in London Jan. 14 to start
hearing small nations views on a
German peace settlement.
In their busiest session to date,
the Big Four also decided these
other important points in connec-
tion with the German and Aus-
trian treaties:
1. Laid down a six-point agen-
da for the Moscow Foreign Minis-
ters' Meeting next March on the
German settlement--inluding a
provision with the agreement of
Molotov for consideration of U.S.
Secretary of State Byrnes' propos-
al for a 40-year allied pact to keep
Germany disarmed.
2. Decided that a commission of
Big Four deputies should be nam-
ed on the Austrian as well as the
German settlement and that if
any small nations wanted to be
heard on Austria prior to the
Moscow meeting this commission
could hear them. It will also meet
in London. Yugoslavia has already
asked to file its views on Austria.

3. Planned to wind up their
peace-making sessions here with
a final meeting beginning at 3
p.m. (CST) tomorrow.
Vet Checks
At Post Office
The Ann Arbor Main Post Office
is holding government checks for
the following veterans, the Vet-
erans Service Bureau announced

Marriage Ban'
FRANKFURT, Germany, Dec.
11 - (P) - The U. S. Army an-
nounced today the lifting-with
one reservation - of the ban
against the marriages of Ameri-
can soldiers and German girls, and
an Army spokesman said a "Ger-
man war brides" transport might
sail soon for the United States.
Col. George S. Eyster, who an-
nounced the removal by Gen. Jo-
seph T. McNarney, European
Theater Commander, said it prob-
ably would become effective with-
in 15 days when details are worked

Exant S
To Be
Prof. PaulS
Clarence F. K
literary and e
have reported
schedules sho
this weekendo

S. Dwyer and Prof.
Cessler, chairmen of
scheduling for the
ngineering colleges,
that examination
uld be announced
or early next week.


The single reservation, Eyster
said, is that the marriages cannot
take place until just before an
American is to return home.
Eyster said he had "no idea" how
many Americans now in Germany
might apply to marry frauleins but
that he believed a brides' transport
would be provided. The Army an-
nounced only last week that 2,500
American war veterans had applied
for permission to have German
girls enter the United States to
marry them.
R' IhoInnuir

LaGuardia Accuses U.S. of 'Playing Politics with Food'

A bitter attack on the United
United States attitude toward fu-

Under Secretary of State Acheson
over the air Sunday and by what
you heard this morning."

sisted on direct aid from one
country to another. He also said
UNRRA had "serious faults" and

plies that UNRRA has yet to ship.
After La Guardia's blast, Wood
retorted that 'Mr. La Guardia is


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