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December 11, 1946 - Image 4

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The Michigan Daily, 1946-12-11

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Disappearing' Books



T HE revelation of General Library officials
that books are "disappearing" in quan-
tity must come as a surprise to the student
body, most of whom, we don't doubt, thought
of the University as something more than
just another part of the jungle.
But now the myth has been shattered,
and it is time for the student body as a
whole to take stock - even though it is
probably true that the acts of theft have
been committed by a small fraction of
the 18,513 students now enrolled.
The hardships which result when a stu-
Editorials published in The Michigan Daily
are written by members of The Daily staff
and represent the views of the writers only.

dent steals a book are too well-known to
require more than passing comment. Be-
cause of limited funds and space and the
impossibility of estimating just how many
copies of some books will be required for
certain courses, the Library is unable to
meet all student demands even when its
resources are intact.
But the real blow to the morale of the
average student - who thought he was liv-
ing in a community where ethics were
practiced as well as taught - comes in the
form of the opinion of a committee of stu-
dents and Library and University officials
that students - who sneak books out of the
library do not consider it "stealing."
The vast majority of students, who still
hold to a civilized moral code, should de-
mand that violators revise theirs. That is
the only means of recovering a student
body prestige in which all have a stake.
-The Senior Editors



Holiday Absences

LAST spring the literary college, recog-
nizing that University students are ma-
ture individuals, discarded the authoritarian
system of compulsory attendance and es-
tablished a policy that called for the re-
porting of irregular attendance only when
it was impairing the student's standing in
the class.
Reports of student misuse of this "privi-
lege" have been non-existent, so far as
this writer has been able to discover, until
the recent Thanksgiving holiday.
The University could not extend the
Thanksgiving holiday over the weekend be-
cause to do so would be unfair to many
students living too far away to get home
for the four day period and because the
number of class periods remaining in the
semester had already been cut to the mini-
mum by the necessity of extending the
period of finals, according to a statement
made to the Student Legislature Committee
by Dr. Robbins, assistant to the president.
Along with the explanation of why the
University could not amend its calendar
this year, Dr. Robbins pointed out that
since attendance in the literary college is
not compulsory and "double" and "triple
cuts" are no longer in existence, the indi-
vidual students are free to make their own
decisions about missing classes and may
do so if they believe that such absence will
not affect their class standing.:
This appears to be an entirely realistic
and practical policy which worked ef-
fectively until last week. At this time,
however, the old theory of the "greater
than usual evil" of missing class either
just beore or just after a holiday came
back with a boom. With the approach
of Thanksgiving, DAILY readers were
suddenly made aware that they had what,
appears to be a special obligation to
attend classes after the holiday. Is it
being too naive to question why?

Dean Peake has been quoted as saying
that, "the attitude of those veterans who
have not enjoyed a Thanksgiving at home
for several years is understandable." These
vetei'ans and many other students who de-
liberately chose to miss classes in order to
spend the holiday with their families must
have been considerably enlightened to learn
from Miss Bagrow's editorial appearing in
last Thursday's Daily that they had dis-
played "such a widespread ignorance of the
meaning of freedom in this usage."
TIHE condemnation of student absences
following the holiday is utterly absurd.
The exaggerated importance recently at-
tached to absences which fall near a holi-
day can only be rationally accepted when
someone is able to demonstrate clearly that
the persons who chose to go home for
Thanksgiving fail, more classes, propor-
tionally, than the remaining students who
chose other days to "cut" their classes.
It should be quite apparent, particularly
in the light of Miss Bagrow's prophetic
assertion, that many students will decide
to miss a day either before or after Christ-
mas' vacation. Transportation difficulties
caused by the coal strike point to the ne-
cessity of the staggered movement of our
18,000 students.
Now it would appear, however, that
those students who chose to leave a day'
early or who are unable to obtain trans-
portation to return for the reopening of
school will be faced with this same theory
of the magnitude of the evil of missing
those particular days.
There is no justification for the continua-
tion of an attitude which blows up "holiday
absences" to unwarranted heights and con-
demns the attitude of the student body on
the basis of those few days.
-Tom Walsh

Breathing Spell
THE COURSE that John L. Lewis adopted
last Saturday was a difficult one for
him. He is a proud man who is accustomed
to driving his plow through to the end of
the furrow. His decision ought to be re-
ceived by the people with both relief and
appreciation of what it meant to the leader
of the United Mine Workers.
In his announcement Mr. Lewis indicated
that he was fully aware that "public neces-
sity requires quantitative production of
coal . . ." He was right. He was even more
right in his thought that the Supreme Court
should be free, during its consideration of
the case pending before it, "from public
pressure superinduced by the hysteria and
frenzy of an economic crisis." Many
thoughtful citizens had already come to
apprehend an even more fateful crisis for
the Supreme Court than the strike itself
might be for our economy and the economy
of Europe.
We now have the "breathing spell" that
many have come to regard as essential if
we are to arrive at just conclusions in labor
controversies. Mr. Lewis expressed a will-
ingness to negotiate with an "alphabetic
agency of the United States government or
the assorted coal operators." It would be a
mistake for the government to interfere
again in this matter, which, fundamentally,
is something between the workers and the
owners. The exercise of war powers during
times of peace is highly dangerous. It is
undemocratic. If the people want the Presi-
dent to take over any industry in the public
interest, the Congress should pass approp-
ilate legislation after careful consideration.
It is not healthy in a democracy for the
President. by an unseemly stretch of his
war powers, granted for an emergency that
has long ceased to exist, to play the part
of a dictator. In this instance, taking over
the mines was a distinct advantage to John
L. Lewis such as should not have been given
to him or anyone else. In a time of indus-
trial strife the government should be im-
partial in the public interest.
Control should be reassumed by the
rightful owners of mine properties. If
we reach the point where the public wel-.
fare seems to require the nationalization
of the coal industry, we ought to go about
it with thoughtful deliberation and within
the framework of our democratic insti-
tutions. But, unless and until the people
themselves shall decide upon nationali-
zation, the private ownership of the mines
should not be interfered with. We do
not want a surreptitious nationalization,
a taking over by indirection, without com-
pensation to the owners and a just recog-
nition of our serial obligations to the
THE COAL operators and their employes
should now be left to work out a con-
tract mutually acceptable to both sides.
This they should do in good temper and in
frank recognition, not only of their several
rights, but of their responsibilities to each
other and to the country. The negotiations
should be undertaken at once and they
should not be allowed to drag up to he last
minute as has been the usual course when
mine operators and workers have been in
the throes of collective bargaining. In this
connection it is only fair to say that, gener-
ally it is the operators who hold out stub-
bornly to the bitter end. Both sides should
recognize as legitimate the public interest
in just wages and decent working conditions
'or the miners and in reasonable profits for
the operators.
The heat that has been engendered by this
conflict will soon dissipate itself if we per-
mit it to do so. The public interest is, of
course, to get coal. Nothing is so funda-
mental to our economy, and therefore to
our well-being. Production of coal is par-
ticularly vital to Europe. It would ill be-
come us if we did not accept John L.
Lewis' decision to send his men back to
work in the Christian tradition. This is no
time to question motives, to indulge in
spiteful diatribes or to jeer at a man who

showed, once again, that he has the courage
of convictions. Especially is good sports-
manship called for on the part of the
But, while we should encourage the
mine owners and the workers to work out
a contract in a spirit of mutual forbear-
ance, we must give thought to what
should be done in order to make it certain
that no one shall ever again have the
power arbitrarily to 'disrupt the economy
of the country and bring want and de-
spair into a land where the people could
have happiness and security if they only
had sense enough to go about it.
There are certain industries in which the
paramount interest is the public interest.
The coal industry is one of these. Fortu-
nately, this paramount interest can be main-
tained with tolerance and justice to all
(Copyright, 1946, N.Y. Post Corp.)
Poland is in dire need of financial assis-
tance from the United States and the $90,-
000,000 loan, suspended recently by the
American State Department, should be
granted immediately, Stanislaus Mikolaje-
zyk, leader of the powerful Polish Peasant
Party (PSL) declared.
-Michael Frome
In 'he Washington Post

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Letters to the Editor..

A t,

EDITOR'S NOTE: Yo letter to the
editor will be printed unless signed
and writt fn in good taste. Letters
over 340 cords in length will be
shortened or omitted; in special in-
stances, they will be printed,- at the
discretion of the editorial director.
/A I' - Comui sts ,,,
To the Editor:
"PINK, Red, Commie," are just
interesting smear words .un-
til their continued usage demands
more careful selection and better
qualification. That is one of my
Somewhat curious over the ap-
plication of these descriptions to
certain campus groups, I have
investigated their popular signifi-
cance as attached to the organi-
zation, A m e r i c a n Youth for
Democracy. A score of news
stories and several verbal vocifera-
tions forcefully informed naive'
me (an obsolete old American
democratist) of more than I had
anticipated. Just one of these
"revelations" has prompted me to
submit this letter.
It is: the American Youth for
Democracy organization is the
successor to the Young Com-
munist L e a g u e that was dis-

12 -at

"I'm only shootin' at th' red hirds"


Secretariat Key to UN

rrHE EFFICIENCY of the administrative
services organization often reflects its
status. This was true of the League of Na-
tions and may be expected to be the case
in regard to its more powerful successor,
the United Nations Organization.
At the State . . .
sal release), Paul Muni, Claude Raines,
Anne Baxter.
THE MERE thought of an acting combi-
nation like Paul Muni and Claude
Raines is so overwhelming that if miracles
are not forthcoming, disappointment results.
That is my reaction to Angel on My Shoul-
der. It is an average movie; there is noth-
ing miraculous about it. Though at times
it strives for epic proportions, it never quite
reaches them. Muni and Raines are wasted,
not because their acting is not up to its
usual high standard, but because persorN.
of lesser ability could just as easily have
handled their roles. Muni is still capable
of dramatic heights, as is evidenced once
or twice in the film. Raines' part is no
more than an exercise in reading. Anne
Baxter exudes all the warmth and person-
ality of an ice cube. If you're not out for
miracles and find amusement in Muni and
Raines descending to the common-clay level,
you'll probably find this picture good en-
At the Michigan.
(Warners), Dennis Morgan, Jack Carson,
Joan Leslie, Janis Paige.
TWO GUYS from Milwaukee should have
stopped horsing around at the three-
quarter point and written finis to their ad-
ventures while audience reaction was still
spontaneous. The final 25 per cent of forced
,triteness tended to make the tedium of
the rest of the nicture obvious. Dennis

When the League became weak and vacil-
lating regarding the rise of fascist and
undemocratic powers in Italy, Germany and
other European nations, the character of
its secretariat suffered a corresponding de-
terioration. The early international homo-
geneity of the League administrative
personnel degenerated into an assortment
of national officials who placed loyalty to
their home governments above loyalty to
the League.
The purpose of Sir Eric Drummond, first
secretary-general of the League, had been
to create an internationally-minded civil
service which would observe loyalty to the
League above national loyalty, but would
still retain its various national ties. This
objective was achieved in the early years
of the League, when it was at its height
in power and influence.
With the rise of Fascism in Italy came
the first break in the unity of the League
secretariat. Italian Fascist officials began
to place national loyalty above the inter-
ests of the League. The inability of that
body to withstand the onslaught of un-
democratic forces in its midst was thus
reflected in the very core of its organi-
NOW THE United Nations Organization
must develop a similarly homogeneous
secretariat under the direction of Secretary-
General Trygve Lie. At present a secre-
tariat of 3,000 is in existence, but Lie con-
tends that the size of the personnel may be
doubled with the expansion of functions
and membership of the organization.
In this new secretariat the principle of
international loyalty to the organization
has been further stressed and employes
must take an oath that they "shall not
seek or receive instructions from any gov-
ernment or from any authority external to
the organization." The present group in-
cludes 46 nationalities.
The experiences of the League of Na-
tions, in its early history, prove that inter-
national cooperation can be embodied in
such a group. This is one of the most
encouraging aspects of the problem of
world unity in working for peace.
Since the secretariat is vital to every
phase of United Nations work, the fact
that homogeneity can be established on

(Continued from 1'age 3)
obtained in Room 2, University
Men's Residence Halls: Men
wishing to cancel their residence
hall contracts for the Spring S-
mester may secure request blanks
at the Office of( the Dean of St-
dents. Requests must he filed on
or before Dec. 20, Rn. 2, UJinivr-
sity Hall.
February Seniors and Graduates
in Aeronautical Engineering: Mr.
J. William Long, representing the
Propeller Division of Curtiss-
Wright Corporation, Caldwell, New
Jersey, will interview February
Seniors and Graduates in Aero-
nautical Engineering on Dec. 12
,and 13, Rm. B-47 E. Engineering
Bldg. For interview, sign schedule
on Aeronautical Engineering Bi -
letin Board.
Curtiss-Wright Corporation will
interview at the Bureau of Ap-
pointments. 201 Mason Hal, me-
chanical, electrical, and aeronau-
tical engineers who are graduating
in June. Any men interested in an
interview call 4121, extension 371,
for an appointment.
The Michigan Bell Telephone
Company will interview students
at the Bureau of Appointments,
201 Mason Hall, on Wednesday,
Dec. 11. This applies to both men
and women graduating in Janu-
ary. Interviews will cover pos-
tions in Commercial, Traffic and
Accounting departments. Call
4121, Ext. 371, for appointment.
Farragut College and Technical
Institute, a new college recently
established at the former U. S.
Naval Training Center, Farragut,
Idaho, desires to engage educa-
tional progressive-minded staff
members interested in joining a
forward looking institution, which
is establishing curricula which
more closely fit the needs of cur-
rent students and the actual needs
of the professions, business, and
industry of today.
Instructors, assistant professors,
associate professors, and profes-
sors are needed in the fields of
Chemistry, Physics, Mathematics,
Engineering, Geology, Botany, Zo-
ology, Agriculture, Forestry, Eng
lish, Sociology, Political Science,
History, Economics, Education,
Business Administration, Com-
parative Religion, Meteorology,
Home Economics, Commercial Art,
Modern Languages, and Trade and
Industrial Education.
Call the Bureau o Appoint-
ments and Occupational Informa-
tion, 201 Mason Hall, for further
International Center: Wed.,
7:30 p.m., Bridge; Thurs., 4 p.m.,
Weekly Tea: Fri., 4 p.m., Weekly
Tea Dance; Sat., 5 p.m., Christmas
Willow Village
West Court Community Bldg.
Wed., Dec. 11, 8:00 p.m., Uni-
versity Concert Band,, conducted
by William Revelli, West Lodge
Auditorium; 7:30 p.m., Rev. Ed-
wards' Counselling.
Thurs., 8:00 p.m., University
Extension Class in Psychology;
8:00 p.m., Art-Craft Work Shop.
Demonstration of Textile Painting
and Water Colors.

Fri.. Dec. 18, 8:00 p.m., Classi-
cal Music Record Concert.
Sat., Dec. 14, 3:00-5:30 p.m.,
Tea given by President and Mrs.
Alexander G. Ruthven for wives
of all University students and fa-
culty membersl iving in Willow
West Lodge
Wed., Dec. 11, 7:00 p.m., Social
Directors' meeting; 7:00-10:30
p.m., Duplicate bridge session.
Thurs. Dec. 12, 6:30 p.m., Ta-
ble tennis - singles elimination in
Fri., Dec. 13, 8:30 p.m., U. of M.
Student Record Dance.
Sat, Dec. 14, 8:00 p.m., Inform-
al bridge session.
University Lecture: General
Victor A. Yakhontoff, old Russian
Army, retired, will lecture on the
subject, "United States--China-
Soviet Russia," at 4:15 p.m., Wed.,
Dec. 11, Kellogg Auditorium; aus-
pices of the Department of His-
tory. The public is invited.
University Lecture: Professor A
S. P. Woodhouse, University of
Toronto, will lecture on the sub-
ject, "Christian Liberty and Order
in Milton," at 4:15 p.m., Wed.,
Dec. 11, Rackham Amphitheatre;
auspices of the Department of
English Language and Literature.
The public is cordially invited.
Dr. Wolfgang Stechow, profes-
sor of Fine Arts at Oberlin College,
will lecture on the subject "Rem-
brandt; Genius and Tradition"
(illustrated with lantern slides),
in the Rackham Amphitheatre at
4:15 p.m. Friday., Dec. 13; auspices
of the Department of Fine Arts.
The public is cordially invited.
Sociedad Hispanica Lecture:
Prof. L. C. Stuart will lecture (in
English) on the subject, "Views of
Guatemala," at 8:00 p.m., Wed.,
Dec. 11,. Rm. 1), Alumni Memorial
hall; auspices of the Sociedad His-
panica. Slides will be shown.
Academic Notices
Biological Chemistry Seminar
meet at 3 p.m., Fri., Dec. 13, Rm.
319 W. Medical Bldg. "The Use of
Isotopes in the Study of Carbo-
hydrate Metabolism." will be dis-
cussed. Open meeting.
Seminar in Applied Mathema-
ties at 3 p.m., Wed., Dec. 11, Rm.
317, W. Engineering Bldg. Mr. W.
C. Sangren will speak on 'The use
of Fourier Integrals in the Elec-
tric Network analysis." Tea at
2:30, Rm. 315. Visitors invited.
Special Functions Seminar meet
at 10 a.m., Dec. 11, Rm. 340 W.
Engineering Bldg. Mr. Hansen will
talk on "1Laguerre and Hermite
Student Recital: Richard Gool-
ian, student of piano under Joseph
Brtnkman, will present a recital at
8:30 p.m., Thurs., Dec. 12, Rack-
ham Assembly Hall. Given in par-
tial fulfillment of the requirements
for the degree of Master of Music,
the program will be open to the
general public.

Michigan Takes Shape - a dis-
play of maps. Michigan Histori-
cal Collections, 160 Rackham.
Hours: 8-12, 1:30-4:30 Monday
through Friday; 8-12 Saturday.
The Museum of Art presents
Prints by George Rouault,, and
African. Negro Sculpture, in the
galleries of Alumni Memorial
Hall, Dec. 4-20; weekdays, except
Mondays, 10-12, and 2-5; Sundays
2-5; Wednesday evening, 7-9. The
public is invited.
Exhibit of student work of the
Cooper Union Art School, New
York, will be current from Dec. 5
to 20, ground floor corridor, Col-
lege of Architecture and Design.
Events Today
University Radio Programs:
2:30 p.m., Station WKAR, 870
Kc. "Winning the Confidence of
an Employer," Dr. John M. Tryt-
ten, Principal of University High
2:45. p.m., Station WKAR, 870
Ke. Emil Raab, violin, and Doro-
thy Ornest, piano. Mozart: Son-
ata, B flat (First Movement);
Boulanger, Nocturno;
3:30 p.m., Station .WPAG, 1050
Kc. Campus News,
Sigma Xi, Michigan Chapter,
open meeting, 8 p.m., Rackham
Amphitheatre. Symposium on An-
tibiatics; Prof. Malcolm H. Soule,
Dr. Ralph E. Bennett, and Dr.
Ernest Watson, speakers.
Business Administration Job-
Panel. Professors Riegel, Paton,
Jamison, Gault, and Rodkey rep-
resenting five fields of business
activity, will be members of a Job-
Panel, 8 to 10 p.m., University stu-
dents and faculty invited. Spon-
sored by Delta Sigma Pi.
Botanical Journal Club meet at
7:30,p.m., Rm. 1139, Natural Sci-
ence. Papers on * heredity and
genetics will be reviewed by Bar-
bara Jahnke, James Maysilles,
Charles Richards and Virginia
Bryan. Anyone interested is wel-
come. Dr. Hovanitz chairman.
English Journal Club meet at
8:00 p.m., West Conference Room,
Rackham Bldg. Prof. A. S. P.
Woodhouse, University of Toron-
to, will speak on "The Agreement
of the People Revived"; A Note in
Puritan Political Thought in 1659."
Debaters: Debate meeting, 7:30
p.m., i. 225, Angell Hall.
Gargoyle Advertising Staff meet-
ing at 4 p.m., Gargoyle office.
Everyone must attend.
Michigan Wolverines meet at
6:45 p.m., Union. Members are
reminded that three consecutive,
unexcused absences constitute
dismissal from the Club. Please
be present to plan for the basket-
ball season.
U. of M. Concert Band (seventy
selected nembers) will present a
concert for veterans living at Wil-
low Run Village at 8 p.m., West
U of M. Flying Club meeting at
(Continued on Page 6)

solved to give this one Commun-
istic movement a more accep-
table name and a broader basis
for membership; all this trans-
piring after the City College of
New York's Student Council and
campus managing editor, as well
as some of the more responsible
administrators repudiated the
attempts of the young commun-
ists to establish an AYD chapter
at that institution. The school-
men cited this action as evidence
of the Y o u n g Communist
League's unscrupulous tactics
that seek control of this coun-
try's highly important category
of youth, the students.
The columns of this student
publication, The Michigan Daily,
constitute a free parliament and
I hereby invite the University of
Michigan chapter of American
Youth for Democracy (also known
by its original designation, Michi-
gan Youth for Democratic Ac-
tion) to use this medium in in-
forming our University's popula-
tion of the significance of: (1)
AYD's origin from the Young
Communist League and (2) the
merit in the suggestions that
AYD's leadership, particularly on
the national level, is Communistic.
In anticipation,
-Bob LaPlante
Foreign Films .
To the Editor:
NOTICED article on interview
of Student Legislature Com-
mittee on Recreational Facilities
with Mr. HoaghMichigan Theatre
Mgr., last Thursday. Suggest
Committee contact me for infor-
mation on foreign films and do-
mestic revivals. I may be able to
I've had unfavorable comment
on some Art Cinema League films.
I, too, am a bit unhappy about
some choices. Many factors in-
terfere with bringing only the best
films. Express strikes in N. Y.,
interfering with shipments; dis-
tributors changing their minds
about sending films; high prices,
as in the case of HENRY V, OPEN
CITY, etc. Infrequently, I believe,
some unfavorable comment is due
to lack of appreciation of foreign
cultural values, which are differ-
ent from those inherent in mod-
ern, sophisticated American films.
Apropos this point, a comment is
due on Russian films. It behooves
us ill to be impatient and unduly
sensitive about an occasional spot
of "propaganda." The Soviet
economy and philosophy influence
all of their culture, including cin-
ema productions. Many American
prototypes and day-dreams (such
as the Cinderella-Prince Charming
types of unrealistic love story, and
modified Horatio Alger success
stories appear very frequently in
our domestic films. Therefore, let
us not be too hard on Soviet pro-
Have received many sugges-
tions of good films for which 11
am grateful and hereby solicit
more of same from all readers.
It is frequently difficult, even
having the title of a film, to find
the distributor who rents it. If
you have name and address of
same, as well as title of film,
send it along.
Will be in N. Y. this Christmas
vacation, working to improve
quality of films. Results should be
apparent in the coming Spring
semester's presentations.
-Harold Lester, Mgr.
Art Cinema League
1340 North University




Fifty-Seventh Year
Edited and managed by students of
the University of Michigan under the
authority of the Board in Control of
Student Publications.
Editorial Staff
Robert Goldman .....Managing Editor
Milton Freudenheim .Editorial Director
Clayton Dickey ............City Editor
Mary Brush............Associate Editor
Ann Kutz...........Associate Editor
Paul Harsha ..........Associate Edito
Clark Baker.............Sports Editor
Des Howarth ..Associate Sports Editor
Jack Martin .. Associate Sports Editor
Joan Wilk...... ....Women's Editor~
Lynne Ford .Associate Women's Editor
Business. Staff
Robert E. Potter ....Business Managel
Evelyn Mills
..........Associate Business Manage
Janet Cork Associate Business Managel
Telephone 23-24 -
Member of The Associated Pres
The Associated Press is exclusive)3


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