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December 11, 1946 - Image 1

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The Michigan Daily, 1946-12-11

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See Page 4


Latest Deadline in the State


1,60 Vets
Still Without
Fall Checks
VA To Recheck
Local Complaints
The Veterans Administratior
survey of "checkless" student vet-
erans revealed that up to 4 p.m
yesterday at least 1,360 University
veterans still have not receivec
their September and October sub-
sistence checks.
A part of state-wide complaint
hearings, the local survey was con-
ducted by a special team of VA
training officers and contact rep-
resentatives headed by George
Beauchamp, Acting Assistant Chief
of the Regional VA Rehabilitation
and Education Division.
Beauchamp said, "I had not ex-
pected that the complaints would
be so heavy."
Names To Be Checked
All of the names taken yesterday
will be checked by the VA Re-
gional Rehabilitation and Educa-
tion office in Detroit, according to
Beauchamp. Those applications
which are ok'd after the recheck
in Detroit will be forwarded to the
Treasury office in Cleveland and
checks will be mailed from there.
If for some reason the applications
are not in order, student veterans
will be notified of the fact, Beau-
champ stated.
This was the third survey taken
by the VA since Nov. 1, the date
originally announced by th' VA as
"payday" for the University's 11,-
030 student veterans.
Due Here Nov. 15
Later the Detroit regional of-
fice of the VA announced that all
checks were due here by Nov. 15,
which was 26 days before the VA
discovered that 12.3 per cent of the
University student veterans were
still without checks.
An unofficial survey of campus
post offices made by The Daily on
Nov. 17 disclosed that less than 25
per cent of University veterans had
received subsistence payments, two
days after the announced "dead-
line" of payments., Three days
later, these figures were denied by
J. Frank Campbell, Chief of the
Regional VA Rehabilitation and
Education Division.
Speed Up Plan
A plan to speed up subsistence
payments by having district dis-
bursement officers pay by vouch-
er, which was advanced in a Daily
editorial on Nov. 19, drew fire
from a Treasury official who said
that the present check system
"can't be beat."
"There is no delay in our out-
fit," E. J. Brennan, Chief Dis-
bursing Officer of the Treasury
Department told a Washington re-
porter in commenting on The
Daily proposal.
Many of the 1,360 veterans
whose checks have been delayed
have already secured loans from
the University.
Hill Will Speak
On Lynching
Camipus Groups Will
Begin Petition Drive
Rev. Charles Hill, president of,
the Detroit chapter of the National
Association for the Advancement
of Colored People, will address the

campus-wide anti-lynching rally
to be held at 7:30 p.m. tomorrow
in the Union ballroom.
Following Rev. Hill's speech,
University students will be urged
to sign petitions and postcards
supporting the enactment of na-
tional anti-lynching legislation,
the ouster of Bilbo and Federal
prosecution of lynchers. These
petitions and postcards will then
be forwarded to each student's
representative in Congress.
The local drive which is part of
a national effort is being sponsored
by the Campus Anti-Lynching
Committee, which represents Wil-
low Village and Campus AVC, IRA,
MYDA and the Lawyers Guild.
Med Students
To Graduate
In the last graduation under the
wartime speed-up program, one
hindrdryn nP T e,+din oan1 o'ahnn

Local Hotels Shown
Free of Fire Hazards





Inspection Reveals 4
Owners Ordered to:
Visitors to Ann Arbor can con-
sider, themselves fairly safe from
disasters like the Winecoff hotel
fire while staying in any of the
local hotels overnight.
A survey conducted by The Daily
yesterday among the downtown
hotels found that no fire hazards

CIO Leaders
To Demand
Wage Boosts
Plans Will Include
Set Annual Wages
WASHINGTON, Dec. 10-(A)-
The CIO girded today for an at-
tempt to obtain a second round of
pay increases in major industries
-and -a guaranteed annual wage
for its 6,000,000 members.
Now that John L. Lewis is sty-
mied, the CIO is stepping out to
become the wage pacemaker just
as it did in the first postwar pay
adjustments earlier this year.
Meetings Called
CIO leaders are grasping at their
opportunity in a series of meetings
this week and next, out of which
may come a demand for a 25-cent
hourly raise. That is the figure
many CIO leaders have been talk-
ing about. Lewis reportedly had
been seeking a 50 per cent increase
for his AFL United Mine Workers
Studies Form Basis
As groundwork for their de-
mands CIO leaders are depending
on two separate studies:
1. An economic analysis pre-
pared for the CIO by Robert R.
Nathan, former deputy director
of the Office of War Mobilization,
now a private economic consultant.
This report is to be made public
2. An interim report to the Of-
fice of War Mobilization by Mur-
ray Latimer, former chairman of
the National Railroad Retirement
Board. This government report
recommends the guaranteed wage
plan as a means of maintaining a
stable employment and purchasing
Houses May
Apply for
J-Hop Ducats
If you want your entire house,
fraternity or independent, to
attend the J-Hop on the same
night, here's what you have to do:
Hand in a list of the men's
names together with their aca-
demic status to the 'U' Hall ap-
plication booth no later than Sat-
urday noon;
List your affiliation or group
name on the application card,
(Independents will have to create
a name).
The J-Hop Committeermakes
no guarantees that all requests
will be granted, but'it will make
a sincere effort to grant as many
as possible, Committee chairman
Dennis Youngblood said.
He urged all houses to register
as soon as possible. Registration
will be held tomorrow through

Only Minor Infractions;
Make Needed Changes
of a serious nature exist. The sur-
vey was corroborated by Fire Chief
Ben J. Zahn who has just finished
his quarterly inspection of Ann Ar-
bor buildings.
In response to the public con-
cern over three major hotel fires
within the last week, all Ann Ar-
bor hotels were checked by a Daily
reporter to ascertain whether they
conformed to the State and city
building regulations concerning
emergency exits.
One Flaw Noted
One major divergence from the
codes was found during the sur-
vey: none of the hotels have stand-
pipes (built-in hydrants) installed
on their property as is prescribed.
But all hotels were within 60 feet
of a fire hydrant.
Minor infractions were found in
several hotels: refuse on the fire
escape; holes in the walls; exit
signs damaged or pointing either
the wrong way or to locked doors;
drop cords and incorrect or ex-
posed wiring; high-step' fire es-
capes; and doors swinging the
wrong way or not outfitted with
panic (safety-bars) hardware.
The majority of these infrac-
tions were in the process of being
fixed yesterday or were unable to
be fixed due to the material and
labor shortages. All of them were
noted by Department of Labor in-
spectors who have instructed the
owners to eliminate them gefore
March 1, 1947.
One Fire Checked
The manager of one hotel said
that a fire occurred in the hotel
three months ago but was extin-
guished by the hotel personnel ten
minutes after its discovery. All
the guests had been herded into
the lobby within four minutes after
the start of the fire.



Re ports

World News
By The Associated Press
NEW YORK, Dec. 10 - The
United States and other great
powers were assured a permanent
direct voice in the management of
Trieste's economic affairs today
when the Big Four Foreign Min-
isters Council agreed on the crea-
tion of 12-nation commission to
keep check on the operation of the
free port of Trieste.
MILWAUKEE, Dec. 10-Gov.
Walter S. Goodland was asked
today to send troops into sub-
urban West Allis to maintain
law and order at the gates of the
vast strikebound machinery
works of the Allis-Chalmers
Manufacturing Company.
* * *
TEHRAN, Dec. 10 - Four col-
umns of government troops began
an invasion of Azerbaijan today
in what may prove to be a chal-
lenge to Russian influence, and
unconfirmed reports said Mianeh,
80 miles from the Azerbaijan capi-
tal, had been captured in a swift
BARCELONA, Spain, Dec. 10-
A noise bomb exploded today as
marchers, said by semi-official
sources to number 150,000 to 200,-
000, passed Barcelona's vice regal
palace in a demonstration against
"foreign interference" in Spanish

Cites Needs
Of Veterans
On ACampuses
Says Cut Will Create
'Ghost Structures'
By The Associated Press
LANSING, Dec. 10-Govenor
Kelly beat down today a proposal
by the state postwar victory build-
ing board to order the University
of Michigan and Michigan State
College to sharply curtail their
campus construction programs.
A. N. Langius, state building
director, said the order, if it had
passed, would have halted all
construction at MSC and virtually
stopped that at Ann Arbor.
Rep. Victor A. Knox, Sault
Ste. Marie Republican, ad-
vanced the proposal, asserting
that the two major institutions
should complete only those
structures for which they have
sufficient funds, and wait for
further legislative grants to
complete the rest.
Knox asserted the state's pre-
sent financial distress, resulting
from passage of the sales tax di-
version and veterans' bonus
amendments had upset the pre-
vious plan to have the 1947 Legis-
lature provide sufficient funds to
complete the projects, mainly
classroom and dormitory buildings
required by swollen enrollments.
"It would be better to have
two or three buildings complet-
ed than five or six ghost build-
ings," Knox said.
Kelly retorted "you are not
faced with ghost buildings, but
you can create them at this meet-
ing. You can't debate this through
next March with those G.I.'s going
to school out there. You might just
as well scrap the whole program
in January."
Red Deserters
Join Poles, S'
Audience Told
The Polish underground move-
ment contains an estimated three
million Russian deserters, A. J.
Rathnaw, former UNRRA repre-
sentative in.Poland told the Uni-
versity Polonia Society last night.
Pointing out that Poland does
not enjoy any of the four freedoms
today, Rathnaw said that public
meetings can notbedheld without
a permit, and that all printing
presses are government-owned.
High taxes will "put the Church
out of business" within five years,
Rathnaw predicted, stating that
there is still some freedom of re-
ligion in Poland.
Declaring that he did not spend
a single night of the nine months
he was in Poland without hearing
shots in the street, Rathnaw said
freedom from fear is still unknown
In spite of the improvements in
conditions in Poland made by
UNRRA and other volunteer or-
ganizations since the close of the
war, officials of the existing Po-
lish government have insisted that
they can get along without help
from the West, which they believe
is inspired by political motives,
Rathnaw said.



LINER RESTS ON HARBOR'S BED-the French Line's luxury liner' Liberte, the former north Ger-
man Lloyd Liner Europa, rests on the muddy bed of Le Havre basin in France after having snapped
her moorings in a gale-driven tidal wave and hav ing gashed her side against harbor wreckage. In
background is hulk of sunken liner Paris.

Clothing Co'tributions Needed
To Insure School Attendance
The present condition of many schools in Europe will make atten-
dance impossible during the winter months unless the clothing short-
age is alleviated, Ada Davis, clothing drive chairman, said yesterday
in urging students to contribute to the "Bundle Days" today and
Because of the destruction of many schools, students are meeting
in inadequately heated, temporary headquarters, Miss Davis explained.
Clothing Contributions
Clothing contributions to the Bundle Days, which will be sent to
students in Europe, may be of any~
type, Miss Davis said. Small ar-
ticles, coats, army clothing and zaristAr
dresses will be equally acceptable,
she said. l Wil
Willow Run residents will have 'Generalecp e n h
special receptacles in which to
place clothing. Containers have e
Spek Tday
been placed in the center of eachom ry n gmesa
dormitory and garments and
shoes may also be taken to West General Vicftor A. Yakhontoff,
Lodge or Lane Hall, drive head- former Acting Secretary of War
quarters. i h usa eesycbnt
Residences which have not been in the Russian Kerensky cabinet,
contacted by members of the drive will discuss "United States-China-
committee also may take their Russia" at 4:15 p.m. today in the
bundles to Lane Hall. Kellogg Auditorium.
Miss Davis said thatdduring the Recently returned from an ex-
drive, materials should be wrap- tensive tour of Soviet Russia and
ped, tied and placed in central
places for the pick-ups, which will the Far East, General Yakhontoff
take place Friday through Sunday. will speak under the auspices of
the History Department.
Recomt endatin A general at 35, he served for
more than two years with the
For Regency Told Russian Armies in World War I.
As a member of the General Staff,
GRAND RAPIDS, Mich., General Yakhontoff was sent by
Dec. 10-(A)-Richard Krause, the Czar to England and France
Rockford leather goods manu- where he made reports to Lord
facturer, was recommended to- Kitchener and Marshall Joffre on
night for nomination as Repub- coordination of the Allied spring
lican candidate for regent of the offensives of 1916.
University of Michigan. He was Following the overthrow of the
named by the Kent county Re- Czar, he was recalled to Russia to
publican advisory committee. serve as Assistant Secretary of
Two new regents will be named War in the short-lived Kerensky
in the spring elections. Government.

(ills 'U' Construction Cut

Ciague Gives
Job Success
A sound basic education plus
adaptability within a specialized
field are the two prime requisites
for professional and business suc-
cess under present economic con-
ditions, Dr. Ewan Clague, U.S.f
Commissioner of Labor Statistics,
emphasized last night in a speech
Dr .Clague, who spoke under the
auspices of the University Bureau
of Appointments, further ex-
plained that although at present
there is a job "for anyone who
wants one," the business cycle, if
it follows past performances may
lead us into a period of unem-
ployment and depression.
Technological and other vital
changes in all fields will make it
imperative for specialized work-
ers to constantly adjust them-
selves to new, different situations,
Dr. Clague continued.
"We are not now on such a per-
ilous peak as we were before the
last depression," Dr. Clague said.
Fussy Printer
Delays Garg'
Printing difficulties will make it
impossible to have the December
Gargoyle on campus until 10 a.m.
today, the Garg staff has an-
Root of the trouble, the editors
claim, is a recalcitrant printer who
has so far refused to print the
magazine, claiming he won't let
his wife read the Canterbury Tales,
why should he have. to look at the

Molotov Asks
UN For Full
Arms Count
Soviets Insist Veto
Right Be Maintained
By The Associated Press
NEW YORK, Dec. 10 - Soviet
Foreign Minister V. M. Molotov
agreed tonight to accept a system
of international military inspec-
tion which would allow agents to
make on-the-spot checks within
Russia but only on condition that
the United Nations demand a full
report by Jan. 1 on all troops and
armaments including the atomic
Molotov made his statement
in accepting a British "verifica-
tion" amendment to a world-
wide troop census proposal now
under debate before the Gen-
eral Assembly.
Sir Hartley Shawcross of Great
Britain, commenting that "this is
going to be a historic occasion,"
then put forth a modified version
of the British plan which would
place the international inspection
body outside the range of the Se-
curity Courcil veto and delay
armaments' reports pending a set-
ting up of the check system.
Molotov immediately leaped to
his feet to accuse Shawcross of
seeking to delay a decision and
said the Briton was asking dele-
gates 'to undertake a revision
of the (UN) charter." Molotov
made it clear that inspections
could not operate within the
framework of the Security Cun-
cil without the right of veto pre-
Red Proposal
Voted Down
By UN Council
10-(IP)-Soviet delegate Andrei
A. Gromyko was decisively de-
feated tonight in the United Na-
tions Security Council on his in-
sistent demand that Bulgaria, Al-
bania and Yugoslavia be invited
immediately to participate in dis-
cussion of a Greek complaint
against them.
Gromyko's proposal, brought to
a vote after more than four hours
of procedural wrangling, received
only three affirmative ballots-
from Mexico, Poland and the
Soviet Union. Seven affirmative
votes would have been required to
carry it.
The council then adopted a
three-point Netherlands resolu-
tion (1) inviting Greece and Yu-
goslavia to participate in the dis-
cussion; (2) inviting Bulgaria and
Albania to make a declaration,
and (3) stipulating that if the
Council should decide that this
was a "dispute" rather than a
"situation," Albania and Bulgaria
would be invited to participate
without vote.
ASME Cites
Prof. Porter
'Roastee's Honors'
Presented at Banquet
"Roastee" honors went to Prof.
R. Clay Porter, of the Mehan-
cal Engineering Department last
night at the annual Roast spon-

the American Society of Mech-
anical Engineers.
Prof. Porter was awarded the
"Spoofuncup," plus the titles of
the "Man Who Can Take It" and
the most "popular - unpopular"
member of the engineering fanl-

Light Perception Tests Show
Human Eye's Hidden Capacity

In a darkened room on the
third floor of the West Medical
Building, a girl sits with an an-
swer board in her lap and reports
what she sees as lights are flashed
on a screen in front of heic.
Simple as it may seen, the sta-
tistics which are gathered from
these observations will prove of
great value in determining just
what the range of function the
human eye has, in the study now
being carried on by the Vision Re-
search Laboratory of the psychol-
ogy department in conjunction
with the Office of Naval Research.

on the Tiffany estate on Long Is-
land, which gave greater safety
and accuracy to U. S. submarines,
helped save the lives of airmen
forced down at sea and gave cews
on painting aircraft for bettcr
camouf lage.
Observer Confidence
Some of the facts learned from
these and previous experiments
are that the human eye can ac-
tually perceive objects with a sur-
prising amount of accuracy even
when the observer has no confi-
dence in being able to, and that
the attitude of the observer ac-

'U' Students Fail To Share Public's Interest inPhysics

University students apparently
do not share in the general pub-
lic's change in attitude toward
physics, at least where concen-
trated study of the subject is con-

The popular notion that "only
a genius can be a physicist" has
not been appreciably changed be-
cause of awakened interest in
nuclear physics on the part of
,,ndarLer:3 ,,n Pvraf _ aR f. .

"more competition to stay." At
present there are about 130 stu-
dents in physics on the graduate
level, almost twice the pre-war
Undergraduate concentration in

it is an analytical subject requir-
ing the learning of a "new lan-
gulage," factors which db not
appeal to the usually "lazy" av-
erage person, according to Prof.

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