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December 10, 1946 - Image 4

Resource type:
The Michigan Daily, 1946-12-10

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Anti-Labor Laws

WHEN it became evident on the morning
of Nov. 6 that the Republican Party
would dominate the 80th Congress of the
United States, numerous proposals for anti-
labor legislation were immediately advanced
by conservative elements. Advocates of such
measures contended that it was necessary
to restore management to a position of
pquality in collective bargaining relations
with labor. With a few exceptions, these
suggestions were not marked by extreme
With the beginning of the coal strike
on Nov. 21, however, the public,, whipped
into a state of hysteria by the American
press and radio, has demanded enactment
of legislation which is calculated to render
organized labor impotent. Certain groups
even favored drafting miners into the
Army and forcing them to work the mines.
Despite the issuance of an injunction re-
straining John L. Lewis and the United
;Mine Workers from abrogating the Govern-
'ment contract and the subsequent conviction
of Lewis and the UMW on charges of con-
stempt of court, the miners refused to return
to the mines until Lewis ordered them back.
Now, out of blind unreasoning anger and
frustration, the Government, management

and the public are demanding revision of
the Wagner Labor Act and the adoption
of punitive anti-labor laws.
Before the 80th Congress succumbs to
this tremendous pressure, it is mandatory
that members of the Senate and the House
of Representatives lay aside political con-
siderations and objectively analyze the pos-
sible consequences of economic coercion.
MANY Americans labor under the de-
lusion that the surest and most ex-
pedient method of solving a dilemma is to
pass a law. History has proven, particularly
in the case of prohibition, that mere legis-
lation is ineffectual unless it is supported
by the individuals and groups it concerns.
From the initial refusal of the United
Mine Workers to terminate the coal strike,
it should be apparent that if Congress
attempts to drastically undermine the
ability of .organized labor to defend its
basic rights, unions will defy such laws.
Tyrannical coercion must inevitably re-
sult in national industrial warfare and
economic chaos.
If present labor-management problems
are to be settled, quickly and peacefully,
and a practical basis laid for the satisfactory
resolution of future industrial disputes, it
is absolutely essential that the government
arrange for negotiations between the United
Mine Workers and the private mine owners.
Only through the recognized processes of
collective bargaining negotiations can a
workable compromise, providing the great-
est mytual benefit, be achieved now and in
the future.
-Joseph Frien



Editorials published in The Michigan Daily
are written by members of The Daily staff
and represent the views of the writers only.
NIGHT EDITORS Bagrow and Paine

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-truman Labor Plans
!OTE: The following column which unnaturally the first reaction. And the next
yesterday's New York Herald Trib-
s a comment on the coal strike not was the wise decision to keep silent and not
th in available regular Daily syndi- to trample on the fallen enemy.
ns. No president in history has ever filed
EPH and STEWART ALSOP away a document, in all probability, with
happier feelings of relief than Truman
GTON, Dec. 8-The President felt when "the no-quarter-asked-or-given
ined sorely needed stature from speech" became necessary. Placed in the
ut victory over John L. Lewis, morgue with it were elaborate, long-range
e first break he has had in con- plans for a protracted, embittered struggle.
ore than a year. What will prob- The truth is that the President and his
more important for the future, advisers had seen only two outcomes. They
learned an invaluable and very hoped that Lewis and the coal operators
d lesson -that nothing is more would arrive at an agreement. They were
or a man in his position than ready to hang on and fight it out, if neces-
advice. sary, until the men returned to the mines
v the drama of the great event of their own free will. But they did not
nceal its meaning. As the news expect Lewis to capitulate.
ecision not to carry on his fight
White House, the last meeting N THE two or three days before the end,
he President's projected speech the frenzy that from the first character-
itry was just breaking up. The zed Lewis's search for -a way out began to
tions had been made in the final mount to a sort of crescendo. The miners'
he little group of men consulted leader sent all sorts of odd personalities,
fford, White House counsel; Jul- selected only because of their known access
g Jr., Secretary of Interior and to the President, to plead for the opening
ark, Attorney General - it was of direct negotiations. Yet even, these ob-
as "a no-quarter-asked-or-given vious signs of weakness did not serve to
he others had already left the warn the President and those around him
office, and Clifford was leaving of their approaching good fortune. Until
news came. Jubilation was not the last moment, they were wholly pre-
occupied with the best way to say the hard
things they believed had to be said, and
with their plans for such later steps as
prosecution of Lewis under the Smith-Con-
'USICnaly act.
Behind the drama of the event, however,
there is also meaning, and in many fields.
Iphony Orchestra, Richard Burgin What has happened must affect all sorts
Program: Haydn: Symphony in C of situations, from that produced by the
)ut," oon"), Op. from the Congress of Industrial Organizations' com-
No. 1 inE minor, Op. 39. mitment to seek another round of wage in-
creases to the relationships between the
various personalities surrounding the Presi-
itorium last night and the corn- dent.
this great orchestra with a first Of these affected situations, the last
m made for an overwhelming named is by no means the least important.
erience. Since the end of the war the President's
estra was without its regular obviously good intentions have been con-
Serge Koussevitzky, but years of sistently frustrated by the bad advice he
ether have so fused the talents has received. This time he got excellent
group that it doesn't seem to advice from Secretary Krug and from his
difference whether Dr. Kousse- friend Clifford, who were the real archi-
ts personally or not. If possible, tects of the first carefully blueprinted
a was better than ever last night strategy Harry Truman has ever adopted
urgin. to meet an oncoming emergency. In the
last fortnight Clifford has confirmed his
e for a particularly happy eve- position as a; really important new figure
choice of an exceptionally well in Washington. After taking his decision
rogram. Dr. Koussevitzky has to stand firm, the President in fact, ceased
'ed taste in his selection of new to consult Dr. John R. Steelman and the
ne mpiec andiwhn h ues . other advocates of appeasement, and re-
concert piece it has guts to it. lied exclusively on Clifford, Krug and At-
iate interest was the perform- torney General Clark.
Prokofieff "Choud" ballet suite.
be 'a tendency to compare this It MUST be added that once the President's
travinsky - and certainly the mind was made up he did not look back.
sages arc reminiscent of Pet- Even on the day when Judge T. Alan Golds-
t to say any more than that borough handed down his decision, when
the music. It is well able to Lewis half promised through his lawyers
s own feet and once into the that he would come to terms in return for
r it shows unmistakable traces a stay in judgment, the President did not
llization that we associate with hesitate before returning his refusal. But,
r's later music. The last half of although Truman thus stood, so to speak,
with "The Arrival of the Mer- on his own feet, he can be expected to turn
"The Dance of Servility," de- to the same advisers for help in the future.
an arresting and exciting work. It is to be expected, for example, that they
didn't bother to associate the will be asked to propose the preventive
"h the music, but program or no, measures by which to ward off another
ear it again. round of strikes resulting from CIO wage
us symphony was played, mak- demands.
nation of the rich orchestration Then, too, work has already begun on
earnestness and sincerity that the President's message to Congress on the
ved stature. Mr. Burgin and the state of the Union, which will deal at length
rformed in a way that I have with the labor problem. It can be stated
ciate with the Boston orchestra categorically, on the highest authority, that
d as if they liked it. no detailed decisions have as yet been

IT WAS THE privilege of the press during
the past two and a half weeks to color
the impasse which existed between the
miners and the government as a workers'
strike against the sovereign power of the
oUnited States. Aside from its being absurd
to speak in abstruse legal terms, when the
whole of the labor movement was being
threatened with its existence, the facts
were quite the reverse.
The Administration did not seek any
real solution to the refusal of the miners
to work without a contract. Instead, they
chose to deal in terms of labor's funda-
mental right to strike. That there was
collusion of thought between the Ad-
ministration and the Coal Operators, is
evidenced by the similar expressions of
sentiment-a "fight to the finish." As far
as they were concerned, it was not the
fact that the coal miners had just de-
mands, or that the strike was disrupting
the economy of the country, but rather
that labor's fundamental right to strike
was to be fought to a finish under these
circumstances unfavorable to labor. The
working man was to be taught a lesson.
Any attempts to meet the miners' de-
mands, as was suggested by Cyrus Eaton,
one of the southern Operators, was con-
sidered treason against the efforts to
curb labor.
It is significant that Mr. Lewis (after
calling a strike as *n opportunist move to
discredit the announced wage struggle of
the CIO) should capitulate just as a united
front by the large unions was rapidly being
formed. Phillip Murray had appealed for
unity "against the ferocious attack being
made upon us." Mr. Whitney of the Rail-
road Brotherhoods offered his support. Even
though Mr. Green refused to ally himself
with the rank and file of his union, the
majority of the AFL locals, throughout the
nation, had raised their voices against the
government tyranny. - In short, Mr. Lewis
took the responsibility for creating the
sentiment against labor, for which the re-
actionaries in Congress have been waiting,
then did a complete about face and refused
support from the whole labor movement,
in a fight which concerns them all.
CONTRARY to what the press reported
as a strike by four hundred thousand
miners against an abstract entity, "gov-
ernment," the conflict was far more basic
and broad. It was a fight between a few
determined capitalists and the whole of
. the labor movement, which implicates
every other sector of the American econ-
omy thereby affected.
One need not to go to Karl Marx for ex-
pressions of the conflict which is inherent
in our economy. As far back as 1861, Pres-
ident Lincoln said, in his annual message
to Congress, "Labor is prior to, and inde-
pendent of capital. Capital is only the
fruit of labor, and could never have existed
if labor had not existed first. Labor is the
superior of capital and deserves much the
higher consideration."
Whoever does deny the reality of this
fundamental struggle which does exist
between monopoly capital and labor, to-
day, might do well to peruse Professor
Vernon L. Parrington's "Main Currents
of American Thoughts," in which the
conflicting thought during the rise of the
Industrial class is traced very thoroughly.
PERHAPS, more than any single period
in our history, these past few weeks
bear out the struggle which is reaching the
height of its development, between those
few who own so much, who control the
greater part of the economy, as against the
laborer and the small businessman. This
handful of capitalists, through a controlled
press and radio, have carried out an un-
abated campaign, since the war's end, to
throw the labor movement into the weak-

ened position it occupies today, after Lewis'
single handed sell-out. In Mr. Murray's
words, "The stage is set for the Eightieth
Congress to be met by national hysteria
deliberately fomented and inspired."
Yes, the reactionaries in Congress have
gained the, sentiment for which they were
waiting - far below the surface, however,
beneath the laundry bag and the Wagner
Act, exists the struggle of the working man
for his share in the nation's economy.
.-E. E. Ellis
"VOGUE" . . . consists of 325 large quarto
pages, of which no less than 15 are
given up to articles on world politics, litera-
ture, etc. The rest consists entirely of pic-
tures . . . of ball dresses, mink coats, step-
ins, panties, brassieres, silk stockings, slip-
pers, perfumes, iipstick, nail polish-and, of
course, of the women, unrelievedly beautiful,
who wear them or make use of them.
One striking thing, when one looks at
these pictures, is the overbred, exhausted,
even decadent style of beauty that now
seems to be striven after. Nearly all of these
women are immensely elongated. A thin-
boned, ancient-Egyptian type of face seems
to predominate; narrow hips are general,
and slender, non-prehensile hands like those
of a lizard are quite universal. Evidently it
is a real physical type. . . ."
-British Author George Orwell,
in the New Republic

opt. 1946 by united feature Syndaae, In.i 1'-Z
Tm. Reg. U. S. Pet. Off.-All rights* ervd

EDITOR'S NOTE: No letter to the
editor will be printed unless signed
!and written in good taste. Letters
over 300 words in length will be
shortened or omitted; in special in-
stances, they will be printed, at the
discretion of the editorial director.
Prejice.. .
To the Editor:
lished a letter by a reader who
seemed to place too much em-
phasis on lack of "prejudice" as
the "criterion for judging" edu-
cation. I refer to the letter en-
titled "Prejudice."
There is much talk of prejudice,
and reader Hall is certainly cor-
rect in saying that it is a human
failing, which should be overcome
by education. But there are two
basic fallacies in his theme:
1) Truth is the primary ob-
ject of education, (or it should be)
2) What is not true, is false-
of course, there are degres of
This is a world of imperfect be-'
ings-the" human beings are the
most capable of being least per-
fect, because by their volition, or
will-power, they can guide them-



Letters to the Editor.


(Continued from Page 3)


and Trends in Junior Colleges."
The faculty and graduate students
are invited.
Department of Bacteriology:
Seminar at 7:30 p.m., Tues., Dec.
10, Library, E. Medical Bldg. The
subject will be "Bacterial En-
zymes." Speaker will be Dr. Paul
K. Stumpf, School of Public
Health. Everyone is invited.
Inorganic Chemistry Seminar,
open meeting at 5:00 p.m.,
Room 303, Chemistry Bldg. Mr.
C. W. Bjorklund will speak' on
"The Recent Chemistry of Beryl-
Physical Chemistry Seminar
meet at 4:15 p.m., Thurs., Dec. 12,
Rm. 151, Chemistry Bldg. Mr. Ray-
mond O'Rourke will speak on
"Studies on Semi-Conductors.
Part II." Open meeting.
Special Functions Seminar meet
at 10 a.m., Dec. 11, Rm. 340 W.
Engineering Bldg. Mr. Hansen will
talk on "Laguerre and Hermite
Student Recital: Margaret Kay,
violinist, will present a recital in
partial fulfillment of the require-
ments for the degrees of Master
of Music at 8:30 tonight,
Lydia Mendelssohn Theatre. A
pupil of Gilbert Ross, Miss Kay
will play compositions by Bach,
Ravel, Brahms and Beethoven.
The public is invited.
Student Recital: Richard Gool-
ian, student of piano under Joseph
Brinkman, will present a recital at
8:30 p.m., Thurs., Dec. 12, Rack-
ham Assembly Hall. Given in par-
tial fulfillment of the requirements
for the degree of Master of Music,
the program will be, open to the
general public.
Events Today
University Radio Program:
3:30 p.m., Station WPAG, 1050
Kc. Tuesday Playhouse, "The Pro-
posal" by Chekhov.
U. of M. Mathematics Club meet
at 8 p.m., West Conference Room,
Rackham Bldg. Prof. N. Coburn
will speak on "The Karman-Tsien
Relation in the Supersonic Flow
of Fluids."
A.S.C.E. Student Chapter of the
American Society of Civil Engi-
neers meet at 7:30 p.m., Union.
Prof. J. C. Kohl will speak about
recent developments in the use of
Structural Glass (illustrated with
slides). Everyone is invited.
All Mechanicals, Aeros, and
Navals: A.S.M.E. Roast at 6:15
p.m., Union. Tickets on sale to-
day at the Arch.
Ann Arbor Amateur Astro-
mers' meeting at 7:30 p.m., Astro-
nomical Laboratory, 5th floor, An-
gell Hall. Dr. Dean B. McLaugh-
lin, of the Department of Astron-
omy, will speak on the subject, 'A
Night with the Astronomer and
His Telescope." The public is in-

W. Engineering Bldg. There will
be an intercollegiate debate with
the University of Detroit.
Quarterdeck members meet at
5 p.m., North entrance, W. Engi-
neering BZldg., to attend a dinner
and meeting with the Propeller
Club in Detroit.
Famine Committee meet at 5
p.m., Lane Hall. This is the last
meeting before the clothing drive.
Polonia Club at 7:30 p.m., Inter-
national Center. 'Ensian picture
will be taken. Refreshments.
Modern Dance Club meet at 8 p.m.,
Barbour Gym.
The Christian Science Organi-
zation meeting at 8:15 p.m., Up-
per Room, Lane Hall.
Armenian Students' Association
special meeting at 8 p.m., League.
The B'nai B'rith Hilled Founda-
tion open meeting of Music Com-
mittee at 4:30 p.m., at Hillel.
Michigan Dames meeting at
8:15 p.m., Rackham Amphitheatre.
Inter-Racial Association meet-
ing at 7:30 p. m., Union, to com-
plete plans for the Anti-Lynch
campaign and rally and to hear re-
ports from the Chicago Student
Conference Unity Committee.
U. of M. chapter of the Inter-
collegiate Zionist Federation of
America meeting at 8 p.m., B'nai
B'rith Hillel Foundation. Program:
business meeting, planning the
Chanukah carnival for next Sun-
day. Members are urged to attend.
Coming Events
Michigan Chapter AAUP meet-
ing at 6:15 p.m., Thurs., Dec. 12,
Union. There will be a presenta-
tion by a panel of "Teaching
Problems Arising From An Over-
crowded University," with a dis-
cussion period following. Join
Union Cafteria line at 6:15 and
take trays to the lunchroom of
the Faculty Club for social hour
and program.
English Journal Club meet at
8:00 p.m., Wed., Dec. 11, West
Conference Room, Rackham
Bldg. Prof. A. S. P. Woodhouse,
University of Toronto, will speak
on' "'The Agreement of the Peo-
ple Revived'; A Note in Puritan
Political Thought in 1659." Re-
Graduate Education Club meet
at 7:30 p.m. Wed., Dec. 11, in the
East Conference Room, Rackham
Bldg. Panel discussion on "What
is Wrong with Teacher Education
in the Graduate School" will be
conducted by a group of graduate
students. All graduate students
and faculty members are urged to
Business Administration Job-
Panel. Professors Riegel, Paton,
Jamison, Gault, and Rodkey rep-
resenting five fields of business
activity, will be members of a Job-
Panel, 8 to.10 p.m., at the Union,
Wed., Dec., 11. University stu-
dents and faculty invited. Spon-
sored by Delta Sigma Pi.
U of M Section of the American

Chemical Society meeting at 4:15
p.m., Wed., Dec. 11, Rm. 151,
Chemistry Bldg. Prof. D. B. Mc-
Laughlin of the Department of
Astronomy, University of Michi-
gan, will speak on "The Chemis-
try and Physics of Stellar Atmos-
pheres." The public is invited.
Annual business meeting will fol-
low the lecture.
Sigma Xi, Michigan Chapter,
open meeting Wednesday, Dec. 11,
8 p.m., Rackham Amphithea-
tre. Symposium on Antibiotics;
Prof. Malcolm H. Soule, Dr. Ralph
E. Bennett, and Dr.. Ernest Wat-
son, speakers.
"Aspects of the German Prob-
lem." Prof. Pollock of the Political
Science Department will speak on
the above subject in the Rackham
Amphitheatre at 4:15 p.m., Thurs.,
Dec. 12.
Compulsory meeting of the
J-Hop Publicity committee at 4:05
p.m., Thurs., Dec. 12, Union. The
room will be posted. All houses
must send a representative.
Michigan Wolverines meet at
6:45 p.m., Wed., Dec. 11, Union.
Members are reminded that three
consecutive, unexcused absences
constitute dismissal from the Club.
Please be present to plan for the
basketball season.
Gargoyle Advertising Staff meet-
ing at 4 p.m., Wed., Dec. 11, Gar-
goyle office. Everyone must at-
I.A.S. meeting at 7:30 p.m., Union.
Speaker will be Prof. Nelson, Aero.
Engineering Dept., who will speak
on the "Supersonic Design prob-
lem." 'Ensian picture will be taken.
Pi Lambda Theta meet at 8 p.m.,
Wed., Dec. 11, University Elemen-
ary School Library. Miss Harriet
Green, of Michigan State Normal
College, and the Institute for Hu-
man Adjustment, University of
Michigan, will talk about her work
in teaching visual hearing. All
members are urged to be present.
Eta Kappa Nu, Honorary Elec-
trical Engineering Society, meet-
ing att 7:15 p.m., Wed., Dec. 11,
Rm. 247, W. Engineering.
A.I.E.E.-I.R.E. meeting at 8 p.m.,
Dec. 11, Rm. 348, W. *Engineering.
Prof. Crane of the Physics Dept.
will speak on the "Synchratron."
AVC Record Hop, 2:30-5:30 p.m.,
Wed., Dec. 11, Michigan League
Ballroom. Everyone invited.
AVC semester membership party
at 8:30 p.m., Fri., Dec. 13, Smith's
Catering, Green St. Tickets may
be obtained from Bob Wagner
(phone 7179).
Michigan Dames Art Group
meet at 8 p.m., Wed., Dec. 11, at
the home of Mrs. G. G. Mackmil-
ler, 1008 Pontiac St.
Michigan Alumnae Club meet-
ing, 3-5 p.m., Wed., Dec. 11, Hen-
derson House, 1330 Hill Street. All
house directors and sorority chap-
erones invited.
Faculty Women's Club meeting
at 8:15 p.m., Wed., Dec. 11, Lydia
Mendelssohn Theatre. Tula (Mrs.
Hans Kurath) will present a pro-
gram of dances. Guests invited.

selves, driven by mistaken ideas, to
depths of imperfection deeper
than those of any irrational or
inanimate being. So, this imper-
fection is part of us, and must
be accepted, yet we must not be
discouraged from seeking perfec-
tion. In this search, we imperfect
beings concoct all sorts of political,
economic and even religious ideas.
But can we forget that there is
but one truth? No, we don't for-
get that. But what is true? "Aye,
there's the rub;" there is the cause
of Republican sympathizing, of
Democratic sympathizing and es-
pecially of "Red-baiting."
There are those whose intellec-
tual application to study has led
them to the conclusion that
Christianity-which, incidentally,
is the basis of our American con-
stitutional philosophy-is truth, or
as close to truth as imperfect man
can approach. Among these are
men with strong enough convic-
tions to oppose and denounce any-
thing which "perverts" or opposes
truth. Some might call this pre-
I would suggest, as did reader
Hall, that "facts and thinking"
can be applied to the cards which
are stacked on the table. Thus,
untruth-the tools of the "scourge
of cheap politics"-might someday
be stamped out.
-Vincent H. Meli
* * *
To the Editor:
WHILE perusing through the lo-
cal dailies and plunging head-
long midst the usual collection of
humdrum articles, we came across
one of inspiring interest with the
somewhat ludicrous headline, to
wit, "Co-eds Want Slacks Back."
The catastrophic implications
were of such overwhelming pro-
portions that my colleagues and
I were taken aghast. "Heavens to
Betsy," we ejaculated, almost as
a man, ". ..can this be true??"
What has happened to the red-
blooded American girl? Where is
that well known sagacity and in-
testinal fortitude of American
womenhood? Surely, there is
nothing more soul inspiring, noth-
ing that will stimulate the aes-
thetic qualities of man, more than
the silhouette of a well shaped
gam or gams. Forsooth, there is
no need to drape the shape. 'Tis
shocking! The cold you say. bah
sh. courage, courage ... chin up!
In closing we would like to add,
that we hope this epistle will be
published in order to raise the
morale of those gals that .are suf-
fering from the frosty and clutch-
ing fingers of ole man winter.
-Norman Friedman and
seven others,
University of Pennsylvania
BRITAIN has been sending a
considerable number of mo-
bile power stations and units,
originally built for blitz emergen-
cies in this country (England), to
Odessa and other Soviet ports.
British electrical equipment is in
demand, and without government
intervention the English Electric
Company, Ltd., has recently ne-
gotiated with Soviet purchasers
for contracts worth more than $4
million. British machine tools are
also keenly sought.
-New Republic
Expense Money
When Congressmen take the
oath of office, they are eligible for
$200 expense account money.
Mr~gi~t Butt

Fifty-Seventh Year
Edited and managed by students of
the University of Michigan under the
authority of the Board in Control of
Student Publications.
Editorial Staff
Robert Goldman ...Managing Editor
Milton Freudenheim .Editorl Director
Clayton Dickey...........City Editor
Mary Brush .......... Associate Editor
Ann Kutz...........Associate Editor
Paul Harsha ..........Associate Editor
Clark Baker .........Sports Editor
Des Howarth .'.Associate Sports Editor
Jack Martin ... Associate Sports Editor
Joan Wilk............Women's Editor
Lynne Ford .Associate Women's Editor
Bus iess Staff
Robert E. Potter ....Business Manage
Evelyn Mills
..........Associate Business Managos
Janet Cork Associate Business Managet
Telephone 23-24-1

Sigma Rho Tau,
speech society, meeting

in Rm. 311,


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