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December 10, 1946 - Image 1

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743 att]y



Latest Deadline in the State


'U' Vets Average
$27 Month Debt
In AVC Survey
Local Tabulation on Cost of Living
Shows Need for Income Increase
This is the first in a series of three articles iresenting the tabulations
of the AVC cost-of-living survey of University strudent veterans. The next,
giving a breakdown of how student veterans are making up their deficits,
will appear Friday.
Eighty per cent of the University's veterans are going in the red-
to the tune of $27 a month on the average-according to final tabula-
tions in the AVC gost-of-living survey released last night by Lorne
Cook, chairman of the AVC campus chapter.
The local survey was part of a nation-wide campaign to discover
the cost-of-living of student veterans conducted by the AVC, whose
national executive committee has gone on record in favor of increased

To Hold Gripe
Session Today
Complaints on Checks
May Be Registered
University student veterans who
are still sweating out their delayed
subsistence checks will have a
chance to "sotnd off" about their
plight to Veterans' Administra-
tion representatives today in the
Rackham Building.
A special VA team of training
officers and contact representa-
tives will register the complaints
of "checkless" veterans in Rm.
101, Rackham Building from 8:30
a.m. to 4:30 p.m. today, George
Beauchamp, Acting Assistant
Chief of the VA's Vocational Re-
habilitation and Education Divi-
sion announced yesterday.
"We realize that delay of pay-
ment has caused hardship and ill-
feeling on the part of the veteran,"
Beauchamp said. "The sole pur-
pose of this survey is to get the
checks out to every veteran on the
campus and at the same time
straighten his records with the
VA so that future payments will
reach him on schedule."
Beauchamp reiterated that the
success of the survey will depend
entirely upon the veterans regis-
tering their complaints today.
Meanwhile Robert S. Waldrop,
director of the' Veterans Service
Bureau, announced that the Ann
Arbor Main Post Office is holding
wrongly addressed checks for the
following veterans:
Beaufait, Daniel L.; Bennett,
Donald R.; Boressoff, Bernard;
Cahoon, William Gills; Fahs, Har-
old J.; Harris, Pauline M.; Kobrin,
Theodore; Larson, Donald; Mc-
Donald, John Graham; Schoeding-
er, William O.; Starr, Thomas;
White, James W.; Yancich,
Charles T.
All the above listed checks will
be returned to Cleveland Dec. 19.
Drive To Start
The Campus Anti-Lynching
Committee, representing Willow
Village and Campus AVC, IRA,
MYDA and the Lawyers Guild,
will launch an intensive campaign
in support of federal anti-lynching
legislation today.
During this week, University
students and citizens of Ann Ar-
bor will be urged by the Commit-
tee to participate in a nation-wide
campaign to end lynching in
Climax of the local campaign
for the enactment of a national
anti-lynching law, the ouster of
Bilbo and Federal prosecution of
lynchers will be a campus rally
to be held at 7:30 p.m. Thursday
in the Union ballroom.
Rev. Charles Hill, president of
the Detroit chapter of the Na-
tional Association for the Ad-
vancement of Colored Peoples, and
other prominent speakers will give
addresses during the rally.
News Wanted for
Activity Handbook

subsistence allowances. However,
the University chapter has taken
no stand pending complete tabu-
lation of the results of the local
Of the 1,200 veterans polled,
69.3 per cent were single men,
18.3 per cent were married men
without children, 10.1 per cent
were married men with children,
1.8 per cent were single women
and .4 per cent were married
The average monthly expen-
ture of the 1,200 veterans
polled by AVC amounted to
Largest monthly expenditures
were made by married veterans
with no children, whose average
totaled $162.14, while married men
with children spent on the average
$153.59. Cook said that larger ex-
penditures of married men with-
out children could be explained
partially by the fact that the ma-
jority of their wives are working
and therefore they have more
money to spend.
Mlen spent more than women
according to the poll which
showed that the average month-
ly expenditure for single men
was $99.42 as contrasted with
$91.82 for single coed veterans.
Further breakdown of the fig-
ures shows that 80 per cent of the
1,149 veterans polled who are en-
rolled under public Law 346 (GI
Bill) are going in the red each
month, with only,20 per cent stay-
ing in the black. The average net
monthly balance of these veterans
is $27.81 in the red.
Slightly more than 89 per
cent of the 115, married men
with children reported an aver-
age monthly deficit of $39.43,
while 64.5 per cent of the mar-
ried men without children, who
reported the largest expendi-
tures, had an average monthly
deficit of $11.11.
Single men who formed over 69
per cent of the group polled in-
dicated that 83.4 per/cent of them
were going in the red on an aver-
age of $30.59 each month. Single
women reported an average
monthly deficit of $25.45.
Cook said that there is no way
of knowing how accurate the
figures are, although they are
indicative of the general condi-
tion of student veteran finances.
The figures may not be com-
parable in that some veterans
have calculated only the cash
out of their pockets, while oth-
ers may have figured in such
things as replacements for
clothes, he said.
The University Veterans Organi-
zation announced last week that
it will circulate petitions next
Tuesday and Wednesday asking
that the monthly substistence al-
lowances be increased from $65 to
$90 for single veterans and from
$90 to $125 for married veterans.

Students May
Order j-Hop
Tickets Soon
University Hall Booth
Will Open Thursday
Juniors, seniors, and graduate
students may apply for J-Hop
tickets Thursday, Friday, and Sat-
urday at a booth in 'University
Hall,Nancy Neuman, ticket chair-
man, announced yesterday.
The booth will be open from 9
a.m. to 5 p.m. Thursday and Fri-
day, and from 9 a.m. to noon Sat-
urday. Students must present
identification cards and bring a
self-addressed, stamped envelope
when they apply. Women students
are eligible to apply for J-Hiop
Students who have applied will
receive acceptances or refusals.
Tickets for the dance will be sold
after the Christmas vacation to
those whose applications have been
accepted. A total of 3,000 tickets
will be sold for the J-Hop, at $5
plus $1 tax each per couple.
This year's J-Hop will include
two formal dances to be held from
10 p.m. to 2 a.m. Friday and Sat-
urday, Feb. 7 and 8 in the Intra-
mural Building. Men students are
only eligible to buy tickets for one
night of the J-Hop, but women
students may attend both dances.
Plans for the 1947 J-Hop, as ap-
proved by the Student Legislature
and the Committee on Student
Affairs, include breakfasts to be
served at the Union and possibly
the League, and semi-foimal
dances at the Union and League
for those not attending the J-Hop
on a particular night.
World News
By The Associated Press
ATLANTA, Dec. 9-A careless
cigarette smoker dazed by liquor
was blamed tonight by city fire
marshal Harry Phillips as the most
likely cause of the Winecoff Hotel
fire that took 120 lives.
Definite origin of the most dead-
ly hotel fire in the country's his-
tory probably never will be estab-
lished, Phillips told the City Coun-
cil's fire board. He said investiga-
tors were unable to locate anyone
who saw the flames before several
floors were enveloped.
* * *
acknowledgement that they have
a responsibility to use every ef-
fort "to maintain industrial
peace," came tonight from men
representing labor and manage-
ment in public utility industries.
* * *
MILWAUKEE, Dec. 9-A 20-
minute pitched battle between 200
police officers and more than 500
pickets erupted at the strike-
bound Allis Chalmers Mfg. Co. to-
day leaving an estimated 50 per-
sons, including 22 police, injured.
Police and pickets slugged it out
toe to toe in the outburst which
began as theldemonstrators at-
tempted to block workers cars
from leaving the plant.
*~ * '*
United Packinghouse Workers
today announced signing of a
new contract with the Cudahy
Packing Co., calling for an av-
erage wage increase of 15 cents
an hour for 11,000 workers in
ten plants.
* * *

LONDON, Dec. 9 - Gales
whipped European waters from the
English Channel to the Aegean
Sea today leaving the Aegean
German liner Europa deposited on
a mudbank in the French harbor
of Le Havre and 800 shipwrecked
Jewish refugees succored but still
isolated on a tiny island olf the
.coast of Turkey.

UN Politic





Plea Granted
By Tribunal


Sn preme Court,
Hear Briefs Jan.



By The Associated Press
WASHINGTON, Dec. 9. - The
Supreme Court granted the gov-
ernment's plea for a speedy ruling
in the coal case today and agreed
to decide another question of vitala
interest to John L. Lewis too-the
unionization of foremen.
The court approved the govern-
ment's motion to bypass the Cir-
cuit Court of Appeals and "au-
thoritatively settle" the legality of
Federal Judge T. Alan Goldsbor-
ough's restraining order against
Lewis "in view of the public inter-
est involved," even though the
strike ws over arnd most of the
miners returned to work during
the day.
It set the case for argument
Jan. 14. Its decision could come
any Monday after then and it
probably will be delivered well
ahead of the April 1 deadline
Lewis mentioned for a possible
new, walkout in ordering the
400,000 miners back to work
Saturday to end a 17-day strike.
The matter of unionizing fore-
men has been a stumbling block
to negotiation of a contract be-
tween Lewis and the private mine
owners which would permit the
government to relinquish control
of the pits. The operators have
been determined to await a Su-
preme Courttruling before yielding
on this point.
Under his contract with the
government, however, Lewis has
been organizing mine foremen
in a branch of District 50, of the
United Mine Workers. The gov-
ernment contract provides that
the procedures and rulings of
the National Labor Relations
Board shall be followed in the
The Supreme Court agreed to
review a case involving the or-
ganization of foremen in a sep-
arate union of their own at
the Packard Motor Company of
Coal Flow to
U.S. Furnaces
Is Resumed
PITTSBURGH, Dec. 9.-('P)-
Black rivers of coal flowed again
toward the nation's fuel-starved
furnaces today as more than two-
thirds of the 400,000 AFL bitumi-
nous miners returned to work
upon end of their 17-day strike.
District officials of the United
Mine Workers predicted the rest
of the miners would be back as
soon as they receive and act upon
formal return - to - work notices
from the union headquarters at
Washington. The union expected
full production, which is normally
' 2,200,000 ton daily, would be
achieved by Wednesday.
Business immediately began
shaking off the throttling effects
of the shutdown which had idled
300,000 in coal-dependent indus-
tries and threatened to put a total
of several million out of work in
a few more weeks.
Railroads summoned back thou-
sands of workers laid off due to
government-ordered reductions in
freight and passenger service.
Big steel companies ordered back
workers wholesale and started re-
storing open lhearths and blast
The gradual return to normalcy
began all the way down the line,
even to housewives worried over
heating their homes in cold wea-
ther and high school sports fans
in South Bend and Indianapolis,
Ind., whose basketball schedules
ln 1 n -

Library I
Over Coi
Book thefts are conti
unprecedented high at
eral Library.
In spite of earlier
bring the drastic effect
situation to the attent
student body, library o
veal that there has beer
In an effort to geta
aid in a drive to curb
Dr. Warner G. Rice, dire
General Library, recent
conference of faculty a
representatives. The g
cluded that students do
book-stealing as a crim
it is due, instead, toa
"attitude." Chief Circ
brarian Fred L. Dimo
out that such an attitud
disregard of a state la
State Shor
Of Fuel Su
Is Still Evi
Many Commu
Are Rationin
By The Associated
Michigan expected t
cially the coal strike em
morrow (Tuesday), but
ald S.. Leonard, state f
istrator, warned that
emergency is notyet o
Formally lifting the
regulation this morning
Kelly kept in force for
other 24 hours his pr
which placed the st
emergency controls-al
controls now are all g
But, Leonard said h
Kelly would suspend t
mation also tomorrow.
Will Check with Mayo
Kelly kept it in force
day at the request of LIe
said he wanted time to
municipal mayors on1
As an indication of t
some communities ev
coal production has bee
Mayor George Welsh
Rapids completed a p
all coal resources of the
ers and to ration them
ers on the basis of nee
Seven-Day Supply
Welsh said dealers w
only a seven-day supp
Grand Rapids to mee
consumer needs, and
dealers were complet
S* * *
Students' La
Floods Post (
With the removal o
post mailing restrict
postal authorities yes
ported over double no:
age receipts yesterday.
Students dispatchi
laundry cases, and
shoppers with outsize b
counted for most of
business, authorities s
der the coal saving
which were in effect
these items were barre



To Get QuickuRling
Repots ConePass Belgian Proposal
ntinued Book Loss Over U. S. Objections
TE severe penalties for the theft of i- Security Council Asked To Consider Case
nuing at an brary books. Unless New Spanish Government Is Set Up
the Gen- Administration's Attitude
''The University administra- By The Associated Press
efforts to tion's attitude is reflected in se- LAKE SUCCESS, N. Y., Dec. 9-The United Nations Political
s of such a vere punishment of students found Committee overrode United States objections tonight and called for
ion of the guilty of such an offense," he said. a partial, immediate diplomatic break by member states with Franco
fficials re- Dimock added that punishment is Spain.
ano- cet-upnot regarded by the Library as The 54-member committee approved by a 27 to 7 vote, with 16
allcamusthe most effective remedy, how-
the losses, ever, and that it is believed that abstentions, a Belgian proposal providing that:
ctor of the eeadta ti eivdta
ly called a an "educational program" can cor- 1. All members of the United Nations immediately recall from
nd studnt rect the mistaken attitude held Madrid their ambassadors and ministers plenipotentiary.
nd tudntby students-
roup con- 2. That the United Nations Security Council will take up the
not regard "scan aimuek dfntel Spanish case and consider adequate measures to be taken if
e, but that anti-social," Dimock continued, within a reasonable time there C
, mis tae "It is the responsibility of the Uni-
a mistak versity to train people to approach has not been established a Span-
Li-n L life with a spirit of responsibility. shgovernment drawing its au-en es
ck pomted One of the functions of the Uni- thority from the consent of the
to is heldin versity Library is to provide mate- citizens." Right of UN
, providingrials for the students to use in One Belgian proposal first was
their studies. When such mate- passed as an amendment toa gen-
rials are removed by one student, eral resolution. China abstained To In erere
tapge the rest of the students are neces- and the United States voted "no."
sarily deprived of their rightful Then the whole committee's , Says Spanish Liberty
y privilege of using these books." resolution on Spain, embodying
The Library has announced that the Belgan resolution and re- a e i anger
all illegally taken books may be viewing previous United Nations
en$ returned anonymously to the sec- . actions towards Franco, was MADRID, Dec. 9-(IP)-Gener-
ond floor circulation desk. adopted for submission to the alissimo Franco told thousands of
lnities A preventive step has been tak- General Assembly. The vote demonstrating Spaniards today
en in the basement study hall. was 22 to 5 with 20 abstentions, that the United Nations had no
Coal There students must have their including the United States. right to interfere in the internal
belongings checked at the desk for Under Belgium's amendment affairs of his country and that if
Press , books that have not been legally members having relations with Spanish liberty and sovereignty
o end offi- charged. It is 'pointed out, how- Franco Spain still could maintain become endangered "we would be
ergency to- ever, that such a program is not charge d'affaires in Madrid even converted into a real apple of dis-
Capt. Don- immediately feasible in all after their ambassadors or minis- cord."
uel admin- branches. ters had been withdrawn. He spoke from the balcony of
the real Books May Be Returned A sub-committee recommenda- the national palace climaxing a
erownout The Library plans to send let- tion asking an individual rupture three-hour demonstration in the
,rownortters to all organized student resi- of relations with Franco by the heart of Madrid against "foreign
a Governor dences enlisting aid in the pro- members of the UN was rejected rference."
toclamation gram and urging the return of by a tie vote of 20 to 20. "What is happening in the Unit-
aeudrmissing boos. ed Nations cannot surprise W,
The text of a statement issued Spaniards," he said, adding that a
though the by Dimock follows: Bi Four W illaveof Communist terror is des-
e "In a previous article in The olating Europe and violations,
Daily the theft of books from the * crimes and persecutions, of the
he procla- General Library was discussed Hold M eetInI same order as those which many
Since this article, books have con- of you witnessed or suffered, gov-
rs tinued to disappear. In M oscow ern the life of 12 nations which
for another "At a meeting held last week were formerly independent."
onecd who University officials, Library offi- --Th "As long as the concert of na-
chkeck with clas, and students representing NEW YORK, Dec. 9-(nithe Asion a thewr cont ofne-
their local cas n tdnsrpeetn four-power Foreign Ministers tions of the world continiues to
student groups discussed this mat- Council decided tonight that its rest on respect for the sovereignty
he plight of ter. There seemed to be a concen- next meeting-on a German peace of each people, without an inter-
en though sus of opinion that students who settlement-should begin in Mos- national Fascism to dictate to
n resu See LIBRARY, page 2 cow March 10, after Soviet Foreign them, no one has the right to mix
of Grand Minister Molotov assured Secre- into the private affairs of each
an to pool ( yg d e rIJJlitary of State Byrnes that the con- nation," Franco said.
city's deal- l LL I ference could be fully reported to 'The pacific spirit of Spain is
to custom- D iscuss the world. sufficiently proven. Its interests
d. irscuss Jobs In accepting Molotov's invita- are unopposed to the honorable
tion to meet in the Russian capi- interests of other countries. Our
arned them Dr. Ewan Clague, described by tal, Byrnes made clear, according peace serves. them as much as it
ly exists in Prof. William Haber of the eco- to persons in tonight's Council serves us. If our liberty and so-
t domestic nomics department as one of the session, that he still had no in- ereignty were endangered, we
that some outstanding social economists in tention of going to Europe for an- would be converted into a real ap-
ely out of Ill . k ";-nn .Th. other round of peacemaking un- ple of discord."

f all parcel
ions, local
terday re-
rmal pack-
ig bulging
bundles ac-
the extra
tated. Un-
last week,
d from the

the country, win speax on e
Job Outlook-Occupational Trends
and Tendencies" at 7:30 p.m. to-
day in the Rackham Lecture Hall.
The lecture, sponsored by the
University Bureau of Appoint-
ments and Occupational Informa-
tion, is open to the public.
According to Prof. Haber, Dr.
Clague, as Commissioner of La-
bor Statistics, holds the most im-
portant government job in the
field of labor information. His or-
ganization is responsible for cal-
culating the monthly cost of living
and wage-hour figures on which
much of government and com-
mercial planning is based. The bu-
reau also provides the statstics on
which all strike settlements are

less he is convinced that real
progress can be made on a Ger-
man settlement.
Byrnes and Britain Foreign Sec-
retary Ernest Bevin urged Molo-
tov to agree here in New York to
the appointment of deputy for-
eign ministers who could hold
hearings for smaller European and
other nations and get their ideas
on the fate of Germany prior to
the Moscow meeting.
Indicating the possibility of a
break in his resistance to this pro-
cedure, Molotov said he would
consider fully the desirability of
appointing deputies to work on
both German and Austrian settle-
ments before the New York meet-
ing ends late this week.

Dr. Lieu Perceives Possibility
Of Socialistic Trend in China
-" v .

U' Educators
Skeptical about
Detroit Report
University educators were skep-
tical about a story in today's De-
troit Free Press which maintains
that Detroit high school gradu-
ates' grades at the University do
not compare favorably with those
of "other campus scholars."
The Free Press story, one of a
series on Motor City educational
shortcomings, stated that "an em-
inent member of the University
of Michigan staff" conducted a
study which shows that A and
B graduates from Detroit make
grades slightly above C at the
Findings of the staff member,
who was not named by the Free
Press, hold that Detroit graduates
make grades here ranging from
2.6 (Eastern High graduates) to 2.2
(Northeastern High graduates.)
Dean James B. Edmonson said,
however, "It has been our experi-
ence in the School of Education
that graduates from Detroit prove

No ID Cards Needed To Purchase Garg

China's government will prob-
ably practice some type of social-
ism in order to achieve its eco-
nomic objectives which include
extensive industrialization and
progress in the agricultural, trans-
portation and finance fields, Dr.
D. K. Lieu, Michigan alumnus

expansion at this time, .but be-
lieves that financing can be se-
cured through foreign investment
in China, government loans and
Japanese reparations," Dr. Lieu
Transportation Improvement
Land reforms and improve-

Students who have been pre-
vented from buying their parents
the usual Holiday Cheer because
they are under 21 have been over-
joyed to learn that their parents

ies of the magazine to go around
last month will not be disappoint-
ed tomorrow, as the demand for
the thing has decreased sharply.
"Life n Ann Arbor has its mo-
ments." Clayton Dickey. Wauwa-

in the National Boy Scouts
"Although costs of publication
have risen nearly six per cent, we
have raised the selling price to the
public only 43 per cent. This will
hal +n a n"_ ,__ m i_ ai i

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