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December 08, 1946 - Image 7

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The Michigan Daily, 1946-12-08

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Posters Caution

Merchants Voice
Varied Comments
Ann Arbor beverage merchants
blew hot and cold over the new
Michigan Liquor Control Commis-
sion poster issued yesterday to
augment its new campaign against
drinking minors.
Comments on the posters
ranged from "it's good" to "it's
silly" as' tavern and drugstore
managers ltwng the signs up over
their cash registers, tables, in
wirdows and on walls. One dis-
Msted ex-G.I. drugstore clerk
said,. "The store is beginning to
look like an Army latrine with all
the posters about age and identi-
fication cards."
Uses Bright Colors
The 'posters, lithographed in
bright reds, yellows and greens,
depicts a teen-ager trying to get
a "drink" from a baldheaded bar-
tender being rebuffed with "WHO
is holding a "phony" age certi-
ficate in his hand.
One State street proprietor said
that the poster was "too much
razzle-dazzle for a business place."
Another merchant on the same
street claimed "it is the best post-
er the Liquor Commission has put
out yet."
Gust Sekaros, a downtown tav-
ern-owner, exclaimed "Effective!
It reminds the people of their.
responsibilities, especially those
working here." A bartender nam-
ed James at one of jMhe older stu-
dent rendezvous, complained, "It's
not very effective. It isn't a suffi-
cient reminder to the people.
They'll just ignore it."
Clever, at Least
A Washington street restaurant
owner) agreeing with the others,
admitted, "It isn't effective at
all; but it's clever."
Felix H. H. Flynn, chairman of
the commission, at the outset of
the drive said at Lansing, "Selling
to minors or permitting them to
eon ume alcoholic beverages on
th premises is one ofthe biggest


problems faced by the licensees
of Michigan."
Flynn revealed that of 1,240
cases heard by the commission
from May 1, 1945, through May 1,
1946, a total of 540 cases involved
minors. He added that in many
cases the fault does not lie with
the licensee since the licensee
stands to lose his license by serv-
ing a minor.
Burden on Licensee
"Today the burden of respon-
sibility is upon the licensee. We
who have seen both sides of the
picture advocate an equal res-
ponsibility and will ask the legis-
lature at the 1947 session for a
change in the law to include this."
Flynn said.
The chairman said that one of
the most effective ways in com-
batting the minor problem was
for cities to provide adequate re-
creational facilities for youth.
Junior Colleges
To Be Discussed
Arthur Andrews, president of
Grand Rapids Junior College and
Michigan alumnus, will speak on
the "Purposes, Organization and
Trends in Junior Colleges" at 7:00
p.m. Tuesday in Rm. 110 of the
General LibrarY
The lecture is open to the pub-

New Rhodes
Will Be Given
Aydelotte To Publish
48 Awards Sunday
PRINCETON, N.J., Dec. 7-
(I)-Rhodes Scholarships, blacked
out in 1938 by war, are being
awarded again this year to help-
in their donor's words-bring
about peace, enlightenment and
uplift of humankind.
Announcement of the record
number of 48 awards to outstand-
ing students in United States
colleges and universities will be
made Dec. 15 by Dr. Frank Ayde-
lotte, director of the Institute for
Advanced Study in Princeton. Dr.
Aydelotte is also American sec-
retary for the Rhodes trustees.
From the first award in 1904,
when the scholarships were
founded under the will of Cecil
John Rhodes, South African fin-
ancier and statesman, 1,126 stu-
dents of 211 American colleges
have attended the University of
Oxford, England.
In 'Who's Who'
Dr. Aydelotte pointed out that
one in every six Rhodes scholar is
included in "Who's Who in Amer-
ica." In the list of Rhodes Schol-
ars are such men as:
Oliver C. Carmichael, president
of the Carnegie Foundation for
the Advancement of Teaching:
Robert P. T. Coffin, poet and Bow-
doin College professor; Elmer Da-
vis, former director of the Office
of War Information; James Ful-
bright, United States Senator
from Arkansas; Stanley K. Horn-
beck, Ambassador to the Nether-
lands; Erwin P. Hubble, Mt. Wil-
son astronomer; Carl E. Newton,
president of the Chesapeake and
Ohio Railroad, and Clarence K.
Streit, president of the Federal
The record for members of one
family to receive Rhodes scholar-
ships is held by three Morley bro-
thers, Dr. Ayedelotte said: Felix
M., educator; Christopher, au-
thor and editor, and Frank W.,
Become Educators
Dr. Aydelotte says that more
than a third of the Rhodes schol-
ars have chosen educational ca-
reers. Among them are 25 former
or present college presidents in-
Dr. Aydelotte, former president
of Swarthmore; Stringfellow Barr
of St. John's; Paul S. Havens of
Wilson; Frederick L. Hovde of
Purdue; John W. Nason of
Swarthmore, and Alan Van Len-
tine of Rochester.
Competition this year, Dr. Ay-
delotte said, is at its peak, with
850 applicants received as com-
pared with a previous high of 550.
State committees will meet Dec.
12 to screen outstanding appli-
cants. District committees will
meet Dec. 14. Each district com-
mittee will name six men. The
names will be forwarded to Dr.
Aydelotte, who will announce the
successful candidates.
The previous high in the num-
ber of annual scholarships was 32.

Fourth Term
For Talmadge
Starts Jan.1
Begins Governorship
After Long Illness
ATLANTA, Ga., Dec. 7-(P)-
Eugene Talmadge, fiery supporter
of white supremacy, will begin his
fourth term as Georgia's governor
in January.
His three previous terms were
turbulent. He tangled with state
officials, with the Federal Govern-
ment and finally the people voted
him out after a row involving the
state university system and elected
young Ellis Arnall.
A Sick Man
Today, Talmadge at 62 is a sick
man-how sick nobody except his
intimates knows. Since his admis-
sion to a Jacksonville,; Fla., hospi-
tal in July when he suffered a
stomach hemorrhage, he has been
under the care of physicians.
Much of the time he has been in
the hospital.
Despite his illness, however, he
was able to order and direct a
campaign to defeat an amend-
ment to the state constitution
which would have set up a con-
stitutional welfare board. Tal-
madge contended the amendment
would have prevented him, from
keeping a campaign promise to
fire the state director of public
welfare. The amendment was de-
One Interview
Since he was stricken, Talmadge
has had no interviews with news-
paper man except one with Ralph
M'cGill, editor of the Atlanta Con-
stitution. McGill reported him, as
saying he was suffering merely
from allergies to "hospitals, need-
les and strange women who come
in to bathe him."
Georgia's unique county unit
vote system, recently upheld in the
courts, won Talmadge his fourth
term. James V. Carmichael, who
had the backing of Arnall, won
the popular vote, but the county
unit vote went to Talmadge.
The system., under which coun-
ties have from two to six unit
votes, depending on population,
has long been a Talmadge wea-
pon. His strength centered in the
smaller counties, which under the

in a weekly series+
ulty personalities.

"The squatter in the West 40"
is the self-styled description of Dr.

This is the tenth
of articles on fac-

printed material sent by alumni
and other sources overseas.
Among the interesting items
that have been received is a Nazi
submarine flag, which Dr. Bald
has hung in the office. He also
has on display a collection of
approximately 150 shoulder
patches of men who stopped at
the Ann Arbor USO during the
war. These include Canadian,
Polish, Australian and British in-
Flag from Cologne
One eager alumnus sent in a
nine by 12 foot flag from the Uni-
versity of Cologne. Over 200 dif-
ferent donors have contributed

Dr. Bald, War Historian Stakes Claim in'West 40'

F. Clever Bald, University war
This is because Dr. Bald and
his 36 filing cases of records plus
innumerable folders and newspa-
pers files have no official cofl-
nection with the Clements Lib-
rary. despite the fact that they
are situated in the section of its
basement, known as the West 40.
Peckham Was Original Historian
The original war historian,
Howard H. Peckham, was appoint-
ed by the Regents in 1943 and
resigned in 1945. His office was
with the Michigan Historical
Collections in the Rackham Build-
ing. However, Peckham was also
a curator at the Clements Lib-
rary, and when he outgrew his
allotted space, he "naturally"
moved over there. Dr. Bald was
appointed his successor and also
inherited an unofficial berth in
the library.
Dr. Bald, a pleasait man who
exhibits eager enthusiasm about
his work, explained that the move
was a result of the mush-room
growth of the amount of paper
material accumulated.
Dr. Bald originally came from

things, Dr. Bald said, and the end teresting" because "besides having


of the war didn't stop them. "For
a while there they- came faster
than before." A man stationed in
New Bilibid Prison in the Philip-
pines sent a match which he got
from Gen. Yamashita.
An alumnus stationed in Bel-
gium and Germany sent a total of
345 cartons of books and papers.
They used to arrive in batches
of 10 and 12, Dr. Bald stated, "and
we never knew what was coming
next. Once he even sent us some
dehydrated German food."
"It was 'like Christmas every
day," he said.
Dr. Bald explained that his
work was "lots of fun" and "in-


As Advertised in 6i BBB Ml ii

Style No. 15?

system can outvote the big cities. I Maryland, but his family moved
And in all of his campaigns, to Michigan while he was in the
which include two unsuccessful Army during World War I. He got
ones for the United States Sen- his B.A. degree in history here and
ate, his gallus-snapping, down- taught in Detroit for a number of
to-earth tactics have been directed years. He received his M.A. from
principally at the rural vote. Wayne and returned here for a
Son Is Spokesman Ph.D., doing his work in Michi-
Since Talmadge's illness. his gan history, in which he is es-
son and political heir-apparent pecially interested. He has been
has been the governor elect's married 25 years and has a son
spokesman. Herman Talmadge who recently graduated from the
delivered the address accepting engineering college.
the gubernatorial nomination at Taught under ASTP
the state democratic convention. In 1943, Dr. Bald came to the
He mimics almost perfectly his university to teach history under
father's mannerisms. And he says the Army Specialized Training
"this is a white man's country" Program, and in 1945, he took
with the same force as his father. over the job of war historian.
Talmadge won his election on a At present, Dr. Bald is writing
white supremacy platform and is the seventh chapter of the war
committed as his first act in office history of the University, but for
to revoke all state primary laws a long time his work consisted of
and institute a party controlled receiving and sorting myriads of
white primary. information, collectors' items and

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