PAGE FOUR THE MICHIGAN DAILY SUNDAY, DECEMBER 8, 1946 About Daily Editorials PEOPLE seem to be wondering just what The Daily editorial page stands for. You notice it in remarks passed to you unofficial- ly, in the "we know what you're really up to" expression on the faces of a few students and faculty members, in an occasional huffy letter to the editor.' The confusion isn't surprising. Our posi- tion is something of an oddity; it can stand a little explaining. As the one stu- dent newspaper on this campus, The Daily occupies an important position. The only way to effectively answer a Daily editorial is through The Daily, in a letter. And around the state, when people see a copy of this paper, they accept it as repre- senting the students, all 18,000 of them. Here on the campus, when The Daily comes out with something controversial, there are always plenty of "irate subscribers" ready to ask why we're not representing their par- ticular viewpoint. On the news pages, our situation is rela- ' tively easy to handle. There the ideal is to deal with straight fact, to cover the Uni- versity. In direct contrast, we have the editorial page, by definition a set of opinions. News- papers with spineless, unopinionated edi- torial pages are pretty insipid; you won't have to look far for examples. But how can the views of a hundred Daily staff members possibly represent some 18,000 students? There aren't mere- ly two sides to be given for every question in this instance. Where there are 18,000 thinking people, you can count on any- where from 10,000 up to the maximum in shades of opinion on an issue. Editorials published in The Michigan Daily are written by members of The Daily staff and represent the views of the writers only. '~ NIGHT EDITOR: HARRY LEVINE --GA IOMINIE £4 HOW CAN a University constituency di- rectly serve our economy? At commence- ment, Psychology, Religion, and Mental Hygiene could enlist about 1,000 of the best minds in our student body for graduate study. Our reasons for this reply are as follows: Last spring before a Forum in Ann Arbor a representative of the National As- sociation of Manufacturers counted off on the fingers of his two hands the nine factors in industrial recovery in which the manage- ment has mastery and deplored the one area in which management frankly admits incompetence. Among the nine were ac- cumulated capital, necessary raw material, transportation, fabrication of that material, invention for retooling, design, mass pro- duction, marketing, profit to the share hold- ers. The one where management admits ineptness was human relations. It is at the point of human relations that the machinery of the nation is stalled today. We make a devil of John L. Lewis because ours is a psychology of doubt and despair. We keep straight on loving the industrial methods which head toward strikes, and then we find a scape goat for every epidemic we 'ourselves create. Such is the case of a which, ac- cording to Peter Drucker, spends a small per cent on human relations and practic- ally the whole managerial dollar on pro- cesses. Psychology, Religion, and Mental Hy- giene focus attention at deeper levels than outcomes in the shape of automobiles, cap- ital surplus, markets, or dividends. They ask what makes the. man content? Whence satisfactions? What is the meaning? This does not mean, "What makes the economic machine called a hand, an operator, a skilled mechanic, or a crew click?" These disci- plines do not in any direct way refer to economic man. They look into the person -James, who is the husband of the finest wife in the world and father of three chil- dren. James is the high goal, not an inci- dent nor a means. Unless owners and man- agers in America can find ways to shift emphasis from economic man to spiritual man, our culture will fall from its top flight, of great production, high profits, and credit status to go the way which Karl Marx predicted. Our plea is for leaders of great character,, superior training, and far-sighted patience founded on the known facts, plus a human interest in man as the end, aim, and reason for life itself. We refer not to economic facts but facts about the whole person, his relation to others, his place in God's plan, his sense of worth in the social order, and our cornon responsibilities in a close-knit urban life where speed, danger, and controls impinge on the organism. Unless the wealth of all can be distrib- uted with full justice to each citizen and a sense of worth come to all. our hurry-up civilization can never withstand the strain placed on it by modern invention, ability to produce, desire to excel, and the fear that subtle forces may snuff out our exis- THE ANSWER takes two forms. First, there is the all-important equal opportunity for every student who wants to put the time and effort into working on The Daily to do so. Anyone can come out for The Daily, and once out, anyone can write editorials. If you've been under the impres- sion that you must be a New Dealer or "worse" to make out here, you should take notice of the ratio of one-out-of-four Re- publicans among the night editors, who may be taken as a good cross-section of the staff. If The Daily seems over-conservative to you, you should notice our scattering of progressives, and our more than half "just- left-of-center" liberals. This isn't a plea for new staff members. But five weeks from now, when next semester opens, such a re- quest will be made. The opportunity will be there again, just as it has always been, for students of any or no political convictions to write for The Daily. This brings us to the reason for our signed editorials. Unless we take a Gallup poll sample of the campus as basis for our editorial staff, we can only represent the 18,000 opinions in so far as they are our own. Because of our special position as 1) a student newspaper, and 2) the only student newspaper, The Daily does what no other newspaper does: its editorials are signed, and it reminds its readers in print that, "editorials . . . represent the views of the writers only." Secondly, there is the Letters to the Editor column. Here The Daily gives space, to everyone on campus who wants to put the time and effort required into writing us a letter. In dealing with the particularly artic- ulate set of readers provided by a university body, The Daily naturally gets a more intel- ligent and a more diverse mail every morn- ing than the usual newspaper. Every letter is printed, and the original is kept in our files. Because of the tremendous number received, there is often delay in printing letters, but they are published in the order received. Because of The Daily's special position on the campus, "No letter to the editor will be printed unless signed and writ- ten in good taste." Shortage of space forces us to set a maximum of 300 words, and to print (with an explanatory editor's note) only one or two samples of the many closely parallel letters we receive. WHAT does The Daily editorial page stand for? It stands for the opinions of the campus, and for the opinions of The Daily staff. Members of the staff feel no more responsibility for the views expressed in letters than letterwriters need feel responsi- bility for the views of editorial writers. The way to contest an opinion expressed on The Daily editorial page is to write a letter; or if you are so constantly irritated by others' opinions that you feel you must spend a good deal of your time. writing, the way to contest opinions is to come out for The Daily staff. More important the student opinions The Daily editorial page stands for, or than any opinions, is a certain fundamental freedom. -The Senior Editors Movie Quality THE ACTIVITIES of the Student Legisla- ture in checking up on the calibre of weekend movie entertainment strike us as something of a waste of time. The state- ment by the local Butterfield representative, which appeared in Thursday's Daily, con- cerning the difficulties faced by theater managers in obtaining films 'and defending the quality of films shown in Ann Arbor, covered the situation adequately. With only two uptown theaters in opera- tion and with a general change of bills twice a week, Ann Arbor gets as many of the more expensive productions as possible. In larg- er cities with half a dozen or more big thea- ters, pictures are often held over for several weeks, with those movies shown only at the downtown theaters in Ann Arbor offered as the second show on the double feature ill. The policy followed in using the Michigan and the State for better class films and the Wuerth and the Whitney for westerns, sec- ond-rate pictures, and reruns of pictures which have already been shown uptown, works rather well. There is seldom a week- end when the bills at all four theaters of- fer no sort of entertainment at all. Though some pictures may be late in reaching Ann Arbor, a comparison of sever- al months between the Ann Arbor bills and those of Detroit or Chicago, for instance, shows that nearly all productions sooner or later reach our fair city. That some may be below the standard of amusement set by the student body is Hollywood's fault, not the theater manager's. -Joan Fiske Mexico City MOST of the Mexican leading intellectuals are, of course, consciously pro-peasant, and so it would be a wild mistake in em- phasis to say flatly that Mexico City still represents, in a derivative way, the man- sions of the Padrones standing among the huts of the farmers. And yet one does feel something of this flavor in traveling over the almost dreadfully quiet Mexican coun- tryside and its tiny, up-ended hillside farms, toward the uproar of the irrelevant me- tropolis. A city this big in a country so empty was 'Oscar' for Lewis NO MATTER what one's personal opinion of John L. Lewis is, it must be agreed that his flair for the dramatic far surpasses any Hollywood star and should win him the "Oscar" for the best theatrical performance of the year. Lewis' decision to end the miner's walk- out, in addition to being a brilliantly tim- ed move enabling him to retreat from an almost untenable position gracefully, has served to aid him in three ways. First, by going back to work, the miners will now have a Christmas. This will serve to solidify and strengthen his power over the miners. And they certainly will follow him even more blindly now. Second, the President has been forced to call off a radio plea to the miners over Lew- is' head which was scheduled to go on the air today. This isn't the first time Lewis has done this. In 1943 he beat President Roose- velt to the punch by calling off a strike just one half hour before the President was to make a radio appeal. This move serves as a tactical advantage in taking the limelight from the Administration. This is shown by the fact that Johnston and Whitney, in the railroad strike last spring, failed to act,; quickly enough to prevent President Truman from speaking before Congress. Third, by Lewis' own admission, he is tak- ing the pressure of public opinion off the Supreme Court by ending the walkout now. This may serve to strengthen Lewis' chances of' gaining a favorable decision in the case now before that august body. While this action may not prevent Con- gress from passing legislation which labor considers adverse to its interests when the 80th Congress is convened, at least the tem- porary advantage is now his by utilizing a good offense as the best defense. -Clyde Recht 00 0 cZLt1CtpJto ti 6O'ttp EDITOR'S NOTE: No letter to the editor will be printed unless signed and writt<'m in good taste. Letters over 300 wk ards in length will be shortened or omitted; in special in- stances, they will be printed, at the discretion of the editorial director. Village Policy To the Editor: CAN'T AGREE with the stated policy of the University on the Willow Village dorms in regard to the following points. 1) How and for what reason can we be compelled to remain out at "the village" all term? The on- ly reason given is that stated by Vice-President Briggs in his letter to the Daily: that the University has committed itself to keep the dorms filled ifit expects to keep them for the next term (or terms). Well, I didn't commit myself; for that matter, I wasn't even told when I took the room, of the forced occupation for one term. And there's nothing we can do about it, except be refused per- mission to move, by a committee set up to refuse applications, and by a "coordinator" who threatens us with action by the disciplinary committee. 2) Assuming that we'll help the University out and pay for our dorms until 1 Feb., what possible objection could there be to our moving into town now, since those of us who are lucky enough to find rooms for next semest er must pay for them from now uni ii 1 Feb. to hold them? The Dean o ' Stu- dents' Office doesn't expect any rooms to be available at the end of the term, so we can't wait, and naively expect rooms then. It is the ruling of this same office that a "student must not be paying for rooms in two places" on the grounds that this is( keeping one of them from soleoint else, Cer- tainly there are no stu dents en- tering the University and .ndg rooms now, so who are we keeping from rooms? 3) Since we are being forced to stay at "the village" by those rulb ings, which are, to say the least, original, I demand better accom- dation in regard to bus service and mail deliveries-to name the two most impossible situations. -John E. Lauer Editor's Note: Mr. Briggs' letter re- ferred to a.ove may be fona in Daily for Friday, October I. Undesirable Methods ...I Basketball Tickets . To the Editor: As an instance of confused thinking it would seem that the fifth paragraph of last Sunday's Daily editorial entitled, "On un- seating Bilbo" ought to rate a plaque. The paragraph has a sentence of which a part says, but the way to combat dis- crimination is to make laws against it, not to gag those who unfortunately believe in it". It ought not to be necessary to point out that the effect of such laws is to impose a "gag"; that the passing of a law which does not have acceptance among the people generally accomplishes nothing except confusion; that in his next two sentences MW. Hoff- man wrote, "In our quest for tol- erance we cannot afford to become intolerant . . . etc." The whole question of racial discrimination will have to be considered with more light and less heat if we expect to accom- plish any desirable end. So far the opponents of segregaton ap- pea. to have spoiled the effects of their agitation by the old, human, failing of wanting to use force. A law, for instance, forcing an cmployer to hire someone he wish- es not to hire will forever be evad- ed. Even if such a law forced the employer's hand. the ultimate of- feet would inevitably be strife and not a final solution. The amazing thing about all this camipus agitation is that there appears to be no faith among the verbose minority in the powers of education. In the very center of learning these peo- ple discard logic, restraint, even truth. Can it be that they are committed to a program which they reard as desirable but of which they themselves doubt 'the basic merits? . Thus we note in the great haste to achieve a. desirable end by a most unfortunate productivity on the part of many to utilize meth- ods which are on their most basic nature, contrary to the original principle on which they seek to justify their action. Loud denunciation and the at- tempt to thrust unwelcome intru- sions on other people, who pre- sumably had their own lives to lead, must serve ultimately to pro- mote a general flight. Even Na- poleon has concluded, "I Marvel at the inability of Force to settle Open letter to lature: the Student Legis-I BOOKS Thieves in the Night, Arthur Koestler, The Macmillan Co., 357 pages, $2.75 MR. KOESTLER calls his book a chroni- cle on an experiment with fictitious characters but true events. Some review- ers call it a novel; but I prefer Mr. Koest- ler's description. This is not fiction, it is vitally true. Mr. Koestler does not create vivid characters; he deliberately subordin- them to the expression of his ideas - they are mere vehicles for ideologies, abstract types rather than vibrant individuals. This might be termed a socialogical treatise. The experiment is the establishment by Jews of communes all over Palestine in or- der to realize their dream of a homeland. These communes are agricultural settle- ments of several hundred people in the true Communistic pattern, which, of course, causes friction between the mem- bers of the communes and the traditional Hebrew religious leaders. The chronicle starts in 1937 and ends with the infam- ous British White Paper in 1939. Al- though the chronicle ended then, the story has not; the Haganah, or Jewish terrorists, are still very much alive. Although Mr. Koestler defends this Jew- ish movement, he doesn't reach many con- clusions. However, his critical analysis of these communes, of British imperialism and, particularly, of the Jewish people is brilliant -nothing escapes his sharp, cool criticism. "We (The Jews) are universally disliked - maybe we are not likeable people", "We shall always be betrayed because something in us asks us to be betrayed." The protagonist, at the end says, "There is this urge in us for return to earth and normality; and there is that other urge to continue the hunt for a lost paradise which is not in space. This is not a question of race. It is the human pre- dicament carried to its extreme". He calls the Jews abnormally human; intelligence, emotion, fear, and other human qualities are too concentrated in the Jew for the delicate senses of other people. Mr. Koestler lacks the human touch. If this is to be called a novel, then it must be realized that the main characters are ideas, the plot is incomplete, and the people are mere statues. -Peter Hamill General Library List Burlingame, Roger - Of Making Many Books. New York, Scribner, 1946. Frank, Waldo - Island In The Atlantic New York, Duell, 1946. Moorad, George - Behind The Iron Curtain Philadelphia, Fireside press, 1946. Priestly, John Boynton -- Bright Day, New York, Harper, 1946. Prokosch, Frederic - The Idols of the Cave New York, Doubleday, 1946. White, Theodore H. & Jacoby, Annalee- Thunder Out of China, New York, William Sloan associates, 1946. What J, on &lax Ebony Concerto by The Woody Herman Band, Igor Stravinsky, conducting (Co 7479): As much as I like Stravinsky and Woody Her- man separately, this meeting of the two seems rather unfortunate. Ebony Concerto was written es- pecially for Woody Herman by Stravinsky. But it doesn't fit. The present-day dance band just isn't a suitable medium, for Stravinsky's expressionism. Ebony Concerto might have been a successful com- bination of the jazz and classical idiom, but lack of steady driving beat and inhibition of individual expression make it dull and pre- tentious. Everything Happens To Me, Frustration. Bill Harris (Key- note 364): This record is all Bill Harris, and Bill Harris at his best, playing with great feeling and su- perb tone. Pianist-arranger Ralph Burns takes a short piano spot that is really terrific. Listen to the weird Neil Hefti score onFrus- tration. Mutton-leg, Fla - Ga - La - Pa. Count Basie (Co 37093): Sounds like the Basie of six years ago. Fine solos by Snookie Young, Dicky Wells, Illinois Jacquet. Best Stardust. Billy Butterfield (Cap- itol 305): Don't miss this record. Many so-called "hit tumpeters" would really benefit if they payed a little more attention to this guy and let Eldridge and Gillespie alone. Stan Kenton Album (Cap itol): This album sold out in two hours. Consequently I didn't get a chance to hear it. But judging from brief airings over WJBK. I'd say it was just about the most pg- tent album to come out during 1946. As a certain character I know would say, "Man, that Ken- ton is really gone." For Sentimental Reasons, It's A Pity To Say Goodnight. Ella Fitz- gerald with The Delta Rhythm Boys (Decca): Two really great sides by Chick Webb's old vocalist Destined to be a "best-seller," but don't let that inhibit you. -Malcolm Raphael __ _ . 0 . anything permanently." Pressure groups seek to force legislation to outlaw racial dis- crimination, and, by their own methods, themselves become guil- ty of intolerance. Without a most delicate consideration of the method of achieving the goal, the end itself would be destroyed.- -Arthur C. Prine Jr. * * * Service Fraternity . . To the Editor: rTHERE IS a service organization on our campus that relatively few students know about. It is Alpha Phi Omega, a national fra- ternity dedicated to the campus, to scouting, and to its members. Fielding Yost, Ira Smith, Joseph Bursley and Ferdinand Menefee have been active in the organiza- tion in the past and helped to pro- mote projects on the campus such as the campus-wide activity, V-E Dance and Memorial Day Dance at the Union, orientation booth, fingerprinting students for the F.B.I., helping in the March of Dimes and Fresh Air Campaigns, keep-off-the-grass c4mpaign and the swing concert. This fraternity is underway again and "going strong", but to take on some of the projects sug- gested by the faculty, scout execu- tive, and the ambitious members themselves, the fraternity needs more men to help. As much as or little time as can be given by a member is all that is asked, and in meetings are held every other week in the Union. Gamma Pi chapter headquarters are in North Hall. Men on campus who were form- er scouts or scouters and would like to do something for campus and also have good fellowship are very welcome to attend any of our meetings. Alpha Phi Omega has over 110 chapters at every prominent uni- versity in the country and any rmember of a social fraternity is also able to join our fraternity. Approximately one-half of the membership of Gamma Pi chapter is affiliated with social fraterni- ties on campus. We need your help - are you willing to help and have good fel- lowship and fun at the same time? -Sidney Zilber APO President IN VIEW OF the fact that so many preference tickets to theI basketball games were not called for, I suggest that these tickets bee made available to interested st-i dents prior to the game for whicht they are good. I, for one would prefer standing in line in U. Hall to get a tickett than waiting in the cold «utaida Yost Field House for a haMf anI hour -- and possibly be disap- pointed.E -Keith Pollard Holiday A bsences .. . To the Editor: T SEEMS to me that the dis- cussion of absences from class preceeding holidays has reached ridiculous proportions. In order to be able to spendl Thanksgiving Day with my fain- ily (in NY), I for one, made cer- tain that I did not over-sleep classes, or stay away just because7 I "didn't feel like going." (These being two of the major reasons for unexcused absences.) Why the fuss about that par-I ticular day? If I'm going to be absent, it usually doesn't matter much which day I decide to take. Fumthermore, even the old system of triple cuts would not have changed my plans about going home. The professor has his recourse and the student his. If the form-1 er thinks that the student's ab- sences have been excessive, the present system enables him to act As for the student, he should beI mature enough to continue to have the right to decide just when he will or will not attend a par-' ticular class Marilyn E. Hendricks+ * * * Infor .ed Voters To the Editor: AlAYBE "The Man" is right - that the southern Negro is unfit to vote. But the senator is fundamentally wrong in his meth- od of dealing with the particular problem. Instead of correcting the unfitness of the Negro's basic con- stitutional privilege of the fran- chise, the Mississipian outright condemns the race. He and his "contemporaries" battle against legislative or executive actions which would raise the standards of the harassed race and make them eventually capable of exer- cising the franchise at least as in- telligently as is currently possible. There are many who would prefer Bilbo for the courage to publicly declaim his convictions - but the fact remains that he is preach- ing unconstitutional practices. If one would refuse to seat him in the Senate, it follows that his elec- torate should somehow also be reprimanded. True, he should thus be dealt with, but how can 'a progressive "democrat" replace him under the present set-up? Because of the coerced voting apathy of the southern Negro for the past half century, one might readily expect a recurrence of the Reconstruction era, which would be worse, undoubtedly than to- day's malady. No, the answer lies in a process of two steps: 1) strong federal action to elevate southern standards of education, living, et cetera, and 2) lessening of the voter's burden to facilitate the -Ne- groes capability. The first step has seen some measure of progress in the past dozen years. However, if the "su- preme whites" won't take the pill of Negro elevation (not "domina- tion"), then some method of cramming it down their throats (for the "general welfare," of course) must be used, and not sug- ar coating the pill. More exten- sive use of federal grants for edu- cation, and measures to better the economic status of the whole South are both expandable pos- sibilities (TVA, federal "lunch boxes" for school children," and freight-rate adjustments to at- tract industries are examples) The second step advocated above would speed up the time necessarily spent to creat "an in- formed body politic of Negroes. In fact, as matters now stand, it is practically impossible for even a professor of political science to vote intelligently. In the early days of our nation's government, there were few elective offices and the then-limited electorate knew its candidates and their ideas and policies; nowadays, however, with the ponderous number of elective officialdom, it is physically impos- sible to become acquainted with all the aspirants' character and policies, to say nothing of the technical ability required of many offices. Why not, then, as is so often suggested by eminent poli- tical scientists, limit the elections to policy-making offices, such as a single executive and the legis- lature, and the constitutional amendment of each level of gov- ernment? This is a long-needed remedy to alleviate the stress of the electorate's overwork. It seems to us the above process would make an intelligent elec- torate of the whole populace, but the southern Negroes, particular- ly, and would eventually dispel "party fears" in the South - aft- er all, haven't the northern Ne- gro votes gone, at least to a sub- stantial degree, to the Democratic party? -Guy Reem Dixieland Jazz, . . IN ANSWER to Mr. Raphaels request and in Defense of Dix- ieland: Mr. Raphael claims that Dixieland is "harmonically infan- tile, devoid of embellishments and interesting chord connections and, all in all, scaled to the level of musicians with meagre tech- nique." This is all very true ac- cording to the standards of jazz as we have it today, but let's for- get these standards for a while and consider the merits of Dixie- land. It would be well to note the in- fluence that Dixieland has had on the developments of 'jazz before we shelve it as being outmoded. Would you compare the perspec- tive used by the 14th century painters with the perspectives used by the 19th century painters and conclude that the 14th cen- tury painters were any less great because their work was compara- tively infantile? Would you deny the simple beauty of the Gregor- ian Chant with its Cantur Firmus because it appears "infantile" in comparison with Tschaikowsky's symphonies? I hardly think so. Gillispie is great, but I don't think that he would be nearly as great were it not for the men such as Sidney Bechet, Leon Beider- becke, Jay C. Higginbotham, Jack- son Teagarden, and "Pee Wee" Russell who came before him. Present day jazz will serve as the influence in the development of jazz 20 years from now. How ma- ture, harmonically, will present jazz be in 1966? Would you like to have people in 1966 regard our jazz as you regard Dixieland to- day? 'It's alright to sit on a man's head once he's been floored but out of respect for him we ought to refrain from bouncing up and down. -Harold Goodman WASHINGTON-(R)-Prospects for a broad inquiry into German occupation problems increased to- night following a New York con- ference between Secretary of State Byrnes and members of the Senate War Investigating Com- mittee. The committee plans to begin the investigation with a closed hearing here Monday, at which~ Lt. Gen. Lucius D. Clay is to be the first witness. Clay is deputy com- mander of American occupation forces in Germany. Costs of occupation, black mar- ket activities and what Senator Brewster (Rep., Maine) called "sensational sex stories" are on the tentative schedule for inves- tigation. Fifty-Seventh Year Edited and managed by students Cf the University of Michigan under the authority of the Board in Control of Student Publications. Editorial Staff Robert Goldman .....Managing Editor Milton Freudenheim.Editorial Director Clayton Dick'ey..... ,.....,. City Editor Mary Brush ...........Associate Editor Ann Kutz ............Associate Editor Paul Harsha.........Associate Editor Cark Baker............Sports Editor Des Howarth ..Associate Sports Editor Jack Martin ... Associate Sports Editor Joan wlk ............Women's Editor Lynne Ford .Associate Women's Editor Business Staff Robert E. Potter ....Business Manages Evelyn Mills .........Associate Business Manag1 Janet Cork Associate Business Manage Tele phone 23-24-1 BARNABY