PAGETWO THE MICHIGAN 'bAITY SUNDAY, DECEMBER 8,194C. SUNDAY, DECEMBER 8. 194~ ONE GREAT CHANCE': Vandenburg Asks UN Support To Prevent World War III By 'T"he Associated Press 1 DETROL'T, Dec. 7 -Support ofI the Unitei Nations is "our one great chai Ce" to stop World War III "before it starts," Senator Ar- thur H. Vndenburg (Rep.-Mich.) declared In a ra. io address (WJR) mark- ing the fi th anniversary of Pearl Harbor, S n. Vandenburg declared that Dec. 7, 1941, was the day "to which we trace the dedication of our hearts and hopes to the pur- suit of truly durable peace with Vets Cheeks... (Conti ued from page 1) Albers, 1 -nn; Bergren,^John G.; Booth, C>' v'les Victor; Bohn, Ray- mond T.; Boehme, Kenneth R.; Blan, Kenneth W.; Brown, Wil- liam K.; Cahoon, William Gills; Carmichael, Henry P.; Ceasar, Wilfrad A.; Coombs, Gordon Chester; Crawley, Ross W.; Craig- head, F. k C.; Cuffey, William H.; David gin, Robert B.; Dill, D'a- vid Fredeic; Donaldson, Kenneth C.; Dovai vsky, Leonard A. Evans, John P.; Enzian, Henry F. (2 checks); Epstein, Frederick; Fahlman, John Emil; Fahs, Har- old J.; Fant, Samuel E.; Flint, James E.; Grandstaff, John Fran- pis; Groves, William A.; Gudz, George B., Haskitt, Harold Oren; Hoffman, Paul C.; Holderbaum, Russell; Hutchinson, Richard R.; Jennings, David William; Larson, Donald; Lincoln, John W.; Liv- ingston, Morton Don. Mahlig, Carl A.; Mantonya, John B.; Mazu' kiewicz, Henry George; McDonal ?, John Graham; Muel- ler, Warr n W.; Myslicki, Ches- ter; Ostenson, Burton T.; Rappa- port, Normnan L.;- Ratza, Vernon James; Reynolds, John S.; Roe- mer, Rudo)ph H.; Shultz, Albert Byron; Schreek, Edwin C.; Smith, William Everett; Stover, John Raymond; Tervo, Emil; Thomas, Archie M.; Tobias, James E.; Tobias, John E.; Tucker, Preston Thomas; Turton, Walter W (Hia- watha Beach); Vaught, Charles J. (2 checks); Vranich, Emil F.; Webster, lennet A.; White, James H.; Winters, Donald F.; Will Harold L. All the above listed checks will be return d to Cleveland Dec. 15. Unclain d checks for the fol- lowing vu'erans will be returned to Clevels ad Dec. 17: Bilitzke, Joseph B.; Kellman, William R.; Mascott, Laurance E.; McGuire, Donald Edward; Mc- Pherson, LeRoy C.; Ostenson, Burton T.- Richardson, Robert W.; Schre.ber, Maurice H. justice in a free world of free men.~ His talk was transcribed in New York City, where Sen. Vandenburg is attending the United Nations conference. Shall Not Fail Again "We talked that way 25 years ago after World War I, and failed," he said. "There must be many fathers, veterans of World War I, and their sons, veterans of World War IT, whose faith in hu- manity has been so shaken that they are wondering whether we shall not fail again." "I am happy to bring a message of confidence that those war drums may never be heard again," the U. S. advisor for the United Nations declared. "At long last the total world has organized against aggression. It has organized the United Na- tions on a basis that can be made to work if we stick as relent- lessly to the winning of this per- manent peace as we stuck to the winning of the war." Nothing Automatic There will be "disillusioning dis- couragements, rocks and reefs," en route, Vandenburg admitted, acknowledging "there w ill be nothing automatic about the suc- cess of this glorious adventure." "But so long as the General As- sembly of the United Nations pro- vides them with a town meeting of the world in which to thrash out their problems eye to eye," he said, "so long as the people of the United Nations and especially the people of the United Nations faithfully support these purposes and these ideals . . . World War III can be stopped before it starts." Despite its frailties, the United Nations "is our one great chance," Michigan's senior senator con- cluded. Coal... (Continued from Page 2) able to take packages of normal size and weight by Monday. Ann Arbor industrialists heaved a great big sigh of relief upon be- ing informed of the end of the miners' walkout. Most of the in- dustrialists here were not affected by the strike, but some plants were being threatened with material shortage. Detective Lieutenant Al Heusel announced last night that the ten o'clock tavern curfew would be lifted in Ann Arbor as soon as the taverns and stores could be noti- fied. ONE ARMED TYPIST-Larry De Ridder, University student uses standard typewriter for notes. STRINGS ATTACHED: Handicapped Student Devises Unique Tyewriting System Sen. Millikan To Examine Race Question By The Associated Pess WASHINGTON, Dec. 7-A critic of Fair Employment Practices leg- islation, Senator Millikin (Rep., Colo.), set to work today to study the problem of racial and religious discrimination for the GOP in the new Senate. Associates reported Millikin somewhat puzzled as to why the Republican Steering Committee handed him the assignment in view of his outspoken opposition to coercive FEPC legislation. In a Senate speech last Febru-- ary which preceded the death by filibuster of a bill which would have established a Fair Employ- ment Practice Commission on a permanent basis, Millikin said e would not vote for an anti-dis- crimination measure which did not rest upon persuasion rather than coercion. J-Hop Text..,. (Continued from page 1) Following is part of the J-Hop plan submitted by Dennis Young- blood, J-Hop chairman, to Ruth McMorris, social committee chair- man of the Student Legislature. "An informal cross-section of the campus has revealed that the students of the University of Mich- igan desire the return of a J-Hop on a pre-war basis. Therefore, we have formulated plans which we think will meet all the require- ments. We wish to hold the J-lop Fri- day and Saturday, Feb. 7 and 8, 1947. This time is between semes- ters and will not interfere with classes or studying, and further will not interfere with the sched- ule of the Intramural Building. It was the accepted custom and practice in the years before the war, that guests of the men were housed at the fraternities. We should like to stress that a great deal of the attraction of the J- Hop is embodied in this practice, and it is our desire to recapture as much of the old spirit of the J-Hop as possible. We have struck upon a plan which we feel will be satisfactory to the student body, and also to the Student Legislature and the Student Affairs Committee. We would have the men in a few fra- ternities leave their houses, which would then be open for the guests and chaperones, and go to the other fraternity houses for the weekend. As a climax to each night's dance, the Committee has procured the agreement of the Union and possibly the League to serve break- fasts after the dance. The Com- mittee feels that if breakfasts were to begin immediately after the dance ends, all could eat in an hour and a half, and with half an hour to get home, late permission could be set at 4 a.m." Teachers .. . Student Bundle Campaign Will Begin Tuesday Clothing contributed in the Bundle Days Drive, Tuesday through Thursday, will be collect- ed at individual houses and in Lane Hall. Ada Davis, drive chairman, asked that the clothing, which is to be shipped to students in Europe, be wrapped in bundles and tied. All types of clothing and shoes can be used, according to Miss Davis. She said that clean, ser- viceable clothing is especially needed, but that a recondition- ing service is maintained by the Save the Children Federation. which will receive the clothing. Miss Davis continued that with winter almost here, warm gar- ments will be most useful, adding that unless enough clothing is re- ceived, students in Europe will be in dire straits. Shoes are especially needed because many students are still wearing footwear made of paper or of other makeshift materials, Miss Davis said. The Save the Children Federa- tion, which services and ships the clothing collected during the Bun- dle Days, sponsors more than 1,000 schools and over 3,000 children in war-struck countries in Europe. "We know that the Federation is doing an effective job of over- seas relief," Miss Davis said. By MAC YALNIK EDITOR'S NOTE: Mr. Yalnik is an Exchange Scholar who is currently engaged in translating the Gargoyle into English. A pernicious campaign to pre- vent the Gargoyle ,from going on sale this Wednesday began yester- day afternoon as a band of brigands broke into the Garg of- fice and kidnapped Associate Editor Raymond Shinn.. This startling action was taken lightly by all concerned on the Gargoyle staff until it was learned that the Associate Editor was be- ing held as a hostage in the north- east corner of West Engineering. A ransom note, received later in the day, read as follows: "We are retaining Mr. Shinn to write an article on the Cauchy-Rieman equations for the Laplace conformal Trans- formations for the next issue of the Technic. If you want him back, it will be necessary not to put the Garg on sale this Wed- nesday.-The Technic." This immediately stirred a huge wave of apathy in the Garg office and a reply was sent to the effect that Shinn had never been any good on the Garg anyway, but that lie didn't know anything about the Laplace conformal transformations. "We have nothing to say," said Melig-an, humor editor of tae Technic as he cautiously peeped through the barricaded door at the inquiring reporter, "unless it be the fact that no Garg sales- man will be permitted to sell at the Engine Arch this Wednes- day. We have enough competi- tion with Insight." Several en- gineers with drawn slide rules stood ready to back up Mclig- an's words. "The Gargoyle will be on ;ale Wednesday," the circulation man- ager announced decisively, "nd sales will continue until both c-p- ies have been sold." Tom Walsh, editor of Insibht, expressed dissatisfaction over the kidnapping. "We wanted Shinn to write something of social signifi- cance," he pointed out disappoint- edly. The anthropology department laughed but declined comment. Sace T Et Lunch room'space for students who carry their lunches, will be available in the Union and League beginning next Monday, Robert S. Waldrop, director of the Veterans Service Bureau and chairman of the Veter ans University Council announced yesterday. PUBLICATIONS WAR: Technic Gang Kidnaps Garg Editor in Suppression Move I . -- -III By LIDA DAILES Except for his own string at- tachment, Larry De Ridder, one armed business administration school student, has learned to type on a standard machine with no special adaptations. Typing with his hand placed in the center of the keyboard, Larry overcomes the difficulty of the shift key by tying the string to the key and then his foot. Then when he needs a capital letter, he tugs at the string With his foot and does the trick. Before coming here to work on his doctorate in guidance and per- sonnel, Larry taught school. He avoided the typing jobs by assign- ing them to his students. Larry sought the aid of James R. Taylor, typing -instructor in the business administration school when he could not compete with his fellow students who "had their wivbs type their notes." In three weeks, this Norway, Michigan, student learned to type almost as well as others in the joint busi- ness adm inistration-education school typing laboratory, accord- ing to Taylor. 'All I need now is more practice and I'll be able to pick up speed ..I'll get the practice all right," Larry commented with a rueful glance at the handwritten notes yet to be typewritten. Campus Unity Group Formed A Unity Committee, composed of representatives of campus or- ganizations, was formed yester- day to arouse interest in the Chi- cago Student Conference which will be held on the University of Chicago campus December 28-30. Established to provide informa- tion and publicity on the confer- ence, to function as a sounding board for student views on what the conference should do, and to seek cooperation from other schools in this area in sending delegates, the committee has be- gun a publicity campaign which includes plans for a campus-wide rally to be held early next week. THE MICHIGAN, MUSIC ALBUM Makes a splndid Christmas Present for Mother, Father Alumni Friends, Yourself This is a MUST on your Christmas Shopping List i SHOWS TODAY CONTINUOUS Starting 1-3-5-7-9 P.M. ADULTS ... 43c CHILDREN ... 16c incl. tax RECORDINGS OF MICHIGAN POPULAR SONGS CONCERT BAND -GLEE CLUB d Distributed by THE ALUMNI ASSOCIATION OF THE UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN ALUMNI MEMORIAL HALL, ANN ARBOR, MICHIG AN ,.1. . .....::"":iL.n :.e1" ' :ti ..v..'.' ..' . . :".' :;.r 1 S {t :. . r} ";;3im i Iy5'", ..-.,j I 14 HtS HERE GIRLS!J CAas os CAR, 0 ORGAN .4tw-c,~ri/7ca//y M APY WAR .. R. . ..*.... . ::w :: ......::..:....:::....... .. .. ....:....0. ... ..*........ . "":~.hll"}/~tiY,}:4L~!i""," , i:;":}':'JY: ' U\s. (Continued from page 1) former teachers who are well along in years and will not be able to face the challenging problems of the schools of today." While teacher education insti- tutions are enjoying record-break- ing enrollments, the shortage will not be greatly eased for at least two years, the survey holds. "The present critical short- ages of men interested in ele- mentary school education and in junior high teaching will con- tinue to remain critical for years to come." Teachers' salaries during the war period increased in all geo- graphical areas." "Smallest salary increases were made in the Southeastern States, Alabama, Kentucky, North Caro- lina, and Virginia." During the five-year war pe- riod over which the salary survey was made, the Northwestern States, such as Idaho, Montana, and the Dakotas, and the West Central States (Illinois, Kansas, Minnesota, Missouri, not includ- ing Michigan) granted the larg- est salary increases, with the aver- age topping 55 per cent. --Today and Monday O. S. S. with Alan Ladd, Geraldine Fitzgerald and-- "SING WHILE YOU DANCE" Ellen Drew, Robert Stanton II -.. Y >1 >':=:i :' : :. ':{ 11 I I U U A m M,7 U. m Ak - m5WN A WS3 E A XM BLA