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December 06, 1946 - Image 5

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The Michigan Daily, 1946-12-06

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7 T 77

IRA Will Present Informal
All-Campus Dance in Union

Foreign Coeds

To Be


Guests at


The Inter-Racial Association
will present its first all-campus
dance from 9 p.m. to midnight to-
day in the Union Ballroom.
The dance will be informal, and
Frank Tinker, who plays for the
regular Union dances, will play
for the dancers.. Blue and white
balloons and streamers will deco-
rate the Ballroom for the evening.
Foreign Groups Entertain
Special feature of the dance will
be the intermission program to be
presented by foreign student
groups. Included in the floorshow
will be a parody skit of "Old Man
Soph Cabaret
Will Feature
Show, Dance
The annual Soph Cabaret,
"Soph Tale-Spin," will be present-
ed from 8 p.m. to midnight tomor-
row in the League.
Tickets are to be sold at the
door, and they will also be sold on
campus today. Ticket sales are
from 10 a.m. to noon in the Engi-
neering Arch, from 11 a.m. to 1
p.m.on the Diagonel,from noon to 1
p.m and 3 to 5 p.m. in the League
and from 10 a.m. to noon and 1 to
3 p.m. in University Hall.
Men may attend with dates or
men and women may come sing-
ly. The price of admission in-
cludes everything but refresh-
A stage show with a cast of 120
coeds will be given at 8:15 p.m.,
9:30 p.m. and 10:45 p.m. in Lydia
Mendelssohn Theatre. Singing
and dancing chorus numbers, solo-
ists, novelty and specialty acts and
skits are included in the program.
The music of Paul LaVoie and
his orchestra will be featured for
dancing from 9 p.m. to midnight
in the League Ballroom. Jean Re-
gal and Jackie Fisher, romantic
tenor, are the vocalists with Le-
Voie's band.
Decorated concession booths
will sell souvenirs as there are
to be no dance programs. Roses
and carnations are to be sold
along the League concourse.
Patrons for the cabaret are,
President and Mrs. Alexander G.
Ruthven, Dean Joseph A. Bursley,
Dean and Mrs. Walter B. Rea,
Dean and Mrs. Erich A. Walter,
Dean Alice C. Lloyd, Dean Elsie R.
Fuller, Prof. and Mrs. Arthur W.
Bromage, Dr. Margaret Bell, Miss
Marie Hartwig and Miss Ethel A.
'Michigan Maize'
Radio Program
To Be Presented
The first in a new series of ra-
dio programs entitled "Michigan
Maize" will be presented by the
Union and League from 1:45 to
2:00 p.m. tomorrow over station
The programs will announce the
highlights of each week's campus
activities. The human interest
side of the news, including history
and traditions of the campus, will
be emphasized.
Bradley Straatsma and Doris
Krueger are co-chairmen of the
radio programs. Productions are
under the direction of Robert
Spurrier. Marjorie Zaller is chair-
man of the script writing com-
mittee and Barbara Hitchcock is
chairman of the research commit-
"The purpose of the programs is

to acquaint students with the ac-
tivities on campus and revive the
traditions and spirit which were
found on the prewar Michigan
campus," said Doris Krueger.
All the research, script writing,
directing and acting are done by
camhpus students. Anyone inter-
ested in working on this project
can do so by contacting either
Bradley Straatsma or Doris Krueg-%
The Campus Casbah will not
be open Saturday because Soph
Cabaret will take over the
League Ballroom for the eve-
ning. The night club will be
open tomorrow as usual.

River," songs by an Indian stu-
dent, and native dances by for-
eign groups.
During the evening Frank Tink-
er will play a medley of songs of
all nations. Terrell Whitset, IRA
president, will be master of cere-
monies for the floorshow.
Promotion of Good Feeling /
The IRA dance is being given
to help promote inter-racial good
feeling, and the Association hopes
to continue the practice of pre-
senting social affairs for groups of
all races. Invitations have been
issued to all foreign groups on
campus to make it an- interna-
tional as well as inter-racial dance.
Tickets are on sale at the main
desk of the Union and will also be
sold the night of the dance. They
may also be purchased from IRA
members. Rona Eskin is chairman
of the dance.
Casbah Holds
Ticket Sales
Campus Talent Featured
In New Show Each Week
Tickets for the Campus Casbah,
open from 9 p.m. to midnight to-
day in the League Ballroom, are
on sale at the main desk of the
Al Miller will be master of cere-
monies for the evening's enter-
tainment. The floorshow program
will include songs by Bill Red-
mond and acrobatics by Pat Her-
man. The Casbah features a new
campus talent floorshow every
Students interested in appear-
ing in the floorshows are urged to
attend the tryout meetings held
at 7:30 p.m.' every Tuesday in the
League. The room will be posted
at the desk in the lobby..

Affair Will Be Held Today
In Martha Cook as Part
Of Honor Society Program
Members of Wyvern, junior
women's honorary society, have
invited all foreign women on cam-
pus to be their guests at the Mar-
tha Cook Building for tea from
3:15 to 4:15 p.m. today, according
to Carol Lieberman, president, and
Pamela Wrinch, project chairman
of the society.
At their first meeting of the
semester, Wyverners voted to
continue the project adopted by
last year's members, that of ori-
entating foreign women stu -
dents. Supplementing the for-
mal University program of ori-
entation, plans of the group in-
clude informal get-togethers to
become better acquainted with
these women, and to assist them
in coping with any special prob-
lems they might have in adjust-
ing to campus life.
Several foreign students were
invited to attend the November
meeting of the society to offer
suggestions, and many others have
become acquainted with members
on an individual basis.
Special guests for today's af-
fair will include Mrs. Leona B.
Diekema and Miss Sara L. Rowe,
social director, and home direc-
tor of Martha Cook, respective-
ly; Mrs. Elsie R. Fuller, Assis-
tant Dean of Women, and Wy-
vern's advisor for this year; and
Mrs. Grey, social director of the
International Center.
Miss Wrinch urges all foreign
coeds to attend the get-together,
and expressed the hope that fu-
ture affairs will be held since, "It
provides an informal manner for
getting acquainted, and exchang-
ing ideas and experiences."





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Last Veterans'

Dance of Semester

Will Feature Intermission Variety

The last in a series of weekly
Veterans' Dances to be held this
semester will feature a variety of
acts during the intermission from
8:30 to 11:30 p.m. today at West
Lodge in Willow Run.
"Jim and Jack Routine" will in-
clude satirical skits by Jim Bar-
low and Jack Leishman. Margaret
Flag and her partner are to offer
"French Apache" dances. 'The in-
termission entertainment will fea-
ture Leishman as emcee.
With the slogan, "The music we
love," Hal Jackson and his Sextet
will provide the music for the af-
fair. The all-veteran band, newly
formed, includes members who live
at the Village. Jackson has been
featured at various campus ac-
A crepepaper canopy will domi-
nate the scene of the -ballroom.
Decorations are to center around
Michigan's traditional colors, yel-
low and blue.
Busses will be provided for coeds
Bowling Contests
Will Be Sponsored
An all campus mixed doubles
bowling tournament will be spon-
sored by the WAA Bowling Club
Saturday, December 14, in the
The deadline for registration is
Wednesday, and all students in-
terested must enter and pay their
entry fee by that time. Women
are urged to call Pat Bregner at
2-4561 and men may register with
Ralph Wilderman at 8771. Coup-
les are invited to sign up together,
but partners will be arranged for
those who wish.
Regular Bowling Club tourna-
ment play is being held at 3:15
p.m. each Monday, Tuesday, and
Wednesday at Ann Arbor Recrea-
tion alleys. -Coeds are, reminded
that one unexcused absence auto-
matically drops them .from prize
He's so fond

attending from campus. They will
leave at 7:45 p.m. from the Lydia
Mendelssohn Theatre entrance of
the League, and return there at
12:15 a.m.
Petitions for Posts
On Assembly Ball
Due Tomorrow
Deadline for all petitions for
central committee posts on As-
sembly Ball will be at noon to-
morrow in the Undergraduate Of-
fice of the League, according to
Jeanne Clare, president of Assem-
bly Association.
All eligible independent women
may petition for positions for the
affair, which will be held March 7,
but priority for general chairman-
ship will be given to juniors and
seniors. Other chairmanships
available to coeds in any class in-
clude: tickets, publicity, decora-
tions, finance, music and pro-
grams, patrons, and building and
grounds, including care of light-
ing and checking facilities.
A more detailed list of the du-
-ties entailed for these positions is
posted in the Undergraduate Of-
fice, where petitioners must also
sign for interviews which will be
held Monday from 3 to 5 p.m. and
Wednesday from 2 to 5 p.m.
Miss Clare suggested that peti-
tioners include all plans and novel
ideas for a theme and decorations
on their petitions.
Physical Ed. Party
The Women's Physical Educa-
tion Club has invited the Men's
Physical Education Club to a par-
ty to be from 8:30 to midnight to-
day in the W.A.B.
Country dancing, led by Miss
Josephine Yauntis, will be fea-
tured. In addition social dancing,
skits and refreshments will be of-

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