PAGE FOUR r THE MICHIGAN DAILY FRIDAY, DECEMBER -6, 1946 Galens Able Philanthropy MAN TO MAN: Iron Curtain - BILL MAULDIN THE TANGIBLE results gained from con- tributions to the Galens Annual Christ- mas Drive can be seen in the shop at the University Hospital and displays of the youngsters' projects in local store windows. The intangible outcome of the contri- butions lies with hundreds of children whose periods of hospital confinement have been brightened by the hours spent working in the Galen Shop in carefree release from hospital routine, which is at' best dull and dreary to a usually active boy or girl. The Galen's Honorary Medical Society has sponsored these drives for the past 18 years. The record of the support given them, with their quota oversubscribed each time, speaks for itself. Their $3,000 goal last year was topped by more than $500. In addition to the therapeutic value of diverting the youngsters' minds from their illnesses, the Galen Shop instructors have highly praised the type of activity offered there as a definite socializing influence. The beneficial contact with other children is particularly important, they say, when it is realized that work in the shop is perhaps one of the main sources of working and playing with other "kids" for children who have been almost without a normal group of playmates. Editorials published in The Michigan Daily are written by members of The Daily staff and represent the views of the writers only. THE GALENS' story does not stop here, though. To start from the beginning, they are a group of 24 junior and senior medical students who serve as a student- faculty contact and philanthropic group whose past work shows extremely efficient and effective organization. A large part of their work is done through the income of the Galen News- stand in University Hospital. Through these profits they have made available a low interest loan fund and 10 scholar- ships of $200 each yearly to junior and senior medical students. They have helped finance one of the finest medical photography departments in any teach- ing hospital throughout the country and have set up many other benefits to stu- dents and patients at University Hospital. For example, funds donated by them re- cently made it possible to put curtains around ward beds, replacing the cumber- some folding screens formerly used. The Galens have put the medical school ahead of the rest of the campus in a fac- ulty rating program which they have used every year for some time, through which several changes have been made in their curriculum. They also serve on the student-faculty internship committee, which gets details for graduating seniors every year about jobs available, complete with application blanks for them and information about quarters and salary. The annual Galens Tag Day on campus today and tomorrow is your opportunity to help continue and expand these services to the community for the coming year. -Gay Larsen IN .4's NIGHT EDITOR: CLYDE RECHT Al ON WORLD AFFAIRS: Economic Merger By EDGAR ANSEL MOWRER THE FORMAL ratification of the economic merger that makes the Anglo-Saxon nations partners in Germany brings both good and bad cheer. Some of the benefits are: 1. The prospect of a united German Reich becomes dimmer. I have never believed that the Soviets could accept the only kind of unity Americans and Britons can accept without losing all hold over Germany. Any form of divided Germany is prefer- able to any form of united Germany. For a divided Germany cannot so easily again become a world menace. 2. The Western bloc becomes somewhat more firm. This bloc is not - as Russia- firsters argue - the result of a dark Anglo- Saxon plot against Russia. It is the in- evitable result of the Soviet enslavement of Eastern Europe. It just happens. Whether -as my old friend Konni Ziliacus, near- communist Labor MP charges - the U. S. and Britain have already entered into an "oral" defensive military alliance is a mat- ter of indifference. If they have not al- ready, they will at some point. During their arguments with Stalin over Soviet imperialism, Roosevelt and Churchill ought to have warned the Russian dictator that persistence to his claims on Eastern Europe would unite the U. S. and Britain against him. He should have known it anyway. If he did not, he can lay the blame on bemused American thinkers like Henry Wallace. 3. The consolidation of Western Europe to the point where it can defend itself against occupation by the Soviet Union has been started. Western Europe is po- tentially one of the strongest military units in the world. Unless there is real disarma- wment, its defensive union is a necessity. 4. Finally, I suppose, one should welcome anything that will make our occupation of Germany pay for itself unless this saving means a recrudescence of the German danger. I The disadvantages of the Anglo-American merger seem to me to be: 1. There remains the possibility that the Soviet Union in its thirst for maximum rep- arations and its panic fear of the Western bloc, may ultimately accept the Anglo- American type of a united Germany. A France dominated by communists would accept this as well as other orders from Moscow. 2. The Western bloc should be formed, not around a nucleus of unrepentent Ger- mans, but around France, Belgium and Holland with the Ruhr coal at their dis- posal. By beginning this two years ago, American and British politicians would have done more to prevent communism in Europe than by any scheme centering on Germans. The Western bloc could still be so formed -if Byrnes and Bevin had the requisite imagination. Otherwise, French, Belgians and Nether- landers may refuse to adhere to any political groupingaaround a German nucleus. In which case, not all the coal in the Ruhr can make a Western bloc. The Anglo-American economic fusion is being accompanied by a wave of Anglo- Saxon sympathy for the Germans. Part of this sympathy is political cal- culation. It is a mistaken belief that to prevent the Germans going communist, we must be prepared to bribe them. Therefore, we seem to be panning for "our" Germans (not mine!) a higher living standard than the average of their victims. But some of the sympathy is real. Over the radio from Berlin, into parts of the British and American press, are coming sob stories that demonstrate how well the new German campaign to "organize sym- pathy" is succeeding. I do not mean that we should not feed German babies. We should feed them to the same extent that we feed Chinese babies. With the wave of sympathy for this people of thugs comes the expected rebirth of German arrogance. Social-democratic German "friends" are beginning to utter threats. Are we to forget the Social-democratic bureaucrats con- sciously furthered Germany's secret re- armament after the last war? The victorious nations occupying defeated Germany are in no sense "trustees" for the German people. We are wardens in charge of a desperate, conceivably paranoical crim- inal. Our first task is not to cure the evil- doer but to protect international society against him. We made the mistake once before of be w lieving in German regeneration. Now we seem in danger of once more falling victim to the same mixture of whine plus innocence. (Copyright 1946, Press Alliance, Inc) e. By HAROLD L. ICKES THERE IS strong objection in the United States to any so-called iron curtain in the world, unless it be an American iron curtain. The Army and Navy prefer to operate in the utmost secrecy, especially with reference to the unnecessary expendi-, ture of great sums of money and irrespon- sible and dictatorial Naval rule in Guam and American Samoa. Of course, our State Department operates behind an iron cur- tain. How many American citizens really know what has happened in the Philippines with Ambassador McNutt pulling down the venetian shades to hide his collaborationist friend, President Roxas, from the inquisi- tive, or in Japan where General MacArthur is the nearest approach to an absolute mon- arch that we have ever produced, with the possible exception of John L. Lewis? And then there is Germany! What has been going on there to cause such jittery fear lest it be brought to light? Surpris- ingly enough, some of our outstanding publicists are striving desperately to pre- vent what was first the Truman Com- mittee, then the Mead Committee, and which will soon be the Brewster Com- mittee, from going to Germany to lift the iron curtain and expose to light what has so sedulously been concealed behind it.' In this "hush-hush" proceeding, both the Administration and critics of the Admin- istration are working hand in hand. The State Department, the Navy Department, the War Department, and various and sundry Senators, both Republican and Democratic, are going about on tiptoes with monitory forefingers raised. Secretary Byrnes and both Senators Van- denberg and Connally are doing everything possible to prevent Senator Brewster and the present day Truman Committee from going over and taking a look at Germany, though everyone was in favor of this before election. With four lame-duck Senators- Mead, Briggs, Tunnell, and Mitchell-Sen- ator Kilgore is against the proposed in- vestigation, thus defeating it, at least tem- porarily, by a vote of 6 to 4. It has been said that President Truman himself brought pressure on these democratic Senators to vote the way they did. We ought to know more than we do about the economic affairs of Germany. We par- ticularly need to be enlightened with respect to whether or not anything is being done to check effectively any effort tobrevivedand extend the cartels which flourished under Hitler and which sought to dominate the banking and commerce of the entire world. People have not forgtten the active par- ticipation in these cartels of American firms whose names have become household words and which had become so dominant in our own country. It would be helpful to know what American financial houses are oper- ating in Germany and what their objctives are. It is difficult to believe that the power- ful house of J. P. Morgan and Company is not seeking some positional advantage for itself. And then there is that budding younger financial giant, Dillon, Reed and Company. Some foresee a bitter struggle between these two powerful firms with the House of Morgan having the advantage of . experience and entrenched strength, and Dillon, Reed and Company being in a po- sition to attack and take over with the po- tent support in Germany of General Draper and the strength in reserve held by his for- mer business associate and still close frier Secretary of the Navy Forrestal. Nor is it to be supposed that the Secretary of Com- merce, W. Averell Harriman, who has strong connections as a partner in the prominent Wall Street firm of Brown, Harriman and Company, is without at least a passing in- terest in the struggle that is going on for financial control of Germany. As a matter of fact, a thorough investi- gation of the military administration of Germany and of what our Wall Street in- terests are doing over there to subjugate German banking and commerce, by means of cartels or other devices, is already past due. (Copyright 1946, by the N.Y. Post Syndicate) I i r -4 ,*ry!; ~~Co 9e6 by Unired Fnarme Syhd te Ia "It says on the pedestal: 'Give me your tired, your poor, your huddled masses, yearning to breathe free . . . The wretched refuse of your teeming shore. Send these, the homeless, tempest-tossed, to me: I lift my lamp beside the golden door'." yf \ etu ;,ice 1 Q , , Igort asUM1 otw ' '-a pe ID to " S 1] t"tee SCe 4mcs °-utr. usciM -n ttt . . Kpe ti tt{.. s't am s dat les, r to D DAILY OFFICIAL BULLETIN e Pu1ication in The Daily Official Bulletin is constructive notice to all members of the University. Notices for the Bulletin should be sent In typewritten form to the office of the Assistant to the President, Room 1021 Angell Halil, by 3:00 p.m. on the day preceding publication (11:00 a.m. Sat- urdays. FRIDAY, DECEMBER 6, 1946 VOL. LVII, No. 63 Notices To All Chairmen of Departments: Please call Extension 437 in the Business Office and order the number of Ann Arbor telephone directories needed in your depart- ment. You are entitled to one for each instrument. Delivery will be made by capnpus mail when direc- tories are available, presumably about December 6. Please return obsolete directories to 'the mes- senger. Herbert G. Watkins, Secretary Navy Five-term Officer Stu- dents. All officers will report to North Hall; NROTC Headquarters, re. Christmas leave. Notice to Veterans All student veterans who have not received subsistence checks by December 10 are urged to report in person to the Veterans Administration Of- fice, Rm. 100, Rackham Bldg., Tues., Dec. 10, between 8:00 a.m. and 4:30 p.m. PLEASE DO NOT REPORT BE- FORE TUES., DEC. 10. No re- ports will be accepted after 4:30 p.m., Wed., Dec. 11. Veterans are further advised that it is absolutely essential that they have their "C" numbers available when they report. This is a nation-wide inquiry, conducted atythe direction of Gen- eral Bradley, Administrator of Veterans Affairs, which supersedes all previous subsistence surveys. School of Business Administra- tion: All students who intend to transfer to the School of Business Administration for the spring se- mester, 1947, and who have not submitted their applications, should secure these blanks at Rm. 108, Tappan Hall, and turn them in immediately. Swimming and sports for coup- les every Friday evening at the Intramural Sports Building. Women students who are un- able to go home for the Christmas holidays and who need accommo- dations in Ann Arbor may leave their names at the Office of the Dean of Women. Dormitory resi- dents who have already notified their house directors do not need to call at the Office of the Dean of Women but all others should do so if they wish help. Willow Run Village West Court: Friday, Dec. 6, 8:00 p.m. Classi- cal Recordings. Sat., Dec. 7, 8:30-11:30 p.m., Open House for all couples. ing, bridge, refreshments. West Lodge: Fri., Dec. 6, 8:00 p.m., Bridge; 8:30 p.m., U of M Student Dancel with Hal Jackson's Orchestra. ] Lectures University Lecture: Dr. D. K. Lieu A.B. '15, member of the Sta-] tistical Commission of the United Nations, will lecture on the sub-j ject, "China's Wartime Economic] Situation," at 4:15 p.m., Fri., Dec. 6, Rackham Amphitheatre; aus- pices of the Department of Eco- nomics. The public is cordially in- vited. University Lecture: Dr. John R. Knott, Assistant Professor of Clin- ical Psychology, Department of Psychiatry, State University of7 Iowa, will lecture on the subject,1 "Electro cortical variations in be- havior disorders," at 4:15 p.m., Mon., Dec. 9, Rackham Amphi- theater; auspices of the Depart- ment of Psychiatry and the Bu- reau of Psychological services. The public is cordially invited. French lecture: Professor Marc Denkinger, of the Department of Romance Languages, will lecture on the subject "Les Aventures de M. Vieux-Bois-Album humoris- tique de Rod. Toepffer" (illus- trated), at 4:10 p.m., Tues., Dec. 10, Rm. D, Alumni Memorial Hall; Auspices of the Cercle Francais.- Tickets for the lectures may be procured from theSecretary of the Romance Language Department (Rm. 112, Romance Language Bldg.) or at the door at the time of the lecture for a small sum. Members of the Cercle Francais are admitted free upon presenta- tion of their membership cards. These lectures are open to the general public. Vocational Lecture: The Job Outlook -- Occupational Trends and Opportunities, a realistic pic- ture of jobs in our present eco- nomic situation by Dr. Ewan Clague, Commissioner of Labor Statistics, U. S. Department of La- bor, Washngton, D. C., at 7:30 p.m., Tues., Dec. 10, Rackham Lecture Hall; auspices of the Uni- versity Bureau of Appointments and Occupational Information. Academic Notices Algebra Seminar meet at 4:15 today, Rm. 3201, Angell Hall. Dr. Tornheim will speak on the "Val- uation Theory." Biological Chemistry Seminar meet at 3 o'clock today, Rm. 219, W. Medical Bldg. The subject to be discussed will be "Estrogen Hormones and Lipid Metabolism in the Fowl." All interested are invited. English 1, section 72 meet in 301 Economics Bldg., beginning to- day (instead of 3056 N. S.). Concerts Faculty Recital: William H. Stubbins, clarinetist and Mary McCall Stubbins, pianist, will pre- sent a program of three sonatas by Brahms, Saint-Saens, and Hindemith at 8:30 this evening, Rackham Assembly Hall. The pub- lic is invited. Exhibitions The Museum of Art presents Prints by George Rouault, and African Negro Sculpture, in the galleries of Alumni Memorial Hall, Dec. 4-20: weekdays, except Mon- days, 10:00-12:00, and 2:00-5:00; Sundays :00-5:00. The public is invited. The College of Architecture and Design presents an exhibition of Advertising Art sponsored by the Art Directois Club of Detroit. The exhibition will be current until Dec. 7 at noon,, in the Galleries of the Rackham Bldg. Exhibit of student work of the Cooper Union Art School, New York, will be current from Dec. 5 to 20, ground floor corridor, Col- lege of Architecture and Design. India Art Exhibition presented by Hindustan Association at Rack- ham Building on Friday and Saturday, Dec. 6 and 7, 4:00-10:00 p.m. All are invited. Events Today University Radio Programs: 2:30 p.m., Station WKAR, 870 Kc. Michigan Matinee, "Short- wave for Jeanie." 2:45 p.m., Station WKAR, 870 Kc. "Amateurs in Astronomy," Freeman D. Miller, Visiting Asso- ciate Professor of Astronomy. 3:30 p.m., Station WPAG, 1050 Kc. Dorothy Ornest, soprano, Geological Journal Clubmeet at 12:00 noon, Rm. 3055 Natural Science Bldg. Dr. C. W. Hibbard will speak on "Pleistocene Depos- its in the High Plain region of Kansas and Oklahoma." Bring your own sandwiches. Russian Film, "Alexander Nev- sky," auspices of the Russian Cir- cle, 8:30 p.m., Rackham Amphi- theatre, Dec. 6 and 7. Admission charged. Tickets on sale at the book stores and the League. Films on Life and Culture of India, Dec. 6 and 7. 7:15 p.m., Rackham.Amphitheatre. Admis- sion free. Armenian Students' Association meeting at 7:30 p.m., Interna- tional Center. Kappa Fhi Club meet at 5:15 p.m. Program theme, "Living for Others" Pledges meet early, Association Coffee Hour from 4:30 to 6:00 p.m., Lane Hall Li- brary. Congregational-Disciples . Guild meet at the Guild house, 438 May- nard, and go as a group to the Coliseum. Dinner and social evening for married Lutheran Students at 6 o'clock at the Student Center. Westminster Guild square dance (Continued on Page 6) Daily Worker .. . To the Editor: LOGIC, logic LOGIC! Boy, are we off the course. (Prof. Laing- ford, please note.) Now the Daily Worker wants to get into the act. My dear Mr. Silk: We realize all the wonderful issues, resolu- tions and other things the Daily Worker stands for - but does this mean we must regard the paper as carrying the torch for a Saved Mankind? Why do protagonists find only goodness in their holy little caus- es and overlook the faults when in. defense? Simply can't fig ure it out. Must be these Logic lec- tures that are confusing it all. Why, you yourself, Mr. Silk, hold the N.Y. Post in contempt. This paper fights for every one of the causes you mention the Worker as being for; the Masses; 4isarma- ment - Russian variety; O P A rent controls; anti-hypocritical (and anti-GOP, too). Yet the N.Y. Post is bad. Why? Because it red-baits - ain't it so? Therefore, it is a no- good paper. And you are right. Yes, you are. Here is a liberal paper that is considered an enemy of the Working Class because it has great faults offsetting its good. Fine logic. But does not the Daily Worker Letters to the Editor.. have a little fault or two,.EH? Isn't there the matter of viewing all news and opinion from the perspective of Moscow? Just as red-baiting is a dangerous preju- dice ,too? In this enlightened world newspapers are supposed to be defenders of Truth, free to criticize anything or anyone at any time. The communist organ finds evil, all right -but only in the narrow range its self-im- posed blinders allows it. The Daily Worker is a fine fighter for the Common Man. But it sickens some people to hear it defend Mr. Molotov every time he blinks. -Bill Gamzon Discrimination . . To the Editor: ONE of the best advertising schemes in town, I believe, has been the display, in the win- dow of a local barber shop, of the pictures of the outstanding mem- bers of the football team. Conspicuous by their absence from this group are Lenny Ford, Gene Derricotte and Bob Mann, who certainly have been major factors in Michigan's football vic- tories. Twenty-seven players' pictures are on display but none af these three are included - could it be because they are Negroes? Perhaps the store owners hve an adequate explanation, but to me it appears an obvious case of racial discrimination. -Howard S. Levy Communists To the Editor: THE present concerted drive to oust communists from impor- tant government and labor posi- tions contains many potential dangers, one of the primary dan- gers being the eventual outlawing of the Communist party. It will be a near fatal step if the various state governments, in their jubi- lant desire to get in on the hunt- ing, join the bandwagon and ban the Communist party. A critical public can scrut4nize the policies and methods of a legally recog- nized party, which acts inthe open in contrast to one which mustgo underground.rThe pub- lic can determine more readly what the party's policies are, and who its spokesmen and who its rank and file are. The Commun- ist party must not be banned. The danger that the burrowing out process might go farther than is legal or farther than most Am- ericans believe it should be carried mustbe recognized. The drive initiated, under today's Demo- crats, will be culminated by .he newly elected Republicans whose facile name calling and use of red herring devices bodes no good for progressive thinkers. As citi- zens it is our duty to see that civil liberties are not abused. We must be vigilant today, or tomorrow - well, tomorrow it will be too late. -Alvin Hamburg EDITOR'S NOTE: No letter to the editor will be printed unless signed and written in good taste. Letters over 300 words in length will be shortened or omitted; in special in- stances, they will be printed, at the discretion of the editorial director. THERE is a famine in India now, and it is already becoming acute. From all indications it will prove one of the most dreadful in recorded history. -Harper's CINEMA At Rackham Lecture Hall.. . Alexander Nevsky, Music by Prokofieff. STARTS TODAY. IT IS NOT often that a director steals his show, but Sergei Eisenstein has certainly done just that in "Alexander Nevsky." Al- though a limited knowledge of the Russian language might prevent one from fully ap- preciating the quality of the screenplay, there can be no disagreement as to the out- standing merit of the direction. This picture can truly be called a master- piece in the art of cinema making. The story moves swiftly through action, what dialogue there is being brief and terse, ex- cept for a few heroic declamations. These are quite understandable, in view of the fact that the underlying motive in this pro- duction was to warn possible aggressors of what they' were likely to encounter in the spirit of the Russian people, a spirit which hasn't changed, evidently, since 1942, the time of this story. The music, specially composed by Ser- gei Prokofieff, is an integral part of the film, helping to sustain the medieval at- mosphere with the aid of minutely de- tailed settings and costumes. The great battle-scene forms the crux of +ht. film .a rir in4a-C 4vcnctpi ' c f. vPf, .(?+r MUSIC CURRENT MOVIES SALVATORE BACCALONI, basso buffo of the Metropolitan Opera Company, re- turned to Hill Auditorium last night and did everything but a soft shoe shuffle. I like Mr. Baccaloni. I think he has a natural sense of humor as well as a fine voice. In a crowd he's great. But get him out there all by himself and it's mighty concentrated; too much buffo and not enough basso. This is not an attempt to discredit Mr. Baccaloni. All of the arias he sang, when placed in their proper relation to the rest of the operas are valid entertainment. His rendition of Verdi's "Quand' ero paggio' from "Falstaff" was, in fact, almost worth the entire evening. Putting all these selections together in one program, though, produces an evening of barren music. I think that there just isn't enough music written for a basso buffo to monopolize an evening. -Harry Levine Fifty-Seventh Year Edited and managed by students of the University of Michigan under the authority of the. Board in Control of Student Publications. Editorial Staff Robert Goldman ... Managing Editor Milton Freudenheim.Editorial Director Clayton Dickey...........City Editor Mary Brush............Associate Editor Ann Kutz............Associate Editor Paul Harslha.........Associate Editor Clark Baker.............Sports Editor Des Howarth ..Associate Sports Editor Jack Martin ...Associate Sports Editor Joan Wilk........... Women's Editor Lynne Ford .Associate Women's Editor Business Staff' Robert E. Potter ....Busines. Managel Evelyn Mills E.elynAMilssociate Business Manages Janet Cork Associate Business Managei Telephone 23-24-1 Miemberv ofThe Associated Priess At the Michigan.. . Home Sweet Homicide (20th Century), Randolph Scott, Lynn Ban, kids. If you like children, you'll love this one. The offspring of a mystery writer (based on Craig Rice) set out to solve a next door murder, and the manner in which they turn the neigh- borhood upside down in the process adds up to relatively pleasant entertainment. Al- BARNABY