TWOr T'HE MICHIGAN IAILY THURSDAY DECEMBER 5, 1948 - .... )ireetors Will Not Reopen ormer Student Restaurant By STUART FINLAYSON The Board of Directors of the Wolverine Student Cooperative have no incention of reopening a student restaurant at the present time, Prof Hobart Coffey of the LaW School, chairman of the Board of Directors, declared yes- terday. Prof. C ffey's statement came in response to student questions as to the present status of the Wolverine Cooperative and the former :estaurant building on U Prejudice (Continued from page 1) of Washtenaw county sets up two separate pre-natal classes, one for Colored and one for White; a Colored typist was refused at West Lodge after being sent by the United States Employment office to fill an existing vacancy; there was opportunity this past summer to employ Colored teachers in the newly-opened Ross Junior High school, but because of the well- known policy, they were not, in a school system where approxi- mately 26 per cent of its popula- tion is Colored." Mr. Blake also stated that he would like to "see an FEPC from the heart rather than from legal enforcement." Lawyer's Guild According to a statement from Morton Leitson, president of the Lawyer's Guild, last spring was the first time Negroes were per- mitted to live in the Lawyer's Club, and while there a policy of segre- gation was employed. The Guild, Leitson explained, is open to all students regardless of their race or color. While there is a restaurant An- ti-Discrimination (Diggs) law in the state, the results of an ex- periment conducted by IRA last spring showed that three out of 40 local restaurants practiced some form of discrimination, and the management gave this reason when approached: "We love the constitution, America, and all people, but business is business and my customers complain." Another type of discrimination ws found to exist even in some classrooms. According to Ellen Springer, graduate student in pu~blic health, one of her instruc- tors has made several references to the Negro in his lectures by re- lating insinuating stories about them in an ante -bellum Negro dialect. Another laboratory pro- fessor postponed examinging ex- periments done by Negroes until the end of the hour when the student could not. complete his assignment and had to return at a later time to do his work. "This is very subtle, I admit," Miss Springer commented, "and the professor would apologize for not getting to us, but it was re- peated again and again, which gave us no other course but to conclude chat he was definitely discriminating." FOR THEIR XMAS- BUY A GALENS TAG CLEVER GIFT SUGGESTIONS I Metallic finished MthBooks Handsome Playing Cards Smart Coasters for all occasionas * encil All Attractively Initialed or Monogrammed RAMSEY-CANFIELD 119 East Liberty State Street, which the Wolverine no longer owns. Reasons Given The decision not to reopen a student restaurant, Prof. Coffey said, has been made due to the following considerations: 1. No suitable building is avail- able, either by purchase or lease, within the 'financial means of the corporation. 2. In the judgement of at least a majority of the directors, th present period of inflated real es- tate is nt a good time to pur- chase a building. 3. While there seems to be a considerable demand on the part of students for good meals at lown prices, there has been little evi- dence of a corresponding desire to earn part of their way by work- ing-a necessary feature of the operation of a restaurant such as the old Wolverine. Cooperative Kept Alive The Wolverine Cooperative has been kept alive, Prof. Coffey said, although it no longer owns the State Street property. It func- tions with a limited membership and a board of directors with the usual officers required by law. The restaurant building was sold during the war. After most of the members left school to join the armed forces, the restaurant operated at a loss and was finally forced to stop serving meals. Buildings Released In 1944 the Directors of the corporation voted to dispose of the club and restaurant building for the following reasons: 1. The corporation between 1937 and 1943 had returned prac- tically all of its profits to its mem- bers in the form of rebates and low meal costs, and had no reserve fund to carry the corporation through the war emergency. 2. The piice offered for the pro- perty seemed reasonable. 3. The members had always been dissatisfied with the physi- cal facilities of the State Street building. Near East History Will Be Rewritten Recent discoveries of new docu- mentary ',,d archeological mate- rials will necessitate reinterpretat- ing the ancient history of the Near East, Prof. Arthur E. W. Boak, of the history department, told mem- bers of the Graduate History Club yesterday. Prof. Bnak Pointed out that these discoveries will cause a re- vision of the chronology of this whole early period of history. Some of the dates now accepted by his- torians will be changed by several hundred years, he added. 'U' High Principal Prof. John M. Tryten of the School of Education, principal of the University High School, will be in Lansing today and to- morrow to attend a-meeting of the Michigan Secondary Schools As- sociation. AVOID THE RUSH! 0 Be sure that your order for Chris! was flowers is hi ,early! *Member F.T.D. 6A _ QF LOW E R CHELSP o~c;;;;yo ;;;.c Bundle Day To Aid Europe's Needy Youch Gailering of Shoes Special Ain of Drive Bundle Days to collect clothing and shoes for shipment overseas will be eld Tuesday through Thursday by the University Fa- mine Committee. Seymour S. Goldstein, president of the committee, said that the drive will support the Save the Children Federation which is now supplying clothing to students in ,.re than i 000 hols in France Belgium and Holland. Drive chairman Ada Davis said. "there is pjiobably no one in the TTniversity who does not have a few articles which lie or she will )e glad to contribute. It- is much better to see that outworn or unused garments get into hands of some reedy person than to have them kicking around in a closet." "Shoes a e especially needed," Miss Davis reported, "Travellers who have recently returned from Europe report that the dearth of shoes over there is still a tragedy. With the ooming winter period of snow and .ain shoes made of pa- per or some other makeshift mate- rial will just fall to pieces." Miss Davis asked especially for clean, ser viceable clothing, but said that a reconditioning service is maintained by the Federation for restoration of slightly dam- aged garments. She also asked that clothing be wrapped in bun- dles and tied. The campus has been zoned for the drive and individual houses will be contacted by the commit- tee. Bundles of clothing will be collected at individual resi- dences or will be received at Lane Hall. COilteSt Won11 John Momneyer was given the first award in the Speech 31 con- test finals yesterday, and Donald Plott was awarded second place. The contest was held at Lydia Mendelssoein Th1eatre with Prof. Donald E. Hargis as chairman. The judge; were: Prof. William P. Halstead, Charles W. Lofas and Jack E. Bender. The winners were among the six contestant, chosen after the pre- liminary contest on Monday, when representatives from each of the Speech 31 classes competed. DAILY OFFICIAL B ULLE TIN Publication in The Daily Official Bulletin is constructive notice to all members of the University. Notices for the Bule~in should be sent in typewritten form to the officesof the Assistant to the President, Room 1021 Angell Hal, by 3:00 p.m. on the day preceding publication (11:00 a.m. Sat- urdays. THURSDAY, DEC. 5, 1946 VOL. LVI, No. 62 Notices Campus Parking Permit Plates for 1947 are now ready for dis- tribution at the Information Desk, Room 1, Uaiversity Hall. Please apply only after having procured 1947 license plates from the local office of the Secretary of State. Herbert G. Watkins, Secretary Navy Five-term Officer Stu- dents. All officers will report to North Hall, NROTC Headquarters, re. Christmas leave. Women :dets who are un- able to go Pme for the Christmas holidays and who need accommo- dations in Ann Arbor may leave their names at the Office of the Dean of Women. Dormitory resi- dents who have already notified their house directors do not need to call at the Office of the Dean of Women but all others should do so if they wish hlelp. Swimming and sports for coup- les every Friday evening at the Intramural Sports Building. (Continn:ed on page 4) COOPERATION IS THE KEYNOTE-The youngsters in the Galen Shop, through working together, get not only the pleasure of having constructed something with their own hands, but also get the invaluable experience of learning to work and cooperate with other children alens Help Invalid Children Find New Interests, Taens Dr. Bell Says Campus Alert For TB Cases More X-Rays Slated For Medical Students Facing the pressing housing, eating and academic conditions .resent this year, the campus is more on the alert than ever be- fore for tuberculosis cases, Dr. Margaret Bell, acting director of Health Service, said. The newest development in tu- berculosis prevention is a plan set up last week to increase the num- ber of chest X-rays given to medi- cal students. In spite of extensive precautions, there still is so much danger of their being exposed to an unrecognized case of the dis- ease outside the tuberculosis unit, that increased protection is prac- tically a necessity, she said. It is possible to find a moderately ad- vanced case of tuberculosis which has developed within three months of the last X-ray. Regular X-rays According to the new plan jun- ior medic tl students will have X-rays twice each school year and seniors will have three-two dur- ing the year and one just before graduation. Freshman and soph- omore medical students, in their pre-clinical years, will have X-rays taken once a year as usual. The Health Service has one of the most meticulous and foolproof follow-up systems to be found on any college campus in the coun- try, she sa:d. At the beginning of each school year around 5,500 X-rays are taken, both of entering students arid as "re-rays" of old students whom they are checking. Tuberculosis Treacherous Throughout thiseyear, we have been taking between 100 and 150 "chests" each month, she said, in addition to maintaining a careful check on any doubtful cases. Tuberculosis is particularly treacherous, Dr. Bell explained, be- cause the disease is so insidious that it is often difficult to pick it up early. For complete informa- tion we " eed not only a chest X-ray, but also a complete history, examination, and tuberculin tests. Alphi Phi Omega .. . Alpha Phi Omaega, national ser- vice fraternity, will hold an m- portant business meeting at 7:30 p.m. today in Rm. 321 of the Union. Final plans will be made for the initiation banquet and trip to the national convention. Students' Tea . . Tea will be served to foreign students and friends from 4 to 6 p.m. today in the International Center. Russian Film ... Sergei Eisenstein's "Alexander Nevsky" will be presented under the auspices of the Russian Circle at 8:30 p.m. tomorrow and Satur- day in the Rackham Lecture Hall. Tickets for the film, sold for the center section only, can be ob- tained at the League, the Union and the bookstores. .kK Campus Highlights Supper Meeting ... The C'mgregatlonal-Disciples suppera -iscussion group will meet at 5:30 p.m. today in the Guild House. * Faculty Recital . . Three sonatas for clarinet and piano will highlight a recital by Prof. William H. Stubbins, clari- netist, of the music school, and Mrs. Mary McCall Stubbins, pian- ist, at 8:30 p.m. Friday in the Rackham Assembly Hall. ** * Newman Club . . Officers of the Newman Club will meet at 7 p.m. today at St. Mary's Chapel. Spanish Play .. , Try-outs for "Los intereses cre- ados," the Spanish°play to be giv- en in April. will be held from 4 to p.m. today and tomorrow in Rm. 408, Romance Languages Build- ing. (Continued from page 1) help of older boys who did his sawing. Gives Self-Asurance "We felt that his work in the Galen Shop definitely gave Don- ald the self-assurance and com- panionshin he so desperately needed and relieved him of a good deal of his self-consciousness," Mrs. Walion said. For older boys who are taking woodworking courses in school, the shop ;an fill an added purpose as work done there, under in- struction of a licensed teacher, be applied to their school credits. Most of the children, who come up to the shop every afternoon on crutches and in wheelchairs or beds, choose their own projects, Mrs. Wal'i.n said. They are kept quite simply as the children aren't strong and want to finish their work during short periods of con- finement. Relieves Dread Youngsters who ar6 in and out of the kiospital for a number of dread which children so often as- sociate with illness, doctors and periods of restrained activity and are eager to be well enough to go up into the shop. Ralph, 10, who has been coming to University Hospital for a num- ber of years is a good example. While then e, he is confined to bed or a wheelchair, but has good use of his hands and arms. Through the years, he has become so en- thused about the Galen Shop that he has specific projects planned each time he enters the hospital, tackling more difficult work each time. He has become so proficient around the shop that he works as a teacher's assistant each time he,-comes in and has become very helpful with the younger children. SRA Head Sees Need For Legislative Parties Unless a party system is estab- lished to reenforce the Hare elec- tion systn, the Student Legis- lature will collapse, according to Lyman Legters, Student Religious North Main Opposite Court House Today and Friday Brenda Joyce in "DANGER WOMAN" -plus- Buster Crabbe in "PRAIRIE BADMAN" - Last Day Today "HEARTBEAT" with Ginger Rogers -and- "SHE-WOLF OF LONDON" Friday and Saturday -- "THE WALLS CAME TUMBLING DOWN" "-and- "MY PAL TRIGGER" H I years are relieved of some of the Association president. CLASSIFIED ADVERTISING LOST AND FOUND LOST: Friday right in Waterman Gym. Blue Rhinestone bracelet, great sen- timental value. Call 8930. Phyllis Rasmussen. )31 LADIES gold wrist watch. Gold band. One diamond on each side of face. Reward for return. Call Barbara Weisberg at 2-6654 between 6 and 8. )32 IF MY BROWN SHEEPSKIN mittens don't fit the person who found them, I'll gladly buy them from him. James Davies, Vaughan House, Phone 2-5553. )33 LOST in E. E. Lab., ringfolder contain- ing very essential notes in graduate . .i. courses. Keep folder as reward, but turn ir) notes or mail to E. E. Office. John Vajda. )62 LOST: Ladies gold Bulova Wrist Watch on Forest Ave between Withams and Hill St. Reward! Call. Margaret Al- len, 2-5618. LOST: Small brown Suitcase, brown leather edging. Sunday evening be- tween Michigan Central and Jordan. Reward. Finder please call Room 497, Jordan Hall, 2-4561. )20 LOST: Camel Hair Overcoat. Call Milt Wagner at 8501. )27 LOST: Red gold Loop Earring between League and E. Huron Sat. night. Re- ward. Call Mickey, 7851. )23 LOST: Small gold charm in form of gavel, with fraternity crest. Finder please call Rose at 2-5232. Reward.)17 WANTED MEN'S USED CLOTHES wanted. A bet- ter price paid. Sam's Store, 122 E. Washington St. )14 WANTED: Annex for fraternity house to accommondate at least 8 persons. Needed for spring semester of 1948 or for fall semester of 1948. Please call Ken Tapp, 2-3189. )36 HELP WANTED GIRLS, 17 and over. We will train you for a career as a telephone operator. An experienced operator is always in demand. Apply at Mich. Bell Tele- phone Co., 323 E. Washington St. )43 STUDENTS for part time work at soda fountain. Swifts Drug Store, 340 S. State, Ph. 3534. )34 FOR SALE TRANSPORTATION FOR SALE: Wardrobe Cupboards, Elec- tric Toaster, Scales, Carpet Sweepers, small hand Vacuum Cleaner, 35" round taole, Oak Chair, metal Porch Tables, low Chest of Drawers. In- quire at 20 Harvard Place. ) 10 FOR SALE: hart, Schaffner and Marx Tails Coat and Vest, size 36 long. Call Ted Bates, 2-6671. )7 FOR SALE: Girl's 3-piece blue wool Snow Suit, size 3. Call 8410 after 1:00 P.M. )24 FOR SALE: Camera, Speed Graphic: 4- x5, F 4.7 Ecktar coated lens, Super- matic shutter, coupled Kalart range finder, Flash Gun, one doz. film holders, case. Man's hard toe hockey Skates, Ladies' white figure Skates, man's shoe roller skates, fencing foils and masks. Bill Lamb, 727 E. King- sley. )13 MEDIUM SIZE Ponyhide Jacket, never been worn, priced for immediate sale. Cali 2-4401, 205 Allen Rumsey. )22 FOR XMAS-A Spaulding tennis rac- quet-Mercer Beasley, Krobat, Lam- ina with $8 gut plus a crisp, new $5 bill. All for $20. This is no snow job. Call me, 2-7360, Dean McClusky, 417 8th St. )6 FOR SALE: One Dress Coat (tails) size 36. Phone 2-2117. )21 PERSONAL WOMAN: For heaven's sake don't make plans or December 15. It's a night to remember! Man. )18 TAILORING and SEWING CUSTOM MADE CLOTHES-Formals- Remodeling-Alterations. "Bring your sewing problems to us." Hildegarde Shop, 116 E. Huron, 2-4669. )45 MISCELLANEOUS UNWANTED HAIR permanently re- moved! Short wave method-faster, painless. Phone 6373, First National Building. ) 35 PHOTOSTATIC COPYING, Discharges, Marriage Certificates, drawings en- larged or reduced. Leave your work at Calkins-Fletcher Drugs. Purchase camera. Card & Camera Shop. )30 WANTED TO RENT WANTED TO RENT: Complete set of tails for Dec. 14. Size 42L. Please call 2-2565-Urgent. )3 TUTORING TUTORING in Mathematics by MIT graduate, class of 1924. John Alden Buckler, 115 Catherine, Ypsilanti, tel. Ypsi 3678W. Reverse charges. )1 STUDENT WISHES RIDE to Washing- ton, D.C, Richmond, Va., or point toward iami on Dec. 19, 20, 21. Phone Paul at 4707.)5 TRANSPORTATION to Erie, Pennsyl- vania December 20. Will share ex- penses and driving. Call Jerry Honey 2-1405. )16 WANTED: 2 passengers to West Palm Beach, Florida. Leave Dec. 20, return Jan. 5 Mrs. C. R. Clark, Harris Hall, or 930 Lynn Ct., WR., evenings. )29 CALIFORNIA, here I come. Student wishes to spend Xmas in Los Angeles. Will share expenses and help drive. Call Bill, 2-1032, evenings. )12 GOING TO PITTSBURG at Christmas? Willing to share expenses and driv- ing. Phone 7330. )9 BOSTON BOUND? Two students desire ride leaving Dec. 20. Will share driv- ing and expenses. Phone 7330 (Ed Canner). )11 WILL SHARE expenses in return for ride to Georgia Dec. 20. Call 5974.)60 WANTED: Ride to Kansas City or vi- cinity by two student veterans for Christmas Holiday. Leaving about Dec. 20. Will help drive and share expenses. Call 7012. D. D. Sagaser.)61 TWO RIDES to vicinity of Indian- apolis, or Muncie, Indiana, Dec. 20-21. Students. Share expenses. Phone 8688, evenings. )2 STUDENT AND WIFE desire ride to Philadelphia around Dec. 20. Will help drive and share expenses. Bill Taylor, No. 12 Vets Village, City. )28 WANTED: Fide Tuscon, Ariz, around 20 Dec. Share driving and expenses. Phone 2-4591, Ext. 322 Tyler. )25 TWO STUDENTS would like ride to eastern Montana. Share expenses and help drive. Able to leave Dec. 20th. Phone 2-2996. )15 DRESSMAKING ORIGINAL DESIGNS SELECTED PATTERNS 1352 W1LMOT * GVterations Telehone 3906 Hours: 9:00 to 5:00 (~adk & ecog 71e tejd: Perhaps you don't believe in Santa Claus, but we know you will want to carry on the old gentleman's tradition with gifts that will really please your friends . ..special treats like Maryla Jonas' "The Piano Music Of Chopin" or Sir Thomas Beecham's recording of the Mozart 40th ... We have an unusual collection of folk music includ- ing albums gf Richard Dyer-Bennett, John and Lucy Allison, Josh White, and Paul Robeson . . . for swing fans, we recommend T. Dorsey's "Starmaker" album or a few of Stan Kenton's singles ... they'll like his "Painted Rhythm" or "Intermission Riff"... and for a truly Yule- tide gift there's Perry Como's "Merry Christmas Music" Album. RADIO AND RECORD SHOP 715 North University, Phone 3542 North End of Diagonal MM Continuous Daily from l P.M. ,on # a M/fS7 WAnEWr Weekdays 30c to 5 P.M. togo HOME FOR CHRISTMAS Make the most of your Christmas holidays this year . . . get home quickly and enjoy your stay longer . . . fly each way by CAPITAL AIRLINES! CAPITALIN I flights from Willow Run are fast and frequent . . . fares are low wherever you go. For example: NOW - TH RU SATURDAY BUSINESS SERVICES 'I' THE RUSSIAN CIRCLE PRESENTS THE GREATEST HISTORICAL FILM EVER TO COME OUT OF RUSSIA SERGE! EISENSTEIN'S _f_ I~ I, !I TYPING: theses, term papers, addres- ses, etc. Duplicating: notices, form letters, programs, etc. A-2 Typing Service, 232 Nickels Arcade, Phone 9811. )4 MIDWAY Bicycle Shop, 322 E. Liberty. We have rebuilt used bikes for sale. Your bike can be expertly repaired also. )56 CHUMLEE'S FREE DELIVERY of your favorite sand- wiches and beverages. Every day but Monday, 6 p.m. to 2 a.m. Phone 2-6429. )8 ICIAN i Now Showing i III fmmwmw UGH ING! BAFIIi!6 flICWII al W q mmmmmb I Ill .,'II *J~t L III. . .VIL-