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December 05, 1946 - Image 1

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The Michigan Daily, 1946-12-05

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Coplin Is Elected,
LegIslature Head
In Close Decision,
Deadlock Broken by Single Vote
As Taylor Wins Vice-Presidency
Breaking a deadlock vote between Haskell Coplin and Robert
Taylor on the second count, the Student Legislature last night elected
Coplin as its president bya 20-18 vote.
Election of Taylor as vice-president by acclamation immediately
followed the second roll-call vote, held after a five-minute recess dur-
ing which Patricia Reid, one of the three Legislators absent during
the first vote, took her place at the meeting. A motion to postpone the
vote until the other two members, PresoP Tisch and Charles Scafe,

could appear having failed, the s
Oakland AFL
Unions Agree
To Start Work

Limit on
Asked of


OAKLAND, Calif., Dec. 4-(P)--
Officials of striking AFL unions
agreed tonight 'to call off the
general strike in Oakland and re-
turn to work immediately if the
Retail Merchants Association
would limit discussions, in the un-
ionization dispute which precipi-
tated the strike, to the two stores-
Kahns and Hastings--originally
Full details of the agreement
were not immediately available.
James F. Galliano, attorney for
the Retail Clerks Union, said the
strikers would stand pat on their
demand that wage negotiations
be limited to Kahn's department
store and Hasting's clothing store.
Would Negotiate
The employers earlier said they
would negotiate with the union
on all stores in the Retail Mer-
chants' group when the union
showed it represented a majority
-of the Association's employes.
The proposal to arbitrate the
issues of the strike was reached in
a four-hour meeting between la-
bor representatives, representa-
tives of the city of Oakland, and
federal conciliator V. Wayne Ken-
The proposal will be submitted
to the Merchants' Association im-
mediately for consideration.
Galliano said that if the pro-
posal were accepted the general
strike would be called off.
Meeting Scheduled
Galliano said the announce-
ment by Dave Beck, international
vice-president of the AFL teams-
ters Union in Seattle, ordering
the Oakland teamsters back to
work tomorrow morning did not
influence the union decision.
Meanwhile, the CIO County La-
bor Council scheduled a meeting
for tomorrow night, and threat-
ened to cut off electricity, gas,
water and telephone service to
1,000,000 residents of Oakland and
East Bay cities in support of the
AFL unionists.
Vet Allowance
Raises Sought
The University Veterans' Or-
ganization will meet at 7:30 p.m.
today in Rm. 302 of the Union to
formulate plans for participation
in a nationwide drive aimed at
getting Congressional action on
increasing college veterans' sub-
sistence allowances.
VO president Bill Haydon has re-
vealed that petition forms ad-
dressed to the House Committee
on Veterans' Affairs have been
sent to all major campuses. The
petitions, asking that present al-
lowances of $65 and $90 monthly
be raised to $90 and $125, will be
circulated among veterans here by
the VO.
"The over-all result will be that
the new Congress will find itself
confronted by thousands of peti-
tions from all corners of the na-
tion," Haydon stated.
Bos ton Symphony
Will Play Monday
Presenting its 17th consecutive
performance in Ann Arbor, the
Boston Symphony Orchestra will
a + nh a th nnaert of the

econd count showed that one vote
had been changed.
Split on Party Basis
Although both presidential can-
didates emphasized that they
were not running on a party basis,
all members who had run for the
Legislature on the All-Campus
Slate voted for Taylor and those
formerly belonging to the Uni-
versity Committee for Coplin. It
was a former non-partisan candi-
date who changed his vote from
Taylor to Coplin on the second
count, called into play by a by-
law providing for three votes and
eventual choice by lot in the event
of a continued tie.
Pre-election discussion, includ-
ing charges and counter-charges
concerning "one - man govern-
ments," relative maturity and re-
lations with administrative offi-
cials by supporters of the candi-
dates, was so prolonged that the
election of three other members
of the cabinet, the judiciary com-
mittee and members of the Stu-
dent Affairs Committee was post-
poned because of insufficient
Other Officers Elected
Hurrying to finish before wo-
men Legislators had to leave, the
Legislature elected Ruth Klaus-
ner recording secretary by accla-
mation and Rae Keller corres-
ponding secretary by a 27 to 12
vote over Thomas Walsh. Voting
between Talbot Honey and Terrell
Whitsitt for the position of treas-
urer resulted in another tie and
the Legislature voted to adjourn
instead of continuing with the
Before the election the Legis-
lature voted that the Cabinet,
when elected, should choose the
committee chairmen and mem-
bers instead of the president
alone. They tabled the rest of
the motion, providing for a Gripes
Committee, until the next meet-

FHA Chief
Quits Post
In Protest
Wyatt Disagrees on
'Business as Usual'
By The Associated Press
son W. W'att quit today as hous-
ing administrator in what aide
described as a protest against
"business as usual" policiesby th
administration in dealing with the
housing program.
President Truman made the res-
ignation public and said he did s
"reluctantly." He did not men-
tion the controversies between
Wyatt and heads of other govern-
ment agencies which preceded the
resignation. The President did
say that the resignation does not
mean "any major modification in
the objective of rapidly and ade-
quately housing our veterans has
Relax Controls
At the s-ame time Mr. Truman
declared that government control
over the building industry "must
be relaxed as rapidly as possible
without threatening the success
of the housing program."
Wyatt declined comment on his
resignation, which becomes effec-
tive tomorrow, telling reporters
his position in the controversy
'should be obvious.'
An agency spokesman said, how-
ever, that "the attitude of the ad-
ministration makes it impossible
for Wyatt to stay," adding that
"they plainly do not believe in
emergency methods."
Emergency Program
He told reporters that Wyatt
had insisted that housing be re-
garded as an "all-out emergency"
program but that the President
and his advisors had refused to ac-
cept this lpolicy.
Housing officials predicted that
priorities control over distribution
of building materials would be the
first to go under the future pro-
Baccaloni To
Give Second
Extra Concert
Presenting a program of oper-
atic arias, Salvatore Baccaloni,
Metropolitan basso buffo, will be
heard in the University Musical
Society's second extra concert at
8:30 p.m. today in Hill Auditorium.
A limit ,Q number of tickets are
still on sai eat the Society's office
in Burton Memorial Tower.
Baccalo Ii, who now enjoys the
reputation of the "world's great-
est basso buffo," received his early
musical training in the choir
school at Vatican, Rome. Through
the encouragement of Toscanini he
joined the La Scala opera company
and was soon widely known for his
interpretatons of basso buffo
roles. After successful appearances
in Europe and South America he
came to the United States, joining
the Metropolitan Opera Company
in 1940.
His program follows:
Pergolesi: Son Imbroliato from "Las
Serva Padrona;" Donizetti: Udite, O
Rustici from "L'Elisir d'Amore;" Moz-
art: Soche Heigelaufne Laffen and
Ha, wie will ich Triumphieren from
"Il Seraglio;" Verdi: Mondo ladro,
mondo rubaldo and Quand' ero pag-
gio from 'Ialstaff."
Mozart: Madamina from Don Gio-
vanni;" Moussogsky: Siege of Kazan

from "Boris Godounoff;" Tanara: Nin-
a; Buzzi-Peccia: Serenata Gelata and
Mozart: An, Pieta, Signor from "Don

On Lewis, Striking Coal Miners;

s Mass -
D epression'
Is Foreseen
tnid onth.
Embargo on Freight
Will Idle 2,000,000
By The Associated Press
PITTSBURGH, Dec. 4-Indus-
trialists, large and small, surveyed
the effect of the coal strike on
the nation's life today and came
up with figures that would send
the numhe of unemployed into
the stratosphere within a com-
paratively short time.
With the freight embargo, ef-
fective Sunday, striking at the
heart of such key industries as the
production of automobiles, the
general prediction was that with-
in at least 30 days the unemployed
picture would be reminiscent of
depression days.
Two Million To Be Affected
The survey showed that nearly
2,000,000 workers already are
slated for idleness as the direct
result of Lhe embargo with addi-
tional thousands expected .to be
laid off if the strike continues for
any length of time. Approximately
570,000, including 400,000 United
Mine Workers who started it all
when they walked out of the pits
Nov. 21, are without work now.
Here is a high spot look at the
picture as viewed from the effects
of the embargo:
Michigan has 1,027,300 employes
in manufacturing plants. The De-
troit Chamber of Commerce said
eventually all will be idled if the
embargo continues long enough.
There are 327,175 auto and auto
parts woriers in the Detroit area.
The industry layoffs to start with-
in a week or ten days. Automo-
bile employes in other states will
bring the list of unemployed to
around the 500,000 mark.
Chicago Ta Feel Cuts
The Chicago Association of
Commerce said the first of 750,000
employed by 10,000 industrial
plants in that area will become
idle within 24 hours after the em-
bargo starts. An additional 1,-
250,000 workers in related jobs
will feet the layoffs later.
The Illinois Manufacturers As-
sociation's deport said 25 to 50 per
cent of 800,000 Illinois industrial
workers, 65 per cent of them with-
in a 20-mile radius of Chicago,
will be idle within two weeks. The
number includes 191,000 iron and
steel workers, the first to be af-
fected; 302,000 machinery; 56,000
clothing; 55,000 non-ferrous met-
als; 41,00 lumberdand furniture
and others employed in clay, glass,
textiles, leather, printing and
chemical production.
Official Spikes
Recess Rumor
Rumors o the possibility of ad-
vancing the start of the Christmas
vacation because of the rail traf-
fic cut were spiked yesterday by
Dr. Frank E. Robbins, assistant to
the president.
Dr. Robbins said that he has
not heard of any move either to
close school earlier than Friday

night, Dec. 20 or to stagger the
closing, although, if feasible, the
latter action would greatly facili-
tate the movement of students
from Ann Arbor.
The start of Christmas vaca-
tion last year was advanced one
day after the government requisi-
tioned 100 coaches in this area for
home-for-Christmas movement of
During the war, vacation dates
were shif.ted to accommodate rail
requirements since winter holi-
ravc ron lm+-arl+tofmi,. fie



Molotov Condemns
Arms Veto Power
S* * *

By The Associated Press
V. M. Molotov, Soviet Russian for-
eign minister, cleared the way to-
day for a major advance toward
world arms limitation by an un-
equivocal declaration that inspec-
tion and control machinery reg-
ulating arms restrictions must be
free of the big power veto.
Molotov, in an obviously con-
ciliatory statement to the United
Nations Political Committee, also
accepted the United States pro-
posal on arms limitation as a bas-
is for discussion at this assembly
The committee, which had been
hoping for just such a statement
as Molotov made, quickly agreed
unanimously on a 20-nation sub-
committee to whip into shape an
acceptable resolution for action
by The Assembly.
Soviet Does Not Surrender
The Soviet Union did not sur-
render the veto power in the
Security Council. It still guards
that right jealously against all
attempts at this assembly session
to modify the veto power in that
But Russia did make it clear-
in answer to repeated proddings
last week from Great Britain, Ca-
nada and other delegations-that
the organizations to be set up
within the framework of the Se-'
curity Council for the inspection
and control of arms limitations
would be autonomous and would
be clothed with full authority.
Full Authority
This means that inspectors and
control officers could act without
veto, presumably would be free to
go anywhere in the world on
their mission. But these organi-
zations would report to the Se-
curity Council.
The veto power still would rest
there but, as Canada's foreign
Haight Faces
January Trial
Handbook Operators
Bound Over to Jury
Wilson Haight and Vernon
Maulbetsch were bound over to
Washtenaw's one-man grand jury
yesterday after a two day exami-
nation before Circuit Judge James
R. Breakey, Jr., and will face trial
on gamb' ing conspiracy charges
sometime in January.
In addition, Haight has been
named in another warrant mark-
ing his third indictment this year.
This warrant charges Haight with
operating a handbook in Ypsilanti
with his brother-in-law, James
Davis. Date for examination of
Haight and Davis has been set
for Dec. 11
The examination of Haight and
Maulbetsch charged with operat-
ing a handbook in the United Cigar
store at 118 E. Huron, ended yes-
terday after Sidney W. Smith, a
former employe in the cigar store,
testified that Haight had hired
him to "record bets."
Bonds of $2,500 have been held
over on Haight and Maulbetsch.



Goldsborough Challenged;
UMW Will Appeal Sentence
Mine Leader Is Penalized $10,000, Union
$3,500,000 in Stormy Courtroom Scene
By The Associated Press
WASHINGTON, Dec. 4 - John L. Lewis was fined $10,000 and
his United Mine Workers $3,500,000 today after a roaring courtroom
scene in which Lewis challenged the judge to fine him anything he
The union will appeal, but meanwhile further contempt-of-court
action can be taken in the same court if Lewis doesn't call off the 14-
day-old strike in the soft coal mints, now in government possession.
Federal Judge T. Alan Goldsborough, when Lewis rose and chal-
lenged him to fine him any amount, warned the massive-faced AFL
leader not to get in contempt of court again. Lewis, with a 4awyer
tugging at his coat, sat down.
Ignores Order




. . . reverses stand

Talk on China
is Tomorrow
Dr. D. K. Lieu, Chinese econo-
mist and Michigan alumnus, will
speak on "China's War Time Eco-
nomic Situation" at 4:15 p.m. to-
morrow in the Rackham Amphi-
Dr. Lieu was elected to Phi Beta
Kappa while at the University and
has since held responsible posi-
tions as Director of the Bureau of
Statistics, Legislative Yuan, Na-
tional Government of China after
this government was set up in
1928 and Dean of the College of
Commerce at Chungking Univer-
At present, Dr. Lieu is serving
as a member of the United Nations
International Commission on Sta-

minister, L.S. St. Laurent pointed
out, the use of the veto by any
power or the refusal of any na-
tion to permit inspection would
be tantamount to an open declar-
ation of war against the rest of
the world.
Galen's. Drive
Will Help Out
Sick Children
The tags which the 24 members
of Galen's Honorary Medical So-
ciety will sell on campus and in
the downtown area in their An-
nual ChrnAmas Drive tomorrow
and Saturday will provide ano-
ther year of diversion and useful
work for restless youngsters con-
fined to University Hospital.
The Galen Shop, on the ninth
floor of University Hospital, is de-
finitely a beneficial socializing
factor for .he children while they
are working, Mildred H. Walton,
Supervisor of Special Education
at the hospital, said.
Case History
For example, she explained,
Donald, who was one of the re-
cent patients at the hospital, had
had practically no contact with
other children, was seriously
handicapped and seemed much
younger than his 14 years. When
first taken to the Galen Shop, he
was quite apathetic and just
watched what was going on for
the first week, assuring the in-
structor that he was quite unable
to make anything with his crip-
pled hands.
Finally 'he instructor was able
to encourage him to tackle a sim-
ple sanding job. From then on,
working through projects of
woodburning and painting, Don-
ald's interest in the work grew un-
til he was selecting his own pro-
jects and undertaking the most
difficult ones to be done, with the
See GALENS, Page 2 ,

Goldsborough imposed today's
fines for contempt of court be-
cause Lewis and the union ignored
the judge's order of Nov. 18 to
head off the strike.
The judge replaced that order
today with a temporary injunc-
tion. Thus Lewis is still under or-
ders to enc his strike. Continued
refusal could bring another con-
tempt charge. Still to be tried is
the government's request for a
flat judgment that the strike is
illegal and must end.
The mild-voiced Goldsborough
called that strike "an evil, de-
moniac, monstrous thing." He said
it meant 'hunger and cold, and
unemployment and destitution."
'Threatens Democracy'
He said it threatened democra-
tic government itself, and "If ac-
tions of thi: kind can be success-
fully persisted in, the government
will be overthrown and the gov-
ernment that would take its place
would be a dictatorship.'
Goldsbo-ough said Lewis really
ought to be sent to prison, but the
Justice De artment recommended
against a prison sentence. Assis-
tant Attorney General John F.
Sonnett, questioned by the judge,
frankly :aid it would "make a
martyr" out of Lewis. The judge
yielded to this view.
Asks Confnuing Fine
Goldsborough also asked Son-
nett what he thought of a contin-
uing fine of $250,000 a day, ex-
tending into the future. But Son-
nett said the government was not
yet prepared to ask such a fine.
Lewis's lawyers shouted that the
sentence was "cruel." Welly K.
Hopkins, UMW chief counsel,
made a raging, emotional protest
in which 1-e roared that the gov-
ernment, :o further the administ-
tration's political aims, was seek-
ing to "break the union politically,
Financially, and morally."
It was agreed that if Lewis and
the union post bond for their fines
and file their appeals by tomorrow
at 2 p.m. (CST), they won't have
to pay them until their appeal is
decided. In normal course the case
would go to the U. S. Circuit Court
of Appeals here, but federal law-
yers have said they would ask that
it go straight to the Supreme Court
Joseph A. Padway, AFL general
counsel, said bond will be posted
for Lewis's $10,000 but as to the
union fine, he said the court could
not compel the union to pay it
and the union itself will decide
what to do about it.

Further Cuts
In Railway
Service Seen
Passenger Reduction
Appears Necessary
Various possible local effects of
the railroad freight embargo, par-
cel post restrictions and slash M
passenger mileage proclaimed
Tuesday were predicted yester-
The. New York Central ticket
agent said that he has not yet
received otficial notice cutting ad-
ditional trains out of the Ann Ar-
bor sched ile. But he said that the
additional 25 per cent cut in pas-
senger mileage, which will be-
come effe ;tive at midnight Sun-
day, will undoubtedly necessitate
such cuts.
No Specials
So far, no arrangements have
been made for special student
trains on Dec. 20, when the Christ-
mas Vacation will start. The agent
said that if the coal strike con-
tinues, such arrangements will
probably be impossible. Transpor-
tation to the east is expected to be
especially difficult.
A clerk at the baggage office
said that he could not tell on the
basis of newspaper reports wheth-
er the embargQ would effect ship-
ments of luggage by passengers.
No Weight Limit
A parcel Dost clerk at the cam-
pus branch of the post office re-
ported tha- until his office re-
ceives official notice of the em-
bargo fro-n Washington, clerks
will continue to accept packages
without limit on size or weight.
The order announced Tuesday will
limit parcel post packages to 18
inches in length, 65 inches in to.
tal girth, and five pounds in
weight. These restrictions, the
clerk said, will prohibit the ship-
ment of most laundry cases.
Train Ban Hits
City Industries
Parts Suppliers Wait
For Auto Shutdown
With t'xe government evoked
rail freighc embargo expected to
cause a virtual shutdown in the
Detroit auto industry, local manu-
facturers who supply precision
parts to khe industry are faced
with production cutbacks within
a week.
A Daily survey of local manu-
facturers yesterday revealed that
plant managers are now ''sitting
tight" a'vaiting Detroit industry
developmeiits. Most Ann Arbor
factories, who produce auto parts,
have sufficient raw materials on
hand to continue production for at
least a month. If Detroit plants
shut down local manufacturers

Local Theatre Agent Claims
Movie Complaints Unjustified

Terming student complaints
about local movies "entirely un-
justified,' Gerald Hoag, local
Butterfield Theatres representa-
tive, yeste,:day asked students to
"name any film--other than those
in quickie or honky-tonk styles-
that we do not show."
In a statement prompted by con-
versations with a Student Legis-
lature "committee on recreational
facilities," Hoag asserted that Ann
Arbor theatres "show all of the
best Ame* can and English films
-nfl an - ch-mn +lbam n+ +hn wn

have been used so many times
that they are no longer in good
condition," Hoag said. He ex-
plained that re-runs like "Re-
becca," which will be presented
soon, are reprints on new film.
"That we may sometimes fail to
please Ann Arbor audiences is not
to be construed that we are not
trying nor that our programs
could be bettered," Hoag asserted,
adding that "it is obvious that we
make more money when we please
"If a veteran complains that he
C.fmr nut. ,.tYac - Pni'+ n i-I-+c. - c

Discrimination Is Fought on Campus

Daily Special Writer
Discrimination, as surveyed in
the University, is not organized,
and there has been positive action
to combat this more elusive, dis-
organized type.
For example, Delta Sigma Theta
and Alpha Kappa Alpha, Negro

ties on campus contain any such
clauses in their charters. Although
not yet members of IFC, the fra-
ternities filed applications recent-
ly and their admittance is pend-
Independently, however, several
white sororities and fraternities
expressed a different opinion when

chapter of Alpha Xi Delta would
not comment on the situation,
while others, such as Phi Gamma
Delta, claimed they had no ruling
against any racial or religious
Action Started
Those professional fraternities
on campus which have been inves-

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