1Six TiE AICHlAN AILY WE DlNL.DAY, DECr1WER4, sIA No Questions Asked When Students Drank Joe's Beer By EUNICE MINTZ Saloons once flourished in Ann Arbor. And students of this University are still silging about them. Those famous words in I Want to go bacK to Michigan" about "Back to Joe's and the Orient" refer to the days when men were men and could drink-no inden- tification needed-in one of the town's numerous saloons. Joe's, actually Joe Parker's Sa- lkn, was one of the most popular campus hangouts about 50 years ago. It flournished from the 1890's until 1915, when a State Supreme Court ruling drove the saloons from the thenceforward dry streets of Ann Arbor. The saloon was originally situ- ated on Miin St. Later Joe moved to Huron St., across from the Court House. The Orient was down the street. Personality Plus Joe's was popular largely be- cause of Joe himself. He was a pic- turesque figure who set up rules in his establishment with which he acquainted his student patrons and which they did not dare to violate. 'Joe allowed no freshmen in his saloon, and didn't allow his other customers to get intoxicated. He preferred to keep the students on beer, and tried to serve them as little hard liquor a possible. If anyone got too excited, Joe bodily threw him out of the saloon. Joe was known among the stu- dents for being free with advice and loans. He also permitted stu- Enzyme Study Reveals New Disease Curb A new technique for disease control has been developed through enzyme research, Dr. Paul K. Stumpf, of the School of Pub- lic Health, declared yesterday in a talk before the Science Research Club. Speaking on the topic, "Enzyme Approach o Biological Problems," Dr. Stumpf said that vitamins, hormones and certain therapeutic compounds are known to interact with parts of key enzyme systems in the body Enzymes, it was explained, are protein substances which greatly accelerate body reactions. Be- cause they are synthesized in liv- ing cells, disturbances. in these cells will (Aten inhibit enzyme ac- tion, Dr. Stumpf said. When certain viruses attack body cells, he continued, they also affect enzyme action and mani- festations of disease appear. Like- wise, when drugs are used, they produce a biological effect on the organism and in turn on specific enzyme systems. By a study of these enzymes, Dr. Stumpf pointed out, the action of compounds in combating dis- ease can be clarified The use of insulin in the treatment of dia- betes is an example of enzyme re- search leading to an explanation of a disease, he said. dents to carve up his furniture. The table tops from Joe's are on display on the walls in the Unior taproom. For Men Only Joe's and the other Ann Arbor saloons were strictly for men. La- dies who drank were no ladies ir those days. and it is probable that Joe would have locked the door rather than permit a girl to ente his establishment. In general people who recall' the era of Joe' and other Ann Arbor saloons sa that men who couldn't hold thei liquor were frowned upon and a student who returned to his house drunk was subject td the "freeze treatment" from his friends. A man with liquor on his breat was scorned by the girls in thos days. But the man who could hold his beer was an object for admira- tion. Contests in guzzling were frequently held at Joe's. Joe per- mitted it, but if either party got rowdy, the contest ended in a draw with the rowdy member out in the street. People in Ann Arbor who re- member the saloons say that the town's people tended to stay away from places like Joe's and the Orient. The "Town and Gown Club" w s an establishment that served the city people and faculty. Gus's Place was a saloon where the freshmen gathered until they graduated to sopho- mores and Joe's. Court Action The saloons in Ann Arbor were forced to close in 1915. Lawrence Damm, another saloon proprietor, appeared in court in December of that year with the people of the state of Michigan against, him. The State Supreme Court upheld the consthutionality of a law that the proprietors had ignored. The law held that liquor could not be sold to University students. Ann Arbor saloons evaporated. As any semi-conscious student of today will testify, there has been no reincarnation. Speech Finals Set for T oday The final competition for the six winners of the Speech 31 con- test preliminary will be held at 4 p.m. today at Lydia Mendels- sohn Theatre with Prof. Donald E. Hargis as chairman. The judges will be Prof. William P. Halstead, Charles W. Lomas and Jack E. Bender. Don Mitchell will speak on "The Voice of the People," while Wil- liam Flemming has chosen the topic, Were We Prepared for College?" Gellert Seel will speak on "Ameica's Greatest Crime," and Donald Plott on "What's Right for the Church?" John John Momeyer's speech is enti- tled "Fellow Man or Fellow Ani- mal?" and Harold Hoag will speak on "Destiny and One Man." GIVE FOR XMAS- SUPPORT GALENS USING THE JIGSAW-Restraining casts andi braces do not pro- hibit children from working in the Galen Shop, where project designs are purposely kept simple enough for handicapped young- sters to handle. CREATIVE ENJOYMENT: Galens' Christmas Cam pai gr For Funds Is Set for Friday Vet Refresher Course To Be Offered by U 11 IoliueIIt Will Be 1Hed at 225 Sudenits4 The fourth pre-term refresher course for veterans will be given by the University in 4 anuay, Prof. Clark Hopkins, ascwia e di- rector of the Veteras Svi eBu- reau, anoiced yeterda. Limited Lnrohlent Enrollment will be liited to 225 veterans because of limited facilities available for the refresh- er course, which will begin Jan. 7 and will end Feb. 4, Prof. Hopkins said. Only students whose appli- cations for admission to the Uni- I versity have been accepted will be eligible to attend. The courses to be offered will allow returning veterans to review high school and freshman work, Prof. Hopkins said. Reading drill and study procedure cwtures will also be offered. No Degree Credit No degree credit is given for the refresher work, although veterans taking the full course are eligible for subsistance payments from the Veterans Administration. The first veterans' refresher course, which began Sept. 24, 1945, was attended by 142 veterans. Top enrollment was for the pre-spring term course, when 908 veterans were registered. Last fall the en- rollment was 530. Jto21 .age GroupEliAble For NROTC A new ruling whereby all men between the ages of 17 and 21 are eligible to apply for NROTC has been announced by the Navy De- partment. Candidates for the program will be selected on the basis of a com- petitive examination. Those se- lected will be entitled to a four year scholarship at a university with an NROTC unit. The student will be allowed the four years re- gardless of his previous university work. NROTC students receive a $600 a year reainer fee in addition to having their tuition, fees, and books paid for by the Navy. They are required to take a total of 24 hours of naval science dring their four years in the university, and to participate in three sum- mer cruises. Upon graduation f they are commissioned ensigns, USN, or second lieutenants USMC. 1After graduatin they are re- quired to serve two years on active duty. All persens interested in joining the NROTC program may secure applicatioin at Navy headquarters in North hall. Applications must be in by Dec. 17. The examina- tion will be given Jan. 18. 1 Hold Those Bonds! HOL Y L A N D B O M B D A M A G E --- A patrol moves around ruins of the income tax - office, Jerusalem, Palestine, after a bomb-detonated by police wrecked the building., ASSOCIATED PRESS PICTURE NEWS By GAY LARSEN Through funds obtained in their ann'ial Christmas drives, Galen's Society has provided hos- pitalized youngsters with a work- shop where they can make all the noise they choose and get as dirty as any child's heart could desire for a few hour's each day, in addition to an opportunity to create something with their own hands for themselves or their fam- ily. Operating Funds The Galen Shop, the only one of its kind in the country, has been operated by these funds for the past 18 years and will be set in operation for another year through the funds the Galens will collect in this year's drive on Fri- day and Saturday. Located in a large sunny room AVC Members Will Meet Today The campus chapter of the American Veterans Committee will meet at 7:30 p.m. today in the Union. A discussion is planned on the possibility of the local chapter sponsoring a housing convention of all State veterans' groups to draft proposals for submission to Congress. on the ninth floor of University Hospital, the shop has been built up througn thetyears to include for equipment three jig saws, a lathe, a sander, a drill and circular saw, electric burning pencils, elec- tric vibra tools, saws, hammers, and hand carving tools. Materials for Flay Besides working with wood, the youngsters have available leather, paper, clay, cloth, soap, plastics and an interesting array of usu- able scrap materials. In selecting materials for the children to use, shop instructors are careful to choose the type of things the chil- dren might be able to find at home after they leave the hospital. The one or two days spent each week in working on the playroom, making things for other children in the hospital and repairing toys, according to the shop in- structors, have !.ad a marked ef- fect on many of the children in teaching them to work for and with. other youngster. The one common feature of all the children working in the shop is that none of them are strong and are necessarily slowed down in their work. Rather than dis- courage them, however, the handi- caps seem to give them more than an ordinary sense of pride in be- ing able to construct something with their hands in spite of the restraints of casts, bandages and braces. A R A B I A N F L U M E -- A bridged irrigation flume carries waters of the Spring of Elisha to Arab banana plantations near Jericho. Mount of Temptation is in the background. . . _._ _ R _ _ . _____ _ - I t !, T l l 3 l\ ,":.ti Slaq-qerinq Goection GIT NECK AP Jait wt a q;?1,w&Rt,6 for chimijtmae L A M B S C 0 B Y A I R-Lambs are loaded on a plane at San Angelo, Tex, for a flight to Guatemala City in what Texans said was the first mass air movement of sheep. They were bought. from Marshall Montgomery, Ozona, Tex., by Enrique Asturias, Guatemala ranchman. If the ties in our Christmas collection were placed end to end they would stretch clear to the North Pole. And there isn't a bad or bizarre one in the lot. They're all smart, wearable, welcome gifts. Get those to nish off your list tomorrow. A TEDDY BEAR COAT- cuddly & luxuriant - there is no end to their adaptability- wear them for daytime or eve- ning Grey - they come in White, or Beiege at 32.95 and 45.00 CHOOSE YOUR WINTER COAT NOW from our outstanding group of smart new C-ic ,all lycr, d uceA - Tunic full . s.. .. t_.,. .., ::x.., ._ ...24"... :.aIY] ...w.., ... ..t...:. :ft :? : :% .. ....,..:r $: .?. }:k. .-:.. ....... . h' rm. ev.,....