THE MICHIGAN DAILY Jnavenged Fascist Horror HE HALL OF Fascist Horrors has pro- duced many an exhibit that inspires :ror in the democratic heart, but all these tell ourselves, have been avenged by the rnbined allied forces-unless we exclude e rape of Spain. En a ieccnt 6ditorial, the New York Her- ' Tribune solenoly declared that the re- rts of the distress of the Spanish people ould arouse "twinges of conscience" in all e great powers victorious in the war in rope. The Tribune goes on to say pious- that the democratic powers have at no ne exerted themselves to save the Span- 1 people keeping their hands off Spain aile the totalitarians on both sides direct- the "civil" conflict and left the country shambles. In the same breath, it lays a a jor share of the blame on Russia, because ing the center of world Communism, she not without responsibility for the Com- nist violence which did much to nour- i Franco's rebellion against the Spanish Dpublic. The issue, the Tribune would agree, is not no is to blame, whether it be the Russian >mmunists, the German and Italian Fas- sts, or the western democracies' "hands- I' policy, but how to rid Spain of its total- ,rianism. editorials published in The Michigan Daily re written by menbers of The Daily staff nd represent the views of the writers only. NIGHT EDITOR: MAL ROEMER It is this problem which the Tribune finds "the most unfortunate aspect of the dis- tressful affair", because it sees no solution at present since it would be criminal to pro- voke another "civil" war. , In addition, the Tribune says, "The diffi- culty is compounded by a diplomatic situa- tion which is not entirely unlike that which made the Western powers believe they were powerless to act in the first place: The need of Britain, supported by the United States to retain control of the western end of the Mediterranean." The Tribune then shrugs its journalistic shoulders and concludes that, "The picture is not pretty, but there it is." The United Nations Organization has in- herited this picture from the defunct League. This time, the international peace organization has been set up to preserve law and order in the family of nations, not to preserve imperialist interests, British or oth- erwise. A Fascist state, in its very defini- tion, constitutes a threat to world peace, and Spain and Franco with his Falangist activities is a case in point. This time, the international peace or- ganization must not shirk its responsibili- ties. Reports from Spain have it that if the United Nations Organization moved to sever all relations with Franco, his re- gime could not last more than three months. The people of Spain are looking to the UNO for help-, which they must get if the organization wishes to prove its sincerity. -Lida Dailes Presidential Succession THE CONSTITUTIONAL provision for filling a vacated presidency by means of a vice-president is distinctly defective. Now, while the problem is prominent in the pub- lic mind, is the time for Congress to initiate amendment processes. On the death or removal of a president, the man that is to fill the vacancy should obviously be one fitted to assume the respon- sibility of the office. Secondly, he should be in a position to work in harmony with the Congress-of necessity, he must be a mem- ber of the capital's majority party. Finally, his succession must be in accord with popu- lar sympathy. There is no guarantee that the American vice-president, the man first in line to suc- ceed the president, will meet any of these requirements. An examination of the means by which a vice-president reaches office and of the na- tion's past experience with its first-in-line successors reveals that they are seldom fil t to move into the White House. Initially placed on the pparty ballot solely in view of their vote - getting possibilities, either through representing a vital bloc of electoral votes or to counterbalance the political na- ture of the presidential candidate, little thought is given the man's actual worth as a potential executive. We need look no further than the pres- ent Washington situiation t-, monn5+ite how easily a political conflict between Con- gress and a presidential successor may arise under the present law. The usual iesuah of such a condition are shown by the stale- mates i inevitably followed similar conflicts, Even if it is assumed that the people have any efihr .ive choice of their vice-president, which they do not, it is not likely that he would still have their sympathy if he was later called upon to succeed the president. In fact, a vice-president is not even original- ly elected on his merits. He is merely swept into office on the coat-tail of his running mate. As to the necessity for the existence of a vice-president as such, little need be said. His sole governmental duty is to preside over the Senate without vote unless to break a tie. There is no reason why this body might not elect its presiding officer in the same manner as the House. The only other requirement for a vice-president is that he keep his mouth shut. Because of its pup- pet-like status, an offer of the vice-presi- dency has been considered an insult by many. Since the office is in no way essential in itself, and because it may actually produce bad government, it should be replaced. A proposal that Congress, acting in joint session, elect one of its members to succeed the president appears to be satisfactory in every way. The seriousness of their task would certainly prompt the legislators to choose a man well fitted to hold office and one who would merit popular support. Such an election, furthermore, would be in com- plete accord with democratic principles. That the man chosen would be in a posi- tion to work in harmony with Congress goes without saying. Compared to the frivolous, politically expedient methods now used in the choice of vice-presidential candidates, a serious, purposeful election in Congress is obviously a more sane means of selection. It is regretable that the nation has so long been forced to suffer through periods of ineffectual government because of an ob- vious defect of our Constitution. It is time that Congress and the people gave serious thought to an amendment to correct this fault. -Bob White' RECORDS MENDELSSOHN had Ferdinand David; Brahams had Joachim, and Gruenberg has Heifetz. Or perhaps one should say that Heifetz has Gruenberg, for it was at Mr. Heifetz' suggestion that the composer of the opera, "The Emperor Jones", wrote his violin concerto now recorded by Victor (Dim 1079). It is typical modern American - if modern American music can be said to be a type - with its use of Negro spirituals, a hillbilly folk tune, and a blues treatment of one of the themes. The solo parts, of course display Heifetz virtuosity in both melodic and dramatic passages. The orchestra is the San Francisco Symphony under Pierre Mon- teaux. In connection with this recording of a contemporary work, it is interesting to specu late whether the demand for recordings of noteworthy modern works by those interest- ed in the future of contemporary music has or whether the companies are attempting to build up interest along this line. One would suspect the former. It has always been a vicious circle that a contemporary work is not performed frequently because the public is not familiar with it and does not ask for its repetition, and, therefore the work never has a chance to become familiar to the concert audience. This has been par- ticularly true. since the development of rad- ical departures from the technique of the " old masters" - meaning the mid-nine- teenth century Romantics - during the last half century or more. The phonograph record provides a unique opportunity today for breaking that circle. A work has the opportunity to be judged for its true worth only after its content is familiar enough to the listener for him to form an intelligent opinion. It is a familiar saying that a work is not appreciated until its composer is dead. Perhaps the phono- graph may help to lessen the time elapse between a worthwhile work's public debut and its acceptance as a genuine work of art. -Patricia Kennett DOMINIE SayjJ: THAT UNINTERESTING good which Mother always wanted me to attain has turned out to be a major industry around the world. How come? To do the mis- chievous act instead, to put off the event, to make my own selection rather than the accepted end was the fun of growing up. And now, I am at college in an epoch of war and social strain. Yet here that thing call- ed "The Good" haunts the place. Coal min- ers strike just when the population is need- ing heat. Communists take the election in France at the very hour when we are trying to bestow all the blessings of our free enter- prise upon Europe, and the Deans kept us at our books without a holiday at Thanks- giving. Every one of these parties will in- sist that he is doing what he does because it is "the good." Henry N. Wieman, a theological writer, in his new book, Source of Human Good, finds that the creative social act is the su- preme good. That is, God as the good is effective now or never. It is this process of becoming, plus the inventive ability to have it so for others, which is the good. This view differs sharply with Neo-orthodoxy, where absolute good can arrive only at the end of history, when man is no more. Now we should have a rare time at church for the preachers are certain to be fighting tre- mendous verbal battles over this notion for months to come. Don't miss the debates for Mother goes right on insisting that certain approved customs are good, and Dad likes a battle of any description. Our getting into war and our struggle to get out of it to peace, offer a drama of the good such as few epochs have present- ed. The older religious distinction, such as Thomist, Calvanist, and Liberal, is no longer dynamic, we are told. Vital dif- ference is rather upon Conformism versus Collectivism (in which distinction Wie- man agrees with Maritian and Tillich). On this issue whole peoples grow anxious and thinkers around the world are alert. Conformism is implemented by faith while Collectivism moves as revolt. The former will conserve social gains by such approv- ed procedures as the profit motive, repre- sentative government, and all of those other customs which your father can ex- pound so eloquently as he reads the eve- ning paper. Values are at stake. Collect- ivism,-this newer route to the good, pro- poses other values. They believe that if security can be quickly assured to all cit- izens, then man can, at some later time, attain freedom for all. Collectivism say the many in France, Russia, Yugoslavia, and China is the good. And we have committed no error in mak- ing a list of five views - three from the church and two from the market. All are in the same series, according to Professor . Wieman, for at last the religions of human- ity have stepped outside the edifice. Econ- omists have erected the altar. -Edward W. Blakeman Counselor in Religious Education (Continued from Page 3) sery will be open during church service; 3:00-5:00 p.m., Christian Fellowship Hour; 3:00 p.m., Wives' Club cabinet meeting. cabinet meeting. Mon., Dec. 2, 7:30-8:30 p.m., Personal counselling by Rev. J. Edgar Edwards. Tues., Dec. 3, 8:00 p.m., Wives of Veterans Students Club meet- ing; 8:00 p.m., Extension class in Spanish, Ross School. Wed., Dec. 4, 8:00 p.m., Wednes- day Lecture Series, "Votes and Ve- toes in the United Nations" by Professor Lawrence Preuss; 7:30- 8:30 p.m., Personal Counselling by Rev. J. Edgar Edwards. Thurs., Dec. 5, 8:00 p.m., Exten- sion course in Psychology. Fri., December 6, 8:00 p.m., Classical Recordings. Sat., Dec. 7, 8:30-11:30 p.m., Open House for all couples. Danc- ing, bridge, refreshments. West Lodge: Sun., Dec. 1, 3:00 p.m., Concert Orchestra rehearsal; 3:00 p.m., Classical Recordings, Weldon Wil- son; 6:45 p.m., Official football pictures, U of M vs. Ohio State; 7:00 p.m., Informal bridge session. Mon., Dec. 2, 6:30 p.m., Basket- ball tournament. Tues., Dec. 3, 7:00 p.m., Special meeting of Athletic Directors; 8:00 1;m., Fencing Club; 8:00 p.m., Women's volleyball and badmin- ton. Wed., Dec. 4, 6:30 p.m., Basket- ball League; 7:00 p.m., Duplicate Bridge Club; 7:00' p.m., Social Di- rectors meeting; 8:30 p.m., Dance entertainment committee meet- ing. Thurs., Dec. 5, 7:00-8:30 p.m., Volleyball; 8:30-10:00 p.m., Bad- minton. Fri., Dec. 6, 8:00 p.m., Bridge; 8:30 p.m., U of M Student Dance with Hal Jackson's Orchestra. Lectures University Lecture: Charles P. Parkhurst, Jr., curator of the Al- bright Art Gallery of Buffalo, will lecture on the subject, "The Dis- covery anM Restitution of Art Loot in Geimany" (illustrated), at 4:15 p.m., Tues., Dec. 3, in the Rackham Amphitheater; auspices of the Department of Fine Arts. University Lecture: Professor W. V. D. Hodge of Cambridge Uni- versity, England, will lecture on the subject, "Harmonic Integrals," at 4:15, Wed., Dec. 4, in 3011 Angell Hall under the auspices of the Department of Mathmetics. The publio is cordially invited. University Lecture: Dr. John R. Knott, Assistant Professor of Clin- ical Psychology, Department of Psychiatry State University of Iowa, will lecture on the subject, "Electro cortical variations in be- havior disorders," at 4:15 p.m., Mon., Dec 9, Rackham Amphi- theater; auspices of the Depart- ment of P'ychiatry and the Bu- reau of Psychological Services. The public is cordially invited. Academic Notices Wildlife Management Seminar at 4:30 p.m., Mon., Dec. 2, Rm. 2039 Natural Science Bldg. Dr. G. A. Ammann of the Michigan Con- servation Department will speak. All students in Wildlife Manage- ment are expected to attend, and anyone else is welcome. E.M.2a Classes Please Note. The answers to any two questions at the end of experiments 9 and 10 can be omitted. R. T. Liddicoat Mathematics 300: Orientation seminar meet at 7:00 p.m., Mon., Dec. 2, Rm. 3001 Angell Hall. Mr. C. L. Peirv will speak on Arc Homeomo. phisms. Inorganic Chemistry Seminar meet at 5:00 p.m., Tues., Dec 3. Room 303, Chemistry Bldg. Mr. J. E. Boggs will speak on "The Use of Mass Isotopes in Tracer Reac- tions and Rate Studies." All in- terested are invited. Concerts Salvatorre Baccaloni, distin- guished basso buffo of the Metro- politan Opera Association, will be heard in the second extra con- cert Thursday night, December 5, at 8:30, in Hill Auditorium. Mr. Baccaloni has built a spe- cial program of opera and other numbers in the performance of which in the major opera houses of the world he has attained the reputation of the outstanding basso buffo of the day. The public is requested to come sufficiently early as to be seat- ed on time, since doors closed during numbers. will be Faculty Recital: Mabel Ross1 Rhead, pianist, will present a pro-1 gram of compositions by Bach,1 Scarlatti, Schumann, and Chopin, at 4:15 this afternoon in Lydia Mendelssohn Theater. The public; is invited. Faculty Recital: Three sonatas for clarinet and piano will be pre- sented by William H. Stubbins, clarinetist, and Mary McCall Stubbins, Pianist, at 8:30 p.m., Fri., Dec. 6, Assembly Hall, Rack- ham Bldg. The public is cordially invited. Orchestra Concert: The Univer- sity of Michigan Symphony Or- chestra, Wayne Dunlap, conduc- tor, will present its first concert of the season at 8:30 Wednesday eve- ning, Dec. 4, in Hill Auditorium. Soloists will be Andrew B. White, Professor of Voice in the School ofI Music, and Nelson Hauenstein, flutist, a :;raduate student. The program will be open to the gen- eral public without charge. Student Recital: Under the aus- pices of the Epsilon Chapter of Phi Mu Alpha Sinfonia, national honorary music fraternity, 8:30 p.m. Monday, Dec. 2, in Lydia Mendelssohn Theater. Emil Raab, conductor, and Robert Holland, tenor soi ist, students in the School of Music. Open to the gen- eral public Exhibitions The Museum of Art presents "Four Centuries of Tapestry Weaving," in the galleries of Alumni Memorial Hall today from 2:00-5:00 p.m. The public is cord- ially invited. The College of Architecture and Design presents an exhibition of Advertising Art sponsored by the Art Directors Club of Detroit. The exhibition will be current from Nov. 26 to Dec. 8 in the Galleries of the Rackham School of Graduate Studies. Events Today University Radio Programs: Sunday, 9:15 a.m., Station WJR, 750 Kc. "Hymns of Freedom" Choir, George Cox, Norma Swin- ney, Granville Greer, Harriet Bo- den; accompanist, Irene Boice; Commentator, Dr. Donald E. Har- gis. All students taking courses in the School of Education are invit- ed to the School of Education So- cial Hour from 4-6 o'clock today in the Elementary School Library. Wives and husbands of students are also invited. The School of Education staff will be present. The U. of M. Hot Record Society will present a record concert of jazz music at 8 o'clock tonight in the ABC Room, League. Every- one is cordially invited. Methodist Wesleyan Guid will present Dr. Frederick Schuman as speaker at 8 o'clock tonight in the Wesleyan Foundation Lounge. The lecture is open to the public. The regular guild meeting will begin at 6:30 rather than at the usual time, 5:30. Michigan Christian Fellowship Panel Discussion on Why Mis- sions? today at 4:30 in Lane Hall. Coming Events University Radio Program: Monday, 2:30 p.m., Station WKAR, 870 Kc. "Injuries to the Teeth," Dr. Ralph F. Sommer, Professor of Dentistry; 2:45 p.m., Station WKAR, 870 Kc. "My Na- tive Land", M. Francisco Narciso, of the Philippines; 3:30 p.m., Sta- tion WPAG, 1050 Kc. Carillon Re- cital, Sidney F. Giles, assistant University Carilloneur. Science Research Club meeting at 7:30 p.m., Tues., Dec. 3, Rack- ham Amphitheater. Program: Spaces and Functions, S. B. Myers, Mathemati-;s Department; The Enzyme Approach to Bio- logical Problems, P. K. Stumpf, School of Public Health. Introduction of new members. Women's Research Club meet at 8:00 p.m., Mon. Dec. 2, Rackham Amphitheater. Mrs. Kamer Aga- Oglu will speak on the subject, "Ying Ch'ing Porcelain Found in the Phillipines." University Women Veterans As- sociation has offered to assist the Student Legislature in conducting a house to house survey for the purpose of locating available rooms for next semester. Volun- teer canvassers should add their names to the lists on the bulletin boards in the Willow Run dormi- tory and the Undergraduate of- fice at the League. J-Hop Committee meeting at' 8:30 p.m., Mon., Dec. 2, Room 325, Union. First and Second Year Fores- ters: Round table and general get-' together meeting at 7:30 p.m.,. Mon., Dec. 2, Russell Seminar, Rm. 4065 Natural Science Bldg. You are urged to attend. Omega Chapter of Phi Delta Kappa reception for National President, Osman R. Hull, at 8:00 p.m., Mon, Dec. 2, East Confer- ence Room, Rackham Bldg. Phi Eta Sigma pictures for the '47 Ensian will be taken at 9:00 p.m., Tues., Dec. 3, Room C, League. Delta Sigma Pi pledge meeting held at 7:00 p.m., Mon., Dec. 2, Room 308, Union. Actives will meet at 7:30 p.m. in the same room. 'Ensian picture taken at 9:30 p.m., Room C, League. Graduate Record Concert will be presented on Tuesday, Dec. 2, because of the choral Union con- cert. Program: Foote's Suite for Strings, Mozart's Piano Concerto in E flat Major, Sibelius' Sym- phony No. 1, and Tschaikowsky's Swan Lake Ballet. Graduate stu- dents are cordially invited. Russian Film, "Alexander Nev- sky," auspices of the Russian Cir- cle, 8:30 p.m., Rackham Amphi- theater, Dec. 6 and 7. Admission charged. Tickets on sale at the book stores and the League. Tuesday Play Reading Section of the Faculty Women's Club meet at 2:00 p.m., Tues., Dec. 3, at the home of Mrs. Alexander Ruth- ven. AIME: The newly formed Stu- dent Chapter of the American In- stitue of Mining and Metallurgi- cal Engineers business meeting at 4:30 p.m., Wed., Dec. 4, Seminar Room, E. Engineering Bldg. Per- sons interested in becoming mem- bers are cordially invited. Romance Language Journal Club meeting at 4:15 p.m., Wed., Dec. 4, East Conference Room, Rackham Bldg. Program: Profes- sor Nelson Eddy, "Menendez y Pelayo, Pardo Bazan and Pereda -criticism." Professor Newton Bement, "Aft- er the Sound and the Fury." Graduate students of the de- partment are cordially invited. Sigma Rho Tau,. engineers' speech Society, meeting Tues., Dec. 3, lIoom 311, W. Engineering Bldg. The Debate Team will meet the Detroit Institute of Technolo- gy at 9 o'clock at the Union to dis- cuss the proposed Missouri Val- ley Authority. All membered are welcome at the debate. Der deutsche Verein meeting at 8:00 p.m., Tues., Dec. 3, Women's Athletic Bldg. All those interest- ed are cordially invited to attend. Please note the change of day to Tuesday. Conversation group of the So- ciedad Hispanica meet at 4:00 p.m., Mon., Dec. 2, International Center. Russian Circle meet at 8:00 p.m., Mon., International Center. Mrs. Lili Pargment will speak on the subject, "Religion in Rus- sia." Those interested are invited. Polonia 'Club: Meeting at 7:30 p.m., Tues., Dec. 3, International Center. Students of Polish descent are cordially invited to attend. Re- freshments. B'nai B't th Hillel Foundation social committee meeting at 4:30 p.m., Tues., Dec. 3, Foundation. The U. of M. chapter of the In- tercollegiate Zionist Federation of America meeting at 7:45 p.m., Tues., Dec. 3, B'nai B'rith Hillel Foundation. Program: panel dis- cussion, by three IZFA members, of the topic "Partition of Palestine -Yes or No!" Everyone is cordial- ly invited. First Presbyterian Church: Morning Worship at the First Presbyterian Church at 10:45 a.m. Dr. Lemon will preach an Advent Sermon on "The Web of Life". The Westminster Guild will meet at 5 o'clock in the Social Hall. There will be a discussion (Continued on Page 5) I DAILY OFFICIAL BTN Xette4d TO THE EDITOR Why Not? To the Editor: WHY, may I ask, should the headquarters for the FEPC movement not be allowed to op- erate a room in the Michigan Un- ion? Mr. Snow says it is his under- standing that the Union is main- tained for the convenience of the students and ex-students of the University. Perhaps Mr. Snow is unaware that among the students the ex-students of the University returned from the recent war-a war which many of us believed to be against injustice and persecu- tion-there is a large body who are still interested in justice and equality of opportunity for all. Those students, both veterans and youngsters who weren't in the war, who imagine that the success of democracy rests on equal edu- cational and economic opportunity for all have just as much right to use the Union for their purposes as any others. As to the political nature of the movement for a Fair Employment Practices Law in Michigan, it would be difficult at the moment to deny the political importance of the atom bomb, and yet scarcely a day passes without some meeting in one of the University buildings on that subject. Is it that the ex- plosive quality of the atom bomb is less than that of the Fair Em- ployment Practices movement? I should think that so wide an in- terpretation of "political" would necessitate the exclusion from the curriculum of the University of a tremendous number of our most popular and generally considered valuable courses- in political sci- ence, economics, history, and soci- ology, to name but a few. I should think also that one of the functions of a state university would be to foster, inform, and en- courage all movements of a true democracy in our country. Look at the Declaration of In- dependence, and review it a little, Mr. Snow. -David F. Ross -Faith Ross * * * Women's Hours To the Editor: WE HEARTILY endorse the let- ,ter advocating abolition of hours for women, which appeared in the November 20th issue of The Daily. Women's hours are unfair be- cause they discriminate against one group of students, those liv- ing in organized women's resi- dences. We have heard the ar- gument that if women are requir- ed to keep hours, it is totally un- necessary to restrict the men. If, in the interests of morality, it is necessary to carefully supervise the comings and goings of one sex, why not share the burden accord- ing to the responsibility? The on- ly fair solution is for men to keep hours one year and women the next. Parents who fear for the safety of their children, should send them to small junior colleges, where theywould receive adequate supervision. Students who desire to learn the responsibilities of in- telligent mature citizenship, will not suffer when the absurdity of women's hours is officially recog- nized. -Doris Waisbod, -Norma S. Levy -(Mrs.) Mary Grider Harrison wj~i Alr~lgu DatI + BOOKS + Education and World Tragedy, Howard Mumford Jones, former professor of English and now at Harard, Harvard Press, 178 pages, $2.50. P ROFESSOR JONES begins this book by painting the picture of world tradgedy- the familiar theme of the atomic bomb. The vivid painting produces the sensation of fear, or at least concern, which we all should have in thinking about the future. It is al- most universally agreed that another war will be rather gruesome. He then goes on. to say that "war, technology in preparation for war, and nationalism are the three great forces warping education in, what we quaintly call, the civilized world." It is a vicious circle-these factors affecting educa- tion; and education, in a sense, nurturing them. Agreed. But Prof. Jones' solutions are almost Quixotic, he sees the urgency for reform and goes about his task in a well-meaning manner. Fine, but he forgetsone thing- that is, he constructs a human nature to fit his educational utopia rather than tak- ing as given the usually disappointing human nature and seeing what can be done with it. Briefly, he proposes a "re- orientation of college studies to include professional or vocational training for all, the study of science and its application to industrial society, the assumptions and workings of representative government, the study of Russia, of the Orient, and of personal relationships in a competitive so- ciety." He also advocates a new program for the training of college professors; this will be done in graduate schools, and the present graduate schools will be called Research Training Institutes. "liberal" side of the well-educated, profes- sional man. The liberal arts professors will tell students how to get along with their neighbors, about representative govern- ments, the scientific assumptions, and the oriental cultures. That is fine. In only four short years of college, the student can learn the answer to all his problems. He will be well indoctrinated indeed; he won't have to think or worry. Prof. Jones highly recom- mends Prof. Northrop's The Meeting of East and West; He says, "what is needed-what is desperately needed in our colleges-is a simplification and generalization of his courageous volume." We feeble-minded stu- dents will have everything simplified for us by our professors, who will interpret and draw all the conclusions. These gods will solve the problems that have foiled the greatest minds of the western world for over 2,000 years. I suppose that when these for- tunate students leave school and any new problems arise, they will only have to con- sult these oracles, and their worries will be over. This fanciful little book might be likened to a dream. Prof. Jones' vivid imagination presents an assorted collection of exciting, beautiful pictures; but as yet, I am not able to detect the integrating device for them- I am sure it isn't logic. Could it be desire? --Peter Hamill General Library List Finletter, Gretchen - From The Top of the Stairs. Boston, Atlantic Monthly press. 1946. Jones. Howard Mumford - Education and Fifty-Seventh Year Edited and managed by students of the University of Michigan under the authority of the Board in Control of Student Publications. Editorial Staff Robert Goldman .....Managing Editor Milton Freudenheim .Editorial Director Clayton Dickey...........City Editor Mary Brush ...........Associate Editor Ann Kutz ............Associate Editor Paul Harsha.........Associate Editor Clark Baker ............. Sports Editor Des Howarth .. Associate Sports Editor Jack Martin ...Associate Sports Editor Joan Wilk ............Women's Editor Lynne Ford .Associate Women's Editor Business Staff Robert E. Potter ....Business Manager Evelyn Mills .A.. ssociate Business Manager Janet Cork Associate Business Manager Telephone 23-24-1 Member of The Associated Press The Associated Press is exclusively BARNABY I r My profound apologies to your father- Make st Ari.. hnw .. ar_ tht anfed hi m fo see The inevitable happened. The car leaped S.rwcrr.,-If w,'t ,. nmpntm'hn, K-- i I II i