I'T9IE MICHIG~AN DbAILY SATLTRDAY.NOVEMBER 36. 194lt ca.s :s °.."a ... I SATTTRDAVii} 7 . Tli/M t1l:1t J} JIO&R 7 VA 's Unbeatable System YES SIR. It's the greatest little check distribution system there is. It "can't be beat." That's what E. J. Brennan told reporters who asked him what he thought of the present veterans' check distribution set-up. E. J. is a big man in the Treasury De- partment. He claims that "there is no delay in our outfit." Or more exactly, E. J. holds that there is only one day's delay in mailing the vet's check after the claim is received from the Veterans Administration. On the other hand, J. F. Campbell, of the Detroit VA office, says there is a five- day delay in getting the checks out of the Cleveland disbursing office. Far be it from us to contradict E. J. and J. F. It is difficult to disentangle the red tape encountered in the VA and the Treasury Department. But the fact remains that even though the present system is "unbeatable," there are a great many veterans on this campus who haven't received checks for months. - V Editorials published in The Michigan Daily are written by members of The Daily staff and represent the views of the writers only. NIGHT EDITOR: FRANCES PAINE gher Teach There are also University students being treated at University Hospital for 65 to 85 per cent disabilities who have not received checks in four months. Loans from the University are still be- ing requested by veterans. Whether or not the government knows it, a large number of veterans at the Uni- versity are living on less than a shoe-string. Such a condition cannot be remedied by government offices passing the buck and claiming that the source of incon- venience is "unbeatable." The Daily's plan for decentralized dis- bursing units, similar to those employed during the war by the armed services, was described by -Brennan as less efficient than the present set-up. Perhaps Brennan is right and the Treasury Department should be absolved of blame for late checks -which tosses the entire problem right in the lap of the Veterans Administration. For if Brennan is right, then the pri- mary source of check delay lies in the VA's system for processing claims. Either the inefficiency in the present claim-processing set-up should be remedied or the system should be decentralized. That part of the procedure for paying veterans subsistence, at least, is not "un- beatable." Robert Goldman Clayton Dickey Paul Harsha ers Salaries, TfHE Michigan Education Association, as a result of the adoption of the sales tax diversion amendment in the.recent election, is now conducting an extensive campaign for higher salaries for school employes. The MEA was one of the chief backers of the amendment, which returns one-third of sales tax proceeds to the cities and schools and in addition guarantees a mini- mum annual appropriation for schools of 43 per cent of sales tax returns for the preceding year. The president of the NEA, Lee B. Durham, declares that there should be "better teach:- ing, more teachers, smaller classes, better buildings and more equipment," and that there is "assurance of sufficient funds to place all school employes on adequate pay and at the same time to get a building program under way." We cannot deny, that better buildings and equipment, and the increase in teach- ers' salaries which would result in better teaching, are sorely needed in this state's educational system, as elsewhere, and that if the sales tax amendment could really fill these needs, it would be of infinite benefit. However, we must ask whether, in the long run, the amendment will actually re- sult in increased financial benefits to the school districts. Prof. Robert Ford, director of the Bureau of Government, in his pre- Oloction analysis of Proposal bto. Twd, stated that the amendment will be of im- mediate financial benefit to the schools,, but that whether it will be of any perma- nent benefit will depend on the level of property tax levies. If property tax levies remain at their present level of $71,500,000 for the entire state, there would be a gain of some $42,000,- 000 for school districts. However, with the increased state aid the localities are apt to reduce their property taxes, Prof. Ford said, and the gain to school districts will not be, as great as expected. Also, if the state, imposes additional taxes to maintain state services, as they will probably be forced to do, residents of school districts will have to pay more taxes. Thus, the long-range benefit to school districts of the sales tax amendment, which the MEA is presupposing, is doubtful. But there is a chance that the temporary finan- cial benefit may bring about some perma- nent good with regard to teachers' salaries. Prof. Claude Eggertson of the School of Education has said, "There is a possibility that if schools receive more money for a year or so, salaries might be advanced permanently to a higher level." If this slim possibility should be real- ized, and the precedent for higher teach- ers' salaries be established, then the MEA's campaign will have done some good. It's a half-way solution at best, but it's bet- ter than none. -Frances Paine I'D RATHER BE RIGHT: Holiday Party By SAMUEL GRAFTON THE SIGNS are that we Americans plan a whale of a holiday week for ourselves at the end of this year. Christmas shopping has never been better. And that is odd, be- cause when it comes to buying necessaries, like shoes, the public is ornery and resist- ant. The Wall Street Journal tells of one shoe producer, forced into a price increase by rising costs, who has reports from his retailers of business dropping as much as 40 per cent. But no toy is too expensive. It is going to be a party, a party for which pennies are being saved and piggy banks raided. There will be a certain reminiscent cast about the party, of course, for it will be a party in memory of the wartime boom, and for a little while it will seem to those who participate that the boom is still on. It will be a blessed week of bliss recaptured, an odd New Year's Eve of looking backward, for no one really buys Scotch at $12.50 a bottle in order to hail cotton futures at 25 cents, down from, 40. It will be Christmas Past they' will be looking for in the bottom of the glass. Perhaps, underneath, we do remember how, during all those hysterical years, when so few were at home, nobody was really outside; and perhaps that is one reason for the coming party. Wave to the people at the next table, and sing with them, in spurious communion; for ahead lies the cold hour of dispersal, when the race is to the swift. There was a time when your neighbor walked the street with you as you watched, perhaps naively, yet somehow splendidly, for the approach of the enemy's aircraft; now he will take your shirt, if he can, for a beefsteak. But not tonight; sing tonight. The last party of the boom is indeed a kind of farewell party, in clear memory of an old acquaintance, even though it may have been a strange, passing brief acquaint- ance; and tomorrow you will be alone. Per- haps in time to come we may be haunted by the hope of recapturing that old togeth- erness for our days of peace; but it will be difficult to think of methods, and we shall each be busy. (Copyright 1946, by the N.Y. Post Syndicate) ITSO HAPPENS . 0 The Budget Problem Style Changes A COED we know is having a time trying to plan her clothes budget for the rest of the school year. She's a senior. She isn't sure whether she can last out her college career without buying at least one more pair of saddle shoes. They don't wear such things much on the outside, she thinks. Only for weekends in the country - is about it. They Were Expendable A PRETTY RELIABLE pipeline tipped us off that the University is in the process of inventorying its office and room equip- ment. The word we get is to the effect that coat hangers are being inventoried while waste- baskets are not. Wastebaskets seem to be written off to something or other. Senior High Seances TALKING about this wild new world, we note with interest two plays currently advertised - about - drug -store - windows. It seems that the local high school classes of '47 are hotly competing with the usual sen- ior class plays. The thing that stopped us was the titles. One school is giving out with "Blithe Spirit" while the other group of budding thespians will stage something called "One Mad Night." Next year: "Lady in the Dark" and "Spell- bound." Naked Imagery WE WERE sitting in a class a couple of days ago with the professor reading from a contemporary's latest work on gov- ernment. "According to this authority, 'the current concept of the state would have state cov- ering society much as the skin covers the body'." The instructor looked up and added, "I will not attempt to pursue this image any further." Contributions to this column are by all members of The Daily staff, and are the responsibility of the editorial director. The gravest danger arising from the abandonment of controls is its probable effect on the housing situation. Although rent ceilings are to remain, Mr. Truman in- dicated that they would probably have to be raised, and the real-estate interests will certainly now redouble their efforts to boost revenues. -The Nation s 1,' 4F u-25copr.946by Un ted Feature $yndicate Ic. t The Unknown Soldier-1946 BILL MAULDIN r 4, _ _ .1 1- 11 F t, EDITOR'S NOTE: No letter to the editor will be printed unless signed and written in good taste. Letters over 300 words in length will be shortened or omitted; in special in- stances, they will be printed, at the discretion osf the editorial director. * * * VACorrespondence To the Editor: LAST Spring and even occasion- ally last Summer I got letters from Cleveland. Yes sir, the V.A. Finance Officer there used to write me every once in a while. I liked those carefully penned notes, too. They made it easier for me to keep up with my wide correspondence with bill collectors. But for months now, I have not heard from Cleveland. I have writ- ten to Washington and Detroit. Still no word from Cleveland. My friends thee have cut me cold. I try not to feel forgotten; I suppose tney are busy. With so many veterans in school, they must be swamped. I do get some bitter consolation from The Daily head- lines; 75% of Vets checkless. I watch carefully the tabulated box scores on University loans. I read the long, explanations for the de- lay. I even- sympathize with the overworked government employes DRILY OFFICIRL BULLETIN ON WORLD AFFAIRS: High-HanecPa Letters to the Editor .. _11 By EDGAR ANSEL MOWRER LAKE SUCCESS-Talking more generous- ly than we act is a common American failing detrimental to our good name. For example - in opening this UN Assem- bly, President Truman assured the listen- ing world that "the United States will support the United Nations with all the resources we possess." - Yet a couple of weeks later John Foster Dulles came out with a plan for an Ameri- can; strategical trusteeship which would give us undisputed control of the entire Pacific Ocean. He followed up his plan by remarks construed by the newsmen. who heard them as meaning that if our plan should be refused by the Security Council (whose approval is legally necessary) we should go ahead with much the same high- handed, plan, regardless. The newsmen also construed Mr. Dulles as having implied that anyway we could keep the islands in question "by right of conquest." That American interests would really be furthered by a militarist scheme that serves to- hide the ability of our army and navy to foresee the shape of the next war is very doubtful. That such a unilateral veiled annexation would be contrary to the Presi- dent's promise to "support the United Na- tions with all the resources we possess" is certain. For our strongest resource is the decision steadfastly to exert our power through the United Nations and not uni- laterally as a bossy or imperialist nation. U. S. stock at Lake Success fell several points as the result of our trusteeship pro-, posal. The notion of holding the strategical area by "right of conquest" would be of- fensive in another way. It would make mock of our resistance to certain intended Soviet grabs. It is hard to see how we could logically be opposing South Africa's Defeat in World War II will erase the claims of Japan and Italy to any part in that sovereignty. But the three re- maining Powers, the U. S., France, and Britain, have equal rights. For the U. S. to set these aside on the ground that "we conquered the islands" would be opening an auction in grab wherein the U. S. would not necessarily come out on top. American experts explained that they had been forced into the Dulles position, not only by the American armed forces (whose hatred of real international cooperation amounts almost to a frenzy) but by Ameri- can public opinion. It is 4 fact that the American Administration has to tread a careful path between enlightened interna- tionalism concentrated on avoiding the next .war, and obsolescent nationalism intent on winning it regardless. Happily, the Truman promise of support- ing the United Nations' is returning to the fore. In a second speech, Mr. Dulles ex- plained, that the United Nations is not yet capable of undertaking any sort of collect- ive trusteeship. It appears that when the American Pro- posal comes before the Security Council for approval, sometime within the next week or two, the American spokesman will explain that 1) we do not intend to hold the three archipelagos indefinitely as a "closed" strategic area; 2) that once the other Pacific countries have accepted reg- ulation of armaments with supervision, we are prepared to review our original position; and, conceivably, 3) that once the United Nations Trusteeship Council shows that it can function satisfactorily, we might con- sider entrusting to the UN part of the million square miles involved. This does not go far enough. What our spokesman should promise is not that we may, but that we will, turn the bulk of the Pacific islands over to the collect- ive trusteeship of the United Nations just as soon as certain nrecise cnnditinns Publication in The Daily Official Bulletin is constructive notice to all members of the University. Notices for the Bulletin should be sent in typewritten form to the office of the Assistant Lo the President, Room 1021 Angell Hall, by 3:00 p.m. on the day preceding publication (11:00 a.m. Sat- urdays. SATURDAY, NOV. 30, 1946 VOL. LViL, No. 5 Notices Faculty Meeting of the College of Litera!.ure, Science, and the Arts at 4:10 p.m., Mon., Dec. 2, Rm. 1025 Angell Hall. Hayward Keniston Agenda 1. Consideration of minutes of meeting of November 4, (pp. 1295- 1299). 2. Consileration of reports sub- mitted with the call to this meet- ing. a. Exe Sutive Committee-Pro- fessor Clark Hopkins. b. Unversity Council -Pro- fessor S. B. Myers. No re- port. c. Executive Board of Gradu- ate School-Professor K. K. Landes. d. Senate Advisory Commit- tee on University Affairs- Professor R. V. Churchill. e. Deans' Conference - Dean Hayward Keniston. 3. Special order. Nominations to the Executive Committee panel- Professor N. E. Nelson. 4, Announcement. Machine scoring of examinations-Profes- sor G. M. Stanley. 5. New Business. School of Business Administra- tion-All tudent who intend to transfer to the School of Business Administration for the spring se- mester, 197, and who have not submitted the ir applications, should secure these blanks at Rm. 108, Tappan Hall and turn them in immediately. Automoie Regulation, Senior Medical ' udents: The automo- bile regulation will be lifted for graduating seniors in the Medical School at noon on Sat., Nov. 30. Office 01 the Dean of Students Students, College of Literature, Science and the Arts: Applica- tions for scholarships for the year, 1947-48, should be made before Dec. 2. Application forms may be obtained at 1220 Angell Hall and should be filed at that office. Recreational Swimming for Women Students: The Michigan Unin Swniming Pool will be open from 9:00 to 11:00 a.m., Sat., Nov. 30. Mr. Woislegel of International Business Machines will be in our office on Tuesday, Dec. 3, to inter- view electrical and mechanical en- gineers for design and develop- ment work on small electrical and electro-mechanical mechanisms. He is also interested in a limited number of industrial engineers. Any men who will graduate in February and are interested in talking to him, call extension 371, for an appointment. Lectures University Lecture: Charles P. Parkhurst, Jr., curator of the Al- bright Art Gallery of Buffalo, will lecture on the subject, "The Dis- covery ani Restitution of Art. Loot in Geimany" (illustrated),at 4:15 p.m., Tues., Dec. 3, in ,the Rackham Amphitheater; auspices of the Department of Fine Arts. University Lecture: Professor W. V. D. Hodge of Cambridge Uni- versity, England, will lecture on the subject, "Harmonic Integrals," at 4:15 p.n., Wed., Dec. 4, in 3011 Angell Hall. under the auspices of the Department of Mathmetics. The public is cordially invited. Universiy Lecture: Dr. John R. Knott, Assistant Professor of Clin- ical Psychology, Department of Psychiatry. State University of Iowa, will lecture on the subject, "Electro cortical variations in be- havior disorders," at 4:15 p.m., Mon., Dec 9, Rackham Amphi- theater; auspices of the Depart- ment of Prychiatry and the Bu- reau of Psychological Services. The public is cordially invited. Academic Notices Doctoral Examination for Max Richard Matteson, Zoology; the- sis: "Life History and Ecology of Elliptio complanatus." Saturday, Nov. 30, at 9:00 a.m., Rm. 3091, Natural Science. Chairman, F. E. Eggleton. Mathematics 300: Orientation seminar meet at 7:00 p.m., Mon., Dec. 2, Rm.. 3001 Angell Hall. Mr. C. L. Peiry will speak on Arc Homeomo. phisms. Wildlife Management Seminar at 4:30 pm., Mon., Dec. 2, Rm. 2039 Natural Science Bldg. Dr. G. A. Ammann of the Michigan Con- servation Department will speak. All students in Wildlife Manage- ment are expected to attend, and anyone else is welcome. Concerts Faculty Recital: Mabel Ross Rhead, pianist, will present a pro- gram of compositions by Bach, Scarlatti, Schumann, and Chopin, at 4:15 Sunday afternoon, Dec. 1, in Lydia Mendelssohn Theater. The public is invited. Orchestra Concert: The Univer- sity of Michigan Symphony Or- chestra, Wayne Dunlap, conduc- tor, will present its first concert of the season at 8:30 Wednesday eve- ning, Dec. 4, in Hill Auditorium. Soloists wiA be Andrew B. White, Professor of Voice in the School of Music, and Nelson Hauenstein, flutist, a graduate student. The program will be open to the gen- eral public without charge. Student Recital: Under the aus- pices of the Epsilon Chapter of Phi Mu Alpha Sinfonia, national honorary music fraternity, 8:30 p.m. Monday, Dec. 2, in Lydia Mendelssohn Theater. Emil Raab, conductor, and Robert Holland, tenor solist, students in the School of Music. Open to the gen- eral public Events Today Gamma Delta, Lutheran Stu- dent Club, skating party at 7:45 Saturday night. Meet at the Stu- dent Center, 1511 Washtenaw. Coming Events Science Research Club meeting at 7:30 p.m., Tues., Dec. 3, Rack- ham Amphitheater. Program: Spaces and Functions, S. B. Myers,' Mathemati ;s Department; The Enzyme Approach to Bio- logical Problems, P. K. Stumpf, School of Public Health. Introduction of new members. First and Second Year Fores- ters: Round table and general get- together meeting at 7:30 p.m., Mon., Dec. 2, Russell Seminar, Rm. 4065 Natural Science Bldg. You are urged to attend. All students taking courses in the School of Education are invit- ed to the School of Education So- cial Hour from 4-6 p.m., Sun., Dec. 1, Elementary School Library. Wives and husbands of students are also invited. The School of Education staff will be present. Women's Research Club meet at 8:00 p.m., Mon. Dec. 2, Rackham Amphitheater. Mrs. Kamer Aga- Oglu will speak on the subject, "Ying Ch'ing Porcelain Found in the Phillipines." Wood Technology Students: Mr. J. C. McCarthy, Secretary, The National Association of Furniture Manufactuiers will speak on the subject, "The Furnitu e Industry," at 10:00 a.m., Tues., Dec. 3, Rm. 2042, Natural Science Bldg. All Wood Technology students are ex- pected to be present. Others in- terested are invited. Le Cerele Francais meeting at 8:00 p.m., Tues., Dec. 3, Rm. 305, Union. Mr. Ferdinand Dierkens, graduate engineer from Belgium will speak informally on 'La vie des etudiants a Bruxelles et a Paris." Conversation group of the So- ciedad Hispanica meet at 4:00 p.m., Mon., Dec. 2, International Center. The Graduatee Outing Club hike at 2:30 -p.m., Sun., Dec. 1, Outing Club Rooms, Rackham Bldg. Sign up at the check desk in Rackham Bldg. before noon Saturday. The U. of M. Hot Record Society will present a record concert of jazz music at 8:00 p.m., Sun., Dec. 1, ABC Room, League. Anyone in- terested is cordially invited. Phi Eta Sigma pictures for the '47 Ensian will be taken at 9:00 p.m., Tues., Dec. 3, Room C, League. Russian Circle Members meet at 7:00 p.m., Mon., Dec. 2, 3rd floor of the League, to have Ensian pic- ture taken. Russian Circle meet at 8:00 p.m., Mon., International Center. Mrs. Lill Pargment will speak (Continued on Page 4) who must check and double- check record after record before we get our checks. Sometimes I even dream about my records go- ing through hundreds of cautious hands in Detroit and Cleveland of- fices, and I silently wish them Godspeed and a safe, swift pas- sage. I try to understand the de- lay' is caused by the grim necessity of keeping the many records down to the very last cent. I try to do all this, but it is tough, especially when I talk to a neighbor of mine. Strangely enough, lie tells me that he has gotten his subsistence checks right along as regularly as you could want. Every month promptly the brown envelope with a Cleveland postmark arrives. This guy is in- deed lucky, too, because he was in Summer School and hasn't even sent in his report on income yet. He doesn't see why he should re- port his income, however, because he isn't in school now and hasn't been this fall. As a matter of fact, he dropped out of school last sum- mer. Yet every month he gets that subsistence check. Don't think that this neighbor of mine is trying to cheat anyone. Way last summer, he says, he promptly reported to the V.A. that he was quitting school. Since then, every time he gets a check, he re- minds the V.A. that he is no long- er in schocl, no longer entitled to the subsistence. But every month... My neighbor says frankly that he doesn't know how to stop the things. You can see that he has a problem. I feel sorry for the poor guy too, when I'm not busy feeling sorry for the overworked V.A. employees. --Keith McKean * * *I A Slight Case To the Editor: WITH reference to the small item Lsy Harold L. Ickes on Sunday's editorial page, I wish to say that DmecoartseNors,eod are placed in a rather repcarouis ('& position othbyy Mr. Ickes and the aidl's sypetetters. Whether or not htheir defeat in the recent elec- tion the recent election by the Rebupilcans was due to bonfyde resurgence of converstism ermains to be seen. Wit a satisfact-satis- factory majority in both houses, be seen. Wit a satisfact- the poll tax states. On this we are all agreed. Mr. Ickes has indeed struck a telling blow. -E. A. Rutan Bus Controversy . To the Editor: In reference to the editor's note under the letter captioned "Village Bus Service" in Thursday's Daily, I would like to say that dispatch- er Sam Conway is a prevaricator. Upon confronting him five min- utes after the incident occurred he admitted to me that there were fifteen people in line and one seat left on the first bus. (I say that there were twenty people.) He in no way indicated that the "fif- teen or twenty" people in line should get on the full bus since another would not be run, but in- stead had all three, buses depart leaving "fifteen or twenty" of us standing. Plant Superintendent Walter Roth oughtuto know that his em- ploye's story is sheer fabrication of the truth. Barton Koslow Aid~iuu4&t A r t al B Fifty-Seventh Year Edited and managed by students of the University of Michigan under the authority of the Board in Control of Student Publications. Editorial Stafff Robert Goldman ....Managing Editor Milton Freudenheim .Editorial Director Clayton Dickey...........City Editor Mary Brush ...........Associate Editor Ann Kutz............Associate Editor Paul Harsha ..........Associate Editor Clark Baker............Sports Editor Des Howarth . .Associate Sports_ Editor Jack Martin ... Associate Sports Editor Joan Wilk...........Women's Editor Lynne Ford .Associate Women's Editor Business Staff Robert E. Potter ....Business Manager Evelyn Mills E...y... .Associate Business Manager Janet Cork Associate Business Manager Telephone 23-24-1. IARNABY