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November 28, 1946 - Image 1

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The Michigan Daily, 1946-11-28

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See Page 4


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Latest Deadline in the State


Treasury Official
ClaimsVet Check
Plan Unbeatable
Response Made to Daily Proposal
y Asking Decentralized Pay System
Special To The Daily
WASHINGTON, Nov. 27-The Treasury Department's system of
distributing subsistence checks to student-veterans "can't be beat,"
E. J. Brennan, Chief Disbursing Officer, said today.
His statement was made in response to a proposal by The Michi-
gan Daily for a system of district diesbursing officers qualified to pay
oi vouchers with cash supplied them by a central office.
While the Veterans Administration here declined comment, say-
ing no official correspondence on the subject had been received,
Brennan told a reporter "there is no delay in our outfit."
A copy of the same proposal was sent to General Omar Bradley
of the Veterans Administration in Washington on Nevember 19.
Chief of the Army's Division of Disbursement before his transfer
to the Treasury Department, Brennan said that only one auth-
I>orization for allotment is received

Union, League
Lunch Rooms
Are Planned
Will Serve Students
Who Carry Meals
Tentative arrangements have
been made to use rooms in the
Pinion and League as lunch rooms
which will serve hot soup and cof-
fee, Henry Kassis reported to the
Veterans University Council yes-
Kassis heads a committee which
was appointed to secure places
where students who carry their
lunches may eat and buy some-,
thing hot. The tentative arrange-
ments have been made through
the cooperation of Franklin C.
Kuenzel, manager of the Union
and Miss Ruth Goodlander man-
ager of the League, Kassis said.
Although details of operation
have not been completed, definite
arrangements will be made in the
'near future,' according to Rob-
ert S. Waldrop, Veterans Service
Bureau representative on the
Due to concern about the short-
age of week-end entertainment
facilities, the Council appointed
a committee to investigate the pos-
sibilities of further means of sup-
plementing the present inadequate
.Lrne Cook will head the com-
mittee, which will include Anne
Dearnley and Walter Hoffman.
The Friday night recreational
facilities of the IM Building were
explained by Kenneth Fleischauer,
who said the VO plans to arrange
tournaments with prizes for the
winners if there is sufficient par-
ticipation. The, IM Building is
open each Friday night from 7 to
9:30 p.m. for the use of veterans
and their wives or dates.
A report of the progress of the
Housing Survey was given by Hen-
ry Kassis, who said that more can-
vassers are needed. Council repre-
sentatives agreed to ask their or-
ganizations for additional stu-
dents to help with the survey. In-
terested students may contact the
general chairman, Ken Bissell.
'47 Graduates
Will Not Meet
Teaching Need
There will not be enough Feb-
ruary and June education school
graduates to provide real relief for
the state's acute teaching person-
nel shortage.
That's the opinion of Dr. T.
Luther Purdom; director of the
University's Bureau of Appoint-
ments and Occupational Informa-
Annually, Dr. Purdom conducts
a survey on the state's teaching
personnel prospects which is dis-
tributed to school administrators
throughout Michigan.
"Approximately 3,000 teachers
are needed throughout the state,"
he declared. "The relatively small
number of education school seniors
will certainly not alleviate the
shortage to a great extent."

from the Veterans Administration
for each veteran.
A check is mailed the same day
or, at latest, the next day, he
Permanent plates are cut at the
same time, the Treasury Depart-
ment official added, so that later
allotments can be mailed prompt-
ly under a schedule that calls for
checks to reach veterans the last
day of each month.
Brennan disclosed that begin-
ning December 1, the mailing of
checks to University of Michi-
gani student-veterans on vouch-
ers from the Detroit VA office
will be shifted from Cleveland
to Columbus, Ohio.
"Mail sent from Cleveland has
to be trans-shipped at Detroit,
possibly causing a delay of half a
day, while mail from Columbus
will be direct, through service," he
Brennan said that a system of
district disbursing officers would
"not provide as good service" and
would mean "varying degress of
Distribution of allotments is
"a mass production job," he
said and can best be handled by
a centralized system that can
get equipment and that has
flexibility to meet emergencies.
He maintained these advan-
tages would be lost by "having an
officer at every corner," adding
that he previously had given care-
ful consideration to proposal for
local offices' and was convinced
that the present system is better.
The Daily, in advancing its plan
See CHECKS, page 2
Britain Hears
Grim Warning
Of Indian War
LONDON, Nov. 27 - (A) - The
grim warning that India stood on
the brink of one of history's "most
hideous civil wars" was sounded
today as tne British Government
began a 14 -day race against time
to break the Hindu-Moslum dead-
lock over the subcontinent's inde-
pendent program.
The British Government's en-
tire plan for Indian independence
was disclosed to be at stake in the
eleventh hour summons to Lord
Wavell, th Viceroy, and to In-
dian party leaders to London for
a discussion of the impasse. An
authoritative informant said if
the deadlock continued it was
probable the entire plan would
have to be scrapped.
Soon after an official said Brit-
ain's call to the Viceroy and In-
dian leaders was a bid to avert
"civil war," the Duke of Deven-
shire, former Undersecretary of
State for India, told a Conserva-
tive Party gathering that the four-
months rioting in India was "the
beginning of one of the most hide-
ous civil wars in all history."
India's "D-Day" is Dec. 9, when
the constituent assembly, provid-
ed in the British plan, is scheduled
to meet.

Big 4 Ends
Its Deadlock
Over Trieste
Draf-tin of Peae
Pacts Progresses
By The Associated Press
NEW YORK, Nov. 27 - In a
sweeping series of compromises,
the Foreign Ministers Council
smashed tonight its deadlock over
Trieste and made its greatest prog-
ress to date in drafting peace pacts
for the Axis satelites.
Persons present at the Council
deliberations said that the minis-
ters reacied agreement on all of
the questions relating to Trieste
and then moved on to settle some
of the problems of Italy.
Private Huddle
Theactin came as a fruit of a
private huddle between Secretary
of State James F. Byrnes and
Soviet Foreign Minister V. M. Mol-
otov Monday when both made con-
It was ;olowed yesterday by a
secret session of the four diplo-
matic chiefs at which tentative
solutions of the time-consuming
dispute were reached. Those agree-
ments were solidified tonight.
Major Port
In dealing with Trieste, major
Adriatic port which has been
claimed by both Yugoslavia and
Italy and which will be interna-
tionalized under the Italian peace
past, the ministers agreed:
1. To order the Governor of Tri-
este to announce 90 days after as-
suming office whether foreign oc-
cupation troops should remain
there or whether they could be
safely withdrawn. If the governor
decided retention was essential to
security, they would remain until
the danger of a disturbance had
passed. Molotov had sought a
fixed deadline.
Reduce Number
2. To reduce the number of oc-
cupation troops in the Interna-
tional Zone to 5,000 each for the
United States, Britain and Yugo-
slavia. The reduction would take
place when the governor assumed
office. The limitation was pro-
posed by Byrnes.
3. To place the troops at the
disposal of the governor, making
him, in effect, their commander-
UN Approves
Troop Census
LAKE SUCCESS, N. Y., Nov. 27
--UP)-The United Nations Politi-
cal Committee approved a world-
wide soldier census today and de-
cisively rejected repeated Russian
attempts to have atomic and jet.
propelled weapons accounted in
that inventory of forces.
Russia originally put the idea of
a troop count before the United
Nations. But the plan which
emerged .tom a tumultuous five
hour and 40-minute meeting, after
six days of debate, virtually was
stamped "made in Britain."
The crisis came on a British mo-
tion to enlarge Russia's original
proposal which had called only for
a count of soldiers on alien lands.
The British won, 40 to 10, with
two abstentions, on their move to
enumerate domestic forces as well.
France and Russia voted against
home front reports while China,
Britain and the United States

stood together for the overall in-
ventory troops.
The final vote of the whole
troop count resolution still is to
come but the result apparently
will follow the lineup shown in
eight successive roll calls today.
The committee adjourned at 3:20
p.m. (C.S T.3 until 9:30 a.m. to-
morrow after voting, 29 to 13,
against dee'ding today on a highly-
potent Egyptian amendment.
Egypt surprised the committee
this morning with a proposal that
the general assembly recommend
that UN members having armed
forces stationed on territory of
other members,

udge Imp




Inflation Seen In Coal Shortage


* * *

* *

Small Warns
Nation of Cut
In Output
SteelFirms Hit
By The Associated Press
WASHINGTON, Nov. 27-Civ-
ilian Production Chief John D.
Small told the nation today that
"only the prompt resumption of
coal mining will permit a con-
tinuation of the high level of pro-
duction so important to ward off
inflationary price increases."
Even as he announced a new
postwar high in manufacturing
achieved in October, Small's state-
ment drew the shadow of the coal
strike more heavily across the
country's industrial future with
these glum footnotes:
1. Steel mills, already banking
furnaces, "may be forced to cut
operations by 50 per cent within
two weeks."
Further Reduction
CPA officials said further re-
duction in steel deliveries will
spread industrial paralysis rapidly
to scores of firms depending upon
steels for making products still in
short supply.
2. The impact of the coal short-
age on railroads will add to the
"Without transportation of raw
materials into, and finished pro-
ducts out of factories, production
must be halted," the report said.
'Down the Ladder'
While industrial output at the
end of October had reached 81
per cent above the average for
the late 1930's, Small declared
that the coal strike "is now
threatening to shove production
back down the ladder.'p
Hit Faster
"A prolonged shutdown in the
mines will hit industry faster and
harder than itedid last spring,"
Small commented, adding :
"Not only are coal stocks lower
than last spring but requirements
are higher because of higher in-
dustrial activity and the cold
weather, which is hindering trans-
Contrasting with these forebod-
ings was the October report show-
ing new advances in production
of such consumers durable goods
as washing and sewing machines,
ranges, and vacuum cleaners and
in output of automobiles, shoes,
farm machinery, automobile tires
and many building materials.
Baccaloni Will
Appear Here
Salvatore Baccaloni, Metropoli-
tan basso buffo, will present the
second in a series of special con-
certs sponsored by the University
Musical Society at 8:30 p.m. next
Tickets for the performance are
now on sale in the Society's offices
in Burton Memorial Tower.
Baccaloni is well-known for his
portrayals of such character parts
as Dr. Bartolo in "Barber of Se-
ville" and Don Pasquale in the
opera of tue same name.
Since his operatic debut with
the La Scala opera company in
Italy, he has been credited with
restoring basso buffo roles to an
eminence they had not held since
they were composed.

Strike Unemployment
Nears ,90,000 Mark
Layoff of Steel, Railroad Men Increasing;
Nation-Wide Dimout Reminiscent of War

Lewis Guilty
If Restrainer

PITTSBURGH, Nov. 27-(G)-
National unemployment due to the
soft coal shutdown neared the
90,000 mark today with prospects
it would soar to more than that,
figure within the next week if John
L. Lewis doesn't order his AFL
United Mi ie Workers back into
the pits.
While the Nation became
dim-out conscious reminiscent
of World War days, scattered
schools and colleges started ex-
tended Thanksgiving vacations
with radio to augment home
study, Mr. and Mrs. America
and their children figuratively
donned red flannels to conserve
dwindling coal piles. Some 20,-
Crisis Grants
State Workers
More I iday
Fuel Shortage Dims
Thanksgiving Spirit
DETIrIT, Nov. 27-(P)-As-
sembly lines ground to a halt to-
night as the majority of Michi-
gan's auto plants granted em-
ployes an extended Thanksgiving
holiday as a coal conservation
The fuel crisis cast a pall over
the traditional holiday eve
throughout the state.
The Ford Motor Co., Chrysler
Corp. and a numbers ofsmaller
producers sent workers home un-
til Monday
However, General Motors Corp.
scheduled production for Friday.
Most major cities dimimed their
lights under power restrictions in
some cases more severe than in
Public schools, aleady forced to
abandon recreational programs,
faced a bleak future as they dis-
missed classes for the long week-
end. State Fuel Administrator
Don S. Leonard warned them that
they will not receive emergency
coal supplies. Some may be forced
to dismiss classes again before
the end of next week.
Hospitals were in the same
category and some where already
feeling the pinch of the 13-day
national crisis.
As Thanksgiving aroused
thoughts of the Yuletide, house-
holders were warned that even
Christmas tree lights will be
banned unless a solution is reach-
ed between the AFL United Mine
Workers and the Federal Gov-
AYC Hears
China Experts
Approaching the Chinese prob-
lem from different angles, Dr. E.
Stewart Allen and Dr. Herbert
Abrams both came to the same
conclusion at the Willow Village
AVC forum on China last night:
that the United States should
withdr'aw its troops from China
and give aid to neither side.
Dr. Abrams, a former UNRRA
official to China, decried the cor-
ruption and inefficiency of the
Nationalist government and de-
clared that it lacks democracy and
that its public education system is
Dr. Allen, who has spent 15 years
in China, maid that democracy and
education under the Kuomintang
regime were far from perfect but
pointed oit that great advances
had been made. He maintained

000 more workers were reported
on furlough today.
The Carnegie-Illinois Steel Corp.
No. 1.subsidiary of the U. S. Steel
Corp. laid off 3,200 men in the
Pittsburgh and Youngstown areas
and placed 9,000 more on part
time as it completed the closing of
77 of its "29 open hearths and
banks 16 of its 24 blast furnaces.
Production was off 22,484 tons as
of noon today. U. S. Steel plans
to announce cutbacks in finish-
ing mills within the next week,
adding thousands more to the un-
employed 'lst.
Leaders in the fabricating and
small manufacturing field look
for layoffs to start next week.
The Tri State Industrial Asso-
ciation predicted its idle would
reach 100,000 in Pennsylvania,
West Virginia and Ohio within
a week.
The unemployed were increased
by the New York Central's lay off
of 3,000. They were joined by 300
of the Pennsylvania Railroad's em-
ployes in the Johnstown, Pa., area.
A survey showed more than 12,000
railroad men alone have been fur-
A survey by the Illinois Manu-
facturers' Association showed that
if the coal walkout lasts ten days
the jobs of 100,000 of the state's
1,134,000 in manufacturing indus-
tries will be affected with a loss of
earnings of $5,000,000 to $10,000,-
Meets Apathy'
From UofD
Almost complete apathy regard-
ing the current controversy alleg-
ing tacit iacial discrimination in
the scheduled University of De-
troit-Miami football game is evi-
dent on the U. of D. campus.
This condition was reported yes-
terday by Archie Parsons who, as
Student Legislature delegate, vis-
ited the Detroit campus yester-
day with four other students rep-
resenting eight campus organi-
zations, including IRA, SRA,
MYDA, A'7C, the Lawyers Guild,
Hillel Foundation and the Zionist
Since thh president and the ath-
letic director of the university
were out of town, the group filed
the resolution passed by the Stu-
dent Legislature Tuesday at the
office of the president, leaving a
request with his secretary that a
statement regarding the univer-
sity's policy be released as soon as
University officials with whom
the group spoke revealed that lit-
tle if any student opinion had
been arous-,d on the Detroit cam-
pus. Pars-ins reported that the
Varsity News, student publication,
had made no attempt to obtain a
comment from any university of-
ficials on tie matter and that no
discussion on the subject had ap-
peared in the paper.

. . .presides at Lewis trial
Wyatt Confers
With Truman
About Housing
Asks War Powers
To Be Reaffirmed
WASHINGTON, Nov. 27-()-
Housing Expediter Wilson Wyatt,
getting nowhere in an administra-
tion family row over his ideas, laid
his troubles before President Tru-
man today v nd said later he has no
plan to resign.
Wyatt said the President has un-
der consideration his report ask-
ing "reaffirmation" of his emer-
gency powEs. Some government
agencies have failed to comply
with some of his directives. Speak-
inig to repoters, he said there will
be further conferences.
The Housing Chief, who was re-
ported by associates ready to quit
if Mr. Truman fails to reassert
his authority, did not reply when
he was asked what he would do
if his progi am were sidetracked.
"Do you plan to resign?" a re-
porter asked.
"No sir," Wyatt replied.
Franklin D. Roosevelt Jr., tele-
graphed Mr Truman today urging
he give Wyatt 'the green light" for
his program. Roosevelt is national
housing chairman of the Ameri-
can Veterans Committee, which
announced his action.
The former President's son was
represented in an AVC statement
as believing that Mr. Truman's de-
cision would be a 'crucial indica-
tion of whether or not he intends
to scrap the major elements of the
New Deal program."
Thanks givin
Hits Bus Lines
Swamped with students home-
ward-bound for the Thanksgiving
holiday, local' Greyhound bus line
officials were forced to double and
triple the number of buses sched-
uled yesterday.
Reporting heaviest traffic on
Detroit, Lansing, Flint and To-
ledo-bound buses, officials said
that the number of passengers far
exceeded week-end bus loads.
All Detroit bus schedules were



Is Ignored
Selection of Jury
Not Yet Reached
By The Associated Press
first day of John L. Lewis' historic
contempt of court trial ended to
day with Federal Judge T. Alan
Goldsborough rebuking Lewis for
not flagging down the nation-
wide soft coal strike pending a de-
cision on the merits of the con-
With Lewis' lawyers contending
that Goldsborough's anti-strike
restraining' order was an illegal
decree calling for "involuntary
servitude," Goldsborough said:
"The court thinks there is no,
basis for misunderstanding. To
delay action for ten days would
not have injured the union. But
the union saw fit not to allow
the maintenance of the status
The judge then adjourned court
until Friday. At that time, he
announced, he will make his de-
cision on Lewis' motion to dismiss
the contempt citation, issued af-
ter Lewis ignored a restraining
order designed to head off the
great strike.
Goldsborough also announced
that he will decide Friday, or
later, whether the Norris-La-
Guardia Act curbing the use of
injunctions in labor disputes has
any bearing on the case. Lewis'
attorneys argued that the re-
straining order was invalid tin-'
der the act.
The judge warned Lewis that
he is in contempt if it is legally
proven that he made "the very
great mistake" of disobeying the
court's directive.
AFL general counsel Joseph
Padway declared it is "fundamen-
tal that men have the right to
work or not as they see fit."
"The court agrees with you
on that," Coldoreugh inter-
"So does the government,"
Assistant Attorney General John
Sonnett chimed in.
Padway said the United Mine
Workers were willing, if necessary,
to leave the question to the people
of the United States, through leg-
islation, whether they wished to
abridge the right to strike.
Goldsborough retorted that, in
his opinion, almost the whole of
Padway's argument was "beside
the point."
The opening day of the trial
was largely a battle of legal wits.
With Lewis silently listening, his
lawyers quoted law by the hour to
prove that the United Mine Work--
ers chieftain was immune from
anti-strike orders
But Goldsborough, in obvious
disagreement, declared that so-
ciety was trying to protect itself
"from cold and hunger and mis-
ery and economic distintegration."
Moreover, Goldsborough slap-
ped a longer restraining order on
On Nov. 18, Goldsborough had
issued an order which vainly
called upon Lewis to cancel his
notice that his contract with the
government was veid. This notice
signalled the soft coalnwalkout,
since the miners do not work
without a contract.
The restraining order origin-
ally was dated to expire today.
Meanwhile, arguments were to
be heard on the question of is-
suing a more permanent in-
junction, but the contempt pro-
ceedings sidetracked these.
Just 20 minutes before 2 p.m.
today, Assistant Attorney General
John F Sonnett jumped up and
asked that the restrainer be ex-
tended for 10 days. Judge Golds-
borough promptly granted the re-


Pollock Says Danger of New
Nazi Revolt 'Insignificant'

Reds Poor Competition For War -- Kiss

The danger of the' Germans
"hatching" a new crop of gang-
ster politicians from discontented
Nazi Army and SS veterans was
termed "insignificant" by Prof.
James K. Pollock, of the political

War with Russia in the future is
anybody's guess-at least from the
geographer s point of view, accord-

mostly of whom are veterans "We
must not let our imaginations run
away with us," he said.
Although demilitarization is
the pole around which our
whole policy in Germany cen-

conditions it may take Russia gen-
erations to restore her industrial
strength, he stated.

Basin in Central Asia which alone
produces niore coal than the ag-
gregate of the Appalachian re-

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