REGENT Y BACK$ REFORM See Page 4 Latgst Deadline in the State D~Ait CLOUDY, COLDER VOL. LVII, No. 55 ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN, TUESDAY, NOVEMBER 26, 1946 U r PRICE FIVE CENTS U.S., Britain Vie on Troop Census Issue Expect Molotov To Oppose Check By The Associated Press LAKE SUCCESS, N. Y., Nov. 25 -The United States split with Great Britain today on a British proposal to the United Nations Po- litical Committee for an "on-the- spot" doub'e-check of a troop cen- sus demanded by Soviet ,Russia. Russia did not tip her hand but Soviet Foreign Minister V. M. Mol- otov is expected to oppose the Brit- ish proposal when he speaks again to the committee. The debate will be resumed tomorrow at 11 a.m. (EST). Agree on Home Forces The United States and Britain, however, are in complete accord that any troop inventory should include troops at home as well as in foreign territories. Molotov has not yet accepted a count of home forces, insisting that should come when his proposal for worldwide arms limitation is taken up later. After a weekend devoted to fruitless efforts to bring some agreement into the troop inven- tory picture, Philip Noel-Baker chief British delegate, told the committee this morning that the Russian proposal for counting troops only in foreign lands was not "adequate." He insisted, as did Foreign Secretary Ernest Bev- in, of Britain, and the United States last week, that home forces must be counted. Then he put for- ward this latest proposal in an al- ready complicated picture: That the information, to be fur- nished as of Jan. 1, 1947, and on Jan. 1, 1947, "should be immedi- ately subjected to an effective United Nations system of verifi- cation on the spot by a committee to be established by the Security Council before that date." Bids for Disarmament U. S. Senator Tom Connally (Dem., Tex.), chairman of the Senate's foreign relations cdmmit- tee, followed with a call to the committee and to the whole United States for an immediate start on discussions on the "whole problem of disarmament." Connally quite plainly did not back Noel-Baker's plea for verifi- cation of the figures and a spokes- man for the U. S. delegation said the United States would vote against that idea. Russia has stoutly fought against American proposals for complete inspections in any atomic energy control. plan and, based on Russian remarks on that point, Molotov may speak at length against the British verification plan. Trieste Plan Advanced by Soviet Move NEW YORK, Nov. 25-(1)- Russia dropped tonight her objec- tion to granting the governor of Trieste emergency powers to curb internal disorders. Persons present at the delibera- tions of the foreign ministers' council said that Soviet Foreign Minister Molotov had withdrawn his protest against giving the gov- ernor the special powers to main- tain "public order and respect of human -rights." The action came following a lengthy private huddle between Secretary of State Byrnes and Molotov, the first they have held since Paris. Informed quarters would say only that they discussed the work of the council. The Byrnes-Molotov meeting was held at the Soviet foreign minister's bidding. It lasted for an hour and a quarter. The nature of their conversations remained se- cret. The fact that the Soviet spokesman sought the interview lent strength to the belief that there is mounting concern among the four powers over the lack of progress made during the session of the foreign ministers' council on peace pacts for the Axis sate- lites and on getting a start on the German treaty. St. Paul Schools Closed by Strike ST. Paul, Minn., Nov. 25--(P)~ Union teachers striking for, high- er salaries closed St. Paul's public Vets Use Up Savings In Absence of Checks Parents, Wives, 'U' Loans Support Men Awaiting GI Allotments, Survey Reveals By STUART FINLAYSON The failure of government sub- sistence checks to arrive on time is causing most student veterans to use up their war-fostered sav- ings, according to a survey made by The Daily yesterday. In a few cases student veterans are being supported by their par- ents or their wives until the checks arrive. University loans are carrying some other vets through their present financial difficulties. One-Third Have Checks Only 30 percent of the 20 stu- dent veterans interviewed had re- ceived checks and most of them are enrolled for the first time since the war. A typical comment was made by Henry Klauke who said that his check for September and Oc- tober subsistence has not arrived yet and that he has been forced to dip into savings built up during the war. "Also, four of my bud- dies who haven't received their checks yet have had to use their savings," Klauke said. Another solution to the "no- check" problem was expressed by Labor Courts Are Proposed By Ferguson Plan Would Consider Crippling Disputes WASHINGTON, Nov. 25.-()- Senator Ferguson (Rep.-Mich.) proposed today the establishment of a system of labor courts, par- alleling the existing civil judicial' system and topped by a "supreme court of labor." This plan for dealing with trou- blesome and crippling labor-man- agement disputes was advanced informally by the Senator in talk- ing with reporters across a Capitol Hill lunch table. Functions Defined Theproposed courts would ad- judicate only labor-managementi disputes, but would have compul- sory jurisdiction in disputes in- volving public utilities where pub-i lic welfare is heavily at stake. "It looks as though we've got toi get some machinery to do the job," Ferguson said. He said "the economic power of the disputing parties" should not be the decidingi factor. Penalties InvolvedE The law setting up such courts, he said, would have to carry pen-c alties "because law without pen-i alties is a mockery." He express-l ed the belief that many disputesi could be settled by the courts even before they came up for trial. Ferguson's was the latest of var- ious ideas on how to work out gen- eral legislative solutions of labor- management problems. It would have labor courts reaching down to the district court level, with appellate courts and a supremet court at the top to pass finally on decisions for settling a dispute. Membership might include lay( members as well as trained legal( experts.x Bar Certain Strikesa Senator Fulbright (Dem.-Ark.) told- a reporter that Corigress( ought to outlaw strikes in basic industries, such as coal mining, di-t rectly affecting public welfare. Het would instead compel arbitration1 of disputes in such industries. I Bill McAninch. "I'm able to man- age only because my dad is still getting his checks regularly, but it looks as if I'll have to send IOU's for Christmas presents this year," he said. Depleted Savings In his fourth term back in school -since discharge, Joe Schwartz filed the required statement of earnings two days before the deadline, but still has not received his subsis- tence check for this fall. He is "relying on already depleted sav- ings which were made while he was in the Army. A check for spring subsistence- eight months late - is the only government help that William Gail has received this fall. He has been forced to use his savings for fall expenses. The University made about 40 loans to veterans yesterday ac- cording to Gordon B. Jory, Uni- versity cashier. Last week, the first following the stated date of arrival of checks, which the Veterans Ad- ministration announced as Nov. 14, the daily rate of loans made ran slightly higher. Worried !About Loan One veteran who had not re- ceived his subsistence. payment and got a University loan, is now worried because his loan is due next Monday and he still has not received his check. Several others of the student veterans who were interviewed, in- cluding a former Wave and a married veteran, have now receiv- ed their checks but were forced to negotiate University loans until their payments came through. Four Sian U For Campus Room Survey Four students signed up as can- vassers yesterday at the first meeting of workers for the Stu- dent Legislature's housing survey. Chairman Ken Bissell said, how- ever, that 100 Willow Village resi- dents have indicated willingness to help locate available rooms for ,next semester. Student Legisla- tors and the Veterans University Council will be asked to round up the 150 additional canvassersl needed, he said. The survey, which will be con- ducted on a house-to-house basis, is designed to provide a list of rooms for students, with canvass- ers, Willow Village residents, and1 students living outside the three-t quarter mile campus area receiv- ing priority. Each canvasser willl be assigned one block in the cam- pus area. VU Leislature To Meet T'oday ' Consideration of a new commit-c tee system, plans for this year'sr J-Hop and the sending of dele- gates to the Chicago Studentst Conference will be on the Stu- dent Legislature's agenda when itr meets at 7:30 p.m. today in Rm. 306 of the Union. The meeting has been set ahead one day because of the Thanks- giving holiday, President Ray Da- vis said. Election of the Legisla- ture's cabinet, originally sched- uled for this week, has been post- poned for the same reason. Daily Undergoes Change of Face The Daily goes to press today wearing a brand new format of Ieight columns. Addition of an extra column will enable The Daily to bring more news of the world and the campus to its readers. The latest format change is one of many The Daily has made since the first four-col- umn, 12 by 12 inch paper known as the U of M Daily, made its appearance Sept. 29, 1890. On that day there were only two stories on the front page. One was the official faculty announcements, the other was a "story" urging all able-bodied men to come out for the Rugby team. The Daily was modernized slightly in the late nineties, ad- ding three inches to the depth of the page and devoting the entire first column to ads- such as "THOSE NOBBY SUITS! Milward the Tailor, State Street." The rest of page See DAILY FORMAT, Page 6 Soviet Control Produces Law ab use-Gsovski Alost Farmers Work Collectively, He Says By TOM WALSH The Soviet attempt to set ab- solute limations on the Russian peasants has fostered widespread violations of the law, resulting in the periodic purges of large num- bers of bureaucrats. That is the opinion of Dr. Vladi- mir Gsovski, Associate Librarian in charge of Foreign Law at the Li- brary of Congress, who is now in Ann Arbor to complete the manu- script on a sourcebook which will be the first English translation of the Soviet Civil Codes. Cites 'Family Descendency' Speaking on "Land Tenure in Soviet Law" at a lecture sponsored by the Law School yesterday, Dr. Gsovski declared that with the abolition of private ownership of property, land tenure has followed the pattern of "family descen- dency" which had been predomi- nent among the Russian peasants since 1861. Ten to fifteen per cent of the Russian peasants are private farm- ers raising specialized crops on their two and one-half acre farms but the bulk now work on a type of collective farm called an "artel," according to Dr. Gsovski. The ar- tel's 1,000 acres are worked collec- tively by approximately 75 fami- lies, while each family unit has a two and one-half acre homestead for its own use. Must Work Artel This plot remains the property of the family as long as its mem- bers earn the required number of hours working on the collective farm. If the peasant leaves the farm or fails to earn the required num- ber of hours work on the collective he loses his rights to the land. Dr. Gsovski pointed out that a peasant may also o removed by the presi- dent of the artel and the abuse of this power has become a major Soviet problem and the subject of much corrective legislation. Dimout Goes into Lewis Ordered To Stand Trial As U.S. MovesTo Ration Coal; Effect Here * * * * * , Full Support Is Accorded Mayor's Plea City Will Conserve Dwindling Coal Piles By ROBERT BALL Ann Arbor business districts went into "blackface" last night in ac- cordance with Mayor William E. Brown, Jr.'s request to curtail use of window display lights and ad- vertising signs in ofder to con- serve coal supplies. Both State St. and Main St. sec- tions appeared to have complied wholeheartedly with the Mayor's request, for only isolated bright spots showed where ordinarily every store front would be lighted. Principal exceptions to the dim- out were restaurants and drug stores which remain open during the night. Marquees Darkened Conspicuous victims were the usually brilliant theatre marquees The manager of one theatre stated that he had turned off his display in obedience to the suggestion, al- though he had heard of no regula- tions except what appeared in the newspapers. Observing that thea- tres are particularly liable to criti- cism on dimout infractions, he re- called that Ann Arbor theaters were among the first to comply withhwartime lighting restrictions. The University complied with the Mayor's request by keeping off the big searchlight that illuminates the Carillon Tower, Street Lights May Go None of the city's street lights were sacrificed, but it was hinted 'that some might be turned off if the coal strike continues. Mayor Brown's action echoed a nation-wide decree by the Civilian Production Administration, order- ing commercial establishments to limit their lighting to 75 per cent of that normally used, beginning at 6:00 p.m. last night. Additional curtailments are ex- pected unless the critical coal shortage is quickly alleviated. Crash Survivors In Vienna Hospital VIENNA, Austria, Nov. 25.--(O) -Six of the 12 Americans aboard an Army transport plane which crashed on a Swiss glacier last week were ordered to a hospital tonight after their arrival here from Interlaken, Switzerland, on a special U. S. Army train. Brig.-Gen. Ralph Snavely said, however, that none of the six was in bad shape. Snavely, whose wife was among the Americans ma- rooned for five days in the Alps, is chief of the air division of the U. S. forces in the European theater. TO STAND TRIAL-John L. Lewis, left, was ordered to stand trial tomorrow for contempt of court by Federal Judge T. Alan Goldsborough, right. HOLIDAY CONCESSION: Railroad May Add Extra Cars For yusshinDRuh Despite the need for curtailed passenger train service because of short coal supplies, several cars may be added to each train to handle the expected overflow Thanksgiving Day crowds, the New York Central Railroad announced yesterday. Reduction of service was insti- tuted Sunday night. No changes have been made on the Mercury and Twilight runs Heady -Named To Take Over Perkins' Post Dr. C. Ferrel Heady, Jr., of the political science department, will teach Political Science 171 (Pub- lic Administration) for the rest of this semester in place of Prof. John A. Perkins, Prof. Everett S. Brown, chairman of the depart- ment, announced yesterday. Prof. Perkins is on leave of ab- sence from the University in his new job as state budget director. Dr. Heady has been an instruc- tor in the political science depart- mert since last spring. He received his Ph.D. from Washington Uni- versity in St. Louis. Since then he has held positions with the Brook- ings Institute in Washington, D.C. and the Department of Agricul- ture. More recently, he was a lieutenant in the Navy. Engineering Students To Elect Councilmen Four engineering school students will be elected to positions on the Engineering Council tomorrow, Harold L. Walters, acting chair- man of the election committee, an- nounced last night. Walters said that the polls will be open from 9 a.m. to 3 p.m. Two freshmen, one junior and one senior position are open on the Council. from Detroit to Chicago and re- turn. Schedule changes as previously announced are : No. 17 New York Wolverine and No. 33 New England Wolverine, Detroit to Chicago, combined to leave Ann Arbor on No. 17 time, 8:21 a.m.; No. 315 Motor City Ex- press and No. 345, Detroit to Chi- cago, combined to leave Ann Arbor oh No. 315 time, 12:12 a.m.. No. 308 Advance Wolverine and No. 8, Chicago to Detroit, combined to leave Ann Arbor on No. 8 time, 6:51 p.m.; No. 316 Motor City Ex- press and No. 342, Chicago to De- troit, combined to leave Ann Ar- bor on No. 316 time, 7:01 a.m. No. 322, new commuter train Kalamazoo to Detroit discontin- ued; No. 321, Detroit .to Kalama- zoo, leaving Ann Arbor at 6:18 p.m. will stop at Jackson. French Social System Topic Of Talky Today Prof. Georges Gurvitch, Profes- sor of Sociology at the University of Strasbourg in France, will speak on "The Social Structure of Liber- ated France," at 4:15 p.m. today in Rackham Amphitheatre. A member of the Executive Com- mittee of the Center of Sociologi- cal Studies in Paris, Prof. Gur- vitch is in this country under the auspices of the Cultural Relations Department of the French Foreign Office to promote closer contacts between French and American Re- search Insltitutes in the social sci- ences. Prof. Gurvitch, a specialist in legal sociology, was in the United States during the recent war, when he taught ASTP groups at Har- yard and Rutgers, and did consid- erable work with the War Depart- ment. Labor Warned Not To Rouse Congress' Ire CPA Orders Check On 21-State Dimout By The Associated Press WASHINGTON, Nov. 25-Offi- cials acted to ration coal to schools and government buildings throughout the nation tonight as John L. Lewis told a court he stands on his contract termination notice and was ordered to trial for contempt. Federal Judge T. Alan Golds- borough, warning unions to beware of arousing "such public feeling as to induce Congress to do some- thing which may set the labor movement back for years," ordered Lewis to trial starting Wednesday. A judgment can scarcely be reached before next week, how- ever, and there was every indica- tion that the soft coal strike will continue at least until then. New Developments The trial will be double-bar- relled. It will try the contempt charge; and simultaneously it will be a hearing on the government's move for an injunction and a rul- ing on whether Lewis' contract termination notice was lawful. Against that black background developments came crowding: 1. The Solid Fuels Administra- tion decreed that schools and fed- eral, state and city government of- fices seeking any of the meager emergency supplies of soft coal which the government had frozen must apply to Washington for it. Utilities, food plants, hospitals and other essential users were given preference over schools and gov- ernments may order direct from dealers. 2. The Civilian Production Ad- ministration ordered an immediate and rigid check by its regional of- ficers to see that the 21-state dimout is observed. This wide- spread power and lighting curtail- ment, ordered last week, went into force at 6 p.m. tonight. Steel Cuts Made 3. U. S. Steel Corporation subsi- diaries announced a drastic cur- tailment of operations starting to- morrow. This followed curtail- ments already made by other steel mills. 4. Senator Fulbright (Dem., Ark.) renewed his call for Presi- dent Truman to resign in favor of a Republican. He declared in a radio forum that the President cannot speak to Lewis "with the full authority of our nation." He and other congressmen also ad- vanced fresh proposals for laws to curb strikes. 5. Virginia authorities started legal action against Lewis under the state's "Blue Sky" law. They ordered him to appear Monday to show cause why he should not .be barred"from selling and promoting "securities, namely, memberships" in his union without sanction o state authorities. IRA To Hold Meeting Today Plans for concrete action in sup- port of the National Anti-Lynch- ing Bill Campaign will be formu- lated at a meeting of the Inter- Racial Association at 7:15 p.m. to- day in the Union. In addition, members of IRA will consider steps to be taken, in com- pany with AVC, MYDA, SRA and the Lawyers Guild, to urge the University of Detroit to cancel a recently scheduled football game with the University of Miami. Testing of restaurants and other commercial enterprises for' evi- dences of acial and religious dis- crimination and further activity in behalf of the local FEPC Petition Campaign will also be discussed. Band Vacancies NEWS FROM NORWAY: Resistance Leader To Speak On European Students' 1Pi "oht A leader of the Norwegian re- sistance movement during the war and a graduate of the University of Oslo, Andreas Schanke will speak on the plight of European students at 7:30 p.m. today in Lane Hall. Schanke, who is making a two- month tour of college campuses in the east, south, and midwest, is a member of the staff of the World's Student Christian Fed- eration and responsible princi- pally for students in the Scan- dinavian countries. He has stud- ied both history and English and in am-Wion In hisativitie in the 1 1 7 World News at a Glance* By The Associated Press WASHINGTON, Nov. 25-Spokesmen for three pipe line com- panies told the House Surplus Property Committee today their com- panies were prepared to move natural gas through the big and little inch lines to the east in from two to four weeks. The hearing took on added interest because of the coal strike. MOSCOW, Nov. 25 -- Soviet scientists claimed today to have discovered a new kind of atomic disintegration and to have uncovered new and highly important data about cosmic rays and the earth's composition. WASHINGTON, Nov. 25-Housing expediter Wilson Wyatt ac- cused the RFC today of "banking-as-usual" tactics in the housing crisis and RFC director George Allen reported it was only protecting "the taxpayers' dollar." MILWAUKEE, Nov. 25--Sixteen persons were arrested and three injured today as Milwaukee area CIO workers staged a mass demonstration, marked by stone throwing and picket line skirmishes, at the sprawling plant of the strikebound Allis-Chal- mers Manufacturing Company. * * * * LONDON, Nov. 25-Food Minister John Strachey told the House of Commons today that the stoppage of the soft coal industry in the United States "has added a further and more serious complication" to the difficult British food problem and that there was "no possibility" ADVICE TO SNIFFLERS: Dr. Bell Warns Against Using Gunshot Remedies' for Colds By JOAN KATZ If you're suffering from a stop- ped-up nose, stuffy head, raw throat or any of the other Well- advertised symptoms which ac- company colds, don't squander your money on prepared "cures." That is the general opinion of physicians most informed on res- piratory infections, according to Dr. Margaret Bell, acting director of Health Service, who says that cecause salii'a ceans the alm st immcaitcly. This does not ' Jrly to cer^nt, infections known. to be combascd ty specific irugs, she added. Isolating oneself from others while remazniig its bed for from 24 to 48 hours, is the best gera'v .l tr, hod for preventing a cold from c~eeloping serious complications, and should be Bone at the sligat- est sign of a c-old, Dr. be'I ad-