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November 24, 1946 - Image 1

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The Michigan Daily, 1946-11-24

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See Page 4

Latest Deadline in the State








U. .Asks
Fuel Freeze Tightens;
'Cut Coal Use'--Mayor




L' ,

Win 58-6 As Illini
Beat Wildcats, 20-0
Chappuis Tosses Three Touchdowns,
Scores One, Breaks Two Records
Special To The Daily
COLUMBUS, Ohio, Nov. 23 - Rolling up eight touchdowns and a field
goal, Michigan's revived Wolverines wound up their 1946 season with a
bang by completely outclassing Ohio State, 58-6, before 78,634 stunned fans
here this afternoon.
But the Wolverines' huge final explosion wasn't enough to rocket
them into the Western Conference championship as Illinois, needing
only a win over Northwestern today to take the crown, did just that by
grinding out a 20-0 triumph over the Wildcats. Michigan's win gave it
undisputed second place to the Illini.
The Maize and Blue just could not do anything wrong this afternoon.
Their corps of fast-charging linemen ripped wide holes in the Buckeye line

Lewis Hearing
Is Tomorrow
State Police Captain Don S.
Leonard was officially designated
as State Fuel Administrator by
Governor Kelly late Saturday and
instructed to take "all necessary
steps" to conserve Michigan's coal
supplies in view of the current tie
up of the nation's soft coal mines,
according to an Associated Press
WASHINGTON, Nov. 23- (P) -
The government called for "drastic
rationing" of coal by local communi-
ties throughout the nation tonight as
signs pointed to a protracted strike
and a bitter fight with John L. Lewis.
Secretary of the Interior Krug tele-
graphed the 48 governors suggesting
curtailments of industrial power,
dimouts more extensive than those
already ordered and the closing of
amusement places and even schools
where communities find their coal
stocks low.
Hearing Arguments Prepared
He acted as lawyers for Lewis and
the justice department worked over-
time preparing arguments for Mon-
day's hearing on a contempt of court
citation, next round in the legal bat-
tle, and President Truman ended his
week's vacation at Key West, Fla.
The President's-return to resume
personal direction of the finish fight
he has ordered against Lewis was
expected to signal a round of official
conferences seeking further means to
See COAL, Page 3
Housing Survey
Meeting Is Set
For Tomorrow
The Student Legislature Housing
Survey, designed to obtain a list of
rooms availa le to students next se-
mester with priority to Willow Run
Veterans, Wil get under way at 3
p.m. tomorrow in the Union with a
meeting of all students interested in
Division captains for the house-to-
house survey will be chosen at the
meeting. Ken Bissell, survey chair-
man, said that captains will super-
vise the work of the individual can-
vassers each of whom will be assigned
one block in the campus area.
According to Bissell, inquiries will
be made about all rooms available
for rent next semester, especially
About 150 more canvassers are
needed for the Student Legislature
Housing Survey, Ken Bissell, com-
mittee chairman, said last night.
those now occupied by fall term grad-
uates. He said that the cooperation
of landladies and housemothers will
be asked in finding rooms
After the number of rooms avail-
able are determined, Bissell said that
a priority system of disposal will be
used. First priority will go to can-
vassers, with Willow Village residents
receiving first preference. All other
Villagers will have second priority.
Third priority will go tostudents liv-
ing outside the three quarter mile
campus area.
According to rules set up by the
survey committee, each' applicant, in
his priority, will be given a chance to1
view three rooms. He may take any
of the three, but if he refuses all
three, he will be dropped to the next
A meeting of all canvassers from
the Village will be held at West Lodge
at 3 p.m., Tuesday.
Delegates from 'U'

May Go to Chicago
When the Student Legislature
meets Tuesday it will hear the recom-

Sees Long
Drop City


Mayor William E. Brown Jr. yes-
terday called on all Ann Arbor citi-
zens to conserve existing coal sup-
plies in every possible way.
"There is no immediate cause for
alarm since local coal stocks are suf-
ficient for at least a month" the
mayor said. In a survey made yes-
terday by the mayor, he found retail
coal dealers with a 30-day supply on
hand, while the Detroit Edison
Power Co. ha enough coal to carry
them over a 90 day period.
Foreseeing an extended walk-out
in the coal industry, Mayor Brown
told newsmen that he would issue a
proclamation early this week, asking
the cooperation of the townspeople
in cutting coal consumption. If nec-
essary Ann Arbor Common Council
will enact a special ordinance gov-
erning use," he added.
Meanwhile a Daily survey of local
coal dealers revealed a rush byhome
owners to lay in extra coal stocks.
Dealers have been forced to turn
away those who have more than ten-
day's supply on hand, however. A
federal order early last week requires
zonsumers to sign a statement swear-
ing that they have less than a ten-
day stock before additional delivery
can be made.
University Acts
To Save Coal
In an effort to cut down Univer-
sity coal consumption, immediate
conservation measures have been an-
nounced by Plant Supervisor E. C.
Complying with government re-
quests to curtail coal consumption,
Pardon has ordered that all building
thermostats be set at 68 degrees. A
crew is being trained to shut off all
steam outlets in University buildings
at night. This measure, which is ex-
pected to effect a considerable coal
saving, will go into effect Tuesday.
Train Schedule
Changes Made
A temporary reduction of passen-
ger train service through Ann Arbor
because of fast depleting coal sup-
plies was announced yesterday by the
New York Central Railroad.
All changes will go into effect at
11:59 p.m. today.
Schedule changes as announced
No. 17 and 33, Detroit to Chicago,
combined to leave Ann Arbor on No.
17 time, 8:21 a.m.; No. 315 Motor
City Express and No. 345, Detroit to
Chicago, combined to leave Ann Ar-
bor on No. 315 time, 12:12 a.m.
No. 308 and 8, Chicago to Detroit,
combined to leave Ann Arbor on No.
8 time, 6:51 p.m.; No. 316 and 342,
Chicago to Detroit, combined to
leave Ann Arbor on No. 316 time, 7:01
No. 322, new commuter train Kala-
mazoo to Detroit discontinued; No.
321, Detroit to Kalamazoo, leaving
Ann Arbor at 6:18 p.m. will stop at

Illinois Takes
Big Nine Title;
Indiana Third


ARMY RESCUE CREW BOARDS PLANE FOR ALPS SEARCH - Members of an Army rescue crew board
a transport plane at Grenoble, France, on the outskirts of the French Alps to fly over the area where a C-53
transport plane with 11 Americans aboard crashed on the icy slopes of an 8,000-foot Alpine glacier. Swiss
mountain climbers, parachutists and a glider crew al so were incorporated in the plan to reach
the wreckage,

Iowa Fourth;
Jump to Fifth


I ,

Rescuers Reach Crash Scene;
To Remove 11 Survivors Today

.i _ _ _ _ _ _

MEIRINGEN, Switzerland, Nov. 23
-(P)-A 60-man rescue squad today
crawled to 11 Americans whose
U. S. Army transport plane crashed
on a glacier high in the Alps, but
Swiss military sources said the
squad had abandoned efforts to start
removal of the passengers from their
icy shelf until tomorrow morning.
That meant that the passengers,
including four women and an 11-
year-old girl, must spend a fifth night
on the 8,000 foot high glacier. Doc-
tors were in the rescue party, how-
ever, and supplies have been dropped
to ease the plight of the injured.
The Swiss authorities said it had
been planned to take some of the pas-
sengers down to a halfway hut used
by skiers as a~ shelter, but this was
called off as darkness enveloped the
Radio communication with the
plane was ineffectual and there was'
no way in which authorities at Meir-
ingen could learn the condition of the
passengers. Previous reports had said
eight were stretcher cases.
The Swiss announcement said ra-
dio equipment would be dropped at
the scene Tonight and that two
Fieseler-Storch planes of 'German-
make and similar to American artil-
lery observation planes, might be
landed near the glacier camp if the
physical condition of the injured
SRA Asks 'U of '
Not To Play Miami
In a resolation stating that the
field of sports should be devoid of any
discriminations, the Student Relig-
ious Association yesterday urged the
University of Detroit to cancel its
football game with the University of
Miami next Saturday.
Lyman H. Leyters, president of the
SRA and Barbara Stauffer, public
affairs chairman, announced !this
action and said that they hoped that
the University of Detroit would co-
operate in establishing a democratic

make such a hazardous operation
The rescuers reached the scene of
last Tuesday's crash after ploughing
for hours through heavy drifts, ex-
ploring carefully for deep crevices
hidden under deceiving expanses of
new snow.
Brown Lands
State Appointee
Stason Praises Work
Of Perkins in Institute
Prof. John A. Perkins, who was ap-
pointed state budget director Friday
by Gqv. Harry Kelly is "a promising
young man in this field," Prof. Ever-
ett S. Brown, chairman of the politi-
cal science department, commented
"The department feels compli-
mented that the government turned
here to get the man for the job," he
said; "it is-an honor to us as well as
to Prof. Perkins."
Prof. Perkins, who will begin his
new duties tomorrow, has been teach-
ing several political science courses
and has been secretary of the Insti-
tute of Public Administration since
its establishment last spring.
The appointment was "in many
ways a complete surprise," Prof.
Brown said, and temporary arrange-
ments for the handling of Prof. Per-
kins' courses will have to be made
within the department.
Dean E. Blythe Stason, of the Law
School, who is chairman of the Exec-
utive Committee of the Institute,
joined with Prof. Brown in pointing
out that there would be "no serious
interruption of the work of the Insti-
He stated that the committee will
meet Tuesday to make plans for con-
tinuance of the work and to arrange
for someone to succeed Prof. Perkins
as counselor to the students and ad-
ministrative officer in charge of the

U.S. Hopes for
Accord at UN
Arms Parley
LAKE SUCCESS, N.Y., Nov. 23-
(A')-The United States was hopeful
of agreement tonight on world troop
inventory and disarmament propo-
sals before the United Nations as
private talks began among the Big
Five powers on conflicting British
and Russian plans.
Authoritative sources, however,
said the American delegation was
ready to support British proposals
for joint U.N. discussions on the
two controversial issues if week-end
talks failed to reconcile British and
Russian views.
The present plan, these sources
said, is for the United States to
support the British plan for com-
bining the two important issues, if
the present consultations fail, and in
the event the British resolution is
defeated, the U.S. might offer pro-
posals of its own.
At the same time, British sources
said the United Kingdom delegation
was considering a United Nations
inspection board to determine with
accuracy figures submitted on troops
of all member countries at home
and abroad.
Shooting Gets
Ukraine Protest
LAKE SUCCESS, N. Y., Nov. 23
-(P)-Ukrainian Foreign Minister
Dmitri Manullsky today handed Sec-
retary of State Byrnes a formal pro-
test against what he said appeared
to be "a premeditated attempt" on
the life of Gregory V. Stadnik, a
member of the Ukrainian delegation
to the United Nations.-
Manuilsky previously had told
newsmen that he considered the
shooting, which took place in a mid-
town New Yolk delicatessen Wednes-
day night, as a "political crime." The
Russian press and radio also have at-
tacked American authorities for fail-
ure to apprehend the assailants.

Sniffing the sweet scent of roses,
Illinois' bunch of opportunists caught
Northwestern pulling itself off the
floor after last week's bruising bat-
tle with Notre Dame, and applied the
clincher for their first undisputed.
Western Conference title since 1928.
It wasn't any of the Illini's highly
touted backs that showed the way in.
the 20-0 triumph, but a lanky second
stringer, Art Dufelmeier, who wds
easily the outstanding back on the
field. Dufelmeier rang up 113 yards
in 10 attempts, featuring a scintillat-
ing 53-yard touchdown run in the
second stanza in which he was in and
out of the arms of half the Wild-
cat team.
Ex-Irish Click
A former pair of Notre Dame's~
finest, Halfback Julie Rykovich and
End Bill Huber clicked on a nine-
yard pass for Illinois' first score early
in the second period, while the icing
was applied in the fourth quarter by
sub fullback, Bert Piggott who blast-
ed over from the one yard stripe after
hammering away at the sagging Pur-
ple line for five plays from the North-
western 20.
Illinois, withr a Big Nine record of
six wins against a lone defeat at the
hands of Indiana, can now settle
back to wait for an almost certain
Rose Bowl bid. Complications are
liable to enter the picture, however,
when the Western Conference facul-
ty directors sit down to the balloting
with Michigan's 58 to 6 rout of
highly-regarded Ohio State ringing
in their ears.
Indiana Outruns Purdue
Elsewhere in the Big Nine, Indiana,
the dethroned champions, clinched
third place by outscoring Purdue
What was billed as essentially a
passing duel between Ben Raimondi
See ILLINOIS, Page 7
Funeral Rites Held
For Regent's Wife
Funeral services were held yester-
day afternoon in Detroit for Mrs.
Edna Kennedy, wife of University Re-
gent Charles S. Kennedy. t
Mrs. Alexander G. Ruthven, Pro-
vost and Mrs. James P. Adams and
Secretary Herbert Watkins attended
the services.
The last rites were held at the
Kennedy home. Mrs. Kennedy died

twhile checking the Ohioans on the
ground with a net rushing yardage
of 77 yards. And the Michigan back
field, operating with beautiful de
ception, opened the air lanes with
a spectacular exhibition of passing.
The Wolverines just could not be
denied. Their 16 completed passes
in 29 attempts amassed 300 yards
khile the ground attack, playing
second fiddle today, ground out an-
other 209 yards.
If there was any individual hero
it was Bob Chappuis. Needing only
95 yards to surpass Otto Graham's
Big Nine - total offense mark, the
Wolverine tailback polished off that
mark in the first period and spent
the rest of the game raising the new
record a. little higher.
Of the 21 aerials Chappuis at-
tempted, 13 were good for the amaz-
ing total of 244 yards. On nine rush-
es Chappuis added another 26 yards
to bring his afternoon's total to 210
yards. Today's effort brought his
Big Nine total to 1,038 yards for
the season, just 176 better than Gra-
ham's old mark.
Bob Mann again shared the of-
fensive limelight with Chappuis.
The Maize and Blue end snagged
five aerials for 101 yards and made
another 33 yards on two end-
arounds. Thus Mann set . a new
yardage record for receivers with
a 284 season total.
For the ninth time in as many
games, Michigan scored first. In
fact, the Wolverines hit pay dirt the
first time they had the ball, eating
up 64 yards on 12 plays. Ohio took
the opening kickoff but could do
nothing and punted.
Starting on the Wolverine 36, Bob
Wiese and Hank Fonde alternated
in rolling up four first downs to the
Buckeye 28.
Then Chappuis uncorked a pass
Icelantdic Group
Will Sing Here
Concert Tomorrow
To Be Series' Fifth
Under the direction of Sigurdur
Thordarson, the Icelandic Singers
will present the fifth concert of the
Choral Union Series at 8:30 p.m. to-
morrow in Hill Auditorium.
The chorus, comprised of 36 men,
features Stefan Islandi, tenor, and
Gudmundur Jonsson, baritone, as
Now making their first concert tour
in America, the Singers were brought
to the attention of American music
lovers by servicemen stationed in Ice-
land during the war. Since their
founding 20 years ago the Singers
have been well known in Europe for
their performances of native songs
as well as classical choral works.
Tomorrow's program will include
three songs' by the group's conduc-
tor, who is ao the manager of Ice-
land'.s State Broadcasting Service.
Thordarson founded the chorus
after choral studies in Germany and
Austria and has directed it in all of
its tours.
Molotov Rejects
Veto Revision
NEW YORK, Nov. 23-(AP)-Sov-
iet Foreign Minister Molotov flatly
rejected tonight Anglo- Amiran.



Colleges, Coed Schools Both Do Good Job



Are coeds "beautiful decorations"
or are women who attend schools like
Vagsar and Mount Holyoke inmates
of a nunnery?
Taking a middle-of-the-road
stand in the recent controversy
over the relative merits of wom-
en's colleges and coeducational in-
stitutions, Miss Alice Lloyd, Dean
of Women, declared yesterday that
both tyues of schools are doing a

for either to be on the defensive,"
Miss Lloyd said.
The renewed controversy over
education-fo;'-one-sex versus co-
education stems from recent state-
ments by the heads of two promi-
nent eastern women's colleges.
Dean Virginia Gildersleeve, of Co-
lumbia University's Barnard College,
said: "Our students can pursue their
intellectual activities in the classroom

The statements drew comments
from readers of the New York Herald
Tribune, whose letters were published
in the newspaper's education page.
Pro-coeducation readers maintained
that the environment of women's col-
leges is "unnatural" because the stu-
dents do not have the experience of
competing with men. Pro-women's
college readers echoed the statements
of Dean Gildersleeve and President

and on that point the women's col-
leges have a right to be critical of
coeducational colleges."
The text of Miss Lloyd's statement
"The recent controversy in the New
York Herald Tribune over the rela-
tive merits of women's colleges and
coeducational institutions in the
higher education of women seems to
me rather unnecessary at this period

"Women's colleges have on their
faculties women trained at coedu-
cational institutions and graduates
of women's colleges are appointed
to teaching positions on coeduca-
tional campuses which shows a de-
gree of mutual respect and recogni-
tion. It is true that many coedu-
cational institutions have been
shockingly reluctant in appointing
qualified women to important aca-

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