PAGr i Tx
Experts Predict 60 Per Cent
Divorce Rate for Veterans
More than 60 per cent of the vet-
erans who married during the war
will have been divorced by 1950.
That is the prediction of experts
cited by Dr. W. F. Goode, of Wayne
University, yesterday at an all day
meeting of the Michigan Conference
of Family Relations here. Speakers
at the conference agreed that war
Foreign Student
Group To Hold
Sunday Supper
Reviving a pre-war custom, the In-
ternational Center will again serve
Sunday night supper to foreign stu-
dents and friends at 6:30 p.m. tomor-
row and every week following.
The regular Sunday evening pro-
gram will follow at 7:30 p.m. in Rm.
316 of the Union, and will be open to
the public.
David Hidinger, boogie-woogie
pianist, will mighlight this week's pro-
gram. A film, "The Development of
American Music," will also be shown.
There will be a charge of 50 cents
per person for supper. Approximately
80 people will be served. Persons
planning to have supper should pur-
chase a ticket in the office of the In-
ternational Center or phone Exten-
sion 358 for a reservation.
Plans for the supper and program
have been under the direction of the
Iinternationa l Students Committee
program division which consists of
Marcus Crapsey (United States), Wil-
liam Correa (India), and Turan Mus-
kara (Turkey).
Eclipse of Sun Due Today
NEW YORK, Nov. 22- -A par-
tial eclipse of the sun visible in Can-
ada and all but the southwestern
corner of the United States will oc-
cur tomorrow, and the weatherman
said most U.S. residents would have
at least a fair chance to see it.
S Dine in the Charming
c Early American Atmosphere
11:30-1:30 LUNCHv
5:30-8:30 DINNER
12:00-8:30 SUNDAY
Featuring Rupert Otto O
at the New Organ
Make Your Reservation forO
y Thanksgiving Now!
We cater to Student Parties._
O Call 26544Q
Half block west of State Street
( <-oo< ->o-0<o><-08
marriages are breaking up in the di-
vorce courts at an appalling rate,
and they suggested that part of the
explanation for this trend is that di-
vorce has beeome "socially accepta-
ble" and almost "fashionable" in this
Dr. Evelyn Duvall, secretary of the
National Conference on Family Rela-
tions, listed as methods of countering
the increase in marriage failures re-
search on causes of social break-
downs, improvement in social stand-
ards, marriage counseling, and edu-
cation for marriage. Mrs. Duvall gave
special praise to the effort of edu-
cational institutions to prepare young
people for mariage. She pointed out
that 550 colleges in this country now
give "marriage and family" courses
of some sort, and that many schools
have set up facilities for personal
counseling of students.
New officers of the Michigan Con-
ference elected at yesterday's meet-
ing are: president, Prof. R. C. Wood
of the sociology department; presi-
dent-elect, Prof. Howard F. Bigelow,
of Western Michigan College; and
secretary-treasurer, Prof. Norman F.
Kinzie, of Michigan State College.
Dimout in 21
States Ordered
To Save Coal
(Continued from Page 1)
escalator service in any building?
having more than one passenger ele-
vator or escalator to 75 per cent of
normal use.
The House Surplus Property Com-
mittee, meanwhile, in a move obvi-
ously prompted by the coal strike,
called for a hearing on the possible
emergency use of the big inch and
little pipe lines to carry natural gas
to ease the coal shortage.
The first scattered layoffs were re-
ported in industries dependent on coal
for continued operations and indus-
try spokesmen predicted the number
of unemployed would swell into the
millions if '-he dispute were pro-
However, ODT Director J. Mon-
roe Johnson announced a planned
embargo on rail freight traffic would
be postponed "for several days." Ex-
isting coal stocks available to rail-
roads, he said, made immediate ac-
tion unnecessary.
Meanwhile, clamor for a special
session of Congress to deal with the
coal situation continued on Capital
Hill and Rep. Hoffman (Rep., Mich.)
proposed suspension of the Wagner
Act "until the miners go back to
John L. Lewis appeared in genial
mood as he went about his business
during the day. He accepted service
of the contempt citation from two
federal marshals at his office the first
thing in the morning. Implicit in his
action appeared to be a determina-
tion not to say the word that would
send his miners back to work, but to
go to court Monday for the legal
Former Student
Loses Case
(Continued from Page 2)
FIRST OFFICERS to receive commissions in the New Michigan Na-
tional Guard are Captain Robert Steffy (left), University student and
AAF veteran, and Capt. Urban Drew, student at the University of De-
troit. Gov. Kelly, commander-in-chief of the Guard is congratulating
the officers. The Guard's recruiting drive is on now. Information can
be obtained at the Armory, telephone 2-0490.
National Guard
Enlists 1,669
Five Air Force Units
Included in Activation
LANSING, Nov. 22-(IP)-A total
of 1,210 enli.3ted men and 459 offi-
cers had joined the new Michigan
National Guard by November 19, and
before the holidays, nearly all of the
units of the 46th Infantry Division
will be activated, Governor Kelly said
The governor estimated that by
January 1, the guard will have en-
listed more than half its pre-war
strength of 6,000 men.
Kelly said that to date five Air
Force units have been activatedat
Romulus Field, in addition to the
state headquarters and headquarters
detachment at Lansing, the head-
quarters and headquarters company,
First Battalion, 126th Regiment at
Saginaw and "B" Battery, 119th Field
Artillery Battalion at Grand Ledge.
He said more than 30 state units
would be inspected preliminary to
activation between now and Decem-
ber 15.
Glider Prepares
To Aid in Crash
Experienced Alpinists
Will Attempt Rescue
INTERLAKEN, Switzerland, Nov.
22--(A)-Swiss mountain climbers
began a gruelling race tonight and a
glider crew and parachutists prepared
for desperate ventures to reach 11
passengers of a crashed American
Army transport plane who had sur-
vived three days and nights of bitter
cold on the icy slopes of an 8,000-foot
alpine glacier.
Experienced alpinists said the
ground party faced a 20-hour climb
over rugged and treacherous ter-
rain-the last lap on hands and knees
--to the scene of the crash, 13 miles
southeast of here. But there was a
chance that a glider and parachutists
would get there first.
Tn Frankfurt, 70 volunteer U. S.
Army parachutists were standing by
for orders to make a hazardous mercy
jump on the glacier tomorrow. Dark-
ness prevented them from trying
again today.
Lane Hall Discassin .g. .
The Rev. Mr. Henry 0. Yoder of
the Lutheran Student Association
will review D. Elton Trueblood's "Pre-
dicament of Modern Man" at the
luncheon discussion at 12:15 p.m. to-
day in Lane Hall.
Reservations will be accepted at
Lane Hall before 10 a.m. today.
'Aladdin's Lamp,.' . .
The speech department will give
the second and third performance
of "Aladdin and the Wonderful
Lamp" at 1:30 and 3:30 p.m. today
at Lydia Mendelssohn Theatre.
The box office will be open for
ticket sales at 10 a.m.
* * *
Palestine Question ..
Judith Laiken, secretary of the Un-
iversity chapter of Intercollegiate
Zionist Federation of American, will
lead a discussion on the Palestine sit-
uation during the Congregational-
Disciples Guild meeting at 7:30. p.m.
today in the Guild House, 438 May-
Hillel Seminnar . .
Rabbi Gershon Rosenstock will lead
the third of a series of discussions
on "Vital Relationships in Religion,"
entitled "Man and God," at 8 p.m.
Monday at the B'nai B'rith Hillel
The contrasting theories of deism
and pantheism, or God considered as
a static and as a moving force, will
be considered by Rabbi Rosenstock.
'FEPC in Michigan'.
Prof. Edward W. McFarland, of
the Wayne University sociology de-
partment will address the Michigan
chapter of the Independent Citi-
zens' Committee of the Arts, Sci-
ences, and Professions at 8 p.m. to-
morrow in the Unitarian Church,
1917 Washtenaw.
Prof. McFarland, who is chair-
man of the metropolitan Detroit
Read and Use
The DailyClassifieds
gErPC('Couneil, will speak on.FEPCj
in Michigan."
The lecture is open to the public.
The meeting will be chairmaned
by Rabbi Herschel Lymon, direc-
tor of Hillel Foundation.
Palmer To Give Recital..
Prof. Lynne Palmer, of the School
of Music and former first harpist of
the Philadelphia Orchestra, will pre-
sent a harp recital at 8:30 p.m. tomor-
row at Lydia Mendelssohn Theatre.
Accompanied by Marie Mountain
Clark, flutist, and William Klenz.
'cellist. Prof. Palmer will play selec-
tions by Haydn, Galluppi, Rameau,
Handel, Debussy, Guion and Salzego.
The concert will be open to the
general public without charge.
round of qualification matches
p.m. Tuesday on the ROTC
The 12 marksmen with the highest
total scores for three matches will
constitute the club team. A warm-up
match with the University ROTC
team has been arranged for next
month, and several challenges have
been receive-d from other university
teams, including Michigan State and
Pittsburgh University.
Several openings still remain in the
club for experienced small-bore
marksmen. Those interested may
come to any of the weekly Tuesday
night meetings on the ROTC range.
eRife Club Matches . .f.
The Rifle Club will hold its final
+ ____.
at 7
_. .
< - .
." 4
_ r
The temporary restraining order
which the court issued had directed
Ratliff to close up the hole in Berg's
apartment and to restore the heat
and water.
The defencient received a suspend-
ed sentence and was ordered to turn
on the service and repair the hole
in the wall.
Ratliff entered the University in
1934, but failed to graduate. He was
majoring in creative writing and
won first prize in the Hopwood con-
test for a fiction story his freshman
Dr. Allen Discusses
Struggle in China
If the Chinese Communists and
the Chiang Kai-Shek Nationalists
should have a show-down fight with
neither side receiving any outside
aid, the Communists would un-
doubtedly come out on top, Dr. Stew-
art Allen said last night in a talk at
Robert Owen Co-op House.
Dr. Allen, who spent seventeen
years in China as a medical mission-
ary and as investigator for the Ca-
nadian Red Cross explained that al-
though the National Government
under Chiang had in some ways re-
lieved the plight of the peasants, the
Communists had instituted such
striking reforms in North China that
they would easily have the support
of this group, unless the National-
ists should carry out similar reforms.
1917 Washtenaw
Edward H Redman. Minister
11:00 A.M.: Services. Rev. Edward H. Redman
preaching on: "Religion of the Free Spirit."
6:30 P.M.: Unitarian Student Group. Theme:
"What I Believe."
State and William Streets
Rev. Leonard. A. Parr, D.D., Minister
9:30 A.M.: Men's Discussion Group. Dr. Dwight
Long will speak on "The U.N. and World
10:45 A.M.: A Thanksgiving Season Service. Dr.
Parr will preach on "A Sense of Humus."
6:00 P.M.: Congregational-Disciples Guild -
Supper. The Reverends Henry Yoder, F. E.
Zendt, and Leonard A. Parr will discuss the
topic "My Religion Meets A Need."
(Disciples of Christ)
Hill and Tappan
F. E. Zendt, Minister to Congregation
Madelene Jones, Choir Director
GUILD HOUSE, 438 Maynard Street
H. L. Pickerill, Minister to Student Guild
Jean Garee, Assistant in Student Work
10:50 A.M.: Morning Worship Service. Sermon
by the minister. Nursery for children during
the service.
6:00 P.M.: Guild Sunday Evening Hour. "My
Religion Meets A Need" will be discussed by
Revereand Henry Yoder, Lutheran Student
Association; Reverend F. E. Zendt, Memorial
Christian Church and Dr. Leonard A. Parr,
First Congregational Church.
1432 Washtenaw
W. P. Lemon, D.D., and James Van Pernis,
Frieda Op't Holt Vogan, Director of Music
Ruth Kirk, Church Worker
10:45 A.M.: Morning Worship. Dr. Lemon's ser-
mon topic "Our Hope Is In ..."
5:00 P.M.: Westminster Guild meets in Social
Hall. Devotional Program and Movie on Mis-
sions. Supper follows.
1511 Washtenaw Avenue
Rev. Alfred Scheips. Pastor (Missouri Synod)
9:45 A.M.: and 11:00 A.M., Sunday: Identical
Services, with the pastor preaching on the
subject, "A Noble Goal-Readiness for Jesus'
Return." (Last Sunday of the Church Year.)
5:15 P.M., Sunday: Supper Meeting of Gamma
Delta, Lutheran Student Club, at the Center.
7:30 P.M., Wednesday: Bible Study Hour.
11:00 A.M., Thursday: Special Thanksgiving Day
Service, with the pastor preaching on the
theme, "Count Your Many Blessings!"
8:00 P.M., Friday: Gamma Delta, Lutheran
Student Club, will have an Ice Skating Party
at the Coliseum, meeting at the Student
Center at 8:00 and going to the Coliseum to-
409 South Division Street
10:30 A.M.: Sunday Lesson. Sermon. Subject:
"Soul and Body."
11:45 A.M.: Sunday School.'
8:00 P.M.: Wednesday evening testimonial
This church maintains a free Reading Room
at 706 Wolverine Building, Washington at 4th,
which is open daily except Sundays and holidays
from 11 :30 A.M. to 5:00 P.M. Here the Bible
and Christian Science literature including all
the works of Mary Baker Eddy may be read,
borrowed or purchased.
512 East Huron
Rev. C. H. Loucks, Minister
10:00 A.M.: The Student Class of the Church
School meets in the Guild House to discuss
11:00 A.M.: Church Worship. Sermon: "Thanks-
giving Recipe."
5:30-7:30 P.M.: The Roger Williams Guild will
hold a joint Thanksgiving Vesper service with
Wesleyan Guild in the Baptist Church sanc-
of the COTTAGE INN where ou
fine, nutritious,' well-balance
meals and our large selection
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prove to you that "good food
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DISH ...
served in your favorite style wi
be found at METZGERS. Besid
chicken-in-the-rough we also sp
cialize in the finest steaks an
-that the RED COACH INN is
erving special student lunches
very day from 11:30 A.M. to 1:30
'.M., featuring reasonable prices
rd quick service. Why not enjoy
he atmosphere, hospitality, cui-
ine and friendliness of an Old-
'ashioned Inn.
ho eats his meals at TOPPERS,
}6 S. Division. He knows that
ere he.will find both sandwiches
nd full course mals to suit his
articular wish.
>out getting good meals. After a
aree-day Thanksgiving holiday
ae Granada will again be open
n Sunday at 11:30 A.M. to serve
>u your favorite foods.
e Replaceable filter in new
Frank Medico Cigarette Holders,
filters the smoke.
Cuts down nicotine.
* Cuts down irritating tars.
" In zephyrweight aluminum.
* Special styles for men and women.
* $2 with 10 filters, handy pouch
and gift box.
Division at Catherine
The Rev. Henry Lewis, D.D., Rector
The Rev. John M. Shufelt, Curate
The Rev. John H. Burt, Student Chaplain
Miss Maxine J. Westphal,
Counsellor for Women Students
Mr. George R. Hunsche,
Organist and Choirmaster
8:00 A.M.: Holy Communion.
9:15 A.M.: Post-Confirmation Class, Page Hall.
9:45 A.M.: High School Confirmation Class,
Page Hall. a
10:00 A.M.: University Students' Study Class,
- Student Center.
11:00 A.M.: Junior Church.
11:00 A.M.: Morning Prayer. Sermon by Mr.
5:00 P.M.: Student Confirmation Class, Tatlock
6:00 P.M.: Canterbury Club Supper and Meet-
ing, Student Center. Speaker: Dr. Franklin
Littell, Director of the Student Religious As-
sociation. Subject: "Religion and the State
7:00 P.M.: Adult Confirmation Class. Tatlock