See . TRAFFIC See Page 4 1J Latest Deadline in the State 4'ati4 CLUDY, W ARM11 VOL. LVI, No. 5 ANN ARtBUIR, MiCHuGAN, SATURDAY, SEPTEMBER 28, 1946 PRICE FIVE CENTS Gridders Prepared For Opening Clash t Restaurants Will Increase Meal Prices OPA Boosts Meat And Food Prices WASHINGTON, Sept. 27-('P)- OPA conceded defeat today in its battle to roll back prices of meat meals in restaurants to June 30 le- vels and at the same time took ceil- ings off a ong list of canned and frozen fruits and vegetables. Responding to bitter protests from hotel and restaurant men, many of whom had threatened to close their eating places if the meat rules were kept in force, the price agency an- nounced that the prices of menu meat items will be boosted next week. Uniform Increases An OPA statement said the amount of the increase will be "uni- form for the entire country." It will be fixed at a conference here next week with spokesmen of the Na- tional Restaurant Association. In line with President Truman's stand-pat policy on the meat short- .age, his party executive committee's proposal to take up the matter with the Decontrol Board was quietly dropped today but Democratic con- gressmen made fresh demands for federal action. And the president's forecast that the normal fall run of grass-fed cat- tle to market should soon improve the supply found western stockmen disagreeing with him, although they were not unanimous. Army Demands Reduced One bright spot for housewives was a War Department order reduc- ing by about one-fifth the amount of meat the Army demanded earlier this week from federally-inspected, packers. But the Quartermaster Gen- eral, Maj. Gen. T. B. Larkin, an- nounced that the Army is .consider- ig purchases from some non-fed- erally-inspected plants - state-in- spected packers from which it now buys nothing. PeacemaKers Press Deadline PARIS, Sept. 27-.()-The Euro- pean Peace Conference completed all but 10 clauses of the Italian peace treaty today as it drove hard for ad- journment by the Oct. 15 deadline. The 10 clauses, however, included three of a political nature on the big problem of Trieste, and there were in- dications that this issue might have to be shelved indefinitely. The other seven are economic clauses upon which agreement must be reached be- fore the treaty can be sent to the plenary session for final approval. At the end of this morning's meet- ing of the subcommission for the statute to govern the international- ized area of Trieste Soviet Delegate Nikolai Novikov proposed that it ad- mit failure and send the whole ques- tion back to the Italian political com- mission. KDing Resumes Greek Throne ELEVSIS AIRPORT, GREECE, Sept. 27--'P)-King George II re- turned to troubled Greece tonight af- ter five years of exile, arriving at this war-battered airport only 12 miles from Athens in a British plane bearing the Royal Greek colors. He will make his entry tomorrow .into Athens, where the police issued strict orders banning tossing of flowers "or any other objects" along the route he will take on his return to the palace he left in 1941 just two days ahead of the advancing Ger- mr.n armies. As he returned to his Mediterran- ean kingdom Leftist bands were bat- tling gendarmerie and soldiers in the northern frontier regions in what Premier Constantin Tsaldaris 'has described as civil war. PAC Bkack State Democratic Tickets PORT HURON, Mich., Sept. 27- The Michigan CIO Political Action Conmittee today indorsed the en- Raimondi' sPasses Worry Wolverines 70,000 Fans Will Witness Veteran Michigan's Eleven's Debut in Stadium By CLARK BAKER Daily Sports Editor Geared for its toughest grid opener since 1938, Michigan's veteran- loaded football machine will clash with Indiana's Western Conference de- fending champions before upwards of 70,000 fans at 2 p.m. today on the Michigan Stadium turf. There'll be more than just another Conference game at stake, though. The Hoosiers, smarting from a startling upset last Saturday at the hands of Cincinnati; will attempt to get back on the 1945 winning track while the Wolverines, a little tired of losing to Indiana (it's happened two years run- ning), have no intention of dropping their first grid opener since 1937. The invaders will feature little Ben Raimondi, whose deadly passing was a big factor in derailing the 1945 Wolverine express to the Conference title, but his chief receivers, flankmen Bob Ravensburg and Ted Kluszewski, are no longer around. Nonetheless Coach Fritz Crisler has stressed pass defense in drills this week and there is little: *° * * doubt that he still fears Raimondi's > HAIL TO THE UOLORS-When 18,000 University students sing al- (e' Regents Grant New Contract In Drug Study A $20,000 contract to extend expe- rimental research and investigation at the University aimed toward the synthesis of penicillin and related compounds was approved yesterday by the Board of Regents. Gifts amounting to $13,927 were ac- cepted by the Regents and the re- tirement of Dr. Harley A. Haynes, di- rector of the University Hospital since 1924, and Prof. Eugene Etienne.Rovil- lian, of the French department, was announced. Among the appointments made by the Regents was that of Prof. Albert A. Campbell as associate professor of sociology, Sidney Giles as assistant carilloneur, Hardin Van Deursen as conductor of the University Musical Society, five appointnients to the staff of the new Survey Research Center, and several committee appointments. Largest of the gifts accepted by the Regents was $5,000 from Parke, Davis & Co., of Detroit, for continuation of studies of tetraethyl ammonium bromide under the direction of Dr. R. H. Lyons. The Charles S. Mott Foundation of Flint has given $2,400 to support a graduate study program in the Department of Pediatrics for a physician who will serve in the Flint School Health Program following two years of study. legiance to their alma mater at the Michigan Stadium today between halves of the Michigan-Indiana football opener, the famous Wolverine Marching Band, directed by Prof. William D. Revelli, will slip from the block "M" formation to "MICH." With a throng surpassing 70,000 ex- pected for the tilt, one of the most promising Michigan grid squads in recent years will open a quest for the western conference and national championships. The colorful 104-piece Michigan band will play a tre- mendous role in adding zest to the occasion. (Daily Staff Photo). New Class Attendance Rules For Literary College Explained New regulations regarding class at- tendance in the literary college which went into effect with the beginning1 of the fall semester, were explained in a statement to The Daily yesterday by Dean Erich A. Walter of the liter- ary college. The new rulings, which were adopted at a joint student-faculty meeting last June, were the result of student demand to abolish the attendance rules which had been in effect for more than 20 years. Described by Dean Hayward Kenis- ton of the literary college as "a more realistic approach to the problem," the new rulings read.: - "1. Students are expected to at- tend class regularly. "2. When the instructor considers the number of absences excessive,' that is, when a student'shabsence from a course endangers his satis- factory academic progress, the in- structor should send a written reportl on the case to the Administrative Board for action." The text of Dean Walter's state- ment regarding the new rulings fol- lows: "It is obvious from the regula- tions the faculty adopted that it is willing to give our students an in- creased measure of freedom. Free- dom, as we all have good reason to know, means the assumption of re- sponsibility. "In making the student himself re- sponsible for attending classes and in removing the regulations which stu- dents may have thought coerced them into attendance, the student is now faced with the responsibility of get- ting all he can from class attendance without being reminded by notes from the Dean's office that his at- tendance has been irregular. "This fall, with our unprecedented increase, in enrollment, many classes will depend more heavily than they have in the past on lectures and class discussions and will rely only on mid- semester and final examinations for the final grade in the course. 'It is obvious that students who fail to attend such classes regularly will face the final examination without adequate preparation. 'Is it emphasizing the obvious too much to remind students that the main reason for attending lectures with regularity is that when such lectures are presented by an authority who prepares the presentation of his material with care, the student de- rives something from the lecturer which he can never receive merely. from reading the material in books? "Since these regulations may seem particularly liberal to our beginning freshmen, they should be reminded that a satisfactory five-week report cannot be expected if a student has not handed in his work with regular- ity. The time to make a good begin- ning and to make sure of at least a "C" average is during the first five weeks." Students Save $1,000 A i Book Exchange Operation of the Student Book E - change during one week saved Uni- versity students more than $1,000, according to Manager Dick Burton. The Exchange activity terminated yesterday. Nearly 1,000 individual sales of used books, drawing kits, and miscel- laneous supply kits grossed $2,500 for the cooperative endeavor which was carried on almost entirely by volunteer personnel. As soon as tabulations are com- pleted, methods for paying student Receives SRA The appointment of Chaplain John G. Craig as Program Director of the Student Religious Association was an- nounced yesterday by Dr. Franklin H. Littell, Director. Major Craig will also act as adviser to "Insight" and will work with Wal- ter Fariss, coordinator of veterans af.; fairs for the University. The new Program Director is on terminal leave after 39 months in service, of which 17 months were spent in Italy. His longest assignment was with the famous 442nd battalion (Japanese American). He was re- cently chaplain at Headquarters Group in Mtousa, Italy. Major Craig has worked with young people in civilian life as well as in uniform. Before entering the army he was assistant in charge of young adult and youth work at the Church in the Gardens, Forest Hill, N. Y. and later worked with the Chicago area Pilgrim Youth Fellowship. Major Craig received his B.A. de- gree from Central Y.M.C.A. College, Chicago and his Bachelor of Divinity degree from Union Theological Semi- nary, New York City. Union Will Conduct Grid Ticket Resale Indiana football game tickets will be resold between 11 a. m. and 1 p. m. today at the Michigan Union travel desk. Tickets for all home games may be left between 3 and 5 p. m. any day at the Union student offices and may be picked up there if not sold. Tickets will be resold ev- ery Saturday that a home game takes place. Season tickets will not be accepted for resale. Receipts will be issued for tick- ets and refunds for those sold will be made by mail needle-threading arm. Teaming with the little signal-- caller as the Hoosiers' top threat will be a hard-hitting fullback whose big number 35 may be a prominent fea- ture of the Stadium landscape, Pete Pihos. The 205-pound fullback nar- rowly missed All-American last year after being switched from end to the bucking-back post. May Be Impaired But Pihos' efficiency may be seri- ously hampered by the loss of tailback George Taliaferro whose break-away running spread opposing lines for the Hoosier fullback in 1945. Taliaferro is now in the army. His place will be taken by Jim Dewar back from the 1943 team. Rounding out the invad- ers' backfield will be Mel Groomes, speedy wingback and another veter- an from the 1945 outfit. Except for the ends, the Indianans will field the same forward wall which moved to the Conference title last year. There'll be John Golds- berry and Russ Deal at the tackles, Howard Brown and Joe Sowinski at the guards and John Cannady at cen- ter. Cannady is rated as one of the top centers in the country. Ends Are Key Men Filling the huge holes on the flanks will be 1942 letterman Ted Hasapes and a 1945 second-stringer, Lou Mihajlovich. Upon this pair rest much of the Indiana hopes for their third straight win over Michigan. The See "FOOTBALL," Page 3 Train T ickets For OSU Game On Sale Today The remaining tickets for the stu- dent special train to run to the Ohio State game, Nov. 23 in Columbus will be sold from 9 a.m. to 12 noon today and Monday in a booth outside Rm. 1, University Hall. It is not necessary for students to have game tickets purchased through the University to buy the round-trip train tickets. The Student Legisla- ture Varsity Committee, sponsors of the trip, made this ruling to make it possible for students who had pur- chased tickets through other channels to travel with fellow students to the game. The price on the round-trip tick- ets is $7.60 and sales will be limited to two tickets per person. Cashier's re- ceipts must be presented. 1. l 0,U Attend Footbal Rally At Ferry Field Lawton, Crisler Lead Record Mass Meeting . Launching the 1946 Michigan foot- ball season into one of its most prom- ising years, an estimated 12,000 stu- dents in a torchlight procession last night surged down State Street from the Michigan Union to Ferry Field, traditional spot for Michigan pep ral- lies. Master-of-ceremonies J. Fred Law- ton, a Michigan alumnus and co- writer of the "Varsity" read to the crowd a tribute to the late Fielding H. Yost after which the 115 piece Michigan band played Yost's favorite song, the school's alma mater, "Yellow and Blue." Though refusing to make any pre- dictions, H. O. (Fritz) Crisler, head of the Michigan Wolverines, declared that in 25 years of Michigan pep ral- lies he'd never seen one so large or showing so much enthusiasm. "In spite of no lights, no public ad- dress system, no nothing," Lawton, with rolled-up trousers and shirt off, had the crowd roaring with laughter at his stories, had them cheering and singing Michigan's traditional yells and songs. At the end of the program he led them in a chorus of the "Varsity" which was written exactly 35 years ago by Prof. Earl V.Moore and him- self and read the lyrics of his newest football song, "Ann Arbor." A victory bonfire, lighted by Vice- President of the "M" Club Bill Court- right, reached a height of 30 feet. Plans for a still larger rally for the Illinois Homecoming game are being drawn up at present by Bruce Rogatz, of the Varsity Committe~e of the Stu- dent Legislature. Jaminson To Aid Charity Drive Community Chest Has $126,588 Objective Prof. Charles L. Jamison, of the business administration school, has been appointed by President Alexan- der G. Ruthven to represent the Uni- versity in the 1947 Community Chest Campaign, which will be held from Oct. 21 to 31. Of the $126,588 goal, $118,758 will be used in Red Feather health and welfare services while $6,850 will be sent to the National USO. Because of 11,013 veterans on campus who have benefitted from the work of the USO while in service, it has been suggested that the University seek to achieve the USO fund of $6,850 as its goal. The 1947 campaign goal is $13,276 short of last year's, Eugene Power, president of the Community Fund Board, said, adding that there is an increase of $13,374 in local commun- ity needs. IFC Reports 885 Rushees Register Falling short of the 900 record set in 1942, 885 men have registered with New U' Public Opinion Center To Make Surveys, Train Students LEAGUE CHARMERS-Typical of the League Council members who greeted patrons at the grand opening of Campus Casbah last night were (left to right) Carolyn Daley, Doris Krueger and Joan Schlee. * *m Casah C oupl esE njyOpeni i o e. The University became one of the leading public opinion research cen- ters of America yesterday as Presi- dent Alexander G. Ruthven an- nounced the organization of the Uni- sity of Michigan Survey Research Center. Purpose of the center is to pro- vide facilities for social and econo- mic research and for student train- ing in survey techniques. The center will be staffed by five top public opinion experts lately with the Division of Program Sur- veys in the Department of Agri- and Dr. Campbell appointed asso- ciate professor of psychology. The center will accept contracts from business organizations and gov- ernment agencies and provide direct services for the University. No university in the country row offers a complete program of grad- uate study in survey methodology, Prof. Liken pointed out. The cen- ter will enable the University to offer such work with staff mem- bers offering courses and seminars in various social sciences. In addition all students enrolled for such instruction will serve on- The Campus Casbah, closest thing to a night club in Ann Arbor, was jam-packed at its gala opening at the Oriental decorations by Doris Smith, subdued lighting and a good floor show of campus talent all added