See Page 4
a4 itj
Latest Deadline in the State
Perkins Named To
Direct StateBudget
4 e
Will Tlake Over Duties Monday;
Appointment Made at Sigyler's Request.
Dr. John A. Perkins, assistant professor of political science and sec-
retary of the University Institute of Public Administration, will begin his
new duties as state budget director Monday.
Prof. Perkins was appointed to this position yesterday by Gov. Harry
F. Kelly at the request of Gov.-Elect Kim Sigler. He will be granted a leave
of absence by the University to fill his new position.
Prof. Perkins will take the place of Fred C. Striffler, of Caro who re-
signed several weeks ago. C. J. Mo- , * *
rd ers
Jiimout in 21
T a
Neill has been serving as acting
budget director since Striffler's resig-
Will Use Insitute's Facilities
Sigler has indicated that he will
lean heavily on the facilities, of the
University's Institute of Public Ad-
ministration in his effort to give
Michigan what he called "a healthy
Prof. Perkins could not be reached
for comment on his appointment yes-
terday since he was attending a ban-
quet given by Sigler in Detroit for
the men who will occupy key posts in
his administration.
University Graduate
Born in Owosso, Prof: Perkins re-
ceived his A.B., M.A., and Ph.D. de-
grees from the University. After
serving as secretary to Senator Ar-
thur H. Vandenberg from 1936-37,
he returned to the University as an
In 1943 Dr. Perkins became Lansing
consultant for. the Detroit Bureau of
Governmental Research, and later
that year became assistant professor
and acting head of the department
of government at the University of
In 1945 he returned to the Univer-
sity to become an assistant professor.
Prof. Perkins was appointed by
Governor Harry Kelly in 1946 to a
two-year term on the Michigan State
Planning Commission. He was a
member of the National Commission
on the Reorganization of Congress
and of the Rochester Postwar Plan-
ning Council from 1943 to 1945.
Clothing Drive
Is Scheduled
To Start Dec. 10
A clothing drive, to collect all
available garments and shoes to send
to the needy in Europe this winter,
will be sponsored by the University
Famine Committee Dec. 10 to 12,
Chairman Seymour Goldstein an-
nounced yesterday.
The clothing, which will be col-
lected at student residences, will be
shipped to Europe through the facili-
ties of the "Save the Children Feder-
ation," an organization, which, ac-
cording to Goldstein, has been active
since the end of the war in expediting
the delivery of donated clothing to
the people of Europe who face a se-
vere winter with a scanty and
dwindling supply of clothing.
Headquarters for the clothing drive
will be at Lane Hall. After clothing
has been collected in residences, the
Famine Committee will collect the
garments in bulk from each house.
The Canterbury Club has already
pledged the $180 necessary to pur-
chase one heifer for the "Heifers
for Europe Drive" which the Famine
committee will also sponsor.
Fans Off for
OSU Contesta
The trek to Columbus is on today
with an estimated 14,000 Michigan-
ders headed for Ohio's capital city
to witness the final football game of
the season between OSU and Michi-
Special trains scheduled out of
Detroit and Ann Arbor were expect-
ed to solve the transportation prob-
lems of many Wolverine fans. In ad-
dition, motorists and hitch -hikers
are expected to crowd the highways.
A special student train, carrying
400 band members and students into
Buckeye territory, left Ann Arbor
at 6:55 a.m. today. The train will
make a brief stop in Toledo to pick up
the football team and will arrive in
Columbus at 11:55.
With continued cold forecast for
today's grid clash, local merchants
judges' Call
Liquor Card
Case Club Court
Issues 'Decision'
"The liquor identification card
requirement of the State of X is con-
stitutional" ruled the Supreme Court
of that Stare at 5:35 p.m. yester-
day after hearing the arguments of
"Maxwell's" attorneys.
The hypot!ietical case, tried by the
Law School case club, evolved from
interest stirred up by several stories
in The Daily concerning the consti-
tutionality of the Michigan Liquor
Purchase Identification Caird law.
No "Fundamental Rights" Involved
The judges of the court, Paul G.
Kauper, professor of constitutional
law, and Howard Jacobs and Ken-
neth Liles, Law School seniors, ruled
that since no fundamental rights
were involved, the law was consti-
tutional under the provisions of the
14th Amendment.
"We do not have involved a fun-
damental right. On the contrary, we
have legislation to \prevent the minor
from drinking and thereby protecting
the sellers of alcoholic liquors. . .
We find in this law no violation of
the Due Process clause of the 14th
Amendment. . . Also we find no
breach of the Equal Protection pro-
vision of this 'aw. . . . Therefore, the
Court finds tde law constitutional and
sustains the judgement of the lower
court on the defendent 'Maxwell',"
the Court's chief justice stated.
Defendent Protests
Wilbur Davidson and Carl Fishcer,
attorneys for the defendent, had ap-
pealed the lower court's decision on
the basis that the law classified per-
sons between ages 21 and 25, inclu-
sive, solely upon their appearance.
Thomas Dougherty and Charles
Rendlen, attorneys for the State of
X, maintained that the law was with-
ing reason since it was designed to
protect the irinor.
Illa atk Evanston
Special To The Daily
COLUMBU3, 0., Nov. 22-With
one eye on the outcome of the Illi-
nois-Northwestern clash at Evanston
and the other on Ohio State, Michi-
gan's rejuvenated Wolverines will
wind up their 1946 season in their an-
nual battle with the Buckeyes at 2
p.m. today in spacious Ohio Stadium.
There'll be some 78,000 fans on
hand to watch the finale fireworks
but the Wolverine-Buckeye show will
have to share the stage with the
Illini-Wildcats scrap. The Illinois
lads need only a win over Lynn Wal-
dorf's Purple aggregation to sew up
the Conference title and gain the
coveted New Year's Day Rose Bowl
Title at Stake
A triumph over Paul Bixler's Buck-
eyes is a must for Michigan if the
Wolverines are to retain their slim
chance of copping the Big N'ine
crown. Should Illinois lose and Fritz
Crisler's men win tomorrow, Michigan
will be in. Ohio State is already out
of the race, but stands to make things{
hot for the Wolverines, anyway.
That's the background for tomor-
row's "do-or-die" struggle for the
Maize and Blae. The Wolverines will ::""" .<r
enter the game a definite favorite but"
the favorite's role in the usual slam-
bang Michigan-Ohio scrap has been -
anything but a happy one in past MEN LEAVE LEWIS' IIEA
years. The Wlverines' all-time mar- be U.S. deputy marshals, b
gin in the series won't be in jeopardy, down the steps from John L
Maize and Blue elevens having ac- Earlier, two deputy marshal
cumulated 27 wins against 12 losses appearance in court at 10 a
and a trio of ties in the 49-year old
Michigan Wins '45 Bout POLITICAL PROBL
Last fall she Wolverines snapped
back from a 3-0 deficit in the finaly
quarter to steal a 7-3 win from the FrenchP
Buckeyes, but in 1942 and 1944 Ohio
rode to Conference championshipse
with triumphs over Michigan. And 1
in 1941 the Bucks set the pregame
experts on their collective ears by NEW YORK, Nov. 22-(
holding a favored Wolverine team French Foreign Office officia
powered by all-American Bob West- licly reaffirmed tonight th
fall to a 20-20 deadlock. tion's insistsnce on interna
But that's all in the past. Today's zation of the Ruhr and declar
contest shapes up as another great right opposition to America
game with little to choose between posals for solving German e
the two elevens. Both teams lost to problems before the political
Illinois and both trounced Minnesota. of Germany is determined.
Ohio outscored Northwestern while Deputy Foreign Minister N
Michigan had to settle for a tie with
the Wildcats. Wisconsin trimmed
the Bucks and then fell before the 1 1~J ~I
Wolverines last Saturday.
See WOLVERINES, Page 3 .
Send-off Crowd Thanked eeGo YTOn
By Four Cheerleaders Hee ond a
Cheerleaders Bill MacGowan, Dave Presenting a program of t
Lake, Bob Scaoendube and Bob Wil-
loughby declared their thanks" yes- give songs, the Icelandic Singe
terday to the group who attended give the fifth concert of the
the send-off for the varsity football Union Series at 8:30 p.m. N
team. The chorus will be hearc
Twenty-three University students, the direction of Sigurdur T
three grammar-school students and son, who founded the group
two stray dogs bade the team fare- years ago. Thorardson, who
well. manager of the State Broa
Includes Michigan
Steel Plants Reduce Operations;
Railroad Schedules Are Curtailed
By The Associated Press
WASHINGTON, Nov. 22-The government decreed a pre-Christmas
dimout for a large part of the nation tonight and drastic steps to save coal
as John L. Lewis, readily accepting service of a contempt citation, indicated
determination to fight it out.
The dimout, effective at 6 p.m. Monday for 21 states, was ordered by the
Civilian Production Administration tonight as the soft coal strike began
eating into the country's industrial production.
States to be affected will include Connecticut, Delaware, Illinois, Indi-
ana, Iowa, Kentucky, Maryland, Massachusetts, Michigan, Minnesota, Mis-
souri, New Hampshire, New Jersey, New York, Ohio, Pennsylvania, Rhode
__Island, Vermont, West Virginia, Vir-
Title at Stake
DQUARTERS-Two men who appeared to
ut who refused to identify themselves, walk
Lewis' United Mine Workers Headquarters.
s left for UMW Headquarters seeking Lewis'
.m. Monday.
)pose U.S. Program
y, Ask Ruhr Coal
Molotov Blasts
Great .Britain
On Troop Census
U.S. Willing To Give
Complete Information
LAKE SUCCESS, N. Y., Nov. 22
-(iP)-Soviet Foreign Minister V. M.
Molotov indirectly accused Great
Britain today of attempts to scut-
tle a proposed United Nations troop
inventory and rejected a British pro-
posal to combine the troop census
with discussion of Russian's four-
point arms limitation plan.
He renewed his attack on the Unit-
ed States and Britain for maintain-
ing troops in friendly countries, call-
ing for an immediate troop inventory
to clear the atmosphere and relieve
world anxiety.,
In climaxing an hour-long speech,
Molotov asked the,54-nation Political
and Security Committee of the United
Nations Assembly to give unanimous
approval to his own resolution which
calls on all UN members to give fig-
ures on all their troops in both enemy
and non-enemy states.
This prompted Sen. Tom Connally
(Dem., Tex.), Americanrdelegate on
the committee, to declare to news-
men after the meeting that "the
United States has no hesitancy in re-
vealing complete information on its
armed forces wherever they may be
In pressing for immediate action
on the troop census, Molotov said that;
Russia, France and China already
had made aeclarations on their
troops stationed abroad, but added
that the committee had heard noth-
ing "on this .subject from either the
United Kingdom or the United
Mass Sedition
Case Dismissed
Chief Justice Bolitha J. Laws, of
Federal District Court, today dis-
missed the sensational 1944 mass
sedition case, but the Justice De-
partment announced an appeal from
the decision.
Laws said that to try the case
again-it has lain dormant for two
years-"would be a, travesty on jus-
However, a justice department
spokesman said that Congress passed
the law against seditious acts "in the
belief that it would protect the gov-
erment from that sort of thing and
the government is entitled to know
if it does."
'Save - Coal'
als pub-
eir na-
ed out-
an pro-
heir na-
gers will
d under
is also
Couve de Murville, French delegate
to the Big Four foreign ministers
meeting here, declared in a speech for
delivery to the French Chamberhof
Commerce anniversary dinner that
the German problem "which is most
urgent is the political settlement."
He said he was certain that France
and 'the United States have the "com-
mon objectives" of keeping Germany
permanently disarmed but that
France disapproves entirely with the
American view that the first ap-
proach to current German issues is
through economic settlement.
The United States, he said, is pri-
marily concerned wtih issues of oc-
cupation costs.
Herve Alpnand, director general of
the French Ministry of Foreign Af-
fairs, declared in his prepared speech
that because 3f lack' of adequate coal
supplies from the Ruhr, France has
had to turn to the United States
for shipment of more than one mil-
lion tons of coal per month and "that
is an uneconomic and risky solution,
in view of the uncertainty to which
American production is subject."
The French speeches were the first
public statements here on France's
attitude toward the German problem
which Secretary of State Byrnes
plans to call up for preliminary dis-
cussion in the Foreign Ministers
Council before the New York meeting'
ginia, Wisconsin and the District of
The regulations prohibit the use of
lectricity for air conditioning refrig-
ration except to the extent essential
for industrial processes or for health
nd safety; ior outdoor and indoor
advertising; for outdoor display and
floodlighting except to the extent
necessary for the conduct of outdoor
business or services; for outdoor and
indoor decorative ornamental light-
ing; for show window or show case
lighting and for marquee lighting in
excess of.60 watts for each marquee.
Reductions were ordered in street
lighting and for any other form of
general outdoor or indoor illumina-
tion in or about any commercial, in-
dustrial or non-residential establish-
ment to 75 per cent of that normally
It restricts passenger elevator and
See DIMOUT, Page 6
WSSF Drive
Nets $3,200'
In Two Days
Although total receipts of the two
day World Student Service Fund
drive were only $3,200, those who
gave, contributed generously, ac-
cording to Barbara Stauffer, chair-
man of the drive.
"It was heartening to see how
many students gave at least a dollar,"
Miss Stauffer stated. "This means
that our message showing the great
need of foreig nstudents was under-
stood by many."
Although the total does not in-
clude the pledges of several student
groups, Miss Stauffer said that it
leaves much to be desired since "the
greatest amount we could have giv-
en would not have been enough to
alleviate the suffering of students in
Europe and Asia."
"All those students who aided in
any phase of the drive and particu-
larly those who stood in the cold yes-
terday to receive contributions have
shown theiir belief in the bond which
should exist between all students of
the world," Miss Stauffer stated.
Because some pledged sums have
not yet been turned in, contributions
will be accepted at Lane Hall until
Wednesday night.
A-Bomb Effects Can
Afflict Offspring
WASHINGTON, Nov. 22-(P)-Ex.
posure to radioactivity may cause
bodily damage afflicting three gener-
ations, Vice Admiral W. H. P. Blan-
dy, who directed the two atom bomb
tests at Bikini this summer, said to-
Reporting on the historic tests in
a lecture sponsored by the National
Geographic Society, Blandy touched
on the lingering, hidden effects of
the atom bomb.
"Tests with animals indicate that
damage to the body from radio-
activity can be transmitted to the
victim's future children and even to
his children's children," he declared.
This damage, a reporter was told
by Cant. Geore lM Tvan Safet f-
Withdrawal of U.S. Troops
From China Thought Unlikely
Prof. Frank L. Huntley, of the Eng-
lish department asserted in an ad-
dress yesterday at the Hillel Founda-
tion, that the question of withdraw-
ing our armed forces from China
cannot be easily resolved because of
the diversity of American interests
which they are protecting there.
He pointed out that China is a dis-
unified country in which the revolu-
tion that started in 1911 is still be-
ing thrashed out. She should be al-
are too involved in China to pull out
On the other hand, Prof. Huntley
observed that our role in Japan is
quite different. "The greatest re-
sponsibility that the United States
has ever faced abroad is the reedu-
cation of the Japanese nation from
war to peace," he declared. This
problem is complicated by the fact
that the Japanese revolutionary
movement is being bitterly fought by
the old wealthy families who have
Service in Iceland, has conducted the
chorus throughout its career, includ-
ing numerous European tours. His
founding of the group followed spe-
cial study oftchoral music in Ger-
many and Austria.
Under his leadership the Singers
became the outstanding choral group
in Iceland, which. has more choruses
per capital than any other country.
Every club and church has singing
ensembles whiich engage in constant
competition. Members in the Sing-
ers is the highest musical honor in
the country.
Although the chorus is well known
in Europe. this is the first concert
tour it has made in American.
Student Directory
To Go On Sale Dec. 2
Former 'U' Student Cited in
Federal Contempt Proceedng
reported a last minute rush by
for flasks and thermos-jugs to
ward off chilling winds.
Kenneth Ratliff, 2223 S. Main St.,
a former University student, was
cited for corn-empt at 2:00 p.m. yes-
terday by Federal Judge Arthur A.
Ratliff declared that he had been
ordered by James Bird, Pittsfield
township building inspector, to put
a window in the end of the house and
to build a brick chimney.
l - 4"1 ' 7 - "M T 1