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November 22, 1946 - Image 4

Resource type:
The Michigan Daily, 1946-11-22

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Labor Hurting Itself

LABOR UNIONS appear to be digging their
own grave. They are about to lose many
of the hard-won rights they have achieved over
a long period of years, and the current coal
strike may be the torch that lights the funeral
John L. Lewis, always the master strategist
in making gains for his United Mine Workers,.
seems to have fired a blank this time. Barring
a hasty settlement, the miners' walkout can
only result in the unification of a normally
pro-labor Democratic administration, an anti-
labor Republican Congress and an irate public
to the detriment of labor. Lewis possibly can
gain a victory since he holds the whip hand-
coal. But this victory can only be shortlived,
for the long-run effect may be legislation push-
ing labor back twenty years.
Some have ascribed Lewis' motives as these:
that lhe would rather deal with an amenable
employer, the government, now, than wait until
the mines revert to the operators to press his
demands. It cannot be refuted that the miners
stand to suffer heavily in this period of infla-
tion with the loss in take-home pay that will
result when the operators cut the hours of work
from 54 to 40 per week. But the demise of OPA
would allow the operators to rOise coal prices
which would absorb the wage increases granted.
Thus there is no reason to assume the operators
would be any less amenable than the govern-
ment, although the burden would then rest on
the consumer in higher prices. It would appear
to be better strategy to do this, rather than
Lewis' present plan which will only force the
nation to drastic action.
PRESIDENT TRUMAN has already indicated
he will fight Lewis to the finish. With no
Revolt on Ft
THE BRITISH Labor Party has a revolt on
its hands.
About 50 Laborite members of Parliament are
demanding a "socialist" foreign policy to pre-
vent "an otherwise inevitable conflict between
American capitalism and Soviet communism."
The leaders condemn the Attlee government for
attaching themselves to American policy lines.
, George Bernard Shaw, who has joined in
support of the Laborite rebels, condemns Attlee
for committing the party to the "old foreign
office routine of security first, reparations sec-
ond, sparring for balance of power third, and
disarmament last - with meanwhile prepara-
tions for the next war."
The rebels obviously are tired ofa foreign
policy which says hang onto the Empire, come
what may. Their criticism of present British
foreign policy is justified.
To those of us who thought a Labor gov-
ernment in Britain would mean the end of
the usual line of "reasoning" that backed Brit-
ish foreign policy, Attlee and company have
been a sad disappointment. They have carried
on British foreign policy in a fashion that
even makes Churchill happy.
Britain has again betrayed the Jews in Pales-
tine, a "conditioned reflex" with the English,
as Arthur Koestler termed the habit. Britain
promised India freedom, but only with strings

fires in America's furnaces, the only place the
public will get hot is under the collar. And with
this mounting public opinion, the President may
find it expedient to call a special session of
In the railway strike earlier this year, the
President called for legislation to draft rail-
road workers into the Army. This desperate
measure may be tried again in the case of the
miners. And this time Congress may pass such
a law.
Republicans recently elected to Congress have
avowed a determination to amend the Wagner
National Labor Relations Act. Portents of this
are already being felt. Two days ago Senator
Robert A. Taft issued a statement in which he
signified his intent to accept the chairmanship
of the Senate Committee on Labor and Welfare
if other efforts fail in an attempt to bar the
next ranking Republican on the committee, Sen-
ator George D. Aiken (Vt.), from the seat. Sen-
ator Aiken is the one Republican who has voted
consistently against all attempts to revise ex-
isting labor laws in his six years on the Labor
One positive law in the offing may be legis-
lation designed to withhold the workers' right
to strike in industries directly affecting the
national economy, such as public utilities,
mining and steel. Such a law now exists for
government employes.
It is not assumed that punitive legislation
will be a panacea to cure our economic ills, but
the miners' walkout can certainly bring on such
measures. The nation may be sorry later for
ham-stringing labor in this manner; neverthe-
less, tempers are bound to flare in emergencies
which can bring the country to its knees.
-Clyde Recht
~reign Policy/
attached. It was far from an altruistic move
to begin with - Britain was afraid of an ex-
plosion. And British policy toward Russia is
about as senseless as American. As a matter
of fact, it consists in mimicking the Americans.
Someone has already called Bevin "Jimmy
Byrnes' Charlie McCarthy."
The British, hopelessly weakened by the war,
seems to be stringing along with the United
States, so that if a fight ensues, the British will
be on this side of the Americans who are very
,strong, who have an atomic bomb, and don't
like Soviet expansion either. The British re-
sent the Russian expansion .in the Balkans.
True to British policy, be it Conservatives, La-
borites, or monkeys in power, Britain counten-
ances no one's expansion except John Bull's.
Hence Palestine remains a football of geo-poli-
tics instead of a Jewish homeland because Brit-
ain is building up a chain of "friendly" Arab
states, likely to betray them in the future as
they have in the past.
Churchill once called Attlee a "sheep in#
sheep's clothing." Indeed it would be difficult to
deny the validity of this observation. The at-
tempt of 50 Laborite leaders to change British
foreign policy and stop British double-crossings
is a hopeful beginning.
We hope it gains momentum.
-Eunice Mintz

Missouri Gang'
THE FIRST serious blunder of President Tru-
man after he became President was to make
Robert E. Hannegan the huckster to dispose of
the political goods upon the shelves of the
White House. Then, he mustered for himself a
nondescript band of political Lilliputians who
have served him according to their various and
sundry disabilities. Let the roll be called of a
few of them. Their very names will prove the
case that the disillusioned Democrats have
against the administration:
George E. Allen, John W. Snyder, Harry H.
Vaughan (by a misapplied discretion of Presi-
dent Truman now a Major General!), Matthew
J. Connelly, James K. Vardaman, Edwin W.
Pauley of oil fame, John R. Steelman. These
are the names that come instantly to mind but
there are, besides, political termites who occupy
positions of lesser importance who are members
of the "Missouri gang." Or if not members, they
are at least cousins, not even once removed.
When Mr. Truman became President he
had the great good will of the people. Yet,
never in the history of our politics has a man
dissipated so rapidly and so recklessly a rich
political heiitage. The result was that the
Presidency reached a new low. W. Averill
Harriman, a patron-protege of the late Harry
L. Hopkins, was made Secretary of Commerce
in a cabinet that, except for one or two, was
already notable for its lack of quality. Rob-
ert Hannegan, after flying around the world
"inspecting" post offices, stopped off to an-
nounce in a New York night club the appoint-
ment of a new ambassador to Norway. Bilbo
continued to bleat and Rankin to rumble. The
President's voice was never heard in disap-
proval of these two men. Senator Barkley
caught the Bilbonic plague that affected the
party, to that degree that he publicly en-
dorsed Andrew J. May for Congress. The
liberal and progressive forces upon which
President Franklin D. Roosevelt could al-
ways rely began to doubt whether the Re-
publicans could do any worse. Those that
went to the polls on November 5 voted ac-
President Truman could have added to his
stature if he had made way for a Republican
successor as soon as he became aware of the
extent and the severity of the rebuke admin-
istered to him. This would have been a dig-
nified and honorable course to pursue. Ap-
parently, however, he could not go counter to
the importunities of his Lilliputians and it is
easy to understand why they should cling des-
perately to offices the like of which they will
never hold again. At the very least, as sug-
gested by Mr. Walter Lippman, President Tru-
man owes it to his party to say now, in no un-
certain terms, that, in no circumstances will
he be a candidate for President in 1948. It will
not suffice for some "spokesman" to give it
out that he will not be an active candidate.
If Mr. Truman does not saY that he will not be
a candidate in 1948, the people will say it for
him even more decisively than they told him
on November 5, to take his hat and go home.
(Copyright 1946, by the N.Y. Post Syndicate)


Moscow broadcast pats PACS on back.
(October headline)

cal schools for engineers who can
teach machine design and kinematics.
These positions require a master's de-
gree and are for the summer of 1947
as well as for the following session.
We also have a number of good po-
sitions in colleges for people with
Ph.D's in psychology, economics, so-
ciology, chemistry, physics. We shall
be glad to discuss these positions with
candidates qualified for them. Bureau
of Appointments, 201 Mason Hall.
The City of Chicago announces ex-
aminations on Monday, December 30,
1946 in Chicago for teachers in pub-
lic school playgrounds, high school,
and the Bureau of Child Study. Fur-
ther information at Bureau of Ap-
pointments, 201 Mason Hall.
Willow Run Village:
West Court Community Bldg.
Fri., Nov. 22, 8:00 p.m., Classical
West Lodge
Fri., Nov. 22, 8:30 p. in., University
of Michigan students' dance.
Sat., Nov. 23, 8:00 p. in., Little
Theatre Group presents "Blithe
Spirit," by Noel Coward. Auditorium.
Academic Notices
Biological Chemistry Seminar will
meet at 3:00 today; in Rm. 219 W.
Medical Bldg. The subject to be dis-
cussed will be "Colostrum." All in-
terested are invited.
English 45: My section will not
meet today.
R. C. Boys
Dynamics of gyroscopes will be
discussed by Prof. J. Ormondroyd at
7:30 tonight, in Rm. 402 W. Engi-
neering Bldg.
The Icelandic Singers, Sigurdur
Thordarson, Conductor, will give the
fifth concert in the Choral Unibn
Series Monday night, Nov. 25, at 8:30
o'clock. The public is requested to
come sufficiently early as to be
seated on time since the doors will
be closed during numbers.
A general office machines and sup-
plies exhibit is being held in the ex-
hibition rooms, Rackham Bldg.,
Thursday and Friday of this week.
The exhibit is open from 10:00 a.m.
to 3:30 p.m. both days and from 7:00
to 9:00 Friday evening. The most
up-to-date products of about twen-
ty-five national office machine and
supply companies will be on display.
There is no admission charge. Aus-
pices of the School of Business Ad-
Events Today
Roger Williams Guild will have the
Lutheran Student Association as
guests at a party at 8:30 tonight, in
the Guild House.
Program of ballad-singing at 7:30
tonight at the Congregational-Disci-
ples Guild house, 438 Maynard.


... cCetterito the &to.. .

(EDITOR'S NOTE: No letter to the editor will be
printed unless signed and written in good taste.
Letters over 300 words in length will be shortened or
omitted; in special instances, they will be printed, at
the discretion of the editorial director.)
Thanksgiving Classes.. .
To the Editor:
AM INFORMED that the University will hold
classes November 29 and 30. The reason, as
the powers-that-be so glibly state, is that to
dismiss classes on those days would be unfair
to the few students who could not get home for
the four-day Thanksgiving weekend.
Honestly, now, does anybody really believe
that? First of all, there are few students who
could not get home and back in four days. When
one is talking of fairness, one should think of
the majority.
Secondly, I rather doubt if the students
who could not get home would object to "knock-
ing off" a little. Who would not enjoy the chance
to take advantage of the many extra-curricular
recreational and educational opportunities of-
fered on the campus, to say nothing of the
chance to catch up on studies?
Thirdly, I might cite the apparent attitude
of the faculty. One instructor's remark, "Yes,
we will hold classes, but we aren't expecting
many students to attend," puts it in a nutshell.
There was also a remark quoted in The Daily
recently that skipping of classes on those days
could not be counted as consecutive absences in
the College of L. S. & A. As I see it, the incon-
venience and injustice falls on the students who
are conscientious enough to attend their classes.
Perhaps some people think this is fair.
Now, in the name of reason and fairness,
may I ask that the University formally dismiss
classes on the above mentioned dates, instead
of pursuing the present willy-nilly policy? I am
sure ,hat I am not alone in my wish.
-Alan P. Dood
Discrimination in Football . .
To the Editor:
T HAS BEEN brought to our attention that
the University of Detroit has accepted the

and encourage the reprehensible double stan-
dard of democracy which the South sees fit to
We urge all students to register their pro-
tests by either letter or telegram to the President
of the University of Detroit.
-Jacob C. Hurwitz
Stanford H. Abramovitz
EDITOR'S NOTE: The above letter regarding the Uni-
versity of Detroit-Miami University football game is
one of several The Daily received expressing criticism
of this situation.
Wrong Perspective
To the Editor:
STIMULATED by the "thought-provoking"
criticism of Perspectives written by Peter
Hamill, I should like in part to return the favor
and stimulate the critic. In this case, not to
higher thinking processes, but to the perusal of
some old and no doubt worn-out newspapers.
In one of them, if he is lucky, he may find a
two-inch article dated some three years back,
reporting a raid by British soldiers on the Jew-
ish colony of Chuldah. It was during this oc-
curence that the murder and pillage recounted
in the story"Peace in Our Time" actually took
Should the criticism next be advanced that
an isolated event has been blown up to ridicu-
lous proportions, consider the cases of Bet Ha'ar-
ava, of Sodot Hayaam, of Nahalal, or any of
the other settlements where similar outrages
have occurred and are still occurring daily with-
out prospect of a let-up. The only difference
between what happened in these places and
what was told in the story is that the author,
realizing the limit of the public's credibility, and
their identification of brutality with Nazism and
not with those who fought Nazism, did not in-
clude a list of all the crimes perpetrated by the
troops in their illegal "search."
If the view of the British soldiers was dis=


the error was on the side of understate-

--Judith Laikin
* *
Accent on Sex ,..
To the Editor:
WE WERE thoroughly impressed after reading
Perspectives, the University literary maga-
zine. What impressed us was the misplaced
accent on sensualism. Sex, drunkenness and sex
were the three subjects that struck us most'
acutely. It is a shame that the sincere and suc-
cessful efforts of some authors were overshad-
owed by the base immorality of a certain few.
We hope that future Perspectives will show high-
er moral taste as well as more superior literary
We have tried to incorporate the essence of
Perspectives in the enclosed poem. There are'
no expressions in it that do not appear in Per-
-u-Margaret Dickeman
Mary Costantino
EDITOR'S NOTE: The poem mentioned above is with-
held; taken from context it was NOT art.
Our Music Reviewer
To the Editor:
YOUR music staff, in the opinion of at least
several of your readers, is badly in need of
new blood. We have followed your concert re-
views with mixed feelings. The most recent one,
of Menuhin's concert, is the last straw.
If your critic finds concert-going such an un-
pleasant experience, we advise-him (1) to stop
going and, (2) by all means to stop writing about
it. We feel that his criticisms are both unjusti-
fied and unsound.
-Ann Slocum
EDITOR'S NOTE: Above is one of the shorter, more
tasteful of the more than "several" readers' criti-
cisms of the Menuhin review.

Publication in The Daily Official Bul-
letin is constructive notice to all mem-
bers of the University. Notices for the
Bulletin should be sent in typewritten
form to the office of the Assistant to the
President, Room 1021 Angel Hall, by 3:00
p.m. on the day preceding publication
(11:00 a.m. Saturdays).-
VOL. LVII. No. 2,
Members of the University Senate:
The first regular meeting of the Uni-
At the State .1
White Tie and Tails (Universal),
Dan Duryea, EllaRaines, William
THIS is a comedy that doesn't quite
come off, though it can be termed
adequate entertainment if you're not
too particular. The story is scarcely
new. It concerns an extremely com-1
)etent butler who decides to play
master while his employer is away.
The inevitable rich girl appears on
the scene, the inevitable complica-
tions occur, the inevitable happy
ending takes place. I am waiting for
the day when one of the screen's rich
heroines undemocratically turns1
down a poor and blue-bloodless love'
interest. It looks like that day will
be a long time dawning. The acting
throughout this effort is what makes
it an effort. Ella Raines is weightily
whimsical, while Dan Duryea's subtle'
changes of expression are abont as
subtle as The Outlaw.
At the Michigan .. .
Of Human Bondage (Warners),
Eleanor Parker, Paul Henreid,
Alexis Smith.
THIS is a Warners production in
that everything-sets, direction,
photography-is smoothly done. But
the Warner smoothness has a ten-
dency to be a little too pat. Its very
neatness keeps the audience at a
rather cool arm's length. That is one
of the big difficulties with this pic-
ture. The other is the screen's in-
ability to deal with too much detail.
Too many characters, too many sit-
uations, were put in this to be ade-
quately dealt with. As for the act-
ing, the women walk away with the
honors. Eleanor Parker does a nice
job as the nasty Mildred. She is so
nasty, in fact, that one has difficulty
discovering what her attraction is.
Alexis Smith is a noble woman again,
but of the less revolting kind. Janis
Paige definitely turns the role of Sal-
ly to her advantage. As far as the
men are concerned, only Edmund
Gwenn seems to have really put his
heart into it. Paul Henreid read his
lines intelligently, but left much to
be desired in his portrayal of Philip
Carey. His role had great possibilities
which he left unrealized. The pic-
ture is smooth, but there's something
-Joan Fiske

versity Senate for the academic year
1946-47 will be held in the Rackham
Amphitheatre at 4:10 p.m., Mon.,
Nov. 25.
Annual report of the Senate Ad-
visory Committee on University Af-
fairs, A. D. Moore.
Report of Nominating Committee
and Election of Members to the Ad-
visory Committee, J. B. Waite.
Report on the Participation of the
Faculty in World War II, Secretary
Miscellaneous Subjects introduced
by members of the Senate (a) Post
season games of football teams, (b)
Other topics.
School of Education faculty meet-
ing scheduled for November 25 has
been cancelled because of the meet-
ing of the Senate.
Basketball preferred admission
tickets, in accordance with the no-
tice in the D.O.B. of Nov. 21, will be
issued to students, faculty members,
and athletic coupon book holders in
the main corridor, Univ. Hall, 8:30
a.m.-12 noon and 1:30-4:30 p.m. on
Mon., Nov. 25, Tues., Nov. 26, Wed.,
Nov. 27 and Fri., Nov. 29. Students
must present their student receipts
for fees and coupon book holders must
present their coupon books.
- Chicago Student Conference: The
University of Michigan has been in-
vited to send from one to four dele-
gates to a conference in Chicago on
December 28, 29, 30, to hear a re-
port on the World Student Congress
at Prague and other aspects of the
international student scene, and to
establish a preparatory committee to
lay the groundwork for a national
student organization in the United
The Student Government Commit-
tee of the Student Legislature will
meet at 4 p.m. today (Friday, Nov.
22) at the Union to discuss desirabil-
ity and means of sending delegates.
All students with pertinent informa-
tion or ideas are urged to attend. The
deadline for announcing our inten-
tion to send delegates is December 1.
Bob Taylor, Chairman
Women students may arrange late
permission or overnight permission
during the period Novehber 27 to De-
cember 1, inclusive, with their house-
Closing hours for the holiday are
as follows: Wed., Nov. 27, 12:30 a.m.;
Thurs., Nov. 28, 11:00 p.m.
School of Business Administration:
All seniors interested in employment
either in February or June are in-
vited to attend a meeting in West
Gallery, Alumni Memorial Hall, at
4:30 today.
Choral Union Members whose at-
tendance records are clear will please
call for courtesy passes admitting to
the concert by the Icelandic Singers,
on the day of the performance.
Monday, Nov. 25, between the hours
of 9:30-11:30 and 1-4 o'clock, at the
offices of the University Musical So-
Mr. Nilan of the Atlantic Refining
Company will be in our office on
Monday, Nov. 25, to interview engi-
neers (chemical, civil and mechani-
cal) and geologists who will be grad-
uating in February; also men who
will be getting their doctor's degree
in physics or chemistry. Call the Bu-
reau of Appointments, extension 371,
for an appointment.

Coffee Hour from 4:30 to 6:00 to-
day in Lane Hall Library.
Lutheran Student Married Group
will meet for dinner at 6:00 tonight
at the Center. For Reservations call
Delta Epsilon Pi-Organization of
Greek Orthodox Students will meet at
7:30 tonight at the League for the
wienie roast. All orthodox students
are. cordially invited to attend.
Hillel News Staff: Important meet-
ing of the staff (and all those inter-
ested in writing for theNEWS) at
4:15 today at the Foundation. All
members be present.
Fifty-Seventh Year
Edited and managed by students of the
University of Michigan under the author-
ity of the Board in Control of Student
Editorial Staff
Robert Goldman........Managing Editor
Milton Freudenheim..Editorial Director
Clayton Dickey.................City Editor
Mary Brush...............Associate Editor
Ann Kutz.................Associate Editor
Paul Harsha............Associate'Editor
Clark Baker..................sports Editor
Des Howarth......Associate Sports Editor
Jack Martin....... Associate Sports Editor
Joan Wilk ..............Women's Editor
Lynne Ford......Associate Women's Editor
Business Staff
Robert E. Potter........Business Manager
Evelyn Mills... AssociateBusiness Manager
Janet Cork.... Associate Business Manager
Telephone 23-24-1
Member of The Associated Press
The Associated Press is exclusively en-
titled to the use for re-publication of all
news dispatches credited to it or otherwise
credited in 'this newspaper. All rights of
re-publication of all other matters herein
are also reserved.
Entered at the Post Office at Ann.Arbor,
Michigan, as second-class mail matter.
Subscription during the regular school

Student Religious
Poster Group will meet
afternoon at Lane Hall.

at 4:00 this


'1, h osrganizatinsh
The organization sponsoring the


Of course. What else- Now look here,
my .ood man. The sooner the car is


i n-r

Baxter has a gal
Besides, who ever


in any case, he's a
S|big shot- Give him |

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